php - sandbox testing giving error -
I'm integrating into PHP. I have used this SDK for my development.
For testing, I have created a sandbox account when I am executing the code - I am getting the error: -
AuthorizeNet error: response code: 3 response Sub Code: 1 Reaction Reason Code: 87 Reaction Reason Text: (TestMod) transactions This type of market type can not be processed on this system. How will I recover and do a successful test? I have also examined but did not help me much.
Any help is appreciated.
Edit: - Code is below Authorize the functionNet ($ option) {require_once '../anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php' ; // Make sure this path is correct $ transactions = new AIM ('YOUR_API_LOGIN_ID', 'YOUR_TRANSACTION_KEY'); $ Transactions- & gt; Amount = $ option ["gift_am"]; $ Transactions- & gt; Card_name = $ option ["card_no"]; $ Transactions- & gt; exp_date = $ option ["card_expiry"]; $ Response = $ transaction- & gt; Authorize and Capture (); If ($ response-> approved) {Resonance "& lt; h1> Success! Examination credit card has been charged! "; Echo "Transaction ID:" $ Response & gt; TRANSACTION_ID; Die (); } And {echo $ reaction-> error_message; Die (); }} In place of YOUR_API_LOGIN_ID and YOUR_TRANSACTION_KEY - I have kept the right information here I do not want to disclose it, so I have not mentioned it here.
This error indicates that the account you use is created for the card presentation (retail) transaction But you are trying to integrate our cards with non-current (e-commerce) API or vice versa. The only way to solve this is to open a new sandbox account with the right market type.
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