
Showing posts from August, 2010

java - JAXB cannot handle an interface - what am I missing? -

I'm becoming familiar with web services in Java, jacks-ys (or jacab, certainly not, anyway ..). I have created a small project with a single webservice, WS has the only closing point that is called transfer and returns the returns to the objects receiving the ITRsffer interface. Web service agreement // service endpoint interface @ webserver @ soap binding (style = style .pc) public interface iBacab WebServ { @ WebMathItransferrent Transfer (String account number, double amount); } web service implementation // service implementation @WebService (endpointInterface = "Contracts.IBankWebSrv") Public class BankWebSrv IBankWebSrv {@Override} implements Public ITRansferResult Transfer (String Account Number, Double Amount) {ITransferResult Results = New Transfer Result (); // TODO logic here result.setSuccessful (true); Return result; }} Transfer Result Agreement @ XmlJavaTypeAdapter (Transfer Result.class) is the public interface ITransferResult {bool...

javascript - How do I add then remove class on outer div on each clink -

यदि id का li a आइटम वर्ग से मेल खाता है Div आइटम प्रत्येक क्लिक पर एक वर्ग "विषय" जोड़ना चाहते हैं। यदि आईडी का li a आइटम div आइटम की श्रेणी से मेल नहीं खाता, वर्ग "विषय" को गैर-मिलान वाले डिवीज़ से निकालना चाहता है। लेकिन यह केवल प्रत्येक क्लिक पर वर्ग को जोड़ता है लेकिन कक्षा को दूर नहीं करता है। कोई सुझाव? & lt; ul class = "funding-theme" & gt; & Lt; li डेटा-रिले = "सभी" & gt; एक वर्ग = "उप सक्रिय" आईडी = "सभी" href = "जावास्क्रिप्ट: शून्य (0)" & gt; सभी & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; एक वर्ग = "उप" आईडी = "शिक्षा" href = "जावास्क्रिप्ट: शून्य (0)" & gt; शिक्षा & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; एक कक्षा = "उप" आईडी = "स्वास्थ्य देखभाल" href = "जावास्क्रिप्ट: शून्य (0)" & gt; हेल्थकेयर & lt; / a & g...

OnClickListener in Android, no errors but application stops -

I do not know why this code is not working. I have TextView named text1 and button called button1 . I want to change the text after clicking text1 in button1 . I saw that the program works when I line button1.setOnClickListener (this); But nothing happened as a result. package com.example.testowaniefragmentow; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import; Import; Import android.view.LayoutInflater; Import android.view.View; Import android.view.View.OnClickListener; Import android.view.ViewGroup; Import android.widget.Button; Import android.widget.TextView; Public Class MainActivity ActionBarActivity implements OnClickListener {TextView text1; @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Button Button 1 = (Button) Find VVBIID (RID button 191); button1.setOnClickListener (this); TextView text1 = (TextView) findViewById (

java - Spring Data REST : custom query for MongoDB repository -

I'm trying to create a custom query accordingly. But my custom method is not available from the repository's red interface (/ user / search). (such as the browser is unable to find the local host: 8080 / user / search / GetByKidsAge? Age = 1) Can anyone figure it out and give me some ideas ? thanks a lot! Below is my code: Public Interface UserRepositoryCustom {Public list & lt; Users & gt; GetByKidsAge (@Param ("age") int age); } The public class uses UserRepositoryImpl UserRepositoryCustom {@Override public list & lt; Users & gt; GetByKidsAge (int age) {return / * display query * /; }} @RepositoryRestResource (collectionResourceRel = "user", path = "user") Public Interface UserRepository has updated MongoRepository & lt; User, String & gt ;, UserRepositoryCustom {list & lt; User & gt; FindByLastName (@Param (...

service - Android Load Feed Data along with multiple images to SQLite -

Need to download the feed from the URL and save the feed item data in the scilit. Images in some feed items may need to be downloaded and saved on the device. (A reference will be saved in sqlite) It all happens in the background No interaction is required with the UI / Main thread. I have coded the download of feed data (JSON), parsing of GSON data (using GSOn) and saving of data base in single 'async task'. Can I have the logic of downloading images in the same asic Task? Or should I start other unsaturated work to download images inside the existing async Task? I read about handlers, should I use handler to download the image? I am thinking of saving an image to an object in the main non-tasking task and starting another asynchronous 'onPostExecute' which downloads the pictures sequentially. Any problem with this approach ? I think that if the above process is in progress, then what happens to the processing of the feed when the user leaves the app? If I us...

How to check if a Folder exists in Computer desktop from C#? -

I need to check weather: A folder is in the desktop computer with C # C: \\ User \\ MyComputer \ \ Desktop \\ Test . If I do not exist then I have to add a folder test I have a folder test string desktoppath = environment. GatefolderPath (environment specialfolder.desktop directory) is the code to make; System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (desktoppath + "\\ test"); But before that I have to check whether the folder exists or not. How to check with C # Help me fulfill this task. Thanks in advance. I think you are looking for if (! directory.exist (path.cobine (desktoppath, "test")) {// directory does not exist}

sql server - Inserting distinct value in one column and repeated value in other -

I have a database table with only 2 columns: TaskID & amp; Email When a user clicks on a button, he inserts a value in the table. I have written a stored procedure: proc spTaskPerformed @TaskId int, @mail varchar (100) Insert into TblTaskPerformed values ​​(@ TaskID, @ Email) end But I want to add only when TaskId distict. If I use the distict keyword for TaskId for a particular email, it allows me to include the same workcard, even if the email is changed . help. If you want the pairs to be unique, you should have a unique force on prices: create tblTaskPerformed (task id, email) at tblTaskPerformed_TaskId_Email; This will prevent duplicates in the table. If you do not want the stored procedure to generate an error, then you try / hold statement to catch such errors.

playframework - How to use Http.Context.current() in a Promise in Play? -

In Play Framework 2.2.2, I want to return the promise. However, I'm calling a function which is called hp.contex. (Access needed variables currently logged in , JPA connection ...). Of course, because the promise is executed in another thread, he does not have access to Http.Context.current () . Can I preserve it in the word, or should I manually restore it? Should I Use Another Pattern? Example: Public stable promise & lt; Results & gt; GetAvailableServices () {Return the new operation. Launch (new function 0 & lt; result & gt; () {@ Override public results apply) Throwshell {// Long Operation List & lt; Services & gt; data = buildResult (); // template // template // header for htp.context.current (). Args.get ("usermodel") returns the results. Need access (services_template.render (services));}}); } Yes, is the HTTPProduction Contex that you need. When someone is made to HttpExecutionContext , when used for later code exe...

arrays - c++ adding a menu for operations -

The code below which works so far, my question is that I want to include a menu here How do I move operators from text files to matrix? The example determiner, addition, subtract, etc. for operations #include You can type something like using the Emmoles and Switch Statement: Option Options {Operation 1, Operation 2, Operation 3}; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Operations: \ n \ n"; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Operation 1 -" & lt; & Lt; Operation 1 & lt; & Lt; "\ N"; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Operation 2 -" & lt; & Lt; Operation 2 & lt; & Lt; "\ N"; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Operation 3 -" & lt; & Lt; Operation 3 & lt; & Lt; "\ N"; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Your choice: "; Int likes; Cin & gt; & Gt; the option; Switch (Preferred) {Case Operation 1: Cott & lt; & Lt; "You have selected the operation. \ N"; break; Case Operati...

c - Copying image raw data -

I get a raw image data changing from a thread every time and I want to make a copy before that one And the thread uses it if I do not know the size of raw data, how can it get it, because it randomly selects a shape and gives raw data? How do I copy raw data from this pointer? A copy of your raw pointer "To create data", you need additional information: this Size of data Raw data points to an image, and therefore you already have the width and height at the time of creation; You may also have a BPP (bytes per pixel), if it is not an 8-bit / pixel image, these three times will give you the size of raw data. Currently, you are only forwarding the address of raw data. To gain access to other variables, you have to forward the rest to further. One of the options (for my comments) is to expand the raw data of malloc ed by width and height (And optionally, BP ) needs to be stored and stored at the very beginning. A better way (more manageable) would be t...

Passing char pointer to another function: blank value. c++ -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब 4 जवाब मेरे पास निम्न बहुत सरल प्रोग्राम है। int संशोधित करें (चार * v) {v = " 123 "; वापसी 0; } Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {char * test = new char [10]; (परीक्षण) को संशोधित; Std :: cout & lt; & lt; परीक्षण; वापसी 0; } मुझे पता है कि मैं सिर्फ "123" को प्रिंट कर सकता हूं, लेकिन मैं जानबूझकर इसे कैसे सीखता हूं कि संकेतक कैसे काम करते हैं। हालांकि, "123" प्रिंट नहीं है। मुझे कैसे सही ढंग से पॉइंटर से गुजारना चाहिए? आपको यह याद रखना होगा कि सी ++ तर्क में डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से पास किया गया है मूल्य से, जिसका मतलब है कि फ़ंक्शन में आप प्रतियां हैं, और एक प्रति को संशोधित करने से मूल नहीं बदलेगा। यदि आप कुछ अन्य को इंगित करने के लिए संकेतक को बदलना चाहते हैं इसे संदर्भ से पास करने के लिए हालांकि, इस मामले में यह अन्य समस्याओं का कारण बन जाएगा, जैसा कि आप मूल पॉइंटर को ढीला कर देते हैं। तो समाधान का संदर्भ संदर्भ द्वारा पारित किया जाता है, या शीर्ष प्रति गंतव्य गंतव्य क्षेत्...

android - event when input is active to accept text -

I am trying to run a service in the background which is when there is an input field Then some will appear (within any app, such as SMS, Facebook etc.), but how could I have done that mImm = (InputMethodManager) mContext.getSystemService (context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE ); If (mImm.isAcceptingText ()) {Toast. Make Text (mContext, "Show Something", Toast. LNNGHHORT) Show (); } Trick moves in my background service, but it You can use one, though in that case teeth should work, in which case a notification is more suitable and professional (IMO). Toast is not showing because the reference user you use is not from the user interface thread.

Verilog error for 2d array declaration -

I wrote this code for the register file in verilog. I'm using ModelSim Altera 10.1d Model Regefile (CLK, Reset, Redridge 1, RedRag 2, LikedData, Written, Regrite, Reddata 1, Redidata 2); Input clique, reset, resize; Input [1: 0] ReadReg1, ReadReg2, WriteReg; Input [31: 0] Write data; Output [31: 0] ReadData 1, ReadData 2; Reg [31: 0] D, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q; Reg [3: 0] Datap; Reg clkwrite, reg [31: 0] data [3: 0]; Reg [31: 0] read1, read data 2; Initial start d = 32'h00000000; Data [0] = 32'd101; Data [1] = 32'd234; Data [2] = 32'd260; Data [3] = 32'd120; End always start (reset) reg32bit (q1, d, clk, reset) if start (@posedge clk); reg32bit (Q2, D, clk, reset); reg32bit (Q3, D, clk, reset); reg32bit (q4, d, clk, reset); End and Start / Write Decoder 2_4 (decoutp, WriteReg); clockgate (clkwrite, RegWrite, clk, decoutp); reg32bit (q, writeData, clkwrite, reset); // Read (ReadReg1 == 2'b00) ReadData1 = Data [0]; Else if (ReadReg1 == 2'b01) ...

jquery - Jssor (Slider Cluster): How to disable AutoPlay? -

Is Does anyone know slide to play on how to loading to prevent the cluster (or nested)? I "$ autoplay: false" tried to enter inside "var slider1Options in", "God slider2Options" and "God Slider3Options", but it does not work Reference :. Thanks in advance. Remove the following code, / / slider cluster controller Code work begins Slider Cluster (Main Slider, AutoPlayInterval) {var _Self = this; Var _NestedSliders = []; Var _NestedSliderCurrent; Var _CaptionInCounter = 0; Manner OnChildSliderStateChange (CurrentIndex, progress, progressBegin, idleBegin, idleEnd, progressEnd) {if (progress == idleBegin) {if (! (++ _ CaptionInCounter% 4)) {_NestedSliderCurrent & amp; & Amp; Stop $ _NestedSliderCurrent (). MainSlider $ play (right). }}} Function OnMainSliderStateChange (CurrentIndex, progress, progressBegin, idleBegin, idleEnd, progressEnd) {_NestedSliderCurrent = _NestedSliders [currentIndex]; If (_NestedSliderCurrent) {if (pr...

what is the best way to join tables when key(s) are not normalized in R? -

Say, I have two tables, names and ages like this: & gt; ; Name is AA, B, C Jack 2D Daniel 3EFU 4F, G Bar & gt; Age of age 1B 13 2D 21 3E 244A 34 5F 100 I am trying to use the key column in these two tables, which are present in both tables is. The challenge here is that the key column in the name table is not normalized. My question is, what is the best way to add the above two tables in a way that all the rows of the table of names are present and the associated table (like "race" table ) Are intact as the original? & gt; & gt; dput (name) structure (list (key = structure (1: 4; label = c ("a, b, c", "d", "e", "f, g"), class = "factor") , Name = structure (C (4L, 2L, 3L, 1L), .Label = C ("bar", "Daniel", "afu", "jack"), class = "factor"). Name = c ("key", "name"), class = "data.frame", = c (na, -4 l) gt; (...

python c api - PyArg_ParseTuple() on arbitrary tuples -

I am looking for confirmation on this issue: Am I using PyArg_ParseTuple ) Can I use? Or, on those people passed as the logic list on the function calls? I see a strong signal for the East, but for me to read, the documentation is not ambiguous at this point, so my question is here. The only problem is if an error message occurs, if an error occurs while parsing the tupl Suitable for the function call. Otherwise, this should work on arbitrary teaples as well as on logic lists.

php - DNS server used by my shared hosting is slow. Any way too add entries like in windows' hosts file? -

I'm not experiencing with the server, so I'm sorry, if it's a noob question. Basically I have PHP scripts that connect to the IMAP mail server like this imap_open ('{ / ssl} INBOX ', "example @", "password"); This code was slow on my localhost (WAMP) and my shared host (30+ seconds), while it was really fast on my VPS hosting (~ 1 second). I have noticed that the domain name resolution was slow, so I sent an IP address ip-mail AddClique to your host file in Windows. And then it started working fast, as if my localhost should also have ~ 1s. But how can I fix this on my shared hosting? What is the equivalent of CAPNL in the Windows host file? Or do I have to contact my host support? Unfortunately in shared hosting, you probably do not have to specify your own DNS resolution override. Access to / etc / hosts file. Try using the resource's IP address only and you do not need to do...

cordova - How to Debug Phonegap Using the PhoneGap Developer App -

Using a local server, PhoneGrap shows a way to instantly see your changes in your phonegap app. : PhoneGap service And then by downloading the phonegap developer app. Here are the instructions: But I used to be able to know about it: Inspect Chrome to use remote debugging (), but when I run the PhoneGap developer app Nothing is seen under the name of my phone, is there any way to do this with the PhoneGap developer app? This is not supported. Instead you'll have to use the vendor as something

forms - Date Select Error in Ektron -

I have a form that is using the calendar / date selection tool within the Ekstran, but when the user is current The date (or any date, for that matter), gives an error by saying that you have to select a date in the past. We have not played around this code for the form, but it seems almost like a verification issue. Here's the code, such as, from Ekron. & lt; p align = "center" style = "text-align: left;" & Gt; The date event was presented: & amp; # 160; & Lt; ektdesignns_calendar title = "Date presented" id = "date_presentation" onblur = "design_validate_xpath ('number (translation (., \', '' '' '')) & amp; lt; = number (translation ($ current day) Ektdesignns_invalidmsg = "Date in the past (required)", ektdesignns_validate, "date" (required); 'ektdesignns_name = "date_presented" ektdesignns_caption = "Date presented" ektdesignns_...

html - Can't center the UL tag -

How do I center this ul tag? I tried everything but I know nothing but (). Note: See it in fullscreen. See the ul list in the center of this fieldet. & lt; Ul id = "progressbar" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "active" & gt; The first step & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; The second step & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; The third step & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; Not sure that this is what you want to see but want to keep an eye on ul {width: 1000px} : Anyway what I did ul {margin: auto auto; Text align: center; Status: Relative; } and by changing #progressbar li : #progressbar li {list-style-type: none; Color: #fff; Change text: uppercase; Font-size: 9px; Width: 30%; Cushion Top: 10px; display: inline-block; Status: Relative} I deleted float: left , display: inline-block was added, width to width: 30% Tell me if you have any questions Cheers!

gnupg - GPG Encryption in a Ruby App -

I would like to encrypt a zip file with a GPG encryption in a Rabbi app. I have taken a look at the gpgme gem but there is no clear example to encrypt any file in it. I would like to have a public key to encrypt a file, can you complete it but any thoughts? Do you have a command line and program GPG ? If so, you can use only one system call in Ruby. system ("gpg --option1 arg1 --option2 arg2") or system ("gpg "," --option1 ", arg1," --option2 ", arg2) Check out.

java - Custom thrown exception causes unexpected compilation error -

I wanted to create a custom exception to handle the possible partition with zero, but the compiler states that I declared exception Details are not given. Sorry for this kind of question, but I am an initial and object-oriented programming in Java. public class exception_teaster {public static zero main (string arguments []) {Exception_Tester et = new exception_taster (); Int x1; Int x2; X1 = 5; X2 = 0; Et.printResults (x1, x2); } Zero print result (int a, int b) throws arithmetic expressions {System.out.println ("Add:" + (a + b)); System.out.println ("sub:" + (A-B)); System.out.println ("Basic:" + (A * B)); If (b! = 0) System.out.println ("div:" + (a / b)); else {exception myException = new arithmetic exception ("You can not divide by zero!"); Throwing my impression; }}} Compiler Error: unreported exception java.lang.Exception; Should be caught or declared The problem is that you are throwing exceptions which is undec...

How to hide edit form of jqgrid pager -

I'm a newbie for jqgrid and for a requirement, I need to hide the edit form that pops up when we go to navbar Click the Edit button (Pager). How can I hide it on the basis of the situation Click the Edit button, I see how many rows are selected by the user. If it is more than one, then I need to hide the edit form and I need to show the warning message that they can only edit one record. I did the following but did not work. beforeShowForm: function (form) {form.hide (); $ ("# Editmodlist") CSS ("Display", "None"); // where I have hardened the division, which edits the pigment form} The better formatting of the code just to add my solution here Before InitData: Function (form) {var selRowIds = jQuery ('# list'). jqGrid ('getGridParam', 'selarrrow'); If (selRowIds.length & gt; 1) {warning ("error"); return false; } And {return true; }}

ios - UIImage's resizableImageWithCapInsets places a shadow on image -

I'm having trouble updating a UISegmentedControl : I've subclassed it I set it I am canceling both selected states and such a selection background for the state: #define kEdgeInsets UIEdgeInsetsMake (18, 18, 18, 18) UIImage * grayImage = [[UIImage v_imageNamed: @ "gray_rect"] resizableImageWithCapInsets: kEdgeInsets]; [Self setbackground image: State for Gray Image: UICOutrolStateOther Barmatrix: UIBarMetricsDefault]; UIImage * greenImage = [[UIImage v_image named: @ "green_rect"] resizableImageWithCapInsets: kEdgeInsets]; [Self setbackground image: State for green image: UIContolstate selected barometrics: UIBarMetricsDefault]; [Self Settinterler: [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.506 green: 0.514 blue: 0.525 alpha: 1.000]]; Where are these PNGs I Now, when I execute this code, I get a strange shadow on the split control, which is what we do not want Are there. It is as if the output looks like which is very strange, because no one Shadow is not or...

Symfony generate links for twig rendered emails sent with cron tasks -

There are some problems coming up while generating paths in the email presented with a sprig on symphony What I'm doing here & lt; a href = "{{domain_parameter ~ path ('news_homepage'}}}" & gt; My link & lt; / A & gt; domain_parameter: on routing and on parameters.yml news_homepage: pattern: / news error: {_controller: newsbundle: news: index} Then I send emails with working cronies While doing so, I am looking at the URL like this: But I'm getting this: If I use "url" Path "with the result: http: //localhost/var/www/ s Do you know how can I get to work as expected? Thank you in advance The web / app in your link. Php should not be, so that you want to change your HTACs If you want "just a proper domain" there, then you can try: like replace: {{path...

php - Finding tabs and white spaces inside the file in Perl -

We are manually reviewing our code. It is eating more time to review each and every file we are looking at generic items for all files below. It would be nice to list the total number of tabs used inside the files. List the total number Help to create an automated tool for code review. Thanks in advance. I'm enjoying the count of tabs manually or someone's manual. Counting tab: perl -ne '$ c + = () = / \ t / g; END {print qq {$ c}} ' or perl -ne' $ c + = tr / \ t //; END {print qq {$ c}} ' and so on for white spaces: perl -ne' $ c + = Tr / /; END {print qq {$ c}} '

take snapshot of an ios cocos2d app -

Is there an effective way of doing this? Currently I use [renderTestxture]; [Self. Visit visit]; [Rendertextation End]; But due to this app jeter. I have read that I can copy the contents of the frame buffer for this. is it true? How can someone guide me? You can use the "workcard" framework with this framework, as well as take screenshots You can also record your game play video and you can play it again ..

combine two Json object into one -

I have two Jason objects, as outlined below var arr1 = [id: 1, Name: Vivek ", gender:" male ", dub:" 09-02-1983 ", address:" "] on arr2 = [ID: 1, address:" Bangalore "] Now on ID basis, I must update the address without losing the existing values. var arr1 = [id: 1, name: "discretion", gender: "male ", Dub:" 09-02-1983 ", Address:" "]; var arr2 = [ID: 1, Address:" Bangalore "]; var Combined = $. G (arr1, arr2);

php - adding previous top level node inside a new top level node SimpleXML -

मेरे पास इस तरह की एक XML फ़ाइल है: & lt;? xml संस्करण = "1.0 "& gt; & LT; निर्यात & gt; & LT; config & gt; & Lt; निर्यात किया गया नाम = "परीक्षण" & gt; & LT; मूल्यों & gt; & Lt; नोड नाम = "पीला" / & gt; & Lt; नोड नाम = "हरा" / & gt; & Lt; नोड नाम = "लाल" / & gt; & Lt; / मूल्यों & gt; & Lt; / निर्यात & gt; & Lt; / config & gt; & Lt; / निर्यात & gt; मुझे पता है कि SimpleXML के लिए PHP प्रलेखन के बाद एक विशेषता को कैसे जोड़ना मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि अगर इसके लिए संभव है तो मुझे एक और टैग में लपेट लेना है । उदाहरण के लिए मैं ऊपर बदलना चाहता हूं: & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0"? & Gt; & LT; मुख्य & gt; & LT; ग्राहक & gt; & lt; / cust & gt; & LT; निर्यात & gt; & LT; config & gt; & Lt; निर्यात किया गया नाम = "परीक्षण" & gt; & LT; मूल्यों & g...

Rails stuck on migration -

I made a mistake. I have created a loft for user home page . I had to use the usershortcut with t . Then I created the migration to change the name of the table. I have to change something that should not happen after running on the development rack. Because when I will run on Heroku rake, I unincorporated constant CreateUsershorcuts But, my rail migration is now: 20140421133729_create_usershortcuts RB with: class Createusershortcuts & lt; ActiveRecord :: migrations deff changes make_table: usershortcuts do | T | t.integer: user_id t.string: shortcut_name t.text:. shortcut_url t.timestamps end end end I do not know what to change to get this rake error past Can I delete the migration and add a new one Can i Thanks for the help! Rail 20140421133729_create_usershortcuts.rb is expected to include CreateUsershortcuts While this is actually Createusershortcuts . You could either rename the migration or the class inside it - as long as th...

How execute every Javascript function(or functions inside a scope) with in a try catch block using a coding pattern/framework? -

अस्पष्ट प्रश्न वक्तव्य के लिए क्षमा करें। विस्तृत व्याख्याकरण आवश्यकता है कि प्रत्येक जावास्क्रिप्ट फ़ंक्शन को प्रयास में चलाएं / पकड़ने वाले ब्लॉक नहीं। फ़ंक्शन का = कोई पकड़ने वाले प्रयासों का नहीं। उदाहरण var मॉड्यूल = फ़ंक्शन () {try {something (); } पकड़ (ई) {कुछ (); }}; प्रयास / पकड़ो का उद्देश्य सभी ब्राउज़रों और उपकरणों में कोड में विफलताओं के सभी बिंदुओं को लॉग करने के लिए। मैंने जो कोशिश की है मैंने एक ऐसा फ़ंक्शन बनाने की कोशिश की जो कि बाइंड () फ़ंक्शन ताकि मैं संदर्भ में यह विशेषता को बदल सकता हूं। कोड ठीक से और लगातार काम नहीं करता है। ऐसा करने के लिए सैकड़ों फ़ंक्शन संभव नहीं हैं और एक अच्छा अभ्यास है। क्या आप कृपया इसे प्राप्त करने के लिए कुछ पैटर्न / ढांचा सुझा सकते हैं। ऐसा करने के लिए सैकड़ों कार्य संभव नहीं है और एक अच्छा अभ्यास है। क्या आप कृपया इसे प्राप्त करने के लिए कुछ पैटर्न / ढांचा सुझा सकते हैं। आपको आंतरिक कॉल को लपेटने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। केवल उच्च स्तर कॉल जो वास्तव में पकड़े गए अपवाद को नियंत्रित कर सकता है क...

android - Launch app in market if not installed -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब मैं अपने ऐप को लॉन्च कर सकता हूं ब्राउज़र यदि यह इरादा-फिल्टर का उपयोग कर स्थापित किया गया है यदि ऐप स्थापित नहीं है, तो मैं चाहूंगा कि उपयोगकर्ता बाजार में ऐप विशिष्ट पृष्ठ पर लाए। मुझे कोई परवाह नहीं है अगर मुझे यह संभालना है या यदि प्लेटफ़ॉर्म मेरे लिए ऐसा करता है, तो मुझे केवल यह जानना होगा कि इरादा-फिल्टर, प्रोटोकॉल, एंकर टैग, आदि कैसे सेट अप करें धन्यवाद ! ऐसा करने का कोई "सामान्य" तरीका नहीं है। आप क्या कर सकते हैं, हालांकि, हमेशा Google Play में अपने ऐप के लिए एक लिंक प्रदान करना है और अपने ऐप हैंडल में एक ऐसा इरादा है जो लिंक से संबंधित है। इस प्रकार, ऐप तब खुल जाएगा जब बाज़ार लिंक पर क्लिक किया जाता है अगर वह पहले ही इंस्टॉल हो चुका है। नकारात्मक पक्ष यह है कि एप्लिकेशन इंस्टॉल हो, तो उपयोगकर्ता को एक संवाद के साथ प्रस्तुत किया जाएगा और उसे एक ब्राउज़र या ब्राउज़र में लिंक लॉन्च करना होगा या नहीं। इस जवाब को देखें कोड नमूना:

java - Trouble With Recursion/Enumerations -

I am currently trying to write a code for the party pong game in Java. This deal, there are 2 players in each team. If a player makes a cup, then he is removed. If both players make a cup, then two are removed and they get a bonus shot. If a player does not make a cup, then he has to remove one of his cups. In this way, the game always ends with each goal, for each team to win in a different way to win, to each team to start with some cups like 1/2, each team How many different ways to win? How to write intrusion to make this task easy It seems that the output is something like this: [Folder]% Java PartyPong 0 wins Team 1: [folder]% Java PartyPong 1 Team 1 wins: 1: One team wins 1: B Team 2 Win: 1: X [Folder]% Java PartyPong 2 Team 1 Win: 1: A2: A1: A Team 1 Win: 1: A2 : A1: B Team 2 Win: 1: A2: A1: X Team 1 Win: 1: A2: B1: A Team 1 Win: 1: A2: B1: B Team 2 Win: 1: A2: B1: X Team 2 Win: 1: A2: AB Team 1 Win: 1: A2: A X Team 1 Win: 1: B2: A1: A Team 1 Win: 1: B2: A1: B Team 2 Win...

ruby on rails - Take date from Form Data but Time from Actual Time -

To specify a date for the user in a form, 21.04.2014 : Therefore, when a post request is sent to the rail-application, the created_at data is also provided in the request to save a post: Post [text]: "first message" post [created_at]: 21.04.2014 So a message has been saved at the end. Now when I try to get created_at for the message: Message.find (1) .created_at & gt; & Gt; 2014-04-21 00:00:00 But I think that corresponds to the real time of the time when the message was made, so ouput should look like this: / p> & gt; & Gt; 2014-04-21 19:52:07 How should I save the message so that it meets my concept? Thanks Actually I save a message like this: @ (message_params) def diagnosis_params params [: message] .permit (: created_at, : text) end You can do something like this: dt = ('21 .04.2014 ') # = & gt; Mon, April 21, 2014 tm = # = & gt; Tuesday, 22 April 2014 00...

java - Getting to the subclass from superclass objects list -

I have a class, say - animal . And some sections that inherit from it, we say: birds , cat , dog . Now let me add an array of animal types, and some examples of its sub-classes. Private list & gt; Animals & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; Animals & gt; (); List.add (new bird ()); list.add (new bird ()); List.add (new cat ()); List.add (new dog ()); Then I repeat through this list, call some methods, etc. for (int i = 0; i OK. But what if I would like to add a bird method, which will not be applied in the animal superclass? Suppose, fly () method, then it looks like this: for (int i = 0; i & lt; list.length; i + +) {List .Get (i) .makeSound (); If (list.get (i) breed example) {list.get (i) .fly (); // error here}} This makes sense, but it throws an error - the symbol can not be found animal in the class to implement this method It seems to solve this issue, but I have to do this many times when there is pain in my eyes, is there any...

python - Passing textfile and Creating new Tuple when there is space -

I have a text file that I would like to pass on to Python and a new location every time to get a new location For example, I want to create a tipple, for example, I have the following file land, 3-4, -2 4,3 ocean, 5 3-4-6, 5 5 6 My aim is to prepare a topless for the first one, then when we build another tube for the second position, until we reach the final , Not the most elegant solution The desired output is quite weird. File_contents.split fp = open ('test.txt', 'r') file_contents = () results = [] \ n \ n '): Split = ','. (Split.split ('\ n')) split = '' .join (split.split ('')) split = split.split (',') range for x (0, lane (division) - 1, 2): if x == 0: result .append (split [x]) result.append ((0, int (split [x + 1])) else: result.append ((int (split [x] ]), int (split [x + 1]) print result output: ['land', (0, 3), ( -4, -2), (4, 3), 'Ocean', (0, 5), (3, 4), (-6, 5), (5, ...

jQuery and php. mysql error -

मेरे कोड में निम्न पाठ के साथ लोड होता है: "SQL में समस्या: SELECT * FROM table WHERE id & lt; ORDER आईडी डीईएससी की सीमा से 5 "क्या कोई मुझे समाधान ढूंढने में सहायता कर सकता है? धन्यवाद // jQuery var मान = '3'; $ .post ("load.php", {number: value}, फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {$ ('p')। ऐपेंड (डेटा);}); $ ( 'पी') लोड ( 'load.php')। // PHP load.php // मेरे अंदर $ db का भाग रहा है $ यादृच्छिक = $ _POST ['संख्या']; $ Db- & gt; क्वेरी ('SELECT * से तालिका WHERE id & lt;'। '$ यादृच्छिक'। 'ORDER आई डी एस सी सी सीमा 1'); $ परिणाम = $ db- & gt; प्राप्त करें (); विदेशी मुद्रा ($ कुंजी के रूप में $ परिणाम = & gt; $ मान) {गूंज $ मान ['उपयोगकर्ता']; }; // SQL के साथ आउटपुट समस्या: SELECT * से तालिका WHERE id & lt; आईडी डीईएससी LIMIT 5 डॉलर मूल्य ['उपयोगकर्ता'] इसे बदलने का प्रयास करें यह एक: $ db- & gt; क्वेरी ("चयन करें से तालिका WHERE id & lt;" $। $ याद...

Information about LF+CR and Windows coding vs Linux coding for Perl programming -

I have a Perl script that works fine in the window but when I try to run it in Mac OS X, So it does not work perfectly. Can anyone explain the LF + CR? Why do not these lines end up on Unix? & Amp; If I want to run Linux / Unix, then what is there to do with the Perl script for windows in that case? Say you have a file with the following byte: 61 62 63 0D6465 66D / A> In the file by a Windows Definition of a text, 61 62 63 and 64 There are two rows consisting of 65 66 plus line terminator. From the definition of Unix's text file (including MAC), in that file consisting of 61 62 63 0D and 64 65 66 0D plus line terminator There are two lines. Since the lines are different, of course they do not do the same thing. If you are on a Unix system and you should have two lines consisting of 61 62 63 and 64 65 66 plus line terminator, file the following bytes You must keep in touch with: dos2unix 61 62 63 63 A 64 65 66 0a To translate Windows te...

how to prevent Emacs dired from splitting frame into more than two windows? -

In an Emacs Tired buffer, if I navigate through a file name on a To DearFile-file-another-window , the drib index successfully produces the desired behavior: Open the file in a secondary window. But if I then navigate the point on a different file name and then again press o , then the decision was made again and the file was opened in the third window. . How do I direct the second window to reuse, like I have maximum two windows in the frame? Increase the value of split-height-threshold to expand another Split. You can also be extended to split-width-threshold - if AMAX thinks it is smart to split it in that way Questions in the WRT comment: The value of choosing an IMO depends on the number of lines displayed in the window. Suppose that 40 lines are displayed. If a window is divided, then 20 are omitted, then the 'split-height-threshold' of 15 should be further divided. BTW will expect a way to dynamically optimize.

java - Regular expression to replace words from a list by whitespaces -

I have a list of words list and a string text For example: For example: you for example: you , is , in and etc then, to remove them and replace them with a white space is required. Please, how do I do this? I think I should go to each item from the list, then check what the text contains. What regular expressions can I use to remove words (to remove)? They can be followed by white spot or ponctuation. Expected output for this example: "Deadly Jiva, PHP, Oracle." PS: I can not remove punctuation marks! I am using Java Try it out: string text = "blah blah .. .. "; {Text = text.replaceAll ("\\ s" + word + "\\ s", "\\ s") for (string word: wordlist); // To find the word exactly in your text. } Text = text.replaceAll ("\\ s +", "\\ s");

Alfresco Community 4.2 Document Management -

Currently I have a job of searching for Alfresco Community 4.2. I need to create a workflow that allows users to upload documents, verify an admin and issue documents to other high level users, this is not my concern, how it is issued. I downloaded Alfresco Community 4.2 exe from my website, and installed it on Windows 7 32-o'clock. E-mail notifications will also be sent to high level users or administrators. Bit laptop but I have not been able to access / Alfresco and / share, I have found that I need MySQL for this, so I am currently installing it, am I right? And I have to do all this separately, for example, first of all I need to set up users, then configure their restrictions, then go to the documents? I'm really new to it at the moment. I searched for Google but so far everything seems complicated to me. Thank you in advance! First of all, if you are using the installer that you think you have installed something different There is no need to do Alfresco i...

android - How to display .rtf file inside TextView? -

My app needs to display saved text saved in a group of .rtf files in the TextView. I have searched in different forums and I still do not have a clear solution, it seems very easy right? I have developed some applications like this in iOS and I have no problem in displaying RTF text inside a UITxView, which is a string. I thought it would be easy in Android Does it look pretty easy? Especially not OK, even Windows was largely left to RTF a decade or earlier. Option # 1: If you were planning to pack the RTF app in (Approx, raw resources or properties), get rid of RTF and HTML.prom HTML () and TextView Or using either WebView, either html. . Option # 2: Find some Java code that can convert RTF to HTML to fly, then proceed as option # 1. Option # 3: Find some cross-architecture C / C ++ code that can convert RTF to HTML to fly, add your app via NDK, then option # 1 Proceed in the form. Option # 4: Create your own RTF roll parser and SpannableStringBuilder to be forma...

What is a quick method of string to integer conversion in Python 2.7 -

I am using Python 2.7.6. I am researching the author of the article to define a message and key: message = "hello world" key = "supersecret" To get my cipher text for the binary value of these two wires, I know that I can represent the string of hex value of the string like: / code> However, hexMessage and hexkey are still strings I believe I should call them in Ijr Litrls should be if I want to native) XOR (dragon on them (please correct me if I'm wrong). In other words, I want to do something on the lines of the cipherText = hexMesage ^ hexKey If i is print Hex Message, Hekski , I get: 48656c6c6f20576f726c64 7375706572736563726574 If I try this value, I get an error: TypeError: unsupported ^: operand type for 'str' and 'str' (S) This is not surprising for me, because I think that they are string representations of hexadecimal values. I can do this: realHexMessage = 0x48656c6c6f20576f726c64 realHexKey = 0x73...

python - Method is being read as attribute? -

I can not use any method in this class Every time I try, I get an error that I do not understand. walker (cube) c.move () error: There is no feature of 'move' in walker example Here is the code: Import as pmym.core pm import random class walker (object): def __init __ (auto, cube): self.cube = cube self.tx = 0 self.ty = 0 self .tz = 0 def move (auto): step_dict = {0: move_x, 1: move_y, 2: move_z} step = random.randint (0,2) self.step_dict [step] () def move_x (self): step_dict = {0: 1, 1: -1} step = random.randint (0,1) attr_value = selt.tx + step_dict [step] pm.setAttr ('% s.translateX'% (self.cube), attr_value) self.tx = attr_value def move_y (self): step_dict = {0: 1, 1: -1} step = random.randint (0,1) attr_value = selt.ty + step_dict [a M] Pm.setAttr ('% s.translateY'% (self.cube), attr_value) self.ty = attr_value def move_z (self): step_dict = {0: 1, 1: -1} step = random.randint ( 0, 1) attr_value = + step_dict [step] pm.setAttr ('%...

php - Get latest 4 attachments and then link to their post - WP -

मुझे इस कोड को संशोधित करने में कुछ सहायता चाहिए (): & lt; php $ Args = array ('post_type' = & gt; 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' = & gt; 'image', 'numberposts' = & gt; 4, 'पोस्ट_स्टैटस' = & gt; null, 'post_parent' = & gt; कोई भी / / किसी भी माता-पिता); $ संलग्नक = get_posts ($ आर्ग्स); यदि ($ अनुलग्नक) {foreach ($ पोस्ट के रूप में $ संलग्नक) {setup_postdata ($ post); The_attachment_link ($ post- & gt; आईडी, गलत); }}? & Gt; अभी, यह मेरे WP स्थापना से सभी छवि संलग्नक पूछताछ कर रहा है और नवीनतम 4 को उनके थंबनेल संस्करणों के रूप में प्रदर्शित कर रहा है। मेरी समस्या यह है कि the_attachment_link केवल इसकी पूर्ण-आकार वाली छवि या छवि के अनुलग्नक पृष्ठ से लिंक करने की अनुमति देता है मैं इसे पोस्ट से लिंक करना चाहता हूं (और मैं गारंटी दे सकता हूं कि प्रत्येक छवि केवल 1 पोस्ट से जुड़ी हुई है, अगर वह कोई समस्या / चिंता होगी) मैंने wp_get_attachment_image और wp_get_attachment_link जैसे अन्य का...

java - I am having issues with this constructor and getting a compiler error -

This is a very easy program: Make a method for the calculation class that will take two numbers And add them together (use square variables for this!). For an additional challenge, create more than one class method for this: Create a method for taking the numbers into one class method and the second to display the results of the calculation, by displaying the contents of a class variable, Which keeps counting results. Make a main method that will declare an object in the calculation square and use all the methods of that category. This is what I have taken up, but it will not give me any value in the calculator class because I do not have constructors, yet I have the method in controller management. Please help public class manakakal {/ ** * @ ultimate command line argument * / public static zero main (string [] args) {calculator calcOne = new calculator (); System.out.println ("Calcons equivalent:" + Calcone. Calculator ()); } Class calculator {Private intrate num...

sorting - Algorithm to merge sorted arrays -

The exact description is: The length of the array is n , made Key and value are both positive integers with key-value pairs and the key is unique in each array. There are x arrays, and the keys to each array are not exactly the same. Now I need to merge these x arrays by adding these key together with the same key and adding the value to n n + 1 and pair has the same value with the top n and pair, then ignore it. If necessary, you can assume that each array is sorted by the key or value. Eg n = 3 and x = 3 : 3 length 3 array: [(1,2 ), (2,3), (3,4)], [(2,3), (3,2), (4,1)], [(2,2), (5, 2), (6) , 2)] merged: [(1,2), (2,8), (3,6), (4,1), (5,2) , (6,2)] top 3: [(2,8), (3,6), (5,2)] So what's the best algorithm to do this? You merge a by-route with the key, and a priority queue - usually one more Miner-pile Arrays are sorted by key, in ascending order. So you make a minimum pile and put the first object from each array on the heap. So you ...

c# - Inserting Duplicate Values in Binary Search Tree -

First of all I know that this question has been asked many times then my apologies but I lost When I had thought of creating a BST for the word Duplicate with 'BERNER' . So I know that it can look like this, I'm done halfway with it but when I N and R B / ER / E , then I got confused> In addition to this I have some other questions The first 'E' in the BST is initially placed on the right E & gt; B due to Root node (B) , but when we go to 'R' it gets the right node and ' E ' gets the left node so I was thinking that E & gt; Since the BST rule is not a violation. B , and this should be the correct node of 'B' ? Is this a rule that I am missing? Creating 'Barrier' Without Duplicate Any help / suggestions will be appreciated. Please do not be hard on me. I am a newbie for BST concepts Binary Tree for BERNER (Please note that there should be no duplicate nodes in BST), with the...

javascript - How to undo .click(false) -

मेरे पास पृष्ठ संक्रमण है जो jQuery एनिमेट का उपयोग करता है। मैंने पाया कि निम्न कोड: $ ("body")। क्लिक करें (गलत); एनीमेशन चल रहा है, जबकि पृष्ठ पर किसी भी माउस क्लिक को रोकने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है। लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि यह कैसे पूर्ववत करें! किसी भी विचार? आप : एनिमेटेड बॉडी क्लिक पर लंबाई की जांच कर सकते हैं। कोशिश करें: $ ('body')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () (यदि ($ (': एनिमेटेड')। लंबाई) {वापसी झूठी;}});

java - SwingUtilities.invokeLater ... is there an invokeNow? -

Where I was trying to add objects to my canvas but SwingUtilities.invokeLater did not really do its job yet . I really need to be able to connect things with this JPNL reliably, but I am running in this error. Is there a better option for the code below? Private Zero StartGram () {SwingUtilities.invokeLater (Public Running Run) {gameFrame = new InvadersGameFrame ();}}); } See this: Reason To execute () synchronously on the ARWT event sending thread. All pending AWT events have been processed on this call block and (then) () returns This method should be used when an application thread needs to update the GUI.

UDP socket not responding -

मैं c udp सॉकेट का एक नमूना लिख ​​रहा हूँ I यह क्लाइंट है #include & lt; stdlib.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdio.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; sys / socket.h & gt; #include & lt; netinet / in.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; netdb.h & gt; #include & lt; string.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; arpa / inet.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {if (argc & lt; 3) {fprintf (stderr, "उपयोग:% s ip port \ n", argv [0]); बाहर निकलने के (1); } Int sock; char * server_ip; अहस्ताक्षरित छोटा server_port; struct sockaddr_in cliAddr, serAddr; अगर ((sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) & lt; 0) {fprintf (stderr, "सॉकेट असफल \ n"); बाहर निकलने के (1); } Server_ip = argv [1]; server_port = atoi (argv [2]); मेम्सेट (& amp; cliAddr, 0, sizeof (cliAddr)); cliAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; cliAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY); cliAddr.sin_port = htons (21152); अगर (बाँध (जुर्राब, (स्ट्रकचर सॉकडार *) और क्लीएडडर, आक...

SQL Selecting records where one date range doesn't intersect another -

I am trying to write a simple reservation program for a campground. I have a desk camp site (a record for each site available in the camp graph). I have a table for visitors who uses the ID of the camping table as the foreign key along with the date of check and the check out date. What I need to do is gather a potential investigation and check the date from the user and then gather all the camps that are not being used at any point of that time. I think I am close to the solution, but there is one piece which I am missing. I am using 2 questions. 1) Collect all the camps which have been spent during that time frame. 2) Collect all camp sites, which are not in Query 1. This is my first query: selected visitors. Compacted, visitor. Check indent, visitors From where checkoutdate visitors are ((visitor check check date)> = # checkdendet # and (visitor check indent) or lt; = # CHECKOUTDATE #) or ((visitor checkautdate) & gt; = # checkdendet # and (visitors) Checkau...

string - \n doesnt make new line when display in html/page using sails -

Hello, would you like to know whether the string has its function for formatting string variables in html? I have this scenario ... In my controller, I have a variable that has something like this: var str = "Pellentesque habitant \ r \ nmoribi Tristique Carnits at \ n NetWate and Nursed Firms AB Trapis \ Neigastas. "; When I display it as an html page, it will display plain in this form. (Only 1 paragraph) Learn about the inhabitants of Pentecost and find out about the works done by them. But see the source Find out about the residence of pendrestes, Looking for possible solutions, and found about underscore string () I have tried to do this so far, I am just thinking that without setting another there are other possible solutions. Thank you You get the white space: pre-rap or Newline Pvt. Will have equal access to appropriate. By default, line feeds in HTML text are only more white spots.

ios - Code Sign Error in xcodebuild on simple Single-View Application -

xcodebuild fails when I'm on the command line. This is always an error that I am always getting: Code sign error: No matching profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with UUID ??? ? XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX -XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX, however, no such provision profile was found. CodeSign Error: In SDK 'iOS 7.0', the code type for the product type 'app' is required, however, when I make it by Xcode, it fixes and the device But runs smoothly. Xcode does not show the fix number button in the General tab, which explains why it works on Xcode. I'm researching from yesterday so I can not make it through ExCodebild. Help anyone? : ( The xcodebuild command I am using directly from Frank's website: xcodebuild \ -target & lt; app_target (optional, if you have only one) & Gt; \ -xcconfig ./Frank/frankify.xcconfig \ -arch armv7 \ -configuration debug \ -sdk iphoneos \ DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION = yes \ DSTROOT = "& lt; full_path_o_a_...

shell - How to convert a link that has javascript:__doPostBack in href to normal url which wget/curl/lynx can understand? -

I searched in the past, and found this question. But this only answers in Python. I have to go through a website, some pages (2,3,4, etc.) with the following link: javascript: __ doPostBack (' Javascript: __ doPostBack ('AspNetPager1', '3') Javascript: __ doPostBack ('AspNetPager1', '4') If I click on it , And it will display the next page, but the real URL is not displayed in the browser. So my question is, how can I convert the javascript link into a traceable real URL and feed it on wget / curl / lynx Use the tool (wget / curl / lynx) to download these pages by scripting but due to these javascript: __ doPostBack , I can not find a good way to do this. You can not actually do it analytically __ doPostBack irregular form Can be complicated by You can install firebug instead (think that you are using Firefox), activate the network tab, press "Tickets", and then click the button. The Networks tab will show you ac...

where to find folder on app engine console -

I have a folder with some static content, see the picture. I'm stationed on an app engine and I'm sure everything is working properly when I use the app as a user. But then when I go to App Engine Console, there is no way to see the contents of my folder. I run through all submenus of Main, Data, Administration, Billing . I think there should be a way to enter my folder. For deployment, I put the folder in war in war / myitems . There is no way to view uploaded app engine files.

Multiple SSL certificates on single instance hosted on virtual machine with Windows Azure -

Using Windows Free Virtual Machine, is it possible to install many SSL certificates in one instance? Can anyone provide examples / steps? Yes, it is possible for IAS to install certificates on any other Windows machine that runs the IIS Will be similar to The Vim you are discussing is talking about running iOS running IIS Step 1: In the .pfx file with your password Export all certificates Step 2: Copy copied .pfx files remotely to Target VM. Step 3: Open IIS - & gt; Server certificate - & gt; Import Wizard to set up a certificate on VM

javascript - Get a variable value in the url using ajax -

I'm new to AJAX in this code how do I get variable 'zero' value in a.php? This code is: HTML: & lt; Div class = "div1" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Button & gt; Click & lt; / Button & gt; AJAX: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; var zero = $ ('# query'). valueOf () ;; $ (Document) .ready (function (e) {$ ('button'). Click (function () {$ .ajax ({url: "a.php", type: "post", data: zero, success : Function (result) {$ ('. Div1'). Html (result);}});});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; a.php: & lt ;? php $ zero = $ _POST ['data']; Zero to zero; ? & Gt; When sending data, send it as key = value pair. In your case, AJAX changes such data in the request. Data: "zero =" + zero do this while entering PHP $ zero = $ _POST ['zero'];

How to test windows phone 8 emulator without Hyper-V? -

I have to make Windows Phone 7 or 8. I have installed Visual Studio 2013. It came with the Windows Phone SDK. I have a problem I have Windows 8.1 Pro OS but my processor does not support Hyper-V platform. I have enabled the BIOS settings even though I did not find it. Any alternative way to test or debug an app in the emulator. Any ideas or suggestions should help me a lot. Thanks in advance. Ensure that you have also enabled Hyper V from the control panel.

Removing certain array element in a for-loop in PHP -

I have inserted some elements (name of the fruit) from mySQL into an array. Now, I would like to remove some objects from the array. If 'Array' exists, then I want to remove 'Apple' and 'Orange'. This is what I have tried, but I am getting an error message. Array example: Array ([1] => orange [2] = & gt; applet) foreach ($ word as $ = = $ v) {if ( Key ($ v) == "apple") {without set ($ word [$ k]); } Otherwise (key ($ v) == "orange") {without set ($ word [$ k]); }}> Gt; & Gt; & Gt; WARNING: The key (1) is expected to be an array of parameter 1, string is given / the same error has been repeated 4 times I have referenced this link here: if any I can tell what I did wrong explanation: $ fr is the actual array of all your fruit and your $ rm is another array that contains a list of items to be removed from your $ fr array. Use a foreach cycle through the array $ rm and see whether the element exists on ...

sql server 2008 - How to reset scope which is created using template or schema change in Sync Framework? -

I have a question in the sync framework How do we reset the scope of the sync framework? There are some solutions I have found but only when we are working using PopulateFromScopeDescription (scopeDesc) but I used FilterClause for that PopulateFromTemplate () method Goes and the solutions are not working for it. So if anyone has any solutions, then help me. Those scopes that come from a template do not have a different scope definition, rather , They refer only to the scope definition of the template. You should then modify the template, not the radius.