
Showing posts from March, 2013

Spring Integration :Can we have two Inbound Channel in the same time -

मैं & lt; int: inbound-channel-adapter id = "dummyMessageA का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ "चैनल =" संदेश "method =" getMessage "ऑटो-स्टार्टअप =" सच "रेफरी =" संदेश जनरेटर "& gt; & lt; int: पोलर त्रुटि-चैनल = "त्रुटि चैनल" निश्चित-दर = "10000" / & gt; & Lt; / पूर्णांक: भीतर का चैनल-अनुकूलक & gt; & Lt; int: इनबाउंड-चैनल-एडेप्टर आईडी = "डमी नोटीफ़" चैनल = "नोटिफ्स" विधि = "gtNotif" ऑटो-स्टार्टअप = "सच" रेफरी = "नोटिफ़नर" & gt; & lt; int: पोलर त्रुटि-चैनल = "त्रुटि चैनल" निश्चित-दर = "10000" / & gt; & Lt; / पूर्णांक: भीतर का चैनल-अनुकूलक & gt; ये इनबाउंड चैनल स्वतंत्र हैं, लेकिन जब मैं अपना वेब अनुप्रयोग रखता हूं, केवल दूसरा इनबाउंड चैनल एडॉप्टर को ध्यान में रखा जाता है (हालांकि दूसरा डमी नोटीफ़ जोड़ने से पहले काम कर रहा था)। क्या यह सामान्य है, क्या मुझे कॉन्फ़िग में कुछ जोड़ना चाहिए (एनबी: मैं संदेश एकत्...

swing - Class re-appears in a class loader after using embedded interpreter -

I am seeing a strange problem when using an embedded scalable interpreter, this hosting (non-interpreter) class loader Corruption (?) Reveals itself as a i foo some place ( case f: foo = & gt; ... ) I am running an interpreter at some point ( IMIN -> interpretation ) followed by Foo Pattern matching fails; If I check the class then this is Foo , but it does not match with Foo , so I just That is why two competitive class loaders that generate two non-similar examples of square Foo in my whole class path, is only one foo , therefore There is no way that it can be shaded. Apart from this, it is enough to run something like 1 + 1 in the interpreter, so there is no way that imain tried to load its class Foo . I know this is very vague, but I am hoping for a signal to detect bugs. Edit : After further investigation, this problem occurs only when building against Scala 2.11.0, but when building against 2.10.4 Disappears; I have ensured that it was ...

how to use JavaScript to change the background color of a class? -

I'm trying to use Javascript to change the background color of your class is called the line, my Javascript and html code are listed below, but this is not working and I'm not sure what the problem is, any help would be greatly appreciated. Change function color () {var row = document.getElementsByClassName ("line"); = "black"; } My HTML code for the button is listed below & lt; Input type = "button" id = "btncolour" value = "change color" onclick = "changecolour ();" / & Gt; getElementsByClassName is just a Orere-object object it is with the elements that match, you have to iterate over the node list and each match has to set the style element function changes caller () {var row = document.getElementsByClassName ("Line"); For (var i = 0; i & lt; row.length; i ++) {row [i] .style.backgroundColor = "black"; }}

c# - Save Chinese, Arabic, English etc characters in file -

I have a file that contains English, Chinese and Arabic characters. Now when I have read the text of this file in the string So all the text shows correctly, but when I save that file in another file, it removes all my English and Arabic characters and only removes the remaining parts of English characters. I am using the code to read the file string content = file. ReadList (server.mappath ("myfile1.xml")); The code below I'm using to write it in another file file. WrightAllText (Server.MapPath (myfile2.xml), content); When I open myfile2.xml in Visual Studio, it does not show Chinese and Arabic characters, but in myfile1.xml it does. Even if I copy the contents of myfile1.xml to myfile2.xml, myfile2.xml shows all the characters even then. I do not know why this is not working if I'm using the above code. /p> Specify the UTF8 encoding when you type a file, which is used by your Chinese and Arabic characters: file. Write all text (serve...

html - Paragraph overlapping images -

My English is bad, so I try to explain my problem on the photo :) My problem: My HTML: & lt; P & gt; Some text & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'videobox' & gt; & Lt; Img id = 'thumb' src = 'http: //'> & Lt; Img id = 'button' src = 'http: //'> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Some text & lt; / P & gt; My CSS: img {width: 100%; }. Videobox {status: relative; } #thumb {width: 500px; Status: Completed; } # Buttons {width: 500px; Status: Completed; } P {Status: Relative; } Can anyone help me with my problem? You can change the status of the button to be relative #button {width: 500px; Status: Relative; }

arrays - How to sort a list of files & directories so directories are listed first in PHP -

How can I sort a list of files & amp; Directory directories are listed in PHP first ??? I try natsort, but it's just alphabetical order like my source: $ dirFiles = array (); $ Path = "./folder_path"; // Opens the images folder if ($ handle = opendir ($ path)) while {wrong! == ($ file = readdir ($ handle))} {if ($ file! = "." & Amp; $ file ! = ".." & $ file! = "Index.php" & amp; $ file! = "thumbnail" & amp; $ file! = ".DS_Store") {$ isdir = $ path $ file; If (is_dir ($ isdir)) {$ dirFiles [] = $ file; } If (! Is_dir ($ isdir)) {$ dirFiles [] = $ file; }}} Closed ($ handle); } Natsort ($ dirFiles); Listing files and directories foreach ($ dirFiles $ file = & gt; $ value) {$ name = basename ($ value); $ Name echo; } You can create a multi-dimensional array: if_dir ($ isdir)) {$ dirFiles ['dir'] [] = $ file; } If ($! Isdir) {$ dirFiles ['file'] [] = $ file; } To l...

javascript - Want to delay image following my mouse cursor -

$ (दस्तावेज़) .mousemove (function (e) {$ ("# butterfly")। देरी (90000 ); $ ("# तितली")। सीएसएस ({left: e.pageX, शीर्ष: ई.पेजीआई});}); कर्सर के बाद छवि में देरी कैसे बनाएं #butterfly "img id =" butterfly "तत्व है। उपयोग करें, विलंब .css () के साथ काम नहीं करेगा। जैसा कि इसका उपयोग उन कार्यों के निष्पादन में देरी करने के लिए किया जाता है, जो इसे क्यू में आते हैं। $ (दस्तावेज़) .mousemove (function (e) {setTimeout (function () {$ ("# butterfly")। सीएसएस ({left: e.pageX, top: e.pageY});}, 90000);} );

pass by reference - Passing object from Main() to function changes the object , even though C# is by value? -

निम्न कोड पर विचार करें: सिस्टम का उपयोग कर; System.Collections.Generic का उपयोग कर; System.Linq का उपयोग कर; System.Text का उपयोग कर; सिस्टम का उपयोग। थ्रेडिंग। टास्क; नेमस्पेस टेस्ट {क्लास व्यक्ति {सार्वजनिक व्यक्ति (स्ट्रिंग नेम) {this.first = name; } निजी स्ट्रिंग पहले; सार्वजनिक शून्य सेटनाम (स्ट्रिंग नाम) {this.first = name; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग getName () {return this.first; }} वर्ग कार्यक्रम {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य परिवर्तननाम (व्यक्ति प्रति) {per.setName ("जैक"); } सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य परिवर्तन टोन (प्रति व्यक्ति) {प्रति = शून्य; } स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] args) {व्यक्ति पी = नया व्यक्ति ("डेविड"); Console.WriteLine (p.getName ()); changeName (पी); Console.WriteLine (p.getName ()); changeToNull (पी); Console.WriteLine (p.getName ()); }}} आउटपुट है: डेविड जैक जैक मेरी समझ से सी # मूल्य से है, इसलिए जब p को changeName () से गुजरते हैं, तो यह भी p को मेन () में बदलता है, लेकिन जब मैं इसे पर सेट करता हूं, शून्य , यह जैक व्यक...

bundling and minification - scriptbundle multiple include vs single include -

बंडलिंग में क्या फर्क है: बंडलों .जोड़ें (नया स्क्रिप्टबंडल ("~ / बंडल / jquery ")। शामिल करें (" ~ / लिपियों / jquery- {संस्करण} .js "," file2.js "," file3.js ")); बनाम बंडलों। जोड़ें (नया स्क्रिप्टबंडल ("~ / बंडल / jquery")। शामिल करें ("~ / लिपियों / jquery- {version} .js ")। शामिल करें (" file2.js ")। शामिल करें (" file3.js ")); मैं एक शामिल विधि में कई स्क्रिप्ट डाल सकता हूं या मैं कई शामिल विधियों का उपयोग कर सकता हूं। मुझे कब उपयोग करना चाहिए? कोई भी विकल्प ठीक है, यह एक वाक्य रचना, पठनीयता विकल्प है। शामिल करें ("संसाधन 1", "संसाधन 2", "संसाधन एन") शामिल करें विधि का सरल अधिभार जो पैरामीटर कीवर्ड का उपयोग करता है सी # में पैरामीटर कीवर्ड मापदंडों की एक चर संख्या के लिए अनुमति देता है। शामिल करें ('संसाधन 1')। शामिल करें ("संसाधन 2")। शामिल करें ("संसाधन एन") या तो सिंटैक्स अंत में एक ही कोड को जोड़ने के लिए क...

php - Redirect page when user is verified -

I have this code to verify if there is an administrator account to backoffice the user's website, but if the user Do not redirect the user to .. index.php . He lives in this page but no content is shown. The verification code & lt ;? php $ user = isset ($ _ session ["Usuario"])? $ _SESSION ["Usuario"]: ''; $ Rank = release ($ _ session ['rank'])? $ _SESSION ['Rank']: ''; If ($ US! = '' & Amp; Rank == 'Administrator') {} else {resonates In this page, (header) I call this file to verify the session & lt ;? php session_start (); need_once "../config.php"; "verificar.php" is required;? & Gt; & lt; div id = "header" & gt; & lt; a href = "index_logged.php? Page = index "& lt; img src =" img / logo.png "& gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / div & gt; header ("location: ../index.php"); Stopping - ...

arrays - Why is this tail-recursive Haskell function slower ? -

I was trying to apply a Haskell function which takes an array of input as input and one Other array B = [A [0], A [0] + A [1], A [0] + A [1] + A [2], ...]. I know that with scanl function (+) from data.List can be used for this. I saw the second implementation (which works fast) after looking at the source code of ScanLL, I want to know why despite being tail-recursive, why is it slower than the other one? - This function creates slow ps sx [] = x ps sxy = ps' x 'y' s' = s + head yx '= x ++ [s'] y' = Tail Y - This function works fast. ps' s [] = [] ps' sy = [s'] ++ (ps' y ') where s' = s + head yy' = tail y some code above Details about: Implementation 1: It should be named after ps 0 [] a . 'Your array is. Implementation 2: It is called ps' 0 a , where 'A' is your array. The way you are changing ++ associates your first function You are computing in ((([a0] ++ [a1]) ++ [a2]) ++ ......

Append two address html fields in a php form -

In one form, I would like two address fields for people with long addresses, but I'm not sure how to do this Here's how my form looks: & lt ;? php #other..code if isset ($ _ POST ['email']) {$ postinfo = http_build_query (array ('lname $ = $ name,' boolean '= & gt; $ lname,' fname '= & gt; $ fname, 'email' = & gt; $ email, 'address' = & gt; $ address,' list '= & gt; true')); } #other..code? & Gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; label for = "fname" & gt; First name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "fname" id = "fname" /> gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; label for = "lname" & gt; Last name & lt; / Label & gt; & Gt; Input type = "text" name = "lname" id = "lname" /> gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; ...

javascript - mouseenter/leave & mouseover/out problems -

स्क्रिप्ट: $ (".title")। mousecenter (function () { var (जो) = $ (यह)। इंडेक्स (); $ ('। ग्लोबल एनएवी ली')। ('। ड्रॉपडाउन') ढूंढें। छुपाएं ()। eq (जो)। दिखाएं ();})। माउसलेव (फ़ंक्शन () {var जो = $ (यह)। इंडैक्स (); $ ('। ग्लोबल एनएवी ली')। ('। ड्रॉपडाउन') ढूंढें। छिपाने ()। eq (जो) .hide ();}); नेविगेशन: & lt; ul class = "globalnav" & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; div वर्ग = "शीर्षक" & gt; & lt; a href = "#" लक्ष्य = "_ आत्म" & gt; होम & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "ड्रॉपडाउन" & gt; & Lt; div class = "navlinks" & gt; & Lt; div class = "linkstitle" & gt; शीर्षक & lt; / div & gt; & lt; div class = "navlink" & gt; & lt; a href = "#" लक्ष्य = "_ आत्म" & gt; लिंक 1 & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; div...

c++ - Textfile to array transfer -

Can anyone help me for a loop that can read from a text file and output to an array? for (int i = 0; i & lt; numCreatures [x]; i ++) {dataFile = organism DT [i]; } What I am thinking, but this is wrong. This is what you can write: // Pass the name of the input stream file for your file and if it is opened for you stream datafile ("test.txt"); // Replacement array with a proper container vector & lt; String & gt; Stringlist; // Temporary variables to read lines or words in string mestring; // Continue reading in the temporary variable until you get out of the data (gateline (datafile, msstring)) {// In every repetition, push the value of the temporary variable at the end of the container string list Push_back (mystring); } // Finally, close the file as we do not need it.file.close (); I suggest not using raw arrays for this, but appropriate as vector or list and string Standard Library Container . It also depends on the case of your precis...

sql - select repeat visitors given two time periods -

I would like to find the percentage of repeat visitors on my site. Currently I am selecting users for one month and dividing that month from next month. Is it the best way to write this question to calculate the returnees? Generates the result that looks right, but thinks if there is a more elegant solution. from the SELECT table (table 'user') in the form of the total table where the table. Event IN ('event1', 'event2', 'event3') and table WHERE table.event IN ('event1', 'event2', 'event3') and table ('in the month (October') in the form of the month ('October') / (SELECT COUNT (table.user) newTotal. ) Or table. Month ('november')) AS percent_ return The table structure looks like this, you have only one month for the same user or many of the same time period Buy event. order_number User Month Event Gross 1 Jack October Event 2 30 2 Jack November Event 3 20 3 Jack November Event 3 20 4 Jack N...

C++ CUDA Pointer-to-member -

I am thinking that there is no way to pass any indicator-to-member to a device function in the CUDA is. Since the indicator is actually just relative to the structure / class, it seems that there should be no such reason as it will not work, but I can not get the code to compile. #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Straight S {int F1; Int F2; Int F3; }; __Device__SX; __global__ zero initialize_S () {x.f1 = 100; X.F2 = 200; X.F3 = 300; } __global__ zero print_S (int S :: * m) {printf ("val:% d \ n", x. * m); } int main () {initialize_S & lt; & Lt; & Lt; 1, 1 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; (); print_S & lt; & Lt; & Lt; 1, 1 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; (And S :: F1); cudaDeviceSynchronize (); } When compiling I get the following error with NVCC v5.5 /tmp/tmpxft_000068a5_00000000-16_ptm.o: function in `main ': tmpxft_000068a5_00000000 -3_ptm.cudafe1.cpp: (Text + 0xcf): Undefined context for `print_S (int S :: *) '/tmp/tmpxft_000068a5_...

Simulated Annealing Algorithm to solve Bin Packing -

I'm researching the bin packing problem I currently use this in the genetic programming method The problem is implemented. But when I search for simulation analytics algorithm for this problem, I can not understand it very well. Is there any good link or code / psuedocode for this problem? Firstly define the problem A group pack of N Do = {1, 2, â ?? |, || n} items, with each t_i, i = 1, 2, â ?? | | |, |, n, in the same box, reduce the number of cans without the capability of C capability with each therefore the annealing algorithm The main framework will include: Creating an initial solution Perform local search by swapping the contents between all pairs of the compartment First-Fit Using a Reduction Process Reduce the weight of items and separate compartments Perish Packing Solutions Replace the load based on the result of last optimization Reduce weight distortion according to the cooling schedule It is now important to do a neighbor sear... - how to update a column( in SQL) by adding a specific amount to the old one? -

उस कोड को ... SQL = string.Format ("ऑर्डर में सम्मिलित करें (एआईडी, ओडीट) मान ({0}, '{1}') ", एआईडी, ओडेट); Dbase.ChangeTable (एसक्यूएल, "डाटाबेस 1। एमडीबी"); एसक्यूएल = "ऑर्डर से अधिकतम ऑडियंस के रूप में अधिकतम (ओआईडी) चुनें"; Dt = Dbase.SelectFromTable (SQL, "Database1.mdb"); ओआईडी = डीटी। आरओ [0] [0] .ओस्ट्रिंग (); स्ट्रिंग पीआईडी ​​= सत्र ["पीआईडी"]। टूस्ट्रिंग (); एसक्यूएल = स्ट्रिंग। फॉर्मेट ("लिस्टेड प्रोडक्ट्स (ओआईडी, पीआईडी, पीसीट, सीएनटी) मान ({0}, {1}, '{2}', {3})", ओआईडी, पीआईडी, "बी", सीएनटी में डालें ); Dbase.ChangeTable (एसक्यूएल, "डाटाबेस 1। एमडीबी"); Label6.Text = "आपके उत्पाद को आपके टोकरी में जोड़ दिया गया है, & lt; a href = \" MyBasket.aspx \ "& gt; आपके टोकरी & lt; / a & gt; आपके आदेश को प्रतिबद्ध करने के लिए जाएं।"; // HEREEEEEEE /// SQL = String.Format ("अद्यतन [आदेश] SET [मूल्य] = [मूल्य] + {0} कहां [OID] = {1}", in...

javascript - Calling functions when the mouse wheel moves -

I'm beginning to use JavaScript and jquery and do not know me yet complete I make some code I am trying to call different functions if the mouse wheel moves in some directions that is compatible with most or all programs. Can anyone show me an example of code using the piece, how is this implemented? In this way I will need to set it up // javascript document .... .... ... function wheelMove () {// Note: I do not want to like the scrolling event // Do not fire (or something is wrong, or something like this) // If the variable is to be set, they can go to // ... //. .. // if (// to know, some code wheel is moving in the right direction) {var sRight = // something in this direction to detect the speed; MoveRight (sRight); // calls a function when it runs correctly; } If (// can find some code that the wheel is moving to the left) {var sLeft = // some code to detect motion in this direction; MoveLeft (sLeft); // calls a function when it is skipped; } If (// there is a wheel i...

php - Overriding Joomla config component -

I am trying to override this file in Joomla 3.2: Component & gt; com_config & gt; Controller & gt; Templates & gt; Display.php Is it possible by standard template overrides? If not, how should I go about overriding this file? This is possible through override override view, not controller. You should be able to override the components / com_config / view / templates / tmpl / default.php, but not the files in the controller-folder. It is possible to underline other parts of MVC, but I have not tried to do this, and for that you have to install an additional plugin.

c# - OneDrive Downloaded *.jpeg Image File Corrupt in Windows Phone 8 -

itemprop = "text"> I'm backing OneDrive of my app database, I refers to database record image that is stored in separate storage. I also back up those pictures database files are the destination of the backup file: me / skydrive / my_documents / MyCompany / MyApp / MyBackup.bak The destination of JPG image files me / skydive / my_dount / miconline / my app / mybackup images / *. Jpg Database fixes, but no image I have verified that the image has been properly backed up on SkyDrive - I can see it and open it properly with SkyDrive Can i However, when I restore, the file is corrupted. Here is the code to use to restore: dynamic cmpFolder = accumulation Fundfolder ("micropany", "m / skydive / my_deaduments"); Dynamic Appfolder = One Drive. Awaiting fundfölder (apn,; String imagesfilename = path.gatefileNameAddressed person (selected file.filename) + "picture"; Awaiting dynamic imgFolder = oneDrive.FindFolde...

java - Why is Apache https server is not sending the Port# in the URL? -

I have a secure (https: 443) application that is running on Amazon Web Services ( AWS ) from TOmcat7 and Apache HTTP Server. The URL looks like this works perfectly. On our non-standard SSL port, such as "23456", there is a new requirement for our application cost effective option for running development AWS example . . The URL is now created. I have the servlet implementation in our code when I do a "request.getRequestURL (). ToString ()," " this port # https: // ama / service . This is causing problems for my application. I have to include port # in the URL I saw it a bit and saw it. Post shows that Apache server is masking the port and reconstructing the URL with the port outside This post has suggested a work to get the URL from the request header, but I still do not want to go that route unless I know that it is okay for them. I also saw in Apache HP log That if they move on some strange things, I could not find anything suspicious ...

javascript - Create SQL sentece according to users input MySQL -

What I want to do is this: First there is a form in which for example 5 Input: Name: Career: Experience: City: Attribute: What do I need to do is a sql sentence According to the fields that are filled if only 2 fields were filled, then create a SQL with only those fields I have no idea, which would make an SQL statement for every possible possibility. In addition to the area how to do that is a very comprehensive work. I have read that I can use store procedures, but I do not know how I will do it. Please help me! I'm sorry that if I did not elaborate the question here I have a separate table in the mysql database The person Personal li experience_description experience_to_date experience_to_date All of these tables are related to person by foreign_key (person_id) Then I have a page where the user has 6 al The different inputs are: Name: last_name: Courses: Experience: (This is the search status and Antiquity...

html - Placing a floating div next to another -

I am making a beginning and I need to get some help and see where I am making a mistake. I like it "text"? Thanks in advance, it has been placed next to the text below. HTML: & lt; Div class = "clear" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div style = "text-align: center; margin: 10px 0 20px 0;" & Gt; & Lt ;! --- & lt; Img src = "/ images / test.jpg" /> - & gt; & Lt; One class = "tooltip" title = "search in box" & gt ;? & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div style = "font-size: 16px" & gt; Choose a career: & lt; / Div & gt; & lt; One class = "tooltip" heading = "search wrap: none;" & gt; Choose a career: & lt; A class = "tooltip" title = "search in the box" & gt ;? & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;

objective c - Should I declare the methods my class implements from a protcol? -

Assume that I have a purpose-class that corresponds to a protocol. In the class, I apply some methods in the protocol. Should I declare these methods in class expansion or should I save it from it? Example // MyViewController.h @interface MyViewController: UIViewController & LT; UITableViewDataSource & gt; @end // MyViewController.m @ Interface MyViewController () // Should I Leave It? - (NSInteger) Table view: (UITableView *) table view numberoffer these inclusions: (NSInteger) section; @end @implementaion MyViewController - (NSInteger) TableView: (UITableView *) table view numberAffros Insight: (NSInteger) section {// implementation goes here} @end The protocol has the necessary and optional methods. When a protocol method is optional, you should declare it in class detail or in the interface section of the class. This lets you compile the stability for you. When implementing the necessary methods, such as tableview: numberOfRowsInSection: , you can be use...

Cannot share audio file with android app -

So I have this app, and when you press a button, it allows you to choose a file, And whatever it shares, the apps that allow sharing (preferably Google drive) However, I am able to choose only one file, and the app has not been selected so that I can send the file Let's choose an app. In addition, the file is also saved in .3gpp format. My code: import java.util.List; Import; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import; Import android App Import android.content.Intent; Import; Import; Import android.view.KeyEvent; Import android.view.Menu; Import android.view.View; Import android.view.View.OnClickListener; Import android.widget.Button; Public class Main activity enhances the activity (button Camera button button Rikordsoundbtn button Launch Gallery button Odiowuar: @ Override protected void saved create (bundled Instansstet) {Suprknkret (saved Instensstet); setContentView (R.layout...

objective c - How to compare SKSpriteNode textures -

I am making a game with the Sprite kit when there is a collision, I would like to retrieve the image of the SK Printnode, which Depending on the image of the monster, by colliding with my throw, different point values ​​can be assigned. I think the comparison of SKSpriteNode's texture property could work. I have tried the following code, but my statement is never asked. any suggestion? - (zero) projectile: (ssprintnod *) was projected in colloidwith monster: (ssprintnode *) monster {scales * texx = [scalched texture with image name: @ "imgpl"] ;; If ([[monster texture] aval: tex]] {nslog (@ "this works"); }} Yes, a comparison of two images / textures using UIImage is. - (BOOL) Image: (UIImage *) image1 isqualTo: (UIImage *) image2 {NSDT * data1 = UIImagePNG report (image1); NSDTA * Data2 = UIIMPNGRipation (Image 2); Return [data 1 equaul: data2]; }

url - Action not defined in controller cakephp -

I'm having this problem while using Findbyid to get a unique URL for a page on my shared hosting The problem I have is that I get the following error when trying to access a unique page via item ID number on share hosting (I do not get this issue on the local problem): Error: Action Item Controller Product Controller Error Not defined in: Product Controller :: Items () in the file: App / Controller / Product Controller. FP. Although the item is defined in the Product Controller: Public function items ($ id = null) {if (! $ Id) {New NotFoundException __ ('product not found')); } $ Items = $ this- & gt; Product-> findById ($ id); If (! $ Item) {insert new notfound exception (__ ('invalid post')); } $ This- & gt; Set ('item', $ item); } You can see the problem on this url: This works on the local host so that I know what the problem is. In advance thank you OK I understand this issue. There was a problem with uploaded files; ...

vba - Use Z-order and position to organize open forms in MS Access -

MS Access 2010, I need to maintain the flexible position and z-order to open a dozen ways I There can be many examples in the form of parents, and each person can have many examples of hair form (some). I want the user to be able to choose which form is most up to - which means I do not want to set any form as popup . Apart from this, I want Z-Order to be essentially preserved when a new baby opens. As the child opens, parents lose focus; At that time, I would like parents to return to their former places in the jade-order. I can add the requirements with this line, but you get this idea ... I thought that a default behavior can do what I want, but if I give head orange or some other place to order Z If so, then I can accept it. I also want to control the on-screen status of hair forms (I mean only when it is opened for the first time, they can be changed again). If they open with the same X, Y coordinates, they will be standing on top of each other and the user has to chan...

php - Trying to use prepare and bindParam to insert user data into SQL table -

User input is attempting to enter in the MYSQL database. I'm using because the column email is a unique key to prevent duplication. The name of the table is launch_email and I ready and bindParam , however I get this error: Call from the undefined function bindParam () Any solution? PHP / SQL: is required (ROOT_PATH. "Inc / database.php"); Try {$ Replace = $ db- & gt; Prepare ("launch_change_imail values" ("email_star");); $ Place = binduparm (": email_str", $ email, pdo :: param_st); $ Replace-> Executed (); } Hold (exception $ e) {resonant "data could not be submitted to database."; Go out; } Edit: The code below has solved my problem. I was specifying a method for a non-object is required (ROOT_PATH. "inc / database.php"); Try {$ Replace = $ db- & gt; Prepare ("launch_change_imail values" ("email_star");); $ Substitution- & gt; Bindamuram (": email_str...

c# - What is the different in the lambda expression from group1 and group2? -

What is the difference between group 1 and group 2 in the following syntax? I have started using these types of expressions and I think that is a representative and looks like a function (for the most part) and then I look at group 1 ( = & gt; ) with this syntax and it is not certain that Func & lt; & Gt; Only two arguments should be taken, but in group 1 example it takes three variables why is it? Group 1 Action & lt; Bool & gt; print1 = q = & gt; Console.WriteLine (Q); & Lt; Integer & gt; printInt = q = & gt; Console.WriteLine (Q); Funk & lt; Double, double & gt; Class 1 = c = & gt; C * C; Funk & lt; Double, double, double & gt; Add1 = (x, y) = & gt; x + y; In the & lt; Double & gt; isLessThanTen1 = f = & gt; F & LT; 10; Group 2 function & lt; String, string & gt; Convert = delegate (strings) {returns s. Towapper (); }; Without the need for a representative, Group 1 is a rhythmic way to crea...

ruby - axlsx serialize spreadsheet to string -

For testing purposes, I want to serialize an axlsx spreadsheet into a string. This indicates that it is possible for "output file or string IO" but I do not get documentation or a code sample that tells how to output stringIo. How is this done? From : serializing a stream s = package .to_stream () ('example_streamed.xlsx', 'w') {| F | f.write (}

Openshift support to customers of premium packages -

I signed up for Silver Package with Openshift thanks If you A support ticket can be logged near a silver account (on the right side of the page). Free and Bronze users get community help.

mysql - INSERTing into one table while UPDATEing the source table -

निम्न तालिकाओं को देखते हुए: बनाओ टेबल 'तालिका 1' (`table1Id` int (` 11) नल एयूटीएसीसीआरमेंट, `फू 'वर्चार (255) नल, प्राइमरी की (` टेबल 1 आईडी`)); टेबल 'टेबल 2' बनाएं (`टेबल 2 आईडी 'इंट (11) नल एटऑन्सेन्मेंट,` टेबल 1 आईडी' इंट (11) नल नहीं है, फू वक्रार (255) नल, प्राइमरी की (`टेबल 2 आईडी`); मुझे INSERT से कई पंक्तियाँ (मान foo ) से table2 में तालिका 1 पर जाएं, और गंतव्य तालिका में नई-जेनरेट की गई प्राथमिक कुंजी को वापस table2 के table1Id फ़ील्ड पर जाएं। क्या यह एक क्वेरी में संभव है? नहीं, यह एक एकल SQL कथन में संभव नहीं है। अद्यतन सवाल फिर से पढ़ने के बाद, मुझे लगता है कि मैं नाव को खोला ... पंक्तियों को table1 हैं FROM table2 । तो तालिका 2 में "सम्मिलन" के बारे में मेरे जवाब का कुछ ही रास्ता था। यदि आपके पास तालिका 2 में foo पर एक अनन्य कुंजी है, तो आप इसके बाद INSERT ट्रिगर का उपयोग कर सकते हैं तालिका 1, और ट्रिगर तालिका 2 का अद्यतन कर सकता है एक और विकल्प के रूप में, आप table2id कॉलम को टेबल 1 , ...

python - Delete lines from text file using regex sub -

I have a text file that has lines like this: fruit = apple id = = 1001 = weight = 7 colors = red ... fruit = watermelon id = # 1002 weight = 20 color = green ... fruit = cherry id = # 1003 ... I Trying to remove all the rows related to the fruit to remove an id of the fruit. So, I read in # 1002 and I want to delete all the lines from fruit = melon (but not included in this) fruit = cherry . I do not know how much information each fruit has and they will be different. I have tried to use regex via the following logic: repl_string = "fruit = (. *?) \ NId =" + user_inputted_id_to_match + " \ N (*. * Basically, I'm matching the line with the function , which is id line that user Gives me everything and then brings everything to a lookhead for the next fruit line, does this make sense? I ran and only in the resulting text file The value of Id was deleted Is: fruit = Apple id = # 1001 weight = 7 colors = red ... fruit = watermelon id = ... - Reading last five lines of a csv file -

I am using the following code to read the first 1000 lines - only the first 6 columns - from CSV and them Keep Array P2 (,): fName = "c: \ temp \ filexx.csv" If System.IO.File.Exists (fName) = true then StreamReader as a tmpstream = File Split (Environment.NewLine): SplitLine = Split (TextLine (0), ",") For X = 0 to 999 only read first 1000 rows Strline = Textline (X) Y = 0 to 5 '6 columns Next 2 for P2 (X, Y) = Strline (Y) Ampstrymkclos () Alse Msbibiboks ( "file does not exist") End If But I am interested in the last 5 lines. Therefore, I should change TextLine = tmpstream.ReadToEnd (). Split (Environment.NewLine) TextLine = tmpstream.ReadLine (fName.Length - 6) But I do not know how to do it. Thank you very much for your hints, your links, your patience and your clarity. The only way to read is to use CSV The last 6 rows of all the lines have to be read, and you keep track of the last 6 while reading. Since the CSV forma...

ios - Sprite Kit: Count of SKSpriteNodes on screen -

It sounds like a really simple question, but I can not find the answer anywhere. I am making a game using the Sprite Kit, and I want to calculate how many SKNodes are on the screen. I can count on the lower right corner of my debugging information, but I'm not sure how to use it as an integer that I can use in the program. Any suggestions? Apple Docs says, "One SKNN object represents a view of the content in the Sprite Kit." " Spirit node tree has a visual node ... " Then, use the following statement in your SKEN class, see if it outputs the correct number. NSLog (@ "% elu", (unsigned long) [child counting].;);

append numbers C Programming -

If I have the number 88 then how do I finally add 00 and change it to 8800? The bitwet shift is the only way, I can think of doing this but it does not work. This completely changes the number Changes towards bit used to multiply with powers of only two Can be done, you just want to multiply. Just run: printf ("% d", 88 * 100); To print 8800. If you want to do what you really want to do is add 00 to the end of the numbers, you can do this instead: printf ("% d00", 88) ;

oop - Should logic regarding an user's actions history be placed inside or outside the domain? -

यह 4 मॉडल के साथ मॉडल लिखें: एक्स-एक्स अंतराल में x बार की तुलना में स्टोर का दौरा करने वाले किसी भी क्लाइंट को ब्लॉक / प्रतिबंध की आवश्यकता है । मुझे इस तर्क को कहां रखना चाहिए? अगर यह डोमेन परत में होना चाहिए, तो क्या मैं सिर्फ इस तर्क के लिए एक ClientStoreVisitHistory इकाई बनाना चाहिए? या क्या मुझे इस तर्क को डोमेन के बाहर रखना चाहिए? आप जिस प्रतिबंध के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं वह स्पष्ट रूप से संबंधित है समस्या डोमेन के लिए और वहां मॉडल होना चाहिए। मैं इसके लिए कोई भी नई कक्षा नहीं बनाऊँगा और ऑब्जेक्ट स्टोर के विज़िटर्स में इस तर्क को बदलूंगा। जैसा कि यह सीधे स्टोर के दौरे को संभालता है और दो तर्क (ग्राहक और स्टोर) को स्वीकार करता है, आप इस तरह के किसी नए निर्भरता या नए वर्गों को इस तरीके से जोड़ नहीं सकते हैं और इस यात्रा का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए सभी आवश्यक जानकारी तक पहुंच सकते हैं। ध्यान दें ... यदि आप समस्या डोमेन के मॉडल वर्ग हैं, तो मैं संस्थाओं को बेहतर निर्दिष्ट करने और कुछ तरीकों को जोड़ने के लिए संस्थाओं की आईडीिंग (वे मान ली जाती है और मॉडल साफ है) ...

opengl - Sampling unsigned integer texture data in a shader -

I want to render an unsigned integer texture with a piece shider using the following code: glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_R8UI, width, height, 0, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); and part of the piece sha ader code: # version 330 Uniform UEmpler 2D Tech; Zero main (zero) {vec3 vec_tex; Vec_tex = (textx (tex), TexCoordOut) .r} It is written in OpenGL programming guide , if I want to To get an integer in Shader, then I should use an integer sample type, an integer internal format, and an integer external format and type. As the external type, the form of data as GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE , we are the internal code, GL_RED_INTEGER as GL_R8UI I am in shader usampler2d , but when the file file begins to render, there is always a mistake of error for "int" to "uint" . It seems that texture data is stored as int, and unsigned samples can not change it. But I used the GL_R8UI as the internal code, so textual data should be stored as unsigne...

how to read and print version number from a file on network location using a batch file? -

मेरे पास एक नेटवर्क स्थान पर एक नेटवर्क नाम है जिसका नाम \ network_location \ files \ build_ver.txt है, जिसकी बिल्ड संस्करण संचयित है। कहते हैं 1029, मैं इसे बैच फ़ाइल के माध्यम से पढ़ना चाहता हूं और इसे प्रिंट करना चाहता हूं .. इस पर कोई भी सुझाव: 1 नेटवर्क स्थान पर टेक्स्ट फ़ाइल से build_ver को कैसे पढ़ें - 2 प्रिंट बिल्ड_वर प्रिंट करें इस तरह से प्रयास करें: @echo off $ 'NetPath = "x: \ network_location \ files \ build_ver.txt" के लिए / f "delims =" %% एक में (' प्रकार% $ नेटपैथ% ') सेट करें $ Ver = %% एक गूंज% $ Ver% सेट करें

xampp - .htaccess "stuck" in xammp - Mac OSX -

I have many local sites with XAMMP, they all work well except one, all in httpd-vhosts.conf Similar configurations are: & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; ServerName Authored Root "/ user / myname / sites / forefront /" & lt; Directory "/ user / myname / sites / foreclock /" & gt; Option Index Includes ExecCGI AllowOverride in follow-up symlinks Allow all orders, deny permission from everyone & lt; / Directory & gt; When downloading the latest version from the Dev Server, I accidentally downloaded an .htaccess file which redirected some directories to the live site. I deleted the .htaccess file, stopped flickered DNS, and resumed Apache and even stopped and rebooted my computer. Still I'm being redirected to some directories right now in some other directories. There are no Htaccess files and there are no other redirects in the files. I've also closed caching in httpd.conf It is not Drupal or WordPress - I am not using a ...

java - JNLP and FileOutputStream -

I have not programmed that uses Java Web start though, because I need to develop such a program By which I can update myself remotely, I am thinking of distributing it through JNLP. My question is, will this program use running outputstream? Before The answer, I must indicate that I can not use an open dialogue because I'm output for an example on a shared location (example: // computer / Ipisonleks 300 ). Besides, sandbox is not very familiar with the permissions, etc. Thank you. As long as you electronically sign your jar, write it anywhere outside the JWS sandbox (Unless the user allows it through an open dialog). This is mostly for security reasons, but the Java Web App makes the app quite frustrating. Unfortunately, since you can not require you to write to a location outside the sandbox, then you use JWS unless you do not sign it. For future reference, a JNLP service called persistenceService will allow you to write to the sandbox. Like writing cookies ab...

html - Form css changes in different browsers -

I have a form in the website, it is done with bootstrap though when I see it on either Safari or Firefox , It does not show it properly but it always shows up on Chrome properly. My guess is something with CSS but I can not find the solution Thanks in advance! I saw the source code of the webpage, if everything is white, you have black color in the CSS (# 000) (or whatever color you want) to change the color and border color because everything is white / (#FFF). But it seems that you have external source for bootstrap css, so that you can download and visit the official site on your server. Remember to customize it to fit the style you're going for, or manually edit it after downloading it. Or you can create an additional CSS file that loads after the CSS is loaded, and override only for colors. I do not know why this works for you in Chrome, in my experience Chrome always looks for a way to load old CSS files, try disabling the cache in the developer tools. & l...

php - mysql_insert_id() always returns 0 -

I am trying to retrieve the last id number entered with mysql_insert_id (), but always return 0, My ID field is auto increment so I do not know why it gives 0 thanks. Please help include 'C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ student_evaluation \ functions.php'; If (! Login ()) {Header ("Location: http: //localhost/dev/userarea.php"); Go out(); } If (isset ($ _ POST ['submit'])) {// data $ name = $ _POST ['name']; $ F_lastname = $ _POST ['f_lastname']; $ Second_lastname = $ _POST ['second_lastname']; $ Student_number = $ _POST ['student_number']; $ Semester_year = $ _POST ['semester_eur']; $ Course = $ _POST ['course']; $ Section = $ _POST ['section']; $ Grade = $ _POST ['grade']; $ Student_perform = $ _POST ['student_perform']; $ Comment_box = $ _POST ['comment_box']; $ sql = "` students` (`name`, 'first_ lastname`,' second_lostname`, 'number_stidinate```, semester' ... - What happens if a job is scheduled in the past? -

I quartz I'm new on the net and I'm wondering if a job is scheduled in the past? Threw an exception? Is it running instantly? I am thinking that when I get a job time, then I need to protect this situation. Exception: The trigger you are adding will never fire, here is a distinction to note. Is: You can set the time for the time of the first but there should be some time in the future to set the trigger on fire. So now the time to start () - 1D is fine if you have a firing happening after adding the trigger (in future, the time for the weekend and the time that the next fire is allowed). So you should check that GetNextFireTimeUtc returns the non-empty value for the trigger you are adding.

CLPFD in SWI-Prolog interface with Java -

I am trying to use JPL to pass SWI-Prolog (CLPFD) from Java to a query. I get the following exception while running the program in java. query = arithmetic_exension # = X * Y + X + 1, [Y, X] INS 0..100500, Arithmetic Actions 1..5 / 10/12. Exception in thread "main" JPL: PrologException: error (syntax_error (operator_expected), string ('Arithic_exation # = X * Y + X + 1, [Y, X] INS 0..100500, Arithmetic Actions 1..5 Jpl. Query.get1 ( at jpl.Query.getSubstWithNameVars ( on jpl.Util.textToTerm ( Jpl.Query. ( As you can see, my Java program is generating queries in the form of a range of 1..5 / 10/12, but SWI-Prolog is taking it 1..5 As sure as 10/12/12 Why is it happening? I think that this may be the cause of my error, can anyone help me with this error? I am adding / because in my Java program the windows make queries Will be given \ '\ "and thus my query will be generated as 1..5 The st...

R {ape} clustal cannot find clustalw2 -

i just started in r I want to use R-clustal function in the package monkey I am the process of my DNA sequence, so I can {Pegas} to do further analysis However, when I try the example that was provided in the first manual. > clustal (woodmouse, pw.gapopen = 1, pw.gapext = 1, executive = "clustalw2") but I got an error message: / bin / sh: clustalw2: Command not found error in file (file, "R"): connection can not open besides: Warning Massage: file (file, "R") : Can not open file '/var/folders/vm/fzyykk3x21g55fdvpctj7s900000gn/T//Rtmp0RjsMr/input_clustal.aln' I ¼ ?? Any such file or directory I would like to know how to fix this problem? By the way, I use Mac OS 10.9 to Mac OS. Thank you. Make sure you have clustalw2 installed * Download it from here. MSI: Then run (app) requirement of a cluster (clustel) Make sure that the portion of the following clustal function : shortPathName ("C: / Program Files / ClustalW...

html - What are these meta tags? -

मेटा charset = "utf-8" मेटा http-equiv = "X-UA- संगत" content = " IE = किनारे "मेटा नाम =" व्यूपोर्ट "सामग्री =" चौड़ाई = डिवाइस-चौड़ाई, प्रारंभिक-पैमाने = 1 " इनमें से प्रत्येक क्या करता है? मुझे पता है कि & lt; मेटा नाम = "लेखक" सामग्री = "" & gt; खोज इंजन के लिए है? वर्णसेट : HTML दस्तावेज़ के लिए अक्षर एन्कोडिंग निर्दिष्ट करता है। http-equiv : एक HTTP प्रदान करता है सामग्री विशेषता की जानकारी / मूल्य के लिए शीर्ष लेख। एज मोड इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर को उपलब्ध उच्चतम मोड में सामग्री प्रदर्शित करने के लिए कहता है इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर 9 के साथ, यह IE9 मोड के बराबर है। यदि इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर के भविष्य के रिलीज़ में एक उच्च संगतता मोड का समर्थन किया गया है, तो उस संस्करण द्वारा समर्थित उच्चतम मोड में किनारे मोड पर सेट पेज दिखाई देंगे। नाम : मेटाडेटा के लिए एक नाम निर्दिष्ट करता है। व्यूपोर्ट मेटा टैग: मोबाइल डिवाइस अनुकूलन के लिए एक पृष्ठ तैयार करने की कुंजी चौड़ाई : डिवाइस के वर्चुअल व...

Puppet : stop a service if a filesystem is not mounted on boot -

What is the best way to write a puppet code - "Stop croning / file system is not mounted" (file system mount is taken into account carefully) Redhat Cluter) " exec The easiest way to deal with this is: exec {"stop_crond": command = & gt; "service canceled stop", path => "/ sbin: / usr / sbin: / Bin: / usr / bin ", as long as = & gt;" mount | Grep -oq "/ filesystem" ',}

Calling fswebcam through apache / python script -

मैं अपनी अजगर स्क्रिप्ट में निम्न कमांड चला रहा हूं: res = subprocess.Popen (("Fswebcam", "-r 640x480", "हड़पने। Jpeg"], शेल = झूठी, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = "/ var / www / pics"); आउटपुट = रेस्प। म्यूजिक () [0]; स्क्रिप्ट को मैन्युअल रूप से कॉल करते समय ठीक चलता है। लेकिन जब एपाचे के माध्यम से स्क्रिप्ट चल रहा है, मुझे कोई त्रुटि संदेश नहीं मिलता है, लेकिन कोई छवि / var / www में नहीं दिखाई देती है / Pics निर्देशिका इस निर्देशिका को www-data: www-data को असाइन किया गया है और उसे लिखने की अनुमति है। मुझे नहीं पता कि मुझे यह काम करने के लिए क्या याद आ रही है। अंत में इस मुद्दे को मिला, www-data उपयोगकर्ता को fswebcam चलाने की अनुमति नहीं थी, इसलिए मैंने /etc/sudoers.d में एक कनिग्युरेशन फ़ाइल जोड़ा। उपयोगकर्ता www-data द्वारा fswebcam तक पहुंच की अनुमति के लिए निर्देशिका। यहां मेरी फाइल की सामग्री है: डिफ़ॉल्ट: www-data! Requiretty % Www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: / usr / bin / fswebcam मुझे अपने अजगर स्क्रिप्ट में ...

java - Sms Permissions not working. No matter where I put the permission tag -

I'm just trying to send a simple text to myself ... exception is java.lang. Exception: Sending SMS Message: uid 10263 does not have Android Permission. SSMS This looks like what's my manifest file & Lt; Android Android: allowBackup = "true" android: icon = "@draubable / IC_Luncher" Android: label = "@ string / app_name" Android: Theme = "@ Style / Aaptim" & gt; & Lt; Activity Android: name = "com.example.homesafe.MainActivity" android: label = "@ string / app_name" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.MAIN" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Activity & gt; & Lt; / Application & gt; & Lt; / Reveal & gt; Right now it is under the manifest tag. But even if I get permission under the application ta...

how to activate bold tags when click and deactivate when click again in HTML/javascript/jquery -

I would like to know whether HTML / javascript / jquery contains a bold button like MS.WORD When we click the bold button, we write in the text box / tetheraria, any text will be bold, but when we click on the button again, whatever text we type will be normal, but bold text Still will be bold Any suggestion would be highly appreciated Thanks It is not created in this way, the presentation and the data are separated through CSS and HTML. There are several html5 wysiwyg editors that provide this ability

php - How do I echo out multiple overridden methods of an extended class? -

For this example assume that I have a file named base.php , this By way: class baseClass {function testMethod ()} {// some default stuff}} I have another 'example1.php' File, which is like this: class example1 increases the base class (function testMethod) {echo 'hello world!'; }} I have another file named 'example2.php': class example2 baseClass {function testMethod () {echo 'bye world!'; }} Finally, if I want to output anything that overrides that method and something like this: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Hello World! & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; goodbye World! & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; How can I go about doing this? Echo to return your class and then try this way: $ c1 = new example1 (); $ C2 = new example 2 (); $ Text1 = c1-> testMethod (); $ Text2 = c2-> testMethod (); Echo & lt; & Lt; & Lt; EOD & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; P &...

python - Finding occurence in list of lists -

I have a list of different description lists that have populated in such a way: ['Ski', '3', 'Bachid', 4], ['scooo', '9', 'bachid', 5], ['scooo', '3', 'bachid', 5] , ['Ski', '3', 'Bachid', 5]] I need to find the phenomenon of 4 elements in the list of lists and display them in one Appear more often. Any list of lists will be appreciated. Expected Output: {"3": [['' '9', 'Bachid', 5], ['' '' '' '', '3' ['' '' '' '', '3', 'Bachid', 5] ['Skew', 5], ['' 3 '' '' Bachid '', 5]], "1" , '3', 'bachid', 5]]} count the fourth element Import from import operator import item from counter to counter (counter (map (3, LCT))) # counter ({5: 3, 4: 1}) and This will work as a standard dictionary or get ...

database - cannot update data in codeigniter -

I can not update my data in the database here My code is: Controller: public function update_contact () {sleep (1); $ Data ['validation_error'] = ''; $ This - & gt; Load - & gt; Library ('form_validation'); $ This - & gt; Form_validation - & gt; Set_rules ('name', 'name', 'required | maximum_long [40] | callback_lafa_dish_space'); $ This - & gt; Form_validation - & gt; Set_rules ('email', 'email', 'required | max_lamp [40] | valid_email'); $ This - & gt; Form_validation - & gt; Set_rules ('phone', 'phone', 'required | maximum_long [[15] | alpha_numeric'); $ This- & gt; form_validation- & gt; Set_rules ('cbo_list', 'group name', 'required'); If ($ - - - gt; form_validation -> run () == incorrect) {$ message = "& strong> strong> edit fail!"; $ This - & gt; Json_response (wrong, $ message); } An...

django - Twissandra Deploying Error -

While deploying twasandra with the steps outlined in the link: There is an error running me: pip install -U -r requirements.txt What to do? Error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat ----- ------------------------------ ----- Clean up ... Removing temporary DIR c: \ users \ faria \ appdata \ local \ temp \ pip_build_faria ... command C: \ Users \ Faria \ Desktop \ twiss \ scripts \ python.exe - C "import setuptools, tokenize; __ file __ = 'c: \\ users \\ faria \\ appdata \ \ local \\ temp \\ pip_build_faria \\ blist \\'; exec (compile (getattr (tokenize , 'Open', open) (__ file __). Replace ('\ r \ n', '\ N'), __file__, 'exec')) "install - record c: \ users \ faria \ Apdata \ local \ temp \ pip-zumdku-record \ install-record.txt --single-version-external-managed --compile error code 1 in c: \ users \ faria \ appdata \ local \ temp \ pip_build_Faria \ blist exceptionInfo: Traceback (most recent call final) failed: File ...