Moving a large set of numbers to a new range in Notepad++ -
There are my conflicting numbers in one of the configurations. I will have no limit on this number, this number is more than 150 (It is being affected between 700-1000, with random random arbitrator)
My setup is set to suggest open ranges for this contradictory ID, 3739-3852, 596699 and 1617-1719.
How do I get these contradictory IDs on these open boundaries? (I.e., 700 -> 3739 and so forth with consecutive numbers)
An example is:
ConflictingIDOne = 700 Anti ID = 701 ... ConflictingIDxxx = 1000 and I want to take it to
conflicting IDO = 3739 contradictory IDTO = 3740 ... contradictory IDX = 3852
Try this:
- Alt Press and mark numbers Mouse (select column / block)
- Press Alt + c It should open the Block-Edit dialog
- Select 'Insert numbers' and enter the first number as 3739 and increment from 1
I hope you Which can be found. I have a German version and I do not know that it was written to me when it was written.
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