
Showing posts from February, 2010

PHP mysql Order by and Group By query -

In the history of my order, I am currently listing all the previous orders to all customers, however, not in date order . My current question is: Select the order item ID, from the order order where the order ID = $ orderind group order ID; After this query, I use a loop, for each order, to print the previous order in the table. However, I want to print the previous order by 'order by date'. After the groupbie I had ordered the date from date but there was no difference in the result printing. Any guidance will be appreciated. Since you are filtering records from OrderID Need GROUP BY ? SELECT OrderItemID, date from the order, where order id = $ order order dsc

c# - Save structure in binary file and then read from it -

My program (in WinForms) is a test of some topics. I have such a structure, where I save my questions for this test I: dictionary & lt; int, question & gt; Question = New Dictionary & lt; int, question & gt; (); Public class questions {public question (string q_text, dictionary & lt; string, bull & gt; ans) {text = q_text; Answer = ans; } Public string text {get; Set; } Public Dictionary & lt; String, bool & gt; Answer {receive; Set; }} I have your query (absolutely glossary , question & gt; question = new dictionary & lt; int, question & gt; (); ) In the binary file and each time I start the program, it will be read from this. I have never worked with binary files. You can serial the object and save it in a file. But you have to mark your class with [serializable] /// & lt; Summary & gt; /// HD /// and LT; / Summary & gt; Public Static Zero PersistObject () {Logger.Debug ("PersistObject: Start"); // F...

ios - Convert video in mp4 format -

I'm a newbie and trying to create an app that records a video or selects a video from a library Instead, instead I am uploading that video to the Web. But these files are not playing in some Android devices. So I want to convert it to mp4 format. So I want to ask that saved mov to mp4 objective-c ? FYI has done a lot of research but I have not found any useful information. Picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera; Picker.delegate = self; Picker.showsCameraControls = Yes; Picker.allowsEditing = Yes; picker.mediaTypes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (NSString *) kUTTypeMovie, zero]; [Self present ViewController: animated picker: yes complete: zero]; } - (zero) imagePickerController: (UIImagePickerController *) Picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: (NSDictionary *) information {NSString * MediaType = [information objectForKey: UIImagePickerControllerMediaType]; If (CFStringCompare ((__bridge_retained CFStringRef) MediaType, kUTTypeMovie, 0) == k...

osx - how to install a pre-downloading package by using brew command -

On this command running "Bru installed pyv" on Mac OS X 10.9.2, I found the following error: curl: (7) failed to join; Operation timed out Error: Failed to download resource "pypy" Download failed: And then I downloaded the pypy- 2.2.1- osx64.tar.bz2, put this package in the library / cache / homebrew, and then run "Fluffy Install", but failed to install the package. Would anyone help me install this package? It is possible that the homebree is out-to-date and is trying to fetch and Try running the old version of the Peelie lower: Alcohol doctor breathing update breeder doctor

html - Percentage of height not working for portrait screen orientation -

I am trying to determine the percentage of 2 div elements (main and headers) in the body of html. The problem is that it is not working (the percentage of the height displayed is incorrect) when my screen is the orientation picture. Example dimension I see below: 320x480 320x568 600x800 768x1024 800x1280 I use to check my code. HTML code: & lt; body & gt; & Lt; Header & gt; & Lt; Div id = "title" & gt; Just a title & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Header & gt; & Lt; Main & gt; Here the main division element & lt; / Main & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; CSS code: html, body {background-color: # A8F000; Height: 100%; } Header {background-color: # F80012; Height: 25%; } Main {Background color: # 009 E8E; Height: 70%; } What's going wrong here? Use this: header {background color: # F80012 ; Height: 25%; } Add

jquery autocomplete select event is not working in jquery 1.4.4 version -

jquery autocomplete select event is not working in jquery 1.4.4 version I need to like, I need to do something about choosing // This code is using I $ ("# keyword") Autocomplete ('/ topic / newSearchAjax', {matchSubset: incorrect, select: function (a, b) {$ (this) .val (b.item.value); console.log (this); alert message (value) }}); If it does not support in 1.4.4 then is there an option to get this functionality? See this bela if it helps. JAVASCRIPT: $ ("#autocomplete"). Autocomplete ({source: function (req, resp) {$ .post ("/ echo / json /", {json: '[1 "," 2 "," 3 "," 4 "," 5 "]', Delay: 1}, function {resp (data);}, "JSON");}, select: function (event, UI) {warning (ui.item.label); return false;}}); HTML: input id = "auto complete">

php - GD Thumbnail Creation - Is it possible tu run a script by short stages? -

I am using this modified script () to create thumbnails for all the images in a script: function vs thumb (images for $ path, $ pathtoombs, $ thumbbyte, $ image quality) {$ dir = opendir ($ pathToImages); While (wrong! == ($ fname = readdir ($ dir))) {$ info = pathinfo ($ pathToImages. $ Fname); If (stroller ($ info ['extension']) == 'jpg') {$ img = imagecreatefromjpeg ("{$ pathToImages} {$ fname}"); $ Width = imagesx ($ img); $ Height = images ($ IMG); $ new_width = $ thumbWidth; $ new_height = floor ($ height * ($ ring width / $ width)); $ tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor ($ new_width, $ new_height); imagecopyresized ($ tmp_img, $ img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ new_width, $ new_height, $ width, $ height); Imagejpeg ($ tmp_img, "{$ pathToThumbs} {$ fname}", $ imageQuality)}} Monkey ($ dir);} I have to create more than 250 thumbnails, The reason is not limited execution time. If possible I use set_time_limit () (function_exists ('set_time_limit...

php - Attaching file using redmine rest api -

if ($ _FILES ["file"] ["error"]> gt; 0) {echo "error:". $ _FILES ["file"] ["error"]. "& Lt; br & gt;"; } And {$ attachement = file_get_contents ($ _ files ['file'] ['tmp_name']); $ Upload = json_decode ($ client- & gt; api ('attachment') - & gt; upload ($ accent)); $ Client- & gt; API ('issue') - & gt; (Test 'api3 (xml) 3', 'description' = & gt; test api3 ',' Assigned_to_id '=> 23, create (' project_id '= & gt; 12;' theme_id ' 'Upload' = & gt; Array (Arrays ('Token' = & gt; $ upload-> Upload-> Token, 'Filename' = & gt; $ _FILES ["File"] ["Name"] , 'Description' = & gt; 'Myfile is better then your file ...', 'content_type' = & gt; 'image / PNG'))); print_r ($ customer); } The problem is th...

sql server - SSRS Report Parameter handling in SQL Query -

I have an SSR report where I pass the start date and end date to filter my data, let me record that Those records containing data for date values ​​need to be received. I have query as the following. The sample from SELECT * is s.RecStartDate & gt; = ISNULL (StartDate, s.RecStartDate) and S. Reconditioned & lt; = ISNULL (@AndDate, S.Recidadet) I have to handle 'tap' here and the data is from two different areas. But the problem is that in my SSRS report, the default value for those two dates is 'today' when I select Startdate as 10/12/2010 as 'Today' and 'Enter', according to the above situation Will never work at all. Please help me solve it. Thanks, su Create the following process and use this stored procedure in the dataset of your report Setting process to start dbo.SomeReportProc @StartDate DATETIME, @EndDate as DATETIME; DECLARE @Sql NVARCHAR (max); SET @Sql = N'SELECT * From the sample where 1 = 1 '+ case when t...

javascript - JQuery - How do i submit the cloned forms? -

How do I submit all clone forms at the same time? I have created a script to clone HTML & lt; Div id = 'forms' & gt; & Lt; div class = 'cform' & gt; & Lt; Form id = 'form' method = 'POST' & gt; & Lt; Input style = 'width: 80px;' Class = 'hihi' type = 'submit' name = 'add_jo' value = 'submit all' / & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input class = 'txtedit' placeholder = 'job name' type = 'text' name = 'which []' maximum length = '130' /> & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; JQuery $ ('clone'). Click on (function (event) {event.preventDefault (); var tr = $ ('. Cform: first'); var newTr = tr.clone (); newTr.find (": input"). Val ('' ); // Find all input types (Input, Teddera), clear it newTr.appendTo (Tr.parent ());}); Submitting...

html - Posting File to WebServer with Java -

I try to post a file on an ASP.NET Web API (C #) server with a local Java application I am here. Actually I am trying to reproduce the following HTML code in Java SE: & lt; form name = "form1" method = "post" enctype = "multipart / form-data" action = "http: // localhost: 50447 / API / files /" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; label = "image1" & gt; For the image file & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input name = "image1" type = "file" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "submit" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; What is the easiest way to do this? I would like to avoid using Apache. Something like this: string urlToConnect = "http: // localhost: 50447 / API / file /"; String paratosed = ""; Upload file file to file = new file ("C: / User / AA / Desktop / Sample_synand.pdf...

node.js - Create unique autoincrement field with mongoose -

स्कीमा को देखते हुए: var EventSchema = new schema ({id: {// ...}, नाम: {प्रकार: स्ट्रिंग},}); मैं id अद्वितीय और स्वत: निर्माण करना चाहता हूं मैं समझने की कोशिश करता हूं लेकिन मुंह में सही ढंग से यह कैसे समझने की समस्या है मेरा प्रश्न है : किसी भी प्लगइन्स का उपयोग किए बिना मोनोग्राफ में autoincrement फ़ील्ड को लागू करने का सही तरीका क्या है? यहां मोनोजोज का उपयोग करके स्वत: वृद्धिशील फ़ील्ड कार्यान्वयन का एक अच्छा उदाहरण है: var CounterSchema = Schema ({_id: {type : स्ट्रिंग, आवश्यक: सत्य}, सीईसी: {प्रकार: नंबर, डिफ़ॉल्ट: 0}}); Var काउंटर = मोंगोइज़.मॉडेल ('काउंटर', काउंटरस्केमा); var entitySchema = mongoose.Schema ({testvalue: {प्रकार: स्ट्रिंग}}); इकाई एसचेमा.पीआर ('सहेजें', फ़ंक्शन (अगले) {var doc = this; counter.findByIdAndUpdate ({_ आईडी: 'इकाईआईडी'}, {$ inc: {seq: 1}}, फ़ंक्शन (त्रुटि, काउंटर) {if ( त्रुटि) वापस अगले (त्रुटि); doc.testvalue = counter.seq; अगला ();});}); आपको सबसे पहले चरण 1 करना चाहिए।

javascript - rails ajax to render form -

I have an "join" button on my page, when clicked, the user gets model In my join.js.erb file like a follow button, I am partially interpreting after joining the user, as if to show partially the same way with a Forms where they can now comment on the model. Here it is visible. * join.js.erb * $ ("# restaurant- & lt;% = @>"). Html ("& lt;% = escape_javascript render: partial = & gt; 'restaurant / joint_button' ,: local = & gt; {: restaurant = & gt; @restaurant}% & gt;"); $ ("# Restaurant comment form"). Html ("& lt;% = escape_javascript render: partial = & gt; restaurant / comments_form ',: local = & gt; {: restaurant = & gt; @restaurant}% & gt;"); The comment here is partial & lt;% if current_user.voted_on? (Restaurant)% & gt; & Lt; div class = "section-cover section-cover-two" & gt; & Lt; h4 class = "text-muted ...

rotation - Android: conflict between rotate & limit zooming of imageview -

घुमाए जाने पर मेरा प्रोग्राम अच्छा चल रहा है & amp; बिना ज़ूमिंग के ज़ूमिंग या ज़ूमिंग को सीमित करें यहां मेरे कोड का एक हिस्सा है: } else अगर (मोड == ज़ूम) {float newDist = spacing (event); matrix.set (savedMatrix); यदि (नयाडिस्ट & gt; 10f) {फ्लोट पैमाने = नयादिस्ट / पुरानाडिस्ट; matrix.getValues ​​(mValues1); फ्लोट वर्तमानःस्केल = एमवल्यूस 1 [0]; यदि (वर्तमान स्केल * पैमाने & lt; MIN_ZOOM) {scale = MIN_ZOOM / currentScale; } और अगर (वर्तमान स्केल * पैमाने & gt; MAX_ZOOM) {scale = MAX_ZOOM / currentScale; } matrix.postScale (पैमाने, पैमाने, मध्य। x, मध्य।); matrix.getValues ​​(mValues1); लॉग। E ("ज़ूम", "स्केल" + mValues1 [0]); } / * * घुमाव को सक्षम करने के लिए असम्मेंटमेंट * ज़ूमिंग सीमा के साथ इस समारोह में संघर्ष * / if (lastEvent! = null) {newRot = rotation (event); float r = newRot - d; मैट्रिक्स.postRotate (r, mid.x, mid.y); matrix.getValues ​​(mValues1); लॉग। E ("रोटेट", "स्केल" + mValues1 [0]); }} जैसा कि मुझे ल...

ruby on rails - Abstract the delete link for a polymorphic model used in a nested controller -

सवाल एक बहुरूपदर्शक मॉडल में, नेस्टेड नियंत्रकों में उपयोग की गई, मैं अपने डिलीक्ट लिंक के रास्ते को कैसे अबाधित कर सकता हूं, इसलिए मैं हार्डकोडिंग upload_permitted_user_path (@ अनुमेय, अनुमत_यूसर) ? विवरण > मेरे पास अनुमत उपयोगकर्ता नामक एक बहुरूपिक मॉडल है। असल में मेरे आवेदन में वस्तुओं का एक गुच्छा होता है जहां हमें इसे नियंत्रित करने की आवश्यकता होती है। इसलिए पोस्ट , फ़ोटो , आदि में अनुमत उपयोगकर्ता हो सकते हैं। मैं चाहता हूं कि उपयोगकर्ता पोस्ट # संपादित करें, फोटो # संपादित करें, आदि पृष्ठ। मेरे पास यह रेखा है: # "पोस्ट # संपादन" में उपयोग किया गया है & lt;% = link_to 'हटाएं' , post_permitted_user_path (@ अनुमेय, अनुमति_युजर), # यह कठिन नहीं होना चाहिए। विधि:: हटाएं, डेटा: {पुष्टि करें: 'क्या आप निश्चित हैं?' }% & Gt; # "फोटो # संपादन" में उपयोग किया गया है & lt;% = link_to 'हटाएं', photo_permitted_user_path (@प्रस्वीयबल, अनुमति_युजर), # यह कठिन नहीं होना चाहिए। विधि:: हटाएं, डेटा: {पुष्टि कर...

objective c - iOS App update new version delete files from Documents folder -

I wrote a new version of the iOS application (1.0.1) The background of the application is that it documents the server and store Downloads files from According to Apple's guidelines, any file should not be prepared by the user, should be backed on the cloud, so I have marked him as NSURLI. But now when I am updating the device using the ADOK delivery profile, any user-generated file is being deleted in the document folders. Is there any way to avoid deleting those files, because these are the necessary files to run the application. For the things behind you think you should back up the user-generated files. Do not back up files that you can easily replace by downloading them again or by generating them again. If you mark the file, it is excluded from the backup, so that means the file can be easily changed. When you install an app update, those files are not copied to the updated app. On the first run, your app should know that they are missing and change them automat...

html - How do I get Jquery to toggle display -

I am creating a FAQ page that displays for the answer. Here is Jquery $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('. Faqlink'). Click (function () {$ ('. Hide (FIP) '). Hide (); $ (this) .next (' hidden FAQ '). Show ();});}); css .hiddenFAQ {display: none; } and HTML & lt; One class = "faqlink" href = "#" & gt; Link 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; div class = "hidden FAQ" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Larem ipsum & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; It will appear now, but the only way to remove it is to refresh the page. How do I create a toggle instead? Thanks Use instead: $ (document). Click (function () ($ ('. Faqlink'). (Function () {$ (this) .next ('hidden'). Toggle ();});});

php - sandbox testing giving error -

I'm integrating into PHP. I have used this SDK for my development. For testing, I have created a sandbox account when I am executing the code - I am getting the error: - AuthorizeNet error: response code: 3 response Sub Code: 1 Reaction Reason Code: 87 Reaction Reason Text: (TestMod) transactions This type of market type can not be processed on this system. How will I recover and do a successful test? I have also examined but did not help me much. Any help is appreciated. Edit: - Code is below Authorize the functionNet ($ option) {require_once '../anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php' ; // Make sure this path is correct $ transactions = new AIM ('YOUR_API_LOGIN_ID', 'YOUR_TRANSACTION_KEY'); $ Transactions- & gt; Amount = $ option ["gift_am"]; $ Transactions- & gt; Card_name = $ option ["card_no"]; $ Transactions- & gt; exp_date = $ option ["card_expiry"]; $ Response = $ tr...

sql - Best Way to Read Lisbox Array -

I am using a SQL query to retrieve data and write in a list box. However, sometimes an item may have more than one value "Patient Disclosure" value: "Encounter" or Data: "Patient disclosure" value: "Order" In the list box, the line item will only show "patient disclosure" but the values ​​I have have been written in the array. However, I do not want two of the same line item to appear. The "order" value should look only one, there are many values ​​in it, how can I do it? while the reader Read (2)} 'if the reader (2) = "order" (with the new values), read () Dim Myethum as the new list (Myitems) Myitem.Add (with new values) Then 'List' box 1 Items.ed (Maiteum Teore) 'Other' listbox 1 ITEM Add (reader (0)) 'End if listBox1.Items.AddRange (Myitem.ToArray) when finished You can end the duplicate with listBox1.Items.AddRange (" Myitem.Distinct "). ToArray ()) Howe...

PHP preg_match function always return false? -

I just started learning PHP days ago and got the hand with the preg_match () function I am wondering why the following always makes false? preg_match ('[AZ] {2}', 'CA') This is not a valid regular expression, you are missing the delimiter: preg_match ('/ [AG] {2} /', 'CA' ) / is a common delimiter but you want to use any limit (unless it is alphanumeric, not a backslash or whitespace ): preg_match ('@ [AZ] {2} @', 'ca') preg_match ('% [AZ] {2}%', 'ca') You also get a warning about missing delimiters Education will be notified. Turn on / off your error reporting level

.htaccess rewrite page with alias -

I have to re-write the URL to / services / rental / faq-2 / so that the user (And robot) / services / rental / faq / This is my present. See htaccess (this is Wordpress) with a successful rewrite: #WordPress & Lieutenant; ifModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ index \ .php $ - [L] Revcranked% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f rewrite code% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D rewriteable / index.fpp [l] revert raul ^ / services / rentals / FAQ /? $ / Service / retal / faeq -2 / [nc, l] & lt; / IfModule & gt; #inder wordpress I do not know any of the working signals, perhaps the rule order is important (or most likely) how do I do this Your external URL / services / rental / faq [/] This is done by links in your pages Produced is one, and it is a robot and user. This is not created by .htaccess - .htaccess only sees incoming URIs All other WordPress rewrite rules (after the reitibase).

c++ - How to decrypt data which is crypted by CryptProtectData function? -

I know that CryptProtectData functions copy the data using the password of the Windows user, I use it by using the cryptunusprotectadata function Can I decrypt when I cryptorize user, how is it possible to decrypt the data using only password and the user is not logged in? Crypt ProtractData uses an encryption algorithm that can be used in an environment variable such as existing machine id and user credentials. Receives the key. This also indicates that in most cases you need to be encrypted user to decrypt. There is a small warning, however, where you can bypass user credentials coming in key make-up; But sadly, whatever you can do is encrypt, which can be decrypted on any user same machine . As presented, you can set the "CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE" from DwFlags (dwFlags is an enum, you can only set it in uint 0). Just make sure to set deflaglags to call cryptUnprotectData on your encrypted contents and two functions work perfectly with symmetrical and ea...

Convert 2D array to Image in Java? -

I have a 2D array (this is only 1 -0 value), but its type is int [] []. Now I want to convert that array into an image (binary image black and white). But I did not find the appropriate answer for my question. I have searched Google and this website can someone help me ?? I used the following code, but it string path = "c: \\ user \\ cyrus \\ desktop \\ test .jpg"; BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage (b.length, b [0]. Length, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); For (int x = 0; x & lt; b.length; x ++) {// b for my 2D array (int y = 0; y & lt; b [x] length; y ++ ) {Image.setRGB (x, y, b [x] [y]); }} File FileFile = New File (Path); Try {imageIO.write (image, "jpg", ImageFile); } Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } // after modifying my code string path = "c: \\ user \\ cyrus \\ desktop \\ test. jpg "; BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage (a.length, a [0]. Length, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); For (int x = 0; x & lt; a.le...

java - 2 Panels added to Frame are one on top of the other -

I am trying to add in JPRl, but the second one goes to the top of one and I do not You can understand why it should be corrected. Below is the UI that I try to add. Thanks a lot, rotum create a private static zero and Shoogui () {Jeffram F = new Jeffram ("Maman 13 - Part 2"); f.setLayout (new border layout ()); //f.setResizable (false); F.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Flow layout alignment leftlight = new flow layout (flow layout. LEFT, 5, 5); // First line hashtable & lt; Integer, pocket button & gt; Hashtable = new hashtable & lt; Integer, pocket button & gt; (); LinkedHash & lt; String, integer & gt; Button = New Linkedhep & lt; String, integer & gt; (); AddFirstRow (button); JPNlLeOro = New KeyboardRaw (hashtables, buttons); firstRow.setLayout (alignLeftLayout); F.add (firstRow); // second line button = new linked hips & lt; String, integer & gt; (); addSecondRow (button); JPNL secs = new keyboard repai...

dom - htmlagilitypack invalid cast exception when grabbing nodes with certain classes -

I want to capture the div objects from a HTML page that contains some class types I am: HtmlNode authorNode = (HtmlNode) doc.DocumentNode.Descendants ("div"). Where (d = & gt; d.Attributes.Contains ("class") & amp;;; d.Attributes ["class"]. Value.Split (''). Any (B = & gt; B E.L. ("bineline") and B. E.L. ("list-pipe")); And I get this exception System The unauthorized cost extension was unrestricted. HResult = -2147467262 Message = Unable to remove type object 'Type' whereEnumerableIterator`1 [HtmlAgilityPack HtmlNode] 'to type' HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode 'source = Project 1 StackTrace: Project 1. Scrapper C: \ User \ Jürber \ Document \ Visual Studio 2010 \ Project \ Project 1 \ Project 1 \ Scrapper CS: Project 1 on Line 233 in ProcciIarticle (String Yury). Scrapper ProcessNode (String Yuri), HtmlNode parentNode) C: \ Users \ jgarber \ Documents \ Visual Studio 2010 \ Projects \ Proj...

How do I disable a Pylint specific error message globally? -

I am using the excellent text editor with Pylint as the Python code parser. It works fine, but whenever I define a variable, I get the following error message (C0103): Error: invalid continuous name. I read that a solution can add a # pylint: disable-msg = C0103 to the source code, but this solution is not enough for me because my To have too many variable definitions and I do not want to regulate my code with calls to Pylint, I have to disable error messages C0103 for all my Python source files, globally, for good. I should get rid of this message forever. How can I accomplish this? To take the file, it should be located at ~ /.pylintrc . Otherwise, you have to give RIC files as arguments on every allocation of pylint.

What does the different flags of Composer when creating a Laravel project? -

Anyone can tell me the difference between this command LARWAL / LARAWELL Your project-name - PREFER-DIST COMPOSOR CONSTRUCTION- PROJECT LARWAL / LARWELL Make your project-name composer-project larval / larval your project-name-wise From: - Preferred: behind - prefer-source, composer If no And if it is installed from dist, it can be set up to a large extent in the build server and other usage cases where you do not usually run vendor updates. If you do not have the proper setup, then it should deal with problems with git There is also a way. This means that the composer will depend on the distribution build instead of the sources. and - dev for flag: - dev: Install the packages listed in Required Dev . This means that the composer will also install all Package Dependency Lists from your Composer.Jason to the Essentials key. Requirement-Dev The key is only the dependency required for development. For more information, please read the docs about com...

php - Google analytics homepage display -

I have been looking around for a while and have not received any answers yet. Does anyone have any information, why, when I am checking numbers, my 'home page' displays: "/ index.php, index /, index, index -, / Index PAP " On a line in GA? I have seen the same on some other pages: / Customer_account-exec / index.php, index /, index, index-, / index.php Is this possibly a URL rewrite issue? Google Analytics records what the URL of the page is to clear several versions of the URL ( Especially home page), you'll need to make a lot of changes to your profile settings You can follow this to clean up your URLs in Google Analytics.

c# - Does ASP.NET Identity 2 support anonymous users? -

I still want to allow registered and registered users to post to my website. postal (idle) - id (int) - subject (nerve) - body (nerve) - user id (unique determinant) the latest in this project MS Technologies (ASP.NET MVC5 +, C # ...) How should I go about doing this? Is ASP.NET Identification A Perfect Solution? Update Li> strong> I still need to be able to differentiate the registered users and record their posting in the database. After that Update 2 has an option to migrate into a registered account. As soon as the permission of anonymous users was stackoverflow. Anything like this but compatible with ASP.NET Identitfy The latest revision of authentication in ASP.NET detection Is ASP.NET This is the predecessor SimpleMembership, which was an attempt to improve itself on the old ASP.NET Auth. Membership providers are not a different type of authentication system, but rather, there is a way to bootstrap ASP.Net Ath or Simple Embership with addit...

Will stack form cause overflow just like recursion, but much later? -

If I am converting a very deep recycling into a stack form, then do I have to avoid stack overflow? More guaranteed? That is, does the heaps go to a heap or stack? The last recurrence was going down in 5 million steps, then the stack overflow was thrown. Yes from now on you will need to worry about it instead of memory errors Generally there is a programming language runtime where the stack is not in tail position or increases in the racket due to recurring repetition optimization, the amount of memory reserved for the stack is small, runtime compared to the total available memory H If you do not use programming languages, you use heap storage and you can usually go deeper because it is more than However, when you have used all the memory, the OS will give you Ready (i.e. not reserved) you will no longer be able to allocate more memory and that random operation will require more memory. Of course, these new physical limitations do not apply to theoretical computing. To...

version control - How to undo commits in git -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 23 उत्तर मैंने दो बार प्रतिबद्ध किया है और अभी तक धक्का नहीं दिया मैं इसे कैसे पूर्ववत कर सकता हूं, हालांकि मैंने कुछ नहीं किया। मैंने हमेशा सोचा था कि यह इसे रीसेट कर देगा: git चेकआउट मास्टर लेकिन वह काम नहीं कर रहा था। मैं भी गल गया और यह पोस्ट पाया: पोस्ट कहता है कि मैं कर सकता हूँ git रीसेट - हार्ड हेड हालांकि , जब मैं एक git स्थिति करता हूं यह अभी भी कह रहा है कि मैं 2 कमिट्स के पीछे हूं git रीसेट - हार्ड हेड इसे आपके HEAD पर रीसेट कर देगा। 2 कमिट्स वापस उपयोग करने के लिए: git रीसेट - हर्ड हेड ~ 2

racket - Scheme filter with a function as a predicate -

I'm sorry if I'm opening a lot of scheme questions, but for some time it's been annoying me. So I have a function (called pair-scoreer) which takes a list of pair of stars in the form of parameters and according to how close the score is (2 points for the same character, -1 For example, for the example (pair-scorer '("AAA" "BBB") ("CCC" "CCC") ("AAA" return '(- 3 6 3) I also have the maximum function that will take the maximum number in this list of numbers like (max-list '(-3,63))> 6 Now here's the problem I added to the string To create a list, there is a need to create a filter, that is, i.e. ("aaa" "bbb") ("ccc" "ccc") ("AAA" "AAB") and only pair Or couples) who generate maximum value when run through scoring function Areas are. How do I apply this filter? I hope I was quite clear. I think you have a score f...

mysql - Very slow NOT EXISTS query issue -

Can anyone tell me if there is any obvious issue why the following query is being completed for 1.3 seconds? select COUNT (separate jud.rel_id) as count_result as exp.judging from exp_judging on exp_submissions as jud.rel_id = sub sub form> There is a way Is that I can speed up this question. Where ou (jud.judge_id! = 781 or jud.judge_id is zero) and jud.pre = 1 and sub.member_group = 5 does not exist (as exp2judging the left From the sub2.entry_id selection, jud2.rel_id includes exp_submissions as sub2 = where (jud2.judge_id = 781) and jud2.pre = 1 and sub2.member_group = 5 and jud2.rel_id = jud.rel_id) Wrote again to re 1) Select the first, exp_judging.rel_id, where there is no line with Jj_aidi = 781, 2) Then, calculate these rel_id is derived from exp_judging table. Edit : SELECT COUN T (DISTINCT jud0.rel_id) as exp_judging include jud0 inter alia (rel_id, SUM ( The case jud.judge_id as jud.rel_id, and the remaining 781 1 0 end) as exp_judging jud in...

sql server - sql performance with queries referencing objects from another database -

I have to find out whether to access an object on the same server when the object reaches the object from another database The performance penalty is I. For example from a single database, which is a fast SELECTOtherdb.dbo.GetFormattedData (@test) OR SELECT dbo.GetFormattedData (@test) We are using SQL Server 2008. There should be no performance difference if you are on the same server. The only time to see a significant change in performance is if you are using a linked server and are actually accessing the database through a linked server.

drupal 7 - Remove id alias appending to confirmation page URL -

I have created the original page in Drupal 7, which acts as a custom confirmation page for a webform. And it needs to be stable because it will be used for AdWords. The problem is that the URL is added to the id, see the example below. How do I delete this ID? Thank you. You can create your own custom URL in the Drupal 7 using the Pathto module, Can download. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Android Image Zoom and Pan in jelly bean -

I have applied the net zone and the pan in the net and in the articles and are working fine on both zoom and pan kitkat Do not zoom in jelly bean, nor does pan work as its freezed image. Current metrics. PostScale (temp, temp, 0, 0); SetImageMatrix (this.currentMatrix); In the case of Jelly Bean, is there anything to be done for the image? In Jelly Bean I have to invalidate my image view once I set a new matrix for it I am ImageView.postInvalidate (); No need to refuse.

android - Can I submit an app built with Ratchet to the app store and google play store? -

I have met Twitter from the HTML5 framework to create this mobile app. Is it possible to submit an app created with shaft in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store? Thank you for your help! In your Android, iOS and Windows Phone applications to deposit for the App Store and Google Play Use Store to compile your web app. The process is very simple by using their manufacturing process.

angularjs - service not returning value -

I am working to write a service to return the username. var username, $ true promise; Function ('user service', function ($ http) {$ promise = $ http.get ('/ api / getuser'). Cvt (function (data) {user name = data;}); $ promise. Then (function () {User name back;}}}} But injecting this service into a controller will return an undefined value angular .module ('TestApp'). Controller ('UserLoginController', Function ($ Scope, UserService) {console.log ("User Name:" + UserService);}); I have confirmed that the request received from a legitimate user I return the name. I am quite new to angular and really appreciate it if someone tells me what I am doing wrong here. This code looks like spaghetti up here is a basic factory you should do: app.factory ('UserService', ['$ Http ', function ($ http) {var userService = {}; userService GetUser = function () {return $ http.get (' / api / getuser '). Then (func...

pwd - Why is iget() hidden in xv6 -

I am playing a bit with a modern implementation of Unix version 6. My first hack, I wanted to implement the simple getcwd syscall, but I am losing a bit for which I should use the intangible level. Am I the structure file interface? Or maybe the struct inode interface? For the cases, it seems that it can be implemented purely in the US. I have started applying it with the struct input manipulator, my intuitive idea proc-> gt; cwd , then readi () was to get its second entry ( .. ), to scan it again to scan my previous inum , and so on until I hit not on the root. Not very demonstrative, but it will be fit for the first hack. My problem is though that to get me the inum from struct inode to fs.c: iget () Required dirent I have noticed that the iget () is in the stable fs.c and is not declared in defs.h , which makes me a bit upset, But why can not I find the reason. So, this is my question, why is iget () been deliberately hidden from ...

Java Generic Context Type of super Class -

संकलन त्रुटि के साथ परियोजना के कोर की जटिलता विफल विधि का अंत Parameter () अपरिभाषित है JavaSourceBuilderBase.MethodParameterBuilderBase के लिए लक्ष्य रेखा है । WithParameter ()। WithType (..) withName ("एक इंस्टेंस")। EndParameter () withParameter () एक क्लास चुड़ैल लौटकर प्रभावशाली ढंग से एंड पीरामेटर () शामिल होता है, लेकिन उसका सुपर क्लास नहीं पब्लिक क्लास पैरामीटर मोडपैमेटरबिल्डर विधिपैमेटरबिल्ल्डरबेज & lt; पैरामीटर मोडपरामाटरबिल्डर & gt; {सार्वजनिक पैरामीटर मोडपैमेटरबिल्डर (कॉम सॅबरे.बिल्टरजनरेटरसोर्सजीनरेटर.जावा। मेथपैमेटर ए इंस्टेंस) {सुपर (ए इंस्टेंस); } सार्वजनिक जेनरेटर टी एंडपैमेटर () {रिटर्न (जेनरेटर टी) मेथडबिल्डर ब्रेस.इस; }} अब सुपर क्लास सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक वर्ग MethodParameterBuilderBase & lt; जेनरेटर टी MethodParameterBuilderBase & gt; {निजी फाइनल उदाहरण; संरक्षित MethodParameterBuilderBase ( ...

javascript - window.location.href does not load URL in ie 8 or ie 9 -

I'm having trouble using the window. 8 and 9 in location.href namely When my page loads and the item is clicked, the URL will not be loaded by clicking on: window.location.href = "../dashboard"; It's a pleasure ... if I enable developer tools in either 8 or 9 and close them - nothing by opening the tool window and closing - The URL is completely fine and after that it continues to load properly. This problem does not occur in 10 or 11 IE, Firefox, Chrome or Safari. I'm stumped! Any ideas? console.log () statement in front of window.location.href has been removed This works great !

javascript - Why can't I reference an object literal from inside an object literal? -

Not sure if this is possible or if I am doing it wrong I am trying to keep an actual reference to an object I am the one who is one of my properties, which is another object literally, I am getting an error stating that it is undefined: var MyObject = {init: function () { (function () {alert ('hit');}); }, Element: {button: $ ('button')}} What am I doing? UPDATE: Main.JS demand which may possibly cancel the scope - Function Execution Performance Name (functionName, context / *, args * /) {var args = [] (arguments) .splice (2); var namespace = functionName.split ("."); Var func = namespaces.pop (); For (var i = 0; i If you do that work directly MyObject , this will be undefined. This with MyObject and it should work. It will not work as will be defined DOE : var MyObject = {// init: ...} var init = MyObject.init; in this (); See Entering 3 Function Code : If you want to continue us...

sql - PostgreSQL Using COUNT to form statistical results -

I have some tables that create a media catalog of live / studio music, where zero-multiple shows in each media item There are dates, CDs and vinyls associated with it. At this time the statistics in my query are available which are available in the tabular set of data for all media items. I'm having trouble now that the query is being expanded to include better sprouted figures on each associated table. Schema: Media (ID, title) The query is far off like this: Select CD, MID, MTT, (inherent CDID), COUNT (separate as Vinyl, gid as, gig. date from gdate as media i nis Involvement Add CD to MDI = Leave midid vinyl v at = LEFT JOIN media_gigs on = LEFT JOIN GIG GIG on g.gig = gig MID, by id GROUP; Which produces: id | Title | CD | Vinil | GID | Gdate --- + --------- + ----- + ------- + --------------------- ----- + ------------ 1 | Title 1 5 | 1 | May-11-1989-Kawasaki | 1989-05-11 1 title 1 | 5 | 1 | Ma...

ibm midrange - Is QTIMZON used to convert dates/timestamps on DB2 for i? -

In this regard, in the timestone column, UTC 0000 is converted, the system setting from the timezone specified in QtmZone? For example, if QTIMZON is set to UTC-400, then there is a conversion in UTC 0000 before inserting the row? I ask because and changes from UTC to / operating-system-specified time-zone. I am aware of a special register that believes in me that no conversion is done automatically, but I have to make sure that. For DB / 2, I do not convert any time zone according to the following tests: Select data from CHGSYSVAL SYSVAL (QTIMZON) VALUE (QN0500EST3) table qtemp / test form (select now) SYSISBM / SYSDUMMY1 TS .... + .... 1 .... + .... 2 .... +. TS 2014-04-21- CHGSYSVAL SYSVAL (QTIMZON) VALUE (Q0000UTC) Choose from QTEMP / test TS .... .... .... .... .... .... 2 ..... Ts 2014-04-21-

c# - Website For Web Service (Beginner Help) -

If I have an API for WebServity and I have been asked to create a website for these webserver, How can I use (Visual Studio)? Open a project: Visual C # - & gt; ASP.NET Web Application? Like a standard website programming? Or do I need to open a different type of project or configure other things? If someone got a good tutorial or something like this then I would appreciate it ... a lot! The journey of one thousand miles begins with one step. Here's a great tutorial that will teach you how to MVC website using web API:

angularjs - How to update data on server via AJAX when ng-model input value is changed -

I'm new to kangaroo and I have a problem, I can not find a solution. Any help is appreciated. I'm bringing all the data from one server to one controller using $ http.get ("/ admin / getGraphData") . When user & lt; Input & gt; Edit the element, the data is updated by the corner in the controller, when this happens, I want to update the data (MySQL) on the server immediately. Is this an easy way to gain? If I can do something like this: $ scope.onDayValueChange (month, year, day, newcomer) {$ ("/ admin / updateDayValue", {...}) } How to stop controllers data and how exactly is the exact indicator of the object being changed or something like this? Thanks a lot! The data model is quite simple month (January, February, March ...) which contains some values ​​for each day in a day: {month: 1 , Year: 2013, data: [day: 1, val: 11}, {day: 2, val: 14}, ..., {day: 31, val: 80}]} {month: 2, year: 2013 , Data: [{day: 1, vall: 22}, ...

php - Optimized solution for a rolling dice code puzzle -

I was asked to provide a solution to this rolling dice problem in an interview when I showed them my solution, then they Said that there is another way to find solutions. I'm only looking for answers in PHP scripts. Question: Two people are playing the game of rolling 2 dipes. Every person revolves twice and records the results of all efforts (quantity of two colors). So after the efforts of both the players, we have two lists according to the results of two players. They want to know whether they get all possible results (1 to 12) or not. If they get all possible results in the same number then they are called lucky. Input : Two integer array (L1, L2) Output according to the results of two players: Case of Lucky or unlucky on the basis My answer: & lt; Php function rollingdis ($ input1, $ input2) {$ a = array_count_values ​​($ input 1); $ B = array_count_values ​​($ input2); If (array_diff_assoc ($ a, $ b) || array_diff_assoc ($ b, $ a)) {return ...

excel - Clearing borders on merged cells -

I tried to clear the boundaries on the merged cell. This is an error reason: This code line: battle.Range ("o11: o12"). I tried another. Pure suboptions, but no one can help anybody? Try: battle.Range ("O11: o12 "). Borders. Linesstyle = XLen

mysql - intersect to inner join -

How to convert this query with internal add? (Select the different tables Tables_id as the 'table id available from the table', where tables are. Table_id = reservation.table_id and ((start_time & reservation; table_id & lt; & gt ;?)) or condition = 1) You can try this: (If you search for this answer I'm not sure if I'm not sure) (Select individual tables. Include 'Table ID Available from Table' as Tables_id (tables.table_id = reservation.table_id) WHERE start_time & lt; & gt;? or (date & lt; & gt ;?)) or position = 1 intersect (choose separate table: Table_id AS 'tables included in Table Id reservation Tables.table_id = reservation towels_id) WHERE start_time & lt; & Gt; ? And date =? Or date & lt; & Gt; ? And reservation.table_id & lt; & Gt; ?) Or condition = 1

In Java, what exactly constitutes as "initializing a local variable"? -

says that I have a piece of code in the local method int a = 5, b; and then start some code indirectly, such as if (true) b = 5; // legal if (someBool) b = 10; And b = 7; // Legal if (false) B = 5; // Invalid Invalid though B will always be started if (a & gt; 10) b = 4; If (a & lt; = 10) b = 4; My question is whether a local variable can be legally considered "start" in all precise conditions? can be considered to be a local variable "if the compiler can easily assume that every Possible code path will lead through a path where the price has been set. " Always (always) can always be set to run. If (wrong) can not be run at any time to run at least one branch if / or , you have to assign the variable to each branch if you want it to start. if / else if /.../ else The switch statement will probably suppress the case s, or default , so if you specify the variable in all these places May include, is guaranteed to ...

reverse - What's happening when reversing a list with append in Prolog? -

I do not understand this code, what is happening: reverse 2 ([], []). Reverse 2 ([H. T], R): - Reverse 2 (T, R2), Append (R2, [H], R). I do not understand that we are recursive before applying. Can anyone explain why every element H is joining after reaching the original case? Thank you. is on the tail of the recurring list. Consider the [1,2,3] list. The first rule does not match. The second rule matches, united H = 1 and T = [2,3] . Then we call reverse 2 ([2,3], R2) . Then, the first rule does not match. The second rule matches, united H = 2 and T = [3] . You can see that from here the recycling will eventually kill the first rule. To zoom back to the external code where H = 1 and T = [2, 3] , we R2 = [3, 2] . The app will then be attached, [1] will paste in the end. You may find instructive to do a sample query like this: ? - Trace, reverse 2 ([1,2,3], x) This will tell you how the query starts and the bindings of each variable The way to ...

objective c - (MagicalRecord) NSDate in relatedByAttribute -

I have an object that I import with the following JSON structure using magical record I am: {"Receipts": [{"Date": "2014/03/05", "Zodiac": "199.00"}, {"Date": "2014/03 / 04 "," zodiac "" 9.00 "}, {" date ":" 2014/03/01 "," zodiac ":" 9.00 "}}} receipt object with two values, date and amount. According to the business requirements, this date will always be unique, in this way, I want to use it for 'related bay attribute' for that NSManid object. However, when I do this with the Magic Records error: *** Canceling 'FIS' without exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', Reason: '- [__ NSCF stringing time Interlacedins Refreshdate]: In the codeet on the 0x178034500 '/ code> Receif object sent to an unknown selector, I have the date attribute set "Related Behavior" on the date itself As a specialty of...

php - mysql_fetch_array is including previous value in next one -

I used this same code before, and not only for an image to show this IGG at a time ($ Query = mysql_fetch_array ($ tableone)) {$ Rating = $ query ['Rating'], but now the first value is the stars in right, this next one $ TotalV = $ query ['total_votes']; $ Commentcount = $ query ['comment_counts']; if (! $ Rating == 0) {$ number = $ rating / $ totalV; $ Number = (round ($ number, 3)); ($ x = 1; $ x & lt; = $ numbers; $ x ++) {$ star = '& lt; img src = "i Mg / stars.gif "width =" 14% "/> gt; ';} $ left = 5 - $ numbers; ($ x = 1; $ x & lt; = $ left; $ x ++) {$ result = '& Lt; img src = "img / whitestar.gif" width = "12%" /> & gt;';} if (strpoint ($ left, '.') == true) {$ hs. '& Lt; img src = "img / halfwhitestar.gif" width = "12%" />';} $ Result1 = $ star $ HS $ result;} and {$ result1 = 'tap';} if (Empty ($ total V)) {$ total...

Sending protobuf serialized object from c# to java server not working? -

I have a simple C # client app that sends objects to the Java based server app. Note: I am using ProtoBuff-Net on the Clint Side. Simple to this application I have. Proto file is only one field and. The Javascript is generated by the Protocol compiler with the Java class. .profo file: message person {required string id = 1; } C # client to send objects MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (); Per person = new person (); = "TestId001"; Serializer.Serialize & lt; Person & gt; (MS, copy); Byte [] Buffer = MS ToArray (); ClientSocket.SendTo (buffer, host app); Person person = purse Parsfram (socket.getInputStream ()); System.out.println ("id:" + person.getId ()); Problem: A serialized message sent by C #Ap is not available. Even I have not got any error, that is why I am unable to assess the problem. "Problem: I can not find the serialized message" / p> Em> sound is just like the classic "socks stams...

Stata's xtlogit (fe, re) equivalent in R? -

Allows fixed effects and random effects specifications of the revised ration through static fixes and then commands accordingly. I was wondering what is the equivalent command for these specifications in R Only this type of specificity I know that mixed effect is empty regression mymixedlogit & lt; - Glam (Y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + (1 | x4), data = d, family = binomial) But I'm not sure whether this map should be used by any predefined command for. using the command command quickly logistics regression with different barriers The model is made to fit immediately with different slopes (or a mixed model with equal, fixed and random effects). In order to fit different multi-level logistics regression models in R (that is, a random effect is the regressive regression model), you can run the following using the built-in "MTCARS" data set : Data (MTCARS) head (MTCARS) M & lt; - Glam (MTCARAR ~ $ ~ 1 + MTCRA $ wt + (1 | mtcars $ gear), family = "bi...

javascript - How to use navigator buttons to execute actions other than navigate between pages -

Suppose I have the following snippet for an application that is using Onsnui: & lt; Ons-navigator-toolbar title = "" left-button-icon = "FA-FLA-FC-edit" left-click-button = "window.alert ('asdf');" Right-button-mark = "FA FA-LG FA-Plus" on-right-button-click = "MyEngler function ();" & Gt; & Lt; / On-sailor-toolbar & gt; Work for events left-click-click and right-click-button Call not found Page tasks Work to navigate between (for example, ons.screen.presentPage ('other_page.html') ). Is this a known Onanseau border, a design theory or just a bug? This is the angularJS limit. You can not do this You can open the window inside your controller's function. In addition, you have to set your controller on-navigator. > If you use, on-navigator-toolbar, its scope is not the page, but the area of ​​the Navigator is the current limit of the onen UI, it is being resolved in the next ...

python - Keeping count in a recursive function -

I had seen some posts about calculating the number of iterations of a recursive but I could not follow them or Then they apologize to the application, though it is useless! I appreciate the help! I am trying to correct a function for a random walking condition in which the recursive function is used and to calculate the number of steps there is also a visual component that tells me that the actual function is working But counting is not part. The number of steps taken by Sleepwalker to reach the following or upper bound input: An integer start (the start position of the sleepy), An integer less (non-negotiable, the smallest value of our sleeper wandering), and an integer (the highest value sleeper can wander) "" "count = 0 newcount = count +1 '' * start + '~' print (' '* Start +' ~ ') If less & lt; get started and start & lt; hi: newstart = start + rs () newcou Nt = count + 1 returns rwSteps (newstart, low, hi) returns newcount...