
Showing posts from September, 2010

python - re-importing a module into a pycharm console doesn't update the code unless i delete/restart the console -

The example shows: I am creating a simple module (Fibonacci calculator) Start a pycharm console, import the module, run the function inside the console, and it works. Now I edit some print text in the module. Go back to the console and run "Import FiBagain" The console is doing this without complaining, but when I run the fib () function, even then it is giving me results from the previous version of the console file Can not see updated version If I remove the console and open it again, the 'import fibagain' will be running the latest version of Fib (3). Sorry, but there is no permission to post the appropriate image link here. This address shows the screencapture: Again, instead of import , you want: reload (fibagain)) This will reload the updated module. (Note: This works only when FabBian was imported some time ago)

c# - Call `Current` for IEnumerable using Reflection.Emit -

Please advise how I can call property and moveNext IEnumerable & lt; Byte & gt; . target I like something: var bytes name = byteArray.EnumerateArray (); Var controlByte = bytesEnumerator.Current; bytesEnumerator.MoveNext (); Here is the code: Local Builder lbBytesEnumerator = IL.DeclareLocal (typef (IEnumerator & lt; byte & gt;); Receive an Inamator at // bytes IEL.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0); IL Amitcoll (op.sodes.colle, typef (biotechnopter). Getimpeg ("enumerator"), new [] {typef (byte [])}; IL Amit (opsodes.stok, lbbetnamater); ....... IL Amit (Open Seeds. LDLOCC, LBBET Annamter); IL Emitcoll (op.Seeds.Coll, Typhus (AynmMeter & Lt; Byte & gt;). GetProperty ("Current"). GetGetMethod (), Faucet); Local Builder lbControlByte = IL.DeclareLocal (propertyInfo.PropertyType); IL Amit (op.Seeds.stock, LBCTolbet); // Enumerator Move IEL.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc_S, lbBytesEnumerator); IL Emitcoll (op.Seeds.Coll, callphrase (list & lt; b...

jquery - checkbox oncheck javascript -

I have a checkbox, when I'm clicked, I need to show a division. I have 3 different javascript with whom I have tried to work with it. // function showhide () {// var checkbox = document.getElementById ("help"); // var Extended 1 = Document. getElementById ("Extended"); // var Extended 2 = Document. getElementById ("expanded2"); // = ( == 'false')? "right wrong"; // warning ('test'); //} function () {var checkbox = document.getElementById ("helper"); Var extended 1 = document. GetElementById ("extended"); var extended 2 = document. getElementById ("expanded2"); checkbox.onchange = function () { = this.checked? 'right wrong'; Warning ('test'); } // function check () {// $ ('chk') click (function () {// if (this.checked) {// $ ("# expanded") show (); // $ ( "# Expanded2")....

reporting services - ADD Total is Greyed Out In SSRS Tablix -

I am trying to add the total at the end of several columns, but when I right click on the box the total would be added Greyed out, how can I enable AdD Total? Thanks in advance In the visual studio, your group is listed below that group Right click on the name for which you want to add a total. Go to add total - & gt; after . See the image below:

String replacement using modulo in Python for raw_input? -

Is it possible to generate in the following ways? name = raw_input ("Enter name:") age = raw_input ("hello% s, please enter your age")% name I know that I can move one + to add stars, but if it does work in any way. simply insert the variable inside parentheses age = raw_input ( "Hello% s, please enter your age"% name ")

High performance string concat in Javascript -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मेरे पास कुछ जावास्क्रिप्ट है गतिशील रूप से कुछ जावास्क्रिप्ट बनाने इसका एक हिस्सा कई हज़ार तारों को एक साथ जोड़ता है, जो काफी धीमा है। Json ऑब्जेक्ट के आधार पर जावास्क्रिप्ट में गतिशील रूप से एचटीएमएल बनाने का सबसे तेज़ तरीका क्या है। अगर आप चाहते हैं एक JSON ऑब्जेक्ट से HTML का निर्माण करें, एक टेम्पलेटिंग इंजिन आपको चाहिए वहाँ कई हैं, लेकिन अपनी पसंद के आधार पर अपनी पसंद बनाते हैं, न कि लोग आपको बताते हैं कि "सबसे अच्छा" क्या है। अगर आपकी संभावना है कि आपको रेंडर प्रक्रिया में अतुल्यकालिक कॉल करना है, तो आपको निश्चित रूप से जाना चाहिए एक अतुल्यकालिक टेम्पलेटिंग इंजन के लिए उन में से एक है। सिंक्रनाइज़ेशन उपयोग के लिए ही, एक लोकप्रिय विकल्प है यह काफी तेज़ है, लेकिन इसका उद्देश्य बहुत ही न्यूनवादी है। इसका मतलब है, तार्किक ज्यादातर टेम्पलेट्स के बाहर हो सकते हैं। हो सकता है कि एक नज़र डालें और आपकी ज़रूरतों को पूरा करने वाला एक चुनें।

c# - Set mobile mode based on screen resolution size in MVC? -

Is there a way to classify requests in the form of a mobile or desktop based on screen size instead of user agent? For example, the iPad Retina will not have any problem viewing my site as a desktop, but I want the iPad 1 to be recognized as a mobile device. If you try to determine the screen size from the user agent for Android devices, then it will be out of control. There is a way to do something like this in MVC: if (screen size & lt; 840px) HTTP Contex Set Override Broser ( It looks like HttpBrowserCapablilties Objects in a ScreenPixelsWidth and ScreenPixelsHeight code> I think you can base it on it.

mysql - Select data from multiple tables in same query -

I am trying to drag all categories for a blog post when the blog loads. I list 2 tables for categories, one for myself and one for each category, which categories for which all blog posts are allocated. MySQL command I have is selection `category_name`,` `category_slug` from blog_categories`,` blog_post_categories` where` blog_categories.category_id` = 'blog_post_categories.category_id `And` blog_post_categories.post_id` = 1 but I keep getting blog_categories: error following unknown column 'where Section ' has two tables like' blog_categories.category_id 'column_ category_id, CATEGORY_NAME and category_slug blog_post_categories is the column id, post_id, and category_id I can help out here with as I Area'm starting with my hair pulled out. itemprop = "text"> Your backticts should be in the proper place pre as in

android - How do I pause/disable and then unpause/reenable AlarmManager from settings page? -

My AlarmManager Utility. In the Java page I am creating an alarm, using this method: Escale Alarm to make public static void (reference this contact, int integration entry ID, long LNGLlight time) {Alarm Manager AM = (alarm manager) thisContext.getSystemService (context .ALARM_SERVICE); Intention this isnt = new intent (this contact, alarm receiver class); ThisIntent.setAction ("StartSingleAlarm"); Intent it Input Extra ("Director EntryID", IntDiInterIDIDID); Pending this reversible = pendingIntent.getBroadcast (this contact, intiIRIIDID, this instant, 0); am.set (alarm manager .rtc_wekup, lnállamtime, hepadding event); } So I have a bunch of people for different days and times. What I want to do is allow the user to close the alarm and "toggle" from the preferences page. Is there any way of doing it? I want to do something like this: public static zero-free onflowarm (reference to this reference) {AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) thisContext....

mysql - difference in performance in Primary Key -

मेरे पास 4 कॉलम के साथ एक टेबल है: id1 int id2 पाठ या varChar प्रकार टाइमस्टैम्प प्राथमिक कुंजी (आईडी 1, आईडी 2, प्रकार) है और मैं (आईडी 2, आईडी 1, प्रकार) में बदलना चाहता हूं। प्रदर्शन में अंतर क्या होगा? शायद यह प्रदर्शन की चाबी के समान होगा? इस तरह की प्राथमिक कुंजी को न जोड़ें, प्राथमिक कुंजी के लिए लंबे / पूर्णांक मान का उपयोग करें, या यदि आपके डेटाबेस में कोई अनुक्रम है। और, अगर आप कॉलम या एक संयोजन बनाना चाहते हैं कॉलम अद्वितीय होने के लिए, बस इसे चिह्नित करें या उन्हें अनूठे के रूप में जोड़ दें। और साथ ही, कॉलम के लिए जो कि प्राथमिक कुंजी नहीं हैं, यदि आप की आवश्यकता होती है, तो आप इसे या उनमें इंडेक्स कुंजी भी जोड़ सकते हैं।

internet explorer - Why are HTTPOnly Cookies not being set correctly in IE9? -

I set up my ColdFusion application to use only the cookies using the following code: & lt; Cfcomponent output = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; Cfscript & gt; THIS.Name = "MyCFApp"; this. Session management = true; THIS.SetClientCookies = Incorrect; This session. TimeTime = CreateTimeSpain (0, 3, 0, 0); this. Application TimeTime = CreateTimeSpain (0, 8, 0, 0); & Lt; / cfscript & gt; & Lt; Cffunction name = "onSessionStart" returntype = "zero" output = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; Cfheader name = "set-cookie" value = "cfid = # session.cfm #; path = /; HTTP only; # APPLICATION.SECURE_COOKIES #;" / & Gt; & Lt; Cfheader name = "set cookie" value = "CFTOKEN = # session CTOKEN #; path = /; HTTP only; # APPLICATION.SECURE_COOKIES #;" / & Gt; & Lt; cfreturn / & gt; & Lt; / cffunction & gt; & Lt; / Cfcomponent & gt; (FYI, APPLICATION.SECURE_COO...

Setting PHP to use <?= instead of <?php echo -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब 1 उत्तर मैंने एक नया सर्वर स्थापित किया है और मुझे नहीं पता है कि & lt;? = $ हैलो? & Gt; के बजाय & lt;? Php echo $ hello? & Gt; । यह शायद आसान है, लेकिन मुझे Google के लिए जो भी ढूंढ रहा हूं उसका नाम मैं नहीं जानता। PHP ब्लॉक शॉर्टकट सेटिंग्स? अपने php.ini / p> short_open_tag = on जैसा कि टिप्पणियों में बताया गया है, इस अभ्यास को कुछ लोगों ने निराश किया है (स्वयं सहित)। फिर भी, यह वरीयता की बात है जब तक कि यह विकास के साथ हस्तक्षेप न करे, विशेषकर पोर्टेबिलिटी

c# - USSD command translation -

I need help decoding this received response. OK + CUSD: 0, AR @? $ @ 9 d ?? @ ??? (D ??) @@ 1 PD? "? T? HC @? Amp;? @D ???? @ ?? 5 41 IA? R", 17 OK + CUSD: 0, "AR? Hb ?? '10? @? Hb @? J @ @ @. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Mp3. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ When I was looking for the price of DCS on other network providers, it was a value of 17 Do not understand how to decode it after the result: + CSCS AT = "UCS2" + CUSD = 1, "002a003100350030002a0032002a00330032003300390031002a00360039003100370037002a00310023" OK, 15+ CUSD: 0, "00610072003f00680062003f0020003f00270020002000310030003f00400020003f0020003f006800620040003f004a00400040003f0040003f003f0020004000660040003f003f0040003f00400053004000640024 0040 ", 17 AT + CSMP + CSMP: 17,167,0,0 OK The way it is when I set it on my + CSCS =" UTF-8 "report this error but it is The report is back with this command AT + CSCS =? The format of the response is as follows: / p>...

How to deal with erroneous length headers for packets in TCP stream in Erlang? -

I am receiving a message at TCP using the message gen_tcp in Erlang. The stream is divided into packets using 4 byte length headers, as specified by the {packet, 4} option. This is how I gen_tcp: listen / 2 : gen_tcp: listen (port, [binary, inet, {active, one time}, {packet, 4 }]). As you can see, I am using the {active, one time} option so that I move my packet without flooding from the process mailbox. Can i It works fine until the length header is correct. If it is not, then anything can happen, so I want to deal with the possibility of some wrong packet. It is a bit difficult because I am actually working with a stream. It would be OK to ignore the wrong packets, but how do I get Arlong to leave these packets and identify the following packets? How is this problem usually handled? Is it better to use delimiter? I have seen some other packet options for gen_tcp . Specifically the following: asn1 | CDR | Sunrom | FCG | TPKT | Line Only one I really under...

Got error like this (Php & mysql) -

This is my SQL function Returns the return return function (value int, member) INT return (value * member); End; And this is my php code $ res1 = "call return value ('$ cost', '$ team_member')"; $ Rs1 = mysqli_query ($ con, $ res1); $ Row1 = mysqli_fetch_array ($ rs1); And then I get an error 'Warning: mysqli_fetch_array () parameter 1 is expected to be mysqli_result, given in boolean' $ row1. .. Line I do not know what is wrong. According to Pls help returns FALSE on failure. You can try the following to check the cause of the failure $ res1 = "call return value ('$ cost', ' $ Team_member ') "; $ Rs1 = mysqli_query ($ con, $ res1); If ($ rs1 === incorrect) {printf ("error:% s \ n", $ mysqli-> error); Die (); } $ Row1 = mysqli_fetch_array ($ rs1);

ios - Automatically move UIView with Constraints -

I have some expandable views that are in UIScrollView and when they are expanded, I need all those views Is expanded view expanded. What do I have to do: (Left start position, right after changing frame) What's actually happening: Many other ideas also need to move forward so that there is a certain place below the yellow look. I believe (hopefully) if I spread the blue color then you can get a yellow view to go down, this will increase as much. I see blueView.frame = newFrame; Where there is only one big height in the new frame. What is an easy way to do this with obstacles, for which a significant amount of code will not be required? I am not quite able to understand it. Below is the code that I used recently, the same purpose, - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Viewedload]; _ Expandable View = [[UIView alloc] init]; _adjacentView = [[UIView alloc] init]; [_ Expandable view setback color color: [UIColor redColor]]; [_scrollView addSubview: _expandableView...

css - How to align elements in navbar right without using float? -

I have a navigation bar with 3 sections: A logo A search bar Some of the grouped menu options I should see something like this where the logo has been aligned, in the search bar A left padding, and grouped links are on the right: If I try to float the group on the right, then in between Do not align vertically. & lt; Nav> & Lt; One square = 'logo-link' href = "#" & gt; Example & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "search" & gt; & Lt; Form acceptable-charset = "UTF-8" action = "/ search" method = "go" & gt; & Lt; div style = "margin: 0; padding: 0; display: inline" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Input class = "main_search" type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; Input class = "inline_search" type = "submit" value = "search" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div ...

Any other better ways than this messy code to write php script that finds the minimum number that is divisible from 1 to 12 -

My idea was something like the minimum number that divides from 1 to 12. The problem is that if I use the long-term position in all ways in the form of increase in numbers. What is a better way than this dirty code? Sorry, there's a beginning from level 0. & lt; For php ($ i = 1; $ i & lt; = 999999; $ i ++) {$ Num = 12 * $ i; If ($ num = 12 == 0) {if ($ num% 11 == 0) {if ($ num% 10 == 0) {if ($ num% 9 == 0) {if (num num% 8 == 0) {if ($ num = 7 == 0) {if ($ num = 6 == 0) {if ($ num = 5 == 0) {if ($ num = 4 == 0) {if ($ Num% 3 == 0) {if ($ num% 2 == 0) {ebb $ num; Go out(); }}}}}}}}}}}}}? & Gt; 12; $ Num = $ max; While (true) {for ($ i = 2; $ i & lt; = $ max; ++ $ i) {if ($ num% $ i! == 0) break; } If ($ i & gt; $ Max) break; $ Num + = $ max; } Var_dump ($ num);

c# - Mono MVC5 - Views don't work -

I am trying to launch MVC5 website on my Linux box using Mono and XSP4. It works with any view, but when I try to render something, I get errors. Here is my test code. I note that I did not change anything, it is basically an empty site without EF or any other libraries just non-bone MVC 5 + razor public performance index () {// return content ("good"); // works see return ();} System.Invideo Operation Exception Razor Host could not locate the factory type: System.Web.Mvc.MvcWebRazorHostFactory, System.Web.Mvc, Version =, Culture = fair, public keynation = 31BF3856AD364E35 Description: HTTP 500. Error processing request. Description: Non-web exception exception origin (application or object name): System.Web.WebPages.Razor. Stacktrace on the system. Web.WebPages.Razor.WebRazorHostFactory .CreateFactory (System.String typeName) [0x00000] of & lt; filename Unknown & gt; : 0 System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary/2+ at GetOrAd...

clojure - How to limit write frequency to core.async channel? -

Is there an easy way to limit writing frequency in core .async channels? By now I can find two examples. One uses a sliding buffer and some settime magic so that the other can use the external atom as a counter. I hope core.async provides such functionality outside the box. Since one of the examples is old (10 months) I would like to know whether this is possibly an easy solution? I am looking for a solution that works with Closer and Closurescript. Provides work to implement rate controls on the closure code (including throttles on the channel or function) is. > From readme: (def in (chan 1)) (def slow-chan (1: throttle-chan in millisecond)); 1 msg / ms (& gt; !!: token); = & Gt; True (

ggplot2 - Disease Maps by using R -

My data set here is attached to .csv file in some body RG to help me create disease maps using GG Plot 2 Could. > Observed latitude longitude Jarawala Town 183 34.584 31.33429 73.419487 Sumanandi Town 59 5.6 9 27 31.06 9 531 72.9361303 Tandiala Town 28 2.8326 31.0316667 73.1316667 Jhumra Town 23 1.0923 31.5666667 73.1833333 Madinah Town 127 21.95 31.4178652 73.120208 Iqbal Town 40 6.9147 31.4932177 73.1051778 Jinnah Town 43 16.89 31.4144303 73.0768364 Lyallpur Town 97 38.121 31.4401011 73.0680131 As long as I generally agree that "there is no free code writing service", this problem is very simple, and it shows how much I have also known intensity of complex visibility in an R in R. It is very difficult to start in R. That's why I have suggested that you use this as a starting point , study code, read the documentation on various functions, and make it automatically Expand. Library (Rg) # readOGR For (...) Library (ArcolterBuver) for # brewer.pal (...)...

R httr POST request for signing in -

I am trying to log in to using R besrombore request because this site is used Not being authenticated: Library (optimizer) login & lt; - "" page & lt; - List (user name = "MyUserName", password = "), the website directs the user back to the landing page, but instead if I parsed the post request I page The same title comes from the login page for: Library exam (xml) & lt; - POST (log in, body = purse) test & lt; - content (test, like That = "text") parseed HTML & lt; - html mercury (test, asText = TRUE) xpathSApply (Perceived HTML, "// Title", xmlValue) [1] "Join or Log In | Loan and Investment | Bondora" I have the same technique on some other sites And the output of the POST command shown to work fine enough to leave this site as follows: Post (login, body = purse) response [https: / /] Status: 200 Content-Ty...

html - Audio element default controls sliders -

I am trying to use an element audio in my app. When I put my audio element such as: The audio element works fine, but when I try to use sliders for the control volume / select a time song then I can not drag the default control silter, I can only click on the slider I want the default behavior: What am I doing? A class = "lazy image" href = "jsImgSlider / images / image-slider-3.jpg" & gt; Slide 3 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Audio preload = "none" data-image = "JSIMGlider / image / image-slider- 5.jpg" data-alt = "free ad" control & gt; & Lt; Source data- src = "prod / mcaudio.mp3" type = "audio / mpeg" & gt; & Lt; Source data- src = "prod / mcaudio.ogg" type = "audio / og" & gt; & Lt; / Audio & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; -! Thumbnail - & gt; & Lt; Div id = "thumb" data -autovideo = "true" & g...

ruby on rails - Sidekiq Twilio Redis 'undefined method `strip' for nil:NilClass' -

I am using Sidekick and Twilio to send a text at a specified time. My message_worker.rb includes the following: Class MesswareCarster includes: Sidekick :: Workers Sidekick: Try again: False Sidekick_chery_astasted | Msg | # {Msg ['Args']} with the "Sidekiq.logger.warn" # msg msg ['class']}: # {msg ['error_message']}. " End diff display (id) record = text message. ID ID @ TLLo = Tweville :: REST :: Client.New ENV ['ACCOUNT_SID'], ENV ['AHOKEN'] @Timilio Account message. Record (from: INV ['ACCOUNT_PHONE_NUMBER'], in: Record.phone_number, body: 'This is your prescribed reminder to see a home.') End end My Redis.rb contains the following: Yuri = URI. (NIV ["REDISTOONROUUROOR"]] REDIS = Reads.New (: Host => YuriHost, : Port => Yuriyport: uri.password) I get the following error message (I read it easily Place): Full 200 oct in 245ms (view: 180.7ms | activation: 46.6ms) 2014-04-2...

php - How can I see the exact queries phpmyadmin is running? -

How can I see how SQL queries run to execute the phpmyadmin command? I do not want to create an easy database, first using phpmyadmin, then using php code. But when I create a table with phpmyadmin, it does not show the commands that it uses to create or select tables. Is there any way? :) Thank you! ps: mysql version: 5.6.12 You can set your my .cnf can edit the file and add this line: log = / var / log / mysql.log Next you can monitor that file by using the tail with this file: tail -f var / log / mysql / mysql.log And you will see all the questions at real time :)

In Python; How do you skip an invalid value in a 'for loop'? -

I have the set for loop to read in an X and Y values. CCV, so far is so good. However, the .csv is 65,000 lines long! And 2000 of them are only blank lines. How do I ignore the loop / leave the blank rows and tell the next set of values? I've been trying to use 'release' like this ... For lines in lines: the contents of each row are delimited with a comma, array = [x.strip () to delimit x in line.split (',')] if pos == "": proceed: #set up variables x = float (pos [0]) * 10000 y = float (pos [1]) * 10000 z = 0.0 But this does not work, whenever it first goes to the empty line it adds zero to the rest and I get this error Get message ... valueError: Empty string for float Before trying to import Python I tried to remove empty rows in Apple numbers, but apparently simply to remove blank lines Some a total ball-number pain. I also tried to snatch all the blank variables before loop, but could not even get it to work. Any sign will b...

java - Resizing components of jframe automatically -

I am writing code on swing and using zero layout so that I can set j components anywhere , As far as I am using set bounds, when I maximize Jammu Frame then my components will be fixed. How can I create components to reduce myself? Please help me with this important help And I have to use zero layouts, I can not use any other layout because I have to give such a number of components a specific place. The public class enhances the screen resize JFrame {Personal Stable PocketB; Screen Resize () {JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated (true); setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Int framewidth = 200; Int framedheit = 100; Dimensions Screenshare = Toolkit.GetDefaultToolKit () GetScreenSize (); Setband (int) screenSize.getWidth () - framewidth, 0, framewidth, framedhite); SetVisible (true); B = new pocket (); B.setBounds (50,50,40,20); (B) add; } Public static zero main (string [] args) {new screen resize (); }} thanks You will not be able to do this You do not...

html - jQuery smooth transition on .removeClass / .addClass atr -

I am doing an "image gallery" with CSS and jquery and I want to switch between images by clicking on the button I am I removed it / class with it because it is easy and I know that I can do it with "animate" but it is very complicated for me. I do not want to use pre-built sliders, therefore, if you can help me, I will confirm it! JSField: I like that something like this might be possible: ). addClass ("Some Square", 1000); / * I mean, 1000 * / If I understand you correctly, You want an optional solution to make smooth changes while switching between images, both the elements will be applied using the full position on each other and just fadeIn and fadeOut Functions that take milliseconds as optional parameters. Simplified sample will be something like this. HTML: & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; li id ​​= "element1" & gt; A & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li id ​​= "element2" class = "hide...

objective c - Bad Access error in Thread with a managed object in iOS -

I have a line of code that has a table in my esclaim DB: User * user = [[allocated user] init]; ... do some processing in one thread and other stuff) // And Function But I commented all the users * except the line of users and I came to know that my error was that line I came to the end of the function call. The error is: "Thread X: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code = 1, address = XXXXX) Why does this happen? You can not create with NSManagedObject example init Code> NSManagedObject is associated with a NSManagedObjectContext and should be created using: initWithEntity: insertIntoManagedObjectContext: .

Yeoman: Grunt renames files referenced by CSS -

मेरे पास निम्न निर्देशिका संरचना है: porthole - सर्वर - क्लाइंट क्लाइंट में जनरेटर-कोनाकार द्वारा संरक्षित एक AngularJS एप्लिकेशन है। मैंने Gruntfile.js को सेट करने के लिए यमन डिस्ट को ../ सर्वर / सार्वजनिक में एप्लिकेशन बनाने के लिए: // परियोजना सेटिंग्स यमन: {// कॉन्फ़िगर करने योग्य पथ ऐप : आवश्यकता ('। / bower.json')। एपपैथ || अब जब मैं परियोजना का निर्माण करता हूं, तो प्रत्येक फ़ाइल को सीएसएस फ़ाइल से संदर्भित किया जाता है (बैकग्राउंड चित्र, फोंट इत्यादि), 'एप', डिस्ट: '... / एसरवर / सार्वजनिक' '}, पूर्ण पथ के साथ फिर से लिखना: उदाहरण के लिए: पृष्ठभूमि: url ("../../ images / bg.jpg") में अनुवाद करें: पृष्ठभूमि: url (/Users/jviotti/Projects/porthole/client/images/bg.jpg) संपादित करें: ग्रन्टफ़ाइल: ठीक है, आपकी ग्रन्टफ़ाइल को देखने के बाद, ऐसा लगता है कि यह वास्तव में कैसे होता है कि कैसे cssmin सेट अप किया जाता है? यह वर्तमान में & lt;% = & gt; का उपयोग करने के लिए सेट है, चा...

python - PyUSB device claimed, detach_kernel_driver return Entity Not Found -

I read and writes bulk from a USB device on Ubuntu using PUSB. However, I have failed to remove it import usb.core import usb.util dev = usb.core.find (idVendor = 0xXXXX, idProduct = 0xYYYY) If there is no god: Trying to raise ValueError (try 'device not found'): except dev.detach_kernel_driver (0): print "exception dev.detach_kernel_driver (0)" near dev.set_configuration () print "all full" This is the simple script I'm using. I have created the /etc/udev/rules.d/40-basic-rules.rules which contains SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ENV {DEVTYPE} = = "usb_device", sysfs {idVendor} == "XXXX", sysfs {idProduct} == "YYYY", mode = "0666" for my proper device. The script is running as root raises a usb.core.USBError: [Error 16] resource busy error because dev.detach_kernel_driver (0) Exception usb.core.USBError: [Error 2] no unit found in dmesg I see these messages, [638.007886] ] Usb 1 -1: us...

c# - Determine a project's solution file location via Visual Studio Designer -

We have a statement that tries to determine where a particular folder is located, It's running locally (debug), or on a customer's machine (release), we see a different place for this. #if (DEBUG) firefoxpat = @ ".. \ .. \ .. \ \ xulrunner \" is included; #else if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) {firefoxPath = @ ".. .. .. .. .. .. \ XulRunner" is included; } Else {firefoxPath = Path.Combine (application.StartupPath, @ "XulRunner \"); } #endif However, when we try to run a designer for one of the projects, this path is unable to resolve, because the working directory of the designer is: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 \ Common7 \ IDE If the folder's path is incorrect, the project will not run properly, and when the designer tries to load it, the designer crashes. We can use it to determine that we are currently executing through the designer: bool is InDesignMode = LicenseManager.UsageMode == Licen...

ios7 - glDrawElements throwing EXC_BAD_ACCESS using VBO on OpenGL ES 3.0 -

This problem is driving me crazy reasons because it sounds like I'm working with iOS 7 and OpenGL ES 3.0 . The types of variables are: float corner [24]; Unsigned minor index [24]; Unsigned four colors [32]; Unsigned int vboIds [3]; It executes only once: shorts [0] = -0.5f; Corner [1] = -0.5 F; Corners [2] = 0.5 F; Meridian [3] = 0.5 F; Corner [4] = -0.5f; Meridian [5] = 0.5 F; Corner [6] = 0.5 F; Corner [7] = 0.5 F; Corners [8] = 0.5 F; Corner [9] = -0.5f; Corners [10] = 0.5 F; Corners [11] = 0.5 F; Meridian [12] = -0.5f; Meridian [13] = -0.5f; Corner [14] = -0.5f; Meridian [15] = 0.5 F; Corner [16] = -0.5f; Corners [17] = -0.5f; Corners [18] = 0.5 F; Corners [19] = 0.5 F; Corners [20] = -0.5f; Corners [21] = -0.5f; Meridian [22] = 0.5 F; Corner [23] = -0.5F; Index [0] = 0; Index [1] = 1; // front indicator [2] = 1; Index [3] = 2; Index [4] = 2; Index [5] = 3; Index [6] = 3; Index [7] = 0; Index [8] = 4; Index [9] = 5; // back index [10] = 5; Index [11] = 6; Index ...

actionscript - Mysterious variable -

I have analyzed all the code in a project, one of which has classes in it, a property (variable) that is a function, This is actually an animation step, and the only way to play the next frame of an Emk is with Goto Endplease, Geto and Astop, Preframe and next frame, but this is just the class .. Public function injury (_damage: number): zero {animation phase: IT; // trace ("injury", health, _damage) health - = _ damage if health (lt; = 0) {kill = true health = 0} animation step = 5 - health trace (animation stop); } So what does animation show that there is a way to animate an MV if it is only an integer var? I am setting this as an answer because it is becoming a discussion. It seems that changing the variable will decrease the increment (step). Health decreases Only the weird thing is that I see the animation stages every time it resets Michael Jose: The only way to animate a movie clip is by using the goto endplete, ect â ???? Michael Jose 4 minutes ago ...

android - How to avoid multiple compatibility projects appcompat_v7 -

Every time I create a new project with compatibility under API14, a new project with name appcompat_v7 _ * has been created. Is it possible to avoid more than one piece of APCMP__7 _ * and can use a project appcompat_v7 in other projects? * - & gt; Number of increments with each new Android project this is a duplicate - I have answered it here but here it is here It will also be included This is part of the ADT / SDK update and this is not a bad thing. This ensures that your app has full support for Actionbra activity, which was implemented in API 14+, it will be ready by default every time, but by doing a little bit you can put your files down whenever I create a project So, I also get an AppCom_7, let's call it SampleApplication, EpcapTV_7_2 has been created. - How to re-reference your library - Right click on "Sample Application" and click on "Properties" Scroll to "Library" section under "Android" "... \...

objective c - Slow download with Apple sample code + progress -

I have implemented the following methods from the Apple site available on this page: // My .h file: @ Interface app deliite: NSBKX & lt; NSAPProduction deliaget, NSWdodelGate, NSUrl downloadadminagate & gt; {Bull Elbjbodon; @ Private NSWRSports * Download Response; Receive long bytes; } // on my .m file: @implementation AppDelegate @ synthesize downloadResponse = _downloadResponse; @ Synthesis bytes received = _bytes received; // .... left .. - (IBAction) Startup process: (ID) Sender {// Some code is here ... [auto start application download]; } // Start down with the available apple code here: - (zero) start application download / URL: * Sender * / {// Create Request NSURLRequest * theRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @ " gz "] Cash Policy: NS...

numpy - How to tell if a sparse matrix can't be solved -

I used Python to solve a linear equation using Python Matrix (CSR_metrics) I am writing a program. The matrix is ​​quite large (M = 90826x90826, B = 90826x1) and it is difficult to check by hand. The problem I have encountered is that for a small fraction of the matrix I am making, Sippi .sparse.linalg.spsolve (M, B) passes through such a calamity failure that the whole program Crashes. Even in an attempt by wrapping the line / leaving the program in the second / except that it does not help I do not get any feedback in the exception field. I have manually verified that what I am sending is wrong for me, but I can not really see it anywhere else. My program involves detecting the face, and may be due to detecting the problem. In this case, the "face" was found in the cheeks of the actual face, however, manually verifying that it is correct to find out before proceeding, there really is no substitute (the final product is used by non-technical clients ) And automatic v...

reporting services - How can i change the background color and font color for a particular condition for multiple columns at a time in SSRS -

I have a table with approximately 50 columns, I need to change the color of the font, if the value in column 0 Is too low. Is it possible to write expression in one bar instead of writing expression for each column? Without using the code section, best you can embed logic in a hidden parameter To do this, then see the parameter value for the color in each column, thus you can change the logic / color in one place.

c# - I Can't get a pic loaded onto my web form -

I am new to development from C # and I am trying to load five images on my web form, I want to code it behind and not just drag and drop. I can not get them to work I have tried: Dyspic [i] = New system. Web. UI. WebControl Image (); // Dicepic [0] = image. Freffile (httpxx current servermappath ("/ images / 1.gif")); I have also set such assets: Dyspic [0] .id = "Dice 1"; Dyspic [0]. Style ["status"] = "full"; Dyspic [0] .Style ["top"] = "80px"; Dyspic [0] .Style ["left"] = "80px"; Dyspic [0]. Visual = true; Dyspic [0]. With = 50; Dyspic [0]. Heights = 50; Dyspic [0]. Image url = "~ / images / 1.jif"; // HTPCNTEX Present. Server.mappath ("/ images / 1.gif"); DicePic [0] .Controls.Add (dicePic [0]); Any help would be great thanks change this line : Dyspic [0] .control.updated (Dyspic [0]); by this.Controls.Add (Dyspic [0]);

image processing - Imagemagick: Draw text in a bounding box with long ascenders and descenders -

I have found a little bit of a strange question, and after parsing it for hours through extensive documentation of ImageMagic I could not find any answer I have a program that creates a text box inside large images. My current solution uses the label: and caption: To make a temporary image a reasonable size, then this image has been composited into a larger image later. It has worked for me so far. Convert \ -size \ 321x93 \ -font \ Carolyna-Pro-Black-Regular \ -pointsize \ 43 \ -fill \ # 808080 \ -Gravity \ Center \ label: "Carolina Pro Black \ nis an unpleasant font. " However, recently I have added some new fonts, and it is a pain to work with these fonts because they have large chicks and descents (loopy). , Curly bits above and below the text.) In the case of these fonts, these rotations and descendants should eliminate their bounding box. I have tried a few things, but no one generates the desired effect: Making the bounding box larger: It seems that this wi...

properties - How to set a boolean property in NServiceBus MessageHandler through EndPointConfig -

I want to set a value for a public boolean property through endpoint configs in an NSRCBIS message handler. inherited from a solid class interface. To start / set prices in that concrete square. Injecting concrete squared through end-point config. Is there any other way to achieve this? configure. ConfuWire Confidential proxy by & lt; YourHandlerType & gt; (H = & gt; H. Bulpleproperty, Bool ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["YourSetting"])); In future versions, this will also happen. EDIT: You can try registering late by IWantToRunBeforeConfigurationIsFinalized , as suggested by David You can register the component as soon as NServiceBus registers, your code should handlers only Configure.Component & LT; YourHandlerType & gt; (DependencyLifecycle.InstancePerUnitOfWork) .ConfigureProperty (h = & gt; h.BoolProperty, Bool.Parse (ConfigurationManager .AppSettings ["YourSetting"]));

.htaccess - Can I load htaccess settings based on ip? -

I have this in my HTACAC file for my GT site: option + For Multivizzes FollowSymLinks RewriteBase / RewriteBase # 301, redirect to using www RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST} for all pages! ^ (Www. $ $) [NC] rewrite rules http: //www.% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI} [L, R = 301] I'm testing it on the server, so I have to change it manually: #options + multiplayer follow-up limit permits revive on rewritebase / # 301 www #RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST}! Redirect all pages to use! ^ (Www. $$) [NC] #Reverect Rule ^ http: //www.% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI} [L, R = 301] What is HTACAC Is there an automatic way through which I can turn things on and off based on current server IP? My test server OK You can use Reovat states based on % {REMOTE_ADDR} Can}} : # 301 www rewritecond% {REMOTE_ADDR}! Redirect redirect for all pages to use = {HTTP_HOST}! ^ (www \. $$) [NC] Revised Rule ^ http: //www.% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI} [L, R = 301] This only redirects If the...

dependencies - Removing maven dependancies of child pom from parent pom -

My parents are Pom A with POM, B, C and D with children in I, B, C and D, I have dependency with the same type i.e. parent & lt; artifactID & gt; Blah & lt; / ArtifactID & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; B & lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; C & lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; D & lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; / Module & gt; Kid POM & gt; Dependency & gt; & Lt; Dependency & gt; . . & Lt; Scope & gt; Trial & lt; / Scope & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; Test-jar & lt; / Type & gt; & Lt; / Dependencies & gt; & Lt; / Dependencies & gt; So far I have tried to make the plug-in accurate and that does not work when trying to exclude the test scope for child poms. My question is to exclude all dependencies with type paste-jars for all children is a way to add a profile to parent palm thanks Since you are trying to update th...

matlab - How to creates a value in a cell nested in a cell -

It sounds like a very simple question but I can not seem to work on it In fact, I have several cells: for example 1, face 1 = 15, face 2 = 23, scene 1 = 46, for example, each cell has a value, for example: Face 1, Face 2, Seen 1, View 2 = 9 Now I want to group all of these cells into a single cell called D, something like D = {Face1, Face2, Scene1, Scene2}. However, when I do this I get D = {15,23,46,9}. This is not what I want. I would like to identify each cell when I call D {1,1}, I get face 1, and when I call face 1, I get 15. Any suggestions? Thank you! Have you considered using the structures? Also try: D.face1 = 15 D.face2 = 23 You can also do this: D.Face (1) = 15 Let me know that it does not do this for you.

javascript - Pass result of a function back to itself in Ember.js controller -

I have a function that I want to use to load and use Linux and Vanilla JavaScript. I give it a value, checks to see that the value has been mapped in advance, and then checks to see that there are special properties in the value. If this happens, then it is the child through the same function The property passes. I am trying to do the same thing essentially in an amber app, but the function is an asset in an administrator. When I try to reference the name of the function, I get an error: "Unwanted reference reference: The collection header is not a function". How can I pass the results of "Collect Headers (Hair)" back to the function? Just Land & amp; Javascript where it works: Function Called Headers (original) {var firstchild = parent.children? mother-father. Children [0]: {}; If (firstChild.section_type & amp; firstchild.section_value) {_.forEach (parents, children, functions (children) {collectHeaders (children)}); } Else if (parent.children) ...

java - to map a range of numbers in an array to uniform random 1 to 100 -

I have 5 dice and I roll each of them once: The result is the meaning [] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1} This dice [] array is a function Has an input which means int random {// do some work with dice values ​​{1, 1, 1, 1, 1} (as input from user ) // Return the same random number from 1 to 100 Rule: Only the source of randomness is the value in the dice array. How do I make each of the numbers from 1 to 100 so that the resulting value is almost the same generation? Please help You are 1, 6, 6 ^ 2, 6 ^ 3, 6 ^ 4 can increase numbers on the dice. Then add them and take the last two digits of the result (i.e., finally one% 100). Edit (Thanks pjs) As the last step, add 1 so that you get an answer between 1 and 100, not 0 And between 99

gcc assembly vs direct to machine code -

I have recently started learning how to program, and I have found this one thing anxiously: why compiling the GCC Except for the Mile C code code assembly and then for the machine code? Is not that equally suitable to compile machine code directly? I know that the MSC compiler does this, so what is the reason for GCC to behave like this? Because for one thing, there is already enough assembler which is very easy to conduct assembly in the machine code Good works - There will be no issue in the GCC that to re-implement that functionality (also keep in mind that the assembly is still / to some extent / symbolic) at the second point, a probably / straight / machine code Does not want to compile directly - on embedded systems, a A good chance is that the assembly passes through a final bi-mind adaptation. At the end, but at least, the compiler is very helpful in debugging, if it misbehaves, there is no liking to reading the raw machine code.

c# - tips for MVC And Data Model -

I need your opinion, which is better at the ASP.NET MVC project, is there a datamodel for my database or Is there a recommendation for each table in my database? Note: I am using EF Datestuff model with an Oracle database. Lolz is a good question I think you are new to MVC and EF for the entire database Use a DataModel function of the unit frame supports the Oracle database. A DbContext represents a database but, you can have mutliple databse in your project. P> If you want to learn more ASP.NET MVC with EF here, its data will be first From

c# - Scheduling appointments in different time zones -

मेरे पास एक अनुप्रयोग है जो लोगों के साथ अपॉइंटमेंट्स को शेड्यूल करना संभव बनाता है दुनिया भर में। उन अपॉइंटमेंट्स को सभी डेटाबेस में UTC प्रारूप में सहेजा जाता है। पंजीकरण के दौरान उपयोगकर्ताओं ने उन समय क्षेत्रों का चयन किया है जो वे रहते हैं। इसलिए सभी नियुक्तियां उनके समय क्षेत्र में प्रदर्शित की जाती हैं। यह कहा जा रहा है, यहां स्थिति है यदि कोई उपयोगकर्ता जो समय क्षेत्र में रहता है तो W यूरोप मानक समय मई के पहले समय (01 मई 2014) में 1 जून को 1 बजे तक समय क्षेत्र में रहने वाले किसी व्यक्ति के साथ नियुक्ति करना चाहता है 5 दोपहर में दोपहर में समय को UTC स्वरूप में बदल दिया जाएगा और डेटाबेस में मौजूदा नियुक्तियों की तुलना में यह संभव है या नहीं (उदाहरण के लिए, उपयोगकर्ता के पास कोई अन्य नियुक्ति नहीं है)। और यदि यह संभव है, तो नियुक्ति दोनों उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए डेटाबेस में कायम रहती है। अब यहां दिलचस्प हिस्सा आता है। W में रहने वाला उपयोगकर्ता यूरोप मानक समय अपने कार्यक्रम में 1 बजे - 5 बजे (दोपहर में) देखेंगे, जबकि पूर्वी मानक समय में रहने वाला उपयो...

jquery - How to communicate view and controller in a php project with out any type of framework -

Backgrad / Idea I am creating a web application from scratch; With any type of php structure. I'm building a web application like this; Because I want to learn php; And I think using a php framework will not make me a good php developer mame. What have I done so far? I create a project structure: CSS script model Resource I created a scene like this: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt ;! - Here I call my jquery.js - & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Type: "Post", DataType: "Jason", Parameter: {var1: $ ("# var1" ) .val (), Method: "Singer"}) {...} ...) ... & lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Input id = "var1" name = "var1" type = "text" & gt; & Lt; Input ID "mybutton" name = "mybutton" type = "button" onclick = "action ();" & Gt; & Lt; / Body & ...

css - Add a border-left to a sidebar (Wordpress Twenty Fourteen theme) -

I am trying and on this site I have tried to design each div and class to simply design : The simplest thing is: I just want to add a border-left, 1px to the left side of the sidebar ( Visually different from the content area). I can not do this and it is driving me crazy because I know that it is simple. I used the Chrome Developer Tools to use Magnificent Glass and still do not understand it. Any help is most appreciated! # content-sidebar {border-left: 1px solid green; }

jquery - Django Ajax Values Returned but Not Being Displayed in Drop-down List -

I have a simple search box, where I use Ajax to display the blog title in the drop down suggestion list I am I have not found any errors and when I observe the element & gt; Network & gt; Feedback via browser Any suggestions? p> View P> DIF search_charts (request): if request.method == "POST": search_text = request.POST ['search_text'] other: search_text = '' article = article. Afs. Failter (title_Icient = search_text) Returns Render_ot_proning ('ajax_search.html', {'article': article}) ajax_search.html Articles of article {%} gt; & Lt; a href = "/ {{article. slugname}} /" & gt; {{Article.title}} & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; {% Endfor%} articles.html {% extended "base.html"%} {% block sidebar %} & Lt; H3 & gt; Search & lt; / H3 & gt; {% Csrf_token%} & lt; Input type = "text" id = "search" name = ...

haskell - How does curry (==) work? -

मैं समझता हूं कि: (==) :: ईक ए = & gt; ए - & gt; ए - & gt; Uncurry (==) :: ईक बी = & gt; (बी, बी) - & gt; Bool। आवेदन का एक उदाहरण uncurry हो सकता है (==) (2, 2), जिसका परिणाम सच है। लेकिन मैं समझ नहीं पा रहा हूं एक उदाहरण क्यों: करी (==) :: (ईक ए, ईक बी) = & gt; ए - & gt; बी - & gt; (ए, बी) - & gt; Itemprop = "text"> करी की परिभाषा: करी :: ((ए, बी) - & gt; सी) - & gt; ए - & gt; बी - & gt; सी करी एफ = \ x y - & gt; F (x, y) यदि हम उस स्थान को प्रतिस्थापित करते हैं: \ x y z - & gt; (करी (==) x y) z \ x y z - & gt; ((==) (x, y)) z - फ़ंक्शन अनुप्रयोग \ x y z - & gt; (==) (x, y) z - कोष्ठकों को निकालें (फ़ंक्शन एप्लिकेशन को हास्केल में एसोसिएटिव छोड़ दिया जाता है, इसलिए वे यहां अनावश्यक हैं) \ x y z - & gt; (एक्स, वाई) == जेड - इनफ़िक्स में कन्वर्ट हम तुरंत बता सकते हैं कि z को किसी प्रकार का ट्यूपल भी होना चाहिए, या नहीं == के दोनों तर्क समान प्रकार से है...

Android image file naming Why not use uppercase -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर बॉस ने मुझसे पूछा क्यों है चित्र नामकरण अपरकेस प्रारूप को प्रतिबंधित करता है। उनका मानना ​​है कि कला स्टाफ परेशानी का कारण होगा। मैं पूछता हूं कि आप मुझे पूंजी को सीमित करने का कारण बता सकते हैं? संसाधन कंपाइलर निर्देशिका नामों को लोअरकेस में कनवर्ट करता है केस-असंवेदनशील फाइल सिस्टम पर समस्याओं से बचने के लिए प्रसंस्करण से पहले। आशा है कि यह मदद करता है ..:)

How to open any input file whether it contains words or numbers and prints it out. C++ -

तो ऐसा कहें कि यह इनपुट फ़ाइल है 12 हैलो 45 100 पनीर 23 मैं कैसे उस क्रम में स्क्रीन पर इसे प्रिंट करें यह वही है जो मेरे पास था, लेकिन यह कुछ लाइनों को छोड़ देता है। #include & lt; iostream & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; fstream & gt; #include & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; Int main () {int number; स्ट्रिंग शब्द; इंट लूप = 0; इफस्ट्रीम इन्फाइल; ( "arraynumbers.txt"); जबकि (इन्फिल & gt; & gt; संख्या & gt; & gt; शब्द) {यदि (infile & gt; & gt; संख्या) {cout & lt; & lt; संख्या & lt; & lt; endl; } अगर (infile & gt; & gt; शब्द) {cout & lt; & lt; शब्द & lt; & lt; endl; }} वापसी 0; } मैं इन सवालों के जवाब देने का सुझाव देता हूं। हालांकि , आप सही रास्ते पर हैं। चूंकि आप सिर्फ stdout पर फ़ाइल की सामग्री को आउटपुट कर रहे हैं, इसलिए मैं रीडलाइन () और स्ट्रिंग का उपयोग करने का सुझाव देता हूं। यदि आप संख्यात्मक स्ट्रिंग्स को ints के रूप में उपयोग ...

javascript - Ember.js - Fading in an if statement -

I want to easily fade an error for a field, and I have some problems finding the flow for it. Are I Ember.js. At the moment there is a fashion in the error period and there is no effect. My index template looks like this. & lt; script type = "text / x-handlebars" data-template-name = "index" & gt; & Lt; div class = "errorbox" & gt; {{#if error}} & lt; span class = "error" & gt; {{Error}} & lt; / Span & gt; {{/ If}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; what is your name? & Lt; / Label & gt; {{Input Type = "Text" Action = "Type" Value = Username}} & lt; / Script & gt; and my controller: App.IndexController = Ember.ObjectController.extend ({actions: {type: function () {if (this.get ('Username'). Length & gt; 10) this.set ('error', 'username over length!'); Else this.set ('error', null);}}, / * properties * / Error: fals...