c++ - /bin/sh: pkg-config: command not found -
I'm trying to run the openCV sample project with this link hand gesture recognition. I run the command in the Sigwin terminal, but I'm getting the error. I run the following commands in the Sigwin terminal: \ hand Detection CVmaster \ make
Arun @ Arun-PC / Sigrid / E / Hand Declaration CVmaster $ making g ++ -o OpenCV main .cpp myImage.cpp handgesture.cpp roi.cpp `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv` / bin / sh: pkg - config: command not found main.cpp: 1: 39: error: opencv2 / imgproc / imgproc .hpp: no such file or directory is main CPP: 2: 29: t Error: OpenCV2 / OpenCV HP: There is no such file or directory. CPP: 3: 39: Error: OpenCV2 / HighGui / HighUI HP: No such file or the main CPP file included in the directory: 8: myImage.hpp: 8: Error: The name 'cv' is not a name name myImage.hpp: 8: Error: Expected namespace-name ';' Token myImage.hpp: 15: Error: 'matte' is not a type of name myimage.hpp: 16: Error: 'Mat' is a type myImage.hpp: 17: Error No: Error: 'Mat' is not a type of name MyImage .hpp: 18: error: 'matte' was not declared in this scope myImage.hpp: 18: error: invalid template argument 1 myImage.hpp: 18: error: template logic2 invalid myImage.hpp: 19: Error: 'videocapture' is not a type of name, which is CPP: 9: roi.hpp: 9: error: 'cv' is a namespace name roi.hpp: 9: error: ph Required namespace-name 'Il; 'Token roi.hpp: 14: error: expected') 'first' upper silonner 'roi.hpp: 15: error:' point 'one type roi.hpp: 16: name name is not: error:' mat 'one Type name does not have name. HPP: 17: Error: 'scalar' is not a type of name. HPP: 19: Error: 'Matt' has not been declared. File is included. CPP: 10: Elephant Jigger HPP: 11: Error: Name of name 'cv' is not named name gesture. Hpp: 11: Error: Expected namespace-name '; 'Token Hand Gesture. HPP: 18: Error: This radius was not declared 'Point' in the hand. Gastre Hpp: 18: Error: Template Logic1 is invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 18: error: template argument2 is invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 18: error: template argument1 is invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 18: error: template logic 2 The invalid hand is Gesture.hpp: 20: Error: Point is not declared in the hand of this point. Gesture.hpp: 20: Error: template logic1 is invalid Handgesture.hpp: 20: error: template logic2 invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 20: Error: Template Logic1 is invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 20: error: templates Logic2 is invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 21: Error: 'Vec4i' was not declared in the hands of this scope Gesture.hpp: 21: Error: Template Logic1 is invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 21: error: template logic 2 Invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 21: Error: Template logic1 is invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 21: error: template logic2 is invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 22: error: point 'point' in the hands of this point is not declared Gesture.hpp: 22: Error: Template E arguments 1 is invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 22: error: temp Net logic 2 is invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 23: Error: 'Rect' is not a type of hand name. Gesture.hpp: 24: Error: 'Matt' has not been declared hand. HPP: 29: Error: Rect 'is not a type of hand gesture. hpp: 44: Error: 'Point' has not been declared hand. hpp: 44: Error: 'point' has not been declared as hand. gesture.hpp: 44: Error: 'Point' has not been declared hand. HPP: 53: Error: 'Scalar' is not a type of hand Gesture. hpp: 55: Error: 'point' has not been declared hand. hpt: 55: Error: 'Point' has not been declared hand. HPP: 56: Error: In this type of hand the 'VCE4' has not been declared. Gastre HPP: 56: Error: template argument1 is invalid hand Gesture.hpp: 56: error: template argument2 is invalid main. Cpp: 15: Error: 'cv' is not a namespace-name main.cpp: 15: Error: Expected namespace-name ';' Token key.cpp: 19: Error: 'FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN' was not declared in this area
This means that you do not remember the pkg-config installation. This is the reason why the rest of the errors are also being done because the output of the command pkg-config can not be applied respectively. Go to the following URL, grab it and install it:
http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/pkg -config_0.26-1_win32.zip Please note that you may need to set more dependencies from that site, but then it should work as it originally.
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