
Showing posts from March, 2015

java - 3D Mapping Data Structure in Guava -

I am implementing a genetic algorithm for scheduling a barrier based university exam. To be able to check the obstruction, I need the data structure, in which most of the information is received before evaluation. I am currently using table structure from guava as follows: table & lt ; Integer, integer, arrelist & lt; Students & gt; & Gt; ClashesMatrix = hashbajet Creation (); This means that I am a student in general between exams and examinations in 2D matrix. However now I want to take students one step ahead in the middle of the 3 exams in general, so I need a type of 3D matrix . I need this because one of my obstacles is to examine two or three consecutive examinations for students and to make such data more efficient before preventing obstacles. Is there any special data in guava , which can be used for this purpose? Or is there any way in which I can change the above table to complete three exams? This is for your degree because I will appre...

c++ - C extend a pointer array -

I'm trying to expand an array of indicators using realloc, here's my minimum code: I expand the array with this code: YCSImage ** tabImages = NULL; For (Int i = 1; I and try to access the data with this code: for (int i = 0; i I have not found any problems that the only problem is that imwrite () writes 5 times the previous image that I store in my expanded array. (As I give in my tab images for any index, I get only one photo tab image [4]) What's wrong with this code? [edit] I have tested this simple code that it has been working properly. The problem is that p_pixel_buffer is an indicator and changes in the loop every time so that the image is there. You are starting all 5 images with the same data p_pixel_buffer . Are you modifying it later? mvc 5 - Add Meta tag in View page using MVC-5 -

I have two meta tags in the _Layout.cshtml master page and now I want to add a meta tag to someone in the CSSAML view page . And I also try with this code put _layout.cshtml in master page @RenderSection ("Metatag", incorrect); Someone Shtml such as @ section metatags {& lt; Meta ... /> } But the success was not found. Also try the addition of the meta tag jquery but did not work properly. This should work. Here my master page is _Layout.cshtml > @RenderSection ("Metatags", false) & lt; Title & gt; My application & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; @RenderBody () & lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; here index.cshtml file section metatags {& lt; Meta name = "test" content = "test is" /> & Lt; Meta name = "test2" content = "test" /> } & Lt; Div & gt; Page content & lt; / Div ...

dsl - Issue while writing xtext grammar file -

निम्नलिखित मेरे व्याकरण का हिस्सा है TestLabelBase रिजल्टएक्सप्रेसआरएचएस देता है: 'VL:' पथ = STRING; वर्णमापनकर्ता: (एबीसी? = 'एबीसी' | def? '' डीईएफ '| जी? =' जीआई '); जब मैं निम्नलिखित नियम लिखता हूं TestLabel यह ठीक काम करता है: TestLabel रिजल्टएक्सप्रेसआरएचएस रिटर्न: TestLabelBase (modifier = AlphabetModifier) ​​?; लेकिन जब मैं TestLabel के लिए निम्नलिखित नियम का उपयोग करता हूं तो यह कहते हैं एक अनिर्दिष्ट नियम कॉल की अनुमति नहीं है, जब 'चालू 'पहले से ही बनाया गया था। TestLabel रिजल्टएक्सप्रेसआरएचएस रिटर्न: (संशोधक = अल्फाबेटमॉडिफायर)? TestLabelBase; क्या आप कृपया इसके पीछे कारण बता सकते हैं? है आपको अपना नियम इन्हें बदलने की आवश्यकता है: TestLabel रिटर्न ResultExpressionRhs: (modifier = AlphabetModifier)? base = TestLabelBase; चीयर्स, स्टीव

.net - Error when I run the new Installer file of an Application i created in C# -

I have created the C # installer application. When I try to run a desktop application, it is throwing exception and I I am not able to get any value in the combo box (although the rest of the code works well). The code runs fine when it is run through Visual Studio 2010. Here are the different exceptions, when I click on the icon. Can anyone provide some support as to why I am getting this? For information on end of this message, look at the JUST-in-Time (JIT) debugging application instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text **************************************************************************************** System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException: Culture is not supported Parameter Name: name ????? A valid culture identifier System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor (string name SampleResourceBundle.Loginpage.Form1_Load, Boolean useUserOverride) on System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor (String name) on SampleResourceBundle.Loginpage.fillAppLangueCombo () (...

javascript - getting value of anchor by clicking on anchor tag -

By clicking anchor tag in JavaScript, getting the value of anchor tag and I want to pass the value to the controller & lt; div class = form-actions & gt; & lt;% @ sitename.each do | REC | & Gt%; & Lt; An id = "& lt;% =>" Data-rel = "tooltip" value = & lt;% = & gt; "Title =" Total access in Bangalore "Square =" fine span2 top-block sri "href =" # "& gt; & lt; duration class =" icon32 icon-green icon-users "> & lt; div & gt; & lt;% => & lt; / div & gt; & lt; div id = "loading-indicator" style = "display: none; "gt; & lt;% = image_tag (" Peregrin-loader .gif ")%> Today gt;% end%> & lt; / l & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt;! - Summary counter - END - & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; script type = text \ JavaScript-> $ ('sri') live...

Elasticsearch rails gem -

I would like to ask, if there is a gem then you would advise me to use my rail app to add SearchCheck or Chevy Such elastic search would be great if there were some simple tutorials about how to use it. Thank you. It depends on which rail / elastic search combination you are using: Elasticsearch version> = 1 elasticsearch version & lt; = 1 There are so many examples of tires, elasticsearch rail not so many here is a quick start: # Gemfile gem 'elasticsearch- Model 'gem' elasticsearch-rails ' Install bundle # lib / tasks / elasticsearch.rake to' elasticsearch / rails / tasks / import ' Load your existing model data from DB Elasticsearch: bundle exec rake environment elasticsearch: import: model class = 'YourModel' # app / model / your_model.rb class YourModel & LT; ActiveRecord :: Base includes Elasticsearch :: Models Elasticsearch :: Models :: Callback and elsewhere in your code (in the system or anywh...

Can I initialize mangled names with metaclass in Python and is it safe? -

Can I start dirty names with Metcalaces and is it safe? class meta (type): def __new __ (metacles, names, chairs, clsdict): clsDict ['_% s__ counter'% name] = 0 Return super (meta, metaclaces). __ New __ (Metacles, Names, Chairs, CLSDict) Category A (object): __metaclass__ = Meta I did not get the explanation and clear explanation. I'm often using dirty names but rarely metalex and not sure that this is a valid code if valid '_% s __% s'% (className, attrName) - it works Is, but probably not compatible. What you want to do is legal, more or less secure (it is safe because it To reach those attributes that are names which i.e. they intend to be private) This is not a good idea, however, from a design perspective. The question is, why are you using the name in the first place? If the feature is to be used to access multiple classes (including class and its metacalls), then you should probably use an unusual feature name instead. If you often find ...

javascript - How to monitor the data I am sending and getting from the browser with each request to the server? -

I am using Chrome as a browser, and I'm not sure my client will send some data to the server Whether or not it has been How to check or make sure that the data (name value pair) is sending the customer and also with each request. Can you recommend a device to do this or can I do it in Chrome Dev Tools in Chrome. You can do this on Dev Tool in the Network tab ( F12 ) If you do not see any records added to the list - make sure you are recording a network log (clicking on the left dot, it is red): Then when you find the record you were looking for - click on the row, and you can see the relevant link Under "Header" you can enter the form data under the 'Request parameter ( GET parameter under the query string parameter and POST Code>) . > And ynder "feedback" will get you the response content from the server If you want the tool that works independently from the browser, you should look for "sniffer" - which I like S...

How to get response for accepted app request in facebook android..? -

If user 'A' sent an application request to user 'B' in Facebook, then the result of that request How did one accept or reject as a B? .. If this is an Android app installation request, how will it now be known that the user has accepted and installed the app. Please thank me .. Thank you in advance ... FB does not tell you whether the request was accepted. When user b "accepts" requests that they will be directed to your app (mobile or canvas), you can ask for all requests of user b and then inform user A (You must also delete the request). View

c# - Send WM_CLOSE message to a process with no window -

एक प्रक्रिया शुरू कर रहा है - ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo ("G: \\ SampleWinApp ।प्रोग्राम फ़ाइल"); Psi.UseShellExecute = false; psi.CreateNoWindow = सच; प्रोसेस प्रो सीसी = प्रोसेस। स्टार्ट (पीएसआई); पोस्ट मेसेज का उपयोग कर भेजें const int WM_CLOSE = 0x0010; सार्वजनिक शून्य SendCloseSignal (प्रक्रिया proc) {uint uiPid = (uint) proc.Id; Bool bResult = EnumWindows (नया WNDENUMPROC (EnumWindowsProc), uiPid); यदि (! bResult & amp; मार्शल.GetLastWin32Error () == 0) {वस्तु objWnd = processWind [uiPid]; अगर (objWnd! = नल) {IntPtr ptrWnd = (IntPtr) objWnd; पोस्ट मेसेज (पीटीआरडब्ल्यूडी, डब्लूएमसीएसीएड, 0, 0); वापसी; }} Foreach (proc.Threads में ProcessThread धागा) {PostThreadMessage (uint) thread.Id, WM_CLOSE, UIntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); }} निजी स्टेटिक बूल EnumWindowsProc (IntPtr hwnd, uint lParam) {uint uiPid = 0; अगर (GetParent (hwnd) == IntPtr.Zero) {GetWindowThreadProcessId (एचडब्ल्यूडी, रेफरी यूपीड); अगर (uiPid == lParam) {processWnd [uiPid] = hw...

MongoDB: Schema design for stock tick database -

I need to store daily stock closing prices as well as tick data in MongoDB. How do you prepare such a schema? For daily prices, I have to keep a document for each share symbol, such as {symbol: "AAPL", quotation: {{Date: '2014-01-01', Value: { Open: 1, high: 1, low: 1, close: 1, quantity: 100}}, {date: '2014-01-02', value: {open: 1, high: 1, lower: 1, close : 1, quantity: 100}}, ...}} For tick statistics I can do something like the above, in which there was an array of sub-documents per hour tix is. However, considering the maximum document size is only 16 MB, I believe limited reach is very fast, especially for tick data. I know about this approach, will it be a good attitude? To wit. A copy per copy per day? So, how will you prepare the schema for daily values ​​and keep the data ticking respectively? I think you are on the right path I each Placing a document for the stock symbol will give you a good overview of all the symbols in th...

powershell - How to see if the next line of a TXT file starts with a number -

I am using powershell to read in a TXT and make some arguments for it. The TXT is setup in a very specific format, but I only care about one line that starts with 6 or 4. The problem is that I do not know how to check the next line. I $ files = Get-ChildItem $ source *. Starting with $ $ File = Get-content $ files and then check for each line foreach ($ $ in file Line "StartsWith" ("6") {Write-Host "It starts with line 6"} elseif ($ line.StartsWith ("4")) {Write-host "This line 4 ") otherwise {($ line.StartsWith (" 4 ")) and (start with the next line 4)) {Write - Host" This line begins with 4 and starts with the next line 4 "}" And {write-host "does not start with line 6 or 4 I $ line + 1 or $ line [x + 1] and even $ file [x + 1] but did not generate results from what I want because they will read in line and next next line can someone tell me how to check if the next $ line 4 starts ...

jquery - Data table sorting issue (wants the default sorting not active when page loads first time) -

I used the datatable in my project. I want to disable the default sorting of datatyur and server side sorting to execute when the page load is for the first time. Everything is fine, I have given it ("AAserting": [],) is empty as a guideline but still I am not getting the right result. What am I missing, please help me! Use bSort property to enable or disable the Sorting feature "bSort": false $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# example'). DataTable ({"Aadata": [['Trident', 'Internet Explorer 4.0', 'Win95 +', 4, 'X'], ['Trentent', 'Internet Explorer 5.0', 'Win95 +', 5 , 'C'],], "sPaginationType": "full_number", "BSAT": wrong, "bitwidth": wrong, "idype lang": 20,});});

c - how to correctly initialize a LinkList -

When launching a link list, I define the parameter as * L, such as: Status InitList (LinkList * L) {* L = (LinkList) Molec (form (structure LNode)); If (! * L) exit (overflow); (* L) - & gt; Next = zero; Okay; } but not position InitList (LinkList L) {l = (LinkList) malloc (structure LNode); If (! L) exit (overflow); (L) - & gt; Next = zero; Okay; } Why can not this be true? struct LNode {ElemType data; Structure LNode * Next; }; Typingfile structure LNode * link list; In another implementation, you have a local variable L You have trouble getting started, this is a local variable ??? Changing this will not change the variable in the calling code. When it comes out of the ceremony, then the memory you have allotted has lost it ??? Memory leak they are bad! The first code gets an indicator on the variable in the calling code and carefully changes it. It does not leak to memory. You can modify the other, which makes it work by using the code: lin...

playframework 2.0 - scheduled job on play using akka -

I'm trying to execute a method using one minute though I have not found any errors, but the method Has not been executed !! I tried to expand play.api.globalsettings but I got an error for him. That's why I implemented it. Here's my code: Public Class Global tool play.api.GlobalSettings {ActorRef tickActor; Override public-wide {{single system ()) on the Horroride Public Wide {Start ( app) before @stars (app app). Scheduler () Schedule (0, time unit. Milliseconds), duration .create (1, TimeUnit.MINUTES), new runnab () {public zero run (safe secured object = new secure); protected object.Delete ExcluteToken Enduser ();}}, acq. System () .disppatcher ()); } Any thoughts? In a Java application, you should expand from Playback. Global settings and not play. API . Global Settings [/ p> In Java Framework 2 you should use the playware play package, and the play.api package for Scala applications can have many classes but they are not the same.

c++ - how to use a virtual function again in an inherited class -

मेरे पास 3 वर्ग अर्थात् class A; कक्षा बी; वर्ग सी: सार्वजनिक बी {}; अब मैं सी में कुछ सदस्य फ़ंक्शंस का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं, जो कि A में वर्चुअल बना दिया गया है और बी । जब मैं ए से सी से सदस्य का उपयोग करने का प्रयास करता हूं तो यह कहकर एक त्रुटि देता है कि सी ए का सीधा आधार वर्ग नहीं है। क्या करना चाहिए मैं करता हूँ? क्या मुझे उस कोड का टुकड़ा फिर से लिखना चाहिए? मैंने अन्य साइटों की खोज की और उलझन में आने के कारण जो विरासत की मेरी अवधारणाओं को बर्बाद कर दिया, इसलिए कृपया एक वर्णनात्मक लेकिन स्पष्ट जवाब दें आपका प्रश्न बहुत स्पष्ट नहीं है क्या आप पूछ रहे हैं कि फ़ंक्शन के A या B के संस्करण को कैसे कॉल करें? यदि हां, तो आप ऐसा कुछ कर सकते हैं: #include & lt; iostream & gt; struct A {आभासी शून्य Foo () {std :: cout & lt; & lt; "ए :: फू ()" "\ n"; }}; संरचना बी: सार्वजनिक ए {शून्य फीू () {std :: cout & lt; & lt; "बी :: फू ()" "\ n"; }}; struct सी: सार्वजनिक बी {शून्य foo () {std :: cout ...

jquery - Replace all content between characters with JavaScript -

I am trying to create a simple markdown converter for getting better at JS and Regex. I now need to find everything between two asterisks, and they & lt; I & gt; Wrap the tag: var html = '* abc wire *'; Var html = html.replace (/ \ * / g, ' gt;'); Console.log (html); RESULT: & lt; I & gt; ABC is a string & lt; I & gt; I also answer a related question, but I am unsure about how to adjust my code accordingly, or what it really is: (? S) & lt; H1>. & Lt; / H1> Any help would be great. Get content wrapped in HTML tags: Var html = html.replace (/ \ * ([^ *] +) \ * / g, ' $ 1 & lt; / i & gt;'); Explanation of ([^ *] +) : (# Start of Capture group [^ # Start of denial] So then [^ *] + means "at least one letter that matches the * is not. It has the effect that all the characters from next to * are matched.

javascript - Proper manner for applying Jquery UI tooltip to deferred content? -

It seems that this would be a normal matter, but I am not getting any information about it. Maybe it's something I just miss. All tooltips are working as expected, however, we load some content dynamically, so it is injected after the then tooltip method is called . What is the best way to tooltips that have been applied to new content, which is injected after pageload? UPDATE To be clear, I do not no want to inject dynamic content in a tooltip. How do I want to get the Tooltip plug-in to notice new content injected in the page? Thanks I will do this: Make your tooltip option reusable It: var Options = {Content: "Excellent Title!", ...} Then create your first tooltip-input on page load : $ ('. someclass'). Tooltip (option); Dynamically do this after adding some new elements: $ (dynamically added content) .tooltip (option);

php - Condition if request named parameter has this value in CakePHP -

I was trying to make a condition that would be a special SQL query condition if the named name is inactive request is inactive. if named (isset- ($- >--> condition-> ['status: inactive'])) {$ conditions ["ApplicationCode.status"] = 'inactive'; Pagination part, which is the condition variable btw: $ this-> paginate = array ('order '= & gt; Array (' ApplicationCode.code '= & gt;' ASC '),' conditions '= & gt; $ terms,' range '=> 50,' contain '= & gt; array (' Role ',' app '= & gt; array (' conditions' = & gt; array ('application.state! =' = & Gt; application: archival), 'user'))); I'm too new to PHP and I'm using the KPHP framework. The above code does not work. If I delete : inactive , it is working thanks in advance. if (isset ($ this-> request-> gt; Status'])) {$ conditions ["Applic...

java - Convert ArrayList to ArrayList -

I have three sections: Blob, Food and Predator, all of which are sub-classes of intangible class organisms. I have an array list for each class: Blobs, Foods and Predators I am writing a function that when choosing a 'target' for an organism Depending on how it is, the organism is passed as a parameter and then a suitable target is chosen - if the blob is passed then it should target a food, if a predator passes then Her blob Should be targeted, and if any food has passed it should be targeted Predator. I have now: ArrayList & lt; Food & gt; Foods = new array list & lt; Food & gt; (); ArrayList & LT; Blob & gt; blobs = new arreelist & lt; Blob & gt; (); ArrayList & LT; Predator & gt; Hunter = new arreelist & lt; Predetator & gt; (); Public biology concept (OBZIMUM O) {Array List & Lt; Living & gt; Search = New Arrestist & lt; Living & gt; (); If (ogateclass () == blob class) {search = food; } And if (oga...

scala - Debugging an sbt build that doesn't see any tests -

संदर्भ: एसबीटी 0.13.0, स्काला 2.10.4 बाहरी बाधाओं के कारण मुझे कस्टम निर्देशिका संरचना की आवश्यकता है, इसलिए मैंने अपने सभी परीक्षण स्रोतों को मेरे एसबीटी प्रोजेक्ट को scalaSource in test: = baseDirectory.value / "test" के साथ जोड़ दिया परीक्षण: संकलित करें मेरे सभी परीक्षण स्रोतों को उठाता है और उन्हें सफलतापूर्वक संकलित करता है (मैं सिंटैक्स त्रुटियों को जोड़ सकता हूं और बिल्ड को विफल कर सकता हूं) परीक्षण रिपोर्ट करता है कि 0 सुइट्स, 0 टेस्ट्स हैं, और ये सभी सफल हुए हैं उस डायरेक्टरी में कई जॉनीट स्टाइल वाले सबसे ज़्यादा परीक्षण हैं कोई भी विचार क्यों नहीं उठा रहा है कोई परीक्षण? क्या मुझे एक सेटिंग याद है? दिखाया गया परिभाषाएं भी खाली सूची दिखाती है। यह पता चला है कि मैं लापता था जूनिट-इंटरफ़ेस पर निर्भरता: लाइब्रेरीडिपरटेंशन + = "कॉम। नोवोकोड"% "जूनिट-इंटरफेस"% "0.8"% टेस्ट

phpmyadmin - MySQL - change connection to MysqlWorkBeanch -

I have a server on Amazon in my database and I usually do not accept by HP Madman without any problem , But I hate it. I downloaded MYSQL WorkBench, but I can not connect to my server, anyway. I always get the same message: Connecting to MySQL server ... can not connect to MySQL server (10061) Someone Most providers only allow access to the database from the local network Databases are not visible from the Internet Reasons - Security The phpMyAdmin is located in its internal network with the server, so there is no problem reaching it to the database, but your computer is out and DB is not visible to it, hence the connection error. If you have access to ssh (or vpn ) machine (but you probably will not) you can create tunnels and access your DB With this through the workspace On the other hand, you should be able to upload your own web client different from phpMyAdmin, e.g.

Cognos Calculate Variance Crosstab (Relational) -

I have a simple such as: trans | Pants | Shirt | | 2013 | 2014 | 2013 | 2014 | --------------------------------------- Jan. 33 | 37 | 41 | 53 | February | 31 | 33 | 38 | 43 | March | 26 | 29 | 51 | 56 | Pants and shirts are related to data items: category For year data related to: year The months are related to the data item: months The Trans data relates to the item: Trans Report Studio looks like this: Trans | & Lt; # Category # & gt; | & Lt; # Category # & gt; | | & Lt; # Years # & gt; | & Lt; # Years # & gt; | & Lt; # Years # & gt; | & Lt; # Years # & gt; | -------------------------------------------------- --------- & lt; # Months # & gt; | & Lt; # 1234 # & gt; | & Lt; # 1234 # & gt; | & Lt; # 1234 # & gt; | & Lt; # 1234 # & gt; | I want to be able to calculate the deviation of pants and shirts over the years. To get something like this: Trans | ...

Remove Marker - Google Maps Javascript API v3 -

Trying the Thai Maps API I add a trapped marker to remove the markers works great, but delete work Is not any idea why this will not work? thank you in advanced! Function Placemarker (Events) {var marker = new google.maps.Marker ({clickable: true, position: event.latLng, map: map}); } Function deleteMarker () {marker.setMap (empty); Marker = null; } Initialize function () {var mapOptions = {zoom: 8, center: home}; Map = new google.maps.Map (document.getElementById ('map-canvas'), map options); Google.maps.event.addListener (map, 'rightclick', placeMarker); Google.maps.event.addListener (Marker, 'Click', Delete Marker); } Google.maps.event.addDomListener (window, 'load', start); global variable defined var map, marker , Home = new google.maps.LatLng (46.5, 13.5); Error message in the result: Unkit type error: The property '__e3_' for undefined main.js can not be read: 15 line google.maps.event.addListener (marker, 'clic...

sql server - SQL Domain Group with one member Read Only -

I have created a group called 'Domain SQL Admin', which has 3 high level employees and 2 common usernames, very strong password ) This group has been added to various SQL Servers and the powers of the deity have been given. My question - is there a way to downgrade one of the common user names to read only on a particular server? Examples: The desired result - The 'Domain SQL Administrator' group: Domains \ sysadmin Domain \ JSmith (sysadmin) / Li> Domain \ DJones (sysadmin) domain \ server user (sysadmin) domain \ jobreer (read only) I think that I just remove the read user and add a new group / this user in particular to each question in question. Thank you. SQL 2008 R2 Since you used the AD Group to create a login Has given permission / fixed roles. If a user is a member of the group and will have all the permissions / roles assigned to that group. Even if you create a separate login for that user and take permissions at that person...

django - How to choose specific columns when using depth in serializer -

I have a model that consists of two ForeignKeys I only ForeignKeys , so I am using the depth variable, which originally gives me all columns of tables referred to by FK. What column should a column include to select? Class SomeSerializer (serializers.ModelSerializer): Class Meta: Model = MyAwesomeModel fields = ('id', 'fk_one', 'fk_two') Depth = 1 Try using the nested serializer documentation Example: class FKOneSerializer (serializers.ModelSerializer): class meta: model = FKOne fields = ('name', 'id') class SomeSerializer (serializers.ModelSerializer): fk_one = FKOneSerializer () class meta: model = MyAwesomeModel fields = ( 'id', 'fk_one', 'fk_two') Edit: Similar reply creator of Django Relief Framework It also includes some related notes in which nested serializers are read-only and you may have to include a source argument on the serializer field.

c# - Masking IP on the Windows Phone -

When I post data to my server, I am trying to provide some anonymous identity to my users on Windows Phone Without going into more detail, the only thing that relates to the data in the user's database is the IP that they call from their servers. I want to mask it I've seen an WebProxy object but apparently it is not available in Windows Phone. .NET Framework I am only thinking about allowing the user to inform their exposure and setup VPN on their device. Is there any other way that I can mask their IPs when I call on my server? More automated I can make it better for them. You can not completely assert it in your app because the network connection will not work, but you Maybe third party services like can use

java - Spring Batch step without chunk processing -

I have a job step that reads from the database and writes the output in a flat file and creates a report. If the phase fails, I want to restart it, processing it from above to above I do not want to include any recovery in this step. What is the best way to implement spring batch, this process does not work in any kind of processing and trigger recovery during the middle of the process Mark the job as restartable = "true" . As the mark step allow-start-if-complete = "true" . Failure to complete the interception step execution and trail phase also. When you restart the job, your stage will be executed.

go - Golang: can't decompress data with lzw package -

I am trying to create a compressed string pool with go. This is my code - I can not put pressure on what is compressed with the compressed / LJW package. Input for Lzw.Writer [104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100] and production of lzw.Reader [0 0 3 3 3 2 0 0]. They definitely do not match. I am making the reader and author with the same parameters (all except buffer). The buffer for the Lzw.Reader contains data, which was previously compressed with lzw.Writer. your litWidth lzw.NewReader and lzw.NewWriter I do not know much about LZW, but it seems that how many bits are considered by by litwidth , so the value of 2 is that all input bytes Must be 0x00 - 0x03 See the minimum example of a LZW round-trip, a litWidth of 7 tasks (but probably not safe for UTF-8 lessons), anything less than 7 fails .

java - OkHttp in android for making network requests -

What am I trying to do? :: I try What did I do :: I have read their document I did the project I have downloaded and added JR I use my sample code from MyCode : Main activity. Java Import; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.util.log; Import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; Import com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.Request; Import com.squareup.okhttp.internal.http.Response; Public class increases main activity activity {@ Override Protected Zero to Create (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super.New (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Request request = new request the creator (). Url ("") .build (); Feedback feedback = client.execute (request); Log D. ("Answer", (). String ()); }} is facing an error :: in line response = client.execute (request ); I am getting the error like this: The customer can not be resolved i...

xaml - How to change DataRow style in Silverlight -

मेरे पास सेल को बदलने के लिए एक्सएएमएल को मिला है। & lt; sdk: DataGrid मार्जिन = "10" ग्रिड। राउ = "1" IsReadOnly = "True" AutoGenerateColumns = "False" x: नाम = "dgrdDataGrid" ग्रिडलाइनों = "सभी" & gt; & LT; एसडीके: DataGrid.Columns & gt; & lt; sdk: DataGridTextColumn बाध्यकारी = "{बाध्यकारी FirstName}" हैडर = "प्रथम नाम" / & gt; & lt; sdk: DataGridTextColumn बाइंडिंग = "{बाध्यकारी अंतिम नाम}" हैडर = "अंतिम नाम" / & gt; & lt; sdk: DataGridTemplateColumn हेडर = "सब्सक्राइबटेड" चौड़ाई = "*" सॉर्ट मेम्बरपैथ = "सदस्य सदस्यता" & gt; & LT; एसडीके: DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & LT; DataTemplate & gt; & lt; स्टैकपैनेल ओरिएंटेशन = "क्षैतिज" & gt; & lt; टेक्स्टब्लॉक टेक्स्ट = "कोई सूचना नहीं" x: नाम = "txtTextBlock" चौड़ाई = "100" कार्यक्...

c++ - store array in vectors and sort the elements -

I have a large number of numbers in a number of three, is there a way to store them The method is to sort the number of a vector in the form of a unit and for printing such that the combination on the first number is sorted, if it does, then duplicate, then sort them further on the basis of the second number is done. 234 123 465 234 123 465 567 890 123 More For expected output: 234 123 465 234 123 678 234 567 234 567 890 123 li> You want basically two digit integers here, and then you want With custom comparator you can use std :: sort on it. bool vector_cmp (const vector & amp; v1; Const vector & lt; int & gt; and v2) {for (vector & lt; int & gt; :: size_type i = 0; i & lt; v1.size (); ++ i) {if ( (i) & lt; (i)) true return; And if ( (i) You can just type the previous line like this: std :: sort (int2dVector.begin (), int2dVector.end ()); Already exit to compare the vectors. operations , ...

linux - Cannot find pkg-config error -

I am trying to install some software on my Mac; Although I get the same error: Configure: Error: The pkg-config script was not found or is too old to make sure it is in your path or PKG_CONFIG environment variable is pkg-config Set in full path of Alternatively, you can set the environment variable XMEDCON_GLIB_CFLAGS and XMEDCON_GLIB_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config. See the pkg-config man page for more information. To get Pkg-config, go to & lt; http: //> See. See `config.log 'for more information I'm not sure how to go about adding PKG-config to PATH. I have seen online (see link) that I should add the following: export pat = $ path: / opt / local / bin # comment The place where I've kept pkg-config every time I try to configure using files, I also get the error. Any help super would be appreciated! "post-text" itemprop = "text"> The answer to my question (after many Google searches) f...

javafx - Java FX: FileChooser and file extension -

I am using Java 7 and I should know this, if it is possible to find out which filter extension is selected I was aware that we have a proper method in Java FX 8.0, but I should work on a lower version. Any thoughts? I do not believe it is possible in JavaFX 2.2 to identify a selected extension. When I needed to address the same issue, there was no real solution in my research. I organized on a set of file extensions and ended up handling savings with a custom dialog.

PHP Composer: Debugging a Cache Miss for a Custom Repository's packages.json -

I am using PHP composer with a custom repository. For reasons which are beyond my ability to debug itself, the composer is downloading the packages.json every time of the repository I runs a command $ composer.phar --profile -vvv --no-dev --repository-url = http: // Make-project magma-heathon / magma-composer-installer [4.2 MB / 0.05S] Download [70.6 MB / 152.18 S] Writing / Users / AlanStorm / dot Commerce / Cash / Depot / HTTP- - Package. In the .com / packages.json cache ... $ composer.phar --profile -vvv update [3.7 MB / 0.01s] Reading ./composer.json [4.2MB / 0.02s] Implemented Command (CWD): GIT Description - Xact-Match - Totes [4.4 MB / 0.03 C] Executed Command (CWD): GIT Branch --NO-color --NO-abbrev -v [4.5 MB / 0.05 S] Executed Command (CWD): Hg Branch [ 4.5 MB / 0.12s] Command implemented (CWD): svn info -xml [6.6MB / 0.17s] Loading composer stores with package information [6.8MB / 0.19s] Downloadab...

ios - NSProxy and forwardInvocation: invoke called within a block causes nil return value -

I am using a NSProxy subclass and forwardInvocation: For my backend API object (a shared frequency) to capture calls Some background information: I want to capture API calls so that I can check every time if I need to refresh my authentication token if so, then I just refresh it before The method parameters ( invocation of) are blocked. A few simple codes: - (zero) forwarded charge: (nsiivation *) invocation {[invoice setagraph: self ali api]; [Arguments to keep the invitation]; // Refresh Call and after successfully refreshing // successfully refresh after record. (Authenticity Reproduction) {[Self. Real API refresh: withblock: ^ (NSObact * some object) {[Inoculation avalicious target: self-ali API]; }]; } // Otherwise we only want to immediately greet {{invention} next to it. Goal: AutoApi]; } Return; } Calling retainingArguments already due to the last execution of invokeWithTarget: Yes, so my blocks and other parameters are not lost ( refresh with bl...

javascript - Using ajax.actionlink in mvc4 causes to refresh the page -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक दृश्य है: @ मॉडेल IEnumerable & lt; DomainClasses.Class & gt; @ {ViewBag.Title = "Ù ?? Û ?? ست"; } & lt; div id = "test" & gt; & Lt; h2 & gt; Ù ?? Û ?? ست Ú © Ù ?? اس Ù? ا & lt; / h2 & gt; & Lt; p & gt; @ एचटीएमएल.एक्शनलिंक ("Ø§Û ?? Ø Ø § Ø Ø Ø Ù Ù Ø Ø", "बनाएँ") & lt; / p & gt; & LT; तालिका & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; वें & gt; @ Html.DisplayNameFor (मॉडल = & gt; model.ClassName) & lt; / th & gt; & LT; वें & gt; & lt; / वें & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; @ फ़ॉरचा (मॉडल में विविध आइटम) {& lt; tr & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; @ एचटीएमएल। डिस्प्लेफ़ोर (मॉडल इस्तम = & gt; आइटम। क्लासनाम) & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; @ * @ एचटीएमएल.एक्शनलिंक ("Ù ?? Û ?? Ø ± Ø§Û ?? Ø '", "संपादित करें", नया {आईडी = आइटम.आईडी}) | * @ @ Ajax.ActionLink ("Ù ?? Û ?? Ø ± Ø§Û ??...

c# - Elmah.MVC setup -

I'm getting up to an MVC 5 WebAPI app and trying to run with Elma I think starting all the docs And finished with "It's set up through nuget" and just think that it will cover, but I'm clearly missing something I have installed Elmah. Through the MVC 2.1.1 newsletter, and I'm able to see the error log / Elmoh. I am capable of requesting an illegal route and see that the 409 error is being logged by Elma, even with the launch of custom orders However, if I generate an arbitrary error within a controller, or during the controller's urgency, nothing is found in Elma. For example: I can call this all day and nothing in Elma log shows Adding the standard handlair attribute does not change anything, and a little bit of documents is clearly obvious. That I do not need to create a custom handler feature I use En for DI, and so on, if I break a dependency bond, I get a good error like this: {Message: "An error has occurred." Exception message:...

html - jQuery slider (fadeIn / fadeOut) not working correctly -

I have created a jquery slider and a user in this website has helped me improve it (adding fade transcription) Bella It used to work fine, but when I took it to my computer, then a problem arose, first of all, it is a bella. The code is really simple, I hide the images with the display: None (hide the class) and change with fadein / fade. $ ("active image"). FadeIn (); $ ("To hide the picture"). fadeOut (); $ ("To hide the picture"). fadeOut (); $ ("To hide the picture"). FadeOut (); And here's the problem It increases fast for reasons of size, so if you can The problem is not seen when you click on a button, the current image closes and aprox only after 100 milliseconds. Other image weight. I have tried .delay (), lake Neither this works either. html & lt ; div id = "cycler" style = "position: fixed; top: 0;" & gt; & lt; img class = "active" src = "http://www.gettyima...

Version of Python for Pil and Tkinter -

Which version of the dragon is compatible with both anklet and tinter? I am trying to establish both of them for ages and have thought that I am trying to establish them on incompatible versions. If someone knows how to do this, please tell me because I am stuck! This is done because it is not updated much. There is a fork called a fork which I believe will be recommended instead of the most used: This is a drop-in replacement and changes in your PR related code should not be.

c++ - CreateProcess() compiling error? -

How do I use the CreateProcess () function, and I'm not very efficient in C ++. I tried to do some things to try, but then it appears that the application does not do what I want to do after this. What do I have to do to pass "CMD .exe / c ipconfig> c: \ test.txt" to do this and execute it as expected I The error I am getting (in dev + C ++) are: 6 C: \ Dev-Cpp \ project \ test \ Untitled1.cpp main function `int main (. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the code I used (taken from the example of Microsoft): #include & lt; Windows.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Tchar.h & gt; Zero _ TMN (Intuarial, TCHR * AGR []) {STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; Xeromamari (and, shape (SI)); Si.cb = Size (C); Zoramori (and p, sapphire (pi)); // Start the child process if (! CreateProcess (NULL, // a module name (use command line) argv [1], // command line zero, // process handle inheritable ta...

How to do subdomain addressing on app engine with custom domain? -

How can I do something like API? [My website] .com on the app engine? I have a module named api.yaml with the following components: handler: - url:. * Script: api.application safe: always but when I try the API. [My website] .com in my browser, it works, but it loads the main page of my website. Handler [www. My website] is .com, which goes to my homepage ... though I would like a separate page for the API. [My website] .com Is this possible? Thank you! I think the solution api [my website]. To indicate Com [My website] .com / api /

java - Max absolute sum in a array -

I have recently come to this question but have not got any ideas about solving it. Can you do some help with pseudo-code? Looking at an array with four, integer A, B, C, D, drag them in a sequence if the integers are complete then 24 shuffles are my work best adjusted as if F (s [0] -s [1]) + abs (s [1] -s [2]) + eb (s [2] -s [ 3]) is the maximum For example, consider this example A = 5, b = 3, c = -1, d = 5s [0] = 5, s [1] = - 1, s [2] = 5, s [3] = 3 I will be given the highest amount which will be f [s] = 14 The complexity of time and place o (1). Since the size of your array is surrounded, any algorithm you Use closing time and space complexity will be o (1). Therefore, the simple algorithm of "Try all permutations and find the best" will solve the problem in the appropriate time frame. I do not have to say that this is the ideal algorithm from any section of the imagery, but if you only need all the things that work in time / space (1)...

javascript - List all files with sizes in Google Drive -

I try to create a Google Apps script to list all files in size and email them I am here Partially practicing this and maybe it's my code so far: function list all files () {var rootFolder = DocsList.getRootFolder (); Var content = rootfoldergate files (); Var file = DocsList.getAllFiles (); (I = 0; i & lt; content.length; i ++) {logger.log (file [i] .getName () + ":::" + file [i] .getSize ()); } Var recipient = session .getActiveUser (). GetEmail (); Var topic = 'A list of files in your Google Drive'; Var body = logger.getlag (); MailApp.sendEmail (recipient, subject, body); } It only sends lists about 5 files, as long as I can not convert "contents.length" to manual number like 100. (For some reason too, if I make it something higher like 1000). Anyway I know that I should not use hard numbers. Please follow my ignorance, I am now learning Google scripts about 1 second and about 2 months of my own Javascript. Li> DocsList.getAllFiles...

Unusual behavior when uploading through Vimeo API -

I am using the streaming PUT option to upload videos via Vimeo. In one of my videos, about 8-MB, some weird behavior has started and I am not sure whether it is a temporary or not. I pushed the video one time (into a chunks). Now, when I call video.upload.verifyChunks , I get a 709 error continuously (unable to access the chunk list). video.upload.checkTicket says that I still have a valid ticket. Trying to complete returns a 504 gateway timeout error. What additional information do I need to provide, and what have I done? video.upload.verifyChunks is for the HTTP POST method () Streaming To confirm a file, request the upload endpoint with the header content-range: * / *

c# - Why does this code work for different types? -

I'm working on some class room examples. This code works but I do not think why it works because I know that there is a normal type and this class applies but the item is just another class. I'm sure this is what to do with normal, but I'm not really sure why. Question: Why does this code allow two different types of permissions in the same list? class definitions: public class items & lt; T & gt; : Item {} public square item {} code: static zero main (string [] args) {var list = new list & lt; Item & gt; (); List Add (new item & lt; int & gt; ()); List Add (new item & lt; double & gt; ()); The deceptive thing in your example is that both labels in the base and derived classes label " Item "However, with some name changes, your code is equivalent: public square pet {} public square dog: pet {} public square cat: pet {} static zero main (string [ ] Args) {var list = new list & lt; Pet & gt; (); // Base...

sql - Error creating database table using FirebirdSQL -

I am trying to add tables using a FlameRobin in a FirebirdSQL database, but I am getting the following error: Error: *** IBPP :: SQLException *** References: Statement :: Prepare (Make Potable Drink ...) Message: isc_dsql_prepare Failed SQL Message: -104 Formatted Message Can not do 13: 896 - Message file C: \ Windows \ firebird.msg not found Engine code: 335544569 Engine message: Dynamic SQL error SQL error code = -104 token unknown - Punk 3, column 5 I have tried to googling the problem, but are unable to find a solution Does anyone know what is the issue here? As it stands it looks like in the question is the real statement In that case, you are getting the error because it is just an invalid syntax: to drink a table (...) If I execute it in Flamerobin I get almost the same error (except for 2 line, column 5 (first . ), because the parser is expecting the column name. ... You need to specify the actual column (and alternate barriers) of the table. For exampl...

c++ - Smaller GCC package, only C needed -

There is a small download for GCC, if you want to compile only one language, is it? TCC is a great option for windows, but I need to compile it on several platforms. I also like the fact that GCC is usually used. If a specific download is not small, can I exclude the data in the downloaded package which is not necessary to compile C? Will there be issues of this approach? When you make a GCC, then you have to do first. By specifying - enable-languages ​​= c , your build will be limited to only one language. There are several other options that allow you to make GCC consistent with your needs.

Accessing the Index of an array in LISP -

I am working on Lisp programming, where I want to get the maximum from an array. I have written some initial code but got trapped there. I have seen many online tutorials but there was not enough help which I could understand. Here is my code. So far, I have created an array of size 5. I have found this method from an online tutorial. (Mer-arrange 5) # (zero zero zero zero) Now I want to set the value in these array indexes and then I How can I use those indexes? Thanks in advance. You have to store some space where you can use it eg (come on (my-array (mer-array 11: initial-element 7))) (my-array 5); == > 7 (setf (myfree-array 3) 2); ==> 2 my-array;) ;; == & gt; # (7 7 7 2 7 ...) This can be lexical as my example, but you can also make it as a package variable (global) too.

SAS X command syntax to generate log file on linux server -

I am trying to get the log file from SOS program using the X command in Easy. My program runs fine, but no log file has been generated. I have tried all of these x sas "& amp; baseir.simulation /" -log "& amp; based /.; X SAS" & amp; Basedir.simulation / "-log '/pm/code/dev/log/logrun.log' & amp;; Try: x "sas and baseir.simulation / -log '/ pm / code /dev/log/logrun.log' & amp; "; You can also view it in a data phase and by using call system () data_null_ Format format $ 200; runem = "Sass and Assider. Simulation / run 2003. sas -log '/pm/code/dev/log/logrun.log' "|| '& amp;' '; call system (runme); run;

ios - EXC_BAD_ACCESS StringWithFormat -

इस पद्धति में क्या गलत है? - (शून्य) randomInteger {count = ( Arc4random ()% 5000) + 5000; NSString * countString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% i", गिनती]; if ([countString rangeOfString: @ "0"]। स्थान! = NSNotFound & amp; amp; [countString rangeOfString: @ "1"] स्थान! = NSNotFound & amp; amp; [countString rangeOfString: @ "2"] स्थान! = NSNotFound & amp; amp; [countString rangeOfString: @ "3"] स्थान! = NSNotFound) {score.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% i", गिनती]; } और {[आत्म यादृच्छिक इन्टेगीर]; }} गिनती एक पूर्णांक है जिसे निम्नलिखित, int count = 0; का उपयोग करके घोषित किया गया है। मुझे लाइन नंबर 3 पर एक EXC_BAD_ACCESS त्रुटि मिलती है। मेरा मानना ​​है कि विधि के द्वारा दूसरी बार ऐसा होता है क्योंकि अगर मैं [self randomInteger] टिप्पणी करता हूं; कोई त्रुटि संदेश फेंका नहीं जाता है। यह बहुत अधिक स्टैक स्पेस का उपयोग कर सकता है क्योंकि पुनरावर्तन। - (शून्य) यादृच्छिक इन्टेजर {जबक...

c# - Connect javascript with -

I am having problems connecting JavaScript with ASP.NET Webform method via AJAX and Json. For example, I have a folder and a page. Espacks have javascript - for example: - Account / CreateUser Apx - script / verb / creator JS I have tried many things in the past, for example, the method [WebMath], many things change in Ajax action, but nothing works. Most of the sponsors give Google Chrome error: POST ... / account / create user Apx / checkuuser name 401 (unauthorized) If I delete them in JavaScript lines: "Data Type: Jason" and "Content Type: App / Jason; Charset = UTF-8" error disappeared And enters the "full" row ... I need instructions to solve this problem ... I search for several posts, I follow several tutorials There is nothing else that means work. For example: Change my web configuration to accept any user, my root config ccs ... What's going on? what? Do I need to declare something to use json? Javascript: $ ("#US...

Why do we use double dash in "git checkout -- ."? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैंने सोचा था कि रेखा git चेकआउट स्थानीय कार्य प्रति के लिए वर्तमान निर्देशिका और सबडिरेक्टरी में सभी परिवर्तनों को वापस कर सकते हैं। लेकिन मैं यह लोकप्रिय रूप भी देखता हूं: git चेकआउट -। अतः यदि - , तो इसके बाद के संस्करण में क्यों जरूरी है? । कभी एक विकल्प नहीं हो सकता है इसलिए कोई भ्रम नहीं होना चाहिए। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आपके पास bob नाम का एक शाखा है (जो उस शाखा की जांच करेगा) और एक नाम के फ़ोल्डर में bob (जो उस फ़ोल्डर को वापस करेगा)।

ios - Custom Camera from 4in to 3.5in programmatically? -

I'm dynamically creating a custom camera overlay view. This UI is a class of image picker controller Problem: It is currently installed for an iPhone 5/5 S, 4in screen, and I'm trying to use an auto-resizing mask to adjust the entire overlay view for 3.5 inch screen and its sub-view How can I do this program for iPhone 4 / 4S? To edit the autorizing mask programmatically, UIView autoresizingMask property of.

javascript - passing parameters to filter function defined on a controller -

कहें कि मेरे पास एक (अत्यंत सरलीकृत) नियंत्रक है, जैसे कि परिभाषित: app.controller ('MyController', ['$ scope', फ़ंक्शन (क्षेत्र) {सूची = [1,2,3,4,5] scope.filterFunction = समारोह (आइटम, ऊपरी बाउंड) {यदि (आइटम & lt; ऊपरी बाउंड) {वापसी ( आइटम);}}}]); मैं टेम्पलेट के माध्यम से ऊपरी बाउंड के लिए एक मान कैसे पास कर सकता हूं? & lt; div ng-repeat = "सूची में सूची | फ़िल्टर: फ़िल्टरफंक्शन" & gt ; {{आइटम}} & lt; / div & gt; मुझे पता है कि यदि आप एक समर्पित फिल्टर रोल करते हैं, तो आप filterName: arg1: arg2 .... के साथ पैरामीटर कर सकते हैं इस दृष्टिकोण के साथ एक समान व्यवहार को प्राप्त करने का कोई तरीका? या वैकल्पिक रूप से, क्या नियंत्रक फ़ंक्शन के दायरे तक पहुंचने का कोई तरीका है? अगर आप ' टी एक समर्पित फिल्टर बनाने के लिए आप गुंजाइश पर फ़ंक्शन बना सकते हैं जो फ़िल्टर किए गए आइटम लौटाता है। जैसे: app.controller ('myController', ['$ scope', फ़ंक्शन (क्षेत्र) {scope.list = [1,2,3,4,5]; गुंजाइश ऊपरी बाउंड...

ruby - Is there a way to autoexecute code when Pry is triggered? -

When the code faces automatically code Is there a way to execute? For example, if I want to execute , then puts "Hey, I'm debugging!" Every time the bindings What is called ? I find that to look at the code and find something that could be useful, It must be added to gemfile or you might be able to add it to your .pryrc (I do not know if it is called from binding.pry or No). From Jithub it appears: # @example `: before_session` Adding a hook for the event. Pry.config.hooks.add_hook (: before_session, say_hi) puts "hello" end Edit: Here's an example to register hooks and execute it (i.e. your app init): ** my_hook = Pry :: hook. NY AD_HOOK (: before_session, say_hi) {puts "hi!" } My_hook.exec_hook (: before_session) # = & gt; Output: "Hello!"

css - Disable sticky navigation bar on mobile -

I would like to disable sticky navigation bar on mobile (23 cm below). My navigation bar is already sticky on all devices. Even in mobile devices (like iPhone, iPad) It seems bad so I only want to disable the sticky nav bar on mobile. Please help me :) You can see my site is my site thanks. If this is not an option on your theme, then you should query this CSS to a media query: @ media (max-width: 600px) {# mastast .top-strip {status: relative; }} You may have to add "needy" after "relative" if it does not work. And, of course, just change the max-width to the maximum size of the screen where you do not want to float the boat bar. Then you will get some extra space between the people's navigation bar (since we just put the navigation bar in the flow of the page) to fix it, you have to search it in your CSS and it only For a screen within a media query, which is more than mobile: @ media (minimum-width: 601px) {# masthead # branding {margi...

amazon web services - SQS Message size -

By my understanding of docs, the queue entry size is limited to 256KB whether SQAS should have "objects" Need to pass? Which alternative solutions are available, if I need to pass an object that is & gt; 256KB in size (split them, maybe?) In such cases, you can send messages to most objects Outside of the S3 or any other database and store that point within a pointer in its SQS message.

java - Move all files and folders from one directory to another -

I am working on a project and whatever needs to be done, move files and directories generated by a python Is doing a script that calls the program to another directory. I now have a code that copies files properly, but does not copy the directory. Does anyone know this? My current code is included. file baseDir = new file (System.getProperty ("user.dir")); File destDir = new file ("% userprofile% \ docs"); File [] files = baseDir.listFiles (); For (int i = 0; i better use All the necessary tasks are to solve the problem.

ruby - Basic dashboard to manage posts in rails -

I have a blog that plans for authentication and where users can create posts, I have created an original dashboard Where users will be able to manage their posts This is my dashboard controller before_action: authenticate_user! DF Index @Posts = Post.Fund (All :: Terms => ["user_id =?", @current_user]) This is my dashboard view & lt;% @ posts.each do | Posted in | & Gt%; & Lt;% = post.content% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; This is my user model is_im: post and my post model related_to: user this is my schema. RB create_table "posts", force: true do | T | t.text "content" t.integer "user_id" t.datetime "created_at" t.datetime "updated_at" end But when I go to the dashboard I can not find any Post and when I can change my dashboard controller to def index @ postsall = post.all end I'am get all the posts To do so someone can say where is my fault. find (: al...