
Showing posts from September, 2012

jsf - Facelets Taglib outside WEB-INF directory? -

I am trying to create a Facet tagline. So far I have read every tutorial like *. Taglib.xml has written the file and placed the tag itself inside the WEB-INF directory, but no one really says why. If I move the tags to another directory and files moved to the * taglib.xml update I try to talk to get the following TagException : /confirmation/fields/ordersearchalternatives.xhtml @ 33,42 is the same if *. The taglib.xml file is moved to another directory and the web.xml indicates that to. If it only works, then the tags seem to be inside the 'xhtml files and taglib descriptors web-inf directory. What I would like to achieve, is the tagline descriptor as well as inside the XHTML files of the tag, it is the resource directory and its pointing to the web.xml file. Is this possible? Is this completely out of best practice? Maybe it helps someone else: stumbled I figured How to WEB-INF outside of the directory, to tell my taggiobosh javax.faces.FA...

c++ - sql3_finalize creates a segfault -

I am trying to code a function that creates a zSQL database with the order of a file using SQLite is. The code for my function is as follows: bool createDatabaseFromFile (database & amp; db, std :: istream & commandfile, const char * dbName, std :: ostream * err, bool multiline queries) {Details stmt; Std :: string line STR; std :: string queryStr; Bool end = false; If (! DbName) // If the database address is not provided, then we get it from the first line of command file {std :: getline (commandFile, lineStr); dbName = lineStr.c_str (); } bool noError = (dbName, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, mistake); // If the database does not open, the following loops are not used while (std :: getline (commandFile, lineStr) & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp ; if (lineStr.substr (0,4) == "#END") until the end of the file or keyword "#END"; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; True; else if (lineStr.substr! (0,2)! = "//") // exc...

android - Bixolon sdk encoding characters_android -

I would like to print characters like Ä ??, Ä ??, Å¡ like exact Croatian characters I SPP-R200II I am using Bixolon SDK for printer. The code is very simple, just want to print some strings ListaRacuna.mBixolonPrinter.printText (slanjeNaPrinter, BixolonPrinter.ALIGNMENT_LEFT, 0, BixolonPrinter.TEXT_SIZE_HORIZONTAL1 | BixolonPrinter.TEXT_SIZE_VERTICAL1, incorrect); ListaRacuna.mBixolonPrinter.lineFeed (1, Incorrect); ListaRacuna.mBixolonPrinter.cutPaper (true); with connection with the printer via Bluetooth Passed the Spanish letters (± ±, Ã, à©, â € ¬ ...) and contacted Bixolon support e-mails, they responded with a simple solution, and it worked: When you receive the bixolonPrinter object, create it before printing the text: bixolonPrinter.setSingleByteFont (BixolonPrinter.CODE_PAGE_858_EURO); You will need to continuously change the code CODE_PAGE _ * in the other code related to those characters you are trying to print. BTW, it may be interesting to c...

Java Casting query Exception and error -

When do we get an incompatible type compilation error in Java and when do we get class class exception? The API specification clearly states: For that code, the object is attempting to put an object in a subclass in which this is not an example. ClassCastException is generated at runtime because the compiler believes that the cast can be valid. Example: // The bottom line will be compiled but the class class upstream runtime integer will be raised on the I = (integer) new object (); Incompatible type error can be easily solved by compiling it at compiled time. It only appears that the category for which you are trying to insert a specific object falls into the same hierarchy. Example: string str = "abc"; & Lt; Br> Integer number = (integer) str; // COLLECTION ERROR: Integer and string are not in the same sequence

symfony - Symfony2 FosUserBundle Roles ROLE_ADMIN -

I have found this problem. My SF2NView is configured with FusiusBandal and FacebookBundle. I have succeeded in section only on some ADMIIN FRONTAGE (means mediator object) By default, every user created in my project is only ROLE_USER. The "moderator" thing can only be accessed by being ROLE_ADMIN The problem is that I "" $ user-> Also add the role of addRole ('ROLE_ADMIN') , checking that the user's role is unsuccessful. I would like to show some stuff if the user has the role to play, but I can not. Neither " {% if_granted ('ROLE_ADMIN')%} ", nor " $ this-> container->; ('security.context ') -> (' ROLE_ADMIN ') isGranted "succedded" Everybody is not getting anything wrong or when it comes to twig . Check if the user has ROLE_USER works Just to make sure I'm adding my config content. Security: Ankoders: FOS \ UserBundle \ Model \ UserInterface: sha512 Symfony \ Co...

ios - Xcode 5 showing "splash screen missing" even if it is present in the project bundle -

I have added 7 splash screens (3 for the iPhone and 4 for the iPad) in the Xcode project in total For, I've added the encoded resources under the splash screen - & gt; Splash folder. Default -568 h @ 2x.png Default - Landscape @ 2x_ipad.png Default-Landscape ~ iPad Default-Portrait @ 2x_ipad.png Default-Portrait ~ iPad .png Default .png Default @ 2x.png But when I open my project in Xcode, it shows the warning below is. Does anyone know That's why this is happening I'm new to Xcode 5 and do not know a lot about this way. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you .. You simply create different shapes for the slash screen. X: 768x1004, etc. Xcode will automatically show different images for different devices (iPhone, iPad, Retina or not)

HTTP POST Request Test using LoadRunner -

I am new to the loader and my purpose is to test a web server and send a different number of users and HTTP post to my The script is: verb () { lr_start_transaction ("FORM_PAGE"); web_submit_data ("index.html", "action = https: // , "snapshot = t5.inf", " Mode = html ", ITEMDATA," name = data "," value = >, ENDITEM, LAST) ; lr_end_transaction ("FORM_PAGE", LR_AUTO); return 0; } I expect a small number of transactions and the increase in the number of errors when the payload Constant number of users Increased with the ties. But I think that when payload increases, the total number of transactions increases, from 5 kB to 15 kb and further up to 25 kb with 100 users. Anyone can give information on this? Updated: Another observation is that for 15 KB, the TCP connection for the next recurrence has been started with SEN , Before the last one was finished. Therefore, there is no doubt that the sche...

python - trying to figure out error while working on Django framework -

I'm new to Djnago and getting error when opening URL - / Halo out ... module There is some error in the path but how to solve it. Import / Error on / Import Error Not Module Name Default Request Method: Get Request URL: Version: 1.6.2 Exception Type: ImportEair Exception Value: No module is defaulted exception location: /home/mkp/Desktop/djcode/mysite/mysite/ & lt; Module & gt; Line 14 Python Executable: / usr / bin / python Python Version: 2.7.3 Python Path: ['/ home / mkp / desktop / djcode / mysite', '/usr/lib/python2.7' , '/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old', '/ usr / lib / python2.7 / lib-dynload ',' /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages ',' /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages ',' / usr / lib / python2 .7 / dist-packages / PIL ',' / Usr / lib / python2.7 / dist-packages / gst-0.10 ...

linux - VSA in radiusrequest -

Am I using radiusclient-ng-0.5.6 in my directory? But my rediscover binary is still not working. Please help me. Directory Vendor EC 20000 BEGIN- Vendor EC ATRIBUt ABC 1 7777 String Detachtec ABC 2 7778 String ED-Seller EC / Radiusclient -f / etc / radiusclient-ng /radiusclient.conf Username = aaa abc1 = aaaaa Error: April 21 22:47:53 Localhost LT-Radiocquent: Rc_avpair_parse: Unknown attribute abc1 I use the freeradius radiusclient library, but this is the same code as the first radiusclient-ng pu Was developed for the database, but the dictionary file format is the same, and does not support BEGIN-VENDOR ... END-VENDOR Syntax, so you have to use a slightly different format. The general format of the vendor specific features has been stated in RFC: 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ...

scala - Is it possible to update fields of any case class implementing a common trait -

Assume that we have a common property model. Property Model {def id: string df update: date} And we have 2 case classes to extend this case. Case class C1 (ID: string, updated: date, foo: string) Model Case Class C2 (ID: string, updated: date, bar: enter) model Enhance Is it possible to write a utility function as below, which takes the model as a parameter and returns a copy with an update for the updated fields? Object model {def update [T> (Model: T): T = {model.copy (updated = new date) // This code does not compile. There are two problems with your code: is not defined on the copy attribute, so there is a need to define some of the properties that you can use. Return a model instead of T for update , every model on its actual Subtype should know. You can do the model: [T]] {DIF ID: string DEF UPDATE: with date DRF date (D: Date): T} Case Class C1 (for example ): id: string, updated: date, foo: string) model [c1] {def withDate (d: date) = ...

Installing croogo for cakephp -

I'm new to the keyboard, I want to install Crogo in KKPP 2.3. My question: The way to extract the file is: - Changing cakephp2.3 / app / plugging / folder in app (do not work. Error admin controller not found) or - CakePP-2.3.3 / app / (Not working ). Sorry for my bad english language: (please help me and thank you.) crogo a cms by kcfp has been developed ... meaning kkfp is already there .. just Croogo Download and read their documentation ... and try Google about some CMS ...

hadoop - Issue while running Oozie -

I'm trying to run an example of Oozi that comes with Claudera sandbox (cloudera-quickstart-vm-4.4. 0-1 - vmware). I removed oozie-examples.tar.gz which was /usr/share/doc/oozie-3.3.2+92 as shown in the Apache Ozi link, I tried to run Ozi, but no success [cloudera @ localhost oozie-3.3.2 + 92] $ oozie job- http: // localhost: 11000 / oozie -config example / Application / map-less / job Properties -Root Error: E0901: E0901: Namnode [Localhost: 8020] is not allowed, not in the Oziz Whitelist oozie-site.xml looks like this: Less /etc/oozie/conf.dist/oozie-site.xml & lt; Property & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; oozie.service.HadoopAccessorService.jobTracker.whitelist & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; & Lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; Description & gt; Whitelisted Job Tracker for Ozii Service & Lt; / Description & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; oozie.service.HadoopAcce... - User-defined class always returns 0 -

I have a simple program, but I can not return this square to the area of ​​a rectangle; It always returns to 0, including class variables. I can not get this zodiac thing to work for life. Here's the main form: Personal category btnCalc_Click (Sender as object, and sender as EventArgs) handles btnCalc.High handle as new rectangle as 'dim strlength string' As the dim strWidth string double. Trips (TSTLextext, rectic lalent) double. Trypsers (TCTADAd.Text, Rect.Wide) 'Strongable = Inputbox ("Please input the length of the rectangle", "Calculate Area")' Double. Tryi purse (strileth, rect.Length) 'strWidth = InputBox ("Please input the width of the rectangle", "Count the area")' double. Trips (Stroydith, Ritch Width) LLLERIA Text = rectangle Getre The toasting and sub-class and here's the square public square rectangle _dblLength double _dblWidth as double private double as public property length Go back a...

swing - Java - draw lines reading points in a txt file -

How am I trying to understand Java and special swing work, so I used to draw free hand lines on a JPNL Made an application. Then with apple button I can remember some information (when the user started drawing and ending the line, which creates the line etc.). I save the information like this: edit I removed the waste stuff and just put a space between different notifications. line 04: 54: 34: 365 04: 54: 35: 167 [Java. .Point [X = 249, y = 114], java.awt.Point [X = 249, y = 114], java.awt.Point [X = 207, y = 87], java.awt.Point [X = 207, y = 87]] This is an example of a line; Can you suggest me how to parse the file to pull lines back on JPNL? I think it should go after the word "for every line," and should take data and attract it. Is this the right way to do it? I have already managed to read / write the file, so the problem is in carrying that part of the line and giving it as the input of the drawing function. Read the way I read the file (.txt): lis...

python - sort a field in ascending order and delete the first and last number -

I have data that looks like the following: a 10,5 , 3, 66,50b, 2,10,1,88,5,8,9, C, 4,60,10,39,55,22 de 1,604,3,503,235,45,60,7 e 20,59,33,2 , 6, 45,36,34,22 I want to sort the data in the ascending order in the second column a 3,5,10 , 50,66 B 1,2,5,8,9,10,88 C4,10,22,39,55,60 .... .... Then The Smallest and the Largest Value So in this way: one 5,10,50 b 2,5, 8 9, 10 c 10,22,39,55 .... .... Any help would be appreciated! r ') in the form of> fine, open (' result.txt ',' w '): for the row in the wings: f0, f1 = line.split () fout ('% s \ t% S \ n '% (f0,', '. (Sorted (f1.split (', '), key = int) [1: -1]))) The body of the loop can be unexpected in this way: f0, f1 = line.split () # field split on white space = f1.split (',') # comma The second segment divided on = sorted (item, key = intestine) # or item. # Objects as item (key = int) # items as item items [1: -1] # ccv line as the # get ...

php - PDO query method with bindValue() seems not to be working -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 उत्तर यह कभी काम नहीं करता है और जब मैं एसक्यूएल क्वेरी पर var डंप करता हूं, तो मुझे लगता है कि प्रश्न चिह्न अभी भी इसमें हैं। मुझे समझ में नहीं आता है कि यह मूल्यों को बंधन क्यों नहीं कर रहा है। क्या कोई मेरी सहायता कर सकता है? PHP $ ruleValue = "value1"; $ input = "value2"; $ inputValue = "value3"; $ this- & gt; _db- & gt; क्वेरी ('SELECT * FROM? WHERE? =?', अरै ($ ruleValue, $ input, $ inputValue)); विधि सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन क्वेरी ($ sql, $ params = array ()) {$ this- & gt; = गलत; अगर ($-> यह- & gt; _query = $ this- & gt; _pdo- & gt; तैयार ($ sql)) {$ x = 1; अगर (गणना ($ params)) {foreach ($ परम के रूप में $ params) {$ this- & gt; _query- & gt; बाइट वैल्यू ($ x, $ परम); $ X ++; }} यदि ($ this- & gt; _query- & gt; निष्पादित करें ()) {$ this- & gt; _results = $ this- & gt; _query- & gt; फैल करें सभी (PDO :: FETCH_OBJ); $ This-...

Comparing speeds of different tasks in different languages -

If I want to test the speed of completing some tasks, will I have the test of which language Tested in? We can consider that any programmer working with anybody wants to perform. Sorting, or more complex jobs include signals and verification of files such as signals. Keeping in mind that we all know that certain languages ​​will run faster than others, this means that working languages ​​will rely on languages ​​and the way their compiler / runtime is optimized but they Clearly all will be different. It is best to rely on such language, which is less dependent on abstract such as, or to test jobs and functions in higher level languages, and rely on the fact that they Are not also adequately applicable to worry about potential inefficiency? I hope my question is clear. It does not matter which real world language you use test ... You design the tests correctly, there is always an upper part of the language but depending on the current temperature, there is always an overhea...

javascript - Define execution context of external JS file? -

I am working on a small JS library which I want to be able to use in various projects. My problem is: I need some data that is defined in some files from another JS project in which I do not control the source code. These files are structured as follows: (export () {var export; export export = type export! == "undefined" & export! == Zero? Export: This; export oz. ??? ??? ...;}). Call (this); Now, I can prevent global namespace pollution by defining a export variable in global area area. However, I need to work in parallel with another script anytime if exportObj = type export ... pattern, as I have all the definitions from that script Also catch me Anyway, I can define the value of this is it necessary to include me to use external JS files for execution? In this way, I can redirect the definitions in a variable of my choosing, without any other script that really influences the global export variable It is possible to wrap the contents of th...

automata - What sort of automaton does SCXML describe? -

क्या एससीएक्सएमएल की एक नियतिवादी परिमित automaton / deterministic परिमित राज्य मशीन के समान है, या एससीएक्सएमएल की शक्ति बेहतर कब्जा कर ली है अन्य सार मशीनों / ऑटोमेटा द्वारा? उदाहरण के लिए, क्या एससीएक्सएमएल एक पुशडाउन ऑटोमेशन या ट्युरिंग मशीन का वर्णन करने के लिए पर्याप्त शक्तिशाली माना जा सकता है? बिना एक डेटामोडेल, आप प्रत्येक एससीएक्सएमएल दस्तावेज को समकक्ष डीएफए पर मैप कर सकते हैं। आप एनएफएएस को डीएफए में बदलते समय विपरीत तरीके से उपयोग नहीं करेंगे। लेकिन हर व्यावहारिक प्रयोजन के लिए jbeard4 सही है, जैसे ही आपके पास ट्यूरिंग-पूर्ण डाटामोडेल है, एससीएक्सएमएल पूर्ण ट्यूरिंग है। अपडेट: मुझे इस एक पर मुझे सही करना होगा। एससीएक्सएमएल, यहां तक ​​कि किसी भी डेटामोडल के बिना, पहले से ही टर्निंग-पूर्ण हो गया है! एफआईएफओ के रूप में आंतरिक कतार का प्रयोग करते हुए, आप एक डिटरमिनिस्टिक क्यूई ऑप्शन (डीक्यूए) को मॉडल कर सकते हैं जो ट्यूरिंग मशीन के बराबर है। इस प्रकार, एससीएक्सएमएल ट्यूरिंग-पूर्ण है।

Android Change TextView for each click - XML -

I am working on Android and parsing it and reading the value from XML. But now I have a question. When I click on the next button I want to change the text view text and the text will be changed in the context of the xml file. For example, & lt; Question & gt; & Lt; Question & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 1 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Text & gt; Question1 & lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / Question & gt; & Lt; Question & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 2 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Text & gt; Question2 & lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / Question & gt; & Lt; Question & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 3 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Text & gt; Question3 & lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / Question & gt; & Lt; / Question & gt; If this is my XML file, then I want to update the text view every time I click on the next button. I can not do this, can someone help me? To start, I will parse your XM...

m2eclipse - Attach sources in Eclipse Plug-in Dependencies container -

We use Eclipse and M2E to work with a typo-based plugin. The source of our problem dependency is not attached: Is there any way to automatically create PDE / M2E download sources and add them in dependency? You can try to install this plugin, which will be available in your P2 repository of Eclipse installation. Source matches bundles, such as M2E for Maven dependence If the source jar is present in a P2 repository and it does not work for you (in fact it should be), then Please open a bug for this. Now, if this is not working, that is, the jar does not come from a P2 repository, another option is to establish, which is similar to the mechanism of M2A, but a bit more robust More is complete, because it will seek sources in Maven Central and separate Nexus Repository Managers based on their JARs SHA1 checksum. It is a downside to this that you do not need a bunch of dependency in eclipse (PJS server stuff)

c++ - error C2504 circular inclusion -

I have parents and child classes inherited from child guardian I store child objects in a vector Want to I include the hair headers in the parent headers, but I have to include the parent headers in the hair headers (because it handles parents Include "Child.h" using the #pragma one time # & lt; vector & gt; # std :: vector; class parent {public: parent (); ~ & Lt; child & gt; Children;}; parent.cpp #include "Stdafx.h" # included "guardian" guardian: guardian () {} parent: ~ generator () {} Child.h #pragma Once #include "Parents.h" Classroom Children: Parents {public: hair (); ~ hair ();} ) {} Child: ~ Child () {} Errors child. H (4): error C2504: 'parent': base class undefined parent.h (11): error C2065: 'child': unknown identifier Declare further, and store the pointer inside the vector. Parent.h #pragma once #include & lt; Vector & gt; Using Std :: vec...

cocoa - What is the correct way to self-terminate a MacOS XPC service? -

I have successfully followed the tutorial, together with sandboxify sample code and an active client / service Setup is using the new NSXPCConnection class. It is still not completely clear to me that once the work is done then the service application itself has to be corrected. I understand that in many cases, the service is expected to survive, but in the case of use I have been kept in mind, this service will be used only for processing which I have not done otherwise in the main application. Once the processing has finished, there is no reason for the service application to stay, if the client requires another service on a different date, then it can only rebuild a new one Since this service is light, non-essay, NSApplication , I was trying to terminate myself by calling invalid inside application current , But almost every time an EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception is turned on Invalid calling on [NSXPCListener serviceListener] generates little crashes, but it still cra...

sql - How do i connect to a postrgresql database instance using Amazon Web Services in java code? -

I recently created an account using Amazon Web Services - it is expected that up to 24/7 database in PostgreSQL Will gain access. However, there are some documents in it that how to connect directly to a postgrascape database instance using Java code. So my question is, how do I get connected to my created database? Please be certain .getConnection code will be helpful. and then. I want to use Java code, no extension or toolkit. Some connection code is: try {properties props = new property (); // using the keystore if the following line is inappropriate. Props.setProperty ("SSL", "true"); Props.setProperty ("user", "Bruce Wayne"); props.setProperty ("password", "password"); connection = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: postgresql: // 5432", props); } Hold (SQLException e) {System.out.println ("Connection Failed! Test Output Console"); E.printS...

objective c - ReactiveCocoa MVVM with UITableView -

I am using reactive cocoa and am trying to implement MVVM. There is a typical typical UITableView scenario with fresh controls to reload my data. I left UITableDataSource / Delegate methods because they are straight forward. The code given below shows how I designed the viewold and view controller to fit together. ViewModel.h @property (get strong, nonatomic, read-only) RAC COMMAND * getItemsCommand; @ Property (strong, non-monetary, read-only) NSArray * items; ViewModel.m - (instancetype) init {self = [super init]; If (! Self!) Return zero; @weakify (self); Self.getItemsCommand = [[RAC Common Alloc] initWithSignalBlock: ^ RACSignal * (id input) {return [[items get datasource) doNext: ^ (NSArray * item) {@ Strongx (self); // I actually do a little extra work like // sorting properly for the scene. Self. Item = item; }]; }]; Self return; } ViewController.m - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Viewedload]; [self.tableView addSubview: self.refreshControl]; RACsigna...

javascript - csv2geojson.js causing unsupported property error in IE8 -

demo: When I access this map from I8, it is a "object" This property or method does not support "error on this line of csv2geojson.js, var parsed = (typeof x == 'string')? DSV (options.delimiter). Purse (x): x; I'm goggling a bit, but can not understand that 8 is missing, because of this reason any reason can throw this error? DSV library that csv2geojson.js uses some "build-in" functions supported in IE8 Are not, i.e. the map function. Uses other parts of code forEach . I pulled the following snippet from the DSV code: function DSV (delimiter) {var dsv = {}, reFormat = new RegExp ("[\" "+ delimiter +" \ n] " ), Delimitercode = Delimiter.CoCodayet (0); DSV.PRSE = function (text, f) {var o; Returns dsv.prsro (text, function (line, i) {if (o) return o (line, i- 1); var a = new function ("d", "return {" + (function (name, i) {JSON.stringify {name} + return: "[d +" + + +...

Chef organizing nodes -

I am organizing my managed nodes, I have 12 machine 5 apps, 5 db and 2 memcache. I have 3 roles accordingly. This is the atmosphere, I have a large number of machines with staging and production environments. Therefore I prepare chef atmosphere accordingly. role: app nodes: 5 ap nodes cookbook: tomcat, java override_editgej: {Java_version: 1.6.0} and so on for DB and memcatch ... If we later decide to upgrade Java to 1.7, then update the override_tribute of the roll to 1.7, all 5 nodes should be affected. My question is if I have a situation where only one machine is left with 1.6.0 and the rest is all 1.7 best practice. The option I tried, one. The extra node at [fqdn] == HARD_CODED .. The condition in the cookbook. But this situation is only on the Dev environment, staging and production will have the same Java version. I do not have to cook different cookbooks. Override_triboots has Java_version: 1.7, java_1.6_ Host: "Exception_Host" but makes the role very...

Android menu - on a click each activiy stay behing -

I have a menu on my application The problem is that, when I click on an item, the previous one is behind lives. So when I click on the last button on my phone, the previous activity is seen. I do not know what's going wrong in my code. Then this is my code for the menu: @Override Public Boolean Permit menu (menu menu) {getMenuInflater () .inflet (R. menu menu, menu ); Back true; } @ Override Public Boolean On Option Itam Select (Menu Item) {Switch (ITAT. ITMID)} {Case RID. Action_User: Intent Intent 1 = New Intent (, UserActivities.class); StartActivity (intent1); Back true; Case Back Truth; Case Intent intent2 = New Intent (TeamActivity.This, ScoreActivity.class); startActivity (intent2); Back true; Case intent3 = new intent (TeamActivity.This, SettingsActivity.class); startActivity (intent3); Back true; Case intent4 = new intent (team activity. This, aboutActivity.class); startAc...

linear algebra - Creating a Breeze DenseMatrix using an existing List of Lists in Scala -

I have list [list [int]] = list (list (1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), list (0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0), list (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3)) And I want to create a matrix / dense matrix with 3 rows and 9 columns so that I can do some linear algebra operations on it. This is not yet great syntax for I actually ran in today, so I probably We will add better support soon. Meanwhile, Densmatics (array 1, ARR2, array 3) works. Therefore: Val listoffithstats: list [list [int]] = ??? Danes Matrix ( (_toure): _ *) Not the most beautiful, but if you open the ticket, I'll add better support.

mips32 - mips , multiplication of array's elements -

I have a problem with my code. I have an array matrix 1 and my purpose is to add another Print the array matrix 2 . The element of the second array is matrix 1 [i] * i . The problem with my code is that the multiplication process only applies to the first number. For example: First array: 2 6 16 10 Second array should be: 2 12 54 40 But this is: 2 4 6 8 This is my code multing: bgt $ t0, $ s0, jump # t0 = i, $ S0 = dimention lw $ t1,0 ($ a1) # a1 = First arrow address, t1 = matrix [i] mul $ t2, $ t1, $ t0 # t2 = t1 * t0 self $ t2,0 ($ a2)) #store element addi $ t0, $ t0,1 # i = i + 1 adi $ a1, $ a1,4 # first array in the first address addi $ a2, $ a2,4 #next address B multing # repeat loop in the second array There is nothing wrong in your algthm that works as expected (That are 3 * 16 = 48 but) I suspect that you print the wrong array are installed incorrectly your Algth or verification methods. The following is a program that uses your algorithm that work...

ios - Unknown Crashes happened in SpriteKit -

I am new in spritekit and am developing a game. I had some memory problem, which I solved, but after playing the game several times it now crashes due to 'poor access'. At the end of each level, I indicate that the user wins or loses, and remove all in the SKSCIRAD scansin: [node deletion]; And I do not use Preloading for textureAtlas. This link is from my Xcode: Crash Log: I got an error using test flight 3 UIKit 0x30ee700c _UIGestureRecognizerSendActions 4 UIKit 0x30d92502 - [UIGestureRecognizer _updateGestureWitEvent: buttonEvent:] 5 UIKit 0x31139af4 ___ UIGestureRecognizerUpdate_block_invoke I can not understand your crash logs, so you can debug your app while running on runtime. An easy way to stop EXC_BAD_ACCESS can be: if (node! = zero) {[node removal head]; }

php - Code Igniter subquery with Active record -

I'm trying to query this in code ignition: select items Itoifsing.Marca, items_mtoedifsing.Modelo, items_mtoedifsing.Familia, items_movimientos.id_item, items_movimientos.Tipo_Movimiento, items_movimientos.Fecha_Movimiento, items_movimientos.Destino join items_mtoedifsing on items_mtoedifsing.id_item from items_movimientos = items_movimientos.id_item where items_movimientos.fecha_movimiento = (max (the items_movimientos fecha_movimiento) Select it where it.id_item = items_movimientos.id_item) and items_movimientos.Destino = 'value' but I'm having some issues with the subquery. This is my code that returns 0 rows when 1 row comes back: Select $ this-> db-> ('*'); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; ('items_movimientos'); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Join ('items_mtoedifsing', 'items_mtoedifsing.id_item = items_movimientos.id_item'); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('items_movimientos.Fecha_Movimiento', '...

r - Create regression coefficient table -

There are a total of 46 retrograde models for which I want to summarize into a data table. Here is a dummy example that I have made to explain my method. # dummy data data 1 & lt; - data.frame (flow = c (8,8.5,6,7.1,9), SP_elev = c (20, 11, 5, 25, 50)) data 2 & lt; - data.frame (flow = c (7, 7, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8), SP_elev = c (13,15,18,25,19)) data 3 and lt; - Data.frame (flow = c (2,3,5,7,9), SP_elev = c (20,25,28,30,35)) data 4 & lt; - Data.frame (flow = c) (1,4,6,8,9), SP_elev = c (13,15,18,25,19)) data 5 & lt; - Data.frame (flow = c (1,4,6,8,9), SP_elev = c (13,15,18,25,19)) data 6 & lt; - data.frame (flow = c (1,4,6,8,9), SP_elev = c (22, 23, 25, 27, 2) # desired column name tmp and lt; - (matrix (enero = 0, NXL = 9)) Name (TMP) & lt; -c ("site_name", "int", "coffin #Create vector list dataframe = list (" data1 "= data1," data2 "= data 2, "Data 3" = "1", "Data 3" = ...

javascript - JS trigger event on window.parent from iframe with timeout -

I'm tyring to trigger a program to trigger a button on the window to expire 2 seconds Click on iframe using jquery with My In-Earm button: & lt; Input id = 'submit' type = "submit" name = 'submit' value = "save" & gt; Click Jquery Event: $ ("# submit") (function () {window.parent.setTimeout (function () Some stuff ....}, 2000);}); Well, it's working with Safari 7.0.3 and Chrome 34.0.1847.116 meters, but in Firefox 28.0 and in my current version IE11, I have no chance of working on it. Does anyone know the trick? First of all, are you okay with just allowing the latest browsers? In that case you can use a post message, one click, you wait for 2 seconds, then send a message so that parents ask them to trigger the incident. It works only if you have control over both. If this question goes into more details then I can do it above.

installation - Problems installing optisystem -

After the 7 days evaluation ends, I try to install the Optics System 7 or 10 on my computer, so I installed Windows Formatting and New. Windows Although the program can not be run and is not available to the license says every time, no one can help me solve the problem it was your PC that is possible to run a trial version first, as has been registered in its database, and therefore has no trial period for that particular PC has gone. You can send a test code to your email address, so that you can not activate a new test using the same email address. I think you can try to install the product on a different machine or get a new test code sent to a different email address. Software briefly possibly be required in respect of the trial period, but you could not meet its testing phase within the time limit.

PHP function not echoing variables -

मेरे पास config.php नामक फ़ाइल में निम्नलिखित पंक्ति है: $ objects [ "सेटिंग्स"] ["टेम्पलेट"] ["मान"] = "हां"; फिर funcs.php नामक एक फ़ाइल है जिसमें config.php शामिल है, निम्न पंक्तियों के साथ। $ वस्तुओं ["सेटिंग्स"] ["टेम्पलेट गूंज "] [" मूल्य "]; फ़ंक्शन testfunction () {गूंज "& lt; br / & gt; फ़ंक्शन आउटपुट:" $ वस्तुओं ["सेटिंग्स"] ["टेम्पलेट"] ["मान"]; } तब मेरे पास index.php है जिसमें funcs.php शामिल है, जैसा कि निम्न है। need_once ("funcs.php"); testfunction (); कैसे फ़ंक्शन से आउटपुट चर को नहीं पढ़ता है और वे खाली हैं? हाँ फ़ंक्शन आउटपुट: संपादित करें: मैं Yoda के उत्तर के साथ गया था क्योंकि यह पैरामीटर के रूप में $ वस्तुओं को पारित करने के बारे में सबसे विस्तृत उत्तर था उत्तर देने वाले सभी को धन्यवाद! चर फ़ंक्शन गुंजाइश में नहीं है आप इसे global कीवर्ड का उपयोग करके प्राप्त कर सकते हैं हालांकि ऐसा करने से यह...

jsf - Hide submenu if it has not children -

If I have a panel menu component and some of its submenu components do not show the child due to their children, on the wrong Set what can I do to hide the submenu option? For example, submenu_1_2 and submenu_1_3 should be hidden: & lt; P: panel menu & gt; & Lt; P: submenu label = "submenu_1_1" & gt; & Lt; p: menu item = "# {backingBean.view_1_1_1}" value = "View_1_1_1" sang = "true" /> p: menu item = "# {backingBean.view_1_1_1}" value = "View_1_1_2" is provided = "true" /> & Lt; / P: submenu & gt; & Lt; P: submenu label = "submenu_1_2" & gt; & Lt; p: menu item = "# {backingBean.view_1_2_1}" value = "visible_1_2_1" is provided = "wrong" /> & Lt; / P: submenu & gt; & Lt; P: submenu label = "submenu_1_3" & gt; & Lt; p: menu item = "# {backingBean.view_1_3_1}" value = "visible...

How do I use R version 3.0 when I have an updated version 3.1? -

I was using R3 version 3.0 and it has the latest version 3.1.0 (Spring Dance) 2014-04-10 Was updated in ). I was working on a package on genomaterials and all my analysis was on version 3.0. Now if I open my new version. On the new version of RDTata, it does not show many objects because they were associated with version 3.0. I have installed this package on version 3.1 but let me run my entire analysis again because the path has changed. And the R code is going on again, in fact it is not easy. I have two folders ~ / R / x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library / 3.0 & amp; ~ / R / x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library / 3.1 Can I use the old version of R again? Try loading the old workspace in its new version of R, & gt; Load ("~ / R / x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library / 3.0 / .RData") or whatever file name. By the way, it is a good practice to not save your whole workspace by default in the "RData" file, but save the parts that you need for the filename. ? Save ...

java - Server sending Empty file to client -

सर्वर साइड कोड int count = -1; बाइट [] मायबाइटियररे = नवा बाइट [1024]; BufferedInputStream bis = नया BufferedInputStream (नई FileInputStream (myFile)); ओएस = s.getOutputStream (); System.out.println ("भेजा जा रहा है + + फ़ाइलनाम +" ("+ mybytearray.length +" बाइट्स) "); जबकि ((गणना = (बीआईएस.रेड (मायबाइटिएरे)))> 0) {System.out.println (गणना); os.write (mybytearray, 0, गिनती); os.flush (); } System.out.println ("संपन्न"); bis.close (); os.close (); क्लाइंट साइड कोड int bytesRead = -1; बाइट [] मायबाइटियररे = नवा बाइट [1024]; InputStream isP = p2p.getInputStream (); FileOutputStream fos = नया FileOutputStream (पथ + "आरएफसी" + आरएफसीएनम + ".txt"); जबकि ((बाइट्स रीड = आईपीपी। रीड (मायबाइटिएरे)) gt; 0) {fos.write (mybytearray, 0, बाइट्स रीड); fos.flush (); FILESIZE + = bytesRead; } System.out.println ("फ़ाइल का आकार" + फ़ाइल आकार है); isP.close (); fos.close (); मुझे सर्वर से क्लाइंट तक एक रिक्त फाइल मिल रही ह...

mysql - how to limit user storage space php -

I can not understand the best way to limit the user's storage space on my php based app but I found this problem There is not an optimal way of handling. In response to that question, a user is suggested to run a MySQL SUM command to get the location that is currently using. Is it efficient? What do other people usually do? In my case involves storing images for users, images are loaded on a cloud storage provider and I keep a record of the file size and name in my local database. Suppose a user's maximum placement is 10 GB. If each image is 300 KB after compression, then this will be ~ 33,000 images per user. If there are 1,000 users, then there will be ~ 33,000,000 images and thus there will be 33,000,000 rows in the table, suggesting that when many lines of the line are considered, the command is slow. Another option I thought was that whenever any image is uploaded or deleted, the counter value decreases and decreases, but it may be stability and synchronized proble...

jquery - Hide scrollbar in iFrame -

I know that a lot has been said before this question but the problem is that I create a responsive tool with html Trying to do CSS, Jquery I'm using an iframe to display html (example: a landing page), see different responsive scenes, but when the content is high that the window scroll bar appears Is (horizontal, vertical bar), I c I would like to be at least horizontal times, because if I have a responsive view of 320px, when the scrollbar is visible, then it hides part of the material and I have to use the horizontal scroll. I have not done any work, can you please help me please thank you! & lt; div id = "resize-box" & gt; & Lt; Iframe src = "blank.html" frameborder = 0 scrolling = "no" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; If I use "do not scroll" then it hides the scroll bar, but ceases functioning functionally and I'll need it. I tried it but no luck. blank.html & gt; ...

c++ - Why do compilers only look backward for type and function declarations? -

This is entirely to satisfy my own curiosity, but how and how to solve functions and types against those definitions ago Sometimes it looks like the function needs to call each other: zero foo (int depth) {bar (depth + 2); } Zero times (int depth) {if (depth; gt; 0) foo (depth - 3); } Where you need to move the bar before either foo, or announce the bar already: void bar (int ); Zero foo (int depth) {bar (depth + 2); } Zero times (int depth) {if (depth; gt; 0) foo (depth - 3); } In more complex examples, you may need to review #include trees and #ifndef guards to find out if your code defines the function or type in any other file Why not, and if you already know that you should check for it. And then it's definitely classic: typedef struct {node * next; } Node; Where you need to know that it is possible: typedef struct node {struct node * next; } Node; ... But apparently many people do not do that they use 'zero *' or 'structure node...

Moving a large set of numbers to a new range in Notepad++ -

There are my conflicting numbers in one of the configurations. I will have no limit on this number, this number is more than 150 (It is being affected between 700-1000, with random random arbitrator) My setup is set to suggest open ranges for this contradictory ID, 3739-3852, 596699 and 1617-1719. How do I get these contradictory IDs on these open boundaries? (I.e., 700 -> 3739 and so forth with consecutive numbers) An example is: ConflictingIDOne = 700 Anti ID = 701 ... ConflictingIDxxx = 1000 and I want to take it to conflicting IDO = 3739 contradictory IDTO = 3740 ... contradictory IDX = 3852 Try this: Alt Press and mark numbers Mouse (select column / block) Press Alt + c It should open the Block-Edit dialog Select 'Insert numbers' and enter the first number as 3739 and increment from 1 I hope you Which can be found. I have a German version and I do not know that it was written to me when it was written.

ruby on rails - Unicorn fail start with config -

यूनिकॉर्न सफलतापूर्वक कमांड से शुरू होता है: बंडल एजीआईसीआईसीआईसीआईसीआरएआईआर -ई विकास और config.rb बंडल एजी के साथ काम नहीं करें ./config/unicorn.rb- ई विकास ई, [2014-04-22T11: 04: 49.358626 # 8207] त्रुटि -: कटाई # & lt; प्रक्रिया :: स्थिति: pid 8465 exit 1 & gt; कार्यकर्ता = 0 मैं, [2014-04-22T11: 04: 49.359031 # 8207] जानकारी -: कार्यकर्ता = 0 spawning ... I, [2014-04-22T11: 04: 49.361032 # 8468] जानकारी -: कार्यकर्ता = 0 spawned pid = 8468 I, [2014-04-22T11: 04: 49.361354 # 8468] सूचना -: ताज़ा रत्न सूची ई, [2014-04-22T11: 04: 49.361911 # 8468] त्रुटि -: अपरिभाषित विधि `कार्यकर्ता_प्रक्रिया 'मुख्य के लिए: ऑब्जेक्ट (नोएमथिएयर एरर) /होम / डेन / बुयबेट्स / कॉन्फ़िगर / अनिकॉर्न। आरबीआईः & lt; शीर्ष (आवश्यक) & gt; /home/den/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/unicorn-4.8.2/lib/unicorn.rb:50:in 'आवश्यक' /home/den/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1। 0 / रत्न / यूनिकॉर्न -4.8.2 / बीबी / यूनिकॉर्न.आरबी: 50: `बिल्ड में ब्लॉक '/home/den/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/unicorn-4.8...

load physical constants into octave -

I was wondering if it is possible to create a file containing all the common constants that I use, and all of them Load at octave at once. Basically every time I use Octave, I have to open my text file in which it has SI value for some physical constants, and then copy and paste it into my File I was wondering if there was any way I could avoid this work, and just type "load filename" as if I import the data, and then all my constants will be defined in one step? Here's a way: Suppose a file defines a constant That's the script called constants.m . Ex: avogadro = 6.02214179e23; Gravity_accel = 9.80665; Light_speed = 299792458; Place this file in a known directory. For example, I will put it in the subdirectory of my home directory called local_octave . Edit the file (or create, if it does not exist). Octaverc in your home directory, and add the line addpath (& lt; path_to_known_directory & gt;) , but & lt; Path_to_known_directory ...

ios - Not sure why NSUserdefaults is not saving the results? -

I am trying to save the check and remove the uncheck tableclass in NSUserdefaults, but it seems that the NSLog In the loop, he is not called for sure, why is there anything wrong in this code? (Everything shows up right and cells are checked and unchecked) - (zero) tableview: (UITableView *) tableview was selected by endindex: path: (NSIndexPath *) IndexPath {// setting up nsUser UserDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standard user default]; // current line text UITableViewCell * cell = [table view cellarrowoutindexpath: indexpath]; NSString * cellname = cell.textLabel.text; // Check that the existing row is selected; boolean isNowChecked = NO; If ([tableview cellphonerexexpath: indexpath]. Asserty type == uTitViewkelEsourceCrackmark) {Hainoukank = Yes; } If (hanocaqed) {nslog (@ "unchecking"); [Tableview cellphoneUroutexpath: indexpath]. Asset type = UITableViewCellAccessoryNone; // Highlights from selection [select the tableview: RouteTindPath: indexpath animated: yes]; // n...

osx - Getting SSL error when attempting to clone a Stash repository -

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

java - How to decode to UTF-8 String from Hex encoded string -

html javascript string such as: htmlString = "https \ x3a \" X2f \ " But I want to explain it as below: str = "" This means, I would like a Util API: public static string decodehex (string html string) {// decode and converter here} public static zero main (string ... args) {String html string C = "https \ x3a \ x2f \"; string should be str = decodeHex (html string); // str should be ""} Does anybody know how to implement this API - decodeHex? Must be enough I'm implementing hexadecode and sorting input incorrectly as an exercise for you. public string decode (string encoded) { StringBinder SB = New stringbilder (); For (int i = 0; i & lt; encoded; langhe (); i ++) {if (encoded.chart at (i) == '\' and & amp; amp; (i + 3) & lt ; Encoded.Length () & amp; Amp; encoded.chart (I + 1) == 'x') {sb.append (hexadecod (encoded. ...

symfony - Symfony2 - Images In CSS with Assetic -

Edit: I think a third party bundle has been found, in which there is a bit of configuration, which I see appears to be completed: currently it The only disadvantage is that there is no type of cash busting, however, saying that the functionality was as simple as forking / patching and the composer had to add the necessary dependencies. I still welcome any official / recommended methods of completing this, but now it works very well that I 'm comfortable in using it in production. I am recently diving into Simfoni 2 and giving myself to make the project more familiar with the structure. Here's my setup: & lt ;! - base.html.twig - & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Page & lt; / Title & gt; {% Block stylesheets%} {% stylesheets bundle / website / less / *. Low output = 'asset / css / output.css' filter = 'lessphp, cssrewrite'%} & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "{{Asset_url}}" & gt; {% S...

How to install ioncube Loader in OpenShift with WorkFlow Guide -

मैं निम्नलिखित कारतूस के साथ एक अनुप्रयोग बनाऊँ - PHP 5.4 - MySQL 5.5 - Phpmyadmin 4.0 क्या है Ioncube पूरी तरह से कार्य करने के लिए पूर्ण वर्कफ़्लो, और हर बार जब मैं रेपो डेटा को धक्का देता हूँ तो क्या हटाए / रीसेट नहीं किया जाएगा? मैंने के बारे में पढ़ा है लेकिन वास्तव में चरण के लिए स्पष्ट नहीं है । क्रेडिट करने के लिए क्रेडिट: सबसे पहले, आपको ज़ेंड कारतूस के साथ एक गियर बनाया। ssh अपने गियर में और सीडी ऐप- (ऐप के लिए क्यों जा सकते हैं / कॉन्फ़िगरेशन / आदि / php.ini पर जा सकते हैं) रूट / डेटा wget tar -xvzf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz आप 'ioncube' नामक एक फ़ोल्डर के साथ समाप्त हो जाएगा चलाएं $ OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR और आउटपुट का नोट करें नैनो $ HOME / zend / configuration / etc / php.ini इस पंक्ति को END में जोड़ें फ़ाइल का आप संपादित कर रहे हैं (यह एक आपके पीएचपी संस्करण पर निर्भर करता है, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 या नवीनतम संस्करण भी हो सकता है) zend_ex...

express - How to respond to a command line promt with node.js -

How do I respond to command line prompts with node.js? For example, if I do process.stdin.write ('sudo ls'); The command line will prompt for a password In addition to this, how do I know that when process.stdin.write ('npm install') is something like this Has been completed? I want to use it to edit this file (required for phasing my app), deploying on my server, and changing those files (ultimately necessary to deploy the output ). Any help can be rock! You would like to use this to write the command on stdin Instead. var sys = require ('sys'), exec =' ('child_process'). Exec; // execute 'sudo ls' command with a callback function exec ('sudo ls', function (error, stdout, stderr) {if (error!)} // print output sys.puts (stdout);} and { // handle error}}); To set up npm you may be better with which you can attach an event listener to run the attachment, you can do the following : var spawn = is required ...