
Showing posts from September, 2015

drupal - Display a list of content inside an other content -

I would like to know whether it is possible to create a list of any particular content type in any other content in DROU-7. There is no such option in the droplet, it is certain. (I'm starting to use it) Thanks in advance! Not sure what you want to do but you are looking for an entity reference module: EDIT: Visual Module What do you want:

ng-disabled in angularjs is not working for me -

I am trying to enable and disable the button using some condition I Unable to disable $ scope.isDisabled = true; But the button can not be enabled using This is my code HTML file & lt; Input type = "submit" value = "continue" ng-model = "idle" ng-disabled = "idle" & gt; Administrator JS file $ scope.isDisabled = true; // here button disabled (for me) if (calculation> = 3) {// it is always true $ scope.isDisabled = false; // Try to enable the button here) $ range Do not use. Apply. It is not what it means. No need to force button with one model, try removing ng-model from the button. In addition to this, if it is an input type of "submit" and you are not inside the NG-form, then there may be a postback and you can lose your state. There is such a planket that works - I have started following some assumptions, adding an extra button, which increased the calculation increase.

php - Display MYSQL results in html table -

I'm not sure that before a similar question has been asked, but here goes anyway. (I did a search and did not find anything related to my question.) I am developing a website that runs videos using HTMLMedia Video Player. I have a "clock" page in my database, which draws all the correct data using the variable connected to the ID (watch.php? V = 1). I want to see an index page where the most recent videos are drawn. Those columns are ordered by "id" and when I try a result from the query and everything works. How would I go about many values? Here is my PHP code (server details are hidden): and here is my HTML code for the table. & lt; tr & gt; & lt; td & gt; & lt; h2 & Gt; & lt;? Echo $ video ['title'];? & Gt; & lt; / h2 & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & lt; / tr & gt; & lt; / table & gt; This is not a complete code, But once I know the process, where can I apply it! I am quite ...

salesforce - Httprequest error. Help to make the correct request -

मेरे पास उदाहरण का अनुरोध है: curl api / 2.0 / files / content \ -H "प्राधिकरण: बियरर ACCESS_TOKEN" \ -F फ़ाइल नाम = @ FILE_NAME \ -F parent_id = PARENT_FOLDER_ID मेरा अनुरोध गुम_परामीटर त्रुटि "," नाम देता है ":" अभिभावक "," संदेश ":" 'अभिभावक' की आवश्यकता है। " यह मेरा अनुरोध है: स्ट्रिंग सीमा = स्ट्रिंग.वल्यूउफ़ (दिनांकटाइम। () .getTime ()); स्ट्रिंग बॉडी = '------------' + सीमा + '\ r \ n'; शरीर + = 'सामग्री-विवाद: फॉर्म-डेटा; नाम = " फ़ाइल नाम "; फाइलनाम =" '+ + फाइलबीडी + "" \ r \ n'; शरीर + = 'सामग्री-स्थानांतरण-एन्कोडिंग: बेस 64 \ r \ n'; अगर ((contentType == रिक्त) || (contentType == '' )) {contentType = 'application / octet-stream';} body + = 'सामग्री-प्रकार:' + contentType + '\ r \ n \ r \ n'; body + = एन्कोडिंगउइटल.बेस 64 एन्कोड (फाइलबीडी); बॉडी + = 'कंटेंट -डिस्सीशन: फॉर्म-डेटा...

c# - Session Id change in -

Assume that I have 2 users of "user-1" and "user-2" 2 computer "comp -1" Use and "vibrate -2" "user-1", respectively, do some work and reload the page, and on the other hand "user-2" is doing some work after some time, "user-2" changes After reloading the page has found that the "user-1" change in "user session's status-2" I think this session is a problem of overlapping, I have tried many ways but no solution can be found. Any way to solve this problem? You need to start your session variable Take a look at that post for details:

django - Geodjango can't find GDAL while Python can -

I followed all the discussions and the steps mentioned, but got stuck in another issue, I did not make GODA available for GODA Found. In Python Console (C: \ Python 27), I'm able to do import gdal , but Geodenjo says that gdal.HAS_GDAL Under the Genzo / Geodanging Application Shell and any geometric operation such as GDAL, there is an error: Country.geom.geojson produces: GEOSException: GeoJSON Output Only supported when GDAL is installed I have Python2.7 installed in the form of C: \ Python27 with the path environment variables : C: \ Python 27 \; C: \ Python27 \ bin; C: \ Python27 \ Scripts; C: \ Program Files \ GDL; and other environment variables such as: GDAL_DATA C: \ Program Files \ GDAL \ gdal-data GDAL_DRIVER_PATH C: \ Program Files \ GDAL \ gdalplugins GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH C: \ Program Files \ GDAL with Strong> but did not work I am using Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Python 2.7.3, Django 1.5.1, and tried to install / install GDAL and Py...

ios - Core Data: Delete the last entity with one to many relationship -

मेरे ऐप में मेरे पास दो संस्थाएं हैं: एकाधिक 'क्रियाकलाप' के अंदर रिकॉर्ड है। जब मैं क्रियाकलापों में अंतिम गतिविधि रिकॉर्क्ट इकाई को हटा देता हूं, तो मैं क्रियाएं इकाई भी हटाना चाहता हूं। मैंने किस दिनांक का हटाया गया नियम हटा दिया है, लेकिन क्रियाकलाप हटाए नहीं गए। परिणाम यहां है: यदि आप एक क्रियाकलापों जब इसके पास अब ActivityRecord नहीं है ... आपको क्रियाकलापों को हटाना होगा। कोर डेटा में इसे स्वचालित करने का कोई तरीका नहीं है यदि आप कोई संबंधित ActivityRecord s के साथ कोई भी क्रियाकलाप ऑब्जेक्ट्स नहीं चाहते हैं, तो आपको अपना स्वयं का कोड लिखना होगा जो उन्हें हटा देता है। जब आप ActivityRecord को हटाना चाहते हैं, तो आपको संबंधित क्रियाकलापों को चेक करना होगा अगर इसके पास कोई और अधिक गतिविधि रिकॉर्ड नहीं है, तो उसे भी हटा दें।

java - Javaagent path not well interpreted on maven/linux/tomcat -

I have no idea what is going on on my CI server but maybe someone can help. I have configured a Maven project with a Jacquo agent, which gives a definitive test test: The working agent line (which is handled properly on my laptop) includes the path: / P> javaagent: / var / lib / jenkins /. M2 / repository / org / jacoko / org Jekoka.agent / / org.jacoco.agent- Rntaimkjr = Destfail = / var / lib / Jenkins / jobs / Osbiliatt Enterprise / workspace /net.osgiliath.framework/net.osgiliath.features. karaf-features / net.osgiliath.features.karaf-features.itests / net.osgiliath.features.karaf-features.itests.cdi / target / jacoco-ut.exec, Append = true, include = Netkosjilith. FEATURES.carf-features.Sites. Cdi. *, Exchange = *. Itests *: *. Mock *: * Model. *: * Coverage. * "The problem is that when I launch these tests on my CI server (Fedora 19, Oracle Java 1.7, Toynet provided by Jenkins, Maven 3.2.1, Tomcat, Maven 3.2.1), the same The r...

rar - How unarchive file with password with PHP? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मुझे असंग्रहित * करने की आवश्यकता है *। rar फ़ाइल और PHP पर पासवर्ड के साथ extracte। मुझे PHP पर कई फैसले मिले, लेकिन सभी वे संग्रह में पासवर्ड प्रदान नहीं करते हैं। क्या इसे exec () के माध्यम से करना चाहिए? मेरे ओएस: विंडोज 8 क्या आपने प्रयोग करने की कोशिश की है? इसमें पासवर्ड के लिए एक तर्क है मैं व्यक्तिगत रूप से इसे इस्तेमाल कभी नहीं किया है, तो यह अगर यह अच्छी तरह से काम करता है ज़मानत नहीं कर सकता। आपको php_rar.dll को php.ini में सक्षम होना चाहिए।

cordova - How to make a Phonegap plugins installer batch file? -

I am trying to develop a batch file that runs a lot of "phonegap local plugin add" type When I want to share my app, automate the PhoneGap plug-in installation process. I found the following solutions developed in Linux: #! / Usr / bin / env node / / this hook installs all your plugins / adds your plug-ins to this list - either the // identifier, file system location // or the URL var plugin list = ["org.apache. Cordova.device "," org.apache.cordova.device-motion "," org.apache.cordova.device- orientation "," org.apache.cordova.geolocation "," AppPreferences / "]; // no need to configure WinFSI = require ('fs'); Var path = requirement ('path'); var sys = Required ('sys') var exec = ('child_process'). Exec; Function (error, standout, stderr) {sys.puts (stdout)} pluginlist.forEach (function (plug) {exec ("add cordova plugin", puts plug);}); I ...

get compared value from in_array php -

मेरे पास सरणी है: $ conditions = array ("type", "genre" ); $ Type = सरणी ( "बार्स" "रेस्तरां"); $ शैली = सरणी ("अमेरिकन", "आयरिश पब"); मेरी स्थिति $ excelvalue = 'आईआरआईएसएच पब'; मुझे "आयरिश पब" का मूल्य कैसे प्राप्त होगा I in_array () के माध्यम से तुलना करते समय सरणी से? आप array_search का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं । आपके पास एक टाइपो भी था: $ $ शर्तों की बजाय $ शर्तों : $ excelvalue = 'IRiSH PUB'; अगर (सरणी_सर्च (स्ट्रॉल्वर ($ एक्सेलव्यू), सरणी_मैप ('स्ट्र्टोलॉयर', $ शर्तों)) {// कुछ कोड}

php - Can I debug my Laravel migration by writing to standard out? How? -

I'm running a set of migration that denormalize one of my tables I run some code in one of the migration I am setting the ID in a new table based on the contents of the existing table. For some reason, the ID is not being written correctly to debug it, when I run the migration (in development), I would like to exclude some variables on the command line. However, I am unable to work those orders till now. Yes, you can use all the common methods (echo, var_dump, print_r). They will normally output to the command line in the migration. If you suspect (as I did) that something about Laravel's migration system is quieting them, then you are barking the wrong tree.

C# ListView Remove Items -

I would like to delete the item already because it shows only one item when I click on it, but here, the item Number 1 is not present and I do not know why I can solve it? Thank you. Private Zero DEXTarget_CheckedChanged (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {Log (marked "DEX (TMAPI) target"); ListView1.Items.RemoveAt (-1); PS3.ChangeAPI (SelectAPI.TargetManager); Var.API = true; } Private Zero CEXTarget_CheckedChanged (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {log (marked "CEX (CCAPI) target"); PS3.ChangeAPI (SelectAPI.ControlConsole); Var.API = False; } log: Private zero log (string text) {Var.lst = this.listView1.Items.Add (DateTime.Now.ToString ( "DD / MM / OR HH: MM")); Var.lst.SubItems.Add (text); } list view starting with item index 0 and Calculate -1 . I think you should try ListView try this: listView1.Items.RemoveAt (listView1.Items .Count - 1);

custom jar contents for executable jar built with IntelliJ & maven -

The person for whom I am creating an executable JAR file wants to do all the external libraries separately in lib / / code> directory Which will be in its current working directory when it runs my jar. They also said that I want to extract the log4j.xml and from the jar so that they can edit their values ​​using IntelliJ and maven How to make a jar with a manifest like this? This is the help of some Maven plugins. Use maven-dependency-plugin to get all dependency in a separate folder. This example puts them in the target / lib folder. & lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.apache.maven.plugins & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Maven-dependency-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 2.5.1 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Hanging & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; Copy-dependence & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Step & gt; Package ...

bash - Syntax error in shell script -

मेरे पास एक छोटी सी खोल स्क्रिप्ट है जो बहुत ही सरल कार्य करता है #! / bin / लाइन पढ़ें; आउटपुट = $ करें (कर्ल -आईएल --हेड "$ LINE" | जीआरपी लारवेल) अगर [[$ आउटपुट]] & amp; amp; गूंगा "$ LINE" किया & lt; url-list.txt मैं स्क्रिप्ट पर url-list.txt नामक एक फ़ाइल पास करता हूं, और यह उस फ़ाइल को आउटपुट करता है जिसमें यूआरएल का एक सबसेट होता है मूल फ़ाइल जो grep लार्वेल से मेल खाती है हालांकि, मुझे स्क्रिप्ट में एक वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटि है: $ ./ & gt; laravel.txt ./ पंक्ति 5: अनपेक्षित टोकन `पूरा 'के पास वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटि ./ पंक्ति 5:` किया & lt; url-list.txt ' क्या कोई मुझे इसे डीबग करने में मदद करता है, क्योंकि यह सरल होना चाहिए, लेकिन मैं सही वाक्यविन्यास के अनुसार क्या उलझन में हूं। इसके अलावा, क्या ऐसा करने का एक बेहतर तरीका है? मैं क्या करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं यह निर्धारित करता है कि कौन से साइट (लगभग 1000 साइट्स की सूची में से बाहर हैं) क्या प्लेटफॉर्म या फ्रेमवर्क का उ...

sql server - SQL query error with variable -

This query is trying to run, but its return errors: Array ([0] = & gt; Array ([0] => 42000 [SQLSTATE] => 42000 [1] = & gt; 156 [code] => 156 [2] = & gt; [Microsoft] [SQL Server Native Client 11.0] [SQL Server] 'End' has the wrong syntax. [Messaging] => [Microsoft] [SQL Server Native Client 11.0] [SQL Server] The keyword 'end' is wrong with Syntax.)) SQL query: Select, routines.time, SUM (case when measurements.title = 'T_Luft_Temperatur' then CAST (REPLACE (routines.value, ',', '.') To decimal (18, 2)) and zero end ) Temperatur, SUM (case when measurements.title = 'T_Badende_per_Time' as cast (routines.value REPLACE (, ',', '.') As decimal (18, 2)) and zero Badende_Per_Time, SUM (The case is when measurements.title = 'T_Luft_Temperatur' as artists (in the form of routines.value REPLACE (, ',', '.') As decimal (18, 2)) and zero end ) As Luft_Temperat...

excel - VBA functions not recognized after add-in installed -

I have a spreadsheet that has many VBA functions, we want to add them to the outside of VBA and to a managed environment, add- These are developing. I opened the spreadsheet, while the development add-in was installed and then saved. Now when I open the spreadsheet without the add-in, all the formulas with those functions of me #NAME? Errors If I click in a cell to edit the formula and just enter the hit, the function is ok (using the VBA version as an add-in By doing) is not installed correctly but I can not refresh the entire workbook and can not use the VBA function. 1) Is there any way to explicitly use Excel's VBA function? 2) Is there any way to refresh all the cells without manually editing all the cells? I stitched it from some other posts together with all the sheets through the threshold and all the cells Updates the formulas. It seems to fix this problem, though it takes some time to process. sub-reapplyFormulas () dim as WS_Count as integer dim I int...

linux - specify python instance to use with sudo apt-get -

I was trying to get foreign, so I did it from the command line sudo apt - Install next DPKG-Dev developer build-required - When it was finished, it was prompt encountered errors during processing Had to do: Python-setuptools E: Sub-process / USR / bin / DPKG did an error code (1) as the first reaction I did Check the system version of (me): ~ $ python --version Python 2.5.2 I have a virtual environment that is 2.7.5 Running is more likely to work, but this is sudo apt-get ? It is possible to specify this version of Python to be used when running You can first try to use env while trying apt-get to change your path variable to find the version of the virtual environment of Python: Click on sudo env PATH = / path / in / virtual / Python / binary: $ PATH-appropriate

matlab - Input signal for Simulink -

I want to use the following signal (red) in simulac as input. I have this picture . Any advice in the simplest way to implement this signal? Your question has two parts: replacing the data with Matlab's work and feeding data to Simulink . For the first part I think that simple thing put 30 points on this figure and write values ​​in their projected (x, y) vectors x and y. Do not work hard because its first part is periodic. Then use plot (x, y) to plot this vector in matlaback and update your estimated values ​​until you are satisfied that your conspiracy is similar to the figure. For the second part you can create a structure, where the time is similar to your X-axis and Y: input.time = X; input.signals.values ​​= y; Where x and y should have the same length How can you import a symlink from the work site on this page, you can find good examples on this page:

plsql - SQL stored procedure with 3 tables -

I have the following tables here:. What I have here: I need to list all the projects and tasks related to a customer (customer number is given as parameter) at the beginning of the report The customer's name is shown after the first project that displays the project and name. For each project, show it under the job number (in ascending order), details, hours and start date. Follow the last work with the customer's total work and project fee, then do the same for each upcoming project for the customer. At the end of the report, give the total number of hours for all those tasks, as well as how many projects and tasks were reported. I'm not sure how many processes do the work, so any help is appreciated. Thanks! next project Any relationship of cursor is not defined between TASK and Either the other tables used in the cursor, so each row in TASK is being included in the project and all valid combinations of the customer. It is known as "joining the carte...

How can I define a &key argument that supersedes an &optional parameter in Lisp -

I have just started writing this function and I was wondering if there was any way, if only & amp; Key argument was entered, & Amp; Optional list can be ignored. (defun test (& optional AGR & amp; key) (size) ... I or would like to be able to run but this (test: size) Now this is a pretty ridiculous thing but I do not know where to put: Size in the list of parameters (continuous test (and alternative arguments (i 0)) (code (ek ajar neil) (from test by return) (test -1)) ((listp arg) (return test ( Trial-2Ege ()) ((Pointer AGR) (MEM-ASF (Test-3 AGR): INTI) (): (size -test arg)) (T-Nil)) I can run (test) and get Can be: & lt; Output (test-1)> I can run (test) (1 2 3)) and get: & lt; Output (test-2 AGR)> I (test & lt ; Pointer; I can run & output: & lt; output (mem-aref (test-3 arg): int i) I can run (test: size) and get: & Lt; Output (test-shaped arc) & gt; You must use an and the rest of the logic lis...

javascript - Angular provider not loading -

I have some problems loading my providers. Setup is as follows: NG-view with main.html In main.html the controller MainCtrl I have many instructions that require access to the same data, so I am using a provider to get it. I am called an item provider, which is a generic provider that is anything based on the parameters of writing, reading, etc. I have another provider who Storage storage of items which offer ways to obtain specific things from datastos When I reference the data in my controller (which references the item reference:) "error : [$ Injector: unpredictable] unknown prada I: ItemStorage " But when I remove the reference to the data for ItemStorage, the application is fully executed (some undefined errors pointing to the empty object) According to JSHint I do not have any syntax errors. I have my provider file below. Any help would be appreciated! angular.module ('myApp') .provider ('itemstorage', function) (this. $ Get = ...

javascript - Spring Boot Web Static resources -

डॉक्स के अनुसार स्प्रिंग बूट रजिस्टरों src / main / resources / static , src स्थैतिक संसाधन स्थानों के लिए / मुख्य / संसाधन / सार्वजनिक , src / main / resources / संसाधनों आदि। मुझे मिला src / main / resources -static -js -stomp.js और html (में रखा गया टेम्पलेट फ़ोल्डर): & lt; script type = "text / javascript" th: src = "@ {/ js / stomp.js}" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; लेकिन मुझे स्क्रिप्ट के लिए 404 मिली ( GET http: // localhost: 8080 / js / stomp.js 404 (नहीं मिला) )। मैं क्या कर रहा हूं? मैंने भी & lt; script type = "text / javascript" src = "../static / js / stomp.js" & gt; ; & lt; / लिपि & gt; और & lt; script type = "text / javascript" src = "/ js / stomp.js" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; = {"नियंत्रक"}) @ कॉन्फिगरेशन लोक वर्ग WebMvcConfig WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {@Override सार्वजनिक शून्य addViewControllers (ViewControllerReg...

Core Data, sort with other language -

In my app, NSSortDescriptor works for English but it works for other languages I do not try to type in sugar, the results of the results are not ordered, what should I do to sort other languages ​​like sugar? Would you like to sort it, the number of strokes? Pinyin? Some other criteria? I suggest that you add an attribute to your unit that reflects the logic and uses it in your sorted disperser.

c - HPUX atof doesn't convert string to double -

I am bringing the version number of an HPX machine and trying to convert it to float using Aot, but This happens: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; sys / utsname.h & gt; int main (int argc, char * argv []) {struct utsname u; Uname (& amp; u); Char * release = u.release; While (* Release! = '.') Release ++; Continue ++; printf ("% s \ n", release); Printf ("% f \ n", etf (release)); } It prints: # ./test 11.31 0.000000 double return means That conversion failed The Utman Man page says that the strings have been aborted, so I do not understand why the ATF command is unsuccessful. Do I make any kind of mistake here? etf is function & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; . If you need it #include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Most likely the result is that (a) your compiler will print a warning (which you have clearly ignored), and (b) the compiler will assume that etf returns a int . / P> Add #include ...

java - Is it possible to have a nonlexicographic order -

I searched it, but I could not find anything because I do not know the real name. Is it possible to have a nonnexicographic order, for example, what is the first letter of the first letter of the alphabet? I know in Java. For the statement, it is scripted, so there is no non-word order? When you create a sorted or sorted archive, you can always specify your instance of the object . In this way you can change the order of the object.

Passing Values from Calling PHP script to Called PHP script -

तो मेरे पास यह पेज बिल्डर क्लास है: & lt;? php class PageBuilderService {public फ़ंक्शन getHeader () {// वापसी file_get_contents ('template / header.html'); शामिल करें 'टेम्पलेट / header.php'; } सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन getFooter () {वापस file_get_contents ('template / footer.html'); }}? & Gt; एक PHP पृष्ठ में इसे इतनी बुलाया जाता है: $ page_builder = नया PageBuilderService (); फिर जहां मैं पृष्ठ शीर्षलेख को कॉल करना चाहता हूं: $ page_builder- & gt; getHeader (); आदि आदि। लेकिन मैं एक स्क्रिप्ट फ़ंक्शन जोड़ना चाहता हूं जो एक scripts.php फाइल में खींचेंगी जो एक स्क्रिप्ट फ़ाइल नामों की सूची क्रम में एक पृष्ठ पर & lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; टैग प्रदर्शित करते हैं। Scipts php फ़ाइल: & lt; ? php $ page_builder = नया PageBuilderService (); प्रति पृष्ठ $ page_builder :: createScriptTags ($ listOfScripts); ? & Gt; तो स्पष्ट रूप से मेरा PageBuilderService वर्ग का विस्तार करने का अर्थ है: & lt; php class PageBuil...

git - Legacy code started this job. No cause information is available -

Promoting Jenkins on "promoting the plugin" always creates an extra, which I do not know ... ... On the build-job: If he passes the branch exam, he should go to "code review" (see I encourage promotion after code, use promotion_build_plugin here), I pass a review of the code, That's when I wanted to trigger a "deployed-job" Uses "Triggers / Calls on Other Projects" for Posted in Jobs: I can see that a new build has been started and merged this feature_branch It's done, but there is always another build with "there is no change"; Legacy code "text"> You may have a post-cut hook that is triggering the same work via URL or Jenkins-CLI Edit after OP comments: But I started to wonder at the deployment-job, I did not have a "builder made any changes when Github was pushed", instead, I use "build" "I think that the Geethbal hook has also started, will not...

continuous integration - Jenkins Artifactory Release Plugin: A way to release without specifying a new dev version? -

background I work for company, we develop trunk and store release in branches Generally, after we release some, we set the next development version as a increment in the small version with the Kinlick "-SNAPSHOT" suffix. So far it is very good. The problem Our problem occurs when we use "Patch Edition" - Z in XYZ for a release module According to our rules, releasing a patch version is a release version of the work. The Jenkins artificial illumination release plugin (we use for the continuation of artworks) requires "the next development version" but for us, it is often not of any meaning; There is no god version for artifacts released - it is continuing, we want to patch it. It is worth noting that our patch version, like our other releases, is also deposited in new branches. The picture below helps clarify the model that I have described so far. --- 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT --- 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (development version; trunk) \ \ 1.0.0 (release version...

regex - ORACLE pass through query for SAS -

I am writing a pass through the query in SAS. How can I make this search case insensitive to find a descriptive lesson? thank you in advanced. Proc. SQL INBOs = 1000; Connect to Oracle as Comp 1 (DBMAX_TEXT = ... PATH = ... = "dba" pw = "mypassword"); Select as "PH3" as the selection * 1 from the connection (selection "T1". "DOC_ID", "T1". "NRTV_TXT", REGEXP_INSTR (NRTV_TXT, "should look for rules") "Status", REGEXP_SUBSTR (NRTV_TXT, | URL form to view terms); "NRTV" "T1" from "Pattern"); From console 1; QUIT; To change the value of UPPER () In the case of upper case before searching pattern: REGEXP_INSTR (UPPER (NRTV_TXT), 'Show for Rules | Used Form') "Status", REGEXP_SUBSTR (UPPER (NRTV_TXT0 , 'Looking for rules | USED FORMS') "PATTERN"

java - JSP path error on servlet redirect -

I'm new to Java Web Development when I use JSP redirect from servlet, did not load images and CSS files goes. Without servlet it is working well, but when I want to use servlet which is not working. The CSS file is with JSP one in the same folder Please help me how should I set the href attribute of the link tag? & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "/ style.css" & gt; The servlet contains only 1 command: request.getRequestDispatcher ("index.jsp"). Forwarded (request, response); You are prompted to use redirect but you are using forwarding . Anyway, if the resources (CSS, JS, etc.) are not in the same path as your JSP, then you should append the reference reference for each of these. There are two ways: Use only the expression language: & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "$ {request.contextPath} /style.css" & gt; Use of tags:...

jquery - Get all content from bootstrap #editor div -

After using my bootstrap editable div, I have something like: & Lt; Span & gt; Simple text & lt; u & gt; Hello! & Lt; / u & gt; Second lesson & lt; / Span & gt; Whatever I need - get all the text from the div, but if I use this recursive function, its return is only with the content of the elements, but the text is "simple" Text "and" second text "are removed from this function. function parseElem (e) {var r = ''; If (E. Children ('*'). Size ()> 0) {E.K. Children ('*') Each (function () {r + = parseElem ($ (this));}); Return r; } else {return e.html (). Replace ('& lt; br & gt;', '\ n'); }} and if I have & lt; Span & gt; He said that & lt; P & gt; Ll & lt; / P & gt; Oh! & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; This & lt; I & gt; Is & lt; / I & gt; Original & lt; / Span & gt; Example & lt; / P & gt; ...

Find the exclusive OR in an Array by the index, Java -

I have a string of length 15: "10101000000010" I want to take the array as unique as every alternate index, such as ' int s = a [3] ^ a [5] ^ a [7] ^ A. [11] ^ A [13] ^ A [15]; ' // here leaves the index 1 by the end of the length of the string all the way ' int = A [3] ^ A [6] ^ A [7] ^ A [11] ^ A [14] ^ A [15]; ' // here skips 2 index and lets 2 go, skips 2 lets 2 go ... and so on I do not know how to come . Make a method with the parameter Return the length and method of the array (0 or 1) which is primarily because it is unique or then to clear it ... It should do with any size array. Such as [now] 17 [ int z = a [3] ^ a [5] ^ a [7] ^ a [[]]: [[]] A [13] ^ A [ 15] ^ [17] This is for the hipping code Create a byte of data: 10011010 data word, leaving spaces for parity bits: _ _ 1 _ 0 0 1 _ 1 0 1 0 Calculate the equality for each parity bit (setting A? Bit position): Check status1 of 1,3,5,7, 9,11 bits:? _ 1 _ 0 0 1 _ 1 0 1 0...

ios - NSString from NSData is nil -

I try to get nssting from NSDT, but I get zero value. This is my code: NSString * dataString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; When I login to self-> _message- & gt; _data: & lt; OS_dispatch_data: data [0x17e48290] = {leaf, size = 331233, buf = 0x3aac000} & gt; Does this mean that my data is not zero ?? | Can anyone help? Answers to your question in comments: OS_dispatch_data Send_data_t which is toll free bridging with NSDT on iOS 7 and Mavericks. You can just put it on NSData * . Then, in your case, you can write: NSData * datacast =; NSString * Data String = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: Datacast encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; And now you get the right string! In my case it appeared, when Air Force Networking was inserted from internal NSMutableData to NSDTA . And this simple artist helps me. As @Daij -Nangan has been mentioned as ...

php - Wordpress shortcode filtering the_content modifies all posts in a list -

I am writing a plugin and have code like this: add_shortcode (' Test ',' testfunc '); Function testfunc () {add_filter ('the_content', 'mycontent', 20); } Mycontent function ($ content) {return "& lt; p style = 'color: red' & gt; additional material & lt; / p & gt;"; } I used the short code '[Examination]' on my posts a . The problem occurs when the list of posts is shown - for example when the view of a category is used - the content has been changed to all - Not only with that shortcode code Any idea how I can change this, so it only filters the code Hi Solution is not a solution that uses a shortcode hook but it searches for it in content. function content_custom_shortcode ($ content) {// search for shortcode $ shortcodes = 'test'; preg_match ('/ \'. shortcode. '\' / s', $ content, $ matches); // If the custom shortcode return custom content is present then ...

xna 4.0 - XNA how to check if the game window cross "X" is clicked -

Hi creating a game for Windows PC using XNA and when I click the "X" across the game window I want to check, so instead of pulling a menu I can do other things instead of closing the game. So yes, how can I check the cross-click? Thank you! XNA needs nothing special, you can do it without it like that. In your Start or LoadContent method, your form is used for reference in Windows Form, and need to find a Conclusion Event on that. form form = form. Form farmland (window.handle) form; Form.FormClosing + = OnClosing; Then using this OnClosing method, you can cancel the closest event, and run your own menu screen. (Possibly by changing the game state and drawing some more) zero on-closing (Object Sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) {e.Cancel = true; ShowMenuScreen (); }

WPF ComboBox DataBinding -

I am attempting to replicate Cumblox using the database. Below are the snippets of my code XAML: & lt; Combo Box Name = "CmbClientName" items Source = "{Binding Path = blClientList}" DisplayMemberPath = "name" SelectedValuePath = "name" SelectedValue = "{Binding Path = blClientList}" / & gt; View as a vague compilation (of string) = New Observable Collection (as dim objClientRepository string) PET_ClientRepository = new PE T_ClientRepository objClientRepository.GetAll (in PET_Client as each objClient) blClientList.Add (objClient.Name) Next Me.cmbClientName.ItemsSource = blClientList end sub Class1.vb: Return the name of public property as a string _nam finally set _Name = (value as string) value And set and pr Pertie I want to see the client's name in my combo box. The above code does not return anything and the combobox is empty. I know that the problem is binding but it can not understand what...

regex - Check if String has only Integers separated by comma in PHP -

I'm really empty on the Regex side and this is the reason why PHP can create a regex, which checks Is this special sequence of string characters? $ str = '2323,321,329,34938,23123,54545,123123,312312'; To check whether the only integer in the string (decimal, no alphabet or nothing else) is separated by commas (,). '/ ^ \ d + (? ,, \ D +) * $ /' code: $ re = '/ ^ \ d + (?:, \ D +) * $ / '; $ Str = '2323,321,329,34 938,23123,54545,123123,312312'; If (preg_match ($ re, $ str)) echo "correct format"; Else echo "wrong format";

sql - Cross multiplication on inner joins in Access -

मेरे पास निम्न संरचना (चित्र संलग्न) के साथ पहुंच में तीन तालिकाओं हैं: "" alt = "यहाँ छवि विवरण दर्ज करें"> मैं एक सम्मिलित करने के लिए सभी तीन तालिकाओं से " आईडी "। तालिका 3 में वास्तव में प्रत्येक आईडी के लिए कई रिकॉर्ड हैं, जबकि "तालिका 2" में प्रत्येक आईडी के लिए सिर्फ एक रिकॉर्ड है कुछ कारणों से क्वेरी का परिणाम इस प्रकार है: तालिका 3 में आईडी के लिए सही राशि और तालिका 2 में मान के लिए पार उत्पाद (मान लें कि तालिका 3 में आईडी # 1 के तीन उदाहरण हैं: मुझे वास्तविक डेटा में 800 मिलेगा (तालिका 3) और मुझे बजट डाटा में 3000 मिलेगा, जो तालिका 3 में आईडी # 1 के लिए रिकॉर्ड की संख्या का 1000 गुना है)। यह क्रॉस गुणा क्यों होता है यदि मैं टेबल 2 और तालिका 3 में आईडी पर तालिका 1 में शामिल हो गया है? धन्यवाद आप इसे उप क्वेरी का उपयोग करके निम्न के रूप में हल कर सकते हैं। SELECT A.Id, A.OpenDate, A.CloseDate, B.BudgetData, (SELECT एसएम (सी। वास्तविक डटा) तालिका 3 सी से WHERE C.Id = A.Id) टेबल 1 से ...

iostream - C++ stream log Objective-C objects -

I am trying to write a C ++ stream logger which is capable of printing purpose-C + + variables . The problem is that obj-c is the method that gives me the details of the object, when calling, I can not get it to compile due to template typing. I have some suggestions on how to do it. thanks for operator #ifdef __OBJC__ // & lt; & Lt; #import on Obj-c objects & lt; Foundation / Foundation. H & gt; #important & lt; Coralocace / Core Lection. H & gt; // To obtain SFINAE whether we have an obj-c class or not template & lt; Class T & gt; Struct isObjectiveCClass {yesT = char (and) by [10]; Using noT = char (& amp;) [1]; Select static yesT (ID); Do not select static (...); Static t make (); Enum {value = sizeof (select (make)) == shape (hanti)}; }; #endif Square Logger {... Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Logger and operator & lt; & Lt; (T Data) {#if __OBJC__ If (IsObjectiveCClass :: Value) {... how to cast obj data without erro...

VHDL Clock divider -

I am using the following VHDL to take a 100 MHz clock and put 25 MHz clock. : process (CLK, reset) variable number: integer range from 0 to 2; Then start (reset = '1') then clock_25MHz & lt; = '0'; Count: = 0; Elsf RID_Age (CLK) count then: = count + 1; If (calculation> = 2) then clock_25 MHz & lt; = Clock_25MHz; Count: = 0; end if; end if; end process; This is warning me: "WARNING: Xst: 1293 - FF / LoC Count_1 has a stable value of 0. It is FF / Latch Sorted during the optimization process. " I do not understand why this is happening, can someone put some light on it for me? Thanks! You do not need 2-bit calculation A single flop flop is sufficient. If you add an integer signal CNT which has been counted (allowing me to see it on the wave with ghdl): library ieee ; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Unit clk_div is the end unit; Clk_div's architecture is foo signal clk: std_logic: = '0'; Signal reset: std_logic: = ...

python - Assign sampled multinomial values uniformly at random -

मैं एक बहुपक्षीय वितरण का नमूना करने के लिए np.random.multinomial का उपयोग कर रहा हूं M बार (दी संभाव्यता [X_0 X_1 .. X_n] यह निर्दिष्ट बहुविध से नमूना है, जहां \ sum_i [C_0 C_1 ... C_n] देता है C_i = M )। इन नमूने मूल्यों ( C_i 's) को देखते हुए, मैं उन वस्तुओं को समान रूप से असाइन करना चाहता हूं जो मेरे पास हैं अब मैं क्या कर रहा हूं: ड्रॉ = np.random.multinomial (M, probs, size = 1) ड्रॉ करता है = ड्रॉ करता है [0] draws_list = [ ] आईडीएक्स के लिए, एन्यूमरेट (ड्रॉ) में संख्या: ड्रॉ्स_लिस्ट + = [idx] * num random.shuffle (draws_list) तब draws_list एक बेतरतीब ढंग से फेरबदल की सूची है नमूना मूल्यों का समस्या यह है कि draws_list (लूप के लिए) लोकप्रिय है बहुत धीमा है क्या ऐसा करने के लिए एक बेहतर / तेज़ तरीका है? इस कोड को आज़माएं यह रणनीति पहले स्मृति को आवंटित करने के लिए है, फिर डेटा भरने के लिए। draws_list1 = np.empty (एम, dtype = एडी = 0 एडेक्स के लिए, एनएम एन्यूमरेट (ड्रॉ) : Draws_list1 [acc: acc + num] .फ़ाइल (idx) एसीसी + = num प्...

Cannot use package "ks.test", "chisq.test", "wilcox.test" in R 3.1.0, 3.0.3 or 2.14.1 on Mac OSX 10.9.2 -

ओएसएक्स पर आर 3.0.3 का उपयोग करते समय होमवर्क की गणना के लिए test "," chisq.test "और" wilcox.test "संकुल 10.9.2। यह ठीक काम किया। आर को 3.1 से अपग्रेड करने के बाद मैंने install.packages ("ks.test") का उपयोग करके "ks.test" पैकेज को डाउनलोड करने की कोशिश की। हालांकि यह " पैकेज â ??? ks.testâ ???? उपलब्ध नहीं है (आर संस्करण 3.1.0 के लिए)। "वही" chisq.test "और" wilcox.test "था। मैंने 3.0.3 और 2.14.1 के लिए अपने आर संस्करण को डाउनग्रेड करने का प्रयास किया। उसी परिणाम वापस आये, जैसे "पैकेज" ??? ks.testâ ???? उपलब्ध नहीं है (आर संस्करण 2.14.1 के लिए) "। अन्य पैकेज जैसे" अस्तित्व "और" मास "प्रभावित नहीं थे। मुझे इसका कारण जानना है। आप ks.test , chisq.test , और wilcox.test आंकड़े पैकेज में फ़ंक्शन हैं। वे संकुल नहीं हैं.आप इन कार्यों को बिना किसी अतिरिक्त संकुल को डाउनलोड किए सीधे उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

ReactiveUI Testing -

I am trying to see if the results of a visual model are doing the right action. My observations are as follows: public FilterBoxViewModel () {var asyncFilterResults = this.filterItemsCommand.RegisterAsyncTask (x = & gt; as Yhkprformfiltr (x string )); this. Filtered items = new observational informationhelper & lt; IEnumerable & lt; IFilterBoxItem & gt; & Gt; (AsyncFilterResults, _ = & gt; it.ResourcesProperty Changes ("Filtered Items"); this. When any value (x => x.SearchTerm). Trottle (timesphenform milliseconds (50)). Leave (1). Subscribe (this.filterItemsCommand.Execute); } Then below I have private async Tasks x.Name.IndexOf (Searcherm, String Comparison, Ordinary Announcer Seas)> = 0). Select (x = & gt; x.Item); } In my trial, I am running a test scheduler and am pushing it forward, however, I hope that I am performing differently from the display Like my exam is: (New Test Scanner ()). (Scheduler = & gt; {va...

python - How to read integers from file to list? -

def make_number_list (a_file): number_list = [] के लिए line_str में a_file: line_list = line_str.split () के लिए Line_list में संख्या: यदि नंबर! = "": Number_list.append (संख्या) वापसी संख्या_सूची open_file = open (इनपुट ("इनपुट फ़ाइल का नाम:")) a_file_list = make_number_list (open_file) प्रिंट (a_file_list) प्रिंट ("लंबाई:" , Len (a_file_list)) मैं एक फ़ाइल से एक सूची में (अंततः) 1000 पूर्णांक मानों को पढ़ने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं .. फिर उनका अधिकतम, न्यूनतम और मैं वें मूल्य हालांकि, यह सूची को पढ़ने के लिए काम नहीं कर रहा है (मैं सिर्फ एक टेस्ट सूची का उपयोग कर रहा हूं जो कि टेक्स्टएडिट में एक फ़ाइल है और यह एक सफ़ेद स्पेस द्वारा अलग-अलग यादृच्छिक संख्याओं का एक गुच्छा है)। कोई सुझाव? # पायथन 3.x def read_nums (fname): खोलने के साथ ( Fname = input ("इनपुट फ़ाइल का नाम:") nums = read_nums (fname) प्रिंट ("I") के रूप में inf: return (int) पढ़ें {} संख्याएं ".format (len (nums))) यदि __name __ ==" __ main__ ":...

Haskell: List Comprehensions and higher-order functions -

I have tried to change the following list understanding: f xs = [x +8 | My first solution was: f (x, _) and lt; -xs] . 'Xs = map (\ (x, _) -> x + 8) xs After trying several other approaches, I came to know that it also works : f 'xs = map ((+ 8) .fst) xs both versions of f same (Correct) output, but I do not understand why (+8) .fst is equal to \ (x, _) -> gt; X + 8 when using map on the list of tuples. fst definition fst :: (a, b) - & gt; One FST (A, _) = a and (.) Is defined as (.) :: ( B -> C) - & gt; (A -> B) - & gt; A - & gt; C (fg) = \ x - & gt; F (gx) If we use these definitions to expand our work, then we should f 'xs = map ( +8) .fst. Xs f 'xs = map (\ x - & gt; (+8) (fst x)) - Definition of x - f' xs = map (\ x - & gt; (+8) ((, _ ) - & gt; a) x) - fst f 'xs = definition of map (\ (a, _) -> (+8) a) - We can specify the pattern' f 'xs = map \ (a,...

python - Accessing nested JSON data as dataframes in Pandas -

मेरे पास निम्न डेटा है {"results": [{"company": "एबीसी", "बनाया गया": "2014-03-27 टी 23: 21: 48.758 जेड", "ईमेल": "", "प्रथमनाम": "एबीसी", "अंतिम नाम": "एक्सवाईज़", " "", "स्थान": "", "प्रोफ़ाइल चित्र": {"__प्रकार": "फ़ाइल", "नाम": "ab0e-profilePicture", "url": ""}, " पंजीकरण गेट: "सामान्य", "टेलीफोन": "", "शीर्षक": "एए", "अपडेटअट": "2014-03-27 टी 23: 24: 20.220 जेड", "उपयोगकर्ता नाम": "" , "ज़िपकोड": "00000"}]} मैं निम्नलिखित कोड का उपयोग करके जेएसएन डेटा आयात करता हूं आयात करें json आयात पंडों को pandas आयात से पीडी के रूप में डेटाफ्रेम json_data = pd.read_json ('data.json') प्रिंट json_data [: 2] यह...

parallel processing - String matching: Gets into infinte loop when using Wait(job, 'finished') -

I am working on parallel to string matching algorithm using MATLAB PCT. I am using createJob and many things where I am passing text for search, patterns and other criteria. I get the following error. Any measure The job targeted to the Bayer_Horspoon function looks fine. An error occurred during execution with Error ID using parallel.Job / fetchOutputs (line 677) 1. Error in stringmatch (row 42) matches = fetchOutputs (Job 1 ); Reason: Error in using feval: Handle the undefined function code % parallel .defaultClusterProfile ('local'); Cluster = parcelster (); Job1 = createJob (cluster); Create work for% index = 1: num_tasks ret = createTask (job1, @boyer_horsepool, 1, {haystack, needle, nlength, startvalues ​​(index), end value (index)}); Fprintf ('crate value for index% d? \ N', index); Disp (class (retired)); % Disp (Retired); Submit end% and wait for submitted results (Job 1); (Job1) wait; Report the number of match matches = fetchOutputs (job1); (Job1) de...

xcode - Cannot get new Ad Hoc profile to work -

I've read the document and tried to emulate the excellent instructions, but I still do not have a collection with a new profile Can make I set up my provisional profile for ad-hoc distribution in a new profile, when I store it, I get the following and no setting changes Provisioning Profile does not match bundle identifier: The provisioning profile specified in your build settings (â ???? MyAddHocProfileâ ????) is an APID of APID com.bdh. * A ???? Which does not match your bundle identifier ?? BDH.OrthoProâ ???? CodeSign Error: Product Type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 7.1' requires code signing for How do I get my bundle identifier to match the profile's apple ID? My bundle looks like a thesis, which can not match the provisioning profile ID ... The option I have for an app ID on the profile looks like this ... Thanks for any help ... The error message and your screen shot are completely clear. BDH (the beginning of your app's bu...

java - Regex Junit Test -

I am working on a Junich test which is going to examine the number of incidents of words that are not included in vowels (AEOU)). string matchstrings = "^ [. [^ Aioioo]] * $"; Is that correct? Thank you. regex to match all the vowels that do not include your notes: string matchstrings = "\\ b [^ \\ saeioAEIO] + \\ b";

html - Django form: *Nothing* happens when submit button is clicked -

I probably have some very basic missing but I'm stumped. My HTML Form (in a Django template): & lt; Form id = "site_signout" method = "POST" & gt; {% csrf_token%} & lt; Input type = "submit" value = "sign in" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; In my browser (run my site on Dev Server), when I & lt; Input & gt; I click on the button, nothing happens, like nothing. Normally appears in some terminals such as [PO / I / url / HTTP / 1.1] 302 0 or in firebug, let me get the net panel Something will be seen in the HTML tab of POST . But I'm not seeing anything. It is okay to submit another (for other forms) buttons on the work of my site. What can be done with it? > Edit: is the relevant part of my idea: if request.method == 'POST': pdb.set_trace () Edit Edit: My intention is that I am for this form right now because I have to check this code, before I get more code Write Just ...

php - Call to a member function query() on a non-object in line 25 -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 9 उत्तर मुझे यह PHP मिल रहा है घातक त्रुटि: घातक त्रुटि: एक सदस्य फ़ंक्शन क्वेरी पर कॉल करें () में C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ University \ createTables.php पर लाइन 25 createTables.php & lt; php require_once ("connect.php"); $ Members_table_stmt = "यदि कोई सदस्य नहीं होता है तो आईडी बनाइए (आईडी INT नहीं नल एयूटीएएनएनसीसीआरमेंट, एक्सटीएचडी पाठ, यूज़रनेशन VARCHAR (16) नहीं, नॉन वर्चारे (255) ईमेल नम्बर, पासवर्ड टेक्स्ट, लास्टलाग डेटटाइम नल, साइनअप_डेट, डेटटाईम नल, सक्रिय ईएनएएनएन ('0', '1') नहीं शून्य से कम '0', अवतार VARCHAR (255), बैनर VARCHAR (255), पूर्ण_नाम VARCHAR (255), देश VARCHAR (255), राज्य VARCHAR (255), शहर VARCHAR 255), लिंग VARCHAR (12), जन्मदिन VARCHAR (255), आईपैड्रेस VARCHAR (255), प्राथमिक कुंजी (आईडी), अद्वितीय कुंजी उपयोगकर्ता नाम (उपयोगकर्ता नाम, ईमेल)) "; अगर ($ db- & gt; क्वेरी ($ members_table_stmt)) {echo "& lt; h2 & gt; सदस्य तालिका यैर बन...

php - Recording Logged in Users on my site through Google Analytics -

I have a simple site that shows the page after a registered user log in the site. Sessions stores username and page is displayed. I am now trying to store the logged-in user name and trying to record it on Google Analytics, which shows that this person has logged on to the site and Have seen the page / p> Google Analytics hopes that all user names should be hosted, which, respectively, log in with the details of each user name. I have done this & lt; Script & gt; Var user = "& lt ;? php $ e_SESSION ['username'] ;? & gt;"; (Function (I, S, O, G, R, A, M) {i ['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = R; I [R] = I [R] || function () {(I [R]. C = I [r] .q || []). Push (logic)}, I [R] .L = 1 * new date (); a = s.create element (O), M = S. Elements biatagnam (o ) [0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore (a, m)}) (window, document, 'script', '// .js', 'Ga'); GA ('Create',...

ruby on rails - How to avoid ActionController::InvalidCrossOriginRequest exception? -

मैंने Rails 4.1 को अपने रेल ऐप को अपडेट किया है और ActionController :: InvalidCrossOriginRequest अपवाद प्राप्त करना शुरू कर दिया है। मुझे पाया गया कि बिंग बॉट्स सक्रिय रूप से मेरी गतिशील रूप से जेनरेट की गई जावास्क्रिप्ट फाइल को क्रॉल करते हैं। मुझे लगता है कि यह सही है कि रेलवे इस अपवाद को उठाती है क्योंकि जावास्क्रिप्ट को सीधे कहा जाता है, लेकिन मेरा लॉग इस अपवाद के साथ भरा हुआ है। > सीएसआरएफ संरक्षण को बंद किए बिना इस अपवाद को बढ़ाने से बॉट्स से बचने का कोई तरीका क्या है? मेरा नियंत्रक ऐसा दिखता है। वर्ग सूचियाँ नियंत्रक & lt; ApplicationController before_filter: authenticate_user! Def add @list = List.find (params [: आईडी]) response_to do | format | Format.js {render 'add'} format.html {redirect_to list_path (@list)} एंड एंड एंड जेएच के उत्तर में जोड़ने के लिए और मानते हुए कि आपको कुछ सहायता चाहिए, आपको पता होना चाहिए कि हर मेजबान यह निर्धारित करने के लिए उपयोग करता है कि उनके सर्वर का कौन (और नहीं) पहुंच सकता है सीधे आपकी त्रुटि मूल रूप से है क...

Selenium IDE Conditional Statements -

I want to ask if there is another way to see the error label, which has been shown whether we There is no need to fill up with the necessary to use the verifyText command. Here's an example: id: [required] PW: [required] Email: [expected] Dropdown box: [required] If you make test cases, then there is an easy way to make a test case first, and then three error labels will show whether the other fields will not be filled with that. The PW or email from the dropdown box will be shown even if the error is filled with the error label. Before saving that field, I'm just using the verified text, but if there are many conditional requirements like this there is no easy and easy way to create this testcase? Thx If I understand you correctly, If you ignore the required text fields, you are searching for a way to verify that error message. Since I know the Waitfortext command and expect the error message to appear, this command will wait until it expects the err...

linux - How to use dos2unix? -

I am learning perl programming. I have run a Perl script in the Windows platform but I need to run it like a Linux platform like Ubuntu. My script runs entirely in windows but not in Linux. I'm not familiar with the dos2unix tool. I'm struggling to use this in my Windows 7 and how to convert my winfile to unixfile. Suppose that my perl script is and coding is inside. How do I work correctly using this dos2unix tool in linux? Also, how should I open the dos2unix tool? You should be able to get the dos2unix from your package manager on Linux . If you are using a Debian-based distro, you should be able to do sudo apt-get dos2unix . If you want to be RH-such as distro, you should be able to sudo yum install dos2unix . Once installed, you can only give the target file as an argument ' dos2unix In addition, note that this can not be the only problem, that you can run Linux while trying to move from Windows to Script. For example, if you ...