Kendo UI Diagram - content text values -
I am using size to create diagrams. Content - & gt; For example, if the node object is:
var data = [[Designation: "CEO", Name: "Mitchell Johnson": Management of: [[Designation] "Designer", name: "Robert Thompson"}}, {Designation: "Director", name: "Andrew Walker"}, {title: "Vice President", Name: "Smith Cooper" "Vice President", Name: Management of "Harris Jones": [[Designation: "Director", Name: "Edward Collins"}, {Designation: "Director", Name: "Thomas Wang"}]}]}]; Content here - & gt; The text should mention the 'name' attribute and display it at the center.
Ensure that you add 'size' to diagram config:
Size: Default: {Visual: Visual Template}, In the Visual Template, add a way to mark it: / p>
Function visual tileplate (Option) {var dataviz = kendo.dataviz; var g = new dataviz.diagram.Group (); var dataItem = options.dataItem; g.append (new dataviz.diagram.Rectangle ({width: 210, height: 75, stroke: {width: 0}, fill: dataItem.color})); g.append (new dataviz.diagram.TextBlock ({text:, x: 5, y: 20, color: "#fff"})); } If you ever have to focus your text, please let me know. I'm looking for this):
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