
Showing posts from May, 2013

html - Flexible Border Radius -

मेरे पास कुछ एंकर टैग हैं मैं उन्हें सीमा त्रिज्या लागू कर रहा हूं ताकि वे एक गोल आकार (सर्कल) के अंदर दिख सकें। इसे अपने टेक्स्ट चौड़ाई के लिए लचीला होना चाहिए मैं कोशिश कर रहा हूं लेकिन क्या नहीं करना है मैं इसे कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? कृपया किसी भी सुझाव की सराहना की जाएगी। & lt; a href = "" & gt; एबीसी & lt; / a & gt; & lt; a href = "" & gt; abcdefgh & lt; / a & gt; सीएसएस: एक {सीमा: 1px ठोस काले; गद्दी: 10px; -वेबकिट-सीमा-त्रिज्या: 100px; -मोझ-सीमा-त्रिज्या: 100px; सीमा-त्रिज्या: 100px; } आप प्रतिशत में त्रिज्या दे सकते हैं। CSS: एक {सीमा: 1px ठोस काले; गद्दी: 10px; -विबिट-सीमा-त्रिज्या: 10%; -मोझ-सीमा-त्रिज्या: 10%; सीमा-त्रिज्या: 10%; } यह है सीमा के त्रिज्या से यह लंगर के चारों ओर एक ही चक्र प्राप्त करना संभव नहीं है क्योंकि यह एंकर टेक्स्ट आकार पर निर्भर करता है। यदि यह अलग होता है तो सर्कल भी प्रतिबिंबित होता है। अपडेट: आप इसे div के साथ तब चौ...

Moving a sprite in 2D matrix array - JavaScript -

I have created a 2D array that contains 10 x 10 maze. Now the problem I have is that I have a maze jpg (when it Actually working on the table) but will move the phantom. How do I transfer the phantom to a specific distance as it appears like going to the next category? I have their keyboard functions and I think I'll need this code. But I'm confused about the argument to move a specific class to Spit. playerx = 1 player y = 1 up = maze [player x, player y - 1]; Down = maze [player x, player y + 1]; Left = Mac Array [PlayerX - 1, Player Y]; Right = messier [player x + 1, player y]; There should be a complete maze and your character induction in your canvas. Your phantom is a circle with a radius 10 (hence it is 20px 20px) but the "square" of your maze is only 6px 6px (because your canvas is 60px 60px and you said that the labyrinth is 10x10 ). It seems as if it transmits a class, you need to first fit it to a cell. Maximize your canvas (200px to 20...

c - Using 3d array outside a function -

I have a function in which I create a 3D array and fill all the values. I have to pass a pointer at the function which will allocate the memory space of the 3D array in that function so that it can be used outside of that function. At present, I am doing something that does not seem to work, can someone guide me in the best possible resolution? int (* arr) [4]; Assign zero to DD (int (* AR) [4]) {int local [2] [3] [4]; // Maybe we should pass * local? MEMSet (local, 0, size (integer) * 2 * 3 * 4); // fill the local array with the number arr = local; } printf ("% d \ n", arr [1] [2] [3]); I know I wrote the awesome code above but I am learning :) Assigning an array is not possible. You are also using the wrong type for the argument ( is not int (*) [5] which decays in a int [2] [3] [4] , Use int (*) [3] [4] as the logic type) Once you have the correct type, you can use memcpy () You can use: #include & lt; String.h & gt; # Include & lt; St...

javascript - Difference in onload from a 'link' or 'button' -

When I click on link , then I load a form. When I load the form I get value from Java Hashp for which the price is taken from the table. To save the form, I click on the button . Upon submitting, that value is changed to another table, so I can not use the key of the same hash mark and thus there is not a single variable within the value attribute of the input tag. After saving, the form is reloaded with the edited values ​​in the form. Is there any difference in loading both of these, which is loading the form with link and loading a form with the button is? The difference is when you load the hyperlink with new httprequest and a new request is made by the browser (client). When you submit the form using the button, it calls your form saving code and redirects to reload the same form which means that after submitting this form Redirects to httprequest and to redirect the server or httprequest to reload your code. Hyper link - & gt; Step 1 - & gt;...

sql - Producing a report that measures a value, grouped by one attribute and then by another -

I have a database that has many information about games, teams, connecting fixtures, those leagues, and Various results of those fixtures I want to be able to produce a report that wants to be able to measure the performance of the team (number of wins, win / points / calculation values ​​of losses) and then I want to play this game every Played by the team and then the league and Division is grouped by For example, name of the team Sport League Division Results Hampshire Utd Football Silver Cup 1 - I have an information The selection of joining teams in which they live, whether they win "W", "L" has been lost, or "D" has attracted the game. I'm not sure how to set it so that it calculates the number of wins if I try to do mathematical work, then it connects each stability with the value, then win, loss, and draw: Team Name Sport League Division Results Grahamshaw Rugby Phoenix 3 Humpshire Reverse Football Silver Cup 1 5 Kia Ora Squash N...

php - MySQL join query appears to be valid but not performing as expected -

I am relatively new to using MySQL to connect. I have two tables: sh_subscriptions => ID = & gt; user_id = & gt; feed_id sh_feeds = & gt; ID = & gt; shop_name = & gt; feed_id I am trying to get all the fields from sh_subscriptions where feed_id to feed_id Matches sh_feed s that matches the $ line ['shop_name'] and where matches user_id $ id ['id] . Here's my attempt: Select- from sh_subscriptions INNER JOINT_SET_ID = SHAnFeads on f.feed_id. JOER = '' $ Id ['id']. '' And F. Shop_name = ''. $ Line ['store_name'] UPDATE I now have the following: while ($ row = mysqli_fetch_array ($ Query)} {echo " ;); Echo ['shop_name'] "" per line; $ Query = mysqli_query ($ con, "SELECT * sh_subscriptions Join INNER sh_feeds f at s.feed_id = f.feed_id WHERE s.user_id = '" $ id [' id '].' 'And f.shop_name =' ". $ Line [...

ios - How can I keep the navigation bar at the top of the screen when scrolling? -

I am working on an iPad app in Xamarin that (among other things) will download PDFs from a file system and While scrolling through the webview to read the PDF in a webview, I will be shown them, I have been asked to keep the navigation bar at the top of the screen. The user has scrolled once, it is currently away. How I searched for this and got a question like this but nothing related to mobile development. I think it has been tried by some other people, but maybe it's against Apple's guidelines? If anyone has been found saying something like this, I take it as an answer or any sample code of its implementation will be appreciated. UIVIE and add the navigation bar to there. Under your navBar add webview . This is all.

ios - How to use comma method to make calculator -

I am now applying a calculator. In some way, I can show the number to display as NSString but, I want to add a number of commas in the display. I searched the method (comma) for adding numbers, but I'm not sure how to use the method. I would like to change DisplayNumber (without commas) with DisplayNumber (with commas) through the CreateStringAddedCommaFromInt method. How should I solve? * DisplayNumber, firstNumber, secondNumber int. - Show zero (show) = DisplayNumber = firstNumber + secondNumber; LabelTotal.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% g", DisplayNumber]; } - (NSString *) createStringAddedCommaFromInt: (NSInteger) number {NSNumberFormatter * format = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]; [Format set number number: NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle]; [Format Set Sooming Separator: @ ","]; [Format set set size: 3]; Return [Format StringFor Object Value: [NSNumber NumberWind: Number]]; } In addition to setting the grouping separator, you will see t...

c++ - Can't include glut.h in NetBeans -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 27 जवाब ठीक है, मैं नहीं कर सकता वास्तव में नेटबैंस में ओपनजीएल का उपयोग करें। इसलिए मेरे पास साइगविन स्थापित है और इस पथ में glut.h फ़ाइल है: सी: \ cygwin64 \ usr \ include \ w32api \ GL \ glut.h यह वह डिफ़ॉल्ट पथ है जहां gl.h था, मैंने केवल glut.h को जोड़ा है .. । लेकिन जब मैं इसे शामिल करता हूँ, नेटबीन्स कहते हैं: एक चेतावनी के रूप में जीएएल / ग्लुट एच में अनसुनीकृत भी शामिल हैं, और जब मैं glutInit (NULL, NULL ); फ़ंक्शन यह त्रुटि देता है: / cygdrive / c / उपयोगकर्ता / *** / दस्तावेज / नेटबैंस प्रोजेक्ट / *** / main.cpp: 8: अपरिभाषित संदर्भ `glutInit '/cygdrive/c/Users/***/Documents/NetBeansProjects/***/main.cpp:8:(.text+0x18): स्थानांतरण को फिट करने के लिए छोटा: R_X86_64_PC32 अपरिभाषित प्रतीक` glutInit' के विरुद्ध कोई भी समाधान या पूरे ओपन जीएल को नेटबींस में जोड़ने का एक पूरा ट्यूटोरियल है? आपको सटीकता से स्थापित करना होगा, और प्रोजेक्ट सेटिंग्स में अपने नेटबैंस में शामिल और लिंकर पथ को सेट करना ...

sql server 2008 - Regex code how to filter all names that contain only numbers and end with .jpg and/or _number.jpg? -

How to filter all the names, which contain the numbers and end with .jpg and / or _number.jpg? Background information: In SSIS 2008, I have a foreach loop that will store the file name in a variable for all JPG files. The intent configuration for files is currently: *. Jpg This will handle all JPG files. What is the code, so it will only like names? : 3417761506233.jpg 5414233177487.jpg 5414233177487_1.jpg 5414233177487_14.jpg but not like names: abc.jpg abc123.jpg def.png 456.png Numbers represent EAN codes the same way. I thought about this code: \ d | _ | .jpg But SSIS gives an error stating that there are no files available from the criteria in the files (name) folder. You can use a script task within the loop to regex filtering: Or you can use a free (third party) enumerator:

linux - How to install Meteorite in Meteor? -

I need to install Meteorite software package in Meteor. The environment is: Linux (percent OS) I'm trying the following commands, but this is an error. I do not understand So, please look at the code below and meteor how to install the meteor software package into the meteor. [Root @ localhost myapp] # npm install -g meteorite bash: npm: command not found [root @localhost myapp] # OK, you have the npm command that is why this complaint is complaining that this command is missing . I recommend that you install the command, use your local software management system to find the package and install it with a single click

Kendo UI Diagram - content text values -

I am using size to create diagrams. Content - & gt; For example, if the node object is: var data = [[Designation: "CEO", Name: "Mitchell Johnson": Management of: [[Designation] "Designer", name: "Robert Thompson"}}, {Designation: "Director", name: "Andrew Walker"}, {title: "Vice President", Name: "Smith Cooper" "Vice President", Name: Management of "Harris Jones": [[Designation: "Director", Name: "Edward Collins"}, {Designation: "Director", Name: "Thomas Wang"}]}]}]; Content here - & gt; The text should mention the 'name' attribute and display it at the center. Ensure that you add 'size' to diagram config: Size: Default: {Visual: Visual Template}, In the Visual Template, add a way to mark it: / p> Function visual tileplate (Option) {var dataviz = kendo.dataviz; var g = new dataviz.diagram.Group ();...

Unable to Generate Data from sql server using Date attribute -

I have to get data from the SQL Server database by using the date attribute as listed below. SELECT OracleId, First Names, MiddleName, Coach Group Nom FD View Daily Facilities Info, where was created = '4/14/2014'; However, no data will be generated, even if the record is found in DB Note: - The data type created is Data Data. The first '4/14/2014' in your date string is finally a place. Try removing the location if it does not attempt to use less than the date (& gt;) and the date (& lt;) operators, So something like this: SELECT OracleId, FirstName, MiddleName, Coach Group No. See DeliEdentensInfo, where made & gt; = '4/14/2014' and Created & lt; '2014/04/15'; But I guess this is due to the place in your date.

keymapping - Vim key mapping with symbols -

I define a key key map to insert the selected line inside an HTML p tag I'm trying to: This is not work, I think that Vim is in a specific way by & lt; P & gt; is interpreting how can I solve it? It seems that you are using VIM in "compatible mode" which is just disappointing Drafting people do "Nocompatible mode", your mapping works as expected, so you should make sure that nocompatible is set to (empty ~ / .imim Must be enough). Anyway, your & lt; P & gt; s is not a problem, because it is inserted normally, this is your & lt; cr & gt; and your & lt; esc & gt; Creating a mistake: Since you are running VIM in "compatible mode", cpoptions in the option , which does not recognize Vime and lt; CR & gt; and friends as a special key. Running the Vim in "nocompatible mode" is the best way to go the best , but you can also use the following notation if you really insist on b...

Does Crate work only with HTTP protocol? -

I could not find this information on technical information ... though the resort is very convenient for a variety of scenarios, a Native protocol looks more like high speed Does the existing implementation support the original binary protocol? Yes, it is possible to use the original transport protocol through the protocol nodes connected to the cluster state and routing Know the information that makes them fast Now, only the Java client supports this protocol. Generally speaking, we found that the HTTP protocol is not very slow if you connect to high equivalence, just connect with asynchronous with multiple connections.

OpenCV Java binds VideoCapture from file failing silently -

I am using OpenCV 2.4.8 with supplied Windows 64 bit Java Jar. I am using OpenCV in my current environment to this point. I am unable to open video files using the VideoCapture class, but Webcam feeds work fine. Expected work with video. Translated is returning true videocapture video = new video capture (); Boolean results = video. Open (0); Down with the video fails. Open Returned VideoCapture Video = New Video Capture (); Boolean results = ("res / hand-test-1.mp4"); Neither the file format makes a difference (these are changed, not just in the name of hope) (" res / hand-test-1.mp4 "); ("race / hand test 1.avi"); ("race / hand test 1.wmv"); The location does not seem to matter either. ("C: /hand-test-1.mp4"); ("C: \\ manual test 1.mp4"); ("manual test 1.mp4"); Neither makes garbage, OpenCV is not an e...

javascript - how to set php array from the json ajax response -

Category Show list. After clicking on the category, we have listed products by category, when I clicked the category, get_category_products fucntion, "unit": {"name": "clock", "unique_pres": "430.00"}, { "Name": "clock", "unit_pres": "250.00" and back to Jason output }] function: (category) {$. Ajax ({type: 'POST', url: "get_category_products.php", async: true, data: 'category =' + category, cache: wrong, success: work (data) {warning (data);}}); } product list code & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt ;? php $ products_list [$ pr1] - & gt; Name;? & Gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt ;? php echo $ products_list [$ pr1] - & gt; Unit_pris ;? & Gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt ;? Php if ($ count% 3 == 0) {? & Gt; ...

haskell - Yesod 1.2 CSRF protection -

I am skeptical about the CSRF protection of Yesod, and this is my understanding of how Yesod works in general That is that the form system of Hoseod uses a "token" that is passed as a hidden area in the HTML receipt of the form. When the form is processed, the token is stored on the server (or at least created) compared to that, I would like to track it down, because CSRF protection is starting to be strange in my development environment, and I I would like to change the environment so that in the form of form production do the same work in development. Is Josod's CSRF token "dependent"? The token is stored in the user session. You can gain access to: fmap reqToken getRequest

javascript - How to store User Data in AngularJs -

Can anyone tell me how the user data has been logged in the Global Realm of AngularJS, My login service looks like this App.service ('Auth', function ($ http) {return} is {logon: function (callback) {$ http.get ( 'api / auth / success (callback (res);});}, login: function (user, callback) {$ (' api / auth / login ', user) .success (function Res) {callback (res);}}}, logout: function (callback) {$ http.get ('api / auth / logout'). Success (function (Race) {callback (res);}}}}};}); I'm using the same in my controller like this $ scope.isLogin = false; $ scope.UserData = {}; $ scope.login = function (user) {Auth.login (user, function (res) {if (res.status) {$ scope.isLogin = true ; $ scope.loginBoxShown = false; $ scope.UserData =; $ location.path ('/ dashboard');}});}; On this first run Works fine, but once I reload the page, the variable $ scope.isLogin and $ scope.UserData are resetting > Is my $ sco...

c# - Reading Variable (array of structs) out of unmanaged dll -

I need your help. I have the following code code: a DLL (Can not recompile or change it): typedef struct {/ * test name * / four * name; / * Trial name (his call name) * / four * snack; / * Indicator * / char * description for a test description; / * Standard test default * / unsigned int psamples_std; / * Standard test default * / unsigned int tsamples_std; / * Number of independent statistics generated per points * / unsigned int NKPS; / * An indicator for testing itself (should be filled on initialization) * / int (* test); / * Zero Pointer * / Zero * targs for a vector of additional test arguments; } Dtest; This structure is used in DLL inside an array, as you can see here: Dtest * dh_test_types [1000]; After a lot of research, I found a way to get "simple type" varibales out of DLL: IntPtr hdl; HDL = Load Library ("SagadiHarder-3D"); IntPtr addr = GetProcAddress (HDL, "dh_test_types"); and for the simple types I use int value =...

bash - disable flow control in .bashrc for vim mapping -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब में, मैं देख रहा हूँ: / P> "ध्यान दें कि सीपी को पुनःप्राप्त करने के लिए प्रवाह नियंत्रण अक्षम होना चाहिए" (जैसे .bashrc या .zshrc) नक्शे & lt; C-s & gt; & LT; esc & gt;: डब्ल्यू & LT; सीआर & gt; आईमैप & lt; सी-एस & gt; & LT; esc & gt;: डब्ल्यू & LT; सीआर & gt; मैं वास्तव में इन मैपिंग का उपयोग करना चाहूंगा, लेकिन "प्रवाह नियंत्रण अक्षम" करने के लिए .bashrc में क्या डाल देना चाहिए यह पता नहीं लगा सकता। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ (बैश में), और क्या अन्य अवांछित परिणाम होंगे? मैं अन्य उपयोगों के लिए प्रवाह नियंत्रण को बंद करने और सीएस को मुक्त करने के लिए stty -ixon का उपयोग करता हूं। यदि आप अभी भी प्रवाह नियंत्रण चाहते हैं, तो आप इसके बजाय प्रोग्राम को रोकने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली कीस्ट्रोक को बदल सकते हैं stty stop ^ e # के बजाय ^ s stty start ^ b # के बजाय ^ q बेशक, सुनिश्चित करें कि कुंजी पहले से ही एक ऐसे व्यवहार के लिए बाध्य नहीं ह...

javascript - IE 11 ddl tooltip not working C# .net -

After updating from I9 to ie11, there is a problem with my dropdown list tooltip. In my compatibility mode Is set to be viewed and also in the master page but tooltip is still not working correctly Tooltip text will show only on the selected value and below it East. If my DDL has 10 items and my selected value is 5, then there is text tooltip in 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. I do not display any tooltips for 1, 2, 3, 4, when I'm running these values. Here are the codes: foreach (list.itl _listItem this.ddl.Items) {string textitem = _listItem.Text + _listItem.Value; _listItem.Attributes ["title"] = textitem; } Ddl.Attributes.Add ("onmouseover", "this.title = this.options [this selected index] .title"); It worked for me with IE11 and Chrome: ddl.Attributes.Add ("onmouseover", " Title = this.options [this.selectedIndex] .Value "); You can use the text or value like select.options as: onmouseover = "title = this.o...

javascript - How to include jasmine js in development project -

What is the most popular way to incorporate jasmine in a project in the development environment only? I, but what can I see that it has to be downloaded and manually added to the project? edit: Or you can set the flag in your app config file based on the production version. Using the flag, you will find your Jasmine. JS can add a condition to execute the test suite.

Implmenting onData in 'dart:html' dispatchEvent -

I am developing an application but I have noticed that under the addRace method in class there is very similar code of each class below : @CustomTag ('race-view') extends the class race vaporum polymer element {Race-Viewformatted (): Super. Created (); Zero addRace (Event e, Miscellaneous details, element target) {var raceElem = $ ['race']; If (raceElem.children.length & lt; 1) {raceElem.children.add (New Element.tag ('race-form')); } raceElem.on [DELETE_BUTTON_FORM_EVENT] .listen {( as Element) .remove (); Dispatches (new custom event (RACE_VIEW_EVENT, extension: new race))}};}} I tried to move the repetitive code to the library, which was shared with the following refactoring: import 'dart: html'; import 'package: inspection / inspection' dart '; ... zero addForm (element target, string event name, string dispatch A Nant, dynamic installation) {var element = target; if (element.children.length & lt; 1) {element.c...

ruby on rails - Act_as_taggable: any way to clean tag used one time? -

I am using Act_as_taggable Gem in my project, but there are so many confusions in my tags: I have about 10000 tags Where 6000 of them are used only once I have auto-complete and auto-complete on 10000 tags. Any method of cleaning the tag only once? Are you on the ACT_as_taggable version? I am on the latest version and I have two tables: tagging - & gt; Id, tag_ id, taggable_id, taggable_type, tagger_id, tagger_type, context, created_t tag - & gt; id, name, taggings_count tags. Tags give you the number of times the tag is used. You can get rid of those tags which are used only once, but make sure you get rid of the entries in those taggaries that keep it compatible (tag. Id == taggable.tag_id). Also make sure you have an index at (which should be by default, but check again). UPDATE: To remove the tag? Do you want to do this inside your application? To wit. List all tags on the page and have a remove button? Or are you going to manually delete it...

javascript - How do I change a scope variable with a service? -

I have an app, and there is an entry and login form inside the app. The signup form, when the user creates the account, they are automatically logged in. With the login form, the user can also login (obviously). I have two controllers: one for the signup form, and one for the entry form. I want them to be able to share a service, 'login', because the user is getting login with both forms. It is still working. My only issue is that the entry form sees the user's login credentials asynchronously against the database, and if this request is made on this script then it comes back, then it says that there was no match, then somebody Displays the model of the error message, which is shown when the 'login' service is not used as a service for a user, but it is not only for both If it is copied to the devices, then it works perfectly in 'SignupCtrl' it looks like: .controller ('SignupCtrl', ['$ scope', '$ http' Function ($ radi...

osx - Disable Sublime Text 2 "Smart-Switching" On Close Tab -

When a tab stops in subleam text 2, ST2 switches to the most recent access files. Is it possible to disable this behavior, so take the ST2 replacement left or right to the next tab? For example, how does Chrome handle when I close the large batches of files, I'm missing out on which file is being selected for the next hard work. To clarify: Try opening tabs, select Tab 5, then Tab 3, then Tab again 5. Close the tab 5. Instead of tab 4 (the closest tab), you will be changed to Tab 3 (next-most recent tab). I am on OS X Mavericks, it is relevant at the close and ST2 2.0.2, build 2221. The behavior of Sublime 3 and not there is also a plugin for which you will close Can change the behavior of tabs.

javascript - wrapping third party function inside document.write() -

I am putting it inside the document below. But its a third party ceremony & amp; The first is the absolute key and the second value is that I am passing the value, so it can not be inside the document. To write (). So how do I write it? document.write ('populated data ("number", shown);'); If you are asking how to add strings in javascript, Type will appear, using + operator: document.write ('populateData ("number", "' + + shown '' ''); ';);

Android NDK shared memory: how to use ashmem_create_region? -

I have found some guidelines on using shared memory in Ansroid OS. I have learned that OS or user-compelled killing procedures Because of memory leaks, shm_open is not present in the Android. Ashmem functions have been developed instead, but I can not get the announcement of ashmem_create_region () and other functions in my NDK. With so many things in Android, the answer is that to use JNI. Java class wraps java.nio.mappedByteBuffer ashmem and provides read / write methods to read it. Unfortunately, if you are using shared memory to boost performance, many round trips through JNI are not attractive. To get the Askem handle by name, there is a reflection of the Cedric Fung, which will work, but breaks into the future structure. (It seems, BTW. It seems that someone has decided that "MFD" is very vague and "mfile descriptor" will be a better name, or something like that.) If you want to play with fire, According to the type instead of the name, because there i...

Android: Handling Links using IntentFilter -

I'm having trouble trying to handle the following link using an IntentFilter.<playerId>/<hobbies> And a real life example would be something like this: And this is my IntentFilter & Lt; Activity ...... & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.VIEW" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> & Lt; Data Android: scheme = "http" Android: host = "" Android: path = "/ club / player / *" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Activity & gt; I have tried to follow Android: The path and none of them work: android: path = "/ clubs / players /.*/.* "Android: path =" / club / players / * / * " I am able to control the fol...

Android - rooted user - mount: Read-only file system -

Can someone help me? I have the root, but rw can not be modified: root @ android: / # mount -o rw, remount / dev / block / system Mounts: read-only File system While from ADB: C: \ and Android SDK \ sdk \ platform-tools \ adb reminder was successful Then I try to open / open a file in the system only I have 'irulu ax105' tablet to read. This is my current situation: C: \ android SDK \ sdk \ platform-tools & gt; ADB Shell Root Android: / # ls -l ls -l drwxr-xr-x root root 2000-01-02 19:46 ACTT DWXRWox --- System Cash 2014-04-16 23:00 Cash D-X --- --- Route root 2000-01-02 19:46 Config lrwxrwxrwx Route root 2000-01-02 19:46 D -> / Sys / kernel / debug drwxrwx - x System System 2000-01-02 18:49 data -r-r-r4 400 401 116 2013-12-13 03:19 Default prop drwxr-xr-x root root 2000 -01-02 19:46 dev lrwxrwxrwx root root 2000-01-02 19:46 etc - & gt; / System / etc-RWXR-X --- 400 401 113752 2013-12-13 03:19 IIT-RWXR-X --- 400 401 2487 2013-12-13 03:19 init.goldf...

javascript - Conditional Date with Jquery -

I'm still trying to understand the Jquery syntax. I was almost certain that I had the following script right, although the warning I am showing (if the day is Monday), without any regard to the situation, it appears that any help is very commendable. To recapture, I want this warning to be automatically visible, if the day is equal to Monday. & lt; Script & gt; Var Mon = New Date () GetDay (); If (mon = 2) {$ (document) .ready (function () {alertify.alert ("example message");}); } And {} / Script & gt; Note: Note: still shows the message using the script (I believe) Tuesday = 2 looks for == = Attribution is & lt; Script & gt; Var Mon = New Date () GetDay (); If (mon == 2) {$ (document) .ready (function () {alertify.alert ("example message");}); } And {} / Script & gt; Mon = 2 will specify value 2 for variable moons. Mon == 2 will verify that Mon 2 equals

c# - Roslyn: Current Workspace in Diagnostic with code fix project -

How can I get information about existing workspaces (such as project paths, solution paths) in diagnostics with Code Fix project? Am I > I have a code like this: I var syntax = (Local Displacement Statics Syntax) node; var type = syntax Disclaimer Type; Var typeSymbol = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo (type). ConvertedType; I would like to search for all types / references types. TypeSymbol represents the class located in the source code. To do this, I wanted to use the symbol fender, but the solution of the symbol of the fender requires solutions ... In the old version of Roslyn, the document was given as a method of diagnosis That was, you can get projects and solutions. There is no current way to come into the workspace or to do multi-project analysis when a diagnostic analyzer, because It needs to be able to run against a single compilation using a command line compiler. Once the diagnosis is determined, you can do this work in the code provider. If you want to a...

c - Why does openSL not report when microphone is in use??? (Android 4.4) -

यह logcat से है: डब्ल्यू / ऑडियो पॉलिसी प्रबंधक (16 9): startInput () इनपुट 152 विफल: अन्य इनपुट पहले ही शुरू हो गए हैं .. ई / ऑडियो रिकॉर्ड (10665): शुरू () स्थिति -38 आई / मेरीएप (10665): [myAPP] माइक्रोफोन खोलना ठीक हो गया ... यहां मेरा एप्लिकेशन और "हाय- क्यू एमपी 3 रिकॉर्डर" (एंड्रॉइड स्टोर से) के बीच एक इंटरॉप समस्या है। रिकॉर्डर पृष्ठभूमि में माइक ऑडियो रिकॉर्ड कर रहा है और मैं माइक्रो ऑडियो रिकॉर्ड करने के लिए अपना आवेदन प्रारंभ करता हूं। ऑडियो पॉलिसी मैनेजर SASS मुझे बताता है कि माइक उपयोग में है, लेकिन संदेश ओपन एसएलएल के माध्यम से ऑडियोरेकॉर्ड द्वारा प्रसारित नहीं करता है होना चाहिए, है ना?) जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं AudioRecord भी उपयोग में जा रहा mic के बारे में पता है! लेकिन ओपनएसएल मुझे कुछ भी नहीं बताता है! जब आप ओपन एसएल ऑडियो एपीआई का उपयोग कर रहे हैं तो आप कैसे प्रयोग कर सकते हैं? क्या यह ज्ञात बग है? यह ज्ञात मुद्दा है:

pandas - Filter out rows with more than certain number of Nan -

In pandora dataframe, I would like to filter all the rows which have more than 2 nanows, basically i have 4 columns And I would like to put those rows, where at least 2 columns have limited value. The following should be done See what we are doing here, NaN rows, where the line contains 2 or more non NaN values. Example: In [25]: Import Pandas pd df = pd.DataFrame ({'a': [1,2, NaN, 4,5], 'B': [NaN, 2, NaN, 4,5], 'c': [1,2], nan, nan, nan], 'd': [1,2,3, nan, 5]}) DF Out [25]: ABCD 0 1NN 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Na Nn N 3 3 4 4 NaN NaN 4 5 5 NaN 5 [5 Rows x 4 Column] [26]: df.dropna (thresh = 2) Out [26]: ABCD 0 1NAN 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 Nain Nain 4 5 5 nan 5 [4 rows x 4 column] Edit This works for the above example but you should be aware that you have a number of columns Set the value to the value and set the value to thresh , I thought that basically it means the number of values ​​ NaN but it is actually the Maya Non NaN va...

apigee - Unable to login into Managemnt UI - "error on the backend" -

I am unable to log in to my management UI. When I try, I get an error that says, "Ohs: There was an error on the backend, please try again." (Not very useful, some clue of error would be good) I was able to enter before the weekend MP3 / R is processing requests TIA / P> You must be an on-premise customer This error occurs when the management server and settings are not properly configured in the apigee.conf file.

javascript - Applying chaining pattern to creation of an element and its children? -

मेरे पास एक फ़ंक्शन है फ़ंक्शन बनायें एलिमेंट (नाम, मान, मूल) {var ele = document.createElement (नाम); ele.innerHTML = मूल्य; parent.appendChild (हाथी); वापस लौ; } जो तत्व बनाता है, एक मान जोड़ता है और उसके माता-पिता को जोड़ता है। अब मैं इसे चेननीय बनाना चाहता था, जहां आप उसी ऑब्जेक्ट पर कई बार फंक्शन कॉल करते हैं। & lt; div & gt; & lt; span & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & lt; / div & gt; का निर्माण करने के लिए, उपरोक्त कार्य का उपयोग करना var div1 = createElement ('div', 'div1', document.body); Var span = create एलेमेंट ('span', 'span', div1); इसलिए चेनिंग के माध्यम से अपेक्षित उत्पादन प्राप्त करने के लिए, उदाहरण के लिए, मैं document.body.createChild ('div', 'div ') .createchild (' a ',' anchor ') एक ?? | और इसी तरह, जहां createChild फ़ंक्शन दो मापदंडों का नाम लेता है तत्व और पाठ मान। यदि आप रुचि रखते हैं कि कैसे जेएस में एक चेनिंग पैटर्न बनाने के लिए यहां एक उदा...

Stata graph and yline -

I have the following twoway scatter and I see two to plot ylines and start and stop them on setting x-value Set all distinct auto detective auto twoway scatter to MPG load, // connect (L) sort // / Xline (2500) /// yline (25) I have a range of 1500 to 2800 and the other xline yline > Should be a xline from 2900 to 4100. I also want a data point to connect. must use a hack assistant variable: All Sizes Set more than Auto Clear ----- First yline ----- gen xli =. Xli = 1500 instead of 1 in Xli = 2800 in L GIL = 25 = 25 * ----- replace second yin ----- in General xxli = xxli = 2 900 xxli = 4100 Change g General Yeli = 20 * ----- First Xline ----- General Yiuli =. Yyyli = 1 in yyyli = 40 in l gene xxxli = 2500 * ----- graph ----- twoway scatter MPG weight, connect (L) type || /// line yli xli || Line Yily X Axley /// Yilines || Line yyyli xxxli // xline I suspect that this is the best technique, but it seems to work. You must at least work on mythology and l...

couchdb - How to import a Javascript library in a List Functions -

Whether to import "external" javascript libraries for use in list function in Cochbi The way? I am trying to create a list function which will do an XSL Transformation and I was hoping to use the Sarsa library. Edit : Please see XSL Transformation in Sochdi. You must add the source files of the library to your design document (assuming this is a JS library) How do that depend on many factors, you did not specify how you are deploying in your CouchDb example, so I have just thought about it yet. The thing is that you can share the code with list functions (between some other people like the map function) If you load the source file into a string stored in your design document, you can use the library exported through the requirement of the ("lib / sarissa") for example.

Ruby: Removing arrays from a 2d array that match a certain string -

I have a 2d array that looks like array = [["apple"] 10], ["banana", 20], ["plum", 30], ["oranges", 10]] and another array that looks badstuff_array = ["bananas", "plums"] and I want to remove from arrays in which badstuff_array . So any output can help with goodstuff_array = [["apple", 10], ["oranges", 10]] in ? This combination can be done very easily with: Array.delete_if {| X | badstuff_array.include? X [0]} # = & gt; [["Apple", 10], ["oranges", 10]]

Spliiting a time series and applying different functions to different columns in R -

मान लीजिए कि यह डेटाफ्रेम (डीटी) है: datetime price1 price2 2011-01- 04 22:00:20 1 7 2011-01-04 22:01:37 2 8 2011-01-04 22:01:57 3 9 2011-01-04 22:03:03 4 10 2011-01-04 22 : 03: 32 5 11 2011-01-04 22:03:45 6 12 मैं डेटा समय (1 मिनट अंतराल) द्वारा डेटा विभाजित करना चाहता हूं और ढूंढता हूं: कीमत 1 के लिए: पिछली बार अवलोकन शून्य से पहले। मूल्य 2 के लिए: सभी मूल्यों का योग। समय अंतर राशि 2011-01-04 22:00:00 1-1 = 0 7 2011-01-04 22:01:00 3-2 = 1 17 2011-01-04 22:03:00 6-4 = 2 33 डीटी $ समय & lt; - कट (dt $ datetime, "1 मिनट") dt1min & lt; -ddply (डीटी,। (समय), फ़ंक्शन (x)) मुझे फ़ंक्शन (x) को कैसे परिभाषित करना चाहिए? धन्यवाद। यह मेरा समाधान data.table पैकेज का उपयोग कर रहा है: लाइब्रेरी (डेटा योग्य) डीटी & lt; - data.table (datetime = c ("2011-01-04 22:00:20", "2011-01-04 22:01: 37 "," 2011-01-04 22:01:57 "," 2011-01-04 22:03:03 "," 2011-01-04 22:03:32 "," 2011-01-04 22: 03:45 ")...

java - Copying ArrayList to text file using methods -

I want to remove elements from the array list with the method: public static string Remove the extracted elements in a text file by using this method: Public static void element (arrelist & lt; string & gt; list, string s) I still have: import .filewiter; Import; Import java.util.ArrayList; Public class test {public static zero main (string [] algs) // // TODO auto-generated method stub array list & lt; String & gt; s = new arreelist & lt; & Gt; (4); s.add ("Knock Knock."); S.add ("Who's there?"); s.add ("* too long pause .... *"); S.add ("java"); {Try FileWriter fos = New FileWriter ("list_contents.txt"); PrintWriter = new printroitter (fos) out; For (int i = 0; i the second method should be a string string ???? S ??? The first method in the passed list should be removed from the list which is the longest in the list and return the item to the caller. How ...

java - Dynamic Query in Jasper Report -

I am using Jasper Reports with Java to create some reports in the interface, user select 1 or more items , And a report is prepared for each item. Now, I have a query: select stock exchanges This is in jrxml file. But, running through my app, it will prepare a report for each item in the table. What do I want: stock inventory WHERE pk IN (? ...) Where "? ..." are selected by the user: SELECT * The keys of the item, therefore, not only the parameters are dynamic, but the number of parameters is also dynamic. My problem is, I do not know how to set up the parameters in jrxml and I do not know how to set the parameters from within the jasperreports library in java currently, to set the values ​​i do this I am: Maps & lt; String, Object & gt; Parameters = new Hashmop & lt; String, Object & gt; (); JasperReport Report = JasperCompileManager.compileReport ("path \\ from \\ jrxml"); JasperPrint Print = JasperFillManager.fillReport (Rep...

c# - BackgroundWorker process for Windows Media Player -

I need some help setting up a backgroundworking process for Windows Media Player Audio. I am not from the main thread, Audio from the background worker (WP) is required to run directly, and that background process needs to be opened by the end of the audio file, but even if the normal play on the audio play starts playing, the background worker stops, and Slia I do not think that the audio is actually running on the other thread or background worker as already closed. I have a question, will I be open with the Windows Media Player (WMPLB) background which will be open till the end of the working song? using WMPLB; Namespace Media Player {Public Partial Class Main Window: Window {Background Worker m_audioProcessingWorker; Public Manvindo () {Initialization (); } string filename = @ "C: \ audio \ song1.mp3" Private Zero Button _play_click (Object Sender, EventArgse E) {// Create Audio Processing Worker (Thread) m_audioProcessingWorker = New Backgroundwalker (); M_audio...

set field attributes in inherited classes in a DRY fashion in Django -

My code is below, I'm actually redefining my vehicle_make so that the legacy Could change its initial value in the millisecond (update format). I'm looking for a dry outlook I was trying to field ['filename']. Initial = "value", but it gives mainstream. BaseInputForm (forms.ModelForm): class meta: model = vehicle exclusion = ('vehicle_make', 'vehicle_model') def __init __ (self, * args, ** kwargs): super (SearchInforms, itself) .__ init __ (* Args, ** kwargs) self.fields ['vehicle_make'] = forms.ChoiceField (initial = "NA", label = "car build", option =, widget = Select forms (etters = {'id': 'creates'}) class CreateForm (BaseInputForm): Close class UpdateForm (BaseInputForm): def __init __ (self, * args, ** kwargs): super (SearchUpdateForm, self ) .__ init __ (* args, ** kwargs) self.vehicle_make = self.instance.vehicle_make self.fields ['vehicle_make'] = forms.ChoiceField (start Sele...

jquery - Remove the last cloned element -

I have a button to clone my form, and I want to add another button to delete a specific clone form. I am How can I do this? I have used events the closest and remove , but it still does not work, it removes all the forms from me . & lt; Input style = 'width: 60px;' Type = 'submit' square = 'clone' value = '+' / / gt; & Lt; Form name = 'form' id = 'form' method = 'POST' & gt; & Lt; Input style = 'width: 80px;' Type = 'submit' name = 'add_jo' value = 'submit all' / & gt; & Lt; div class = 'cform' & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input class = 'txtedit' placeholder = 'description' name = 'description []' /> gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Input class = "txtedit" type = "submit" class = "remove" value = "cancel" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; JQuery $ (...

MySQL: Get total in detail page and summary page -

My data looks like this: User Id hours billatter 1 1.50 2.25 1 2.50 3.25 1 3.50 3.25 2 5.50 4.25 2 6.50 5.25 2 7.50 5.25 In the expansion page, I have this question to get the total expenditure for each user ID SELECT UserID, URIID 22.88 for userIDID and 96.88 for UserID_2 (total 119.76 ) from SELECT SUM (TotalSpend) (select UserID, ROUND) In the summary page, I will have to start a query with 2 SELECT statements for the correct selection: (SUM (hour * billarate), 2) Meritable userID in (1, 2) group by user id from AS total spread) Is there anyway that I can get a total in the Summary page with a selection statement >

objective c - "Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64" when setting up a very basic Unit Testing for a console application -

I'm new to Objective-C and XCode and challenged me mentally while discussing compiled languages ​​normally is. I do not know how linkers work and the inconvenience of working in the amount of building in every IDE just scares me. I have started learning Objisi a few days ago and of course I started with a console application project. Everything is fine till now, but I have a Ruby / Rail background, so that I understand immediately How to set the most basic TDD environment in XCode5 also. I used it, but it is completely less, taking the test and error path, I added the excitant target in the project and then added a test case class, test my fraction class : #import & lt; Xctest /Xctest.h> #import "Fraction.h" @ Interface Factstest: Exist Sees @ Expression Fraction Test @ - (zero) set up {[Super set up]; } - (zero) Tyrudden {[Super Teardown]; } - (zero) testExample {fraction = fraction = [fraction new]; } @end The linking reference icon can not be fou...

objective c - Suppress -Wproperty-no-attribute not working in Xcode -

In an Xcode 5, ARC, iPhone project, I received a large number of warnings by reading "No 'Assignment', 'Maintaining' H ', or' Copy 'attribute specified -' Assign 'is considered "I know what this warning is, and why I can fix it. But it will take a lot of time for the size of my project, so I want to suppress the warning. However, setting all the .m files on the -won-property-no-attribute flag did not cure anything, neither the custom compiler flag and the flag on the GD Not set; Other warning flags I tried "property-no-attribute" , ignoring #pragma gcc / blur diagnostic before my property announcements, and cleared my build folder several times the warning continues (In addition, the -w flag did not work to suppress all the warnings, when applied to my .m files.) What should I do? The time for progress should be: #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-wobjc-property-no -attribute "

MySQL/PHP error, SQL syntax error -

I am trying to use a php to open a CSV file and update the selected data, which is correct Reads the way and some column data may be empty on some lines, but I get the following error: Error: There is an error in your SQL syntax; When trying to run the address given below, the address of the respective manual related to the SQL Server version for the correct syntax for using the address 'Address 2 = 1654 E 13TH ST apt 1e, address 3 = 4 line' Check it out. Command $ sql = "update vicidial_list SET address 1 = $ fileop [7], address2 = $ fileop [8], address3 = $ fileop [9] where phone_number = $ fileop [ 0] and list_id = '82429711'; "; If (! Mysql_query ($ sql)) {Dead ('Error:' .mysql_error ()); You need quote around your values, or do not know it Find when it ends or starts. In this way: (or you can use the prepared statement, and it will also solve your problem) $ sql = "update vicidial_list SET address1 = ' $ Fileop [7] ...

input username and password and buttons -

How do I do this on a php or html page: Name password and many buttons If we redirection the user Press button 1: buttom2: buttom3: thanks I have this simple option & lt; form action = 'login.php' method = 'get' & gt; & Lt; input type = 'text' name = 'name' & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'password' name = 'password' & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'submit' name = 'button1' value = '123' & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'submit' name = 'button2' value = '456' & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'submit' name = 'button2' value = '78 9 '& gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; Hope it helps

r - sum(.) on a factor column returns incorrect result -

I'm here in a strange fix. I very am using data.table for routine tasks, but something that would not be able to convince me. I figured out a way around the problem, but I think it is still important to understand that for me what's wrong. This code data will bring the workspace: library (XML) library (data Dtebl) Thurl & lt; - "" table & lt; - HTMLTable (Theral) New L & lt; - Datataybl (Table [[2] [4: 5] [- (1: 2)]) Dpres office (name (new. Ars) & lt; - c ( "Party", "case")) There are two columns, party and case . Both of which have the default class of factor However, case should be numeric . Lastly, I just want the amount of party for each party . Then something like this should be done: new.Res [, zodiac (case), = by party] but this does not give correct answer. I thought that if I change the class from case to factor to numeric , then it will work. So I tried the following...

javascript - appending to table ajax -

I'm having difficulty appending my table. I keep adding names above names here: The code keeps on adding data to the top: Lulu 3 name ID Javi 1 Tomi 2 The code I am using to attach data is the following code here: $ (data) .prependTo ('# Feed: last'); How can I add my data correctly? $ (data) .appendTo ('# feed: last');

php - Passing data into a partial -

I want to pass partial data partially, this partial is being called from another view. $ posts = ["one", "two", "three"]; See Return: Creating ('Partial Post.', '$'); .blade.php inside the file I am {{$ posts}} This return and error undefined variable: Post Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks Can anyone tell me what I am doing? The template you are using includes an undefined variable, here has been posted . It is important that you define all the variables to use with a view. You pass such a variable as an array where the key is the name of the variable and the value is the data that: view :: create ( 'Template-of-post-variable', array ('post' = & gt; $ posts); This is the second parameter, the first parameter is the name of the template.

c++ - How to map two positive integers to a unique integer? -

I need to find an integer given two integers. I have been given two integers x and y. I want to find a function f ... which maps this integer specifically for any other integer z. That is, z = f (x, y) Here x = 64 bit integer and y = 64 bit integer I want to convert these numbers to z, as it is again a 64 bit integer . I tried a pair of cantars, but the work of the Cantors pair gives me 'z' which is 128 bits because the multiplication in the Cantors includes in the pairing ceremony I do not want to z as 128 bit Be mapped because modern computers only have a limit of up to 64 bits. Is there any way? A small collision is acceptable for me. If you want to do this for the whole series 64 bit integer, then this is impossible. 2 ^ 64 * 2 ^ 64 = 2 ^ 128 are possible inputs for your function, but you have only 2 ^ 64 different Output, which means that at least 2 ^ 64 mapped numbers for the same integer which is a bit more conflagration than

node.js - No response from simple Expressjs app -

I'm upgrading a little bit at expressjs 4.0. The request for very simple code below http: // localhost: 3000 / is hanging and does not fix anything to rearrange things, however, if I use cookies-parser, body-parser And commenting app.use () statement for the Express-session, it works. Obviously I need them so there is no alternative to comment except for them. I know that I am doing something wrong which is very simple but I can not see it. Can someone give me a nudger handkerchief in the right direction? var express = required ('express'), cookie = required ('cookie-parser'), body = required ('body-parser'), session = Required ('Express-session'), requires http = ('http'); var app = express (); var router = express.routor (); app.use (cookie); app.use (body); app.use (session ({secret: 'BigSerket'})); Router.get ('/', function (rike, ridge, next) {res.send ('welcome');}); app.use (router); app.set ('por...

C# Using Youtube API - How do I check the last time a particular user uploaded a video to Youtube? -

I know how to upload a video inside C # using YouTube and youtube YouTube But I want a special user to use a YouTube API to upload a video for the last time. My code is down to upload video using C #, but I do not really know how to do it? ? Form1.cs Using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.ComponentModel; Using System.Data; Using System.Drawing; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; System usage threading. Task; Using System.Windows.Forms; Using Google.Gata.Client; Using Google.ubub; Using Google.Gata.Extensions.MediaRss; Using Google. Zidata.ubub; Using Google.Gata.Extensions.Location; Namespace UploadLimit {Public Partial Class} Form 1: Form {string key = "somegarbage"; String appName = "slopload"; String usernames = "blogger"; String password = "blogger"; Public Form 1 () {Initialization (); } Private Zero btnBrowse_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {OpenFileDialog dialog = New OpenFileDialog (); Dialog...

c++ - Using libclang/libtooling -

I will retrieve all the structures and types defined in a project (as described in my previous question "") . I chose the clag solution because this is my only way ... However, I found that only "good" tutorial is this: and still there are some questions left: 1) Is the pre-processor's instructions executed (#include, #define etc.) 2) How to get the type, and structure member? In fact, for example * simple * code: typedef struct {int i; Four ii; } S1; Typeface Straight S2 {int i; Structure S2S 2; } S2; Type 3 S3 Straight S3; Straight S3 {int i; Four ii; } S1 m_s1; S2m_s2; Straight S3 m_s3; What is the method called a clang :: recursiveASTVisitor -derived class () and in what order? (And can you explain to me about recovering your data?) OK , Peterson advised as a mat, I used to experiment. 1) Yes, AST is generated after the preprocessor. This allows all the information to be retrieved. 2) AST Traveler Depth-It's First. Instead of...

php - Updating a row on an Admin Page -

I'm trying to create an admin page that will pull rows from a table and make changes to "admin" will allow. While I understand the code, I would like to suggest to you how I can display the line data and make it editable and secure in the database. If "admin" needs to update only the artist name, how can I manage that other data is retained? I do not know how to do it. Updates page so far: & lt ;? Make Php // MySQL Connection $ con = mysqli_connect ('localhost', 'SouravBasuRoy', '2525', 'MyteraArt'); //? & Gt; & Lt ;; Doctype html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Untitled document & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link href = "admin-styles.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Admin P...

backbone.js - Backbone Require.js Single Page App Not Working Unless Refresh -

I am using require.js with a single page backbone.js application. Before the expected envelope JS I can click on the links and the contents of the page will be loaded as expected without refreshing, but now, it will not load until I refresh the page. Here is my index page: & lt; body & gt; & Lt; Header & gt; & Lt; / Header & gt; & Lt; NAV & gt; & Lt; A href = "# / 1" & gt; World & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "# / 2" & gt; Business & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; a href = "# / 3" & gt; Opinion & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; a href = "# / 4" & gt; Game & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "# / 5" & gt; Fashion & amp; Style & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "# / 6" & gt; Video & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Neo & gt; & Lt; Section id = "container" & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; & Lt; Footer...