android - How to display .rtf file inside TextView? -
My app needs to display saved text saved in a group of .rtf files in the TextView. I have searched in different forums and I still do not have a clear solution, it seems very easy right? I have developed some applications like this in iOS and I have no problem in displaying RTF text inside a UITxView, which is a string. I thought it would be easy in Android
Does it look pretty easy?
Especially not OK, even Windows was largely left to RTF a decade or earlier. Option # 1: If you were planning to pack the RTF app in (Approx, raw resources or properties), get rid of RTF and HTML.prom HTML () and
TextView Or using either
WebView, either
html. . Option # 2: Find some Java code that can convert RTF to HTML to fly, then proceed as option # 1. Option # 3: Find some cross-architecture C / C ++ code that can convert RTF to HTML to fly, add your app via NDK, then option # 1 Proceed in the form. Option # 4: Create your own RTF roll parser and
SpannableStringBuilder to be formatted
Spannable to load in
TextView .
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