
Showing posts from January, 2010

difference between javascript validation and filter validation in php -

जावास्क्रिप्ट मान्यता और में फ़िल्टर सत्यापन के बीच अंतर > क्या जावास्क्रिप्ट सत्यापन के बजाय PHP फ़िल्टर सत्यापन का उपयोग करना आवश्यक है। मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट सत्यापन का उपयोग करते समय PHP फ़िल्टर के महत्व को समझ नहीं पा रहा हूं? मैंने इसे पढ़ा है PHP फ़िल्टर अधिक सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है। क्या जावास्क्रिप्ट के साथ PHP फ़िल्टर का उपयोग करना आवश्यक है? जावास्क्रिप्ट मान्यता ब्राउज़र पक्ष है और PHP मान्यता सर्वर पक्ष है। आपको हमेशा पीएचपी का उपयोग करना चाहिए। क्योंकि ब्राउज़र में जावास्क्रिप्ट बंद किया जा सकता है उस ने कहा, आप PHP के शीर्ष पर जावास्क्रिप्ट का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं, क्योंकि उपयोगकर्ता के लिए अधिक प्रतिक्रिया जोड़ने के लिए एक अतिरिक्त परत है। ऐसा करने का सामान्य तरीका पहले जावास्क्रिप्ट सत्यापन को चलाने के लिए है अगर चीजें बाहर की जाए, तो PHP स्क्रिप्ट फॉर्म डेटा की पकड़ लेती है और इसके बारे में अपनी वैधीकरण करते हैं। यदि जावास्क्रिप्ट सत्यापन कुछ गलत पाता है, तो यह डेटा को वापस के अंत तक बिना भेजे बिना उपयोगकर्ता को सचेत कर सकता है

c++ - Read console input via select function -

I am trying to write a program that uses socket to send data to the network. Now I get input command from the console I have a selection function for sockets. In linux you can use selection to view data inputs in sockets and conols. How can I get the same functionality on Visual C ++? When I put the console descriptor in the selected function, then error 10038 (socket operation on non-set). Windows does not support using the select for arbitrary handles In other forms of Linux and Unix, "All handles are identical", and it is not important whether they have been handled for a console, socket or something. Note that select does not handle any in the windows, but a special socket is the type of handle. See Definition of Windows The easiest solution to read the console input is to use another thread. There is no way to include the console in your select call. There may be ways to explain Windows that a socket is a wait-free object, and it has a console i...

javascript - Wijmo pie chart object reference error? -

I am trying to create a pie chart using wijmo & lt ;; DOCTYPE html public "- //W3C / DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" ""> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Data source & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE = edge, chrome = 1" /> & Lt; Meta name = "description" content = "% description%" /> & Lt; Meta name = "keyword" content = "" /> & Lt; Meta name = "author" content = "component one" /> & Lt; link href = "../script/visj/jquery-wijmo.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" /> & Lt; script src = "../skript / wijmo / jquery-1.8.0.min.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script ...

php - simpleXML how to add a new attribute to existing XML -

Hey I'm trying to make a copy of an existing XML and add a new feature to it. > My current XML is something like this: & lt ;? xml version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt; Export & gt; & Lt; config & gt; & Lt; Exported name = "test" & gt; & Lt; Values ​​& gt; & Lt; Node name = "yellow" /> & Lt; Node name = "green" /> & Lt; Node name = "red" /> & Lt; / Values ​​& gt; & Lt; / Config & gt; & Lt; / Export & gt; And I just want to add an email field, I agree to match it with glasses so I do not control the layout change so I can not do it for example & lt; Email value = "" & gt; & Lt; / Email & gt; So I'm stuck to display it as below & Lt; Node name = "green" /> & Lt; Node name = "red" /> & Lt; / Values ​​& gt; & Lt; / Config & gt; & Lt; / Ex...

javascript - In a Polymer custom element, can properties of items in a collection be observed for changes? -

I have a custom polymer element in which there is an array of items, they provide them in the table form I know That when the asset of an item changes in the array, the performance is not updated. There is a demonstration of the problem. I suspect that instead of specifying the actual property name in this template, it may be related to using the repeat loop to render each property, so the path of the property is one Supervisor does not get attached? I am working on this by empowering and re-parsing the item after one of the changes, then turning it into an array, but it is clearly disabled. Is there any way to ensure that the polymer updates in a single display, when the property of an object changes in a collection? I believe you are right that only top-level identifiers are celebrated for change, their properties not for. For example, if you have the expression: {{article: article, field: field}} only changes to article and area are detected - changes in thei...

jquery - How to convert textbox value to date format in firefox and Internet explorer using javascript -

I have a textbox (id = 'txtCalendarSeventh') with a calendar control related to it. By selecting any date from the calendar I get the value in the text box in the format-April-21-2014. I am using the following JavaScript code - var dateresult = document.getElementById ('txtCalendarSeventh') value; var d = new date (daterust); Warning (d); This code works fine in Chrome and leaves the correct value of the date. But in Firefox or Internet Explorer, this is the perfect date instead of Nain. Nain is showing etc. "April-21-2014" is not a valid date string, although some browsers may recognize it For, "April 21 2014" should work. Look for a comprehensive list.

javascript - changing content of modal and resizing window with animation -

I have a model in which I am showing a form, when I submit the form, I want to hide the contents of the form And instead, some AJAX indicator of fixed size would show 100px x 100px. The problem is how to reduce the width / height of the model to 10000100 with some animation and this model remains remaining inside the center of the screen? & lt; Div class = "modal" & gt; & Lt; Form & gt; .... & lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; div class = "Ajax-indicator hidden" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; after clicking the submit button & lt; Div class = "modal" & gt; & Lt; Form class = "hidden" & gt; .... & lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ajax-indicator" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Create multiple steps (CSS class) & amp; You can activate with js events. You can only get your animation such as some event hand...

algorithm - Date string format that sorted lexicographically ascending is chronologically descending? -

Encoding in the form of a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD (without separator Or without, like 2014-04-21 , 2014.04.21 or 20140421 ) has the following attributes: Putting trimmed strings in a lysxicographically ascending (treating them as simple string, knowing what they represent) them in the chronological order Between the date of the calendar Reversed and string is clear to humans ( 2014-04-21 obviously represents April 21, 2014) Meditation Let's always use the same number of numbers for each component of the date (year, month and day) to work, if the number is too small then with leading zero This means that the year can be represented by YYYY only 99 99 if we want to represent 5 digit years then in my example above Date 02014-04-21 . Question: What is a way of encoding calendar dates in the form of asterisk, such as closing the strings sequentially in sequential chronological order? Ideally, anyone would be easy to change between the calendar...

xslt - Parameter value is null in xsl template -

मैं नीचे एक टेम्पलेट बुला रहा हूँ: & lt; select class = "inline" नाम = "यात्रा का समय-समय" id = "समय-का-यात्रा-शुरू-घंटा" & gt; & lt; xsl: कॉल-टेम्पलेट नाम = "बनानेडाउनडाउनडाउन" & gt; & lt; xsl: साथ-परम नाम = "गणना" चुनें = "23" / & gt; & Lt; xsl: के साथ- param नाम = "selectedValue" चुनें = "$ dropDownValue" / & gt; & Lt; / XSL: कॉल-टेम्पलेट & gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; मंदिर की परिभाषा: & lt; xsl: टेम्पलेट नाम = "बनानेडाउनडाउनडाउन" & gt; & lt; xsl: परम नाम = "अनुक्रमणिका" चुनें = "0" / & gt; & lt; xsl: परम नाम = "गणना" / & gt; & lt; xsl: परम नाम = "चयनित वैल्यू" / & gt; & lt; xsl: यदि परीक्षण = "$ इंडेक्स & amp; लिफ्ट; = 9" & gt; & LT; विकल्प & gt; & lt; xsl: विशेषता नाम = "मान" & gt; & Lt; xsl: मान का चयन करें = "...

recovery the deleted Xml file from app in android -

It is possible to retrieve the deleted XML file from the app in Android, unfortunately I have removed the importance files from my app . 2 hours for that UI design. So please give me a solution about this. Thanks in advance. Itemprop = "text"> Deleted workspace resources from local history To restore with: Select one of the navigation scenes, folder or project in in which you want to restore a local history state Pop up the resource From the up menu, select Restore from local history ... Restore from local history A. dialog opens all files that were previously included in the selected folder or project and all of their sub-folders. Check the files that you want to restore If you do not want to restore the last state of a file, which you want to restore from Loc to any other state of the file On the right hand side of al history list dialog can choose. Displays the state's content on the bottom side of the dialog. If you are done with all the ...

c# - Advanced Reading of File -

I am sure all of us are familiar and may use excessive code in books, online, etc. in reading. We do. Using a C # as a simple file ... stringbuilder fiContents = new StringBuilder (); (StreamReader fi = new stream reader (@ "C: Using \ a_file.txt")) (while (! Fi.EndOfStream) {fiContents.Append (fi.ReadLine);}} or maybe something as small ... using (StreamReader fi = new StreamReader (@ "C: \ a_file.txt")) fiContents.Append (fi .ReadToEnd ()); now we are super Saiyn for a moment and really fancy stuff such as a BackgroundWorker which we have a loading image (Which I will use), a process countdown clock or Provide speed barara . public void Reedfail (string filename) {Prishtbhumivrkkar procFile = new Prishtbhumivrkr (); // progress 1: If we want to show the progress we are following property // procFile.WorkerReportsProgress = true need enabling; profile.DoWork + = new DoWorkEventHandler ((object obj, DoWorkEventArgs EV) = & gt; {StringBuilde...

javascript - Multiply a price in a class, with the contents of another class, and a currency rate -

I have the following line formats in an HTML page that convert values ​​from Dollars to pounds or euro. & lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td square = "sr-price" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "sr-price-symbol" & gt; One £ & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; span class = "sr-price-value" & gt; 43.33 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; span class = "sr-price-orig" & gt; 72.85 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td square = "sr-price" & gt; & Lt; span class = "sr-price-symbol" & gt; One £ & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "sr-price-value" & gt; 46.99 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "sr-price-orig" & gt; 79.00 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; Using jQuery, let me use the contents of "sr-price-value" as a mul...

Forms authentication in ssrs 2008 r2? -

Can anyone explain the detailed step by step process for form authentication in SQL Reporting Services 2008 R2? I'm new to ssrs, how to configure in rsreportserver, web.config files, and details about how to write coding for certification for ssrs is required. Is there a special process for SSR form validation and how to verify in the C # code and how to redirect? See these links for some examples & amp; Other information from Microsoft: A high level summary is: Increase the logon user () method of the SSRS website To modify the configuration Create a custom authentication process (login form, credential source, backend code To allow it to wade all together) Allows the app to run inside the Puth, and allows its custom code to run in the app pool Myan It has been several times, and honestly, it is easier than sound.

CSS - Set Content of Second Element Using ~ to Title of First -

I am trying to create a tooltip system that uses CSS and has very little javascript. So far I have created a structure which is as follows: I have created many CSS styles so that the tooltip is shown on the spawn hover and the tooltip to the right place based on a little javascript mouse position. However, I'm having trouble trying to make tooltip content, in which the div is coming up. I have tried to use the following CSS, but it has no effect: .tooltip: hover ~ # tooltip-span {display: inline; Material: Atri (title); } Is there any content in the subject of the title of the div when using CSS in the Span Element? Thanks for reading! With pure CSS, no content: attr (title) Match element sets the content in the title attribute, in your case # tooltip-duration . In order to get the job you want, you need to go to & lt; Span id = "tooltip-span" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; Using javascript.

django - raise SMTPSenderRefused(code, resp, from_addr) -

Registration app I follow academic to establish an email verification and suggest configuring it to be set up EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_HOST = "" EMAIL_HOST_USER = "" EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = "SECRET" EMAIL_PORT = 587 But I got an error about STMT support in some forums, which I read to comment on EMAIL_USE_TLS, then I got some error in some method and Again, read from some forums on "EMAIL_HOST_USER =" "and EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD =" secret ", but I know I found the following error: enhanced SMTPSider (Code, resp, from_addr) exception type: / accounts / registration / exception value on SMTPSandrate: (502, '5.5.1 unrecognized order. H47sm103656655eey.13 - GSMTP', you'weebmaster @ localhost ') How do I really confuse email config config to send email A I had the same problem but I stumbled upon it and I followed it. It visited 2-step verification, was not al...

php - Select or other Taxonomy Drupal7 -

Is there a module to support selection or other options for the term reference type? I tried with select_or_other module but it is not working in the term reference type Then you can use the module or for a Drupal 7 site.

How to hide a page based on the logged-in user in CQ5? -

I want to hide a page in the navigation component based on logged in user. I have two approaches in mind: I set permissions on the page node in CRX-DE; Reject it for all users; And then allow it for specific groups I am trying to; More success was not found; I can get the javascript based on the user's ID and user group; I can set the property of the page in 'Hide Navigation'. But I did not know how to set that property in JSP. Please suggest. EDIT: I am using the default authentication. I wanted to hide a page from the navigation in the default 'list' component If I use CUG; The user related to that group will still be able to see the link of that specific page in the list component; And click on that page to be asked for a login. I want to hide the link itself, if the user had a special group thanks. If you are using default authentication features in AIM (like Geometrics), which in AEM If you rely on existing users, you can use the closed user group. CUG...

c# - What is the best coding pattern in for calling a web service which requires polling? -

In ASP.NET, I have to call a reporting service that has the following semantics: 1. Create a report 2. Check If the report is ready to download 3. Download the report My current implementation is that it is done in the loop with the # 2 thread. Sleep (1000) is so much that I choose every other. I am thinking that ASP.Net 4.5 is a better way to use Assanck Methods. If you want to use async, instead of the thread Task.Delay Use. Sleep: while (wait for proxy.PollServer ()) {Tasks. Waiting (1000); } Wait for the return proxy. Downloadport (); You can tell, flip your structure so that the server client SignalR :

c# - Why won't this code-behind binding work? -

From , I applied those 2 squares and tried it, and it works. I want to have a custom control which makes it equal, so I wrote it. However, it does not have to reproduce the image, it only produces an image without color. I think I am messing with the compulsive, but I'm not sure. EDIT: The code changed to be an SSCE public class ColorableImage: Image used by the converter to stabilize the source for the project. Goes read-only Dependency Property Properties Property; Stable ColorableImage () {DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata (ColorableImage), New FrameworkPropertyMetaTata (ColorableImage)); ColorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register ("Color", Typef (Color), Typef (Color Image), New Framework Property Metatata (New Property Changebackbackback (ColorProperty-Changed)); } Private Static Zero Color Correction (DependentObject Sender, Dependency InstalledGent Ergus E) {Color Image Junk Sensor = (Color Image) Sender; Image IMG = new image (); img.Source = Lattice...

java - Is there a need to use bounded wildcard generics in a passthrough method? -

मुझे पता है कि संग्रह & lt; E & gt; : सार्वजनिक शून्य जोड़ें सभी (संग्रह & lt ;? ई & gt; उपसंरक्षण फैलता है); हम संग्रह & lt ;? का उपयोग करते हैं सुपर ई और gt; वहां संग्रह को अनुमति देने के लिए जहां उप-तत्वों का केवल अस्तित्व है, उदाहरण: सूची & lt; drivable & gt; ड्रावबल्स = नए अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; & gt; (); सूची के & lt; कार & gt; कारें = नए अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; & gt; (); // हमें यहां वाइल्डकार्ड की आवश्यकता है, क्योंकि निम्न पंक्ति: drivables.addAll (कार); हालांकि, क्या मेरी बाध्यता वाली वाइल्डकार्ड मेरी निम्नलिखित विधि में आवश्यक हैं? सार्वजनिक स्थिर & lt; E & gt; संग्रह के & lt; ई & gt; needNonEmpty (अंतिम संग्रह & lt; E & gt; संग्रह) NoSuchElementException फेंकता है {if (collection.isEmpty ()) {नया NoSuchElementException ("संग्रह खाली होना चाहिए"); } वापसी संग्रह; } यह Objects.requireNonNull (T ऑब्जेक्ट) जैसा एक समान idiom का उपयोग करता है, जो वास्तव में T ऑब्जेक्ट देता है । ...

javascript - Nodejs Link Shortener - Using an API -

Working on a new app that includes link redirects based on a shortlink feature has three parts to apply: To add back-office login and new short link for customers (uses APIs) Nodes applications that receive requests (when using ADI API only I use Basic Ath to secure the API I intend to (which question how to maintain security requires an SSL connection), but I want the small URL to be a non-secure web address (http). Can I have a link for a few links, but can still make a secure connection to the API, to see how to redirect the shortlink again? Do I have anyway http http in prox Note: I'm hosting my application on Heroes. / Div> , if the client conn acts with HTTP it will use http if you want to automatically replace it with https, then its use: app .get ('/ api / *', function (rick, ridge, next)) (if (req.headers ['x -prord-proteos']! = 'Https') res.redirect (' https: //'+req.url) and Next () ...

C# call oracle stored function -

function ar_knyga_egzistuoja (id number) Return number to make or change number kiekis; Start counting (*) in kniegos with kiekis, where kn_id = id; Returning insect; End; C # code: conn.Open (); Oracle Commands CMD = New Oracle Commands (); Cmd.Connection = conn; Cmd.CommandText = "ar_knyga_egzistuoja"; Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; ODBP parameter param = new ODBP parameter (); Cmd.Parameters.Add ("id", OracleType.Number) .Value = id; Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); Var kiekis = convert toString (cmd.Parameters ["kiekis"]. Value); MessageBox.Show (kiekis); cmd.Parameters.RemoveAt (0); Conn.Close (); I'm getting the error: PLS-00221: 'AR_KNYGA_EGZISTUOJA' is no process or unspecified ORA-06550: line 1, column 7 : This process is not a function, but I know that I can call functions like functions, what is wrong If you mean code ORA-06550 means that the function needs to be rewritten. I'm not seeing anythin...

Gravity form show form dynamically -

My question I'm sure is simple, but the one that's completely stumped. I have 4 Gravity Forms, ID 1, ID2, ID3, ID4. I want the user to choose from a dropdown that they want. There are 4 fields, so if they select 1 field in the drop down, then I want to have gravity form ID1 to load dynamically under the drop down. If they select Area 2, then gravity form with ID 2 loads etc. Is this a very easy solution to do? Thanks Depending on what your form is - I just like one form with 4 forms Make the first thing (and only one thing) you can see that the ID4 allows you to select the option of ID4 and then drop down on the basis of that selection and then the conditional argument allows to display the portion of that form is.

Could not add namespace System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit in c# wpf application in VS 2012/2013 -

नामस्थान सिस्टम को जोड़ने में असमर्थ। विन्डोज। कंट्रोल। इनपूट। टूलकिट में सी # wpf अनुप्रयोग वीएस 2012/2013 में आपको WPFToolkit.dll के संदर्भ को जोड़ने की जरूरत है (न सिर्फ सिस्टम.विंडो। कंट्रोल.इनपुट.Toolkit )।

CSS perspective doesn't act in Firefox as in other browsers -

Actually the title says all this. I have this code: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; Body {-VBKit-Perspective: 500px; Perspective: 500px; } #mydiv {conversion: rotate (45 degrees); -webkit- Consequently: rotateY (45deg); -o-results: rotateY (45deg); Status: Completed; Left: 50%; Top: 50%; Width: 720px; Height: 360px; Margin: -180px 0px 0px -360px; Background color: # 000000; Color: #FFFFFF; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "mydiv" & gt; This is my div & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Now it works fine in Chrome and IE. I have a problem with this in Firefox. The device has been rotated, but as it is not in Chrome and IE does anyone know the reason, and how is the problem resolved? Adding -moz-perspective does not work either. Firefox appears as compared to other browsers in line top: 50% Different r...

xslt - XML - Elements not outputting in desired order -

I want to change the object from which the elements are output. At present, he is shown this: "Mathematics: English: Science: ABA (GCSE); (GCSE);" I want a way of ordering it so that I can display it like this: "Mathematics: A (GCSE); English: B (GCSE); Science: A (GCSE); " I am a newbie with XML, please try not to show any further solutions if possible! XML code: & lt; Xsl: template match = "education" & gt; & Lt; div style = "float: left;" & Gt; & Lt; xsl: Apply-Select Template = "Qualifications / Qualified" /> & Lt; xsl: apply-select template = "qualifications / grade" /> & Lt; xsl: Apply-Select Template = "Qualifications / Level" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Template Match = "Eligible" & gt; & Lt; span style = "color: gray; font-size: 15px; font-family: vardana;" & Gt; & Lt; Xsl: S...

javascript - How do I extract specific text with regex -

Here is the code that I used to remove 2 groups, i.e. percentages and colors to apply regex to the input group Was there. var variable = "#clasemedia [percent \ ltd; = 100] {polygon-fill: # b 20026;} # clasamedia [percent ; Percent" + Promotion + "Color" + Color + "& lt; / li & gt;"); } The output of the above code is as follows: percent [percent desired output: percent 100 colors # b 20026 JS Fiddle - promedio = pollo [i] .mail (/ \ [\ s + (\ w + \ s + \ & Lt; \ = \ S + \ d [0- 9] +) \] \ s / g). Pop () Match (/ (\ d +) / g). Pop () color = pollo [i] .match (/ \ {[\ s + \ w \ w \:. \ S + # \ w \ s +;] \} / g) .pop () match (/ # [One-zA-Z0-9] * / g) .pop () Here you go, Regex needs to be corrected, currently gives you an array, so You see distorted out Percent 100 colors # b 20026 Percent 74color # dead 181d Better reggae for promedio - (/ percent \ s * \ & lt; \ = \ s * (\ d *) / g) .exec (pollo ...

jsRender - How to show a message when there's no data to display -

Does anybody know that in the JSRender ??? I would ask because I would like to show a message in an HTML table, which was created using a template, when there is no data. Thanks in advance. when using {{}}} loop on an array However, you can use {{else}} for the case where the array is empty. See - Example in the section where the following is shown: {{for members}} {{else}} & lt; Div & gt; No members! & Lt; / Div & gt; {{}}

mysql - doctrine schema update always asking for constraints and indexes -

I work with Symphony at Ubuntu 12.04, when I update a theory schema from the command line, the dump always prints Does that to do things like this: optional table malg_n umeros ADD CONCRETENT FK_8062E62AFB539063 foreign key (id_fan) references melu_fanzine (id_fan); Add optional table image contract FK_4FC2B5BABEDD0E7 foreign key (id_num_fan) reference melu_numeros (id_num_fan); Create Image Indexes IDX_4FC2B5BABEDD0E7 (id_num_fan); Drop Index IDX_7B0247F15D172A78 On Melagrades; Optional Table Add Melagames id_num_fan INT No Taps, Drop numero_id; Optional Table Add Melkak Business Add FK_7B0247F1ABEDD0E7 Foreign Key (id_num_fan) Reference Mail_name (id_num_fan); Create the melu_categories (id_num_fan) on the index IDX_7B0247F1ABEDD0E7; Optional table Meru_fichurs ADD CONSTRAINT FK_E2A048FCD6E65D60 foreign key (id_agen) reference melu_gande (id_agen); Optional table Melmu_fanzine ADD contract FK_99AC1D58A656D38D foreign key reference IDEAS Optional table Melta_Typhimes ADD CONSTR...

html - Linking to a file in a folder by clicking on an image -

Actually, I'm trying to link to 2 local files uploaded to a single host that is browsing the webpage. The webpages are gone. It should be by clicking on one of these two images - what am I doing wrong? I can not click on the images to open the file in a new tab. These are my folders - This is the code - & lt; Div class = "wrapper" & gt; & Lt; a href = "My India / Index" target = "_ blank" & gt; & Lt; img src = "picture / slide 3 / my india page" data-stellar-proportion = "1.8" data-stellar vertical-offset = "-200" alt = "" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "wrapper" & gt; & Lt; a href = "pizzacat / index.html" target = "_ blank" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / slide 3 / pizza" data-stellar-proportion = "1.8" data-stellar vertical-offset = "-35" alt = "...

java - JavaFX Multiple colors in textarea (JavaFX 8) -

I can not find such a document in JavaFX. And I will be happy to know how I can do this: When I type a word in a text, fx "google" or "facebook". Can I do this as it can turn Google's color fax into green, and change the font and the stuff in it. I would love to know how I can do this :) No JavaFX 8 textaria does not support many colors for text. You can try the control of Tomas Mccila and see that it works for you. There are other options for with the API for the style categories of rich textfx text Or One of many HTML-based text editors (for example). One adoption, where the user only edits the plain markup text in a standard textaria and the style text is shown in another panel (same Addressing the signs I found a place, tell me that I can use textflow, so I will try TextFlow one Readable control is not editable like Textaria, only go core Creating a feature-rich stylish text editor using the CFX 8 components is a b...

Setting formatter callback using highcharts-convert.js -

I am using highcharts-convert.js which is to create PDF charts on serverside. I want to set the data labels format for a column chart (). As this is a function, I can not write it in my output JSN file which is the input for Highcharch-convert.JS. So I think that I should put it in my callback.js and call it like this: Highchurch-convert.js -infile infile.js -outfile outfile.pdf -width 1000-callback js But I can not set the formatter function in callback.js. I tried to do this: function (charts) {var labelFormatter = function (p) { If (this.y == 0) {return ''; } And {return.y}}; Chart.series.dataLabels.formatter = labelFormatter; } But this gives me this error: Type error: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluation 'chart.series.dataLabels.formatter = labelFormatter ') I tried to put the formatter function outside the definition of callback, but highchurch-convert.js would not accept it. How do I set up Data Labell Format Callback for HighChurc...

wso2esb - WSO2 ESB Collout address from Property or XPath-expression -

I have configured with development and production segments. This section contains the backend URLs in my inequality Request multiple times on call request is required. & lt; config & gt; & Lt; env & gt; Prod & lt; / env & gt; & Lt; Backend env = "prod" & gt; http: // localhost: 1234 / & lt; / backend & gt; & Lt; Backend env = "dev" & gt; http: // localhost: 2345 / & lt; / backend & gt; & Lt; / Config & gt; I read this configuration as a local entry (XML) and want to set the callout URL as the property. I do not want to hardcode this backend inside my code with the "switch" statement because it is possible to use more than two environments. Can I show you an example? Thank you. You can read the xml file in the registry just define the property of OM type like this: & lt; Property name = "test" expression = "get-property ('registry', 'conf: /tes...

android - Ellipsize within word possible? -

I have a list of items where words can be long and width of text view I would like the text to be ellipsized. Android: Layout_width = "100dp" Android: Layout_Height = "Wrap-Content" Android: MaxLines = "1" Android: ellipsize = "End" Android: Text = "* Something Long Word Longthanwidth "/ & gt; The problem is, that output is * ... instead of * SomeVeryLongWordWhy ... . How do I get the above version? You can use \ u00A0 instead of normal location icon \ u00A0 its non-breakable space Android: text = "* \ u00A0SomeVeryLongWordWhichIsLongerThanWidth"

.net - Regex: Match character but exclude from pattern -

I have a barcode which I am trying to parse in my document imaging software, through the regular expression of the underlying I believe .net These loan documents have barcodes, which include an account number and sub-account number delimited by a dash (-). The most difficult part of it is that the sub-account number decreases, the account number is that which is full of zero for compensation. Some examples of showing account / sub-account numbers begin at position 11 below and go for 15 characters (including dashes). I need two different regex patterns (one for matching the account number before the dash and one after the other). In all instances, the first 10 zeros is not actually being used in another field. So before matching everything - will work in the short term but if they decide to start using that area, then this will not work. I need some way to parse it, which will give me a 11-25 split position on the dash. I can include a sub account number on the account number and a...

sencha touch 2 - How can I extend a custom class ussing Architect? -

I am using Sencha architect. I have already created a base class named MyApp.view.MyMenu which extends Ext.Menu. How do I create a second class: MyApp.view.MySecondMenu which Expands MyApp.view.MyMenu I can not be able to change the property of the extension! Thank you! PS: I'm using architect v3.0.4.1386. I found a solution: In the toolbox search for class . Drag the class into the project inspector You are now able to modify the expanded property :)

MySql 5.6 and missing -

Update on Debian After MySQL 5.5 to 5.6 I want to start using the memcheck. plugin does not appear in / usr / lib / mysql / plugin / i How can I install this plugin and use it? It does not come in the form of a part of it, you will have to make it.

How do I use JavaScript and Nth-Last-Child to add and remove CSS classes? -

I'm not in any way javascript wizard, but I'm trying to remove a way to add JavaScript Remove the classes from a series of DIV based on the click of a button. Let's say I have a list: & lt; Div id = "homepage" & gt; & Lt; div class = "hpFeature" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; div class = "hpFeature" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; div class = "hpFeature" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; div class = "hpFeature" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; div class = "hpFeature" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Button class = "feature button" & gt; Click here & lt; / Button & gt; For my progressive enhancement purposes, my default CSS is at least one image shown as a fallback: .hpFeature: nth-child 1) {display: block;} .hpFeature {display: none;} Fade {status: complete; Left: -9999px;} ...

Does OCaml have String.split function like Python? -

OK, so basically I am using this method to split the string: split = stroke (Str.regexp_string ""), the token = split install is ..... But the problem is that for example here is a sentence that I I want to parse: pop esi and after the partition it gets (I tokens each item in the list Subfolder of auxiliary function to print item: esi see three places in the token. Are the list So I'm thinking that there is a string. Like python Which can instr parsed like this: Item: Popitem: esi Is this possible? Can someone give me some help? Do not use Str.regexp_string , it only matches fixed wire Is for Use Str.split (Str.regexp "+")

C - Exposing an interface which declares some methods to developer. Later call the implementations(defined by the developer) to run the system -

I'm trying to do some interesting (automation) in C. what I have to do. Expose the external interface (the developer) This interface declares some logic based work. Invite the developer to implement those functions. The backend system will calculate some parameters. Then, passing parameters (something like callback) will call those implementations. This should not be a big thing. But after going through the loop "try to think" I did not get any success many times, I am getting more confused every time. I am unable to write the code to get the functionality. Here is some example code. Assume that I have created the interface below. MyInterface.h int doSomething (int x, int y); Int doSomethingElseNow (int x, int y); And the developer asked to include the header file and implement its definition for the above mentioned tasks. (Something like "interface" in Java) assume that he did something like this (could be wrong) developer 1.c # in...

c++ - Compiler-generated copy/assignment functions for classes with reference and const members -

The book I am reading says that when there is a member in your class that is a reference or a const. , The copy maker or assignment operators generated by the compiler will not work. For example, #include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; using namespace std; Class text block {public: text block (string str): s (str) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Constructor is being called" & lt; & Lt; Endl; } String & amp; S; }; Int main () {text block P ("af"); Textbox q (p); Q = p; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Q's" & lt; & Lt; q.s & lt; & Lt; Endl; Return (0); } According to my book, both lines are TextBlock q (p); and q = p; should return compiler errors, but using the G ++ compiler for Linux, I only line q = p; is getting an error, when I comment on it, it works fine and compile the code is output for the correct SQL, so it is apparently compiled by the compiler-generated copy constructor Copyin...

php - Check for Date in String - jQuery? -

OK, this can be a crazy question and it's not easy to do this, but what I'm trying to do here I have a textera on a ToD list application that I have created where users add tasks can add jobs without going to work in the work form and adding all the details (when they are too busy). I want to be able to search for that text to see if there is a date there. If it makes it easy, then I can only search for dates in YYYY-MM-DD or similar format. For example, if they are written in their text: "i need to have my graduation party plan till 2014-05-07" i "database in my area" 2014-05- 07 "Want to move in the part and want to move on to the whole string for a different area? How can I do this? Any ideas on how I can do this? I am using PHP, jQuery and MySQL, so if any other language I have a way to do this, so I Use preg_match () to extract the date string. Then match the matches separately Archive & lt ;? php $ str = 'I need to plan my... mvc - TenantDb in Azure AD - authentication and Sign-On -

We have implemented a sign-on for our MVC application that authenticates users with the Azure Active Directory. Since we have used VS2013 templates to do this, we have the Tenant Dibc Konte (Entity Framework) to work with the Tenant Database. We prefer only 1 DB for our application instead of two. Is it a good idea to transfer all applications from our Tenantdi to our application database and register the database UIUURRR to use your own EFs? Anyone had any problem to do this? The combination of TenantDB with the main application database and it went well to update the EF. The only difference was that instead of dynamic, the static class had to be switched because we were using dynamic connection strings.

java - Eclipse keeps terminating my project when unauthorized to -

Whenever I run / debug any of my projects, then I do not get the window and about 20 seconds of eclipse After this it is terminated. I have tried to reinstall the eclipse IDE I see the console output only when I use System.out.println (); I've tried to export it for NetBeans IDE normally with this exception: `thread 'thread-2" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Exception in: 480000 at (Screen.java33) ( at com.Mafia.Display.render ( : 153) com on at ( ( ` But this is a consolation in eclipse There is nothing to say about any errors in the run mode I just found this in my debug console when debug "m Fia "(a) of its projects & lt; Finish, Exit Price: - + 1073740 9 40 & gt; C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0 _55 \ bin \ javaw.exe (2014-04-22 9:48:56 PM) What is ...

BULK INSERT from shared drive using sql server 2012 -

I have a small query that I want to import bulk from shared network drive: with Bulk INSERT test \ 'full path \ path \ file.csv' (FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', ROWTERMINATOR = '\ n') This does not work and It returns error: Operating system error code 5 (Access denied.) What I've read is because the shared drive is not Identify the SQL Server User (me) That certification is different. Do I want to put these files on the SQL server itself, or can I allow some type of shared drive? I'm not sure what to say in terms of allowing our IT group to view SQL Server "see" shared drive. Alternatively, I'm not sure how to access the SQL Server directory directly. Keep the CSV files What do you all think? Find out if you need to see the SQL Server NT service on the server that hosts the SQL instance That the NT service is running under which account (this can be an account which is local on the server or has a domain / AD account). T...

html - How to record user actions and then re-execute them in JavaScript? -

I have a web page (all the client-side code) where the user has some The page elements can add dynamic. / P> For example, they can click the button called "Add Group" and input a group name. This is a & lt; div class = "customGroup" & gt; , which will show the group as "title" among some other buttons, which they have created in the newly created & lt; Div & gt; . What do I want to be able to store a user and if they are something close & amp; Open the window again or reload the page For example, if they add a group "foo" and refresh the page, then the page is all html / javascript, "fu" is lost. Is there any way that I can record their actions using them again by using caching / cookies? Or do I need to do it any other way? Is this also possible? To open and close this data around, you You can see what the user clicks by adding the elements you do. The functions you have been able to put in the ...

Reading a Pajek Dataset into Networkx -

I want to convert a Pajec dataset to a network x Graph () . Dataset comes from Costa Rican, I'm using a very easy network x.read_pajek (path name) function, but I am running in some trouble. After changing the following instructions on my terminal window (iPython) to the correct directory, importing Network Xparex NX and as matplotlib.pyplot plt : & gt; & Gt; G = nx.read_pajek ( 'SanjuuanSur.paj') & gt; & Gt; Nx.draw (g)> & gt; Fig = plt.figure (fig = (15, 10)) gt; & Gt; nx.draw (g)> & gt; () Something is going abnormal - obviously, and hoping that an experienced person might be able to help me find that many different parts in the .paj file Downloaded in a file is not really sure how to break it, because there is no comment and in general Pajak looks like it is a GUI Works with & gt; & Gt; G Node ['F 49'] {'ID': '49', 'Size': '0.5000', 'x': 0.5533, ...

parsing - Parse function, python (binary search tree) -

I am trying to implement a parsed function. "From an infix stream of tokens, and in the current index token stream, as a collection of nodes, the tree is built and returned, which represents the expression" It is that I have come so far: Pars (lst, i + 1) correct, i = parse (lst, i + 1) if token.isdigit (): return mkLiteralNode (token) alifed token. Identifier (): Return mkVariableNode (token) Other: Left, I = parse (lst, i + 1) true, i = parse (lst, i + 1) returns true In general, tokens.advertisement means that this command must return an integer, which is mkLiteralNode , and token. The identifier must return the variable, or mkVariableNode . I get an error when testing this function and the error occurs: token = lst [i] TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable How can I fix this? The error is correct in the previous row: lst = 0 You are lst an int and then you are trying to access it as a list that is causing the error You may...

.net - Async/Await and Cross Thread Exceptions -

मेरे पास एक टेक्स्ट बॉक्स के साथ एक संवाद प्रपत्र है जो टेक्स्ट चेंन्ज ईवेंट को सक्रिय करता है। जब दर्ज की गई पाठ की लंबाई 1 से अधिक है, तो मिलान डेटा प्राप्त करने के लिए वेब सेवा का अनुरोध करता है। वेब सेवा एक TaskCompletionSource का उपयोग कर रही है जब कोई वेब सेवा कॉल की आवश्यकता नहीं है, तो मैं देख सकता हूँ कि टेक्स्ट-चंचल विधि उसी धागे पर बुलाया जाता है, जिस पद्धति ने संवाद खोला था। इसी तरह मुझे कार्यकुशलता स्रोत का उपयोग करने वाले परिणाम मिलते हैं। मेरी वेब सेवा कॉल पर परिणाम, फिर से एक ही धागा उपयोग किया जाता है। हालांकि, अगर मैं टेक्स्ट-चंचल पद्धति को 'एसिंक' होने के लिए बदलता हूं और वेब सेवा कॉल के साथ 'इंतजार' का उपयोग करता हूं, तो मुझे अचानक टेक्स्ट-चेंग्ड विधि को अलग थ्रेड (विज़ुअल स्टूडियो समांतर स्टैक व्यूअर का उपयोग करके) और संवाद में एक नियंत्रण को अद्यतन करने के लिए मेरे कॉल को क्रॉस-थ्रेड अपवाद के साथ विफल रहता है मैं किसी भी कार्य का उपयोग नहीं कर रहा हूँ। विधि श्रृंखला में चलाएं। मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि क्यों एक नया धागा शुरू हुआ है जि...

Javascript multiple matches for IF -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 9 जवाब 4 जवाब मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट में छवियों का पता लगाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, यह वही है जो मैंने सोचा था कि काम करेगा लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है। मैं इसे कैसे ठीक से कर सकता हूं? यदि (url.substr (url.length - 3) == 'gif' || 'jpg' || '' png ') आप उस फैशन में = का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते आपको यदि कथन के रूप में पुनः लिखना होगा: var lastThree = url.substr (url.length - 3); अगर (आखिरी तीन == 'जीआईएफ' (आखिरी तीन) == 'जेपीजी' || आखिरी तीसरा == 'पीएनजी') {// कुछ करो} या आप एक सरणी का उपयोग कर सकते हैं (जो मैं व्यक्तिगत रूप से पसंद करता हूं): यदि (['जीआईएफ', 'जेपीजी', 'पीएनजी']। इंडेक्सओफ़ (यूआरएल। एस यूस्ट्रिस्ट (यूआरएल.लैंघ - 3)) gt 1) {// कुछ करो} यूआरएल सबस्ट्रिंग पर आपको toLowerCase () विधि का उपयोग करना चाहिए, क्योंकि कुछ छवि फ़ाइलों को उदाहरण के लिए जेपीजी या जीआईएफ में समाप्त हो सकता है ।

java - replace string one with instance of second string remove and replaced with third string without using replaceAll -

This is what came with me, but the last test case does not work. Any suggestions? Public class tester {public static string replacement all (string A, string b, string c) {for (;;) {int i = a.indexOf (b); If (i == - 1) {break; } A = a.sbrstring (0, i) + c + a.sbrstring (i + b.length ()); } Return; } Public static zero main (string algos []) {System.out.println (replace all ("hello o my friend, how are you?", "H", "y")); System.out.println (replace all ("CS 221 is great !!", "great", "awesome")); Println (replaceAll ("aaaa", "one", "aaa")); Let's say I'm reading my code: Find the "A" in "AAAA" Find it on the index shoe. Adds "AAAA" to start "AAAA" "aaaaaaa". "AA" in "AAAAA" finds it on index shoe. Adds "aaa" to "aaaa" yield "aaaa". ... So the strings will continue to grow ind...

substring - split each character in R -

I have song.txt file *** ** [1] "White night shines on the snowy hill" should not be seen. [2] "A state of isolation, and it seems that I am queen" [3] "Wind revolves like this swirling storm which can not keep it inside; Paradise knows that I have tried" *** [4] "Do not let them see them, do not let them see" [5] "Be nice girl, you do not always feel free to leave, do not let them know" [6] "Now they know" ** *** I want to loop songs and fill in the elements of each list Because each element has a letter vector in the list, where the element of each vector is a word in the song as [1] "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Footprint" "" "" can be seen "." "A" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "...

java - How to fix the error when occurred Installing updates of maven to eclipse -

When I'm trying to install a Maven plugin to my eclipse, the following error occurred. I am using windows 8 64 bits and I am using Eclipse Halo for Java EE. I have installed the following Maven for my eclipse This error I got, The installation can not be completed because one or more essentials can not be found. Software is being installed: M2A - Maven integration for eclipse ( Missing Requirement: Maven integration for eclipse -1905 (org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui 'bundle org.slf4j.api 1.6.2' is required but it can not be found If you have this problem I'll be grateful if you help me to solve I recommend that you use the latest stable version of eclipse Install a maven separately and point to eclipse in eclipse with 'external' method. Maven Running is more reliable in the command line, the eclipse is more than the Maven buffer m2e.

titanium - Alloy: correct way to create and use a ListView? -

What is the proper way to separate the view and controller with mixed? Some Controller JS: $ List.setSections (section); , I know that it populates a ListView with the ID = 'list' in the XML list ... or var list = Ti .UI.createListView ({stuff}) and then somehow push the view to the list. I'm not sure what is the best way in soul with MVC. If you use alloy, you should make a list in XML in the actual view file. You can do stuff with it in the controller using $ .list, as you do in your first option.

javascript - Add new attribute dynamically to the existing JSON array in Node -

I need to add an attribute that is not present in the current JSON. Jason object looks down var jsonObj = {"Result": "Ok", "Data": []}; And I want to add the temperature inside the 'data', I can do it like the following. ({temperature: {}}); And then, I want to add 'work' inside 'home', 'temperature', the result will be as below. {"result": "right", "data": [{"temperature": {"home": 24, "work": 20}}]}; How can I do this? I was successful in incorporating 'temperature' inside the 'data', but 'home' and 'inside temperature' can be more inside the work temperature, so it should be attached to {}. How about this? var temperature = {temperature: {home: 24, work: 20}}; (temperature); I can not tell that it is doing it in two stages, it is important how your question is str...

linux - Is there a way to calculate I/O and memory of current process in C? -

अगर मैं / usr / bin / time -f "% e,% पी,% एम,% I,% ओ " मुझे प्रयुक्त प्रक्रिया मेमोरी (पिछले तीन प्लेसहोल्डर्स के लिए) मिलती है, और अगर इसके दौरान कुछ इनपुट और आउटपुट होते हैं। जाहिर है, % e या sys / time.h का उपयोग करना कुछ आसान है, लेकिन % M प्राप्त करने का कोई तरीका है , % I और % O प्रोग्रामेटिक रूप से? आप / proc फाइलसिस्टम में फ़ाइलों को पढ़ और पार्स कर सकते हैं / proc / self में / proc फाइलसिस्टम तक पहुंचने वाली प्रक्रिया को संदर्भित करता है। / proc / self / statm में जानकारी है मेमोरी उपयोग के बारे में, पृष्ठों में मापा जाता है नमूना आउटपुट: % cat / proc / self / statm 1115 82 63 12 0 79 0 फ़ील्ड हैं आकार निवासी शेयर पाठ लिब डेटा डीटी ; कुछ अतिरिक्त विवरण के लिए proc मैन्युअल पृष्ठ देखें। / proc / self / io में वर्तमान प्रक्रिया के लिए I / O शामिल हैं नमूना आउटपुट: % cat / proc / self / io rchar: 2012 wchar: 0 syscr: 6 syscw: 0 read_bytes: 0 लिखें_बाइट्स: 0 रद्द किए गए_लेखन_बाइट्स: 0 दुर्भाग्यवश, io को proc पुस्तिका प...

wordpress - Mask My Domain Name -

I'm not sure whether this is possible or what I have thought about it yet. I have a page in my site I want to change the full URL of that page. to without the transfer and the second set of databases and files. Is my site in Wordpress possible ? Sure - depending on your hosting settings you can purchase the domain name "" and then Ask your hosting company to host it in the "set up" folder. Just one head - usually hosting companies charge more for hosting such a domain name (or host multiple domain names). Then you will need to edit the settings within WordPress to reflect the new domain name (under settings).

java - JavaFX: Task will not update UI -

I am working on the Omaha Online Poker client written in javaFX + java. I need it () After the execution is over, show an anchorpan with 3 buttons. I know that execution of () ends but for some reason task.setOnSceeded (new event handler) { 's handle method not Update User Interface What am I doing? Public Zero Neuround () {sog = StateOfGame.PREFLOP; ControlGameOnNewThread control = new ControlGameOnNewThread (); Task Task = New Action () {@Override protected Object call ()) Exception { (); Return tap;}}; Work .Setonux (new event handler) {@Override Public Zero Handle (event event) {if (client.getAction () ==} {System.out.println ("Task Finished"); Showpans (clients .getToCall ()); Rival BETField.setText (new integer (opp.chipsInvested) .toString ()); MyBetField.setText (new integer (client.chipsInvested) .toString ()); System.out.println ("Task Finished");}}}); New thread (task) .start ();} ...