internet explorer - Why are HTTPOnly Cookies not being set correctly in IE9? -
I set up my ColdFusion application to use only the cookies using the following code:
& lt; Cfcomponent output = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; Cfscript & gt; THIS.Name = "MyCFApp"; this. Session management = true; THIS.SetClientCookies = Incorrect; This session. TimeTime = CreateTimeSpain (0, 3, 0, 0); this. Application TimeTime = CreateTimeSpain (0, 8, 0, 0); & Lt; / cfscript & gt; & Lt; Cffunction name = "onSessionStart" returntype = "zero" output = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; Cfheader name = "set-cookie" value = "cfid = # session.cfm #; path = /; HTTP only; # APPLICATION.SECURE_COOKIES #;" / & Gt; & Lt; Cfheader name = "set cookie" value = "CFTOKEN = # session CTOKEN #; path = /; HTTP only; # APPLICATION.SECURE_COOKIES #;" / & Gt; & Lt; cfreturn / & gt; & Lt; / cffunction & gt; & Lt; / Cfcomponent & gt; (FYI, APPLICATION.SECURE_COOKIES permits me to set an application-specific value for secure cookies - output is SSL, so I can secure But my local dev environment is not SSL, so it's empty.) When I clear my cookies / session in Google Chrome, and reload the page, Set-Cookie View the header in the debugger:
When I inspect the cookies in the debugger, it is only flagged as HTTP:
When I do this in IE9, I will set the set-cookie header:
But, for the same request, the cookies are showing in the debugger:
When I come Reloading in E9, cookies appear, but not flagged as HTTP only:
What is happening here with IE9? How can I resolve this to set up HTTP properly?
promoted by comments I believe That there was a problem with the developer tools in IE8 that the HTTP would not display cookies only with the flag. It may still be an issue with IE9 but I am not able to confirm it.
When I reload in IE 9, cookies appear, but are not flagged as just HTTP:
The cookies you are viewing in IE reload IE 9 Developer Tools sends to its browser on the server. Notice the sent in the screenshot's directions column. This is also the reason why it is not showing in the form of sending the HTTP flag only. It does not make sense for the server How do the direction columns received for cookies sent from the server How can I confirm that my server is only HTTP cookie in IE Setting up?
if If you see the screenshot then you can see the HTTP only flag at the end of the set-cookie lines, the response headers shown from IE9 show that the server has sent it to the browser. Then depending on the browser to respect the flag (or not) I am afraid that you are working with the developer tools on the older version of Internet Explorer "working as a designated work" issue. Note - this is only an issue with Developer Tools, the browser does not support the HTTP Only flag.
An easy way to see if the browser is honoring your HTTP flag, type the following in the address bar.
javascript: alert (document.cookie) This will display a window with all the cookies currently available for Javascript. Any cookie with HTTP only wallpaper should be not displayed.
Here is a reference that I found -
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