php - Doing wp_set_object_terms on a wordpress post causes duplicate posts to be made? -
I am creating a WordPress post through the following code:
$ data = Array (); $ Data ['post_ title'] = $ this- & gt; Title; $ Data ['post_content'] = $ this- & gt; Desc; $ Data ['post_status'] = 'published'; $ Data ['post_type'] = 'product'; $ This- & gt; Id = wp_insert_post ($ data); add_post_meta ($ --- id, "foo", $ this-> foo); add_post_meta ($ this-> ID, "bar", $ this-> bar); After doing this, I then try to set the classification conditions for the post.
I have a classification that is called "fu" and I have 10-12 words before making a post in the wp_terms table, I have retrieved the word _id of that term I want to use, and I already know that classification is foo, I do the following:
// The word wp_setms table already contains wp_set_object_terms ($ the-> id, $ this-> termId, "foo"); When I do this, sometimes, for some posts, a duplicate post is created randomly. It is done within the code of WordPress, and is not done by my code.
Any thoughts that I am doing wrong?
Apparently this error was occurring because my plugin was all about init Hooking on the hook It seems that by setting conditions, sometimes a new request starts, which would re-start the init operation twice, to which my plugins had to run again, and in infinite recurrence Got trapped For a $ _ GET variable for processing parse_request , hook and hear, fixed this problem.
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