
Showing posts from August, 2015

paperclip - Image replacing using upload preview in rails -

I am using paperclip in my project. The image is being shown as editing, but I want to change that uploaded image instead of the new image. Try this script: function readURL (input) {If (input.files and input.files [0]) {var reader = new FileReader (); Reader.onload = function (e) {$ ('# my_image') .attr ('src', With (100) .high (100); }; reader.readAsDataURL (input.files [0]); }}

html - How to fix responsive drop down menu using css? -

This is The subject is adaptable, which is responsive. When seen in the mobile screen. The top menu comes in the form of a dropdown with white blocks. See text items. Please help me without losing your accountability. Thanks! In the responsive dropdown menus, each & lt; Li & gt; a text-align: CSS selector .tc-hover-menu.nav li on the CSS file blue.css on the left side Property>. text-align: left; Remove and the text will appear. Or you can change it to text-align: center and you will see the same result.

java(jsp) code similar to Convert.ToInt32(dropdownlist1.selectedItem) -

convert. ToInt32 (dropdownlist1.selectedItem) has the same code in Java and I also dropdown list Want to get the value of the corresponding value selected from the value (for example, I have a curriculum dropdown for that time, to get the integer ID associated with that integer ID) (back end-SQL Coming from) SQL Server) integer parseInt converts a string to an int (32 bit)

hyperlink - LightBox with link support -

I need a light box with link support. For example, when I open, a light box index. Should be visible on php in it's content of lightbox1.php Is there a plugin or pre-built script? Use the link below and you will get the solution to your requirement.

java - How to resolve "XMLHttpRequest cannot load" issue? -

I have two different modules: A module on the local network and the local module on the other web accepts various standards. According to the passed parameters it executes the specific code snippet. I want to send input from the web which runs locally so that it can run with the given parameters. But I'm getting the error: "XMLHttpRequest http: //192.168.xx.xx: 8080 / myurl can not load Genesis http: // localhost: 8080 Access-Control- Allow-Origin. "In my case, I have to send a request from mydomain to specific IP addresses (where the celllet processes an input). How do I set up cross domain requests using jsp to solve the above error? You can probably use code for: httpResponse.setHeader ("Access-Control-Permission-Origin", "*");

php - redirection to another page in wordpress -

I am trying to redirect the user page, once I enter the login id and the password, I will type the code like this. & lt ?? Includes Php ('... / database.php'); If (isset ($ _ POST ['formubmitted'])) // Start a session: session_start (); $ error = array (); // This array will store all error messages (empty ($ _ POST ['empno'])) // If email is supplied then empty $ error [] = 'You have not forgotten to enter your employee '; } And {$ email = $ _POST ['empno']; } If (empty ($ _ POST ['password'])) {$ error [] = 'Please enter your password'; } And {$ password = $ _POST ['password']; } If (empty ($ error)) // If the array is empty, it means no error was found {$ query_check_credentials = "SELECT * from table WHERE (emp_no = '$ email' and password = '$ password')"; $ Result_check_credentials = mysqli_query ($ dbc, $ query_check_credentials); If (! $ Result_check_credentials) {// If the query...

php - Doing wp_set_object_terms on a wordpress post causes duplicate posts to be made? -

I am creating a WordPress post through the following code: $ data = Array (); $ Data ['post_ title'] = $ this- & gt; Title; $ Data ['post_content'] = $ this- & gt; Desc; $ Data ['post_status'] = 'published'; $ Data ['post_type'] = 'product'; $ This- & gt; Id = wp_insert_post ($ data); add_post_meta ($ --- id, "foo", $ this-> foo); add_post_meta ($ this-> ID, "bar", $ this-> bar); After doing this, I then try to set the classification conditions for the post. I have a classification that is called "fu" and I have 10-12 words before making a post in the wp_terms table, I have retrieved the word _id of that term I want to use, and I already know that classification is foo, I do the following: // The word wp_setms table already contains wp_set_object_terms ($ the-> id, $ this-> termId, "foo"); When I do this, sometimes, for some posts, a duplicate post is cre...

c - Redirecting Output -

When I do not understand anything, then I was playing with redirection. I have a basic multi-client server program that connects a user or writes a message for standard output when disconnecting. If I run 2 clients in other terminals and shut down, the output will be something like this: Waiting for connection .... A user If I redirect the output via a file , a user connected to a user connected to a user disconnected ./ Server & gt; logfile.txt When I open the logfile, I see something like this: Waiting for connection. ... A user connected to a user is waiting for connection disconnected .... Disconnect connected to a user My question is: How do I get the same output Can i do My suspicion is that there is such a code in your server program: printf "is waiting for connection ... \ n"); While ((handle = new_connection ())! = 0) {if ((pid = fork ()) When you go with the output to the terminal, the output buffer buffer occurs, so the w...

c# - Changing all cell border widths in DataGridViews -

I have a data grid view and I want to make all cell boundaries thicker is there any property you can do ? You need to do a little custom painting by adding code to cellpinning event handler To set the range of cells to anyone, use CellBorderStyle : dataGridView1.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.None; // Cell Planning Event Handler Grid for Your Data View1 Private Zero Data Grid View 1_CellPainting (Object Sender, Data Grid View Papping Avent ARG E) {If (E.RO Index == -1 & amp; E. Column Index & gt; - 1) {e.Handled = true; (Brush B = Using new solidbrushes (DataGrid View1.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor)) (using eGraphics.Filrextengle (B, E. Sailbones);} (Pen P = New Pen (Brush Black)) {p.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash; e.Graphics.DrawLine (P, New Point (0, E. Selbond.bottom-1), New Point (E. Sailboaks. Wright, E. CallBoongs. Bottom-1));} E.PaintContent (e.ClipBounds);}}

ruby on rails - Sending emails by schedule -

I need to send mail to the scheduled timings. I can specify two days in which the mail is sending mail. I will use DelayedJob for this. class email & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: Campaign End Class CreateEmails & lt; ActiveRecord :: migrations deff changes make_table: email | T | t.integer: days1 t.integer: days2 t.timestamps end end and class campaign & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_many: email def end_time created_at + end-end method end_time determines that when you end up with the company's activity . finished_it to fill the field on the company's creation From database "Text"> As an alternative, you can create a rake for calling your method by sending an email, and this is the small gem of the Nifty, which is to set your cron for automation of the process Can be used for

networking - iOS 7 Don't show network activity indicator -

I know that this question has been asked many times before, but none of the solutions is working for me is. How do I hide the network activity indicator in the iOS status bar? Most websites will ask you to use the following code, but the indicator still appears in the status bar. [[UIApplication ShareApp] setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible: No]; It is possible that some other code (you are using static library / open Source) Determining visibility on yes . I will set a symbolic breakpoint at - [UIApplication setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible:] and see which part of the code is responsive. Follow up to set a symbolic breakpoint.

jquery - How do I change my background image after a certain amount of time -

This is my current HTML code: I need to make it So that the background image automatically changes on a few pages after a few seconds: Image 1 = 3 seconds after 3 seconds image 1 image 2 shows for 2 seconds 3 seconds etc ... . How can this be done? JQuery? Ajax? Perhaps this could be a solution & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {var arr = ['','' ] var count = -1 function change image () {count ++ if (calculation> = arr.length) {count = 0} $ ('# head'). attr ('style', 'background-image: Url ('+ arr [count] +') '}} Set interval (function () {changeImage ()}, 1000)}) & lt; / Script & gt; If you need to add other images, then you have to enter their location within the array.

Any languages whose functions cannot access global scope? -

I am writing something in a quote of basic that does a user-defined function which can only reach local variables; For example, the following code: let's S $ = "hello, world!" Fn.def Some functions ($) print s $ fn.rtn "a string" fn.end X $ = someFunction $ () will print a blank line, because S There is no value in the context of $ of some function $ . Question: Are there common uses in other languages ​​which are global scope that can not be accessed from within a function? The basis of this question is the misunderstanding, that this speech of basic, like most others, is not a global area There are many languages ​​in the same category. An earlier explanation. There was one area in many early computer languages, in which all the variables were defined. When it became very limited, they added a suburban capacity that either shared a common radius (cobol display and original gossab) or the logic is passing (Fortran call and return) with a c...

sql - PreparedStatement Value Error in java -

The forwardword is giving the wrong syntax near the value 'value'. "I am not having problems with my SQL statement. / * * Table structure for the history data table in SQL Server * 1) City_ID - Int * 2) City_N - Environments (50) * 3 ) Time - Datetime * 4) Time-time * 5) Humidity - Float * 6) Rain_Info - Float * 7) Snow_info - Float * 8) Temperature - Float * 9) Minimum Temperature - Float * 10) Max_Temperature - float * 11) Description - nvarchar (50) * / try {string statement string = "WeatherHistoryX (" + "City_ID , "+" City_Name, "+" Time, "+" "Time taken," + "Humdity," + "Rain_Info," + "Snow_Info," + "Temperature," + "Minimum Temperature," + "Maximum Temperature , "" + "," + "Value (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PStatement = connection.prepareStatement (statementString); // Description = zero; // Description = connection.createState...

python - Mocking class instances inside a Class -

I am currently writing a test for a wsgi server built in __init __ constructor Server class governs 2 instances of other sections as members. Let's say def __init __ (self): self.a = A () self.b = B () During the tests, I How can I duplicate myself and A. And B.K. As myself.I have created them as spider orbits? # I use it if I want to duplicate the entire server clique @ imitation 'Myproject.server.MyServerClass', autospec = true) I write more python More inquisitive I am about such situations My inclination is usually to present dependency injection and to pass on A and B classes built on the manufacturer. It makes it easy for both of them to see external dependencies and when they need it, they have to change, but sometimes it is redundant. Not only do you: server = server () server.a = MockA () server.b = MockB ()

Powershell run export-mailbox script from batch file -

I am trying to run a batch file that runs a power-shell script (export mailbox-permission admin-pstFolderPath \ srv02 \ d $ \ Test) I export the mailbox command manually to export 20 mailboxes. I want to make this process as a script so that I can run it every day to back up all mailboxes with pst files. Does anyone know this? You can list the mailboxes that you want to export to a CSV file, each Import the CSV file into the batch to export the mail item. Something like this ... $ Mailbox = Import-CSV \\ srv02 \ d $ \ test \ mailboxes.csv $ Mailbox | E-object {export mailbox-privacy admin-pstFolderPath \ srv02 \ d $ \ test}

backbone.js - Backbone / Handlebars template organization / including -

I am making a backboneJS / handlabsjs single page project and I am a small part of a knot with the spinal cord (I normally use) AngularJS). I want to put each template (headers, sidebar, footer, content) in different files for the organization. I have read some posts that say that you should put the template in separate files for development and then combine them into a file for production. I am pretty sure they have .html files And I'm not sure what tool they get mixed up. How to load correct templates from files? And do I add files to one and import it? Is it easy to have a tool? If you have a tutorial that describes the proper framework which will be great. Please thank you! Handlar templates are usually sent in the compiled (= JavaScript) form, which makes the display a bit She goes. To do this properly, it makes great sense to use a construction tool and work. It creates a javascript file out of all templates and, by default, stores the templates in the global...

scheme - Get Diagonals in a Matrix -

Using the racket, and avoiding any state actions (which ends with an exclamation mark), I am trying to get all the "diagonals", strips" in a list of lists, or a vector if it is easy. This "n-queens" is a part of solving the problem of chess , But I do not want to see it disappointed about how to solve it's problem completely The relevance is that I am trying to determine whether a queen can attack diagonally any other queen. I thought I could do it for such horizontal and vertical attacks - Try changing each row or column to your list and see that there is more than one queen in a list. However, the diagonal strips are becoming very ugly and complex code! Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 To solve this problem should be a good, concise method. I have the following lists Will be created by: '(1 6 11 16)' (2 5) '(2 712)' (3 6 9) '(3 8)' (4 7 10 13) I have noticed that there is a form in these lists wh...

ruby - How do I improve performance of SQLite3 in Datamapper? -

I'm working in SQLite3 using DataMapper. I was populating a table with about 14 million records. It was taking a long time I came to know that SQLite is included and can improve: Setting pragma Synchronous = OFF Block the BEGIN..COMMIT block in embedding them. There is one to do this. I am trying to find a way to do this with the datamapper, but the documentation has not yet helped. I searched the Internet and explained ways to do this in other ways but no one talks about the Data Mapper in the context of Ruby. My code is still: DataMapper.setup (: default, 'sqlite: ///path/to/DataBase.db') // Model File. Open the definition (fileName, "r"). infile | While populating the data in the database (line = infile.gets) // In the end, The problem is not with the code, but scaleth itself If you are populating it with 1.4 million record possibilities, then you are going to use it in the production database. The SQL database is naturally slow...

Validating boolean with Laravel Validation -

मेरे पास एक लॉगिन फ़ॉर्म है उपयोगकर्ता नाम , पासवर्ड और मुझे याद रखें मुझे याद रखें एक चेकबॉक्स है (सही है या गलत)। मैं कैसे बनाऊं Laravel में सत्यापन नियम? ऐसा लगता है कि केवल प्रासंगिक एक था में और आप मूल्यों को निर्दिष्ट करते हैं लेकिन इस मामले में मान बुलियन हैं और इस पद्धति का उपयोग करके उन्हें स्ट्रिंग के रूप में निर्दिष्ट किया जाएगा? in: true, false मान लें कि आप एक का उपयोग कर रहे हैं संकुल का जो मॉडल सत्यापन को सरल करता है, जैसे , यह आपके मॉडल : संरक्षित $ नियमों के लिए निम्नलिखित को जोड़ने के रूप में सरल है [['ईमेल' = & gt; 'आवश्यक | ईमेल', 'पासवर्ड' = & gt; 'आवश्यक', 'याददाश्त' = & gt; 'बूलियन',];

javascript - Pass variables in AngularJS $http GET? -

Is it possible to pass a variable on a server in the AngularJS $ http service? I want to be able to get "number" of certain items from the server and in the request I want to specify the number. Thank you. Yes, add it to the URL: $ http get ("/ users? items = 15") .success (function (data) {$ scope.users = data;}); then items in your python handler for user will be auto-ask.get ("item").

sockets - send command via tcp ip through javascript -

I want to get the following functionality and need help with: I have a server on which the device is connected, which prints the code some times based on the pre-formatted command given on it. There is currently a desktop application that generates commands and works. Now I want to do it through the web, which means that a webpage (say .aspx) and I want to get it from javascript. I am able to generate pre-formatted commands required for printing, but I do not know how to send commands to the server, regardless of socket TCP IP or something else. I have tried to use node.js,, json-socket etc. but nothing is working, If Javascript is a definite requirement, then I do not think you will get an direct solution. You will need to create an intermediary service that uses Webcot Protocol Will be translated on the TCP / IP protocol that communicates on your software. I got a package that is said to be that this bridge has been implemented in some different ...

including Javascript into Wordpress 3.8 -

I would like to include the virtual keyboard in my WordPress site but this does not work. How do I use it: And I use this keyboard: Of course I also add some plugins in WordPress and search, but I'm not a duplexer :) Upload your files to js folder or create one. ..... Php file in your themes functions $ url = get_stylesheet_directory_uri (). 'Js / filename.js'; // Whatever the path to input is actually the function add_keyboard () {wp_enqueue_script ('keyboard', $ url); } Add_action ('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_keyboard');

backbone.js - How do I leverage Marionette to rerender a nested CompositeView after a child's model is destroyed? -

I thought that Marianaut will automatically remove the ideas of deleted models but it is not working in my situation . I have a holistic view that displays the collection of movies. Each film has a list of actors. When I click on "delete movie", then it should remove all the associated actors and update the scene of that special movie that was deleted. Currently, my application destroys the model but the view has not been updated. If I refresh the page, then the movie and related actors have gone, so I know that it is destroying the model, just the thoughts of that moment have been clicked not only. Relevant control code: list_controller.js * / MovieApp.module ("ActorsApp.List", function (list, movie app, backbone, meriannet, $, _) {list. Controller = {listActors: function () {var actor = movie app. Request ("actor: entities"); var movies = new backbone selection; var allMovies = MovieApp.request ("movie: entities"); actor Function (Actor... mvc - C# MVC Application Deployment Issue -

I made an application in MVC4.0 and posted it on the server. The application is running fine in VS 2013 viz. development environment but when I put it on the server, then I am getting: HTTP Error 403.14 - Contraband Web Server The contents of this directory Is not configured to list. Most likely reason: A default document is not configured for the requested URL, and directory browsing is not enabled on the server. I'm a little new to web development, I have my web.config (I have two web.config files in the main folder and in the second view folder.), If there is a problem in that I've seen that route Web for Some tags need to be added in the config. But I do not know that tag. Two Web.Config is correct and if the website works locally you add any route Should not be required. Generally if the server is returning that error, then you have indicated the web server on the wrong directory. I think you are using IIS? You need to go into the site configuration and chec...

javascript - What's the elegant way of binding multiple elements with different event respectively using same event handler? -

I have both $ (document) and $ (window), respectively, from the 'ready' and 'resize' event Are tied. They are sharing the same event handler. Code: $ (window) .on ('resize', function () {shared code}); $ (Document) .ready (function () {shared code}); Instead of the above version, this is a traditional way of handling the code to make it clean and simple; This is really very easy. var handler = function (event) {// whatever you want to handle}; $ (Window) .on ('resize', handler); $ (Document) .ready (handler);

javascript - Trouble using grunt connect server on heroku -

All Tutorials I have some kind of app to run my node server on Heroko You can use JS. I have already configured my hard-to-connect function to use modRewrite for my single page app so that all requests are returned to index.html. So it would be convenient for me to run my code once I installed it on my package. I have tried to add this line to my package. Jason "script": {"post-installation": "PostOpple time echo; ./node_modules/grunt/lib/grunt.js dist"} But I think there is something wrong in my way, because it does not work, I get a denial error with one permission. I also got a simple app. Trying to use the JS Express server (although I'll have to figure out how to do modRewrite again) - but this line - Heroku was looking for an index.js, which I did not have. Thank you! My solution has ended with a simple connect server that has the same modRewrite code from my grunts Uses: var connect = requires ('connect'); Var m...

c# - Database changes not propagating to entity model -

I am using EF5 with C # and SQL Server 2012. We are using the database first. I made some changes to the database, added some views and some table columns. When I go to the ADMX file in Visual Studio 2012 and select the update model from the model, everything is shown in the model view. New ideas are present in present and also new areas. But none of the new elements propagates in the auto-generated model.cs file. I have updated the model from database several times and have rebuilt the solution many times. Is this a bug? Is there any remedy? Right-click on the TT-file (for one DBKNETText, and for a container) Click on "Run Custom Tool" linked to your edmx-file This will rebuild your containers

jquery - Maintain checked state of dynamically generated checkboxlist on auto refresh mvc 4 -

I have a view called one.cshtml which has another view inside two Named .cshtml . An auto refresh code on a. Csstml page , whose page should only refresh the two.cshtml section, it is working as expected, every 5 Auto refreshes in seconds and only two CSSM is called. In this way two. Cshtml is called from .cshtml The JavaScript file contains the code for auto-refresh, which is called "two.cshtml" to load if (! IsNaN (reload_interval ) & amp; Amp; Reload_Interval & gt; 0) {timer = setInterval (function () ** {$ ('# partialViewTwo)) load ("two"); **}, reload_inverser); } Problem : If the user has selected the number of 'n' checkboxes, when auto is refreshed, the selection (checkbox check) status disappears. How do I create checkboxes checked status during Auto Refresh? The checkboxes are groups of checkboxes or checkboxes with a single name that are dynamically generated. I am using ASP.NET MVC 4 and this is my first pro...

ios - Get the latest ten photos from the library -

I need to get the latest 10 photos from the library and display them. How can I get the UIImage s with those pictures? I tried UIImagePickerController but I think this is not possible with it. Use the aliases! For example ... Update: 04/27/14 - (zero) Load ImageFind Index: (Asset Library with Index): (ALSATS Library * Library {{Library Enumerate Group Group Type: Elassus Group Block using the verified photo: ^ (Elassette Group * Group, Bold * Stop) {// Insert the group count to calculate your photos, to calculate. [Group SetAssetsFilter: [All PhotosFilter All Photos]]; // If the index is higher than the limit, then kill the method (index> index> [group number OFSets-1] {return;} // index [group enumerateAssetsIndex: [NSINXXSet indexSat with index: index ] Options: Use Log 0: Selects the tag on ^ (ALSst * Al Asset, NSUnitor Inde, BOL * InnStop) {// End of closing Asset = = Zero if (Alasset) {ALSETE Presentation * Copy (= NSError * error) {NSLog (@ "none...

javascript - DOM scripting: create elements and position them on one line -

A small background information for my page: I have a section that contains an input The field below has an "add" button that creates more input fields. Only one field is needed on the screen, the latter fields have a "delete" button that removes the relevant input field. Here's a screen shot: As you can see the "-" buttons located after each input box, I need them to just go right. Trying to: "" - "" / Delete buttons not inline on Code: addField function (count) {if (count & lt; = 4) {Count ++; Var id = "tag" + count; var newField = document.createElement ("Input"); newField.setAttribute ('type', 'text'); newField.setAttribute ('class', 'field'); NewField.setAttribute ('id', id); Var location = document.getElementById ("tag"); inputContainer.appendChild (Newfield); Var removeId = "remove" + count; Var remove = document.createElement (...

python - Use excel sheet to populate HTML inputs -

I have a task at work which requires every week to enter the same information in a webpage and submit that information. . I am trying to figure out that this process will be automatically automatically typed with an Excel sheet and popularizing the inputs of the webpage. How should I face this problem? If possible, I want to use Python, because this language is most familiar to me. You can create and output your webpage (pages) with the settings you like A simple template. If you are just filling the existing web page, you can use it to open the page and to submit the data.

JavaScript in ASP.Net -

I have this code that wants to change the background color for the webpage after clicking a button for this webpage. No CSS, just a blank ASP.x page and ATP: Button ID = "BTN_Hang" runat = "server" text = "Change" OnClientClick = "changeBackground)" / & gt ; & Lt; Script language = "javascript" & gt; Function changebackground () { = "#eeeeee"; document.getElementById ('& lt;% = txtBox3.ClientID% & gt;'). style.backgroundColor = "# 00FF00"; } & Lt; / Script & gt; The problem is that the change is only on click and no longer after the click. How do I make this change permanently? Store the fact that the change has been made continuously (such as a cookie, local storage or (An AJAXi HTTP requesting server). On page load, test the place where you are collecting data to see if it is actually stored there or not. If so, call the functio...

matlab - Write a program which takes a character string input and returns penultimate character. Whats wrong with my code? -

Using eBooks to learn new and new in Matlab. The question was: Write a MATLAB program that takes its input as a string of characters and prints its last letter. The code I created: A = four ('X'); X = input ('enter a string of characters:', 's'); disp (x (size -1)); What am I doing? When I run it, the input is part and I get an error, I think this is due to the wrong index reference? Thanks is a function, not a variable, therefore, arguments for it , Such as size (x) which will return [1 5] for 1x5 matrix. Try X (length (x) -1) or more precisely, X (end-1) and Info: The dimension of return matrix. Size (matrix, dimension) Returns the number of elements in the dimension (row, column, etc.) of a matrix. Returns the number of elements of a matrix for 2D matrix, this is #rows * #cols . For any matrix, this is equivalent to prod (matrix) . Finds the number of elements with the largest dimension of the matrix. This is ...

java - Eficiency of "pre-casting" vs casting each time -

Sometimes you need a branch based on instance , and then something on the concrete type Do actions. if (obj instanceof IonObject) {Ion.assertRegistered (IonObject) obj); Write Mark (obj ((ion object)) .getIonMark ()); ((Ion object) OBG). Saving (this); Return; } In this case, make the code more efficient by creating the desired local variables, or is it only a visual improvement? if (Obj instanceof IonObject) {// cache valuable value IonObject iobj = (IonObject) obj; Ion.assertRegistered (iobj); writeMark (iobj.getIonMark ()); (this); Return; } Casting is a small cost because it is to check that typing is appropriate ( Otherwise it does not really make any changes) However, in this case you can assume that JIT will optimize this check so that once done after writing this code it will be done. If the code is not run to run adequately (which is quite likely) then the code will be slightly slower, but it does not matter because it is not enough, i.e. the p...

java - SDK name of PluginsSDK not set? -

I am using Liferay 6.2 + Tomcat 7.0 to create web applications using portlet. Now, when I want to work for a separate project (create a webservice), whenever I create a dynamic web project using Aleppo IDE, I get an error that says - The SDK name of this plugins SDK project is not set. I Try downloading a new copy of Tomcat 7.0 and still getting the same error for the new project. Can anyone suggest what I can remember here? Edit : I do not get Project Verification option in Eclipse: This is a bug in the Liferay IDE plugin. If your project is not Liferay plugin then it shows the same error this can help you This problem is resolved in the latest version of Liferay IDE Done

matlab - Indexing issue in instrument-control library -

I am currently trying to get the readings from an ez430 Chronos clock with Accelerometer via a USB dongle. I am using the Device Control Library in Octave to achieve this, but I'm running into issues when accessing members of the returned octave_serial object in the serial () function. My code is now as follows: Clear% SETUP of the USB accesspoint port_number = '/ dev / ttyacM0'; % Port_number = '/ dev / ttyS101'; s = serial (port_number, 115200) s.InputBufferSize s.InputBufferSize = 1024; S.FlowControl = 'none'; s.Timeout = 1; S.ReadAsyncMode = 'Continuous'; % !!!!!!! Important if s.Status (1: 4) == 'open' disp ('pre-opened harbor'); fclose (s); End; S.ErrorFcn=@mycallback; % Is not important - you can specify your own error callback This is going on when I'm getting the error error: octave_serial type trace only This file specifies, so there is no problem in the libraries, but I am getting frustrated because I am not...

java - Dynamically Updating JComboBox Items when another ComoboBox Changes Indexes -

I have a swing UI, which has two combo boxes, first by the string coming from an array of obje 1, And the second combo box needs to be populated with the strings stored in an array within that object. Here's an example to better understand. You have a school course, and each course can have multiple sections. After choosing a course in a combo box, I want to populate the combo box for classes with sections that are associated with that course. Modify the model of the first combo box when there is an event in a combo box something like this: import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event. *; Import java.util. *; Import javax.swing. *; PublicLayer combo box suit applies to ZPNL ActionListener {Private JComboBox & lt; String & gt; MainComboBox; Private JComboBox & lt; String & gt; SubComboBox; Private hashtable & lt; String, string []> SubItems = new hashtable & lt; String, string []> (); Public ComboBoxTwo () {string [] items = {"select ite...

c# - Start ManualResetEvent from Task.Factory.StartNew freeze my UI -

कृपया इस समारोह पर एक नज़र डालें: निजी ManualResetEvent _manualResetEvent; सार्वजनिक शून्य DoWork (दशमलव छोरों, दशमलव विलंब) {_manualResetEvent = नया मैनुअलआरसेटसेट (गलत); _tokenSource = नया रद्दकरण टोकनसौर (); Var टोकन = _tokenSource.Token; Task.Factory.StartNew (() = & gt; {try {Parallel.ForEach (_indexedSource, नई ParallelOptions {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = parallelThreads // समानांतर सूत्र}, फ़ाइल = & gt की संख्या सीमित करें; {if (token.IsCancellationRequested) वापसी; // काम करो ...});} पकड़ (अपवाद) {}}, _tokenSource.Token, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default) .ContinueWith (टी = & gt; {_loopCounter ++, अगर (_loopCounter & LT; लूप & amp; & amp; _shouldContinue Iteration.LoopsDelay * 1000); // कर काम;) // यहाँ मैं अपने टाइमर {if (! _manualResetEvent.WaitOne ((पूर्णांक Iteration.LoopsDelay = 0) {if (StartTimerLoopDelayEventHandler = नल) StartTimerLoopDelayEventHandler ()) शुरू करना चाहते हैं ... DoWork (लूप, देरी);} else // कर काम ... DoWork (...

silverlight - Lightswitch modal window -

I have the standard CreateNewEntity screen; There may be a list of other types of entities in the unit by default, there is an added button by default Which opens the modal window when the user wants to add another entity to the archive However, the default modal window lacked some required functionality so I did some research that the default model screen can not be modified. Therefore, I found a good custom modal window problem is that I can not be able to use the modal window field to apply the required logic. There are two dropdown lists that are linked in one change in the other dropdown list options. I'm stuck in this special part: var proxy = this.FindControl ("DodavanjeParcele"); Proxy Controller available = = (S, E) = & gt; {var ctrl = E. Control as the system. Windows Control. Control; // How to access the ctrl field? }; "Dodavanese Perceleau" is a custom modal window. Prior to this, the modal window is immediately and started. This butto...

visual studio 2012 - Access is Denied when trying to add a resource to C++/CLI project -

I am trying to add a resource to my C + + / CLI project. I am working with Visual Studio 2012. TFS 2013. Right click on project & gt; Add = & gt; Resources = & gt; I get an error. Error: The operation could not be completed. Access is prohibited. I do not understand why I am getting this error. I do not know how to fix it. So far: I checked out the entire project (project and all its files) I used the folder's "read-only" symbol and all the files Removed it inside of it I can add other files and edit everything but for some reason I can not add resources. I can edit the resource file in Notepad, so I do not know what to do and what to do. (I was rebooted just in case.) I can add resources to a C ++ Basic Library. I have only one project. What else can be caused by this error? It happened to me because I still had the resource (* .rc) file opened In the Resource Editor and / or Text Editor As soon as I stopped it, I was able...

.htaccess - Symfony - app.php required in URL -

I have recently deployed a Symphony project and have seen that the way I am currently using this project is using the following URL: p> I was thinking that Something like this: If there is a way to automatically get the app.php sure It is not necessary that htaccess is required for this or if it is something that can be accomplished directly using Symfony This is how your htaccess looks at present: . DirectoryIndex app.php & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; RewriteBase / RewriteCond at RewriteEngine% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteRule ^ (*.) $ /app.php/ [QSA, L] and lt; / IfModule & gt; I appreciate any advice, thanks in advance! This (effectively) .htaccess And sites using the Simplon 2: & lt; Ifmodule mod_rewrite.c & gt; ! (. *) RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME} RewriteEngine ON-F RewriteRule ^ $ app.php [QSA, L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; I have the following ... mvc 4 - Cannot load Entity Framework assembly in Azure website - The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest -

I have an MVC4 web application that is locally using the unit framework 6. It's running as any CPU. When I load the web page it is positioned on the web right there, but when I browse a page that uses the Entity Framework, I am looking for: The file or assembly could not be loaded, expected to be an assembly manifest in a module of 'EntityFramework, Version =, Culture = Neutral, Public Token = B77A5C 561934E09' or its Dependency. was. I have tried to build / deploy as X64 and x86. I tried to change platform mode between 32 and 64 bit in the Azure Config tab. I have tried integrated and classic mode I have tried to remove the package and reinstalled it through NuGet. In addition to this, if I try to run locally as X64, then it gives: file or assembly from 'ProjectName' or its dependency An attempt was made to load a malformed program. This means that the first page fails, which fails before reaching that page which uses the entity framework....

class - Clone Method Java -

I am trying to create a clone method that will take the already prepared rational form and create a copy That can do something like this in my head: rational = r3 = new rational (r1); So far, I made a method in my rational class that would take it as a rational parameter; Although I'm not sure how to show new examples as parameters. Public Rational Copy (Reasonal Aerial) {int newNum = aRational.n; int newDenom = aRational.d; Return (new rational (new name, new daemon)); } Any help or insight is highly appreciated! In my main [me] there is something to do: rational r3 = new Rational (r1); This is not cloning, it is creating a constructor which takes a logical as a parameter. You can do this: Public rational (other rational) {n = other.n; D = other.d; } This will allow you to use the code to create new examples of rational from the current versions. Note: It seems that both n and D are displayed in your class as public variables in your cla...

php - Pregmatch and count giving bad result -

I am trying to get all the occurrences of regular expressions using preg_match_all and then there are specific strings in those events. or not. After that, I am trying to compute and compare numbers but I think it is not working. I am working with the HTML data taken from the database, and yes, I need regular expressions for HTML. Any data I get from a database, the result is as follows: Image pregme number: 2Image search count: 1Table pregmatch count: 2Table search count: 1 This is my code snippet : $ query = $ DB- & gt; Get_field ('book_chapters', 'content', array ('bookid' = & gt; '1')); $ Img_pat = '/<img(.*)\>/i'; // regular expression for image tag search $ table_pat = '/&; // regular expression for table tag search query echo $ query; $ content = serialize ($ query); Counterpart $ content; // image preg_match_all ($ img_pat, $ content, $ img_pregmatch); $ Img_search = array_search ('...

html - 2D array improperly filled and undefined in JavaScript -

I am writing a function with two sub-functions: print a 2D head with two values ​​in the form To print the 2D array, at this point, I am trying to use the variable with integer values ​​to fill 2D array, but they are not being filled properly After creating 2D array in any way, I can test the 2D array 'Two Deere' to print Try areas do, but it's undefined comes up? function isalid (frm) {var xValue = document.getElementById ("X") value; Var yValue = document.getElementById ("Y"). value; If (excl I have created a jsfiddle account, but it does not work the same way on the site:. Fix: function isValid (frm) {var xValue = document.getElementById ("X") value; Var yValue = document.getElementById ("Y"). value; Var Length of 2 Dares = (yValue - xValue); Var twoDarray = new array (lengthwise 2dir); If (excl are being undefined on you two stars because the array is declared and created inside gen2Darray () but you are...

c# - How to find the element in the list of checkboxes that has only 'data-identifier' diffrent in selenium webdriver? -

No other fields like IDs, names, classes, etc. are no different. Xpath is not working. I am trying to write in sharpness element (By.Id ("field_Select")). Click (); Not working. This is similar to all checkboxes. Please help If you are trying to click the check box first, then I think That this will work for you: read online selection & lt; IWebElement & gt; Element = Driver.Fund Elements (ByID ("FieldCact")); Elements [0] .click (); Another way that can work, assuming the data-identifier is always the same: .find Element (By.CssSelector ("Input [data identifier = '109,914']")) (click).

java - Get input field of a dialog in eclipse -

For my plugin, I try to get active eclips communication with these lines: string shelltitle = (). GetActiveShell () GetTitle (); System.out.println ("Open Dialog:" + Shelltital); If I open the search dialog for example, these lines print me Open Dialog: In my console Search but I would also like to print the keyword in the search field, for example opened dialog: search (with the search term 'chatation') I have read the API reference and there, I can just get the getTitle () and get some other ways to get the limits. What is my idea? And if not, then is this possible with these so-called expansion points? I have never used them, but have heard about them. Mistakes in your question: Code> getTitle () calling the method is wrong. You are mixing dialog and shell Assume that you are talking about Shell. You can use the code below to gain control of the active shell. import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; Import org.eclipse.swt...

android - ADB Screenshot: not found? -

My phone runs 2.3.6 gingerbread. I write these lines to take a screenshot: adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screen.png It says that permission is denied Has been done! So I add su like this: open ADB "su -c 'screencaps-p /sdcard/screen.png'" Now when I run it, it says, "Screenshots: Not Found!" You can create a file with the following content and make it with the Makarın instead of ADB Complete: MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection () Results = = Tools Les snapshot () result.writeToFile ('& gt; some path & gt; / screenshot from import .png ',' png ') and order it (on Windows) & lt; Android SDK Path & gt; \ tools \ monkeyrunner.bat & lt; Some paths & gt; \

Android device not recognized by adb on Windows -

I have a problem where no device is being recognized by ADB on my system, through many Android devices I am using USB Has tried to test these devices on other PCs to do well with ADB. I have ADB kill-server, ADB kill-server. Rebooted PCs, Rebooted Devices I have made sure to install my USB driver. I'm not sure where to go from there. You do not recognize your ADB, old ADB new devices.

recursion - Recursive functions with multiple arguments Haskell -

A very simple question: I want to apply multiples of 2 integers in Haskell. I do not compile what I wrote: mult :: int -> Int - & gt; The problem is the last statement I tried to write: Pre> mult xy = x + (mult x-1 y) and mult xy = x + (multiplexed by x- 1, y)) The error I get is: could not match the expected actual type `int -> Type 'Int' in the IT returns' call type 'multi' I do not know that the compiler says that mult come back to a Goes - & gt; IT when it explicitly returns Int . You have to put x-1 in parentheses! Like mult xy = x + (mult (x-1) y) By the way, it does not count x and multiply Y: ) Try some examples ... this is just a little mistake.

javascript - Multiple D3js graphs on one view cause performance isues when using responsive disign -

I have about 20 charts on the same scene, unless I try to apply the graph inside the responsive design By then, everything works properly. Each article has a different ID I am using the cornerry instructions to make those graphs. This piece of code is troublesome: var the_chart = $ ("#" + + "chart"), aspect = the_chart.attr ("width ") / The_chart.attr (" height "), container = element.parent (); $ (Window) .on ("resize", function () {var targetWidth = container_width (); the_chart.attr ("width", targetWidth); var value = monastery (target / aspect); the_chart.attr ( "Height", value);}). Trigger ("resize"); The problem is that I repeatedly say directive x number and in every instruction I call the code piece above. It will perform well for illustrations of 1 or 2, but the more graphs you have, the more performance problems. The triggers ("resize") will be the reason because m...

matlab - Replicate elements of cell 1 to match length of cell 2 -

I tried to find the answer to this question in advanced search but could not find one. I could forget it, in which case, apology. I think this is a simple question, but I am having trouble fixing it. I have a cell array, in which each cell has an array of doubles. First of all, I need to know which after which the cell is the longest array length, the array elements of other cells should be repeated to match the longest length. That is, for example: resp = {[1 3 2 6 4] [4 2 5]} I do not have a priority resp {1} or resp {2} is larger. is a new cell array resp_new = {[1 3 2 6 4] [4 2 5 4 5]}. It means, {2} to match the length of resp {2} to connect its own elements (potentially random). So far, I can be summarized as follows: response = {[1 3 2 6 4] [4 2 5]}; To find the longest array of doubles in my cell array, I could have something like this: val = cellphone (@ (x) numel (x), response); Longest = reactions (val == max (val)); % Or something, only the length is retu...

Why and when do we have to initialize a string before using in C++? -

I was reading some C ++ tutorials and found that sometimes a string is initialized ('initial' May not be a proper word) Never Why and when? The code I was reading was: four names [50]; Four last names [50]; Four full names [100]; ... cin.getline (name, 50); ... cin.getline (last name, 50); Full name [0] = '\ 0'; // search for '\ 0' for cat after strcat (full name, name); // Copy the name to full name (full name, ""); // We want to separate names by a space strcat (full name, last name); // Last Name Finally please copy the last name Please someone please explain This is similar to any other datatype. By default, local variables have the value of garbage. So, you initialize it if you are reading its value. But if you know that you will be writing in the variable, then you can skip the initialization part. For example: char a [20]; // local variable is garbage, so you have to write some meaningful data before reading it. But if you a...

stop when the character appears second time while file reading + components for graph C++ -

Hello I have a small problem, I am trying to load from one file to another. Here's the problem: The infile graph contains: some graph: some 2 etc. And I just need to load that some (between graph and graph), but another file can not be written graph: only some . And later I need to count the components of the graph, I already have the function to calculate the components of the graph, but only load me a graph, then write the component, clear it Do it and load another and etc. That file has 9 graphs. Any thoughts? Here is my code: zero load 2 () {ifstream infile; ("graph.txt"); // Input File Offline Outfile; ("out.txt"); // While output file (! Infile.eof ()) {char c = infile.get (); If (c == 'g') {break; } While (! Infile.eof ()) {char c = infile.get (); If (c == 'g') {for (int i = 0; i & lt; 6; i ++) {// Delete 6 characters are included in the graph infile & gt; & Gt; C; }} Outfile & lt; ...

single sign on - how to get current logged windows username by php without windows authentication -

How to get the PHP login window user name without windows authentication? I tried to use Javascript, but it needs to enable a setting in the IE browser, it is not possible for all users to ask to do this. Any other solution? My application is in DMZ, AD server in intranet, in different domains .. Current user: & lt ;? Php echo getenv ("username"); ? & Gt; List of environmental variables: & lt ;? Php Global $ _ENV; Var_dump ($ _ ENV); ? & Gt;

java - android setEnabled but unchange text -

I have some text fields that I want to make un-editable at certain times. I used the setEnabled method but that text also grows. Is there a way to toggle that field can be edited, but can not change the appearance of the text? It's been a while since the last mess with Android, but I think I was able to use setEditable, which I did exactly what I want. I tried to use Android: Focus = "false" but I'm still able to edit the field, unless it's just the behavior of the emulator, I do not think it will work. You set the input as an input code for any editing signal without any visible signal You can disable InputType .YPE_NULL . An example would look like this: Import android.text.InputType; . . . MyEditText..setInputType (InputType.TYPE_NULL); Note that this behavior does not say exactly what that is saying and it is not equivalent to XML.

c++ - Padding with spaces in char array -

I am writing a program to write a head for a specific image format. This image format requires 256 characters as its header before any of the following raw image data. But I have trouble emptying the empty space to create a title of 256 characters. Below is an abstract of my problem: four pads [256]; Sprintf (Pad, "Header Info:% s =% f", "Scale", 2.3); Cout & lt; & Lt; Pad & lt; & Lt; "Data here" & lt; & Lt; Endl; The output is: header information: scale = 2.300000 data here However, the result is expected as I Header information: Scale = 2.300000 data here Where "data here" appears after 256 characters from the beginning of the file. How do I change the program to pad the blank space in the character array? Do this: Cust & lt; & Lt; Setup (256) & lt; & Lt; Left & lt; & Lt; Pad & lt; & Lt; "Data here" & lt; & Lt; Endl; You will see #include...

Using Laravel Blades -

I have started working in Laravel, and started working with .blade.php templates, but I am not able to understand the benefits to use it during Blad.php and being a master page, why do we put code in certain pages like @sections and @Yild masterpage.blade. php & lt; Div & gt; @held (section) & lt; / Div & gt; index.balde.php @section hellow world @endsection Why should I do that? Instead of doing this method, why not just put your text into one page, what are the benefits if we code such a code. There are so many benefits to using Blade with Laravel, please read it here

javascript - Ember.js TextField action submits form -

मेरे पास निम्न फ़ॉर्म है: & lt; form class = "form-horizontal" {{एक्शन "फ़ॉर्मसबमिट"}} & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "फॉर्म-समूह" & gt; & LT; लेबल & gt; उपयोगकर्ता: & lt; / लेबल & gt; {{इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" मान = उपयोगकर्ता कार्रवाई = "खोजयूसर"}} & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "फॉर्म-समूह" & gt; & LT; लेबल & gt; नोट: & lt; / लेबल & gt; {{इनपुट टाइप = "टेक्स्ट" मान = नोट्स}} & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; बटन प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" वर्ग = "बीटीएन बीटीएन-प्राथमिक" & gt; सहेजें & lt; / button & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; जैसा कि आप देख रहे हैं, मेरे पास इस फ़ॉर्म के लिए दो क्रियाएं हैं: जब मैं यूजर इनपुट फील्ड पर टाइप करता हूं और एंटर दबाता हूं, तो यह अब , यहां समस्या है। जब मैं उपयोगकर्ता टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड पर कुछ लिखता हूं और एंटर दबाता हूं, तो यह findUser कार्रवाई पर भी फ़ॉर्म सबमिट...

c++ - Undefined reference error to linked class -

I can not understand how I can fix this linking issue for my life. I have installed a simple #include and I still get this error I know that IDE understands that the file is linked, because I get all the other errors when the header file is moved. I'm a propeller-GCC for the record This is the complete project: simplelink.cpp #include "testclass .h "int main (zero) {TestClass test1 = TestClass (); Return test1.value; } testclass.h (in the same directory as simplelink.cpp) #ifndef _MYSIMPLELINK_ #define _MYSIMPLELINK_struct TestClass {TestClass (); Intestine value; }; #endif testclass.c #include "testclass.h" test class :: test class () {value = 13; } This is the output I received: Propeller-Alf-GCC.exe-v gcc 4.6.1 (propellerjac_vi1_0_0_2162) propeller-alf- C ++ - I -l. -o CMM / -Wall -m32bit-couple -no-exception -fno-rtti simplelink.cpp c: \ user \ virtual \ apeda local \ temp \ cc81YpVR.o: `_main 'in the fu...

read from file only from one specific line to another C++ -

Is there any way to read the data in the second line from the file? For example: In these lines: Line 1: Empty row Line Line line: blank line Line 3: Robert W. Line 4: Take the frank Line 5: Sylvia ops Line 6: Blank line Line 7: Blank line Line 8: Andy SF And I only have to read from line 3 to line 6 Then the output will be: Robert V Frank le Sylvia op and my file has 300 lines thanks class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> This should do the trick: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Fstream & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; using namespace std; Int main () {string line; Infinite Infile; ("putyourinputfilehere.txt"); While (Getline (Infail, Line)) {if (line! = "") {Cout & lt; & Lt; Line & lt; & Lt; Endl; }} Infile.close (); Return 0; }

java - Download files from clearcase dynamic view -

I have a requirement, here I need to explicitly download certain files programmatically from a dynamic view to a local machine It is possible that You can define load rules Compared to the same configured space Load the rules that will only load a subset of the files you want. Thus, in a programmatic way, you can see only the "cleartool update" snapshot view and it will only update those files. If you only want to use dynamic view, you will need to write a script that looks like ( M: \ yourDynView \ YourVobs \ ... / Or / view / YourDynView / vobs / yourVob /...) will copy the files from the code>) to your drive.

python - wondering why there is no space in front of the output(.join()) build in fnc -

कोड बहुत सरल है chrs = chr (int (ord ('a' ) + random.random () * 26)) भरी हुई = '' .जोइंड (5 * [चर्स]) + '\ n' क्यों नहीं chrs के सामने कोई जगह नहीं है ? क्या आप कृपया कर सकते हैं। एफएनसी वास्तव में काम करें। आउटपुट "a * b * c" / > आउटपुट "abc" स्ट्रिंग के सामने रिक्त स्थान के लिए, आपको कुछ संयोजन करना है: "" + "" .जोइंड (["a", "b", "c"]) आउटपुट "abc"

html - Place holder for with -

I want to give a placeholder for selectMenu. I am using the item to get value in the menu. & lt; h: selectManyMenu's requirement = "true" class = "select-group-select" value = "# {sentMessage selectedUserGroups}" & gt; & Lt; f: SelectionEdit value = "# {sentMessage.userGroups}" /> & Lt; / h: selectManyMenu & gt; Currently showing 'Select some options', but what do I want 'Choose user group'? I tried to use it, but there is still no hope. Try it out. & lt; h: selectManyMenu required = "right" Class = "select-selected group" value = "# {sentMessage.selectedUserGroups}" & gt; & Lt; F: SelectionEdit ItemLabel = "Choose User Group" Any SelectionOptic = "True" Item Value = "# {zero}" /> & Lt; f: SelectionEdit value = "# {sentMessage.userGroups}" /> & Lt; / H: selectManyMenu & gt;

Need to know the diference between predict() and predict.lm() in R -

I'm new to statistics and figures. So this question might be a little stupid, but I was wondering if there is any difference between the predict () and predict.lm () ? I think they are similar, but if they were then why do two different tasks? If there is a prediction class "lm" for the first argument then someone The difference will not be such as the prediction is sent for class-specific editions based on the name of the class. You can see which version of the prediction exists by implementing loaded namespaces: methods [predict] I have a lot of packages Loads are momentous so the list is quite long: & gt; Methods (estimates) [1] Forecasting: Predicting.Reg [3] Prediction.Reg.but prediction. Arima * [5] Forecasting. Arima * Prophecy. BJ * [7] estimated. BS * predicted. BSPline * [9] predict.coxph * predict.coxph.penal * [11] predict.cph * predict.dataRep [13] predict.glm prediction. GLM * [15] predict.glmmPQL * predict.glmtree * [17] predict...