java - 3D Mapping Data Structure in Guava -
I am implementing a genetic algorithm for scheduling a barrier based university exam. To be able to check the obstruction, I need the data structure, in which most of the information is received before evaluation. I am currently using table structure from guava as follows: table & lt ; Integer, integer, arrelist & lt; Students & gt; & Gt; ClashesMatrix = hashbajet Creation (); This means that I am a student in general between exams and examinations in 2D matrix. However now I want to take students one step ahead in the middle of the 3 exams in general, so I need a type of 3D matrix . I need this because one of my obstacles is to examine two or three consecutive examinations for students and to make such data more efficient before preventing obstacles. Is there any special data in guava , which can be used for this purpose? Or is there any way in which I can change the above table to complete three exams? This is for your degree because I will appre...