parallel processing - String matching: Gets into infinte loop when using Wait(job, 'finished') -

I am working on parallel to string matching algorithm using MATLAB PCT. I am using createJob and many things where I am passing text for search, patterns and other criteria. I get the following error. Any measure The job targeted to the Bayer_Horspoon function looks fine. An error occurred during execution with Error ID using parallel.Job / fetchOutputs (line 677) 1. Error in stringmatch (row 42) matches = fetchOutputs (Job 1 ); Reason: Error in using feval: Handle the undefined function


 % parallel .defaultClusterProfile ('local'); Cluster = parcelster (); Job1 = createJob (cluster); Create work for% index = 1: num_tasks ret = createTask (job1, @boyer_horsepool, 1, {haystack, needle, nlength, startvalues ​​(index), end value (index)}); Fprintf ('crate value for index% d? \ N', index); Disp (class (retired)); % Disp (Retired); Submit end% and wait for submitted results (Job 1); (Job1) wait; Report the number of match matches = fetchOutputs (job1); (Job1) delete;    

Hm, I may be wrong, but it seems that your syntax is OK ...

I think this issue is that it is not recognizing Bayer Horsepool as a function. Try to insert that function into the same .m file without doing a bit more context, and repeat the spelling and logic count.

Also, try getAllOutputArguments (job1). This is a long shot, but it can work.

Good luck!


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