Laravel - Redirect after login -
When I talk about larvail, if I was a small part of a newbie then I was hoping someone could help is.
Using standard authentication and login material, which is not running anything ship with Laravel, but what I have to do is check in DB to see that some fields ( Name, address, postcode). If they are, then the user gets redirected to the dashboard, but if they are not, then the user will be able to fill their remaining information again on the profile page. Will be directed.
I should be guessed
Route: Post ('Login', Function
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Once you have authenticated the user using Auth :: check , then you Auth :: user . if (AU th :: attempt ($ Credential); {$ user = Auth :: user}; if ($ user- & gt; email == '' || user- & gt; address == '') {return direct :: from ('user / Profile ');} Return redirection :: From (' home ');} You need to check that field to ensure that you are there. They are not redirecting them to the profile page, if they are redirecting them to the home page or elsewhere.
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