jquery - Jssor (Slider Cluster): How to disable AutoPlay? -


Does anyone know slide to play on how to loading to prevent the cluster (or nested)? I "$ autoplay: false" tried to enter inside "var slider1Options in", "God slider2Options" and "God Slider3Options", but it does not work

Reference :.

Thanks in advance.

Remove the following code,

  / / slider cluster controller Code work begins Slider Cluster (Main Slider, AutoPlayInterval) {var _Self = this; Var _NestedSliders = []; Var _NestedSliderCurrent; Var _CaptionInCounter = 0; Manner OnChildSliderStateChange (CurrentIndex, progress, progressBegin, idleBegin, idleEnd, progressEnd) {if (progress == idleBegin) {if (! (++ _ CaptionInCounter% 4)) {_NestedSliderCurrent & amp; & Amp; Stop $ _NestedSliderCurrent (). MainSlider $ play (right). }}} Function OnMainSliderStateChange (CurrentIndex, progress, progressBegin, idleBegin, idleEnd, progressEnd) {_NestedSliderCurrent = _NestedSliders [currentIndex]; If (_NestedSliderCurrent) {if (progress == useless) {mainSlider. Stop $ (); _NestedSliderCurrent $ Play (right) } And if (progress == progress of progress) {_CaptionInCounter = 0; MainSlider $ play (right). }}} Function OnMainSliderSwipeStart (status, virtualPosition) {_NestedSliderCurrent & amp; Stop $ _NestedSliderCurrent (). Pause mainSlider () } Function OnMainSliderPark (slideIndex, fromInex) {_CaptionInCounter = 0; MainSlider $ Play () .; } _self $ AddChildSlider = function (childSlider, slideIndex) {_NestedSliders [slideIndex] = childSlider. ChildrenSlider $ $ ($ JssorSlider $. $ EVT_STATE_CHANGE, OnChildSliderState Change); }; _Self. $ Start = function () {main slider. $ ($ JssorSlider $. $ EVT_PARK, OnmanSliderPark); Main slider. $ $ ($ JssorSlider $. $ EVT_STATE_CHANGE, OnmanSliderState Change); Main slider. $ ($ JssorSlider $. $ EVT_SWIPE_START, OnMainSliderSwipeStart); MainSlider $ play (right). }} Var SliderCluster = New Slider Cluster (jssorSliderc); Slider Cluster $ AddChildSlider (jssorSlider1, 0); Slider Cluster $ AddChildSlider (jssorSlider2, 1); Slider Cluster $ AddChildSlider (jssorSlider3, 2); SliderCluster $ start (). // See Slider Cluster Control Code   


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