java - Javaagent path not well interpreted on maven/linux/tomcat -

I have no idea what is going on on my CI server but maybe someone can help.

I have configured a Maven project with a Jacquo agent, which gives a definitive test test: The working agent line (which is handled properly on my laptop) includes the path: / P>

  javaagent: / var / lib / jenkins /. M2 / repository / org / jacoko / org Jekoka.agent / / org.jacoco.agent- Rntaimkjr = Destfail = / var / lib / Jenkins / jobs / Osbiliatt Enterprise / workspace /net.osgiliath.framework/net.osgiliath.features. karaf-features / net.osgiliath.features.karaf-features.itests / net.osgiliath.features.karaf-features.itests.cdi / target / jacoco-ut.exec, Append = true, include = Netkosjilith. FEATURES.carf-features.Sites. Cdi. *, Exchange = *. Itests *: *. Mock *: * Model. *: * Coverage. * "The problem is that when I launch these tests on my CI server (Fedora 19, Oracle Java 1.7, Toynet provided by Jenkins, Maven 3.2.1, Tomcat, Maven 3.2.1), the same The row is not good ñ Failure or failure, it is:  error: the main square can not be found or loaded "-Javaagent: Kjkokokorgkjkoko.ajentk0k7k0k20l403l82ll4 Korgkjkoko.ajent-0k7k0k20l403l82ll4-Runtimekjar = Dastfile = Kwarklibkjenkinskjobskogiliat Antrpraijkvrkspeskti arget.jacoco-it.exec, append = true, contains = net.osgiliath.messaging * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************  

Does anyone know where this problem can come from? It's really upset because I can not use my CI server for this kind of project.

Thank you in advance

OK, this is an encoding problem on my Linux Was: X13 ... instead of UTF-8.

Now I see the green button:


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