Creating a global analytics javascript variable and using those values in Google Analytics / Remarketing -
So what I'm trying to do here. I am working on an ecommerce system, which has many analytics companies. I want to create a javascript variable that they can all use.
Example of checkout page:
& lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; (Function (_analytics) {_analytics.page_type = '$ page_type'; _analytics.cart = null; _analytics.order = null; _analytics.product = null; if ($ page_type == 'order_confirmation') {_analytics.order.products = []; = '$ order_total'; foreach ($ purchased_product) {_analytics.order.products.push ({'sku': $ sku, 'price': $ value, 'quantity': $ quantity} );}}} (_ Analytics = window._analytics || {})); & Lt; / Script & gt; This is the first tag on my page. After this tag, I include Google Analytics, Google Remarketing, and other analytics scripts. In those scripts I will loop through javascript variables which have already been created to track the purchase.
Remarketing tag that comes after the first tag:
& lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var google_tag_params = {ecomm_prodid: '', ecomm_pagetype: _analytics.page_type, ecomm_totalvalue =; }; / * & Lt ;! [CDATA [* / var google_conversion_id = XXXXXX; var google_custom_params = window.google_tag_params; Var google_remarketing_only = true; / *]] & Gt; * / & lt; / Script & gt; Has any loss or damage, which should be known while trying to apply it in such a way? Google Tag Assistant complains that the Google Remarketing page type variable is set incorrectly, but if I get console.log (google_tag_params.ecomm_pagetype) the correct value.
Just someone has such a problem / question, I understand it. I was using a "Dummy" remarketing ID to test (0000). Obviously, comment tags did not like this value Once I changed it into the actual remarketing ID, it worked fine.
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