
Showing posts from February, 2015

matlab - Why plot to a handle erase the previous object even with `hold on`? -

लाइन क्यों साजिश (संभाल, 3, 3, 'ro') संभाल में आंकड़ा साफ करता है, मैंने भी होल्ड पर सेट किया है पूर्ण कोड दबाए रखें आकृति 1); hdl.r = सबप्लॉट (121); एचडीएलटी = सबप्लॉट (122); भूखंड (एचडीएल.आर, 1, 1, 'आरओ'); भूखंड (एचडीएल.आर, 1, 2, 'आरओ'); मेरी आकृति में हमेशा एक ही बिंदु होता है। पकड़ो धुरी पर लागू होता है, जब एक से अधिक अक्ष होता है तो मैं हमेशा पकड़ ( धारण (axis_handle, 'on') आकृति (1) का "लंबा" संस्करण का उपयोग करता हूं ; hdl.r = सबप्लॉट (121); एचडीएलटी = सबप्लॉट (122); ( 'चालू' hdl.r,) पकड़; ( 'चालू' hdl.t,) पकड़; भूखंड (एचडीएल.आर, 1, 1, 'आरओ'); भूखंड (एचडीएल.आर, 1, 2, 'आरओ');

go - Most flexible function signature in golang -

I have an object anisor in my code, which clearly starts every field in my object. But in my case, most of the parameters have a lenient deficit and I want to use them. In Python I usually use a combination of keyword logic or defaults and some validation logic in my __init __ method, so I use the zero configuration principle in the object initialization Can i For example: square fu: "" "This category is designed to show zero configuration principles in action" "def __init __ (self, mandatory, alternative = none, ** kwargs): self __field1 = mandatory self .__ field 2 = alternative or make_default2 () if quarards in 'bar': self .__ field 3 = quad ['bar'] and: self.__ field 3 = create_default 3 () f = Foo ('Entertainment', Bar = Bar)) Go to or go to the keyword parameter or function overload There is no parameter with the default value, due to that - it is difficult to write flexible initial code (I do not care much about per...

ruby - Error In Omniauth with Google -

When I'm joining Google, it gives us OAuth2 :: error ({"Errors" = & gt; [{"domain" => "usageLimits", "reason" => "accessNotConfigured", "message" = & gt; "Access is not configured. Use the Google Developer Console to activate the API for "}", "code" => 403, "Message" => Access is not configured. Please activate the API for your project Use the Google Developer Console. "}: {" Error ":" {{domain}: "useLimits", "reason": "accessNotConfigured", "message": "Access is not configured. Please use Google Developer Console to activate the API for your project "}", "Code": 403, "Message": "Access is not configured. Please use Google Developer Console to activate the API for your project."}}): Please help me Hi my problem was resolved When I was a Google devel...

c - How can I malloc 8*10^9 int memory? -

I need an 8 * 10 ^ 9 int array .... I know how much memory a limit is One program can make Molok (SIZE_MAX) but there is a way to change it? I am using gcc 4.6 (mingw) thx in advance. #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; int main () {int i, j; Int m = 2000 * 2000, n = 2000; int ** matrix; Matrix = molk (m * size (integer *)); For (i = 0; i If you have enough RAM and you are turned on There is a 64-bit system, you should be able to allocate it in a large part. If no condition is met, then you are in trouble. There is no sensible way to work on such a large array on 32-bit systems, and there is not much sense in trying to work on that array which is not fit in memory if SIZE_MAX Not sufficiently large, then SIZE_MAX is the only symptom, not the reason.

windows phone 8 - Add button to favorites page within my app. WP 8 -

I have a Panorama sound app that has playable buttons to save the user favorite favorite buttons to the favorites page Can I Hold Hold Event? I can hold the event, but there is no indication that as long as there is no clue as to save / copy the button, as far as handling different storage Look at the link for separate storage: and for the Hold event you can see this question :

php - Does .htaccess Rules Increases Load Time? -

Does the rule increase the load time on the server in the .htaccess file? I am confused. I tried to search about it but the result shows the benefits of caching etc. Is the re-written URL index.php helpful or does it increase server load time? Is it better that redirection through PHP routing library instead of .htaccess? Yes, the rules of .htaccess increase response times. But do not worry about a single redirection rule, unless you have to give a high performance system .htaccess files are read on every request. If you have a complex directory hierarchy, all .htaccess files are included and parsed on each request (from top to bottom). A redirection is a new request, so files are re-parsed. Large files, many files, really complex regexp rules, multiple redirection. Keep your .htaccess compact, small and simple.

axapta - How to add a method for the click event of a button placed on action pane of a List Page -

I put a new button on the action pane of a list page in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Then I am trying to override the method clicked for the same button, however, I can not find the options menu with the method override list. Any thoughts? Look for your answer. The button will be able to override the button "From Enterprise Portal and you clicked method. If you are planning not to use the list page in the EP, proceed . Otherwise, you should enter your code as init or class main method.

Replace fragment in another Activity Android -

I have two fractal activites. I can go from activity (A) to activity (B), and various pieces After the change, (B) has a home button that should return the first piece of activity (A). My code is: btnHome.setOnClickListener (New View.OnClickListener () {@Override Public Zero onClick (see arg0) {Finish}; MainActivity.fragmentManager .beginTransaction () .replace (R .id.content_frame, new first restriction ()). AddToBackStack (null) .commit ();}}); Which is fragmentManager : FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager (); In MainActivity, but I get an error below: java.lang.IllegalStateException: onSaveInstanceState, this action can not be executed How can I handle it? "itemprop =" text "> OK, I got his place from commitAllowingStateLoss () Committed with () . So it became like this: MainActivity.fragmentManager .beginTransaction () .replace (, new firstFragment ()) .addToBackStack (zero) .commitAllowi...

templates - How can I render markdown to html with Blackfriday in Go? -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक स्ट्रेट है: प्रकार पृष्ठ स्ट्रेट {content string} फिर मैं एक मार्कडाउन फ़ाइल पढ़ता हूं और एक चर को असाइन करता हूं: डेटा, err: = ioutil.ReadFile ("") लाइन = स्ट्रिंग ( डेटा) पृष्ठ.संसाधन = मार्कडाउनरेंडर ([] बाइट (लाइन)) मार्कडाउन फ़ाइल इस तरह से है: ## हैलो वर्ल्ड ### Holo जाओ और फिर मैं इसे markdown रेंडर समारोह में डाल दिया और एक स्ट्रिंग मान लौटा: func markdownRender (content [] बाइट) स्ट्रिंग {htmlFlags: = 0 html फ़्लेग्ज | = blackfriday.HTML_USE_SMARTYPANTS html फ़्लेग्ज | = blackfriday.HTML_SMARTYPANTS_FRACTIONS रेंडरर: = ब्लैकफ़्रिएड। एचटीएमएल रेंडरर (एचटीएमएलफ़्लैग, "", "") एक्सटेंशन: = 0 एक्सटेंशन | = ब्लैकफ़्रिएड। एक्सटेन्शियन_ओएनजीआरएआरएएएमएफ़एचएएसआईएस एक्सटेंशन | = ब्लैकफ़्रिएड .EXTENSION_TABLES एक्सटेंशन | = ब्लैकफार्ड EXTENSION_FENCED_CODE एक्सटेंशन | = blackfriday.EXTENSION_AUTOLINK एक्सटेंशन | = blackfriday.EXTENSION_STRIKETHROUGH एक्सटेंशन | = बी lackfriday.EXTENSION_SPACE_HEADERS वापसी स्ट्र...

how to trim a string into two Integers and one string (php)? -

I have a query variable example "4X9" How can I do this in 3 different variables Can I divide an integer 4, integer 9 and string x? I tried to use $ arr = explosion ('x', $ question); $ First = $ arr [0]; $ Bbefore = str_replace ('' ',' ', $ first); $ newBefore = (int) $ first; ` and for later. list ($ first, $ x, after $) = str_split (str_replace ('' ',' ', $ question)); 1) Explain the string using the character - 2) Use them to illustrate them. 3) If you can add integers after this line of code after $ before and / or $ list ($ $, $ X, $ after) = str_split (str_replace ('' ',' ', $ question)); $ = (int) $ first, $ = = (int) after $;

.net - Wpf RadioButton group binding -

मेरे पास 3 RadioButton समान समूह में है I रेडियोबुटन्स चलाने के लिए 3 अलग-अलग ऑपरेशन का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं इसके अलावा मेरे पास बटन "रन" है। सभी रेडियोबुटन्स में IsChecked = "false" डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से है मुझे रेडियोबुटन्स की जांच करने तक किसी भी समय तक बटन "रन" IsEnabled = "False" होनी चाहिए। इससे उपयोगकर्ता को ब्रेनलेस क्लिक से "रन" क्लिक करने से पहले वह वास्तव में यह चुन लेता है कि वह क्या करना चाहते हैं। मुझे पता है कि इसे कोड के पीछे या व्यूमोल्ड में कैसे बनाया जाए, लेकिन मुझे आश्चर्य है कि यह तर्क बनाने का कोई तरीका है एक्सएएमएल में? किसी भी प्रकार की ट्रिगर करने के लिए बटन को केवल तभी सक्षम किया जा सकता है, अगर रेडियोबूटों में से कोई भी चेक हो? मुझे लगता है कि सबसे अच्छा तरीका है अभी भी कमांड चलाने के लिए CanCommandExecute का उपयोग करके एक VM विधि के लिए जाने के लिए रन बटन को बाध्य किया गया है आप कुछ शुद्ध एक्सएएमएल भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं उदाहरण के लिए: & lt; ग्रिड xmlns: i = "http://schemas.micr...

c# - How can I know whether Outlook is configured or not programmatically? -

I want to know how I can know whether Outlook is configured or not using Win in C # is? I got something on this but it does not seem that it is relevant. The above link reveals the registry using the registry. I want to know what is the other way besides inspecting the registry? check the following link As Here, you can check the following from the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Windows Messaging Subsystem \ Profile \ / code> If you find a folder inside this 'Profile' folder, Outlook is configured for the current user.

Store word assembly mips 32 bit -

I suspect the word store in the assembly MIPS 32 bit: assuming that my Pass data is Part: .data vector: .word 2,3,4,5,6 ...... when I do .text sw $ t0, vector ($ t1) Believing that starting with vector address 10 (decimal base example) in memory it happens. The label 'vector' has been replaced by 10? Thanks to your time Edit: li $ v0, 1st la $ a0, vector syscall I did this and I started to know. I do not understand anything: if the immediate field is 16-bit and the label has been replaced with the starting address of 'vector', how do I address all the memory with 16 bit? You need to manually calculate the address. MIPS does not have load effective address instructions (LEAs) such as X86 la $ T1, vector self $ t0, 0 ($ t1) If the absolute address value fits within 16 bits, you can use the full address sw $ t0, vector ($ zero) If it is known in $ t1 for data segment then use it sw $ t0, vector ($ t1) I understand the sent...

javascript - JQuery div rotation -

अब तक मैं इस कोड का उपयोग कर एक div rotating में सफल रहा है: function animateRotate (डी) {var elem = $ ("# arrow"); $ {{deg: 0})। चेतन ({deg: d}, {अवधि: 200, चरण: फ़ंक्शन (अब) {elem.css ({transform: "rotate (" + + + "deg)"}); }}); } अब मैं जो समस्या का सामना कर रहा हूं वो वापस विपरीत दिशा में करने की कोशिश कर रहा है। एक बार जब div घुमाया जाता है और मैं फिर से div पर क्लिक करता हूं तो यह कोड को फिर से फिर से चकमाता है और उसी तरह उसी स्थान पर पहले से समाप्त होता है। लेकिन मुझे क्या करना है, यह एक ही काम करना है, लेकिन विपरीत दिशा में है। मैं जो कुछ कह रहा हूं, उसके बारे में कुछ समझने के लिए मैंने एक पोस्ट किया है। एक छवि: या ऐसा कुछ जांचें कि क्या स्लाइड नीचे कनैटेनर दृश्यमान है और विभिन्न पैरामीटर के साथ कॉल फंक्शन है। $ (".panel-heading")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {var isvisible = $ ("# recipe- कंटेनर ")। सीएसएस (" डिस्प्ले "); यदि (अदृश्य है ==" ब्लॉक ") {एनीमटोटेट (0, 90);} और {एनीमेटोटेट (...

api - Bulk Upload to Vimeo with tagging, description, thumbnail -

Vimeo is very new to uploading videos and trying to find out whether this is the correct Avenue. I have a customer who wants to upload about 1000 videos in HD quality after a specific program. This will only be able to create FTP videos for me, and then at the end to give me script / program / video to bring in the video and tag, album designation, description etc. and they Want to be able to specify thumbnails from the video. My question: Is this possible? It appears through the API that everything except for specifying the thumbnail of the video is possible until I am missing something. Is there any better way? Are there third-party apps that already do that which work well, so I do not have to invent the wheel again? Thank you! As you mentioned, except for specifying a thumbnail, everything is currently available in the near future (any No time limit) Vimeo will support through this new API (). I do not know of any third party code that already provides this fun...

html - Transparent scrollbar with css -

Now use this code (and many variations of it), but the scroll track gets a darker color, some # Find 222222 or many examples near it, but all of them give the same results. Opera, Chrome and Firefox show this bug. How to fix # style-3 :: - WebKit-scrollbar-track {-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba (0,0,0,0.3); Background color: transparent; } # Style-3 :: - WebKit-scrollbar {width: 6px; Background color: transparent; } # Style-3 :: webkit-scrollbar-thumb {background color: # 000000; } It is not possible to make it transparent with pure CSS. You must use a transparent background image like this: :: - WebKit-scrollbar-track-piece: start {background: transparent url ('images / backgrounds / scrollbar.png') Repeat - why! Important; } :: WebKit-scrollbar-track-piece: end {background: transparent url ('picture / background / scrollbar page') repeat-wi! Important; }

c++ - GCC compiler error: unrecognized option '--export-dynamic' -

The following is the reference: I am trying to compile Inkscape Lite from sources in the Linux mint. At the end of the compilation, the last command is (some .o and .a files are replaced with " ... " because the command is too long): GCC-GOO-O Inkscape - Export-Dynamic Inkscape O Inkscape-stock.o ... .libs/ dialog / libspdialogs.a ... -lgtk-x11-2.0 - lgdk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lpangocairo -1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ -lfontconfig -lgobject-2.0 - lglib-2.0 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ / usr /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ / usr / lib / i386-linux-gnu / usr / lib / i386-linux -gnu /, --rpath -Wl, / usr / lib / i386-linux-gnu -Wl, - -rpath -Wl, / usr / lib / i386-linux-gnu Failure with this error: GCC: Error: Unrecognized option '--export-dynamic' What I have done is for testing only - export-dynamic wi...

php - laravel 4-call_user_func_array() -

I am trying to insert some data into the database. I have created a form with all the fields and controllers. CarController.php create a public function () {// Load form of form (App / view / page / create.blood.fp) See refund :: create ('pages.create'); } Public Function Store () {// store $ data = New car; $ Data- & gt; Id = input :: find ('id'); $ Data- & gt; Save (); // Restore session: Flash ('Message', 'Successfully Data Created!'); Redirect Return: From ('Page / Car'); } routes.php Root :: processing ('car', 'car controller'); Root :: post ('desc', array ('use' => 'showcountryr @ show')); Root :: Post ('Create', array ('Use' => 'Creating Car Controller')); Root :: post ('store', array ('store' => 'cartrontroller @ store')); create.blade.php {{form :: open (array ('url' = & gt; 'store', 'class...

sql - MYSQL - SELECT all rows, but use Distinct on one column -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक टेबल डेटा है Column_a | कॉलम_ बी ए | 5 बी | 25 ग्रा 14 टी | 13 बी | 15 सी | 04 जी | 15 बी | कॉलम_ए में मेरे पास बहुत से डुप्लिकेट मान हैं, मैं तालिका से सभी पंक्तियों का चयन करने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं, लेकिन यदि दो पंक्तियों में समान column_a मान है, तो मैं केवल परिणामस्वरूप colum_b का सबसे बड़ा मूल्य जिसके परिणामस्वरूप मैं इसके लिए देख रहा हूँ: Column_a | कॉलम_ बी ए | 5 बी | 25 टी | 13 सी | 04 जी | 15 अग्रिम धन्यवाद ** सवाल का अद्यतन ** ये मेरी तालिका में मेरे पास कॉलम हैं: सीआरएमआईडी | उपयोगकर्ता | टिकट_आईडी | | विवरण | तिथि | घंटे मैं क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ तालिका से सभी पंक्तियों का चयन करना है, लेकिन जब दो पंक्तियों में एक ही टिकट_आईडी है, तो मैं केवल परिणामों में प्रकट होने वाले नवीनतम एक चाहता हूं, इसलिए नवीनतम तिथि और घंटा, इस तरह के जटिल बनाने के लिए क्षमा करें! मैं एक देशी अंग्रेजी वक्ता नहीं हूं और मुझे समस्या की व्याख्या करने में मुश्किल लगता है। यदि आप समूह column_a से तब आप प्रत्येक समूह के अधिकतम मूल्य प्राप्त ...

Python Enclosing Words With Quotes In A String -

I'm opening a CSV file for Python that looks like this: jamie, london How do I add words to citations in the CSV file, it looks like: I have just the basic content: filemame = "data.csv" file = open (file name, "r") Not sure what I will do next. If you are just trying to change the file, then QUOTE_ALL Use, like this: as output ('out.csv', 'w' ): Author for the line in reader = csv.reader (input) writer = csv reader (output, delimiter = ',', quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL): author.writerow (line)

c++ - /bin/sh: pkg-config: command not found -

I'm trying to run the openCV sample project with this link hand gesture recognition. I run the command in the Sigwin terminal, but I'm getting the error. I run the following commands in the Sigwin terminal: \ hand Detection CVmaster \ make Output: Arun @ Arun-PC / Sigrid / E / Hand Declaration CVmaster $ making g ++ -o OpenCV main .cpp myImage.cpp handgesture.cpp roi.cpp `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv` / bin / sh: pkg - config: command not found main.cpp: 1: 39: error: opencv2 / imgproc / imgproc .hpp: no such file or directory is main CPP: 2: 29: t Error: OpenCV2 / OpenCV HP: There is no such file or directory. CPP: 3: 39: Error: OpenCV2 / HighGui / HighUI HP: No such file or the main CPP file included in the directory: 8: myImage.hpp: 8: Error: The name 'cv' is not a name name myImage.hpp: 8: Error: Expected namespace-name ';' Token myImage.hpp: 15: Error: 'matte' is not a type of name myimage.hpp: 16: Error: 'Mat' is a type myImag...

FFMPEG in Windows 7: merge mp4 files from different folders in a batch -

I would like to add 3 MP3 videos to an AV video for each folder that contains FFMPEEG on Windows 7 . I have started like this: ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy e: \ ea2014 \ ex14r \ EX14R.avi with mylist.txt: file 'E: \ EA 142014 EX14R \ DCIM \ 100GOPRO \ GOPR0001.MP4' file 'E: \ EA 2014 \ EX14R \ DCIM \ 100GOPRO \ GP010001.MP4 'File' E: \ EA2014 \ EX14R \ DCIM \ 100GOPRO \ GP020001.MP4 ' This works fine. Now, I would like to automate it because I have a lot of folders filled with videos to merge. I tried to start with: printf "file '$ s' \ n" .E.EA2014 \ EX14R \ DCIM \ 100GOPRO \ * .mp4 & gt; & Gt; mylist.txt but it tells me that "The printf is not recognized as an internal or external command, operative program or batch file" Is this because I work in Windows? Can any other person help in getting it in any other way? code> E: \ EA2014 \ EX14R and create an .avi file in eac...

scala - Could not execute this Akka actor based test code -

I am new to Scala Akka actor. Based on the example Aka tutorial on your website, I have coded similar examples, since the time they print messages with the start time. But the code is not executed in my Eclipse IDE Import Import. Actor Import Acne Actors Actor Imports Slaya. Selection. ListBuffer Import Acne Actors Form Import Acne Routing Round robin router import acne Actors Actor System Object Oka Oz App (Processes) has been discontinued PiMessage Case Class Work (Value: String) Expands PiMessage Case Class Print Comp (Value: String) PiMessage Expands the Case Object PiMessage Case Class ListObj ( Cont: Seq [String] Expands PiMessage Class Worker Expands Actor {DRF (Received) = {Case Task (Value: String) = & gt; println (value) sender! Print Comp (value)}} Class Master (Audience: Actoraf) enhances the actor {val nrOfWorkers = 10 var counter = 0 var lis = ListBuffer [string] () val worker rotor = reference. The factor (props [worker]] WithRouter (roundrobinator (NROoffWork...

python - How to use the List field function for a toolbox script? -

I am trying to write a simple script for a toolbox, such as Addfield_datamanagement toolbox script With a specialty table, a feature field adds a new field or sizefile to a table so far so good. # Import system modules import arppy #Workspace arcpy.env.workspace = "C: \\ user \\ xxx.gdb" # Feature class inputFFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText Set (0) # Get list of field names in input string = ARPP.GetParameterSTtext (1) InputString = ARPP. ValidationFilename (inputstring, archp.एन.एन.व्ही. वर्कस्पेस) fieldlist = inputstring.spitit (";") fieldtype = archp.gateParamrayArrayText (2) for field then it seems to work is; List in the field: arcpy.AddField_management (inputFC, fieldName, fieldType) arcpy.AddMessage ("Field Generated:" + fieldName) arcpy.AddMessage ("Script executed") field name is already built and prints the existing name! Not sure about the syntax of lin (Archaic ListField, Fill?) == 1: #: ListFields and not sure how to int...

html - .collect method get an error undefined method `collect' for nil:NilClass -

I am trying to list a drop down list, but give it to me when I try Regarding 'Gathering' method for regulator: Null Class Controller: DRF Existing @ course = course. All-end DP duplicate course = course.fund_b_id (permitd_up [: ID ]) New_course = course.dup if redirect_to: action = & gt; 'Show' and Redirect-to: Back End End View: & lt; H3 & gt; Choose a course & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt;% = form_for: course, url: {: action = & gt; "Duplicate", Method: "Post"}. f |% & gt; & Lt;% = id, @ course. Collect {| c | | [Seed, CNN]}%> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & lt;% = f.submit% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; You will receive the following error undefined blue Method to 'Collect': NilClass at Only when @ course example variable was not set in the action that provided this particular view. I think the @ course variable has been set in...

linux - GNU Mailman Admin Interface Login -

Whenever I try to access the web interface through a login console, it's the username and password Required. What is a username (and PW)? I do not know why you would see the user name field. It should only ask you for a list password, by using the Change_pw command, the list password can be changed in the Linux terminal, and the site-wide password can be set by using the mmsitepass command. Mailman terminal list of commands: Perhaps you can tell us what system you are using.

php - laravel 4 reset password: sending multiple emails -

I have implemented Laravel's standard password reset functionality in my app. It works well except that I get 2 "reset password" emails in my inbox (side note which can not mean anything: none of the email is the subject line and the other does.) I do not think I am doing anything to normal, so I'm stumped. Any ideas? public function getRemind () {$ view = View :: make ('password.remind'); $ View- & gt; title = 'my title'; Return $ view; } form at random Blade.php {{form :: open (array ('url' = & gt; 'do-reset'))}} & lt; Fieldet & gt; & Lt; Label = "email" & gt; Email address & lt; / Label & gt; {{Form :: email ('email', $ email, array ('id' = & gt; 'email'))}} & lt; div id = "button_wrap" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" id = "submit" name = "submit" value = "reset email" & gt; & Lt; ...

eclipse - Tool to create Repository for sharing android project on LAN -

I'm new to working on projects in a team. I have to share an Android project with my team placed on a local server machine with other machines connected to the loan. We are using eclipse for the development of the project. How can I keep the project code on a machine and after that many people can work with their respected machines on the same LAN. Programmers can checkin / checkout files and all. This is just a beginning for me in this area, so there is not much information about this. Well, there are several options to assume that you have to work on a LAN network, there. However, if you have a reliable internet connection, then there are many more popular options, such as the 'Master' branch with various team members working on local copies and then 'change' Allows to

ios - How to disable button after last answer typed in .txt file? -

I'm making word games in xcode! But I do not need to be able to play after the user completes the game ... It is true that after completing the game, I warn them with pop ups and then take them back to the main menu in ViewController . But if the user taps the button at the end of the game, he should not be able to play the game at any time. How do I disable the play button at the end of the game? Code for the Play button: - (IBAction) btPlayClick: (ID) sender {AudiServicesWebsystemSound (Sound 2); PlayViewController * viewcontroller = [[PlayViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "PlayViewController" bundle: zero]; See Controller. Model Transition Style = UMODAL Transition StyleFlipHoriginal; [Self-present ViewController: Animated View Controller: Yes Completed: Zero]; } And I have an int for the current level called "ncurrentLevel" There are 100 levels and 100 words in the TSTT file. How is this done? All UIControl classes (including...

CSS Dropdown Menu on iPad -

I have a CSS drop-down menu which works perfectly on mouse hover, but it is only partially Works on iPad & amp; IPhone - Phone Tapping on the drop down works for the first time, but fails to tap on the tap until the home link is taped, which reset the menu. I feel awkward but maybe someone will accept this behavior. Menu & lt; Div id = "menu" & gt; Can be seen on. & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; One class = "link" href = "" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; One class = "sm_parent" onClick = "return true" & gt; Program & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; One class = "link" href = "/ program.php" & gt; Methods & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; One class = "link" href = "/ sc...

string - How to make a text replacement in PHP? -

Then adding commands to a very popular vbulletin plugin, and there is no one who works properly I do not have any problem for that. I still have the code $ cybcb_checkban = strpos ($ vbulletin-> GPC ['CCB_NETS'], '/ restriction'); If ($ cybcb_checkban! == incorrect and $ cybcb_candelall) {$ banuserurl = $ vbulletin- & gt; Options ['Biberal']. // Misc.php? '$ Vbulletin- & gt; Session-> Wars ['sessionurl'] '= ccb_banuser & amp; U = 2 ';. exec_header_redirect ($ banuserurl); } What do I need to do to say that part do = ccb_banuser and u = 2 > Changes 2 with the text entered in my chat. Vulleletin is a bit of your own language but its basic concept is PHP, but for reference, this is a default command already in plug-in $ cybcb_checkme = strpos ($ vbulletin-> gtc ['ccb_newmessage'], '/ mi'); If ($ cybcb_checkme! == incorrect) {$ vbulletin- & gt; GPC ['ccb_newmessage'] = str_...

java - DCT implementation -

I am trying to implement image compression algorithm based on DCT for JPEG color. I'm a newbie in image processing, so I need some help. I need clarification of algorithm. I am using DCT implementation Therefore, there is an algorithm as I understood it: Using ImageIO in BufferedImage Load an image. Create 3 metrics (1: red, green, blue for each channel): int rgb = bufferedImage. GetRGB (i, j); Int red = (RGB => 16) & amp; 0xFF; int green = (RGB => 8) & amp; 0xFF; Int blue = RGB & amp; 0xFF; Increase the matrix in size so that they can split into 8x8 part (where is the size of 8 dct matrix, n) For each matrix, divide it into 8x8 size segment (the result : SplittedImage) Perform matrix on splittedImage (result: dctImage). Matrix from dctImage (result: quantizedImage) Here I do not know what to do: Merge the quantizedImage matrix in the matrix merged image, convert it to vector and apply the short impression method. Convert the small ...

javascript - Have a button send an AJAX put request using jQuery -

I am not very familiar with Ajax and need some help. I have successfully looping through a JSN feed and outputting information in my own device. Each boolean has a boolean attached. If Boolean is correct or some CSS class changes, then depending on it. I'm thinking how the inline button has to set the current object from false to right. I have my code below zero is HTML, making jquery DOM. $ (document) .ready (function () {// layout output $ ('body'). Prepaid (' ;); container = $ ('container'); $ (container) .append ('' div class = "quickselect"> 12/13/2012 & lt; / p & gt; & lt; p & gt; 1: 00: 00 PM & lt; / p & gt; & lt; p & gt; Auditorium B & lt; / p & gt; & lt; / div & gt; '); options.push (' & lt; di V id = "OPTION2" class = "box"> gt; & lt; p & gt; 12/13/2012 & lt; / p & gt; & lt; p & gt; 1: 00: 00 PM & lt; / p & gt...

sql server - Find substring and then extract preceding substring -

This morning was beating my head this morning. Required for model 3453535345353453453 I need 35435453 p> The main word here is "necessary" but I can get that more status but I am having trouble pulling that number which can vary in length. I have tried to differentiate about it and have not received it. Select left (sub-string (notes, patindex ('% required' ', notes), 8000), patindex ('% required '', substitution (notes, patindex ('% required % ', Notes), 8000)) + 1) to .... Where .... Can anyone talk to me with the right direction or perhaps code assistance? thank you in advanced. OK, it's ugly, but it works: ; (SELECT * FROM (VALUES (Required 'Model 389448937594'), ('O, model 3453535345353453453 required'), ('I need demand 35435453')) A (string) Selection string, reverse (LEFT (data, CHARINDEX ('', data)) model (reverse selection (LEFT (string, PATINDEX ('% required%',...

javascript - Dynamically Adding An Unknown Number of Multiple Select Elements in a Form -

I am working on a form with which the user can add any selection element with multiple attribute sets and I There is a problem getting the results below. My low test case is below, but we have the area's location [& lt; Fields in the database of the id] and using the name add an existing selection (the user is editing the item) and when the value is submitted, the same array (i.e. array (1,2)) is placed in But when we add new elements using fieldLocation [] [] and it gives each selection inside its array (array (array (array) (1), array (2))) . What is a way to add element to dynamic without generating a name? Example: & lt; Form method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Select size = "4" multi = "multiple" name = "field location [] []" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "1" & gt; Item 1 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "2" & gt; Item 2 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Op...

java - How to encode Jaysypt password -

I currently place my jsypt entry below. Instead of keeping plain text, I have seen in some examples that he uses ENC (G6N718UuyPE5bHyWKyuLQSm02auQPUtm). & lt; Bean id = "strong encryption" class = "org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.StandardPBEStringEncryptor" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Algorithm" & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Password" & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; Jasypt & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt; Please provide me the steps to make it ENC (G6N718UuyPE5bHyWKyuLQSm02auQPUtm). If this is a server-side application, then get all my password related values ​​G6N718UuyPE5bHyWKyuLQSm02auQPUtm The password must be stored in the form of a password hash. You should never store passwords in a password. In addition, you should not encrypt clear text passw...

wcf - Add Service Reference to Old Service -

"itemprop =" text "> I am running through a Windows service in an old service that launches a service host through runtime on HTTP One needs to hook up I do not know how to get your 'add a service reference' to work. I know that the log file shows that the service is running. Here are the configuration entries for the service: & lt; System.serviceModel & gt; & Lt; Binding / & gt; & Lt; Services & gt; & Lt; Service behaviorConfiguration = "blah.blah.WCF_Service.EngineServiceBehavior" name = "blah.blah.WCF_Service.EngineService" & gt; & Lt; endpoint address = "http: // localhost: 8455 / EngineService /" binding = "basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration = "" name = "engine" bindingName = "engineBinding" contract = "blah.blah.IEngineService" & gt; & Lt; Identity & gt; & Lt; DNS value = "localhost" /> & Lt; / I...

Perl TCP Socket programming vs C recv() function. Do I need to keep track of bytes received? -

I am familiar with TCP / IP programming in C but am new to Pearl. In C. You need to write a loop around your recv () statement, because you do not guarantee to get your data from a revolving server to a revolving server. i.e. while (size! = 0) {status = recv (socket, buffer, size, 0); Buffer = buffer + status; Size = size - position; } A lot of all the examples I have seen that Pearl shows you print from the socket without tracking the received bytes. i.e. my $ new_sock = $ sock- & gt; accept (); While (& lt; $ new_sock & gt;) {print "$ _ \ n"; } Closed ($ sock); So, do Pearl somehow make sure that you get all your data without computing your bytes? If the answer is no, then someone might ask me for an example that Pearl is on top of the TCP code which keeps track of my example. & lt; & Gt; (Readline function) is high level and great for convenience. IO :: Socket supports a RHV method. Received from or IO :: socket fro...

Php Log In If-Else -

मुझे यह कोड है: & lt; php शामिल करें "konek.php"; यदि (isset ($ _ POST ['submit']) {$ schoUsername = $ _POST ['schoUsername']; $ schoPassword = $ _POST ['schoPassword']; $ schoPosition = $ _POST ['schoPosition']; $ पासवर्ड = sha1 ($ schoPassword); $ sql = "SELECT * tblscholar से WHERE schoUsername = '$ schoUsername' और schoPassword = '$ password'"; $ Conn = db_connect (); $ परिणाम = $ conn- & gt; क्वेरी ($ sql); $ row_num = mysqli_num_rows ($ परिणाम); अगर ($ row_num! = 0) {$ sql = "SELECT * tblscholar WHERE schoU नाम = '$ schoUsername' और schoPassword = '$ password'"; $ कनेक्ट = db_connect (); $ Res = $ connect- & gt; क्वेरी ($ sql); $ row_num = mysqli_num_rows ($ res); यदि ($ schoPosition == 'Spiritual_and_Community_Services_Committee_Head') शीर्षलेख ("स्थान: डैशबोर्ड फोरेएससीएच। पीएचपी"); अन्य शीर्षलेख ("स्थान: डैशबोर्डफ़ोरयूसर.एफ़पी"); } और {गू...

sed - Special signs in xml -

After the execution of the Java code, which produces a pseudo-XML, sign me "& amp; ; "In XML-language, i.e." & amp; "and" & lt; ". My code line looks like this: os.system ('java -jar de.unihd.dbs.heideltime.standalone.jar '+ file +' -L German | SAD-A "S / End / Anders / G" SAD-i "{S / and LT; / & lt; / G} / ^ [\? Tda / /] /! "& Gt; '+ tag name) first part - all" & amp; "& Lt;" - works but "& lt;" Part of - The sign does not work yet This part should change all "& lt;" Which "" "," T "," D "," A "or" / "to" & amp; Alt; "How can this be done correctly? Thanks for any help! Instead of try. It has the same syntax but simultaneously front and back-behind claims: perl -pe 's {& amp; }} {& Amp; g; s {& lt; (?! [TDA /])} {& amp; alt;} g

javascript - CORS with IE11+ Access Denied with SSL to localhost -

Very short version: Has anyone successfully requesting local resources via AJAX, in IE on SEC? I'm not getting the "Access denied" error. Tall version: I am using AJAX to get from a web application that runs a local web service. The web service channel is encrypted so that if the remote site is being served on HTTPS, then "unsafe resource" errors appear on a secure page. Therefore, there is a remote site of some kind in the address bar ... is getting information from https: // localhost / . The web service is setting the right header for CORS and works in Chrome and Firefox. In IE, if I enter a resource in my https: // localhost address bar, then the correct resource is returned and displayed. However, while using AJX (not just the address bar), a security setting in IE is denying entry. This document is in (part): The only proper solution is to add the requested domain (in this case to trusted sites. It works, but we w...

javascript - Plotting with HTML5 Canvas -

I decided the day to start the element and I can say that it has been a nightmare to work is. I want to plot a Sean Graff. So after reading good I still can not get the original nor can he get the plot. I have tried that down (sorry for my ignorance with that tag for the first time). I wonder what this is but the code for the beginning of my life is difficult. HTML & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Graphic on & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; link type = "text / css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "graph.css" /> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "graph.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Canvas id = "surface" & gt; Canvas is not supported & lt; / Canvas & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; CSS #surface {width: 300...

c - Initializing a static variable in a function to a non-constant value -

I have a function that requires some continuous data, but call the function to get continuous data It is necessary that a linear search receives the statistics. I do not want to search for every call of the function, so I tried to make the static variable in question but the static variable can not be started for non-static values: int my_function (int foo) {static contact thing * bar = thing_from_name ("bar"); Return do_thing (foo, bar); } The GCC complains correctly that "the initial element is not stable". After considering my situation for a moment, I eat my cake and eat it too: > int my_function Int foo) {static constant thing = bar = null; If (! Bar) bar = item_from_name ("bar"); Return do_thing (foo, bar); } It still works fine, but it seems that ... is wrong. Is there any disadvantage for this approach? Is there a better way to solve my problem? To be clear, thing_from_name is effectively a pure function, it only reads fro...

php - How do I get results page links to behave -

I am sorry if this is not a general question, but, I have searched and I can not find a solution. .. I am creating a site where people can post when a user clicks on one of their posts, it will open a page displaying a full page (CMS style). I am using the _GET method and the link for each post is like this: " This brings the user to the page 'item.php' and shows the post in it, which is brought through a mystically prepared statement. It all works well, but ... I have the problem then every link on the 'item.php' page now has "/item.php/", which definitely makes the link unusable! Example, Home link now says Where simply should > This is the same for every single link on that page! So, do you have any idea why this is because I am pulling my hair ??? Thanks :) Because you /? Adds a slash tag and adds index.php on the notes and pointing to the query string ? . Yo...

java - Dynamically add value to XMLRootElement or XMLElement annotation using JAXB -

मैं वर्तमान में निम्नलिखित XML आउटपुट का उत्पादन कर रहा हूं: & lt; pizzas & gt; & LT; पिज्जा & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; ffab8c72-bace-4748-b010-a06d1b13ad84 & lt; / आईडी & gt; & LT; नाम & gt; इरना & lt; / नाम & gt; & lt; विवरण & gt; मजबूत मध्य कंट & lt; / description & gt; & LT; कीमत & gt; 69.0 & lt; / कीमत & gt; & LT; टॉपिंग & gt; & lt; / टॉपिंग & gt; & Lt; / पिज्जा & gt; & Lt; / पिज्जा & gt; मुझे एक्सएमएल आउटपुट के तत्व में आईडी डेटा होना है। जैसे: & lt; पिज्जा & gt; & Lt; पिज़्ज़ा आईडी = "ffab8c72-bace-4748-b010-a06d1b13ad84" & gt; & LT; नाम & gt; इरना & lt; / नाम & gt; & Lt; विवरण & gt; मजबूत मध्य कंट & lt; / description & gt; & LT; कीमत & gt; 69.0 & lt; / कीमत & gt; & LT; टॉपिंग & gt; & lt; / टॉपिंग & gt; & Lt; / पिज्जा & gt; & Lt; / पिज्जा & gt; मौजूदा आ...

Is there a Ruby on Rails messaging service equivalent to JMS (Java Messaging Service)? -

I'm a Java programmer that has been converted to Ruby, please forgive Java's references here. I am trying to design a system that can update a web page based on external information that randomly reaches, in a short span of time, I have to do something new on the web screen. This is where I was wondering whether a message line has been created in Ruby which I can hear for these updates? If it were Java, then I would use the JMS quote here. Is the railway equivalent to the JMT queue a ruby? Google has changed some old reference (2009) to JRB (which I do not want). You can try that the pubs and message queue apply. And you can also use a re-standalone to get a subset of functionality.

javascript - Unable to bypass CORS in angularjs seed app -

I am using an app and I am trying to get JSON response from server (MarkLogic) $ Http . I was trying to respond to all other similar stackoverfl flow answers for 3 days but it was not able to work, please help! The browser returns: XMLHttpRequest http: // sreddy: 8003 / v1 / search? Format = json can not load The requested resource 'Access-Control-Permission-Origin' header is not present. Origin 'http: // localhost: 8000' is therefore not allowed Here is my app code app.js 'strict use'; // Announce the app level module which depends on the filter, and services var app = angular Modules ('My app', ['NGRUT', 'IPFanders', 'Map sources', 'Myep Dannichi's', 'Mauper Controllers']); App.config (['$ routeProvider', '$ httpProvider', function ($ route provider, $ httpProvider) {$ routeProvider.when ('/ view1', {templateUrl: 'partial / partial 1.html', controller: '...

.net - Store the text value in a radio button in a decimal variable using Visual Studio 2012, c# -

I currently have 3 radio buttons in 3 groups, and I just want to drag the text value into the currently checked radio button Need for each group and store it in decimal value. Any ideas? My current code: Public Partial Sections Form 1: Form {Public Form 1 () {Initial Group (); } Private Zero Form1_Load (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {} Private Zero label4_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) Private Zero radioButton1_CheckedChanged (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {} Private Zero btnCalculate_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {Decimal loanAmount ; Decimal interest rate; Int 16 Number of Payments; Decimal monthly payment; // Create web service object ISULoanLeaseCalculatorService myCalcWS = new ISULoanLeaseCalculatorService (); monthlyPayment = (decimal) myCalcWS.LoanMonthlyPayment (Convert.ToDouble (loanAmount), Convert.ToDouble (interestRate), Convert.ToDouble (numberOfPayments)); }} After You can react when the event is clicked whenever a button is clicked. Then grab the ...

Can xpath select from one element to a different type of element? -

New camera for xpath, so perhaps it does not know the vocabulary to properly search. I want to take the end of a paragraph with a specific ID from the beginning of a div with a specific ID. Note that I only want to select the part of the div. & lt; body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "meaninglessPreamble" & gt; Do not get this data. & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "wrapper" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "grab this" & gt; Good things & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P id = "grab thisToo" & gt; Better things & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P id = "endHere" /> & Lt; P id = "leaveMeOutOfThis" & gt; Unwanted junk & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; The more general viewpoint, you are the lower-siblings and the ex-siblings You can try to select a range of elements by ID attributes. / body / div [@ id = 'wrapper'] / * [(predec...

python - What is causing this TypeError? -

I have two separate files, which have two separate classes (let them be replaced by Foo And times ). In the file ( ) class Foo , I have: square fu: def __init __ (auto): ... and bar in the file ( )>, with me Foo class bar (Foo.Foo): def __init __ (self): ... when I send my code to: To run, I get this TypeError : traceback (most recent call final): File "", line 2, It's telling me to pass There are 4 arguments for __init __ when code is the only argument, then self It seems to me that your problem is that you are importing the class directly, but then trying to access it through the module name. If you have a module source file inside a class Foo then you can use it like this: Pre> but you are trying to do this: code>, first foo is your class. . parses foo after python and looks for a class member called Foo . Note: I suggest you follow the PEP 8 guidelines, and your modul...