java - JAXB cannot handle an interface - what am I missing? -
I'm becoming familiar with web services in Java, jacks-ys (or jacab, certainly not, anyway ..). I have created a small project with a single webservice, WS has the only closing point that is called transfer and returns the returns to the objects receiving the ITRsffer interface. Web service agreement // service endpoint interface @ webserver @ soap binding (style = style .pc) public interface iBacab WebServ { @ WebMathItransferrent Transfer (String account number, double amount); } web service implementation // service implementation @WebService (endpointInterface = "Contracts.IBankWebSrv") Public class BankWebSrv IBankWebSrv {@Override} implements Public ITRansferResult Transfer (String Account Number, Double Amount) {ITransferResult Results = New Transfer Result (); // TODO logic here result.setSuccessful (true); Return result; }} Transfer Result Agreement @ XmlJavaTypeAdapter (Transfer Result.class) is the public interface ITransferResult {bool...