
Showing posts from June, 2015

Grouped Frequency distribution plot in R -

I have species of rows and plant species with species of butterflies, which they can do in different columns Feed. I tried to get a frequency plan in R but faced problems in the script. Although I could have done this plot and excel in SPSS. I want to use R for this special set. Thank you very much in advance. My dataset belongs to the following form. Butterfly species #host family # host generation #hole species 1 xxxxxxxxx xx xx xx 2 xxxxxxxxx xx xx xx ... this will really be useful If someone can help me with the script for this :) As a comment, you will receive a copy Post the presentable examples. It assumes that there is a line in per butterfly species. # Generate copy-generating example set.seed (1) df & lt; - data.frame (butterfly = letterer [1:10], family = sample (1: 20,10, replacement = t), genera = sample (1: 20,10, replacement = t), species = sample (1: 20,10, Change = T)) Library (GG Plot 2) Library (Recipr 2) GG and LT; Name = "Freq", va...

Laravel - Redirect after login -

When I talk about larvail, if I was a small part of a newbie then I was hoping someone could help is. Using standard authentication and login material, which is not running anything ship with Laravel, but what I have to do is check in DB to see that some fields ( Name, address, postcode). If they are, then the user gets redirected to the dashboard, but if they are not, then the user will be able to fill their remaining information again on the profile page. Will be directed. I should be guessed Route: Post ('Login', Function Any help will be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Once you have authenticated the user using Auth :: check , then you Auth :: user . if (AU th :: attempt ($ Credential); {$ user = Auth :: user}; if ($ user- & gt; email == '' || user- & gt; address == '') {return direct :: from ('user / Profile ');} Return redirection :: From (' home ');} You need to check that field to ensure that you are th...

c++ - Is it possible to only handle remove command on FUSE mounted partitions? -

I only need to use FUSE to find out the order to be removed on mounted part of FUSE and take some actions on it The only use of FUSE is that but it detects all the file system calls and is transmitted through Fusce. I need to avoid that ... how? If you do not need but all calls via your FS You will be able to apply a mirroring file system. Find the page to get started If this is not an option, but still want to use Fusce, How to view selected system calls through FS and others (read / write in this situation) Want. / P> It's complicated, however, and maybe there is a lot of work, so you might want to leave the fuse approach if you do not have to refuse to remove, a file monitoring approach can be simpler.

Best way to color a Box2d body using LibGDX -

I have just started playing with very simple games and I do not want to create a prehistoric picture for every body, I just need to. According to this thread, the shape Rander is not a very good idea and it is more for development: In addition, tint can be used only For those who also need images on the texture: It is a body that I try to paint I: // dynamic body Bodeedaf = new Bodeedif (); //bodyDef.gravityScale bodyDef.type = BodyType.DynamicBody; bodyDef.position.set (camera.viewportWidth / 2, camera.details, highlight / 2); Body = world.createBody (bodyDef); CircleShape dynamicCircle = new CircleShape (); dynamicCircle.setRadius (10f); Stability Def Stability = New Stability Def (); FixtureDef.shape = dynamic cycle; Stability Def Density = 2.5 F; Stability Def.France = 0.25F; Sustainability Def Beautification = 0.75f; Body.createFixture (fixtureDef); Any ideas? But instead of scene2d and its actor, Libgdix Wiki already describes completely How to do this. Yo...

Knapsack algorithm application -

In addition to stealing gold and platinum bricks, can we implement the problem of NPSC somewhere else? I tried to relate it to the stock market but some parameters did not get similar to the weight. Here also there is a time dimension in the stock market. Please tell me if there is any real time application based on this. In any real world problems where you have resources with some values ​​and as much as possible The less want to waste. Shipping container, to be packaged as effectively as possible (this is about money). To optimize the portfolio to cut large pieces in small packages (paper, metal, wood-logs) (stock and how much you will buy) Goods storage in warehouses There are a lot of problems in which the generalization of lid problem , And there are solve-algorithms for assistance.

objective c - how to get GMSMarker X and y coordinate iOS? -

सीजी पॉइंट बिंदु = [mapView.projection pointForCoordinate: marker.position]; बिंदु का मुद्रण विवरण: (CGPoint) बिंदु = (x = 3111.020020, y = -1354.228271) बिंदुओं को गलत मानें कृपया मदद करें मुझे पहले सेट GMSMarker पर कॉलर सेट करने के लिए सभी मार्कर के बाद विलंब में 1 या 2 [NSTimer अनुसूचित टाइमर विथ टाइम अंतराल: 1.0f लक्ष्य: स्वयं चयनकर्ता: @ सिलेक्टर (सेट्यूवमार्कर :) यूज़र इंक: शून्य दोहराता है: नहीं]; CGPoint बिंदु = [mapView.projection pointForCoordinate: marker.position]; point.x और point.y स्थिति है .......

Object id of nil false true in rails 4? -

What is the object id of false, false, empty, true and fiction in Ruby? How these objects are loaded in their priority. Why does it give 4? I know that this is 4 but what is the logic behind the object id? Why is the object id equal to zero? First of all, you have to know that false and true variables work equally in the same way as Zero does not. They are the singleton examples of FalseClass and TrueClass, respectively. When Ruby is booted above the interpreter, it starts the False class, Trueclass and the Nilclass. The result is: false.object_id = & gt; 0 true.object_id = & gt; 2 nil.biz_id = & gt; 4 What happened to 1 and 3? Well, for the first bit fixation values ​​(numbers) only reserved is simple and consistent. You can follow the formula to get Fixnum's object ID: object_id = (n * 2) +1 [where n is tanum]

forms - Request returns a URL that is to long -

I am working on the site with a lot of text boxes but when I request back to the site, And the error says that my URL is long because I request the form to send form information as URL, or am I wrong? Anyway, what I see is a way to fix this problem. Start.cshtml @handbook. With Epaca @ system. Text @ {ViewBag.Title = "start"; Layout = "~ / scene / share / _Layout.cshtml"; Stringbilder term text = new stringbuilder (); If (Question Answer: Diagnosis Question No. == 0) {TempClass.setQuestions (); } List & lt; Question & gt; Temp = QuestionArray.Instance.Questions; & Lt; String & gt; Categories = new list & lt; String & gt; (); Foreign exchange (question question in question) Diagnosis Question) {bool newCat = true; Foreign currency (different E in categories) {if (z.Categori == e) {newCat = false; }} If (newcat) {categories.Add (z.Categori); }} If (request ["btn"] == "save") {quote intermediate Question = zero; Qu...

regex - Regular Expression Reverse Matching - Url with some special characters not in it -

So I am trying to find a solution to this problem for the last 3 hours. Finally, posting it on stack overflow, I can not find any solution. The problem is that I have a URL of the form / myurlbase / firstname-lastname-nameId The first name is a string that is the last name string and it is optional (hence url / myurlbase / firstname-nameId) nameID is a number I Match only the regular URL where the first name and the last name want The expression has to match. Please do not reply with an answer that matches in another way and do not keep in front. You can use this rewrite rule: RewriteRule ^ Myurlbase / ([az] +) - (?: ([Az] +) -)? ([0- 9] +) /? $ / target? fn = $ 1 & amp; ln = $ 2 & amp; Id = $ 3 [L, NC]

c# - Convert object with automapper -

ऑटोमैपर के साथ आइर्मैस्ट ऑब्जेक्ट को ऑब्जेक्ट कैसे बदलता है? यह उदाहरण काम नहीं करता है नए ऑब्जेक्ट में सभी गुणों को मानना ​​है: मैपर। क्रेटमैप & lt; अनुरोध, आईरइवेस्ट & gt; (); Mapper.CreateMap & lt; RequestInfo, RequestInfo & gt; (); मैपर। क्रिएटैमपैंट & lt; क्लाइंटइन्फो, क्लाइंट इन्फ़ो & gt; (); सार्वजनिक वर्ग अनुरोध {सार्वजनिक अनुरोधअनुप्रयोग requestInfo {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक ClientInfo clientInfo {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक DocumentInfo documentInfo {get; सेट; }} सार्वजनिक इंटरफेस IRequest {RequestInfo RequestInfo {get; सेट; } ClientInfo ClientInfo {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } DocumentInfo DocumentInfo {get; सेट; }} संपत्ति नाम द्वारा ऑटॉमैपर मानचित्र, द्वारा नहीं प्रकार का नाम चूंकि आपके दो वर्गों के गुणों को आवरण के कारण अलग-अलग नाम दिए गए हैं, इसलिए आपको मैपिंग को स्पष्ट रूप से परिभाषित करने की आवश्यकता होगी: मैपर। क्रिएटमैप & lt; अनुरोध, आईरमिस्ट & gt; () .मेल मेम्बर (डी = & gt ; d.RequestInfo, m = & gt; m.MapFrom (s = & g...

javascript - Google Code Prettify - How to fix SQL escape character -

I am trying to fix the following issue, because it is very upset on my site. And the prettify code refers to the following file: The problem is that When a string is created in the SQL " \ ", Highlighter thinks that it is escaped, while it is not T-SQL syntax. To regenerate, use this code as the source code: (Google Code has hidden it installed) & lt ; Pre class = "prettyprint lang-sql" & gt; SELECT @bupath = 'c: \ backups \' + @ dBName + '-B4 changes' beac' SELECT @buneame = @DBNname + '-B4 changes' & lt; / Pre & gt; I do not have a character ... I hope this line has to be changed, but I'm not sure how: [PR ['PR_ STRING'], / ^ (?: "(?: [^ \" \\ | \\.) * "| '(?: [^ \'] | \\.) * ') /, Tap,' '\' '] is showing the problem: I think That the definition of PR_STRING should have been copied from some other language Where backslash...

c++ - Printing a value for the space character? -

I am creating a program to translate from morse code into English, using a series of conditional statements Using the function: Zero English (four lesson 1) {if (text1 == 'a' || text1 == 'A') {cout & lt; & Lt; ".-";} And if (lesson 1 == 'b' || lesson 1 == 'b') {cout & lt; & Lt; "-...";} . Else if (text1 == 'z' || text1 == 'Z') {cout & lt; & Lt; "- .." else if (text1 == '') {cout & lt; & Lt; "/";}} is a very simple problem when I have a space character in the input, so I can not do anything to print my program; It should be printed slash I have tried else if (text1 == '') instead of else if (isspace (text1) , but with no luck. The problem is not in the function for which you have posted the code. The problem is in the code that the input reads, for example, you might need to use a Strered :: Holline (cine, line) so that the white space...

delphi - error converting string to JSON with RAD Studio -

I have this problem: I get a string with this format: : {{"name": "j1", "type": "12"}, {"name": "j2", "type": "15"}, .....} I would like to read data such as data ("name") and read all the data values ​​and j1 12 j2 15 j3 23 and so on I am using RAD Studio, FireMonkey for mobile devices. I have written this code to parse the string JSON, read it. Joe: TJSONJject; Jp: TJSniper; va1: TJSONvalue; va2: TJSONvalue; Which: = TJSONObject as TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue (TEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes (A), 0); Jp: = jo.Get (1); For I: = 0 begin jo.Size - 1 jp: = jo.Get (i); Memo1.Lines.Add ('ToString:' + jp.ToString); Memo1.Lines.Add ('JsonString:' + jp.JsonString.Value); If (jp.JSONValue is TJSONTrue) or (jp.JSONValue is TJSONFalse) or (jp.JSONValue is TJSONNull) then Memo1.Lines.Add ('JsonValue:' + jp.JsonValue.ToString) Other Memo1.Lines.Add (' JsonValue: '+ ...

ios - why isn't lazy instantiation used in every getter -

Paul Hagerty likes to use lazy instant in Stanford Courses. For example, he makes a personal announcement of @property (strong, non-creative) (NSARRA *) card and then it's a Gator's An introduction to use - (NSArray *) card {if (! _card) _cards = [[NSARROLO] Init] return _cards; } I am good with that what I do not get, though it is that Paul at any other time declares a public suit for a public card: @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString * suite; But in the implementation he does not perform this lazy immediate. So I do not understand where the suit strings are allotted intus? (Suit is an indicator for an NSString-object that should have a location in the heap) #import "PlayingCard.h" @implementation PlayingCard @ synthesize suit = _suit; - (Zero) SetSat: (NSSTING *) Suit {if ([[[["" a ?? £ ¸¸ ?? ", @" one ?? i ?? ", @" a ?? ¥ ¸¸¸ ?? ", @" One â "ï ¸¸¸¸¸ ??"] includes the object: suit]] {_suit...

gruntjs - Sass compressed output removing loud comment -

OK, so I'm working on a WordPress theme and I'm experimenting with a sauce grunt. The problem is that although in my primary SCSS file I have such a big comment, compressed output is no longer included in it. / *! Theme Name: Theme Name Theme URI: Description: Theme Description Version: 1.0.0 Author: I am the author URI: * / / * Global Configuration * / @ Import "Config / Variables"; // Import your custom variables @ "config / colors"; // Import your custom color scheme @ "config / settings"; // Default settings file change each setting that you need to change; * Foundation 5 * / @ import "foundation"; // Foundation 5 * Site Structure by Zurb * / @import "Site / Structure"; // Structure of your site I have tried to nested the outletstyle in granutfile and the comments appear in this way, but clearly I do not want to do it on the live site. p> ! With , your multi-line comments sh...

Android : Application does not seek into layout-land when the device changes his orientation -

I want to use layout-land subfolders to change my scenes to landscape mode. Therefore, I have created a subfolder "layout-land", copy my ideas in it and customize the layout. So I have it: Reveal me: & lt; Manifest xmlns: Android = "" package = "" & gt; & Lt; Use-enabled Android: name = "" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> & Lt; Android Android: allowBackup = "true" android: icon = "@draubable / IC_Luncher" Android: label = "@ string / app_name" Android: Theme = "@ Style / Aaptim" & gt; & Lt; Activity Android: name = ...

How to load a xml file in google chrome using javascript -

I am beginning web based programming on this site and new. I am trying to get the contents of XML tags, but when I open the code below in Chrome, nothing appears. Can someone give me a hint, please? Here's the full code: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; var xmlDoc, xmlHttp; Function readxml () {xmlHttp = new window. XMLHttpRequest (); ("GET", 'books.xml', false); xmlHttp.send (zero); xmlDoc = xmlHttp.responseXML.documentElement; back xmlDoc;} & lt; / script> & lt; / head & Gt; & lt; body & gt; & lt; script & gt; var xmld xmld = readxml (); document.write (xmld.getElementsByTagName ("title") [0]. ChildNode [0] .nodeValue + "& lt ; Br & gt; "); document.write (xmld.getElementsByTagName (" author ") [0]. ChildNode [0] .nodeValue +" & lt; br & gt; "); document.write (xmlDoc.getElementsB...

Static block in Java not executed -

कक्षा परीक्षण {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग अरग []) {System.out.println ("** मुख्य विधि "); Println (Mno.VAL); // एसओपी (9090); Println (Mno.VAL + 100); // एसओपी (9190); }} वर्ग Mno {अंतिम स्थिर इंटेल वैल = 9 090; स्थिर {System.out.println ("** MNO \ t का स्थिर ब्लॉक:" + VAL); }} मुझे पता है कि वर्ग लोड होने पर एक स्थिर ब्लॉक निष्पादित होता है। लेकिन इस मामले में क्लास Mno के अंदर उदाहरण चर अंतिम है, इस कारण से स्थिर ब्लॉक निष्पादित नहीं है। ऐसा क्यों है? और अगर मैं अंतिम को निकालूँगा, तो क्या यह ठीक काम करेगा? कौन सा स्मृति पहले आवंटित की जाएगी, स्थिर अंतिम चर या स्थिर ब्लॉक? यदि अंतिम पहुँच संशोधक वर्ग के कारण लोड नहीं होता है, तो कैसे चर स्मृति मिल सकता है? एक स्थिर अंतिम int फ़ील्ड एक संकलन समय स्थिर है और इसका मान कठिन है अपने मूल के संदर्भ के बिना गंतव्य वर्ग; इसलिए आपका मुख्य वर्ग फ़ील्ड युक्त वर्ग को लोड नहीं करता है; इसलिए उस क्लास में स्थिर प्रारंभकर्ता निष्पादित नहीं किया गया है। विशिष्ट विवरण में, स...

c# - How to turn a referenced class from another project into a DataContract? -

I have two projects; There is a WCF service and a C # project. In my WCF project, I am using a method from my C # project; That method gives a list of classifications defined in the C # project, so there is a reference in my C # project in my WCF service. I want to change the class to a dataconnect. Is there a better way to copy the file's file to the WCF project and touch the data contact tag on it? I will not copy the file but rather create a classmase class Only exposes the bits of class A , which you need in your data contract.

Why Pointers To Functions in C++ -

I want to ask when do we need to use the indicators for more functions? I had received some searches and answers so that we could use different functions at different times, but can we still do this by calling the function directly? Thank you. I do not think there is any other way to do this in C. It is possible to obtain the same effect by using the object with the virtual member function in C ++, the object is the reference of the base class or the indicator then the object pointer is used directly to the function pointer Same is serving the same purpose.

sql - how to delete 5th max salary from emp table and he should also be from dallas in dept table -

I do not want to get results. I have tried to experiment: Move from C where (Select from AMAP) where an apartment is selected (Select from DEPTNO ('DALLAS') from DIPL and 4 = (SELECT COUNT (* AASL and LT BSL with EMP B)) ; Remove from AMP C SAL IN (Top Top 1 All 1 From SAL (Select maximum 5 years from EMP APNTN = DEPT. DEPTNO and DEPT.Olex = 'Dallas' order by SAL DESC) To join the order by sub 1 SRI SAL ASC;

type inference - Understanding F# Value Restriction Errors -

I do not understand how price restrictions work in the work of F #. I have read this explanation as well. I do not understand: For example, this gives me a price restriction error (taken from the question): Let's go toleq (e: float & lt; _ & gt;) AB = (abdomen (A - B)) & lt; E but it is not: Iqbal e (a: float; _ & gt;) b = (abs (a - b) )) And lieutenant; E It's all right ... let's_bigger a b = a & lt; B but it is not (it is specified as int): ab = a + b Why works with built-in parameters to generate value restrictions: It: Let item_count = list.fold Let it be item_count l = list.fold (funny amp _ - & gt; 1 + acc) 0 this vs: -> 1 + ACC) 0 l (Note, if I use this function in the code segment, then the VR error occurs. Aagi, but the function I will be assigned to the type used to it, and I want it to be normalized) How does it work? (I am using the latest F #, v1.9.6.16) Edit Better / rece...

python - 'list' object has no attribute 'find' -

I know this is a basic question, but I'm new to the python and can not figure out how to do it Be resolved I have a list of the next example: entities = ["# 1 = IFCOG organization ($, 'Autodasc Rev. 2014 (ANU)', $, $, $) "," # 5 = IFCAPPLCATION (# 1, '2014', 'Autodascite Rev. 2014 (ANU)', 'Rev'); "] My problem is how Add information from the list to "entities" in a dictionary in the following format: dic = {'# 1 = IFCORGANIZATION': ['$', 'Autodesk Revit 2014 ('ENU)', '$', '$', '$'], '# 5 = IFCAPPLICATION': ['# 1', '2014', 'Autodesk Revit 2014 (ENU)', 'Revit'] I try to do this But I get the following error: There is no attribute in the 'list' object, 'Search' , and I do not know How to find it without a method. You can use to deal with the wires, first of all code strings should be used ...

Puppet provisioner in Vagrant expects site.pp to be US-ASCII, fails with "invalid byte sequence" -

I have a rough box (Ubuntu 14.04 beta) that configures itself using a puppet provision. After "Vagrant up", the shell Provisioner runs, installs the update (including language-pack-en ), and sets the locale to en_US.UTF-8 Is, eg: export DEBIAN_FRONTEND = non-interactive echo "LC_ALL = en_US.UTF-8" & gt; & Gt; / Etc / environment apt-get update apt-get -y install language-pack-n export LC_ALL = en_US.UTF-8 wget 2 & gt; And 1 dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb apt-get update apt-get -y upgrade apt-get -y -f to unread puppet hiera ruby-hiera ruby-safe-yaml apt-get -y autoremove apt -get -y install Puppet = 3.4.3-1 Shell provision is complete without a problem, although the puppet provision fails with: Error: Could not parse Environmental output: invalid byte sequence at /tmp/vagrant-puppet-1/manifests/site.pp:1 in US-ASCII If I immediately vagrant provision , puppet provision th...

angularjs - Unable to set scope variable within success function of http service -

I have an http service, where the attempt is made to save the result in a scope variable, but on the debugger variable Returns does not exist. Here is the code. ... $ scope.valueList = []; $ Scope.getValues ​​= function () {$ http ({url: '/ restservice / values ​​/', method: 'post', data: this.json_data, header: {'Content-type': 'application / json '}}. Success (job, data, status, header, config) {this.valueList = data;}). Error (function (data, position, header, config) {console.log ("failed");}); } ... this.valueList = data; should be $ scope.valueList = data; Angle is still javascript, so the this reference area is still applicable. Also, this is not equal in this case $ Range .

jtextfield - Arrow Keys, TextField focus in java? -

I have JPanel 16 in jtextfield (4x4), I I am using them for loop. Now, I want to use my arrow key to focus from this jtextfield to second. How can I do this? Code (Extracted from the reply to OP) Private JTextField [] characters; Public Zero Drawing () {pnlWords.removeAll (); pnlWords.setLayout (new grid layout (4, 4)); Character = new JTextField [4 * 4]; For (int i = 0; i You can create an array on all your JTextFields and a KeyAdapter Panel If the entered key is the right key, set the focus on the next JTextField in the array. If this is the left key, set the focus on the previous JTextField. Consider the difference between preincrement and postininkment.

curl - couchdb having trouble querying by a specific key or value -

Currently, there are three documents in my database, and it looks like: { "Total_rows": 3, "offset": 0, "rows": [{"id": "hello-world", "key": "2009/01/15 15:52:20", "value": " Hello World "}, {" id ":" biking "," key ":" 2009/01/30 18:04:11 "," value ":" biking "}, {" id ":" Bought-A I want to ask a specific value: "Billy", "key": "2009/02/17 21:13:39", "value": "bought a cat"}]} I am "biking" using the following command: C: \ Users \ Alex & gt; curl"Biking " It should return only line with the" biking "value But instead it gives the same results as shown above. I am indexing all this on the Windows field with the key field, so what can I do? It is not possi...

c# - Lightinject similar Kernel_ComponentRegistered of Windsor -

I'm following the tutorial. I am using lightly in my project, so I am using ICmPessionRate instead of Iblueszer Installer. The problem is that I can not find a method similar to the kernel to connect the interceptor. How can I do this lightly? Answer this without giving me an example is difficult, but if you have LightInject.Interception If you add the package, you will have access to the intercept method which makes it possible to add the interceptor. Best regards to Bernhard Richter

cluster analysis - basic clustering with r -

I am new to R and data analysis I am trying to create a simple custom recommendation system for a web site Therefore, as input information I have user / session-id, item-id, item-value on which users clicked c165c2ee- 81cf-48cf-ba3f-83b70204c00c 161785 124.0 a886fdd5-7cee-4152-b1b7-77a2702687b0643339 42.0 5e5fd670-b104-445b-a36d-b3798cd43279 131332 38.0 888d736f-99bc-49ca-969d -057e7d4bb8d1 1032763 39.0 I have clips in that data I would like to implement the retailer's analysis. If I try to apply K cluster to my data: & gt; Q & lt; - Cummins (Data, Center = 25) Error _WAN (NMA): NA / NAN / ING In Foreign Function Call (AG1) In addition to this: Warning message: in Cummins (data, center = 25): By force of introduction of NAS If I try to apply hierarchical clustering in the data: & gt; M & lt; - as.matrix (dat) & gt; D & lt; - (# , I have tried to run the code against dat [-1] , but the result is the same. Am I wrong or wrong? Thank...

jms - Hermes Cofiguration with SoapUI 5.0.0 -

I am trying to set up Himesh Jms config file under Premier - & gt; Tool and Hermes-config.xml file like this given to c: \ .. .. .. hermes-config.xml and saved preferences. But when I'm trying to open Hermesmsms under Sophia 5.0.0 devices, it complains about setting prefern, which I have already set. I tried to restart the soap but did not work. Any help is appreciated when I installed soap4.0.0, the hemzzms was installed. I did not install it separately thanks. It is working, we need to send Homs to the JMS folder, not Hermes-config .xml file for SoapUI 5.0.0 (Hermes installed with Supuai). Thanks

sbt - How to pass configuration through aliases .sbtrc -

I would like to create a nickname in the sbtrc with a config file that needs to be used. For pre: alias run-web-dev =; Web; ~ run -Dconfig.resource = dev.conf alias run-web-qa =; Web; ~ run -Dconfig.resource = qa.conf so that I just ./actor run-web-dev to dev.conf and ./activator Can run run to run-web Is this possible? Thanks You can set your nickname in the following: addCommandAlias ​​("run-web-dev", "; web; ~ run -Dconfconf resource = dev.conf")

css3 - CSS animation rotating in unexpected way -

I think my junior high maths are failing me. I want to rotate the two div s around the Y axis in different directions. I have made these two animations: @ - WebKit-keyframe first {0% {-webkit-transform: rotateY (0); } 100% {-webkit-transform: rotateY (-90 degrees); }} @ -WebKit-keyframe seconds {0% {-bbkit-transform: rotated Y (0);} 100% {-webkit-transform: rotated Y (90 degree); }} There is some confusion about my original Bela, so I updated it with an image. Each half of the two div will show the image. My idea is that every half image will rotate in opposite directions in the opposite direction of the y-axis unless they both disappear. It does not seem to be happening, they start moving together. Here is Bela (Chrome only): They are going in opposite directions Add perspective to see it better .space {-webkit-affected: 1000px; }

Live search in php -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: & lt; script & gt; फ़ंक्शन aa () {xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest (); ( "GET", "datafile.php एनएम =?" + document.form1.t1.value, झूठी); xmlhttp.send (शून्य); document.getElementById ( "d1") innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText। } & Lt; / script & gt; & lt; form name = "form1" method = "post" & gt; & lt; input type = "text" name = "t1" ऑनक्यूप = "एए ();" वर्ग = "बॉक्स" प्लेसहोल्डर = "आप उपनाम या प्रथम नाम के माध्यम से खोज सकते हैं" & gt; & lt; div id = "d1" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; और डेटाफ़ाइल.php & lt;? php शामिल हैं "konek.php"; $ Nm1 = $ _ प्राप्त [ 'एनएम']; ? & Gt; & lt;? php $ res = mysql_query ("चुनें tblscholar से * जहां schoSurname जैसे ('$ nm1%') या schoFirstname तरह ('$ nm1%') और schoUsername! = 'व्यवस्थापक';); $ ग = 1; जबकि ... - How to backup sql Database from FrontEnd -

We have two servers The application (ASP.NET website) is running on a server and Secondly, Server Database (SQL 2005) is running .. Both applications and databases that run on similar servers before and I can create backups using this command Backup database TESTDBNAME to disk = 'PATH' "post-text" itemprop = "text"> path to that server It is believed where your DB collection There is widespread. So you can not be able to access the path from that server because your files are stored on other servers. You can create a SQL query with the data option and save it in your local machine. See for help.

objective c - Unrecognized selector sent to instance when trying to dismissViewController -

I have a button on the View Controller that presents a Model View Controller. I'm starting a UIImage view in the Init method of the View Controller, above that I have a button (end) above a custom one and the previous one. When I press the finish button, I want to dismiss the Model View Controller and I also want to pop the initial view controller (which presents a model). The problem is that I am getting the following error: 2014-04-21 19: 31: 16.223 signature [5343: 60b] - [UIImageView set enabled enabled display:]: unknown The selector has been sent for example 0x16d73550 This is the relevant code: This is done when I turn on the Model View Controller: - (zero) onSignButtonPressed: (ID) sender {PPSSignatureViewController * ppsSignatureViewController = [[PPSSignatureViewController alloc] initWithNibName: Zero Bundle: Zero Document ViewCont Roller: self] autorelease]; ppsSignatureViewController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen; [Self-present Vi...

java - Getting first element of specific type from ArrayList -

I have ArrayList type Animal . There are 10 references to objects in this list, which are 3 dogs, 3 cats and 4 birds. All three types ( dogs , cat and birds ) get from animals . Order of animals Is there a more efficient way to get the first Cat from the list and use the instanceof operator? Example. cat cat = null; (Animal animal: list of animals) {if (animal for example cat) {cat = animal; break; }} No, the actions you need to complete are as many as Quickly it happens: Searching for a particular ArrayList is always linear (i.e. O (n) ). In the context of readability, however, you can improve it by hiding the search in a supportive method, which takes a list and type, and finds the first occurrence of this type: public stable If you need to go faster than your search, you will need a different data structure.

Python regex to match million or billion quantities but not dollar amounts -

I am using Python 2.6.9 for some regex, and I have the following string, where I will match Want 111,111,111 and 222,222, but not the amount of dollars This is my current best effort:.?! regexObj = re.compile (r '(& lt; \ $) \ d {3} (:, \ d {3}) *') testStr1 = '111,111,111 and 222, 222 but not $ 333,333,333 or $ 444,444 'regexObj.findall (testStr1) [' 111,111,111 ',' 222,222 ',' 333,333 ',' "lesson"> Btam, please note that if you want to meet only millions and billions, then there is a problem in your * quandafaire. This is what you want, if you can specify something under tuning for borders, \ b ( Note that the last quantifier is {1,2} is * because you said that you want to match millions and billions. With a * , you can match thousands, billions and zillions. If you have more information about the borders, (for example, you are matching an entire string, or you always have a place after the exp...

multithreading - How to implement Java single Database thread -

I have created a Java program that connects to a SQLite database using SQLite4Java. I've read the serial port and the value to the database. It worked fine in the beginning, but now it has increased my program and multiple threads to me I tried to handle it with SQLiteQueue-variable, which performs database operations with something like this: is public void insert Krenplemp value (final SQLiteStatement Stmt last long periods of time, the final double tempValue) {if (checkQueue ( "insertTempValue (SQLiteStatement, long, double)", "queue not running ! ", False)) {queue.execute (New SQLiteJob & lt; Object & gt; ; () {Object secures object (SQLiteConnection connection) throws SQLiteException {stmt.bind 1, log time); Stmt.bind (2, tempValue); Stmt.step (); Stmt.reset (true); Return tap;}}); But now can not reporting my Skyueliti-Class statement: DB [ 1] [u]: Settlement [INSERT (?,?)] DB [1] [U] SQLiteDB $ 6 @ FBFD from foreign thread: job ...

navigating to local anchor tag with JavaScript -

I'm trying to move an Intel XDK app Auto with ID = "page_6" to a new DIV when Function fails as follows: var fail = function () {alert ("geolocation failed"); window.location = window.location + "# page_6"; }; However, the app does not go into the new DIV. Any thoughts? you window.location.href window.location.href = window.location + "# page_6" By simply saying it to window.location (as in your example code) Uses works for me Are you sure that your failed callback is being executed?

reveal.js - How do I make code samples bigger? -

I'm my proxy. JS slide decks often have code samples which can be quite large. However, code blocks (pre and code tags) always seem to have a maximum height on it. Instead of growing space in the box, it wants to scroll a certain height. I have not yet thought that how to increase this box (even vertically, but also horizontally) to fill the available area instead of scrolling. I have no interest in scrolling with the mouse to stop my presentation to show me more presentation. :-) any suggestion? The CSS provided by the manifest So it seems that you have no choice, but the CSS itself is to emphasize. For example, modify the file css / reveal.css (and css / regenerate reveal min.css ). Or you can try to override this value with additional topics that you will provide. For example, copy css / theme / default.css to css / theme / my.css , define the style that you want for the code block , And link to this file your .html presentation file

Android notification on device only when debugging -

I'm having a strange notification behavior on Android device (running v4.2.2). When connecting to a debugger, I get the information right properly, although gcm.register (SENDER_ID) fails with the exception of SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE. But when the device is unlocked with USB / debugger, it has not received any information. any idea? Given my limited experience in Android, I am very confused as to what is happening. In addition, the device is running Google Play Services v4.3.25 here appears to me - & lt; Use-SDK Android: minSdkVersion = "17" Android: targetSdkVersion = "18" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" /> & Lt; Use-permission Android: name = "android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" /...

windows - Register 32-bit COM server (and generate TLB) for use with 32-bit and 64-bit clients -

विधि 1: x 86 लक्ष्य प्लेटफ़ॉर्म मेरे पास एक .NET वर्ग है लाइब्रेरी जो कि 32-बिट और 64-बिट दोनों क्लाइंट के साथ उपयोग के लिए लक्षित है, जिनमें से कुछ हैं। NET परियोजनाएं और जिनमें से कुछ सी + + एमएफसी परियोजनाएं हैं मैं 32-बिट क्लाइंट के साथ काम करने के लिए पुस्तकालय प्राप्त कर सकता हूं, लेकिन 64-बिट क्लाइंट को एक "क्लास पंजीकृत नहीं किया गया" अपवाद मिलता है। रजिस्ट्री के आसपास पोकिंग, ऐसा लगता है कि केवल Win32 कुंजी को सेट किया जा रहा है (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Wow6432Node \ TypeLib {GUID} \ 1.0 \ 0 \ win32)। मेरी कुछ सेटिंग्स पर कुछ नोट्स: "विजुअल COM-Visible बनाएँ" चेक किया गया है। "प्लेटफ़ॉर्म लक्ष्य" x86 है। लायब्रेरी में एक 32-बिट अप्रबंधित DLL है जो DLLImport के साथ विधियों को लोड करता है। सी ++ एमएफसी क्लाइंट का उपयोग #import "MyLibrary.tlb" को मार्शल करने के लिए इंटरॉप कोड। मैंने COM को समर्थन देने के लिए कोड में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया है (उदाहरण, मैंने सिस्टम ओवरराइड नहीं किया है। कॉन्फ़िगरेशन। इंस्टॉल करें। इंस्टॉलर। ...

Adding symbols to word document using docx4j -

I'm trying to dock a wingedink symbol using the following code. p symp = factory.createP (); R symr = factory.createR (); Sym sym = factory.creaters (); Sym.setFont ("wingdings"); sym.setChar ("FOFC"); . Add symr.getContent () (symbol); . Add symp.getContent () (symr); . Add MainPart.getContent () (symp); I get invalid content errors when I open the document, when I try to add symbols to docking the words directly, open the DockX and see the document. xml, give me paragraphs There are rsidR and rsidDefault features. When I read about these features from this link, I see that they are random and only necessary to track changes to the document. Then, why did Microsoft Word expect this and I made a mistake? Any ideas / suggestions? I am surprised that Sym is supported by you in docx4j is. I tried your code and I got the same problem, but I should accept it before I check the symbols. As an experiment, I added an icon using the relevant "Inse...

How to check equal of value arrays in JSON by PHP -

I want to see two arrays if the value of an array is equivalent to $ reaction: 1 and otherwise for the $ response: 0 Example Array: {"data_comment": [{"name": "a"}, {"" "," "", "" "," "", "" {$ Data_comment == $ data_comment2} {$ response 2 ["success"] = "" "1"; // resonant JSON response echo json_encode ($ response2);} and {$ response2 ["success "] =" 0 "; $ response 2 [" message "] =" error "; // copy json response echo json_encode ($ response2)} Therefore, if any of the data_comment If the value is with data_comment2 value then the result will be incorrect [$ response2 ["success"] = "0";] .. But with my code, the result always [$ response 2 ["success" ] = "1";], there is not a similar value between data_action and data_comment2. Thanks for any advice $ data_...

scala - Functional value, mutable state and tread-safety -

is trying to present in the recursion algorithm. Case Class Memo [A, B] (F: A = & gt; B) Expands (A = & gt; B) {Personal Val Cache = Mutable. Map Criterion [A, B] DEF (X: A) = gets the cash. X, f (x))} Private Val fib: memo [int, biggte] = memo {case 0 = & gt; 0 matter 1 = & gt; 1 case n = & gt; FIB (N-1) + FIB (N-2) DEP EF (N: IIT) = {FIB (N)} This means that if we have unstable state and functional Use value (Val defined by. Well well functional value) So this thread is not safe? ( val fib - global scoped looks like mutable variable / object) I would say yes, if you are calling more thread foo at the same time then there may be a problem, though I was thinking that if you were only adding to the map And always have the same value for the key, so there is no guarantee that it should work. If the implementation of the getOrElseUpdate method of the map is for any reason, then it will not work, the temporary map is not based on the contract defin...

php - I have two similar functions while one output changes and the other doesn't -

This code uses html, php, and laravel. At first, a 'vaccine' does not change in value. The second one changes the 'NTK' value, but eventually my output on the webpage allows me to check the check box for some reasons. In fact, there is hope that someone can help me because I do not know how this is possible. Especially when I uncheck the wrong check box in $ ntk This is my form: & lt ;? Php $ tk = session :: is ('tk')? Session :: Mill ('vaccine'): 1; Var_dump ($ t); If ($ tk == 1) {$ tk = 'true'; } And {$ tk = 'false'; } $ Tk_name = 'tk:'; Var_dump ($ tk_name); Var_dump ($ t); $ Ntk = session :: is ('NTK')? Session :: Mill ('NTK'): 0; Var_dump ($ NTK); If ($ ntk == 1) {$ ntk = 'true'; } And {$ ntk = 'false'; } $ Ntk_name = 'ntk:'; Var_dump ($ ntk_name); Var_dump ($ NTK); ? & Gt; {{Form :: open (array ('url' = & gt; 'envulen'))}} & Lt; TD & gt; {{...

random - sas,how to randomly assign a patient to a clinic if he/she goes to multiple clinics -

I would like to analyze the compliance rate at the clinic level, but I have a lot of patients who are related to many clinics. I want to give a random clinic to each such patient. How does anyone know how to do this? I read proc surveys, proc plans, but not to make sure how to do it. Thanks a long time ago! If you are just looking for a clinic at random, then proc of survey Select is in the data at the time of making the works fine, see the code below. n = 1 says that choose a record at each level. is the data; Do the patient = 1 to 20; Clinic = 1 to ceiling (3 * rand ('uniform')); Output; End; End; Run; Proc SurveyElected Data = Outside = wantn = 1 seed = 12345; Class patient; Run; If the patient happens multiple times in the same clinic, then that clinic will be more likely to be selected; If you do not want that, the first / dipped by the patient / clinic

Code instrumentation in haskell -

Suppose that I keep complex applications connected to external systems. One day it starts returning unexpected results for some input and I have to figure out why it can be problematic of DNS problems, file system related problems, external system changes, anything can happen. Considering that the amount of processing is very extensive, before I can identify potential locations of the problem, I do not produce it. How can I write the current code so that I can provide non-volatile proof (no debug session) (for example) which is a bug in some component or function. It looks like a question of architecture / best practices, compared to some of Haskell's specifications, Unless I am doing something wrong, It seems that your application needs to use the logging system, such as The general approach is to create logging messages with the attached priority for each component of your code. After this you can handle the app different priority levels differently, so for example...

android - Update a View through AsyncTask -

I am currently writing an Android game app using the device's GPS features. I have been exposed to some problems here, my player class is public class player {Private int x core; Private int yCor; Public player (int x core, int yCor) {this.xCor = xCor; this. yCor = yCor; }} This is my gamefaceview view Extension of the public class game site {Private Arrival & Lieutenant; Ghost & gt; ghostList; Private paint paint; Public GameForf (reference references, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {super (references, attrs, defStyleAttr); in this(); } Public Sport Surf (Reference Reference, AttributeSet attrs) {Super (References, ethers); in this(); } Public GameForf (Reference Reference) {Super (Reference); in this(); } Public zero init () {color = new paint (); Paint.setColor (0xff00ff00); // Single int (green) in hex // First FF = opaque; First 00 = any red // second FF = green on all the way; Second 00 = No blue // can not even do: paint.setColor (Color.GREEN); Pa...

exchangewebservices - EWS Managed API get response from sent mail with attachments -

When I am sending a message, I can not get the 'service' recension object because the function I am using I am not supported by sending mail. Service LightCollection & lt; Service display & gt; Feedback = service.CreateItems (new archive & lt; email message & gt; () {EmailMsg}, WellKnownFolderName.SentItems, MessageDisposition.SendAndSaveCopy, blank); When there is an attachment from my message when using this code, it will throw me this error (this does not support the item with Operation Effort). Attachments I can optionally use it to send emails and it works well with attachments, but it returns zero, so I can not check service response. EmailMsg SendAndSaveCopy (WellKnownFolderName.SentItems); I need to get back a service reply object for e-mail with assements or just a simple HPRpress I can not even get the error (this does not support items with OperationActactment .) When I google it I am using EWS Managed API 2.0 and I'm killing Exc...

http - Insert a row to google fusion table using php -

I have a fairly straightforward syntax for inserting rows in the documentation for Google Fusion Tables, but how should I call it I I have a table, its set is public and I have its ID, I can show the map using PHP and Javascript. The problem I am working with is how the query is used for fusion tables. How should I call them php? For example, if you are working with the mysql database, you use something for example, mysqli, connect to the database, call the query and it has been done by it. There is some information in the documentation about the HT Request, but I have no clue how to call queries, which are very clear from php I mean: Connect the table with the ID Call the query Get the result of the query (OK is unsuccessful) Suppose I have a simple Is public, with ID, name (of location), latitude, longitude. You have a library of connecting to various Google services including Google Fusion Tables. One is that which tells how to use the library. Some time ag...

windows - How to execute command line in a python loop? -

I am trying to determine the best way to execute something in the command line using Python. I have completed it on personal files, however, I am trying to determine the best way to do this multiple times with many different files, I am not sure that I should make a batch file and then execute it in the command Or, if I'm missing something in my code If newbie signifies I apologize in advance. The script below gives a returncode of 1 when I use a loop, but when 0 is not in the loop. What is the best way to work at hand? def Checkout Out (Command, Console): If Console == Correct: Process = Sub Process Popin (command) Other: process = subprosec Popin (command, shell = true, standout = subprocess PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines = true) output, error = process.communicate () returncode = process.poll () returncode, output, fileList.split (";" ) Error for File: ... code ReturnCode! = 0: print ("Process Fail") sys.exit () Edit: To create...

sonar runner - Report reuse for PHP projects in Sonarqube 4.2 -

I have a Jenkins job that runs for my project which reports the following tools: phpcs phpmd phpunit (unit and integration test) I sonar- The runner wants to analyze these reports, especially for integration tests, which does not execute the runner. Is it still possible in sonar 4.2? If so, what parameters are reused in the control report for the above device? I can not find a documentation about how to get son-runner to reuse these reports. Only criteria are sonar.php.tests.reportPath and sonar.php.tests.coverage.reportPath . But it is only related to unit tests. Only on this information can I find that I have tried the parameters listed there and they have no effect. In fact, with version 2.0, the SonarCube PHP plugin is no longer dependent on external devices such as PDFs, PHPs, PDFs, and PDFs. PPCPD and PHPD Only external external dependency is on phpunit.

c# - DataAdapter Raises a concurreny violation exception when using UpdateBatchSize -

I am using a data adapter and I am updating my data very well with no problem , But I get an exception when I use UpdateBatchSize property: "Narrow violation: The batch command affects 0 of 2 impressions affected." Line The codes below are part of my DAL myAdapter.InsertCommand = InsertCmd (); myAdapter.InsertCommand.UpdatedRowSource = System.Data.UpdateRowSource.None; MyAdapter.DeleteCommand = DeleteCmd (); myAdapter.DeleteCommand.UpdatedRowSource = System.Data.UpdateRowSource.None; MyAdapter.UpdateCommand = UpdateCmd (); myAdapter.UpdateCommand.UpdatedRowSource = System.Data.UpdateRowSource.None; MyAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection = myConnection.conn; MyAdapter.InsertCommand.Connection = myConnection.conn; MyAdapter.UpdateCommand.Connection = myConnection.conn; MyAdapter.DeleteCommand.Connection = myConnection.conn; MyAdapter.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate = false; MyAdapter.UpdateBatchSize = 2; Try {MyAdapter.Update (dt.GetChanges ()); } Hold {throw; } What I found...