
Showing posts from May, 2015

java - org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException -

applicationContext-service.xml & lt; बीन आईडी = "टास्क AllOverService" scope = "singleton" class = "टास्क सभी सर्वर सेवा" / & gt; & Lt; bean id = "taskAllOverStateCodeService" स्कोप = "सिंगलटन" वर्ग = "टास्कऑलस्टेट कोड सेवा" / & gt; सार्वजनिक कक्षा टास्क AllOverService {संरक्षित पूर्णांक आईडी; सार्वजनिक पूर्णांक getTaskId () {return taskId; } सार्वजनिक शून्य सेटटैस्कआईडी (पूर्णांक कार्य आईडी) {this.taskId = taskId; }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग कार्यअनुक्रमणिकास्टेटकोडसेवायर टास्क AllOverService {public list find () {.......}} प्रारंभिक स्प्रिंग रूट वेबपपरिटकेशन बहुत लंबा समय है, और रिपोर्ट त्रुटि: [ERROR] प्रसंग आरंभ करने में विफल java.lang.NoClassDefFound त्रुटि: org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? आपकी मदद की सराहना! मुझे लगता है कि आप अपने वसंत संदर्भ पर वसंत-बीन्स स्कीमा को शामिल नहीं करते हैं Xml फ़ाइल शायद आप बस वसंत-संदर्भ स्कीमा को शामिल करते हैं मुझे यकीन नहीं है ...

angularjs - Ng-grid how to save the value of the cell? -

I have to apply an invoice, and I have to use ng-grid. But I can not figure out how to insert the user into the cell, and how to use it. $ scope.myData = [{}, {}, {}]; / * Tr line di default * / $ scope.gridOptions = {data: 'MyData', enableCellSelection: true, enableCellEdit: true, enableRowSelection: false, columnDefs: [[region: 'NÚMERO', DISPLAYNAME: 'NÚMERO', enableCellEdit: true} {region: 'descrizione', DISPLAYNAME: 'descrizione'} {region: 'CostoUnitario', DISPLAYNAME: 'Costo Unitario', enableCellEdit: true} {region: 'QTA', DISPLAYNAME: 'QTA', enableCellEdit: True}, {field: 'totel', display name: 'totel', enabled cell edit: wrong},]}; $ Scope.addRow = function () {$ scope.myData.push ({}); }; I do not know how to do it! line. Try to use an object object .. HTML side But, define your input with the NG-model = "Exempel" as you probably did. On the angular side, get you...

javascript - How to update database thruogh dropdown without page reload -

कृपया इस कोड को पहले देखें: $ (document) .ready (function ( ($ ("# वैकल्पिक" [प्रकार = बटन])। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (this) .on ('click', function () {btnObj = $ (this); rowId = $ (this) attr ("rowId"); changestatus = $ (this) .attr ("changeStatus"); $ .get ("changeStatus.php? rowId =" + rowId + "& amp; बदलेंStatus =" + परिवर्तनस्थैटस, फ़ंक्शन (डेटा, स्थिति) {ifstatus == 0} {str = "unverify"; btnText = "verify"; newStatus = 1;} else {str = "सत्यापित करें"; btnText = "unverify"; newStatus = 0;} अगर (डेटा ==) 'सफलता') (चेतावनी ("स्थिति सफलतापूर्वक" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ });});});}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; यहां मेरा परिवर्तन स्थिति पृष्ठ है: $ dbhost = 'xxxxxx'; $ dbuser = 'xxxxxxx'; $ dbpass = 'xxx'; $ conn = mysq...

c# - How to use windows application installed on server from remote computers? -

I have a C # .NET Windows application developed and installed on the server (which is nothing from my PC) Now I want to allow the remote computer to use that app, but I failed to log in to this remote computer as "error" login failed to login. I have searched the solution and public users have done SQL server database and all the methods that are outlined in this following link, step by step process. Even then I can not find a solution for this. Please help me in solving this. I would be happy if someone tells me step by step process. As I am very new to development, this is my first job and I am alone to develop this application because I am the only software developer in our company. I do not know if you want to share Windows desktop applications on your network with others, Or to share with others, a web app for the first one (windows desktop), you have to install the application. (Menu build = & gt; Publish {project name} The second option requires yo...

php - How to write the query in yii,using findAll() -

I have the following SQL query, how can I write in yii using findAll () I am not using CDbCriteria and to avoid that time. User, category and job_profile using three tables. Enter the category at the INNER = job_profile.USR_ID INNER on the INNER user from SELECT * job_profile = job_profile.category_id where range_ id = 1 and experience = 2 and key_skills'% php% I have written the following questions, but I am not sure about joining: $ results = SearchEmployee :: Models () - & gt; FindAll (like "category_id =: Category and key_skills: skills and experience =: experience", array ('category' => gt; $ category, 'skill' = & gt; '%'. $ skill. '%', 'Experience' = & gt; $ experience); $ Models = JobProfile :: model () - & gt; With ('userrelationname', 'categoryrelationname') - & gt; findAll (like array ("condition" => "TC category_ID = 1 and T. e...

ios - Navigation with UIPageViewController -

Sorry for my english :)) I use UIPageViewController to navigate between pages Please. The first page is the table of contents for all pages (integer) index {BaseArtViewController * pageViewController = [self-viewControllerAtIndex: index - (zero) flipToPage : When I click on the element in the table of contents , I try to change the page with the above method]; NSArray * viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: pageViewController, zero]; If (currentIndex & lt; index) {[self.pageController setViewControllers: viewControllers Direction: UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward Animated: Yes Completion: Zero]; } Else if (currentIndex> index) {[self.pageController setViewControllers: viewControllers Direction: UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionReverse Animated: Yes Completion: Zero]; } // controller aspect for change page NSArray * subviews = self.pageController.view.subviews; UIPageControl * thisControl = Zero; (Intuit I = 0; I & lt; [Subview Count]; i ++...

java - Xmlbeans setter not working in gradle test -

When I run a Java test, which uses XML generated objects, sometimes the setter When using, the object is found in some unknown state. Here is an example (pseudocode): XMLBensDock Doc = some XMLBin's Generated Document. Fracture NY instances (); doc.addSomeObject (); XmlbeansObj obj = doc.getSomeObject (); obj.setSomeIntValue (1); After using the 'setSomeIntValue ()' method, if you try and get value it returns an error. However, if you use the 'setSomeIntValue ()' method again, everything works fine and the value is actually set. This test runs when the test is started in the grade, if I use the exact same jar which is using Gradal, but to run the test in the ANT, everything works fine. It has been confirmed that both ANT and Gradual versions of Java (1.7.45) are using. Any idea about why this might happen? We are in the process of switching our manufacturing system from ANT / IV to Gramdal, but if we can not do this then this show may be a stopper Thanks ...

c++ - Unable to communicate with arduino using QSerialPort if the arduino-ide has not opened the connection before -

I am using the following code to open a serial port to communicate with arduino. Const qint32 baud = global :: getInstance () GetSettings (). Value ("Hardware / Bondરેટ", 115200) .toInt (); Const QString portName = global :: getInstance (). GetSettings (). Value ("Hardware / Port", "COM3") ToString (); Port.setPortName (PORTNAME); If (! (QIODevice :: ReadWrite)) {qFatal ("Unable to open serial port"); Exit (1); } If! (port.SetialPort :: NoParity) ||! port.setStopBits (QSerialPort :: OneStop) ||! port.setDataBits (QSerialPort :: Data8) ||! port.setFlowControl (QSerialPort :: NoFlowControl) | | port .custometrate (baud)) {qFatal ("unable to configure serial port"); Exit (1); } If (Port. Terror (!) = QSerialPort :: NoError) {qFatal ("Something Happened!"); Exit (1); } Later, I try to read from the connection using the following code: bool light :: waitForReady () {char data [1 ]; Data [0] = -1; If (port.wai...

html - How to make a ccs transition only forward -

I have an app that changes from opacity 0 to opacity 1 if you hover a div, then I get the CSS transition How can i 2 for "0 to 1" opacity change and not for "1 to 0" You can do this by simply adding CSS to the transition to Hover State CSS. HTML gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS div {width: 100px; Height: 100 pixels; Background: green; } div: Hover {Opacity: 0; Transition: Opacity .2s; } demo

Removing Unique and Reverse pairs using Awk or Perl -

Below is my sample file (column 1 and column separated by 2 tabs) P-49418 "\ t" O43426 P49418 "\ t" O43426 O43426 "\ t" P 49418 ...... Only one for the three pairs shown above Representative should P49418 "\ t" O43426 Similar attempts need to be done on the rest files awk or How can Pearl be used? This should work with awk : awk -F '\ t' '! a [$ 1, $ 2] ++ & amp; Amp; Use both [$ 2, $ 1] ++ 'file in both order form as the key of the array and check the duplicate. $ cate file P49418 O43426 P49418 O43426 O43426 P49418 $ awk -F '\ t' '! One [$ 1, $ 2] ++ & amp; Amp; ! A [$ 2, $ 1] ++ 'file P49418 O43426

android - How to prevent lifting listview when keyboard goes up -

एंड्रॉयड =: LinearLayout xmlns; यह कोड MainActivity जावा और main.xml & lt "" एंड्रॉयड: आईडी = "@ + id / main_layout" एंड्रॉयड: गुरुत्वाकर्षण = "केन्द्र" एंड्रॉयड: layout_height = "match_parent" एंड्रॉयड: layout_width = "match_parent" एंड्रॉयड : पृष्ठभूमि = "# 75F575" & gt; & LT; LinearLayout एंड्रॉयड: क्लिक करने योग्य = "true" एंड्रॉयड: layout_gravity = "केन्द्र" एंड्रॉयड: अभिविन्यास = "ऊर्ध्वाधर" एंड्रॉयड: layout_width = "250dp" एंड्रॉयड: layout_height = "100dp" एंड्रॉयड: पृष्ठभूमि = "# C69817" एंड्रॉयड: आईडी = "@ + id / secondLayout" & gt; & LT; ListView एंड्रॉयड: layout_height = "wrap_content" एंड्रॉयड: layout_width = "wrap_content" एंड्रॉयड: आईडी = "@ + id / mainListView1" / & gt; & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt; & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt; ...

Use AngularJS with vimeo Player -

I am trying to display a vimeo player with json file with AngularJS When I run my app, I have received this message in the console: Error: [$ interpolate: interr] can not interpolate: {{video}} Error: [$ sce: insecurl ] URL resource blocked by url is not allowed by $ sceDelegate policy URL:$sce/insecurl?p0=http % 3A% 2F% 2Fvideo% 2Fxxxxx$interpolate/interr?p0=%7B%7Bvideos%7D%7â%Ninsecurl%3Fp0%3Dhttp% 253A% 252F% 252Fvideo% 252xxxx at http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / angular.js: 78: 12 at $ interpolate.fn (http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / a ngular.js: 8637: 26) at attrInterpolatePreLinkFn (Http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / angular.js: 6893: 30) at nodeLinkFn (http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / angular.js: 6559: 13) on Composite LinkFn (http: //l...

arrays - How do I get a list item by index in elm? -

I've got a list, and now I want nth item in Haskell I !! , but I can not find the elm type of that. Elm is not equal to it. You can of course apply it to yourself (Note: this is not a "total" function, so it makes an exception when the index is out of range). infixl 9 !! (!!): [A] - & gt; Int - & gt; An xs !! n = head (drop n x) Using a data type, defining the total work would be a better way. infixl 9 !! (!!): [A] - & gt; Int - & gt; Maybe an xs !! N = if | N & lt; 0 - & gt; Nothing. Otherwise - & gt; Case (Xs, N) of ([], _) - & gt; Nothing (X :: Xs, 0) - & gt; Just X (_ :: xs, n) - & gt; Xs !! (N-1)

5 dimensional plot in r -

I am trying to make a 5-dimensional plot in R. I am currently using the rgl package to plot my data in 4 dimensions, using 3 variables in the form of X, Y, Z, another variable in the form of color Can be used. I am thinking that I can add the fifth variable using this package, like the size or size of the size in the space. Here is an example of my data, and my current code: set.seed (1) df & lt; - data.frame (repeat (4, sample (1: 200,1000, rep = lt; - cbind (df, addme) colnames (df) Here is a ggplot2 option I usually want to stay away from 3D plots because They are difficult to interpret properly. I will not put in about 5 continuous variables in the same way as I have ... Though this is a bit confusing, you can Really read all 5 dimensions for most points. A better approach opens for creating multi-dimensional conspiracies. If some of your variables are clear, if all of your variables are constant, then you clear some of them with cut And t...

c# - Inheritance and Liskov substitution principle -

मैं अपनी कक्षा संरचना बनाते समय Liskov प्रतिस्थापन सिद्धांत का पालन करने के लिए संघर्ष कर रहा हूँ। मुझे एक डे क्लास के भीतर संग्रहीत कैलेंडर आइटम्स का संग्रह करना है। कई अलग-अलग प्रकार के कैलेंडर आइटम होने की जरूरत है जैसे: नियुक्तिआईटम नोटआईटीम रोटाइटम वे सभी कुछ सामान्य कार्यक्षमता साझा करते हैं जो कि प्रस्तुत नहीं है सार बेस क्लास कैलेंडर इवेंट में: सार्वजनिक अमूर्त वर्ग CalendarBaseItem {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग विवरण {get; निजी सेट; } सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; नोट्स {प्राप्त करें; निजी सेट; } सार्वजनिक समय सत्र प्रारंभ समय {प्राप्त करें; निजी सेट; } सार्वजनिक टाइमस्पेन एंडटाइम {प्राप्त करें; निजी सेट; } सार्वजनिक int आईडी {प्राप्त करें; निजी सेट; } सार्वजनिक दिनांक समय तिथि {प्राप्त करें; निजी सेट; } कोड छोड़े गए ...} लेकिन फिर उदाहरण के लिए, RotaItem में कुछ अतिरिक्त कार्यक्षमता है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग RotaItem: CalendarBaseItem {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग RotaName {get; निजी सेट; } प्राइवेट बूल स्पन्स टू डेज; सार्वजनिक बूल स्पानटाओडे () {इस। स्पैन दो दिन लौटे...

How to disable fields except one in a django model while editing the object? -

I have a model with three fields. I have defined it as a modelform, I have written the idea to add, read and delete objects of this model. Now when I edit, I want to enable a field. The user can only edit this field. How to do this class MyModel (models.Model): field1 = model.origin (DiffModel1, null = false) Field2 = Models.ForeignKey (DiffModel2, null = False) Field3 = models.IntegerField (default = 0, empty = false) SO and in the documentation, I have decided to create a new model format which does not include other fields in the meta category. I used to use this new model only while editing. This solved my problem.

javascript - How do I implement nested #each blocks with Meteor and MongoDB reference? -

तो, मेरे पास निम्न हैंडेलबारजेएस सहायक है: & lt; ul class = "सूची -unstyled "& gt; {{#each gralSkills}} & lt; li वर्ग = "pl-14" & gt; & lt; i वर्ग = "flaticon-checkmark4" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & Lt; डेटा-टॉगल = "पतन" href = "# पतन {{number}}" & gt; {{GralSkillName}} & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; div id = "पतन {{number}}" वर्ग = "पैनल-पतन छोटे पीएल -21" & gt; & Lt; span class = "block" & gt; {{gralSkillDescription}} & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; span class = "अपरकेस ब्लॉक" & gt; इंडिकैडोर्स - & lt; a href = "#" class = "flaticon-plus34 text-danger not-underline" id = "नया-ग्रील-कौशल-संकेतक" & gt; & lt; / एक & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; ul class = "सूची-अप्रयुक्त PL-14" & gt; {{#each gralSkill इंडिकेटर}} & lt; li & gt; - {{संकेतक नाम}} & lt; ...

hadoop - Hive file formats advantages and disadvantages -

I start working with the hive. I wanted to know which questions should be used for each table format in formats: rcfile, orcfile, wooden roof, delimited text When you have a large number of columns and you frequently use specific columns, then RC file format will be a good option instead you will retrieve the required columns instead of reading the entire line of data, Save time in this way . The data is divided into groups of rows, which are later divided into groups of columns. The delimited text file is the normal file format.

mysql - what if condition to put in php code -

I have created a sound dictionary, the user uses a word and the meaning related to my SQL database is brought, this screen And then changes into speech.It's all working fine. I just want to add a condition: if the user enters the word that is not present in my database, then it outputs the "Sorry word not found" message, and nothing in the audio Should not be played at present if I am entering a word which is not present, then I am getting the audio of 'undefined index .. some ..' Please tell me where the condition and What to add is to add A. Here is my code & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Word meaning & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt ;? Php mysql_connect ("localhost", "root", "abcd"); Mysql_select_db ("dictionary"); If (isset ($ _ POST ['deposit1'])) {$ req = $ _ request ['word']; $ StrSQL = "SELECT * FROM dict WHERE word = '$ req'"...

bash- unzip compressed files in multiple directories at once -

There is a directory with many directories within me, each has several bz2 files, how do I get them all into my own directory Can I open a bash at bzip2 at once? Try the following: Find ./ -iname " * .bz2 "-exec bzip2 -d {} \;

c# - SQL DateTime Data -

मेरे पास नीचे की तरह एक एसक्यूएल तालिका है SELECT * FROM [आईसीओएम]। [डीबीओ]। [अवधि] यह तालिका मुझे उस अवधि प्रदान करती है जो मैंने निर्दिष्ट की थी। उदाहरण के लिए एक बार 8:00 बजे शुरू होता है और सुबह 8:45 बजे समाप्त हो जाता है। जब मैं क्वेरी चलाता हूं, तो यह मुझे दिनांक और समय मिलीसेकंड प्रारूप देता है तो मैं केवल समय कैसे प्राप्त करूं? मान लें कि आप SQL सर्वर का प्रयोग कर रहे हैं (जो मुझे लगता है कि आप हैं), यह 8:00 बजे? लगता है कि आप datetime डेटा प्रकार का उपयोग कर रहे हैं: दिन के समय एक समय में तत्काल प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। आंतरिक रूप से, दिनांक समय में पूर्णांक की एक जोड़ी होती है: युग से दिनों में ऑफसेट पहला उपाय एक युग एक कैलेंडर प्रणाली का शून्य बिंदु है, जो कि SQL सर्वर 1 जनवरी 1 9 00 00: 00: 00.000 । दूसरा है [सकारात्मक] ऑफसेट मिलीसेकंड में। कैसे आंतरिक प्रतिनिधित्व का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है नेत्रहीन आपके ऊपर पूरी तरह निर्भर है, हालांकि SQL सर्वर में एक [कॉन्फ़िगर करने योग्य] डिफ़ॉल्ट रूपांतरण पैटर्न है। यदि आप अपने एसक्यूएल प्रोग्राम से प्...

java - JTable columns doesnt resize probably when JFrame resize -

I have got a jettison, on which I had applied to AUTOISISISISUSLSTCLOMN. When I pull the columns right or right, it automatically changes the size of the previous column. However, Jettbabel is connected to JPNL with a border layout manager. When I change the shape of the JFrame, then the size of JPNL is changed, and when JetTable fills the JPLLL, the jetty label also changes, but when I change the size of the JFRAM, AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN works, but instead it The size of all the columns varies. I want it to be only autometris in the last column, when JFrame resizes, instead of resizing the size of all columns - code : Import java.awt. *; Import javax.swing. *; Import javax.swing.table. *; Public Category JTableResize JFrame {Private JTable Table; Private Jepynel Panel; Private JScrollPane Panel; DefaultTel Model Model = New DefaultTableModel (); Public JTableResize () {Super ("JTable - Resize Problem"); Set layout (new border layout ()); Panel = new zpn (); P...

java - Getting NullPointerException with Object Array -

I am writing a program to mimic the "deal or no deal" game. Background on Deal or No Deal: In working up to the final product, I have written different sections. However, I am trying to test one of my classes, and continue to get the NullPointerException. I wrote a class called box, which creates a "box" object. The box object is a real box that the player chooses. It has a true / false value and a double box value. Boolean variable indicates whether it is open / closed (true for open, false to close) The double box is the actual value assigned to the box. public square box {// example field private double box value; // Dollar amount of private boolean open closure in each box; // Box is closed or not // Constructor public box (double box value) {this.openClose = false; this.boxValue = boxValue; If (box value & lt; 0) {setting new invalid records ("the value of the box should be greater than 0"); }}} I have also written another clas...

c# - ASP.NET MVC - Attaching an entity of type 'MODELNAME' failed because another entity of the same type already has the same primary key value -

In brief, the wrapper module is inserted during posting and the status of an entry is changed to 'modified' . Before changing the state, the state is set to 'separate', but calling attachments () causes the same error to be thrown away. I am using EF 6. Model / wrapper class public class avi model {public A is a {get; Set; } Public listing & lt; B & gt; B {received; Set; } Public cc {receipt; Set; }} Administrator edit public functioning (int? id) {if (id == null) {new HttpStatusCodeResult (HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } If (! Conveyor Access (id.Value)) new HTTPTitus code result (HTTP status code. Forbidden); Var aViewModel = new AViewModel (); aViewModel.A = db.As.Find (id); If (aViewModel.Receipt == zero) {return HttpNotFound (); } aViewModel.b = db.Bs.Where (x => x.aid == id.Value) .Oolist (); AViewModel.Vendor = db.Cs.Where (x => x.cid == aViewModel.a.cID) .FirstOrDefault (); See Return (aViewModel); } [HTPFost] [Valid AntitiferousTeacon...

python - Django-NVD3 - Cannot change line color -

I have many graphs on one page and I am unable to change the color of the lines, even if I am clearly this. I followed the official documents and did not change the colors. extra_series1 = {"ytstart": {"y_start": "", "y_end": "mbps"}, "datatat": tooltip_adt, 'color': '# 555555'} chartdata = '' x ': xdata,' name1 ':' requests per second ',' y1 ': ydata,' extra1 ': extra_series1} but in additional: 'x_is_date': True, 'x_axis_format': '% H:% M:% S', 'tag_script_js': True, 'jquery_on_ready': Incorrect, 'color_category': 'Category10', and the graph with multiple lines will have a color palette from the graph. However, I need different colors for 1 line graph. POS T-text "itemprop =" text "> I know this is a very old topic, but I have a problem with this problem: django-nvd...

xpath - How to Scrape a Website Using Google Spreadsheet? -

I have this website and I am trying to remove the href link behind 'View' under 'full profile' I am I would like to know how to handle it. I tried to do // dl [1] / dd [therein (a / text (), 'view')] / @ href but he did not return any data I would also like to know an expert opinion about what is the most effective way to scraps websites: is it better to run an import extension than Google Docs or is it a better way to use scripts? You can & lt; dd & gt; Try to query for the code> @ half tag (which does not exist). Instead, be close to your original expression: // dd / a [= 'view'] / @ href p> // dl [1] / day / a [in (text (), 'view')] / @ href Is it better to run Extension than imported or is it a better way to use scripts? How to find complex things If you want to read some computational data, then you are probably better than plain spreadsheets; If it is more complex then it is appropriate to writ...

javascript - HTML elements are not loading on mozilla firefox -

One page is loading everything in Chrome, but Firefox does not have anybody can tell me that the problem What is it and how can I get rid of it? Check it out on both chrome and firefox. Chrome: Firefox: HTML: & lt; div class = "container archo-all-projects-container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-lg-12" & gt; & Lt; h4 class = "archo-all-projects-header" & gt; All projects & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "argo-project-list" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; Div class = "col-lg-12" & gt; & Lt; h5 class = "archo-project-type-header" & gt; Architecture & lt; / H5> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-lg-3" & gt; & Lt; Div cl...

ads - In Google DFP, "Out of Page" not showing up on the trafficked page -

We are moving our advertising infrastructure to use DTEP from Adtec. We are facing a special roadblock about an advertisement which is of type of page. We have pre-skylical and wallpaper / skin ads type out-of-the-page face on both issues. I can see that markup + scripts are correctly called for that ad & amp; The problem was that the height of the iframe tag generated by GPT is fixed; to put it inside the OOP div container inside the dome; The width of the iframe (in which the ad's markup + script) is 1px not only, it is not respecting the OOP nature of the ad, because it is not setting the full position; Top, left as 0 in CSS. To give you a bit of a reference, we have ensured the following, Starting GPT, e.g., var prestitialOOP = googletag .defineOutOfPageSlot ('/ 1234567890 / Core / ROS / Prestley', 'div-gpt-ad-1397599585565-0-oop'); Creative Test_Prestitial has been marked as out of the page Make sure > Make sure no code + CSS inter...

c# - NullReferenceException in Repository Pattern -

I am using the repository pattern and tap my _dataContext object in my repository. What can I do to make it empty? Private BlogDataContext _dataContext; Private Readonly IDbSet & lt; T & gt; _dbset; Private string [] _path; Public Repositories (IDbsfairware database pharmacy) {DataContext.Database.Log = console.light; DatabaseFactory = databaseFactory; _dbset = DataContext.Set & lt; T & gt; (); } Protected IDatabaseFactory DatabaseFactory {get; Private set; } Get Protected BlogDataContext DataContext {get_dataContext} (_dataContext = DatabaseFactory.Get ()); }} The main problem is that your DatabaseFactory property There is a private setter, so you can not specify anything directly to it. To create a personal IDatabaseFactory field, assign constructor parameter databaseFactory to this field and return it to your DatabaseFactory Property or DatabaseFactory make the property sector method public.

c# - Alternatives to WPF? -

I am in the process of learning C # and have a firm understanding of Java, and VB6 about two decades ago. I'm jumping straight into Windows desktop applications and wondering what are the options for WPF? Anything recently, which would be more relevant to spend time learning? I found a thread, but it is surprising that there has been a change, for example, the Silverlight is all but it seems that it is abandoned. Background: Computer science has a BS degree, but I have been in the technology industry, and I want to jump from here. Back in a programming career as a beginner, I would like to make a portfolio. Generally, WPF is the best choice for desktops. There is nothing development on Windows that comes near. If you want to target the Windows Store app, the main "option" will be, in this situation you will use the Windows Store Development model, it is still XAM-based (as with all new Microsoft UI technologies ), So the WPF knowledge transfer quite well. ...

java - Removing displayed data from JTable -

This is the 'new' button in my login form; Additionally, I want to remove all the displayed data. How can I do this? saved = false; txt_ipath.setText (zero); txt_md_by_p.setText (zero); txt_model_p.setText (zero); txt_p_date.setText (sdf.format (date)); txt_p_price.setText (zero); txt_p_qty.setText (zero); txt_s_price_p.setText (zero); Txt_vouchdate_p.setText (sdf.format (date)); txt_vouchno_p.setText (zero); Assuming that you are using a DefaultTableModel for your JTable You can use: models. Settrov calculation (0); Or, if you are extracting a line of data then you can use it: model.removeRow (...); Any changes to the data should be made through the model.

opengl - What's glUniformBlockBinding used for? -

Assume that I have a shader program with the uniform block at index 0 . To compel the uniformbuffer, there is enough enough to bind the uniformbuffer in the following block: glUseprogram (program); Glubbind Buffer (GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, buffer); Glibindbuffarbase (GL_UIIFRMBUFFER, 0, buffer); I only have to use glUniformBlockBinding when I bind buffer to a different index in the shader program. // ... glBindBufferBase (GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 1, buffer) glUniformBlockBinding (program, 0, 1); // Uniform Block 1 index 0 Did I understand it correctly? If I use buffer in different programs where appropriate blocks have different indices, then do I have to use glUniformBlockBinding ? Active program block indices per program are different from global binding locations. The general idea here is that you consider using the proper layout, you can bind the uniform buffer, one place in GL and use it in many GLSL programs. But mapping between individual buffer block index and ...

Mysql Join to show all records with or without matching records -

I have two tables for employees and another for ratings. Some employees have not been rated to others I am trying to write to all employees without a rating rating or without and trying to sort them with the highest ratings. emp table empid empName ------ -------- 1 John 2 Alex 3 Peter 4 Mary Ratings Table Rating | Customer | Rating value | Empid --------------------------------------------- 1 1 4 1 2 6 2 1 3 4 3 3 4 5 5 4 Expected Output: empid | EmpName | Avgrating | | RatingsCount --------------------------------------------- 1 John 3 2 2 Alex 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 1 I tried SELECT *, round (avg (ratingview), 2) As avgrating, empid empid emph LEFT less emp.empid = ratings as the number of ratings. For rating on MPID ratings, `avgrating` DESC by that I do not expect the result of the question, it only gives me a line. Thanks in advance Group needs and unify 0 to zero values Do it. Emp.empid = Ratings on Emp LEFT JOINING Ratings as AMPID, Empanen, Collasses (Ro...

mysql - Invalid Use of a Group Function -

I seem to be looking for a solution to the simple problem. The query is broken only when I present the last amount () function in the clause, I get the error " Error code: 1111. Invalid usage of group function. " I do not understand That's why it will not allow me to get such a saying. Query Select the interval of the week (dIntervalStart) WeekOfYear, Day of the Day (dIntervalStart) DayOfWeek, Dali (dIntervalStart as Time) CallVolume 'i.e. 0' between '07: 00 'and '17 and' CNN ('applicance', 'employer', 'fatefund', 'normal', 'other') and CRR Group = 'iWelkgrpqueuestats' from Intervalart, zodiac (nExternToInternAcdCalls) '*' And CASAID (time difference as in 30) and no dintervalStart (5, 6) and the amount (nExternToInternAcdCalls) & Gt; According to the dintervalStart ACA, dIntervalStart desc Previous> by group .. Yoga (NEXTenterAndDecall) & lt; & Gt; 0 by o...

jquery - How do I make the form only submit to iframe being used -

मेरे पास एक jquery date picker है: & lt; script & gt; $ (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ("#datepicker") .datepicker ();}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; अपने होम पेज पर मुझे उस दिनांक को जमा करने की ज़रूरत है, जो उस एफ़्रैम पर है जिसे उपयोगकर्ता ने रेडियो बटन के जरिये चुना है & lt; div class = "loginins_details_container" & gt; & lt;! - शीर्ष कंटेनर - & gt; & Lt; iframe id = "iframe" src = "math_iframe.php" width = "100%" ऊंचाई = "100%" & gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & lt; div वर्ग = "iframe_container" & gt; & LT; प्रपत्र & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "रेडियो" नाम = "iframe" value = "type" चेक = "चेक किया गया" onclick = "go ('math_iframe.php')" / & gt; गणित & lt; br & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "रेडियो" नाम = "iframe" value = "type" onclick ...

Python Merge Dictionary from Mysql Results -

I am trying to merge the output of 7 MySQL queries and merge them into a specific field (first, ID) . My first initial idea was to get the results of seven questions and put them in the form of a key with the first field and then the balance as the value. returnDict Once I get results in my own Dikts with seven questions, I can combine them. I =============== ================================================== ==== I in one of the following words: for D (first sentence, second decit, third digit, fourth dict, fifth show, sixth appearance, seventh appearance): For the key, value in d.iteritems (): dd [key]. Append (value) Now, the only problem is my When combines the above Code, it does not exclude the original dictionary, it only adds to them, thus creating a very nasty dictionary. This is what it looks like: 6: ('', datetime.datetime (20 11, 6, 23, 0, 0), 4 L, 1 L, datetime.datetime (2011, 6, 23, 0, 0)), ('Foo', 1 L), ('Unknown Foo', ...

rss - Passing arguments to WordPress feed URL -

We all know that the WordPress feed URL is I have edited the feed-rss2.php file to show thumbnails, if a certain GET parameter has been passed. Look at the code given below: & lt ;? Php if ($ _GET ['c'] == 'thumb with description') A_Cost_ thumbnail (array (100,100)); ? & Gt; But when I open the feed address like this: The code does not What logic can be passed in this way? Am I forgetting something? help please. First of all, the function is not get_the_post_thumbnail () the_post_thumbnail (). Again, this is another problem with your code, you have to pass the post ID to get thumbnails (to see more information). So, first you have to remove the Post ID from anywhere and then only you will be able to get thumbnails. But, I think that it will be very difficult, so try to leave this idea, because it will take you a lot of time and no one is going to reach that path.

linux - How to create a dump/mirror of an external wiki? -

I am trying to make a local copy of a wiki on my Linux machine, but whichever I try, They do not work properly at the end of the live The challenge is that I do not have any access to the Wiki except for the web access, but it would be enough to have just one snapshot of the current situation. I tried to use wget, but it fails to download the files properly and does not convert the links inside those pages. I tried to use but it was unable to properly convert this link again, and because most wiki files are not an extension, I read my web-server (lighttpd) Could not get to serve as / html Does anyone have a working device or can tell me that wget or websucker PA to create a working clone of an existing wiki? Since nobody knows I spend more hours and hours on Google met. I keep it here if others have only one issue. Each wiki has an API that is a dump feature next to the other features. You can use that API for a complete or current dump of any wiki. See tu...

mysql - Displaying table data with php & mysqli -

I am trying to display data from my page from my table and I have done it several times earlier. This time it is not working, I usually copy the code from my other projects and change the appropriate values, but this time it is not working. Please note that I am quite sure what I am doing. I usually do not write code This is being used with IIS php and the database server is mysql. The problem is that I get a white page without any mistake or other signals. Here is the code. & lt ;? Required Php ('connection.php'); $ sql = "SELECT * FROM td"; $ Result = mysqli_query ($ con, $ sql) or die (mysqli_error ()); Echo "& lt; Table & gt;"; Echo " date date volume & gt; quantity & lt; / th> & lt; / tr & gt; "; While ($ line = mysqli_fetch_array ($ result)) {$ date = $ row ['date']; $ Comment = $ line ['comment']; $ Amount = $ line ['zodiac']; & Quot; $ Comment & Lt; / Td> ...

oracle sql stored procedure -

I'm having trouble understanding the way to create a stored procedure. I'm mostly having trouble understanding that a parameter What is this. I'm getting the "SQL command did not finish properly" error. I believe this is due to my criteria. I am trying to create a process that will update the columns sold on the basis of two other columns. Subscribe Sales (value_to_ number zero, value_number number zero, number sold, profit number NUMBER); Renewal Sale SET Profit = ((price_sold * sold) - (price_per_unit * sold) Create / Correct Upgrade Renewal Process as Commit (value_ on_NUMBER, value_sold NUMBER, sold NUMBER) COMMIT; End; / Synthetically, at the end of your update, remembering a semi-colon Are the statements. You do not even have a profit column on your table, so after you do not compile your update, you add that semi-colon Programmers, you might be more happy using a scene Are: create or view copy as SALES_V PRICE_PER_UNIT, PRICE_SOLD, SOLD,...

Eclipse Android has lost APK -

A few seconds before launching my APK on my mobile and I have lost a fresh and pure project. In. I'm trying to start it, but the console says: Android launch! [2014-04-21 21:03:49 - Store UGI] ADB is running normally [2014-04-21 21:03:49 - StoreUGif] StoreUGif.apk could not be found! What has happened and how can I get back my application? Please help because I do not really know what happened. will be removed after the created APK, you clean the project by trying to rebuild your project A new .apk file must be generated.

html - CSS3 animation direction not working -

I have an extended line animation on my site using CSS3. It was created using the key frame on the width of the div, and naturally it is expanding from left to right though I want to extend it right from left to 'reverse' in animation direction Try but without joy Any ideas why? Thank you. This is my baby css .line_left {height: 6px; Width: 32 VV; Background color: black; Margin-top: 300px; Margin-left: 40px; Boundary-radius: 5px; Swim left; Webkit-Animation: Extension 2S; / * Chrome, Safari, Opera * / Animation: Extension 2S; } {* Width: 0vw;} to {width: 32vw;}} / * standard syntax * / @ keyframe extension {{width: 0vw;} to {width:} from Chrome, Safari, Opera * / @ -webkit- 32vw;}} UPDATE, it has been clarified, it is difficult to see what is trying to achieve. Here the site is an image of the logo, and the lines are from the center. Need to animate out Your problem is not with animation, this is how the element is located on the page; Since this is float: ...

JSF File Upload in WebSphere 8.5 -

I am working on JSF 2.2 application where we have to upload some .csv files via web page. When we deploy on Tomcat, it works fine, but for some reason it is not working with the webspreader. For the example given below, I am trying to work: index.html & Lt; / H: form & gt; & Lt; H: Output Label & gt; JSF implementation: # {fileUploadManagedBean.jsfimplementation} & lt; / H: Output Label & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; H: Output Label & gt; JSF version: # {fileUploadManagedBean.jsfVersion} & lt; / H: Output Label & gt; & Lt; / Ui: defined & gt; & Lt; ui: defined name = "footer" & gt; Footer & lt; / UI: defined & gt; & Lt; / ui: Composition & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; And here is my backing bean, package com.mycomp.test; Import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; Import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; Import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped; Import javax.fa...

android - How to deal with Picasso OutOfMemoryError? -

I have to show with a ViewPager 50 pages, each has a different image using Picasso While doing the first 20-25 pages work perfectly. However, at that point I get a outermomorphy error , and no images are being loaded at all: throw out outreference error "I have been using the following code in my pager adapter : 1932496 free bytes" with failed allocation of 7477932 " / p> @Override Public Object Instant Item (Last View Group Container, Status of Final Entity) {View View = getView (); Picasso Picasso = IMZ Loader (MCTX); Picasso Load (getUrl (position)). Fit (). In (ImageView) view.findViewById (; Container.addView (see); Return view; } @ Override Public Null Destroyed (Last View Group Container, Last Integer Status, Last Object Object) {container.removeView (see) object); } What can I do to avoid it? I got it. Some point notes: Use skipMemoryCache () Use builder.executor ( executors.newSingleThreadExecutor Use an...

c++ - Delete duplicates from an array of objects -

I have to remove the duplicate from an array of objects, but so far my algorithm gives me mistakes: The type of indicator type 'song *' (perhaps you use '- & gt;')? Then this code is: Zero Album: deleteDuplicates () {songs * on, * end = songs + top - 1; (Current = songs + 1; song and lift; end; songs ++, current = song + 1) {while (current & lt; = end) {if (current-> gt; author == & amp; amp; current- & gt; title == * songs.tatal & amp; current-> years == * song year and current-> length == * songs) { * Current = * end -; } And {current ++; }}}} How to fix any thoughts? The compiler error must be removed with the following code. If (current-> author == song-> author and current-> title == song-> title = ^^ ^^^ ; Current; & gt; year == songs-> year and current-> length == songs-> length) ^^^ ^^^

c# - Navigation property without foreign key constraint -

मेरे पास संस्थाएं हैं: [तालिका ("मुद्रा")] सार्वजनिक वर्ग मुद्रा { [कुंजी] सार्वजनिक INF मुद्रा आईडी {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक वर्ण प्रतीक {get; सेट; }} [तालिका ("इनवॉइस")] सार्वजनिक वर्ग चालान {[कुंजी] सार्वजनिक इंट इनवॉइस आईडी {प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक आईआर मुद्रा आईडी {प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक int राशि {get; सेट; } // सार्वजनिक वर्चुअल आइकलेंक्शन & lt; मुद्रा & gt; CurrencyList {get; सेट; }} मुझे डेटाबेस में मौजूद सभी संभव मुद्राओं को शामिल करने के लिए प्रत्येक इनवॉइस की आवश्यकता होती है। अगर मैं सिर्फ नेविगेशन प्रॉपर्टी को टिप्पणी की गई लाइन में सेट करता हूं, तो सिस्टम पूरी तरह से अपनी विदेशी कुंजी बाधा पैदा करने की कोशिश करता है जो वास्तव में मौजूद नहीं है और फिर एक त्रुटि देता है। क्या कोई एफके के साथ नेविगेशन करने का कोई तरीका है? मुझे विश्वास नहीं है कि एक नेविगेशन संपत्ति वह है जिसे आप ढूंढ रहे हैं। इस एमएसडीएन लेख ने गहराई में और अधिक नेविगेशन गुणों की चर्चा की है, प्रत्येक ऑब्जेक्ट में...

javascript - How to simulate nonstoparagraphing in HTML/CSS? -

Long ago, some videos called "air narration fan" invented an alternative paragraph format: non-cancellation. In this format, when you reach the end of a paragraph, you will reach the top and the knob will fall down one place, but do not move the carriage. As a result 1, the same view was provided about the separation of the paragraph between the paragraphs, but did not waste that place at the end of the line. I is preparing a document that uses non-cancellation for the web to make it easy in its current format (word document) is. If it turns into PDF then it also works. But clear solutions (add a bunch of NBSPs at the beginning of the lines) will be broken into a web browser if the user has changed the default font or font size too. Can someone think of ways to get this effect in HTML or CSS more or less reliable? (I'm also ready to use javascript.) I quickly I am writing and this is not a complete solution, but someone else can improve my answer: p {di...

swing - java Null Pointer Exception passing object -

I have some class that creates a ship (class ship game object expands) and add it to a gameboard Tries. To do this, it tells the gameframe to add the object as follows: Start Public Zero () (Ship Missing = New Ship (GAME_BOARD_WIDTH / 2, GAME_BOARD_HEIGHT -1, SHIP_WIDTH, SHIP_HEIGHT; SwingUtilities.invokeLater (new Runnabal) {Public runs zero () {gameFrame = new InvadersGameFrame ();}}); gameFrame.addGameObject (myShip); // problem line gameFrame.repaint () ;} GameFreet then calls: gameboard gamebird = new gameboard (); ... ... public zeros addGameObject (GameObject ob) { DGameObject (ob);} In turn calls: public class gameborder applies to JPNL GameData {Private JPG Gameboard; Private List & lt ; GameObject & gt; Objects = New Arrelist & lt; & gt; Public GameGord black); g.setColor (Color.RED); (Game Object Obi: Objects) {g.draw oval (ob.x, oo.E., o.ed.withth, ob.); }} // place the object in the list for drawing on the next paint Public Z...

c - assembly language tricky memory addresses -

We are prompted (using AT & T ASM) eax = Ebx = b fine = & amp; X adx = & amp; Y> I understand that (% eax) will retrieve data in the memory space in A, but what will happen (% edx)? For example, call movl (% edx),% ebx besides movl% eax, (% Ecx) In the first call, replace only the current value of% ebx with the & y (memory location of y) and replace the data in memory and location in the second call. Price A? What about operation movl% edx,% eda? Does it just move the memory location of Wi to & Thanks From the perspective of 'C' language: eax = A The ex receives a copy of the value of A. ebx = B Receives a copy of the value of EBXB. ecx = & x ECX address (or memory space) becomes X. edx = & amp; Y of y

ios - Plist for persistent data in UITableView between launches -

I have this list, which is called sleeps.plist in my main directory. It seems that I put it in a UITableView of content .. then I've subclassed the ViewController with TableView and I have set it as data source and delegate. I have made it so that anything in the NSArray is added to the table (tested with static data). Now, I want to be able to add data from this plast so that the data remains consistent between the launch (if the user enters more). Here my code has been inserted in my viewDidLoad my ViewController subclass. NSString * path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @ "sleeps" type: @ "plist"]; NSDictionary * myDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: path]; NSArray * myArray = [myDict objectForKey: @ "root"]; Sleeping = [myArray copy]; // Sleep is a NSRY that has been announced after the @Epplimentation Line NSLog (@ "Points at Point"); NSLog (@ "% @", sleeps); It reaches t...