python - How to use the List field function for a toolbox script? -
I am trying to write a simple script for a toolbox, such as for field then it seems to work is; List in the field: arcpy.AddField_management (inputFC, fieldName, fieldType) arcpy.AddMessage ("Field Generated:" + fieldName) arcpy.AddMessage ("Script executed") , but now I want to see if that first The This is in the above code! So, any help is welcome and appreciated! Addfield_datamanagement toolbox script With a specialty table, a feature field adds a new field or
sizefile to a table so far so good. # Import system modules import arppy #Workspace arcpy.env.workspace = "C: \\ user \\ xxx.gdb" # Feature class inputFFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText Set (0) # Get list of field names in input string = ARPP.GetParameterSTtext (1) InputString = ARPP. ValidationFilename (inputstring, archp.एन.एन.व्ही. वर्कस्पेस) fieldlist = inputstring.spitit (";") fieldtype = archp.gateParamrayArrayText (2)
ListFields and not sure how to integrate it is not sure whether the input FC is correct? Arcpy.AddMessage ("Field already exists" field name)
list field field
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