Use AngularJS with vimeo Player -
I am trying to display a vimeo player with json file with AngularJS When I run my app, I have received this message in the console:
Error: [$ interpolate: interr] can not interpolate: {{video}} Error: [$ sce: insecurl ] URL resource blocked by url is not allowed by $ sceDelegate policy URL:$sce/insecurl?p0=http % 3A% 2F% 2Fvideo% 2Fxxxxx$interpolate/interr?p0=%7B%7Bvideos%7D%7รข%Ninsecurl%3Fp0%3Dhttp% 253A% 252F% 252Fvideo% 252xxxx at http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / angular.js: 78: 12 at $ interpolate.fn (http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / a ngular.js: 8637: 26) at attrInterpolatePreLinkFn (Http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / angular.js: 6893: 30) at nodeLinkFn (http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / angular.js: 6559: 13) on Composite LinkFn (http: //localhost:8000/bower_components/angular/angular.js5986) at publicLinkFn (compositeLinkFn (http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / angular.js: 5989: 13)) FM (http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / angular.js: 6005: 21) included boundband on controllers (http: // localhost: 8000 /bower_components/angular/angular.js:5891:30) (http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / angular.js: 6600: 18) at ngRepeatAction (http: // localhost: 8000 / bower_components / angular / angular.js: 20084: 15) my wish ML:
& lt; div class = "videoWrapper" ng-repeat = "track by video $ index" in project.pr_video & gt; & Lt; iframe ng-src = "{{video}} width =" 560 "height =" 349 "frameborder =" 0 "webkitolopholoscreen mozillaofflosscreen acceptable screen & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I do not have to tell Angelor that Vimeo is a trusted host. Can anyone explain it to me?
You can use the URL to rely on. . var myApp = angular.module ('myApp', ['NGSNitize']); myApp.controller ('myController', ['$ scope', '$ sce', function ($ radius, $ sce) {$ scope.videos = $ sce.getTrustedResourceUrl (' / Xxxxx ');}]); You can optionally configure the white list of URLs.
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