In Java, what exactly constitutes as "initializing a local variable"? -
says that I have a piece of code in the local method
int a = 5, b; and then start some code indirectly, such as
if (true) b = 5; // legal if (someBool) b = 10; And b = 7; // Legal if (false) B = 5; // Invalid Invalid though B will always be started
if (a & gt; 10) b = 4; If (a & lt; = 10) b = 4; My question is whether a local variable can be legally considered "start" in all precise conditions?
can be considered to be a local variable "if the compiler can easily assume that every Possible code path will lead through a path where the price has been set. "
Always (always) can always be set to run. -
If (wrong) can not be run at any time -
to run at least one branch if / or , you have to assign the variable to each branch if you want it to start. if / else if /.../ else - The
switch statement will probably suppress the case s, or default , so if you specify the variable in all these places May include, is guaranteed to be launched. The Java compiler does not bother checking all the possible values of each variable at different points in the method when determining this, because those variables variable - they change However, if the value can be assumed as stable , then it can safely assume that they will not make changes. For example, the compiler does not care if you specify a variable and never change it in your code:
Bully Val = true; If (val) {b = 5; } With the help of debuggers and things you have chosen to change the value of the value on-the-fly, so that any compiler assumptions are not here . However, if you are doing tax val continuously , with the declared last and a continuous or literal value, it is actually compiler Will behave the same as you use the value in the code. last boolean val = true; If (val) {// as if you had said that if (true) `B = 5; } Such constants can be chained, as well, and the compiler will now have to simplify them for their continued values rather than maintaining the expressions and operators:
last int five = 5; Last four four = five - 1; // equals `4 = 5 - 1`, or 'four = 4' is the last boolean value = 5 & gt; Four; If (wal) {// `(5> 4) equals` `, or` (if true) `b = 5; } To read more, check out. (Radioop the hat tip to find the right section.)
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