Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> Correct me if I am wrong: "Threshold" to be a array of scikit learning that the numbers returned by roc_curve are given In [0,1] should, however, sometimes it gives me an array with the first number near "2". Is this a bug or did I wrong? . Thanks In [1]: Import as numpy in NP [2]: from sklearn.metrics to roc_curve import [3]: np.random.seed (11) [4]: Aa = np.random.choice ([true, wrong], 100) [5]: bb = np.random.uniform (0,1,100) [6] in: fpr, tpr, threshold = roc_curve (aa, b B) in [7]: Threshold Out [7]: Array ([1.97396826, 0.97396826, 0.93274463, 0.95941372, 0.93214862, 0.93076592, 0.92960511, 0.92245024, 0.91179548, 0.91112166, 0.87529458, 0.84493853, 0.84068543, 0.83303741, 0.82565223, 0.81096657, 0.80656679, 0.79387241, 0.77054807, 0.76763223, 0.7644911, 0.75964947, 0.73995152, 0.73825262, 0.73466772, 0.73421299, 0.73282534, 0.72391126, 0.71296292, 0.70930102, 0.70116428, 0.69606617, 0.65...