C# Using Youtube API - How do I check the last time a particular user uploaded a video to Youtube? -

I know how to upload a video inside C # using YouTube and youtube YouTube

But I want a special user to use a YouTube API to upload a video for the last time.

My code is down to upload video using C #, but I do not really know how to do it? ?


 Using the  system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.ComponentModel; Using System.Data; Using System.Drawing; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; System usage threading. Task; Using System.Windows.Forms; Using Google.Gata.Client; Using Google.ubub; Using Google.Gata.Extensions.MediaRss; Using Google. Zidata.ubub; Using Google.Gata.Extensions.Location; Namespace UploadLimit {Public Partial Class} Form 1: Form {string key = "somegarbage"; String appName = "slopload"; String usernames = "blogger"; String password = "blogger"; Public Form 1 () {Initialization (); } Private Zero btnBrowse_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {OpenFileDialog dialog = New OpenFileDialog (); DialogResult Results = Dialog ShowDialog (); If (Results == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) txtFile.Text = dialog.FileName; } Private Zero btnUpload_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {YouTubeRequest Settings Settings = New YouTubeRequestSettings (AppName, Key, Username, Password); YouTube Request Request = New YouTubeRequest (Settings); Video new video = new video (); NewVideo.Title = "My Test Movie"; NewVideo.Tags.Add (New MediaCategory ("Auto", YouTubeNameTable.CategorySchema)); NewVideo.Keywords = "cars, funny"; NewVideo.Description = "My description"; newVideo.YouTubeEntry.Private = false; NewVideo.Tags.Add (New MediaCategory ("mydevtag, anotherdevtag", YouTubeNameTable.DeveloperTagSchema)); newVideo.YouTubeEntry.Location = New GeoRssWhere (37, -122); // Alternatively, you can simply specify a descriptive string // new video. YouTubeEntry.setYouTubeExtension ("Location", "Mountain View, CA"); NewVideo.YouTubeEntry.MediaSource = New MediaFileSource (txtFile.Text, "Video / QuickTime"); Video Created Video = Request Upload (new video); } Private Zero Form 1_load (Object Sender, EventArgse E) {}}}   


  System usage Tax; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; System usage threading. Task; Using System.Windows.Forms; Namespace UploadLimit {Static Class Program {/// & lt; Summary & gt; Main entry point for the application /// & lt; / Summary & gt; [STAThread] static zero main () {Application.EnableVisualStyles (); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (wrong); Application.Run (New Form 1 ()); }}}}    

You can get all the user's videos and get the latest date You can: var video = new YouTubeRequest (). GetVideoFeed (userId). Admission Date Time: Upload Data = Video Maximum (video = & gt; video.YouTubeEntry.Published)

To get the title of the actual video:

  var final video = video. Where (Video = & gt; Video.YouTubeEntry.Published == lastUploadDate). first (); Var name = final video. Tight    


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