android - Volley memory leak on HEAD requests -
Regarding the All head requests, my device will run out of memory quickly. Why it seems that it allocates memory based on new poolingbatteryreutputstream (mPool, (entity) entity.getContentLength ()); What am I doing: Is anyone experiencing the same problem? Is this a bug or just my mistake? Thanks in advance. I have managed to fix it myself, this is a library bug if someone has the same If there is a problem, you will need to add the following additional IF statements to line By doing this, the volley no longer allocates more content-length memory, thanks to anyway if anyone has tried not to give me any results. volley library for Android:
volumes content in HEAD requests, for example in line 212
requestkey mRequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue (this); For (link: different_links_of_mp3_files) {StringRequest req = New StringRequest (Method.HEAD, URL, blank); MRequestQueue.add (req)
// if the request method is prominent, then there is no need to assign / memory if (request .getMethod () == Request method.HEAD) {responseContents = new byte [0]; } // Some responses such as 204s do not have content, we must check // and if (httpResponse.getEntity ()! = Null) {responsiveContents = entityToBytes (httpResponse.getEntity ()); } else {0} Add 0 byte feedback as a way to represent the honest request of e-content request feedback = new byte [0]; }
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