colors - Transparent ARGB hex value -

The colors in the table are not all transparent. I think the value for A is set to FF .

What is the code for transparency?

For example, this color is FFF0F8FF (Aliceblue), like ? F0F8FF ?

transparency in alpha channel ( aa in #AARRGGBB ). Maximum price (255 DCC, FF hex) is completely opaque. The minimum price (0 Dec, 00hex) is completely transparent. The values ​​in between are semi-transparent, i.e. the background is mixed with the background color.

Set alpha to zero to get a completely transparent color. RR , gg and BB is irrelevant in this case because no color will appear, it means # 00FFFFFF (" Transparent white ") is the same color as # 00F0F8FF (" transparent aliceblue "). If it does not make any difference to keep it simple, then choose black ( # 00000000 ) or white ( # 00FFFFFF ).

You will be defined as transparent in the table that you've linked to as # 00FFFFFF .


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