
Showing posts from September, 2013

php - is that possible hide all * sign with css -

I have a strange problem, not all * are being shown !!! All javascript but still the problem exists, all CSS is disabled and I see the * icon, it is weird, it is possible that all * Hiding place (in Div, Span, in text box, in every place of the page)? How can I find a solution to this problem? You have to change your font for your "*": & Lt; Span style = "font-family: arial;" & Gt; * & Lt; / Span & gt; Your text And to answer your question, this is not possible. Fr1tz is right, your font does not contain the character * in WeKant.

c# - Returning IHttpActionResult vs IEnumerable vs IQueryable -

एएसपी.नेट वेबएपी 2 में, निम्न में से अंतर क्या है: सार्वजनिक async कार्य & lt; IEnumerable & lt; MyItem & gt; & gt; GetMyItems () {// ... कोड ..., var myItems = प्रतीक्षा है ... मेरी वापसी करें; } और सार्वजनिक async टास्क & lt; IQueryable & lt; MyItem & gt; & gt; GetMyItems () {// ... कोड ..., var myItems = प्रतीक्षा है ... मेरी वापसी करें; } और सार्वजनिक async टास्क & lt; IHttpActionResult & gt; GetMyItems () {// ... कोड ..., var myItems = await ... ok (myItems) वापस; } क्या मुझे IHttpActionResult या IEnumerable & lt; MyItem & gt; / IQueryable & lt; MyItem & gt; आपको IHttpActionResult वापस करना चाहिए क्योंकि आप क्लाइंट के लिए अधिक विशिष्ट हो सकते हैं। आप अधिक उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल वेब अनुप्रयोग बना सकते हैं। मूल रूप से आप विभिन्न स्थितियों के लिए अलग-अलग HTML स्टेटस संदेश वापस कर सकते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए: सार्वजनिक async टास्क & lt; IHttpActionResult & gt; GetMyItems () {यदि (! अधिकृत...

What are Python's type "objects" exactly? -

I'm just starting to learn Python I'm looking for some kind of difficult system to understand, I have many questions , But mainly to reduce and short story; States: "All data objects in a Python program are represented by ... each object has an identity, a type and a value." No problem, but beyond that it was not really told that "objects" are for example, even in docs it is not covered that it is " Objects "support a dot operator - from my POV, there may be something in the memory data structure that allows the user to type in id () , type () etc. Although I have gathered some underlying meta object interfaces which are described in the type of object for the docs. To work with example: If I do a class instance like "x": x.__ class____________________> I get the name of its class Understand that The document describes the properties of class examples and classes type items of __ class __ and __name__ . If I ...

javascript - Css: px doesnt have the same effect as % -

I am trying to create the status of an element in the center of the screen. When I use it: this.css ("condition", "fixed"); this.css ("top", "50%"); this.css ("left", "50%"); this Works, but when I use this.css ("condition", "fixed"); This.css ("top", $ (window). Light () / 2+ "px"); This.css ("left", $ (window) .wide () / 2+ "px"); this Am I doing the wrong thing? This is a donation code code: . Donut-button {display: table; Height: 400 pixels; Width: 400px; Limit-Radius: 50%; Background: # cc 0000; Margins: Auto Auto; Status: Completed; Top: 0; Left: 0; Bottom: 0; Correct: 0; }. Donut-text {display: table-cell; Vertical-row: middle; Text align: center; Font-family: 'snuggle', cursor; Font-size: 100px; -webkit-user-select: none; / * Chrome / Safari * / -mose-user-select: none; / * Choose Firefox * / -MMS-User: None; / * IE10 + * / ...

Create table using select query in SQL Server -

Is there a way to create a new table based on a SELECT query in SQL Server? I do not want to enter all the fields manually (table query must be generated automatically based on the field). I have already tried: create table new_table AS (select from ...); But this is not working. I had to nick the column in the selection, but I suppose that saves your current query field surname If they do not have the name. Select Select from 'select' 'B' [Test]) from #tempabc and select from #tempabc.

objective c - Autolayout on a sub view prevents the whole window from being resized -

I have a simple view with some labels, textfields and a large NSTextField rest interface. I can set up AutoLay so that the text field spreads on the width of the window, but when I add the final container to the bottom of the container then the Super View window Can not be changed from These are my obstacles: Therefore, I have to leave this barrier at present and I end up with the following result: See screenshot "https: //i.stack. "alt =" Enter image details here "> Feeling preoccupied with priorities, especially considering this on a high barrier.

google chrome - android NFC browser integration -

If any of you know that it is possible to integrate NFC with the Android browser (native or chrome), then I have a question, Did Google allow Flash through the previous door? As I think the web browser is a big security risk to reach the device hardware, but I think it can be done? Do any of you have some knowledge to share with me? I wrote an Android app to communicate with NFC, but now I want to access it through the browser. I think you are looking for something like Web NFC API: "Keep in mind the applicants that this specification is considered unstable. The antitrust who does not participate in discussions They will get the specification changing in an inconsistent manner from them. Before implementing this specification, the vendors Attend on GitHub should subscribe the repository recommended step before candidate from Chcuk and discussions. " - w3c

javascript - resetAllFields in cloned Dropzone.js -

I have a bunch of input elements and one element Now, I duplicate the form to the user (deep clone ) - Each form is freely stored through AJAX post. When the user clones the form, then I use all input field values ​​- clone_form. ('Text, input'). Val (''); Now, I would like to clear the drop zone element, which I am trying to do - cloned_form.find ('form. -dynamic-dropzone ') dropzone.resetAllFields (); It throws "... no function" error How can I actually reset the drop zone element? I always fixed this problem by maintaining an empty hidden form (with an empty drop zone ), And cloning every time I need it, while I make sure that I assign a unique id and name on each clone form I am

c# - objectdisposedexception was unhandled issue -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: निजी शून्य डाउनलोडर सत्र () {try {stream = client} .GetStream (); // डेटा बाइट पढ़ने के लिए बफर [] बाइट्स = नया बाइट [256]; स्ट्रिंग डेटा = नल; बूल रन फ्लेग = सच; // सुन लूप दर्ज करें जबकि (रनफ्लैग) {int recLen = stream.Read (बाइट्स, 0, बाइट्स। लैंग); // डेटा बाइट्स को एएससीआईआई स्ट्रिंग में अनुवाद करें। Data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString (बाइट, 0, रिकलेन); // ग्राहक द्वारा भेजे गए डेटा पर प्रक्रिया करें डेटा = डेटा। टोउपर (); स्ट्रिंग [] param = data.Split ('#'); स्विच (परम [0]) // सीपीएमएमएएनडी {मामला "गेटफ़ाइल": फ़ाइलइन्फ़ो एफटीएमपी = नया फ़ाइलइन्फो (क्लाइंटफ़ॉर्म। शेवरफ़ोल्डरपाथ + "\\" + परम [1]); // फ़ाइल नाम फ़ाइल आकार = ftemp.Length; // फ़ाइल का आकार लंबे समय से भेजें ("फ़िलिडेय #" + परम [1] + "#" + फ़ाइल आकार। टॉस्ट्रिंग ()); अपलोड करें (परम [1]); टूटना; मामले "GETALLDETAILS": स्ट्रिंग अस्थायी = खोजअभी विवरण (परम [1]); भेजें ( "DETAILSREADY #" + अस्थायी); this.client.Close ()...

c# - Merge multiple float arrays and calculate the average of each item -

I have several float arrays. Their length does not lie with each other. Now I have them all in a float array Have to be sold. For them to sell, I want to calculate the average value for each index. It means: output [n] = (input0 [n] + input1 [n] + input2 [n] ... + inputx [n]) / x To calculate them all very quickly, I do not care if the code is read or expandable or not. It should be as fast as possible: I have created the following code: Private zero mix () {list & lt; Float [] & gt; Input = new list & lt; Float [] & gt; (); // ... // Input [n] is float array // eg: // 0: [0.5, 0.3, 0.6, 0.1, -0.3, 0.1, -0.9] // 1: [0.1, 0.7, - 0.2, 0.8, -0.2] // 2: [-0.3, 0.9, 0.5, 0.4, 0.8, -0.6] // 3: [0.5, -0.2, 0.4] // ---------- --------------- ---------------------- // The average value for the first value should be: // (0.5 + 0.1 - 0.3 + 0.5) / 4 // Combine all together: // =================== An output buffer, interns length = input.max (X = & gt; x.Length); ...

c# - How to traverse parent child data using Linq -

मेरे पास निम्न संरचना वाला एक वर्ग है: सार्वजनिक श्रेणी के ऑयल कैरेबैंट {सार्वजनिक ऑयल कैरेगरी जनक { प्राप्त; सेट; } // पैरेंट सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए नाम {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक int स्थिति {प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी {प्राप्त; सेट; }} और मेरे पास ऑयल सेगमेंट्स की सूची संग्रह है: तेल श्रेणी रूट श्रेणी = नया तेल श्रेणी (आईडी = 1, नाम = "रूट", स्थिति = 1 , जनक = नल}; ऑयल कैरेबिट पहले लेवल 1 = नया ऑयल कैरेबेट (आईडी = 2, नाम = "फ्ल-1", स्थिति = 1, जनक = रूट सीरीज़}; तेल-श्रेणी प्रथमलेवल 2 = नया तेल वर्गीकरण (आईडी = 3, नाम = "fl-2", स्थिति = 2, जनक = मूल श्रेणी}; तेल श्रेणी श्रेणी 2 = नया तेल वर्गीकरण (आईडी = 4, नाम = "स्ल-1", स्थिति = 1, जनक = पहले लेवल 1}; तेल-श्रेणी secondlevel2 = नया ऑयल कैरेबैंट (आईडी = 5, नाम = "स्ल-2", स्थिति = 2, जनक = पहले लेवल 1}; सूची के & lt; OilCategory & gt; श्रेणियां = नई सूची & lt; ऑयलकैचर & gt; (); ; categories.Add (rootCategory); categories.Add (fi...

sql server - Parse single column result set into multiple columns SQL -

I have written a stored procedure which is returning the 2 columns temporary table, an ID column that is not unique, but value 2 And at group values ​​between 12 The other column is that the actual data value column I want to break 1 table table into table in basically 11 columns for each dataset in 1 column. Let me call this by ID Has been parsed in. An identity column is not required because they will be unique to their columns. Something like this; Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 102692 ... 103516 .... 108408 .... 104114 ... 103476 .... 108890 .... And so on, I have tried to use a loop through datasets, but this is mainly being included in 1 inclusion which is bothering me, I do not understand how to say while recordcount & gt; Start at 0tempTable (value1ID2, value1ID3, Value1ID4) and then loop through value2ID2, value2ID3 etc. If this is not available then it is okay you have to find an alternative solution, but the main reason I am trying to do this is for a report bu...

c++ - How does Cmake find files? -

I'm trying to compile freepv () using CMak. FreePav requires some modules such as zlib. I download the developer version of this module and copy it to my hard disk. is included in the semicolon that tells a centimeter where to find the zlib library. ####################################### $ ####### ******** ****************************************************************************************** ********* ** # # This free PVP script attempts to find the header path of the JPEG Library and header file # # ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR. # # ZLIB_LIBRARIES, requires libraries # # ZLIB_FOUND, either true or false ############################### ################## ######################## if (Win32) Fnd_pth (Zlib_include_dir Zlib .h $ {CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} $ ENV {included} set (ZLIB_NAMES z zlib zlib1 zlib1d zdll) FIND_LIBRARY (ZLIB_LIBRARY NAMES $ {ZLIB_NAMES} PATHS $ {CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} $ ENV {lib}) ELSE (WIN32) FIND_PHH (ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR zlib.h / usr / local / include / usr / include)...

sql - How to organize tables to stare statistic of two entities? -

For now I only have two tables If there is no existing company ( Id INT faucet primary main entangment, name VARCHAR (250) not faucet; If no employee is present then create table (id INT not primary primary key entangment, name VARCHAR (250), company Iid INT, foreign key (company_id) reference company (ID)); I need to create one or two tables to store the statistics of employees and companies. For employee statistics, I must remember all the previous employees of this employee and the dates of the reasons The date for renting and congratulating the company's figures will remind me of all the resigners. What is the best way to organize DB structure in my case? You have multiple relationships, you have a composite table company_employee Is required which combines the primary key, so you need it: If there is no existing company (ID INT not original primary key AUTOCCREMENT, do not tap the name VARCHAR (250)) ; If no employee is present then create the table (id IN...

python - string transceive between windows phone and intel galileo -

The Thai concept on my project is that Windows Phone and Intel Galileo will exchange string messages on Bluetooth. I was thinking of using Python, but I'm open to any other programming language. Do you have any specimens to do this from Galileo's perspective? I have not worked with Galileo before, but this indicates that it is "hardware and software Compatible with Arduino Uno R3 "It looks like a great place to start. For Galileo, this indicates that there is no Bluetooth on the board (although you can use the MPCI card), and also indicates that you use Arduino software development tools. I would recommend starting out by looking for one. The first link looks a good, Galileo is a relatively new product, so I will not find any galileo-specific tutorials or examples at this point. Maybe you can write one first?

jsp - How to make a login mechanism for a java web application? -

I am trying to create a Java web application in Netbeen. This project should have JSP page and the user should have the possibility of logging in. I do not know how to create a login mechanism I am using Hibernate to connect to my ISDE Netbeans, Glassfish servers and my MySQL database. You can complete your goal with this project that makes it easy to implement the login mechanism Are looking for The "Website Login Demo" link below shows a complete display. Project code also provides an example. See:

c# - DbComparisonExpression requires arguments with comparable types -

I am new to using Linq and am trying to create a search that will search with chart number and Display the results will see the new action when the code is running, I get the error "DB Comrpigion Expression requires logic with rational type" I believe that there should be a search type string and some with the chart int int Is but me Not Keane problem how to fix would be greatly appreciate any help! Controller: Public Performance Index (String SearchTerm = Faucet) {Var Model = DB. Patient. Where (r = & gt; search == faucet || r chart number. Ecloss (search)). Choose (R => New Newlist MODEL {chartNumber = R. Chartenumber, FirstName = R.Fst_Name, LastName = r.LastName,}); See Return (Model); } Model: public class NewListModel {public int chartnumber {get; Set; } Public string first name {receives; Set; } Public String LastName {get; Set; }} See: @Emelumerable & lt; Project.Models.NewListModel & gt; @ {ViewBag.Title = "Home Pa...

linux - Permission deined when attempting to copy file with ugo read permissions -

The motivation for this question is that I am able to create chroot working with debootstrap now I was about one year on my red hat machine, and many Red Hat updates I was previously. The name for the group id 0 group can not be found: Can not find 1027 I do not have a name! @ Wsdev66: / # / code> Which is unexpected behavior, as well as a non-functional chroot is the expected output root @ wsdev66: / #. Google has led me to believe that running / debootstrap / debootstrap --second-stage will resolve this, but there is no script or binary with that name present. Contains content with a log file named debootstrap.log: gzip: /usr/share/debootstrap/devices.tar.gz: Permission denied to wire: This is a tar archive Tar: With the error of previous errors, leaving the situation of failure which appears to be the source of the failed chroot. ls indicates the read permission for all: ll /usr/share/debootstrap/devices.tar.gz -rw-r - r--. 1 root route 3518 April 6 09:33 /...

java - Iterating over google multimap passed as a parameter -

मेरे पास निम्न बहुमूल्य है: प्राइवेट लिस्टमल्टीमैप & lt; स्ट्रिंग, इंट [] & gt; TerrainMap = ArrayListMultimap.create (); {टेरिएनमैप.पूट ("टेरिएन। ग्राउंड", नया इंट [] (0, 100,300,0}); terrainMap.put ("Terrain.Ground", नया इंट [] (300,200,400,0}); terrainMap.put ("Terrain.Ground", नया इंट [] {400,250,800,0}); TerrainMap.put ("Terrain.Ground", नया इंट [] (800,500,810,0}); TerrainMap.put ("Terrain.Ground", नया इंट [] {100,200,150,150}); TerrainMap.put ("Terrain.Ground", नया इन्ट [] (500,400,600,350}); }; जब मैं इसके माध्यम से एक ही कक्षा में पुनरावृति करता हूं, तो सब कुछ अपेक्षित रूप से काम करता है: के लिए (नक्शा। प्रविष्टि & lt; स्ट्रिंग, int [] & gt; प्रविष्टि : terrainMap.entries ()) {} हालांकि, जब मैं किसी अन्य वर्ग पद्धति के पैरामीटर के रूप में मानचित्र को पास करता हूं, मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है असंगत प्रकार: वस्तु परिवर्तित नहीं की जा सकती प्रविष्टि करने के लिए & lt; स्ट्रिंग, int [] ...

cmd - Send input to a open windows with powershell -

In my script I ask the user for a variable named Asset $ asset = Read-Host "Please property Enter tag " I'm trying to use my powerscript to send a specific line of text to a window. I always use the name" \\ " lt; asset & gt;: cmd " I'm not sure that this was possible but I was going to try and Can I do this? It may be from Poochele. "property tag" $ tag = "\\" + $ asset + ": CMD" [zero] [System.Reflection.Assembly] :: LoadWithPartialName ( 'Microsoft.VisualBasic') [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction] :: AppActivate ("$ Tag") Start-sleep-m 300 [Zero] [System.Reflection.Assembly] :: LoadWithPartialName ('System.Windows.Forms') [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys] :: SendWait ("Does this work?")

php - Cookies don't update on some android browsers -

I have developed a two-step verification login that uses cookies to check that a device is already verified Is or not: This cookie contains a unique ID and a random password that makes changes on every access to the device. To make that update, I use this php code setcookie ('nameofthecookie', '', time () - 600, "/"); SetuKi ('Nephutcookie', $ NQQCentent, Time (+ 2629743, "/"); Which works perfectly on most browsers, but it is not on some Android people: In fact, using them, the cookie is not updated. What do I make a cookie only using setcookie ('nameofthecookie', $ newcookiecontent, time () + 2629743 and this works ; Only use of a cookie removal setcookie and it works . ( Can anyone suggest me a solution? Your code leads to the following headers, which is sent to the client: set-cookie namesfrench = deleted Gone; finished = Guru, 01-Jan-1900 00:00:01 GMT; Maximum age = 0; Path = / nameofthecook...

javascript - Creating a custom size new window with JS? -

I have an image that is linked to another image, which is 672 (W) x 792 (H ) - I would like to know what is the best way in JS that this image is completely fit in a new window when click on the image link? Without fitting the image in a new window, it is a left ally and looks ugly. markup: & lt; a href = "linktoimg.jpg" target = "_ blank" onclick = "return popup (this.href);" & Gt; & Lt; img src = "yourimg.jpg" /> & Lt; / A & gt; and JS: function popup (url) {t_window = (url, "popupwindow", "width = 672, height = 792 , Resizable = yes "); t_window.focus (); return false; } But keep in mind that pop-ups are really annoying for some users. Instead, I would suggest using you or any other lightbox.

c++ - Deleting linked objects -

I have two squares: "node" and "poly" node objects connected together to create a linked list I keep the poly object a pointer on the first node. I am trying to eliminate memory for the entire "poly". I want to remove the poly - then call the function within the poly-disaster (like "freepoly") which I have given to the complete list of node object Will help again - Removing all the nodes. Class definition: class node {private: double coeff; Intel exponent; Node * next; Public: node (double c, int e, node * nodobject) {coeff = c; Exponent = e; Next = nodeobjectPtr; } ~ Node () {printf ("node destroyed"); // ??? } Class policy {Private: node * Start; Public: Poly (node ​​* head) / * Constructor function * / {start = head; } ~ Poly () / * district * / / // ??? } Free of charge (); }; Zero poly :: free poly () {// ??? } I have tried a lot of things, but essentially I get stuck where I am only removing the first node object. I ha... - SelectedIndex is set to 1, after being set to 0 -

Text after " I have a code where it checks, then the previous item is selected and then to the first one Going off, the loop has been created; Private sub Main_KeyDown handles FilesBox.KeyDown (as the System.Object, as E. KeyEventArgs), then FilesBox.SelectedIndex = FilesBox.Items.Count -. Last is 1 after the last + = 1 = 1 then the last = 0 FilesBox.SelectedIndex = 0 end if end then End Sub the last item value is selected when the "last", 1 When it will increase, when you have pressed the right key first time when you select it and after you press it again, then it will go to the first item. It works as well as intended but after any kind of index is set to 0, it does not change from 1 to any other item in the list ... any idea which Its going on? You have stopped controlling that key processing processing. After you set the index to zero, the keyboard action is still moving the item down one line: private sub filesBox_KeyDown (as the object, e) as KeyEv...

javascript - Strange behavior of Bootstrap Accordion Expand Height with D3 Graph -

I have a board packing layout of D3 within a bootstrap edition (where all tabs are expanded on load). I have tried to allow responsive layout using the following: var vis = ("# Vis_container"). Insert ("svg: svg", "h2"). Etr ("width", '100%') .attr ("height", '100%') .attr ('View Box', '0' + + + + '+ H) .attr (' preserveAspectRatio ',' xMinYMin ') .append ("svg: g") .attr ("conversion", "translation (" + 0 "," + 0 + ")"); If you blur that tab in which there is a D3 layout and it is expanded again, then STVG's height is fine, but the container that is in it is not correctly Varies, that is not enough height. Full layout to show Note: I used the width of the container as its height too, because the height is not available on the load. var w = $ ('# vis_container') Width (), H = $ ('# widget contain...

php - How to get facebook page posts on website -

Hello, I have a Facebook page (there is no app), and I want to get a recent post on my website on PHP. I do not know where to start, I used Google to look at it but I had to find out how to get the post from the app. Its a very comprehensive question anyway, follow these steps - If you are not registered as a Facebook Developer, register here: Then, create an app from here: App Access Token ( app-id | app-write ) in your PHP copy script - this is required because a page To get a post from (public), you need a valid login token. Get content using curl or file_get_contents of the url: Https:// {Page-id / page-username} / posts? Access_token = {App (you can see the result by browsing the URL in a browser) Just pars the JSON and get the post as needed. You will not receive all the posts at one time, but as a result you will find the URL on the next page. Hope that helps!

php - Persistent header and side-bars across multiple web-pages -

I am working on a website, after all I buy a domain and as expected, many users, of course, a lot of people Plan on it and it never comes true! Regardless, I am progressing with the intention of keeping a good looking interface which is efficient in its data usage. One thing I want to do is keep my banner / headers and side-time navigating to separate the pages inside my site, along with the Site-wide context menu at the top of my login and profile , And side-bars are currently underwritten, but are potentially just static images. I do not know how I will do this well. I could only use my PHP session object, but I would like to be as efficient as possible. I am using a traditional LMP stack, HTML, JS and CSS (using bootstrap library) on Ubuntu. On an Amazon EC 2 service. You can create a file with header and sidebar and then use this php code : Include ("nameofthefile.php"); on each file on your site

java - Saving "master" element in many to one relationship with ebean -

I have been a bit of an issue with EBI (in the context of the Play Framework, Java). I have elements sharing one-to-one relationship (bank account & lt; - banking operation). I have defined the bank account class with others, with the following fields: @JsonIgnore @OneToMany (CASADCAD = CASCADE type.AL) Public list & amp; ; Banking operation & gt; Operating = new array list & lt; Banking operation & gt; (); For banking operations, this field: @ManyToOne @JsonIgnore public bank account bank account; My point is that when I try to update the bank account, it removes the related tasks I am using this code: Public Stable Result Savings Account (Long ID) {Form & lt; Bank account & gt; Form = form. Form (bank account category) .bindformuarest (); If (form.hasErrors () || form.get (). Id! = Id) {return badRequest (); } form.get () Update (id); OK (); } I think the operations are removed because they are not loaded while forming (). get (), a... mvc 3 - How can I hide a button if JavaScript is disabled? -

I have a website that allows users to create new content and I use javascript to check spam As a way. If the user is javascript turned off, then I post search button Is there any statement or nodscript in it that I can use I have seen some examples online but they all redirect users, like trying to do something if (javascript == off) / / javascript enabled / / else else / button * /} You can use just a noscript tag, in your head that only javascript is disabled It loads. HTML & lt; Noscript & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; #creatingpost {display: none; #noJsBanner {display: block; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / noscript & gt; Check it with Javascript disabled.

Copying resource file to external storage on android not working -

I am working on an intermediate application and trying some default songs, if the user does not have their phones There is no one (I am pulling lists of genuine songs through mediators). Then I have songs placed in the race / raw folder and the following code is fun to copy them. It seems that is being copied properly (because the Astro File Browser and other apps see them properly) but the arbitrator is still unable to find them. I think there is something with permissions on this file, but I'm not sure what happened. Anyone know why? InputStream Songs = getResources (). OpenRawResource (R.raw.aquarel); File file = new file (environment GateInstinestorporical Directory (environment. DIRECTORY_MUSIC), "aquarel.mp3"); Logs. A (tag, "file1:" + file.getPath ()); Outputstream copy = new file optup stream (file); Byte [] buffer = new byte [1024]; Int readvalue = 0; readvalue = (buffer); While (Watch> gt; 0) {copySong.write (buffer, 0, pendavu)...

facebook - What should be the workflow for tag in ColdFusion 11? -

Today I will call & lt; cfoauth & gt; was looking into the tag. I have created an app on Facebook using my local site URL. I found the client ID and the secret key. I have used Login.cfm: & lt; Cfoauth type = "facebook" clientid = "***" secretkey = "***********" result = "res" redirecturi = "" scope = Email & gt; I have successfully recovered all my Facebook information in a structure format. Now my question is: How do I check in every page that the special user is logged in To integrate Facebook functionality into your site, you must follow the steps outlined below: Provide login option through Facebook Once e-user clicks the Facebook login button, the user is asked to login in Facebook Received, if the user has not already logged in. If the user is already logged in, then the user will be prompted with a popup to allow him to access the information...

c# - Can not cast my Matrix type to IEnumerable<IEnumerable> -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मेरे पास एक मैट्रिक्स क्लास है इस हस्ताक्षर है: सार्वजनिक आंशिक संरचना मैट्रिक्स: IEnumerable & lt; वेक्टर & gt ;, आईक्वेटेबल & lt; मैट्रिक्स & gt; {...} फिर, इसी प्रकार, मेरे पास एक वेक्टर क्लास है: सार्वजनिक आंशिक स्ट्रक्चर वेक्टर: IEnumerable & lt; float & gt ;, iequatable & lt; वेक्टर & gt; {...} तो, कोड में कहीं और मेरे पास: मैट्रिक्स मैट्रिक्स = नया मैट्रिक्स (); IEnumerable & LT; IEnumerable & LT; फ्लोट & gt; & gt; फ्लोटएन्यूमेंटेशनइनामेशन = मैट्रिक्स; लेकिन यह संकलित करने में विफल रहता है, यह कहकर कि वह मैट्रिक्स को एक IEnumerable & lt; IEnumerable & lt; float & gt; & gt; में परिवर्तित नहीं कर सकता। लेकिन मैं नहीं देख सकता क्यों नहीं? मैट्रिक्स लागू करता है IEnumerable & lt; vector & gt; लेकिन IEnumerable & lt; IEnumerable & lt; float & gt; & gt; या तो इसे IEnumerable & lt; IEnumerable & lt; f...

jquery - Owl Carousel failing to load -

I'm trying to integrate Oulle Hindosel into a bootstrap site, I'm making a friend, but I do not think it is available for loading, I get an error which mentions it. When I check out in firebug then there is no wall carousel function. Here is the code I am using: & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; An id = "gallery" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; div class = "row-liquid page page" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "span12" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Image gallery & lt; Span & gt; & Lt; img src = "picture / underline" alt = "______" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; div id = "owl-demo" class = "owl-carousel" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "item" & gt; & Lt; Img class = "lazyOwl" data- src = "picture / bandphotos / dscn0224.j...

tfs - execute code on project Creation -

I wonder if there is a way for the Team Foundation server to execute the code when creating a new project? The objective is that when the project is created, TFS can write to the URL of the portal in the SharePoint Portal for the project. Does anyone know a way to accomplish this? I have not tried to do this but it is a useful one, to expand some details And the code sample is Team Project Generation Wizard.

c# - Operation instead of query interceptor (WCF Data Services) -

I was reading about it, I was disappointed because it is more like a filter instead of an interceptor, in other words You can not include the record or include them, for example you are not able to modify the record. If I want to create a query interceptor for my unit user then I can do something like this: [query interceptor ("user ")] // Apply expression to table users & lt; Func & lt; User, bool & gt; & Gt; UserAnride () {Return Client = & gt; cust.IsDeleted == Incorrect; } What would happen if I made the operation instead? Note that the operation name is very important, just like the unit name [WebGet] public IEnumerable & lt; Users & gt; User () {return it back. ContentData Where (x => x.IsDeleted == incorrect); } Placing this method instead of query interceptor treats my service in the same way, plus I have more power! Is this approach taking a better solution? I will not filter this and a problem n...

Box2D: How to detect which side of a polygon gets collision -

A small rectangle is tilted towards a large rectangle. I want to know whether it is in "rectangle" or "upper" Kills big rectangle I would also like to know that the small polygon is going to rest on its side, or below I'm imagining that it will find Getangle () on the basis of the body, how it is oriented, but I want to hear what a better way is. Thank you You can make several fixtures by "colliding with your object" Can create. Use polygon or square shape for main stability. Then attach several zero mass fixtures around the perimeter as "sensor" and using attachments in all of them to determine who hit a collision. This image shows the original idea: By doing this, Box2D will handle all the work when dealing with the angle you were affected or who was affected first This technique is only used for four sides of the box For no you can use it for any body, where collision is required, depending on where you have collisi...

sql - How to join tables on incompatible columns? -

I have a link to the timecards third party data file in the accesscard and in the area where I have a problem, as "short" Listed - area of ​​text. There is an employee number in that area, which contains all the numerical data. When I link to the employee file to get employee names, I do not get a full match on all the records. I used the keyword "wise" to change the number but how do I use that number to link to the employee file? We are converting essential data into numerical values ​​in two tables and then using those tables, but it takes time and automatically eliminates the purpose of current data. You can convert on the fly from SELECT * A , B WHERE CLNG (AID) = CLNG (BID) (I assume that the column A is already numeric.) You can also make conversions using the syntax, but the query designer will not be able to display this query, if the function is used in the ON section.

python - Django/Tastypie - DELETE requests deleting everything -

मेरे पास निम्न मॉडल है class ओपन (models.Model): name = models .extField () खोली = मॉडल। डेटाटाइमफिल्ड (auto_now_add = true) user = models.ForeignKey (उपयोगकर्ता) और निम्न संसाधन वर्ग UserResource ( ModelResource): कक्षा मेटा: queryset = User.objects.all () resource_name = 'उपयोगकर्ता' वर्ग ओपनरसॉर्स (मॉडल रीसॉर्स): उपयोगकर्ता = फ़ील्ड। फ़ॉरवर्डकी (यूज़रआरएसओआरएस, 'यूजर') वर्ग मेटा: queryset = Open.objects.all () Resource_name = 'open' मैं कुछ उपयोगकर्ता के open_set से एक ओपन ऑब्जेक्ट को हटाने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं। पोस्ट करने के लिए, मैं निम्न कोड का उपयोग करता हूं (अनुरोधों का उपयोग करके): content = {"name": file_path, "user": "/ api / v1 / user / 2 /"} अनुरोध पोस्ट (यूआरएल = 'http: // लोकलहोस्ट: 8000 / एपीआई / वी 1 / ओपन /', डेटा = जेसनडेंप्स (सामग्री), हेडर = {'सामग्री-प्रकार': 'एप्लिकेशन / जेसन'},) जो पूरी तरह से कार्य करता है और ठीक वही करता है जो मैं चाहता हूं। हालांकि, हटाने के लि...

Creating a global analytics javascript variable and using those values in Google Analytics / Remarketing -

So what I'm trying to do here. I am working on an ecommerce system, which has many analytics companies. I want to create a javascript variable that they can all use. Example of checkout page: & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; (Function (_analytics) {_analytics.page_type = '$ page_type'; _analytics.cart = null; _analytics.order = null; _analytics.product = null; if ($ page_type == 'order_confirmation') {_analytics.order.products = []; = '$ order_total'; foreach ($ purchased_product) {_analytics.order.products.push ({'sku': $ sku, 'price': $ value, 'quantity': $ quantity} );}}} (_ Analytics = window._analytics || {})); & Lt; / Script & gt; This is the first tag on my page. After this tag, I include Google Analytics, Google Remarketing, and other analytics scripts. In those scripts I will loop through javascript variables which have already been created to track the...

jquery - Unable to delete object in Rails using Ajax -

Submit an app in Noob Rail 4 and delete in an attempt to make a simple note here. I am using Ajax to submit / delete, but I do not understand why my object will not be removed My administrator includes the following removal method: Delete Def Note.Fund (Parameters [: ID]). Delete Render: json = & gt; "Note deleted!" My "Create" method is as follows: def Note = Note. Create (Title: Note_param [: Title], Description: "Click to add description") render: json = & gt; Note End In my application.js, I am using Ajax to submit and then I can create a "delete" button together: $ (document)). (Function () {$ ("form")} submit (function ($ .post ($ (this) .attr ('verb'), $ (this) .serialize (), function (data) {console Examples of things like $ ('all-notes') for example .log ('Data received from Ajax calls', data); // html to add additional code, etc. Append (data. title (); $ ('sub-notes...

ios - to find error details of Push? -

I migrated my app to a new developer account. According to Apple's guidelines, I reproduced the SSL certificate for push notifications. I changed the SSL certificate and uploaded it for parsing. However since then the parsing is showing full (with error) for any push notification status. How to Find Due to Error If you click on the error, it will give you more information about the new page, whether there is any error Is the message? Click here: Detailed To see, something like this: I am guessing that where the error message will be, I know that it is not and I will remove it as an answer.

python - TinyCSS and GTK Theme @define-color -

I am developing an application to parse GTK + 3 topics This application uses the Tinni CSS library. It seems that TCESSSS is simply ignoring lines like @defined-color base_color #FAFAFA; These definitions are in parser. Style styles [0]. Rors How can I handle it? @defined-color standard CSS syntax is not a valid rule. You have to patch TinyCSS to understand it, or use any other parser that understands GTK modifications in CSS.

javascript - How to get wait screen to show onload when it has CSS styling -

I have a good size web application that is taking more than 10 seconds to load and I make a simple " "Please wait" text message. (This is accessing and processing large amounts of information about more than 30 employees of 8 different tables, more than 10 records , And many of these queries on the results of the last DME query If it is dependent, it will not be cost effective for a program that will reach 3 times in a month and will be done only by internal supervisors.) I thought that a div with the original How to make the text which I want and how to hide it when the program is finished and the page is ready to display, what I am doing with it is formatting. The want to, I want to make it bold and though it is increasing the font, do anytime I try to get as much as it is the center, the message no longer appears. (Tried even through CSS and HMTL) I am wondering if there is something like this that the page should not be loaded unless all the styled content is...

c# - Multithreading within entity framework context -

I have a very large query, which I want to execute in multiple threads to maximize performance. Here is a generalization of my code: Public Operations Control Act () ({var reference = New data entry ()) {var person = context.Poople.First (p = & gt; p UserId == User.Identity.UserId); var model = new person view model (person); See Return (Model); }} // Inside the Public List of the Person View Model class & lt; ApplicationView Model & gt; {Get; app; Set; } Public listing & lt; Message View Modes & gt; Message {receive; Set; } Public person view model (person person) {var applications thread = new thread (populate applications); applicationThread.Start (person); var messithread = new thread (populated message); messagesThread.Start (person); // Other code to be done when application / message threads run the application. Thread.Join (); messagesThread.Join (); } Private zero populateApplications (Object person object) {var person = personObject as person; Appli...

not allow typing in a text field html, can use JavaScript or any function of html -

I have a text field html and there is a decade in it, this letter does not allow writing, but numbers are allowed . I need that they do not allow numbers. This is the function you want to do: Javascript : document.getElementById ("date"). Onkeyup = function () {return false; } and here HTML : & lt; Input id = "date" type = "date" & gt; See this. Hope it helps.

c - Handling Image pointer to pointer in CUDA -

I am trying to establish a CUDA code (part of the Fraclet Image Compression by Equal Fisher) After taking care of the indicators to assign a double pointer indicator indicator to a 2D image, I still can not say "Warning: Global Memory Location, Indicator can not tell", with warning Partitioning partition error is also happening. Here I am here I am here As I also post (my apologies to duplicate the code posted) #include & lt; cuda.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; #define hsize 256 #define vsize 256 #define IMAGE_TYPE Unsigned four __global__ zero card (IMAGE_TYPE matrix [] [hsize], IMAGE_TYPE matrix out [] [hsig]) {int tid = threadIdx.x; Int bead = block idx.x; matrixout [quote] [tid] = matrixin [quote] [tid]; } int fatal (char * s) {fprintf (stderr, "% s \ n", s); Return 1; } #define matrix_allocate (matrix, hsiese, vs, type) {\ TYPE * imptr; \ int _i; \ matrix = (TYPE **) malloc ((vs) * size (TYP...

c# - Why is == overridden in System.Double but not in System.Int32 and what are the ramifications of that? -

सी # में डबल ओवरराइड क्यों == लेकिन मैं एमएसडीएन लाइब्रेरी को देखता हूँ। मैं इस लिंक को डबल के बारे में देखता हूं जो ज्यादा नहीं कहता (हालांकि मैं डबल ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए डबल आकृति है) .. यह उदाहरण के लिए विधियों को नहीं दिखाता है। लेकिन सिस्टम पर यह लिंक। डबल छवि के लिए डबल एमएसडीएन में, फिर तरीकों के बाद फ़ील्ड सूचीबद्ध करने से पहले), यह ऑपरेटरों को दिखाता है, और यह दर्शाता है कि समानता ऑपरेटर ओवरराइड किया गया है और मैं" ऑपरेटर "के तहत समानता पर क्लिक कर सकते हैं और सार्वजनिक स्थिर बूल ऑपरेटर == (डबल बायां, डबल दाएं) जबकि जब मैं System.Int32 छवि के लिए Int को देखता हूँ 32 में एमएसडीएन नीचे है उस छवि में देखें, ( System.Int32 का पृष्ठ) ऐसा लगता है कि == ओवरराइड नहीं किया गया है। क्यों और क्या इस का असर क्या है? डबल। एनएएन की वजह से एक संभावित कारण है। इसके लिए: एमएसडीएन का कहना है: यदि समानता ऑपरेटर (==) का उपयोग करके दो डबल। एनएएन मूल्यों को समानता के लिए परीक्षण किया जाता है, तो परिणाम गलत है; दो डबल। एनएएन मूल्यों को बरा...

vb6 - How to change the location of a .chm file at runtime -

I have .chm support file for VB6 app. At the time when I run from the help file location specified in project properties, Location needs to be changed. I do not want to use some form of HTML support. I just need to know which location to change which program to look for .CHM help file. Anyone run on this issue? I want to store the help file with the data files on the server, and not on the different machines running the application. Set the HelpFile attribute of the bottom of the app object: App .HelpFile = g_Path_to_Your_CHM & amp; "\ YourHelpFile.chm"

python simhash doesn't work on ubuntu -

I have the code to run the same setup and simshash on Mac, it works. But when I objs = [(str (k), simash (v)) in index_data.items () v, "file / / url /local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/simhash-1.1.2-py2.7.egg/simhash/ init .i ", line 30, in init self.build_by_text (Unicode (value)) Unicodecode error: 'ascii' codec can not decode byte 0xf6 in position 34: In the serial no category (128) The error tells you that str (k) is correctly Can not be decoded. Since I do not know where the data is coming from and what it really is, I can only say that str (k) .decode ('cp850') or Simhash (v.decode ('cp850')) Maybe Let's assume that string cp At 850, at least I can do a '\ xf6'.decode (' cp850 ') . And since it seems that there is a problem with the module, check that the string is used properly is already decoded properly.

Calculating matrix points from input Matlab -

मेरे पास समन्वय का एक मैट्रिक्स है, जैसे [x1 y1 z1; X2 y2 z2; ... xn yn zn] । वर्तमान में, ये समन्वय इनपुट हैं, हालांकि, मैं सिर्फ x1 , y1 दर्ज करना चाहता हूं, z1 और for-loop द्वारा, अन्य बिंदुओं की गणना अच्छी तरह से करें: x1 = 7 , y1 = -x ^ 2 , z1 = tanx और यह दूसरे अंक की गणना करके x1 कम करके 1 (जैसे 6, 5, 4 और इसी तरह) और अन्य x2 , y2 , z2 और इतने पर, अंत में सरणी [x1 y1 z1; X2 y2 z2; ... xn yn zn] । संपादन 1: कैसे मैं x, y, z तर्क के रूप में x1 = 7 , y1 = -x ^ 2 , z1 = tanx ? मेरा कोड: फ़ंक्शन funC ( X1, y1, z1) x = 7; y = -x ^ 2; z = Tanx; आईआई = 1: 7 सरणी = [x-1 y z] के लिए; % सही परिणाम समाप्ति नहीं दिखा रहा है आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं पहले, अपना फ़ंक्शन बनायें, जैसे: फ़ंक्शन सरणी = funC (x1, y1, z1) x = (x1: -1: 1)। '; सरणी = [x y1 (x) z1 (x)]; अंत फिर, इसे इस तरह कॉल करें: % परिभाषित करें x1 & gt; & gt; x1 = 7% y1 और z1 को अनाम कार्यों के रूप में परिभाषित करें & gt; & gt; Y1 = @ (x) -x। ^ 2; & Gt; & gt;...

Rails 4 + Rails-API + RSpec + Devise - Trouble testing controllers with custom devise routes -

I am currently building an API and trying to test my controller. I am getting errors related to this issue that I can not solve. API :: V1 :: Session Controller Description to describe "Post / Session": # /spec/requests/api/v1/sessions_spec.rb requires 'spec_helper' is. It gives "user authentication token, on success" user = factorial Create (user: user_params = {"user" => {"email" =>, "password" => user.password}} .to_json post "/ API / V1 / session" , User_param is expected (feedback stats). Aec (200) jsn = jsan prs (feedback). Hope (jsn ['authentication_token']). End of end (user.authentication_token) end # / app / controllers /api/v1/sessions_controller.rb class API :: V1 :: session controller & lt; Devise :: SessionsController response_to: json def end end # routes.rb MyApplication :: Application.routes.draw namespace: API, default: { named format: json} : V1 do devise_scope:...

html - Java: JScrollPane JLabel too close to edge -

I have a jlabel inside jscrollpane that format html to use it. The problem is on code github that the text inside both H1 tags is very close to the left, even when properly aligned. Any help would be greatly appreciated :) package malgm.minecraft.versioninstaller.ui.tabs.credits; Import java.awt.borderLayout; Import javax.swing. *; Import malgm.minecraft.versioninstaller. *; Import malgm.minecraft.versioninstaller.ui.TechUI; Import malgm.minecraft.versioninstaller.ui.controls.TiledBackground; Public category credits extend Infantal Tilebeckell {Personal Static last long serial VERSIONUID = 1 L; Private ResourceFinder ResFinder = New ResourceFinder (); Private Data Data = New Data (); Public credits Infernal (Resource Loader Loader) {Super (Loader.GetImage (Resphx Background Background)); Border layout layout = new border layout (); SetLayout (layout); // welcome text jlabble text = new jlabel ("& lt; html>" + "level align \" right \ "& gt;...

android - Volley memory leak on HEAD requests -

Regarding the volley library for Android: All head requests, my device will run out of memory quickly. Why it seems that it allocates memory based on volumes content in HEAD requests, for example in line 212 new poolingbatteryreutputstream (mPool, (entity) entity.getContentLength ()); What am I doing: requestkey mRequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue (this); For (link: different_links_of_mp3_files) {StringRequest req = New StringRequest (Method.HEAD, URL, blank); MRequestQueue.add (req) Is anyone experiencing the same problem? Is this a bug or just my mistake? Thanks in advance. I have managed to fix it myself, this is a library bug if someone has the same If there is a problem, you will need to add the following additional IF statements to line // if the request method is prominent, then there is no need to assign / memory if (request .getMethod () == Request method.HEAD) {responseContents = new byte [0]; } // Some responses such as 204s do not have conte...