objective c - Suppress -Wproperty-no-attribute not working in Xcode -
In an Xcode 5, ARC, iPhone project, I received a large number of warnings by reading "No 'Assignment', 'Maintaining' H ', or' Copy 'attribute specified -' Assign 'is considered "I know what this warning is, and why I can fix it. But it will take a lot of time for the size of my project, so I want to suppress the warning. However, setting all the
.m files on the -won-property-no-attribute flag did not cure anything, neither the custom compiler flag and the flag on the GD Not set; Other warning flags I tried "property-no-attribute" , ignoring #pragma gcc / blur diagnostic before my property announcements, and cleared my build folder several times the warning continues (In addition, the -w flag did not work to suppress all the warnings, when applied to my .m files.) What should I do?
The time for progress should be: #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-wobjc-property-no -attribute "
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