vb.net - How to check a string against the Windows dictionary? -
How can you check that a certain string is in the Windows dictionary?
Or, in other words, how can you completely catch up for Windows, so you can set a new dictionary for that content?
is one for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, which can be used via COM from VB.Net. There is a link to the list on the Microsoft Word Dictionary format (.dic file), unfortunately the site is currently unavailable (the link provided is via Webac Machine). Microsoft provides one, although this requires a third party dictionary. Merriam-Webster Online, which is free for non-commercial use. which connects to an online service and can be used with VBnet, just import SmallBasicLibrary.dll.
Import Microsoft.SmallBasic.Library Module MyModule sub-main () Dim Definition = Dictionary. GetDef insertion ("vowel") is given a string given the word in the word console. WrightLine (cstr (definition)) and sub end module expiration
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