FFMPEG in Windows 7: merge mp4 files from different folders in a batch -

I would like to add 3 MP3 videos to an AV video for each folder that contains FFMPEEG on Windows 7 .

I have started like this:

  ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy e: \ ea2014 \ ex14r \ EX14R.avi   with mylist.txt:  
  file 'E: \ EA 142014 EX14R \ DCIM \ 100GOPRO \ GOPR0001.MP4' file 'E: \ EA 2014 \ EX14R \ DCIM \ 100GOPRO \ GP010001.MP4 'File' E: \ EA2014 \ EX14R \ DCIM \ 100GOPRO \ GP020001.MP4 '   

This works fine. Now, I would like to automate it because I have a lot of folders filled with videos to merge. I tried to start with:

  printf "file '$ s' \ n" .E.EA2014 \ EX14R \ DCIM \ 100GOPRO \ * .mp4 & gt; & Gt; mylist.txt   

but it tells me that

"The printf is not recognized as an internal or external command, operative program or batch file"

Is this because I work in Windows? Can any other person help in getting it in any other way?

code> E: \ EA2014 \ EX14R and create an .avi file in each individual folder, which is myfile.avi

  @echo off for / d / r "E: \ EA2014 \ EX14R" %% a in (*) (if present then "%% a * * .mp4" (del mylist.txt 2 & gt; %% b ("%% a * * .mp4");) gt; My list.txt echo file '%% b' ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy "%% a \ myfile.avi" del mylist.txt 2 & gt; Null))    


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