
Showing posts from March, 2014


Can I assign different tasks to different instances of a fork () of a process in C Can i do For example: program.c has been forked 3 times int main () {pid_t pid; Pid = fork (); pid = fork (); Pid = fork (); } Now for every example of fork () I want to talk differently, can I do this? With forks? Or is there any other method if friendly? :) PS: I am testing Real Time Linux and want to check the projection performance through the fork through time constraints. You can use the pox process. posix_spawn (& amp; ; Pid, ​​ProgramPath.c_str (), & amp; File Actions, & amp; SpawnAttr, argv, envp); See its documentation.

javascript - Enyo different collection with same model kind -

I am trying to create two collections with a normal model type. I get the following error: "Unkuit Ino Store .ADrcord: Duplicate record set with the primary id id app.ImageModel Has been added to store.> And the same value of 67774271 which set unseen duplicate to true > The following are two collections I have defined ... enyo.kind ({name: "app.FeatureCollection" , Kind: "enyo.collection", Model: "app ImageModel", defaultSource: "appF", ... ...}); enyo.kind ({name: "app.SearchCollection", kind: "enyo.collection", model: "app.imagemodel" , defaultSource: "apps", ... ...}); And the model I am using is as follows: enyo.kind ({name: "app.imagemodel", kind: "enyo model", read only: truth, .... ....}); One At the point I am setting this way: this.set ("Data", new app. Fetcher Collection ()); And in the second, this.set ("Data...

AngularJS: $watch function invoked. Which DOM element invoked it? -

मेरे पास $ वॉच फ़ंक्शन है: $ scope। $ watch ('something' , फ़ंक्शन (नयावाले, पुरानावैल्यू) {...}, सत्य); मेरे पास तीन डोम फ़ॉर्म तत्व हैं, जिनमें से प्रत्येक एक कुछ है। जब आप उनमें से किसी के लिए कोई बदलाव करते हैं, तो उपर्युक्त $ वॉच फ़ंक्शन लागू होता है। क्या $ घड़ी फ़ंक्शन के भीतर से यह निर्धारित करना संभव है, तीन फार्म फ़ील्ड्स में से किसने इसे लागू किया और संदर्भ प्राप्त किया संबंधित DOM तत्व के लिए? आपको संपूर्ण सरणी पर देखने की जरूरत है और मैन्युअल रूप से सभी सरणी के तत्वों की जांच करें। अपने पिछले मूल्य और नवीनतम नए मान की जांच करें यदि दोनों समान हैं तो उसके बाद में DOM तत्वों में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है अन्यथा तत्वों में कुछ बदलाव हैं JSFiddle उदाहरण देखें आशा है कि यह आपकी मदद करेगा। $ scope। $ watch ("aArr", फ़ंक्शन (newValue, oldValue) {console.log ("सरणी [0] पुराना मान:" + पुरानावैल [0] .val); कंसोल .log ("सरणी [0] नया मान:" + नया मूल्य [0] .valal);}, सत्य);

java - How to get the selectManyCheckbox value in my bean using valueChangeListener? -

I am trying to get my banking bean user's selection value. I have posted my XHTML code below: & lt; p: selectManyCheckbox style = "z-index: 1000" id = "gencount" layout = "grid" column = "1" valueChangeListener = "# {subUserBean.degreeFilter}" & gt; & Lt; p: ajax event = "click" /> & Lt; F: selection item item value = "all" items label = "all" /> & Lt; F: selection item item value = "bee" item label = "b" /> & lt; f: select item item value = "btech" item label = "btech" /> & Lt; F: select item item value = "MCA" item label = "MCA" /> & Lt; / p: selectManyCheckbox & gt; Value change listener in my bean: public zero degree filter (ValueChangeEvent dege) {System.out.println ("Select degree -> "+ Dege.getNewValue () toString ()). } I'm only getting "object valu...

c - How does OpenGL Communicate with the GPU? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब ओपनजीएल प्रदर्शन करने के लिए एक इंटरफ़ेस है आलेखीय आज्ञाएं अब, यदि लाइब्रेरी मल्टी-प्लेटफॉर्म है तो यह GPU के साथ कैसे काम करता है, यह सिस्टम कॉल्स बनाकर और बहु-प्लेटफॉर्म बनाकर या उसके संचालन के लिए ड्राइवरों का उपयोग करता है? ओपनजीएल आमतौर पर ग्राफ़िक्स ड्रायवर के भाग के रूप में कार्यान्वित किया जाता है। प्रत्येक कार्यान्वयन कुछ कर्नेल-स्पेस घटक और असली एचडब्ल्यू से बात करने के लिए कार्यान्वयन-विशिष्ट इंटरफेस का उपयोग करेगा। एक लिनक्स पर आधारित ओपन-सोर्स जीएल के कार्यान्वयन को देखकर यह सब कुछ कैसे हो सकता है। वे एचडब्ल्यू से बात करने के लिए वास्तव में लिनक्स कर्नल के (प्रत्यक्ष रेंडरिंग प्रबंधक) एपीआई का उपयोग करते हैं एमईएसए के वर्तमान कार्यान्वयन का आयोजन किया जाता है, जैसे कि प्रत्येक GPU के लिए, एक DRM कर्नेल ड्राइवर और उपयोगकर्ता-स्थान डीआरआई क्लाइंट है। मेसा अब एपीआई को एक अमूर्त परत के रूप में उपयोग करता है ताकि वह GPU-specifc कोड को छोटा बना सके और इसे और अधिक पोर्टेबल बना सके। ओपनजीएल एपीआई इसके ऊपर "राज्य...

How to align an array of floats in C#? -

I want to align an array of float on C # in 16-byte boundaries. One technique I know is to pin the array: I did not like the idea of ​​panning memory. I am worried about the performance of this garbage collection How can it affect What are the other techniques? I was thinking of creating a 16-byte structure, allocating its array, and then casting the array in an array of float. layout (layout kick)] public structure float 4 {[field offset (0)] public float x; [Field Offset (4)] Public Float Y; [Field Offset (8)] Public Float Zade; [Field Offset (12)] Public Float W; } I'm not sure what I will do next (casting between different types of arrays) and what's the best way? tall or Double with your float variable (I think the verifier will allow this, but I'm not sure) or use some manually managed memory. An array that contains approximately 22,000 floats will allocate large object heap; I think an array of IARC 2,000 will be in alliance in the same way, bu...

php - remote database error in phpmyadmin -

Error getting error when configuring remote database in phpMyadmin is like the error below p> # 2002 - A connection attempt was unsuccessful because the connected party did not respond properly after a while, or the failed connection failed because the established connection failed. The server is not responding (or the local server's socket is not properly configured). Most likely that your MySQL server does not accept connections from external hosts. Unless you are the administrator of the server, you can not change it.

bash - How to replace a sentence with special chars? -

I am creating a script with openvpn installation on a server, I need one thing to change it to a file In line: sed -i 's / export KEY_CONFIG =' $ EASY_RSA / Jopense SLCNF $ EASY_RSA '/ Export KEY_CONFIG = / etc / openvpn / easy-rsa / 2.0 / openssl-1.0. 0.cnf / g /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/vars I know that there is some escape required to run here, but I'm not sure which one What are the keys you need to escape The Ripya can help? This is the sentence from the wars file: # This variable # should point to the openssl.cnf file #included with easy RSA Export KEY_CONFIG = `$ EASY_RSA / Jopensus LCNF $ EASY_RSA` # to indicate this variable : I want to replace the unread line: export KEY_CONFIG = / etc / openvpn / easy -rsa / 2.0 / openssl-1.0.0.cnf (as is) There are two steps of processing first by Shell, By SAD. Shell It depends on which quote (use two or signals). Exclamation marks are interpreted in the form of no special characters except the...

xslt 2.0 - Convert the date to format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S'Z' in xslt2.0 -

मेरे पास इनपुट दिनांक प्रारूप है '2014-04-1400 00: 00-05: 00' और जैसा एक प्रारूप '2014-04-14 T00: 00: 00.5Z' में परिवर्तित करें (यानी, yyyy-MM-dd'H'HH: mm: ss.S'Z ')। मैं यह सरल करने के लिए जावा में SimpleDateFormat वर्ग का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मुझे XSLT2.0 का प्रयोग करने की आवश्यकता है। विकल्प की कोशिश की: प्रारूप-तारीखटाइम ($ dt, '[y0001] - [M01] - [D01] टी [एच 01]: [एम 001]: [एस 101]। [एफ -1001] जेड') लेकिन इस विकल्प का परिणाम '2014-04-14 टी 00: 00: 00.000Z' था, जिसे '2014-04-14 टी 00: 00: 00.5Z' (अपेक्षित आउटपुट) माना जाता है। कोई मदद की सराहना की है धन्यवाद! आपके द्वारा दिए गए दिनांक में आंशिक सेकंड्स नहीं हैं (जो कि [एफआईए] आपके फ़ंक्शन में दिख रही है)। इसका समय क्षेत्र -05: 00 (पूर्वी मानक समय) है। एक्सएस का विवरण देखें: डेटटाइम यहाँ: ईटीए: मुझे नहीं लगता कि आप चाहते हैं कि प्रारूप केवल एक एक्सएसएल डेट प्रारूप फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करना संभव है, क्योंकि आप सकारात्मक / नकारात्मक पहले खो रहे हैं टाइम ज़ोन ऑफसेट...

c - Realloc, char**, segfault -

is a function, it is add_lexem and adds an element (parentheses) at the end of the specified array. If no one left the memory, it allocates some extra memory (100 * size * (* four *). This function is caused by segfault, which is the problem. #include & lt ; String.h & gt; #include & lt; stdlib.h & gt; #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; zero add_lexem (core ** lexam, int * lexmsac, int * lexem_en, const char * Lexem) {if (* lexem_n & gt; = * lexemsc) {lexems = realloc (Lexmas, Psychof (four *) * (* Lexmsi + 100)) * Lexmsk + = 100;} char * for_adding = malloc (size Character) * Strangel (lexem); Strcpy (for_addin G, lexem; lexem [lexem_en] = for_ adding; (* lexem_n) ++;} int main (zero) {char ** d = malloc (sizeof (char *) * 2); int lexmsis = 2; int lexem_n = 0; ad_cllex (D, and lexmsac, and lexem_en, "MEEE"); Printf ("% s \ n", D [0]); Ad_cllex (D, and Lexmsac, and Lexem_N, "Bark"); Printf "% S \ n", D [1]); // in thi...

broadcastreceiver - Android Blinking screen -

My customer needs this, where he wants to call that the old phone used to get a notification Take a nap (Remember the old Nokia 1100). Well, I have never seen an Android phone like this so I'm not even sure that can be done. I thought that such a thing could be done in such a way and it could illuminate the screen light again and again. Here's my code: Window Manager. Layout Parameters = getWindow () GetAttributes (); Params.screenBrightness = -1; . GetWindow () setAttributes (parameter); The problem is, because I am on a broadcast receiver, I do not have the "getWindow ()" method Anyway, do you think that one of these The easy way? Maybe I'm not coming right. For your broadcaster receiver , you are missing an important point A Broadcast receiver does not mean too much processing - in fact it is low, it is better, besides, you never know that the receiver app is in the background - there is no sense in the Android Framework for asking a receive...

Eclipse -- Manually Install Plugin -

I am trying to transfer the eclipse based GNATBIN from ADX GPS. GNATBench is available for free download but has been packaged as a zip file. I have installed Eclipse plugins only through the market or through an online repository I have tried to remove the folder in the Eclipse plugins folder, but it is not working. How do I install this plugin manually via a zip file? Is there another way to get it? open help & gt; Install the new software ... and click on Add (top right). In the repository dialog shown archive ... and select the zip file you downloaded. Also give the repository a name. Click OK. The available software interface will now show you the contents of the zip and you can choose what to install.

Max Input Vars in php.ini between performance and security -

I have a problem submitting forms in my PHPbb3 forum, in particular, with those large panels in the administration panel, In fact, though, in the php log I have seen a warning: I have increased the value to 2500 but the alert is still though, after setting it to 10000 it will run Gone and the form got frozen properly My question is this: Is there a problem having 10000 in its security or / and performance of my server? There is a lack of use of thousands variables in a form post, display both sides, servers and Skip to the client. All values ​​are encoded, copied and decoded at times, so it eats performance and memory and what? But I would say that this is not really the point. You should think of something that this thing is: why that stuff requires thousands of variables in that post? It seems to be crazy I suggest that you should reconsider the architecture behind it. A very simple and more robust solution should be a specific approach that all the variables have t...

replacing content type field value in a view based on taxonomy term type in drupal 7 -

I have created a scene that is based on content type fields based code which is "paid" and "free". I want to change the text of the content type field if the classification word is "paid" and I want to show it to content type field Different values ​​if it is "free". There is no way to add changing views by adding custom code. I just see that this custom code can be done without using view . If I'm correct, then you paid and are free Is shown on whether to create a filter in view to show the content. Code> You can create paid first content for this and with the selected option values ​​as "Payments" and "Free" And also in the form of paid and free . Now create a view and insert content type as a filter in which you You can select paid or free , now users can display any value according to the value.

temp tables - sql multi-part identifier #TempTable.ColumnName could not be bound -

So I have some floating tables that I have created and trying to move the column contents from one table to another I am I am getting #TempTable from another table using a specific table argument. Once I am done with the current section, I want to move the contents of another template table ( # Table1 ) to # TempTable.ColumnName which The accumulated results of housing are logic sets. In this way I did it: SET @ExecStatement = 'Eltar table # Add 1 table' + column name '' varchar (250) '; EXEC (@ExecStatement) set @ExecStatement = 'Update # Table 1 set #Table1.'+@ColumnName+' = # TempTable.ColumnName '; The error message appears on the exec (@execStatement) second SET statement. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Nothing from an invalid update statement - SQL can not tell how to drag data. See this as the second set statement: set @ExecStatement = 'Update # Table1 set' + @ColumnName + '= tt.TempConv #Inne...

pagination - Cakephp: Escape paginator prev link -

I am using the previous link for the Paginator component like this: & Lt; ? Php echo $ this- & gt; Paginator-> prev ('& amp; lsaquo;', array ('escape' = & gt; wrong), tap, array ('saved' = & gt; wrong)); ? & Gt; this â ?? ¹ produces a saved version of , when the link becomes active, but the link does not save from the HTML when the link becomes disabled I am using KPPHP 2.4 Additional details: My model, controller and view plugin is in the folder My model is a database i.e. Var $ useTable = false; is not using. I get my data through a web service I have overridden the pagnet function in my model so that I can call the paged web service. What are you using? I had the same problem: Active links were saved, but disabled people were not. I have disabled the "BoostCake.BoostCakePaginator" plugin, and all are working fine, so I will accept a bug in that plugin. (I do not have time to check at the...

Extract imdb id with perl regex query -

{"initial_release_date": "1982-12-17", "आईएमडीबी_आईडी": ["tt0086617"], "टाइप": "/ फिल्म / फ़िल्म", "टाइमस्टैम्प": "2006-10-22 टिट 9: 26: 51.0012 जेड", "नाम": "डेंजरसली जीने का वर्ष", "मिड": "/ एम / 07hvh" I क्या किसी को पता है? ... #! / Usr / local / bin / perl सख्त उपयोग; चेतावनियों का उपयोग करें; मेरी "$ myString = 'initial_release_date": "1982-12-17", "आईएमडीबी_आईडी": ["टीटी 0086617"], "टाइप": "/ फिल्म / फ़िल्म", "टाइमस्टैम्प": "2006-10-22 टेट 9: 26: 51.0012Z "," नाम ":" खतरनाक रूप से जीने का वर्ष "," मध्य ":" / m / 07hvh "}; अगर ($ myString = ~ /"imdb_id":\s+.[\s+"(.*) ?) "\ s + \] / i) {प्रिंट $ 1; # tt0086617}

radius - Freeradius expiration variable expanding -

After looking at information pages and other resources in dozens of wikis, I find a way to display the expiration date I am unable to find a user. My reply message: Reply-message: = "Your account has expired on% {End} to expand!" does not work I can not expand the variable expiration in my database: My ending label is: expiration: 05 June 2012 02:00 . The termination mode works however, but I can not just show the end date, is there any way to expand the "custom database variable" in the radius environment? Freeradius? You need three lists in the server to qualify the attribute with a list, request , Control, answer The use of the request (default for ineligible properties) and the answer can be estimated by their name. Control (also called 'check' in old modules) which affect the behavior of the modules. Termination is a control attribute, to which you control: answer-message: = "your account has expired% {control} : E...

Is it TIBCO really a widely used framework? -

I search - interesting interesting- job status which requires the knowledge of this specific structure I have a question: Tibako Is it worth achieving in the labor experience? In addition to sites related to job search, where can I find trustworthy information about the current use of a framework / technology? And, on what factors are usually dependent on the success of some programming framework? I have to find out if TIBK will have a long term future. Thanks for any help you can provide on this topic. (If the question (s) can be improved, feel free to edit ^^) TIBCO BusinessWorks (I believe that you are talking about that specific product, too big TIBCO is out of product selection) is an integration software such as if you are interested in working in the integration area If you are, you should learn it. FYI: Many soft skills and complex troubleshooting techniques are needed for integration. This data is related to routing and transport (think: REST-enabled mainframe s...

c - Implementing a Linear Search -

Question: Read up to 6 pairs of names and ages in two different arrays, and use a linear search Find the target name and print the person's age. Two arrays are called names and ages: I am getting many errors ... I am sure that the function is not being passed to an array .. # include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Defined ASIZE 20 # defined RECSIZE 6 string record {char name [ASIZE]; Acute age [ASGE]; }; No record [RECSIZE]; Int linear search (structure record * find A, four *) {int x; (X = 0; x & lt; RECSIZE; x ++) {// if (no [x] .name == [x] get] if (a-> gt; x [x] == [x] looks {Return x;}} return -1;} for int main () {int i; (i = 0; i & lt; RECSIZE; i ++) {printf ("Enter name:"); scanf ("% s", no [i] .name); Printf ("Enter age:"); scanf ("% i", & amp; na [i] .age);} printf ("Enter search name : "); Four floating [ASGE]; scanf ("% s ", temporary [ASIZE]); full results; result = linear search (...

sql - ROW_NUMBER and multiple JOIN -

जब मैं इस अनुरोध का परीक्षण करता हूँ: SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER () ओवर (ORDER BY Test1) के रूप में लाइन से चुनें (चयन करें अंतर 1 टैब 1। टेस्ट 1, टैब 2। टेस्ट 2 से टीबी_टीएबी 1 टैब 1 जॉइन टीबी_ टैब 2 टैब 2 ऑन टैब 2। टेस्ट 3 = टैब 1। टेस्ट 3 जॉइन टीबी_ टैब 3 टैब 3 पर टैब्स 3। टेस्ट 4 = टैब 1। टेस्ट 4 कहां टैब 3। टेस्ट 5! = 'टेस्ट') के रूप में उप कोण के बीच रेखाएं 1 और 5 मुझे मिल रहा है: त्रुटि: कॉलम नाम अमान्य: 'लाइननंब' SQLState: S0001 ErrorCode: 207 क्यों और कैसे मैं अपना अनुरोध सही कर सकता हूं? क्यों: आप अपने चयन के खंड में aliased lineNumb कॉलम तक नहीं पहुंच सकते - यह संदर्भ में परिभाषित नहीं है। कैसे सही है: SELECT * FROM (& lt; आप जहां से बिना मौजूदा प्रश्न के लिए & gt;) कहां रेखा के नम्बर के रूप में उपयोग करें & lt; = 5

Excel formula calculation for Priority -

I have a formula that calculates priority based on fixed date criteria. If date is less than 365 from today, make it "Priority 2" or "Priority 1". It works fine, but I want to prioritize the calculation when the application is open and once the application priority should not be changed based on the date criteria in the formula. Once the application is open, check out the result of the formula. If the result is satisfactory and you want to "fix" it, copy the cell and copy paste special value back to the cell. Then save the file and close the application.

java - Understanding sorting multidimensional array with comarator -

[] [14] I am the second column "[] ​​[2]" I want to sort all [13] from the third value. int myNum = 0; Arrays.sort (cat, new comparative & lt; string [] & gt; () {@ override public int comparison (final string [] entry 1, last string [] entry 2) {last string e1 = entry1 [1]; Last string e2 = entry2 [1]; return e1.compareTo (e2);}}); (The last string [] s: cat) {System.out.println ("sorting:" + s [0] + "" + s [1] + "+ s [2] +" "+ s [3] ); {try myNum = Integer.parseInt (s [2]);} Hold (Number Format Expo Enough) {System.out.println ("+ nfe could not be parsed)";} If (Minom> 3 & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp;; amp; amp; amp; amp;; [1]; equals ("1") {moreValues2.add (s [1]); moreURLS2.add (s [3]);}} pre> How do I choose to type in my code above it is sorted by the first column, but I want to sort by the third. I'm not sure that How to modify and why to modify it. I hav...

arm - cross compiler works compiling app but not kernel -

I compiled a cross tool for hand with CT-NG. I compiled a hello.c and say "Hello World" Printed and tested, and downloaded it to a work board, it worked, but to download it to the kernel, and to download it on the board, kernel booting failed. The root file system was compiled by a single cross tool. The combination of tools is: kernel- GCC-4.8.1 Gillibak-2.17 binutils-2.22 gdb-7.4.1 The task is kernel version I use cross tool to compile kernel I'm sure kernel source and bizbox subscribers will work because they do everything by downloading the cross-tool hand-linux-gcc 4.3.2 from the Internet. (I use the badgebox to create root fs.) Is this a problem because of the same kernel version? I check what I do, but still can not be found. From the serial output, the first error says "Unable to handle kernel null pointer directory on virtual address 00000001 \ n pgd = c0004000". With, I get the "c0004000...

javascript - How to remove active class by mouse click -

I have created two boxes that will change the background to the hover and the active position. Here's my job: There, when I click on "One", it will be set to the active state (Green Background). no problem. When I click on "Two", it will be set to active status and "A" will return to its previous state (gray background). It is also good for me But, I want that when "one" is set on an active state, at that time, if I click on "One", then that general position (gray background) ) But the same event should also be for "two". How can I make it? My applicable script: $ ('toggle'). Click (function () ($. 'Toggle'). RemoveClass ("active"); $ (this) .toggleClass ("active");}); ........... UPDATE ........... Krishna Help me with this: Click $ ('toggle') (function () {$ ('toggle'). (Not this) .removeClass ("active") ; $ (This) .toggleClass ("ac...

c# - Check If Query Exists if Yes - Delete -

I have the following syntax to use C # to delete an access query ... but how do I check Do the query exist? DAO Database DD; DAO.D.B.E.gen. DB = new DAO.Begen (); dd = db.OpenDatabase (path); dd.QueryDefs.Delete (queryName); I also tried to do it - but it can not be assigned to 'equality' because it is a 'law group' that has received a compilation error. > var qd = new dao .QueryDef (); If (qd.Name.Equals = "Hello") {dd.QueryDefs.Delete (queryName); } You can loop on the QueryDefs collection and check if you get this Has been ... DAO Databases DD; DAoD.B.G.IN DB = new DAO.BEIGIN (); dd = db.OpenDatabase (path); Bull got = wrong; Forchach (dd.o.qdf qd in dd.QueryDefs) {if (qd.Name == "hello") {found = true; }} If (found) {dd.QueryDefs.Delete (queryName); }

Insert variable in a string, matlab -

I am analyzing some data and I need to load the information from the file. I have written a script in which the following The row is: Load ('../ Psychopy / DataPrueba / Estefi_1_datos.mat'); I'm thinking that something like this is written: name = Estafie; Load ('../ Psychopy / DataPrueba / Name_1_datos.mat'); Because it is data from an experiment, what I have to do with at least 40 people and that little change in script will make my work much more organized. You can do it like this: name = 'Estepie '; Load (['../ Psychopy / DataPrueba /', name, '_ 1_datos.mat']); Two things to note: variable name should be a string ( ' ) You must use square brackets ( [] ) around the combination of strings and your variables.

My JavaScript random number is always initialized to 1? -

Can anyone help me in troubleshooting this problem? In the code below, circus and circy are being started appropriately, but theta always starts with 1! Console log theta = 1 every time I load the page. var circx = Math.floor (Math.random (* * number.MAX_VALUE)% papwidth; Var circy = Math.floor (Math.random (* * Number MAX_VALUE)% papheight; / * Circus, Circuit: The initial position of the circle on the paparizer * / var mycirc = (circuses, cerci, 10); mycirc.attr ("filling", "# f9c624"); var theta = math.flur (math .Rendum () * no.mx_avnaa% 4 + 1; / * theta = 1 Object is going to 45-degree angle theory = 2 Object Going on 135-degree angle theta = 3 Object is going to 225 degree angle atta = 4 Object It is growing at a 315 degree angle * / console.log ("theta =" + theta); It does not make any sense! & gt; Math.random () * number. MX_Vision 8.365923028455995e + 307 You can see that E + 307 means that it ends...

With PHP, compare two single-col MYSQL tables, adding records from table A that do not exist in table B, and deleting records that do -

There are two tables I have dB, A and B. Each table contains only one column, email. Therefore, I want to check every email in Table A in Table A, and if it is present then delete it; If it does not exist then add it. How do I do this? Ideally, you should do it in pure SQL, suck with PHP without it. Let's say your table A is an integer and table column B int . If you can do something like this: temporary table X Create, Connect with A B A = B. B; Remove from B where in B (choose from X); Remove from A (choose one from X); Put in A (A) (choose B to B); It does the following: Creates a temporary table and enter all records that are present in both A and B deletes all records in both tables table X temporary Designed to be built, it will be automatically deleted when the database connection stops. Now, if you have to call it with PHP, you can do the following: $ db = new PDO ($ CONNECT_STRING, USERNAME, password); $ Db- & gt; Choose from th...

ios - How to iterate NSArray of results into separate arrays -

I am using data for collection. I prepare a query for my game turn scorches that Returns an array in a callback: ("GameTuescore: IPPD3 TKRC1: (empty)> {\ N GameRef = \" & lt; game: jGBok5ZiXM & gt; "; \ N TotalGuesses = 1; \ n TurnDifficulty =; \ n TurnNumber = 1; \ n TurnScore = 500; \ n UserRef = \" from \ "; \ n}" " & Lt; GameTurnScore: AendjA9Yzq: (Zero) & gt; {\ n GameRef = \ "from & lt; game: jGBok5ZiXM> \"; \ n TotalGuesses = 6; \ n TurnDifficulty = 1; \ n TurnNumber = 2 ; \ n TurnScore = 48; \ nUse rRef = \ "PFUser: UgkZDtDsVC> \"; \ n} "," GameTurnScore: ZTNmSkGae1: (zero)> {\ n GameRef = \ "from & lt; game: jGBok5ZiXM & Gt; \ ", \ n TotalGuesses = 8; \ n TurnDifficulty = 2; \ n TurnNumber = 3; \ n TurnScore = 60; \ n UserRef = \" from PFUser: e3Wyo4JaKC> \ "; \ n} "," & lt; GameTurnScore: 8QbcznSa1u: (zero)> {\ n GameRef = \ ...

vba - Email Notification from MS Project using VB macro -

I would like an email notification from MS Project, whenever the previous work has been completed. I want to email it to the predefined resource and the project manager. I do not know where I start from. "Send email" means you want to send an email through Outlook, You can use the method. MS Project does not have work-level events but you can use Project_Change events; All you need to do is loop through all the tasks which need to be sent. In this example, I store the recipient's email address in the hyperlink field and I demonstrate whether an email has already been sent or not, this flag uses 1 field. The user has left the email for review before clicking the send button; Except for this, the pop-up message is avoided where the user should get access to programmatic access to Outlook. Private Sub Project_Change (By Piece As Project) Outlook.Application in default for Outlook.MailItem ActiveProject.Tasks for each TSK if tsk.PercentComplete = 100 and not tsk.Fl...

ruby remove same value multiple keys in hash -

निम्नलिखित हैश से हैश = {"a" = & gt; 100, "b "= & Gt; 200," c "= & gt; 100," d "= & gt; 120," ई "= & gt; 400, "f" = & gt; 430, "g" = & gt; 500} मैं सभी युग्म ("कुंजी", "मूल्य") को एक ही "मान" "या 50 के (" मूल्य "के) भिन्न हैं उदाहरण के लिए, ए = & gt; 100 और c = & gt; 100 को हटा दिया जाना चाहिए, क्योंकि वे समान "मूल्य" हैं और d = & gt; 120 को भी हटा दिया जाना चाहिए क्योंकि 100 और 120 के बीच का अंतर 20 है। 400 और 430 को भी हटा दिया जाना चाहिए क्योंकि अंतर 30 है। मुझे केवल हैश ["बी" = & gt; 200, "g" = & gt; 500] सिर्फ एक उदाहरण के ऊपर, वास्तविकता में, मेरे पास 33,000 कुंजियां हैंश हैं I हैश की कुंजी / मान जोड़े की एक जोड़ी, k1 = & gt; v1 और k2 = & gt; v2 , अगर (v1-v2) .abs & lt; = 50 हटाए जाने के लिए दोनों हैं। इसमें जोड़ी के लिए v1 == v2 शामिल है, इसलिए हमें ...

java - In an embedded H2 database, how to prevent it from creating a database, by means of the connection URL? -

I have third-party tools that I need to know immediately that the database is false, instead of creating an empty database, Can not change, but only configure it, it does not give any wrong impression to the application that the database is with all the necessary tables, without getting any errors during the database connection. Therefore this application will fail only if it does not get the table. I want to throw a SQLException, as the application tries to connect to a database that does not exist. For example, if the connection URL "jdbc: h2: / x / y" and the file "/x/y.h2.db" does not exist. Is there a way to use the connection URL, to specify that the database should not be created? In other words, can the H2 driver be told the absence of data files as an error? Is there anything like this? = & Gt; "jdbc: h2: / x / y? ifFileNotFoundThanThrowException = true"

java ee - Can EntityManager be used only within transaction? -

It's obvious that as far as not mentioned, but I still feel the need to confirm it . code EntityManager always has to be in the transaction if it is used for continuous use? The following application-managed EntityManager does not enter the code until I attach it to the getTransaction (). and getTransaction (). Commit () : EntityManager em = entityManagerFactory .createEntityManager (); Event E = New Event ("One Name", New Date ()); em.persist (e); but find () orientation works fine. Does this mean that I can not use EM for writing / updating operations unless that is within the transaction? If that's the case why no exception was thrown when I tried to use it without the transaction? If EM is not within the transaction, can EM be set up to automatically start and transaction? In the case of Container Managed EM, in the context of the same EM example, the various components injected within a transaction are part of 1 transaction in trans...

c++ - Trouble embedding a QComboBox in a QTableWidget -

I am creating a GUI using QT, and I would like to be a combo box in the last entry in my table. It is an idea that the user has permission to select new items to be put in a drop-down list from the table. Do I think this combo box is embedded inside a table cell? I have tried to: table_widget = new QTableWidget (1, 9, dialog); table_widget-> SetObjectName (QStringLiteral ("table_widget")); Add_part_combo = new QComboBox (table_widget); add_part_combo-> SetObjectName (QStringLiteral ("add_part_menu")); Add_part_combo-> AdiTem (Cuestring Literature ("Import new items ..."); Table_widget-> Setc widget (1, 1, add_part_combo); If I create a combo box with the dialog , then it puts the combo box in the upper left corner of the dialog (under some / em> table). If I make it with table_widget instead, then the combo box appears at the top of the table (at the top of the first header cell). If I do not provide a native widget, then it ...

sas - Syserr macro variable incorrectly zero? -

I have the following code: data is required; Set & amp; dsetlist.; Run; % Placed SYSERROR: & amp; syserr.; Macro Variable is a list of the descriptor dataset sequences, which, among other things, specifies the length of specific variables to stop the trickle when the ideas are stacked together. If I specify this length incorrectly, then I will get a warning: Multiple lengths were specified ... I hope to see the following in my logs Will: want the data; Has has1 has2 ... haven; Run; Warning: Multiple lengths were specified ... Note: View 1 is used Note: View 2 is used ... Note: See Haven used SYSERROR: 4 However, Unfortunately, SYSERROR is instead of 0, despite the warnings. My only idea is that maybe every use scene is being overwritten by Cicero, and the last scene like syserror = 0 has gone without errors or warnings? If this is the case, how can I fix it? - Edit: Replicable Data is 1; Stacked = "y"; Run; The data is 2; Stacked = "no...

Jquery drop down menu - not working -

I am working on this jQuery drop down menu and the code is not working. I think there may be something with CSS property in it. Dropdown ul {display: none} I'm not very good with jQuery (yet) ... any suggestions? I'm not sure which dropdown library you are using , But it seems that your HTML is wrong You have: gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Item 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Item 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Item 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Item 3 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Item 4 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt;...

Gulp Refresh Wordpress PHP files -

In my WordPress environment I have a basic puppy. JS Setup is everything I want to do in addition to how I am reloaded .php files changed works when when the work of GLP is over, this work is being loaded twice, which means That this will start the work and again the task will be gone again. The files I was seeing in the fiction are located in the root directory as well as in the library directory. Apart from this, there is a way to see the chatter is the only change files. I have set it up like this: // PHP Task gulp.task (â "??? phpâ ????, function () {clock {{glob: ['php' , 'Library / .php']}) .pipe (plugins.livereload (server)) .pipe (plugins.notify ({message: a 'ppp work done'}})}} // clock gulp. Listen to the task (â "??? watchâ ????, function () {// port 35729 ==================================== Here is the result of a single save. [gulp] index.php Was loaded in. A ?? reload / Users / Jeffing / Sites / Forbes / WipeContents / The...

google glass - How to send focus from card to home after onClick -

मेरे पास एक गतिविधि है जो ध्वनि इनपुट स्वीकार करता है, कार्ड और फिर एक onClick ईवेंट का जवाब दें जब onClick बंद हो जाता है, तो मैं "ओके ग्लास" दृश्य या उस क्रिया का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाला एक ऐतिहासिक कार्ड युक्त समयरेखा वापस वापिस करना चाहता हूं। मुझे यह करने का कोई स्पष्ट तरीका नहीं मिल सकता है ... एक लाइव कार्ड में, आप कॉल कर सकते हैं: समाप्त (); होम स्क्रीन पर लौटने के लिए (ओके ग्लास)। मैंने इसे XE16 पर परीक्षण किया और यह काम किया। यहाँ कुछ और विस्तृत है मेरी गतिविधि से कोड: @KeyDown पर सार्वजनिक बूलियन ओवरराइड करें (इंट कीकोड, कीइवेंट इवेंट) {स्विच (कुंजीकोड) {case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER: {// ओक ग्लास स्क्रीन खत्म करने के लिए वापस जाएं); वापस सच; }} वापसी सुपर.कॉनडाउन (कुंजीकोड, घटना); } यदि आप अपना प्रश्न अधिक विशिष्ट बनाने के लिए कुछ कोड प्रदान करते हैं तो मैं अधिक विशिष्ट मार्गदर्शन प्रदान कर सकता हूं।

tree - Wordpress copy of Google Sites -

I have a Google site and I want to make it equivalent in Wordpress: 100+ pages in the website are arranged in an hierarchical manner. The entire website has a sidebar navigation as a tree (this is the only reason I like Google sites) (It is not very important, but it is highly appreciated if possible) For all WP gurus: How can I do this? Which plugins / themes will I use? I do not care if I have a blog, then blog is least priority. I am the sole user of the site, so there are no roles or other users using the goods. For some administrative purposes but rather for the actual site. Thanks You can be in a hierarchical way, you can navigate once Can build. Check your options menu and see "Manage Sites" if you want to attach a file to a page, see your "Options menu" or press "Me" and view the page settings and allow attachments. , menu option and "edit site"

ibm mobilefirst - Worklight apps with white bar at the bottom of screen on iOS 7.1 -

Many apps have been developed with variants 6.1 running on iPhone and iPad devices. They used to work well with iOS 7.0. However, following the latest upgrades of iPhone / iPad devices for iOS 7.1, these hybrid applications have a white strip at the bottom of the screen which is about 15-20 pixels in height. Is there an alternative solution for this problem? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> When using Workshop 6.1 in combination with iOS 7.1, a white line, bar will appear in the bottom of the app . To resolve this, you will need to use the varklite studio , which has a fix for this specific problem. See here: Similar questions:

c# - not understanding simple page -

I'm trying to understand this tutorial I have I'm trying out a test page @ {layout = zero; } & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Test & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Hello there & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; But when I run the page, nothing shows up F12 shows: I can not understand what I'm doing? I am also trying this test project ... same problem: Make sure you are trying to do with @ {layout = tap; } Part of the top, try to delete that if you are looking to display a variable in the HTML section, then it is the place where you want to define that variable (at least it seems that How are you working in the tutorial) like: @ {var myValue = "there"; }...

php - How to fetch a new result from MySQL during every loop with a keyword? -

I am new to MySQL, so I have a little confusion here. What I'm doing right now is saying a MySql query that gets data from that table where there is a keyword match. The code is right here: public function fetch_tags ($ tag) {global $ pdo; $ Query = $ pdo- & gt; Create (say 'text' from `choose *` article_tag 'like'% $ tag% 'or' article_content` like '% $ tag%' "); $ Query-> Executed (); Return $ query- & gt; Fetch (); } The problem is that the word previously said is "Michael", and then the next "dextro", both of them will return the exact line because they are the first and last of the same person The name I do not want to achieve the same result twice. How can I make it so that once a special result is received, the next query will not go again to get the same result. They should be separated every time I want them to order from the latest to the oldest. Any help is greatly appreciated. I think that...

android - TimePickerDialog theme change -

I have written this code to create a box btnDialBoxTime.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener () {Public void onClick (see arg0) {MyTimePickerDialog timePickerDialog = New MyTimePickerDialog (Advanced CDT.This,, TimetList, 0, 0, true); Time Picardiolog .cetital ("set hour and minute" ); Show time picture dialog ();}}); The dialog box appears correctly but the theme is white. I have to be black / gray which is the default of my Nexus 7. Android. R. Style.Medicine does not seem to be working the default. Use one of these - Traditional (pre-hollow) warning dialogue topic Five underlying alertDialog - with a dark background - The default alert theme for a device with a light background. for example : MyTimePickerDialog timePickerDialog = New MyTimePickerDialog (Advanced CDT.This, TimePickerDialog.THEME_HOLO_DARK, TimetList, 0, 0, true); Example ">

output - KSH Resolving Environmental Variables for an Entire File -

I have a list of file names in which the environment variable in them I want to set a variable to read the file line by line and then read in a line, but the environment environment variable is translated into the appropriate environment variable. Even my script is: #! / Bin / ksh /test/ While echoing line line for reading line & lt; $ 1 If my source file is: foo1 $ ENVVAR1.csv foo2 $ ENVVAR2.csv foo3 $ ENVVAR3.csv and my environment variables in $ ENVVAR1 = Hello; ENVVAR1 $ ENVVAR2 = Export the world; ENVVAR2 $ ENVVAR3 = Export test; ENVVAR3 Export I want the results of the script foo1hello.csv foo2world.csv foo3test.csv current In this, it only removes the original file: foo1 $ ENVVAR1.csv foo2 $ ENVVAR2.csv foo3 $ ENVVAR3.csv edit I was able to get the majority to solve using my files: #! / Bin / ksh /test/ While reading line eval echo $ line Although some of my variables are in the middle of the s...

c# - In WPF how can I bind to settings in configSections in app.config? -

We have a small three-person WPF store (C # / WPF / .NET 4.0 CP), each of us right now There is also a relatively new WPF (less than a year of experience) There are so many internal, global constants in our application - things like background color, brush, pixel width, tooltip string - that we want to transfer to an app.config file. At the same time, I have to be able to bind - in xaml - directly in these apps. Is it possible for config values? I already know that you can reach the mean key / value pairs defined here: & lt; App settings and gt; & Lt; Add key = "TextBlockHeight" value = "50" /> & Lt; / AppSettings & gt; by adding a namespace to your xaml xmlns: p = "clr-namespace: SampleApp.Properties" and then into that reference Body & lt; TextBlock Height = "{Binding Source = {x: Static P: Settings. Default}, Path = Text BlockHite}" /> To date, I do not know about any of this capability, but it...

c++ - Does the standard guarantee that the total memory occupied by a std::vector scales as C+N*sizeof(T)? -

C ++ standard guarantees that std :: vector content is contiguously stored but does it say that total capture Memory is: S = C + N * sizeof (T) Where: Total on S heap Size and Stack The total size on the heap is: C = size (std :: vector) The capacity of the vector is stored in T type In other words, do I guarantee that the per element is not per overhead? ? And if I do not have such a guarantee then is there any reason? Edit: To be clear, if I take the example of std :: list , then this is usually 2 extra pointers per element, then my question is: Code> std :: vector must be standard-compliant? For such a guarantee, the standard needs to pass the need for the interface of the allocation. Not so, it is not so. However, in practice, as the quality of the issue of implementation, you expect that allocation of memory allocation is consistently upper part, but no upper portion is proportional to the proportional allocation . A copy-example of this would b...

docusignapi - Multiple envelopes open concurrently in DocuSign embedded Send view -

We are building a DocuSign integration using the embedded send view. All documents should be sent from a company's email address so that customers can email us with any questions, they reach the group, no member. To enable this, we are sending all envelopes from a single DocuSign account. We face a problem when many users open the envelopes in an embedded send view simultaneously - they are logged off because each DocuSign account can be opened only once in a single window. Is there account setting to allow multiple embedded views to open at the same time? Alternatively, we may need to send documents from different accounts so that many users can send envelopes at the same time. If this is true, is there a way to set up several document accounts with the same email address so that all of our customers receive the documents from the same email address? There is a setting on the account backend (not visible to you at this time) that will allow multiple sessions Will al...

mapreduce - MongoDB min/max aggregation -

मेरे पास इस सरलीकृत स्कीमा के साथ दस्तावेज़ हैं: {positon: 10, value : 5, गिनती: 3} मैं क्या गणना करना चाहता हूं, उन दस्तावेजों को स्थिति द्वारा समूहबद्ध करना है और अधिकतम मान जहां गिनती 4 से अधिक है, लेकिन मान से न्यूनतम मान से कम है, जहां गिन 4 से कम है। मैंने किया है, लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है: {$ group: {_id: {स्थिति: "$ position",}, परिणाम: {$ अधिकतम: {$ cond: [$ $ : [{$ Gte: ["$ count", 4]}, {$ lt: ["$ मूल्य", {$ min: {$ cond: [{$ lt: ["$ count", 4]}, { मान: "$ value"}, 10]}}]}]}, {value: "$ value", nb: "$ count"}, 0]}}}} मुझे कहा गया है कि $ min एक अवैध ऑपरेटर है और मैं यह नहीं समझ सकता कि सही समुच्चय फ़ंक्शन कैसे लिखना है। क्या यह मैग्रेडोस चलाने के लिए बेहतर होगा? उदाहरण के लिए मेरे पास ये दस्तावेज़ हैं {स्थिति: 10, मान: 1, गिनती 5} {स्थिति: 10, मूल्य: 3, गिनती 3} {स्थिति: 10, मान: 4, गिनती 5} {स्थिति: 10, मान: 7, गिनती 4} मुझे पुन: होना चाहिए {स्थिति: 10, मान: 1, गिनती...

date - How do count forward X number of days into future in PHP? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 9 उत्तर मुझे सक्षम होना चाहिए PHP में भविष्य में तारों की संख्या को आगे बढ़ाएं उदाहरण के लिए, आज से 14 दिन क्या तारीख है? इस के लिए PHP में क्या दिनचर्या का उपयोग किया जा सकता है? धन्यवाद! यह आसान है और: प्रतिधारा तिथि ( 'वाईएम-डी', स्ट्रॉटोमियम ('+ 14 दिन')); आप भी इसका उपयोग कर सकते हैं: $ date = नया दिनांकटाइम (); $ Date- & gt; संशोधित करें ('+ 14 दिन'); प्रतिलेख $ date- & gt; प्रारूप ('वाई-एम-डी'); या: $ date = नया दिनांक समय ('+ 14 दिन'); प्रतिलेख $ date- & gt; प्रारूप ('वाई-एम-डी'); या एक-लाइनर के रूप में: प्रतिध्वनि (नया दिनांक समय ('+ 14 दिन')) - & gt; प्रारूप ('Ym-d' ); या इसके साथ: $ date = नया दिनांकटाइम (); $ Date- & gt; जोड़ें (नया दिनांक अंतर ('पी 14 डी')); प्रतिलेख $ date- & gt; प्रारूप ('वाई-एम-डी');

sorting - sort by actual values in a dictionary python -

मुझे सॉर्टिंग डिक्शनरी में परेशानी हो रही है sorted_x = sorted (x.iteritems (), key = operator.itemgetter (1)) लेकिन मुझे सॉर्ट करने के लिए नीचे कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूं समस्या यह है कि वास्तविक मानों से ऐसा नहीं किया जाता है .. asdl 1 testin 42345 अल्फा 49 रेफ़री: I एस्सारएल अल्फ़ा 49 टेस्टिन 42345 "> आप जिस व्यवहार का अनुभव कर रहे हैं वह तुलनात्मक चर के प्रकार के कारण है इसे हल करने के लिए, इसे पूर्णांक पर डालें। orted (x.iteritems (), कुंजी = लैम्ब्डा x: int (x [1])) अंतिम परिणाम होगा: [('asdl', '1'), ('अल्फा', '49'), ('testin ',' 42345 ')]

How can Spring boot/ pick up Mongo AbstractMongoConfiguration in another package? -

मैं अपने वर्ग को संकुल में व्यवस्थित रखना चाहता हूं। निम्न उदाहरण का प्रयोग करना: मेरे पास "my.main.package" में अनुप्रयोग.जावा है I अपने नीचे AbstractMongoConfiguration के स्वयं के कार्यान्वयन को परिभाषित करता है: आयात org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; आयात org.springframework.context.annotation.configuration; आयात संगठन। स्रोत:। आयात com.mongodb.Mongo; आयात करें com.mongodb.MongoClient; @ कॉन्फ़िगरेशन सार्वजनिक वर्ग मायमोंगो कॉन्फिफ एब्सटमॉंगो कॉन्फिगरेशन का विस्तार करता है {@ ओवरराइड @ बेयॉन सार्वजनिक मोंगो मोंगो ()) अपवाद फेंकता {नई मॉगोक्लेन्ट लौटें ("रिमोटहोस्ट: 27018"); } @ ओवरराइड संरक्षित स्ट्रिंग getDatabaseName () {वापसी "mydb"; }} अगर मैं एक ही पैकेज में अपने के रूप में कक्षा डालता हूं, तो यह काम करता है। अगर मैं मायमोंगो कॉन्फिफ को अपने स्वयं के पैकेज में डाल दिया है I.e "my.config.package.settings", तो चल रहा है "MyMongoConfig" का उपयोग किए बिना डिफ़ॉल्ट MongoDB कन...

Display a JSON field with AngularJS from Golang REST service -

सर्वर पर, मेरे पास निम्न साधारण गो विश्राम है: func GetFoo ( w; http: ResponseWriter, r * http.Request) {res1D: = & amp; Response1 {पेज: 101, फल: [] स्ट्रिंग {"सेब", "आड़ू", "नाशपाती"}}} res1B, _: = json मार्शल (रेस 1 डी) डब्ल्यू। हेडर ()। सेट ("कंटेंट-टाइप", "टेक्स्ट / जेसन; वर्णसेट = यूटीएफ -8") w.Write (res1B)} प्रकार रिस्पांस 1 स्ट्रेट {पेज इंट फॉल्स [स्ट्रिंग} मेरी index.html पर, मेरा AngularJS कोड है: & lt; div ng-controller = "secondCtrl" & gt; {{allFoo}} & lt; div ng-repeat = "सभी फू में फू" & gt; {{Foo}} & lt; / div & gt; और मेरे AngularJS नियंत्रक: फ़ंक्शन secondctrl ($ scope, restangular) {var foos = restangular.all (' बाकी / कम महत्वपूर्ण चीज़ें '); foos.getList ()। तब (फ़ंक्शन (foo) {$ scope.allFoos = foo;}); }; जब {{allFoos}} के लिए index.html प्रदान किया जाता है, तो मैं देखता हूं: {"0": 101, "1": [" सेब "," आ...

move - Batch, moving files located in a subdirectory -

I would like to place all the files on the other side in subdirectories, which have specific file extensions. What do I have here: CD: Media \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ' / code> Is there something wrong with my 'move' syntax? How can I get it? Yes, there is something wrong that you can use wildcards only on the last element of the specified path. And you are using the wildcard in the previous element (mm4 files) and in the previous element (folder where .mp4 files are located). This is not allowed. You have to calculate the folders and then for each, the file must be moved to that target folder. Mkdir cinema / i "% ~ nxa" == "Movies" move to movie / DVD% A ("*") for PushD D: \ Media \ Unsorted if not present / To include previous commands in a batch file, percentage marks should be doubled, i.e. each "code", for example, u "% ~ FA" * .mp4 ...

go - Proper way of using derived map type index in golang -

This could be the starting question. Code like type MYMAP map [int] int func (o * MYMAP) dosth () {// it will fail to compile o [1] = 2} How to use the underlying type MYMAP in the form of a map ? The problem is not that it is a nickname, it is an indicator for a map . Go will not automatically be used by the Dictation Pointer for the map or the slice method, by changing the way with the o [1] = 2 to (* O) [1] = 2 will work however you should consider why you are using an indicator on the map (effectively). There are good reasons for doing this, but generally you do not need an indicator on the map because maps are "reference types", which means that you do not need an indicator on them so that they are mutually mutating Can change Program

java - Adding a dylib to the search path on OSX -

I have a project in which I need to convert the PDF file to png using ghost4j. I face the problem What I'm doing is that when I run my Java code, I throws this error: Unable to load library 'GS': dlopen (libgs.dylib, 9): image I did not get the error I mistake this error and found that I installed ghost script and file libgs. There is a need to make some changes in dylib . I have installed a ghost lip using the Mac port but I do not know whether this file is located on libgs.dylib my file system. I know what needs to be done next to help. -PS I am using Mac OS X 10.9.2 as my development environment. From: LD_LIBRARY_PATH Setting help: $ port installed ghost wrapped $ port content ghostscript | Grep libgs /opt/local/lib/libgs.9.10.dylib/opt/local/lib/libgs.9.dylib/opt/local/lib/libgs.dylib $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / opt / local / lib The content of the port is detected. To make the changes permanent, you will need to permanently add it to ...

enterprise architect - Why does `svn update` unlock files and what is status B -

मैं एंटरप्राइज़ आर्किटेक्ट का उपयोग करता हूं जो कि svn lock का इस्तेमाल किया गया था ताकि वांछित भंडार के अंदर मॉडल फाइलों को लॉक किया जा सके। उदाहरण के लिए: & gt; SVN स्थिति कश्मीर दस्तावेज़ \ यूएमएल \ EAB \ B2ACB6CFF398.xml कश्मीर दस्तावेज़ \ यूएमएल \ EAB \ BE1936A1AE75.xml कश्मीर दस्तावेज़ \ यूएमएल \ पूर्वी वायु कमान \ C3B74A5737E1.xml मैंने सीख लिया है कि svn commit पर जब तक आप - रखने-ताले विकल्प का उपयोग नहीं करते तब तक आप ताले हटा देते हैं उपखंड 1.8 के बाद से मैंने देखा कि svn update अब भी अनलॉक किया गया है: & gt; svn update Aktualisiere »। एक«: यूबी दस्तावेज़ \ यूएमएल \ EAB \ BE1936A1AE75.xml यूबी दस्तावेज़ \ यूएमएल \ EAB \ B2ACB6CFF398.xml यूबी दस्तावेज़ \ यूएमएल \ पूर्वी वायु कमान \ C3B74A5737E1.xml होल externen Verweis नच Â »Homeserver \ लाइब्रेरी \ src \ परीक्षण \ संसाधन \ config-Currentâ«: Externer Verweis aktualisiert zu Revision 22020. संशोधन 22020. & gt; svn status ध्यान दें कि svn status के बाद कुछ भी नहीं है ताला चला गया! लेकिन s...