
Showing posts from February, 2012

How do I convert this C# lambda expression to VB.Net? -

I am trying to change a C # lambda which I have used several times on VBnet but I do not Can be used to detect the correct syntax to detect. Here is the original C # code: Public override IQueryable & lt; E & gt; & Lt; E & gt; (Paramus; Funk & lt; E, Object & gt; & gt; [] Expressions included) {IQueryable & lt; E & gt; Result = null; If (insert any.) (Result = include expression. Aggreate & lt; expression & lt; funk & lt; e, object & gt; & gt ;, IQueryable & lt; E & gt; & gt; Reference .set & lt; e & gt; (), (current, expression) => current.Include (expression))}} return result;} Used the converter and tried to rewrite the function, but I can not find anywhere when I provide the last method, the code converter output : The public override function [selection] (e) as the expression in the expression (in the form of expressions in expression (in the form of the f...

objective c - IOS UITextview: Place focus on becomefirstresponder -

I want to put a focus marker on top of the caller at a headquarters. TextView contains a long text and focuses on the FocusedSophussel collar on the scrollwalk of the textfuck. I am searching for more, but I have not got anything. Any help would be appreciated! to do nsrange zero range = nsmkrange (offset) , 0); TextView.selectedRange = zero range; Use this code after creating the text The first responder may be that you will need to execute it with execution. Selector: Later: First Responder after being created.

javascript - Detecting element on which the user has clicked from mozilla firefox extension -

I'm developing a Mozilla Firefox extension. I have a sample web page in which I have embedded an iframe with a web page. Users can click anywhere, but whenever they click on the IFrame part, I want to alert the user. All the processing can only be done from my extension. Plus help .. iframe addEventListener ('click', function (e) {if ( {var win =; win.alert ('You clicked on +;)}}}

twitter - Finding and replacing keywords in an email file - Python -

I'm trying to type a program into Python so that you can use Twitter with user's name and email. Can send an email I'm trying to use this definition to find and replace keywords ('$ NAME', '$ EMAIL', etc.) preform def editEmail (): email = open (destinationTitle , 'R +') for the line in email: email.write (line.replace ('$ NAME', Email Type (line. Location ('$ EMAIL', email)) email.write (line.replace ('$ USRNAME', targetHandle)) Email Type (line space ('$ PROFILEIMG', account.profile_image_url)) email. I am using a Python-tweeter wrapper and the user enters the email address and the Twitter username, But the image, url and name are removed from the Twitter account (hence the account name, account.url, etc.) This is where comes from destinationTitle : destinationTitle = str ("email /" + + "- generated Spear.mmlx") modify shutil.copy ('email.emlx', des...

android - Convert dp values to px values usable inside WebView (dp to CSS px) -

I am creating an HTML page from scratch and dynamically inserting it into a value, a WebView . I am trying to replicate the WebView (inside html) in the actionbar (which appears in the app in other activities) . I also know the text of the actionbar and its title inside. I like dimens such a folder ... mTitleSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize (R.dimen.actionbar_title_text); // 50dp mActionbarH = res.getDimensionPixelSize (R.dimen.actionbar_height); // 25sp ... and by placing them in the html file's CSS. My problem is that the values ​​above are really big. The height of the action bar and the size of the text are very large, the same dimens values ​​are used to display the actionbars in the rest of the app (not webview, but original Android see inside a relative layout ) and they look great. Then ... I'm converting 50dp and 25sp values ​​into pixels, not within a single country, see Inside and WebView ? Is the webpage provided in a differe...

java - How to handle Symbol not find Error? -

I am writing a program for registration forms in Java and I have created separate connection classes. But while compiling my register Java Class I Found Icons Not Found Error Please check that anyone can help. This is the code for my connection class. import java.sql. *; Square JDBCConnection {connection con = null; Public connection getConnection () {try {class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); Thief = DriverManager.getConnection ("JDBC: Oracle: thin: @localhost: 1521: XE", "cloud", "cloud"); } Catch (Klassnotfundexstation CE) {impressions. } Hold (eskectionation SKE) {sqe.printStackTrace (); } With return; }} and the code for the register class is as follows: import javax.servlet.http. *; Import * *; Import java.sql *; Import java.util. *; Public Class Register 1 HTTPSViewlet {Public Zero (HTTPEVERTT REQUEST RICK, HTTPSVR Response Ridge) throws IOException {printWriter out = res.getWriter (); String str = req.g...

sql server - How to convert SQL statement to an expression in SSIS package -

मेरे पास निम्न SQL कथन है: DATEADD (DAY, 0 - (DATEPART कौन सा रिटर्न: 2014-04-19 10: 10: 02.757 कोड> मैं इस प्रारूप में आखिरी शनिवार की तारीख प्राप्त करने के लिए SSIS पैकेज अभिव्यक्ति में उपयोग करने के लिए SQL कथन कैसे बदल सकता हूँ: 4-19-2014 जब मैंने अभिव्यक्ति बिल्डर में एसक्यूएल कथन की कोशिश की तो मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: अभिव्यक्ति के लिए निम्न का उपयोग करने का प्रयास करें: (DT_WSTR, 10) (राइट ("0" + (DT_STR, 2, 1252) DATEPART ("मिमी", DATEADD ("D", 0 - (DATEPART ("सप्ताह का दिन", GETDATE ( ) "%" + (DT_STR, 2, 1252) DATEPART ("डीडी", DATEADD ("D", 0 - (DATEPART (" सप्ताह का दिन ", प्राप्त ())% 7), GETDATE ())), 2) +" - "+ राइट (" 0 "+ (DT_STR, 4, 1252) DATEPART ("yy", DATEADD ("D", 0 - (DATEPART ("कार्यदिवस", GETDATE ())% 7), GETDATE ()), 4))

php & mysql loop through records for limited number to be in multiple box -

I have a table with the following structure: is not created if data exists Is not `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `) Engine = InnoDB default charge = utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; This table contains more than 60 records. I want to preview the records in four boxes - 15 records for each box, it's easy to put one digit, but I want to be in a slideshow. My code is now: $ mysql_employers = "SELECT * FROM Data LIMIT". $ Page ",". $ Limiter ""; $ query_employers = $ dblink- & gt; Queries ($ mysql_employers) or die ("Employers Fail!"); $ Employers_link = array (); While ($ Employer = $ query_employers- & gt; receive (PDF :: FETCH_ASSOC)) {$ employers_link [] = $ Employers; } $ Employer = new sensible; $ Employer- & gt; Caching = false; $ Employers- & gt; Allocated ("employers", $ employers_link); $ Employers- & gt; Display ("default / employers.tpl"); $ page is page number and $ limit is ...

c++ - GCC 4.6.2 inlining behavior -

- snatched from - I have a few projects on GCC 4.6.2 and Intel After profiling with Vuitton I saw that very important tasks were not underlined (or at least shown under the hotspots, which I believed would mean ineffective inline) example Function is a re-2 numerical addition, and a transit statement I believe it is in Windows Written, but due to profiling, it seems that they are not included in Linux under GCC 4.6.2. I am trying to work in INC Linux (works in Windows), but it will take some time Until then, does anyone know that GCC 4.6? 2 is that VS-2010 is different from the relatively simplified compiler optimization? I have turned on O3 in GCC What has been motivated to do to me that it is a significant part of the code rewriting, and on Windows, the display is almost equal or slightly slower , While at least Linux is at least 2x slow. The most informative answer will help me understand the steps needed to inline the platforms and how best will it be for ...

php - Issue with submitting form when "&" in description box -

This problem is happening in all of my forms, if in the description, a user has an ampersand symbol, then the page INSERT statement Displays with values, but does not move or send emails For example: "dog & amp; above the cat Quick brown fox jumps "will not work. " Insert a statement on one of the pages: $ filename = $ _GET ['filename']; $ size = $ _GET [ 'Failsiae']; $ date = $ _GET [ 'filed']; $ User = $ loggedin_id; $ desc = mysqli_real_escape_string ($ dbc3, $ _GET [ 'desc']); $ type = $ _GET ['Type']; $ ver = $ _GET ['Vir']; $ rev = $ _GET ['rev']; $ sql = "cad_files Choose lineup where job_num = $ job_id and file_type = 'dollar type' order date DESC LIMIT 1 "; $ result = mysqli_query ($ dbc3, $ sql); if (mysqli_num_rows ($ result) & lt; 1) {$ prev_lineup = 0;} and {$ prev_file = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ result); $ prev_lineup = $ prev_file ['lineup'];} // $ type...

javascript - How can Set session message from cakephp .ctp file -

Hello, I have a button on a watch page for which I have to check that we have to click on that button There is a different type of user on our site so that we do not want to allow users to click on it or make any changes to it, so that we are checking when clicking on that button, What we want is the sub Ogkrta or that we do not want to do, I'm checking the session ID button. So now what do I want to do if a user who we do not want to click on that button should take them to a thank you page with the message of the session How do I show a session message from the KPP controller about this I know: ** $ send = SITE_URL. "Thank you"; $ This- & gt; Session-> Set Flash (__ ("Sorry, you are an unauthorized user, contact us at", true), 'default', array ('class' => 'notclass')); Echo "& lt; script type = 'text / javascript' & gt; window.location.href = ''. $ Sending. ''; &...

python - NameError: global name 'END' is not defined -

I think this code about scrollbar is working just fine. Tkinter import * master = Tk () scrollbar = scrollbar (master) from scrollbar.pack (side = right, fill = y) listbox = listbox (master, yscrollcommand = scrollbar.set) For the range (10000): listbox.insert (END, str (i)) listbox.pack (side = LEFT, fill = both) scrollbar.config (command = listbox.yview) mainloop () I try to use it in my code like this: Teak Class Interface (tk.Frame) as imported tanker: def __init __ (self, den) : self.tklist () #in My code, tklist is not called here. I have called it here to reduce the code here. There are also things here: tklist (scroller), yscrollcommand = scrollbar.set) in category i (1000): self.lst1.insert (END, str (i)) self.lst1.pack (side = LEFT, fill = Both) scrollbar.config (command = lst1. Yview) den = tk.Tk () den.title ("search") inter = interface (den) den.mainloop () But when I went above the code, I found an error on the on the insertion line. name error...

java - What's my error? How can I fix it? -

Update: All the answers are needed to answer the question below. This is a special type of SpiralBug so I have not seen any example on the Internet; it uses SpiralBug SpiralBug code but it has additionally, once it gets to a range of BoundGrid and can not proceed now, to start again in the center of the grid, this is the place Where my problems start here is my code here is no error spiralbuger And my code Import; Import info.gridworld.grid.Location; Import java.awt.color; Public category spiralbugner (public static zero main) (string agre []) (ActorWorld world = new ActorWorld (); Spiralbug bug 1 = new spiralbug (0); world.add (new location (4, 4), bug 1); ();}} and for spiralbug import; import .actor; Import info info.gridworld.grid.Location; public class spiralbug bugs {private int side length; private int phase; public spiralbug (int n) {sideLength = n; phase = 0;} pu...

build - Configure OpenCV on Codeblocks -

I would like to use OpenCV with CodeBlocks. But I do not have to configure codeballs about "project build options". I must be precise where the functions of headers and OpenCV First of all, I have tried to follow this tutorial: but makefile I had some problems in step 4 with the configuration of. In fact, I'm not sure I would have to use a semi-cac to read openCV functions. Can you help me configure the build options? I think I need to add "Include C: \ OpenCV \ Build \" compiler to search directories, and about Linker, what should I add? How to add librairy to CodeBlocks? Thanks Actually CMakeLists.txt exists here: .. \ opencv \ sources \ CMakeLists.txt I thought Seema would have searched. After that, I use Camec in the right way and I have made OpenCVI, I do not use saigwin, I use the windows shell. Therefore, after this, I have tried to make an example of OpenCV code in this tutorial, and it works! Now, when I try to make a project already ...

Suggest a way to delete all the tables and make MySQL database empty in JavaFX -

I have developed a project in JavaFX. It has a back-end mysql for my project I have created a database called 'project'. MySQL now has 8 tables in this database. I want to clear the database when a button is pressed, not all the tables, all tables Removes. Should I vacate each table and remove them or is there any other easy way to clean the database? Easiest way: drop database project; Create a database project; Long way: Show the tab from the project; and run again through the tables with the drop table project. & Lt; Tablename & gt;

Syslog with Phalcon on CentOS -

Anyone from there working with Falun on CentOS? I am trying to use Syslog from but do not know where I can see the output AFAIK, send syslog messages to CentOS '/ var / log / messages', but I' / var / Have seen almost all the files in the log and found nothing. Currently I like Syslog: $ logger = new SyslogAdapter (null); Is there any setting available on the Falcon or my OS? is looking and it seems that the Falcon proxies all calls by default I want to work in pure php without phalks and it works. It feels like this is the keystone of the problem. Update To see just your code, the actual class is called a syslog, not SyslogAdapter, unless you have Falcon Logger Do not use the adapter \ Syslog as SyslogAdapter , which I can not tell from the above code :) If syslog works by php, then the problem is probably with your code. Tried, it works as expected: $ logger = new syslog (empty); $ Logger- & gt; Logs ('test', 'hello world...

osx - How to discover midi keyboard in web midi api? -

Reference: I currently run Chrome 34.0.1847.116 on OS 10.9.2 and use After enabling Web MIDI API Chrome: // flags / # enable-web-midi, I am able to get a midiAccess object by pasting the following code into the DevTools console. var midi = null; // MIDISuccess on global MIDIAccess object function (midiAccess) {console.log ("MIDI ready!"); Midi = midiAccess; // store in global (in actual use, possibly in an object instance)} function IMEFIailure (msg) {console.log ("Failed to access media access" - msg); } Navigator.requestMIDIAccess (). Then (onMIDISuccess, onMIDIFailure); When I ask midi.inputs () and midi.outputs (), the list returned only includes IAC bus devices. My mini keyboard (Turtle Beach USB MIDI Adapter) Linked to) is not visible. In an attempt to diagnose the problem, I have found the following: The adapter appears in the audio / midi setup of OS X and works with the Homebrew along with the Keyboard Logic Pro Is the core code The web syn...

c# - How do I save my MVC4 model if I need 2 submit buttons? -

I have to allow the user to go to the next or previous form, I have to save the model on the navigation. Apart from submitting the controller, is there another way to return the model? Since I need to redirect to other possible pages. You can put your model object in the TempData collection Submit, redirect, then it again Read. For example: [HTTP post] Public ActionResult Firstform (First Form Modell Model) {TempData ["TempModelStorage"] = Model; Return Redirect Action ("Second Form"); } Public Action Second Form () {var firstModel = TempData ["TempModelStorage"] as FirstFormModel; // Use redundant checks, as appropriate, etc. See Return (...); } More details here:

Lists in Python (how to add the elements) -

I have just started with Python. If I had previously had Haskell in Haskell, I had worked with most of the time / list in Python I want to do this I have a list: l = [ 1,2,3,4] How can I add 4 elements to the list, so that I get 10 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) as a result I need recursive function and iterative (not as clean and stable as recycling, but still). I did this in Haskell: sum [] = 0 index (x: xs) = x + sumlist x In Python I tried it: def list (l) if l == 0: # or no, I do not know the result 0 and do not know: l [0] + index (l) but that's not working, maybe I'm still focusing on the Haskell's implementation style. It would be nice if I get some help. I have not used Haskell, but are rich in Python objects because they know that other objects How to work with You can understand this as an "interface between the object", and everyone is expected to behave well: EAFP For more apologies The simple Python coding style recognizes the...

puppet - Instantiating a class for each item in an array -

कठपुतली संस्करण: 3.2.4 (कठपुतली उद्यम 3.0.1) कॉन्फ़िग फ़ाइल में बेहतर समर्थन के लिए nagios cfg_dir और cfg_file निर्देशों के लिए, मैंने निम्न वर्ग (एसएस) को प्रत्येक विकल्प के लिए बनाया है: nagios कॉन्फ़िगरेशन फ़ाइल वर्ग nagios :: सर्वर :: cfg_dir ($ config_dir, $ nagios_user, $ nagios_group, $ nagios_config_file = '/etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg', में एक cfg_dir जोड़ने के लिए # वर्ग) {# Config डीआईआर फ़ाइल बनाएँ {$ config_dir: सुनिश्चित करें = & gt; निर्देशिका, स्वामी = & gt; $ nagios_user, समूह = & gt; $ Nagios_group, मोड = & gt; '0750',} # cigg_dir = $ config_dir पथ को nagios.cfg फ़ाइल एगुइज {{cfg_dir = $ config_dir $ nagios_config_file "} में शामिल करें: incl = & gt; "$ nagios_config_file", लेंस = & gt; 'नागोसिंकफ़्ग। एलएनएस', परिवर्तन = & gt; "सेट करें cfg_dir / [last () + 1] $ {config_dir}", की आवश्यकता = & gt; फ़ाइल [$ nagios_config_file],}} इस का उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा है अंदर nagios :...

ios - UITableView getting clipped by 1 pixel on the right -

I am using a custom cell that has a background image but the table view is cutting by 1 pixel on the right. Whichever I tried, the image does not capture at the full width. So far I tried the settings below: Also, it: tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake (0, 0, 0, 0) What could be the problem? Test image: My UITableView was starting from (-1.0) after determining the width barrier, capture the full view of the table view Thank you.

Can't enable wifi on ubuntu 12.04 Dell Inspiron 15 -

I'm new to Ubuntu and I know there are so many issues and I tried to follow some answers Is there on the web (like Dell Inspiron Wifi off or how am I working on an etheros AR-8162?), But none of them is working, or causing more errors on the way. Recently I installed the new Dell Inspiron 15 Ubuntu 12.04, but there is no alternative to connecting to WiFi. My router is working and all other devices are looking at it. Here are some information that you may need for advice. I would be happy to provide something else, please help me. $ Iwconfig eth0 No wireless extension No wireless extension $ rfkill list all 2: hci0: Bluetooth cold blocking: No hard blocking: No iwlist scan eth0 interface does not support scanning. Low interface does not support scanning lspci | Grap Network 02: 00.0 Network Controller: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 / AR9565 Wireless Network Adapter (Rev. 01) sudo lshw Level Network * -network Description: Ethernet Interface Product: RTL8101E / RTL8102E PCI Expres...

arrays - basic perl: regex statement not working in perl 5.10.1 machine but works in 5.18? -

I'm testing the following code that compares the words of a string and searches for matches problem only code In the lower part of the regex statement, it does not produce any results / matches on the Linux server in the school which is going to run / test me, on which Perl 5.10.1 is used. Does it work fine on strawberry pearl for some reason on my local windows machine? Is there any other way that the Regex statement given below can be modified, to get the same result on the earlier versions of Perl (or have I made a mistake somewhere)? Strict use; Use warnings; Use data: Dumper; My $ keyword_file = "keywords.txt"; # It changes for an array @keywords My $ myString = "This string will be logged in later; print"; #read Keywords my @keywords; Open (FH, "$ keyword_file") or die "Can not open $ keyword_file to read: $!"; While (& lt; FH & gt;) {chomp; Push (@keywords, $ _); } Close FH or die "$ keyword_file can not be closed...

php - How to set production environment for laravel applications.? -

I have created a small application in the Larval framework. But I want to host this app in my production environment on my machine so that no one can see the errors page throwing the Lervell framework. Please note that I'm not hosting it in any domain. It will be hosted on my system and will be accessed locally by other users. file ap / config / app.php and set 'debug' = & gt; False

objective c - IOS schedule action in fixed interval -

I am developing an app that I want to assign to an action in a fixed interval, in 5 minutes Even if the app is closed. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> no way to run your app own if its Closed (i.e. terminated) If in the background it still can not schedule itself to run a definite interval , but it can run in response to some external events And for the discretion of the OS. You can post several local notifications before the app is closed and then if the user clicks on one, your app will go but every 5 minutes the user will be able to Posting a notification will be a very bad thing and possibly the app will be rejected from the app store. There are some options such as local notifications and push notifications and background if you have an low frequency, which is not regular but irregular but 5 minutes is short, Therefore, there can be absolutely no solution out of the question. In short this is: a) In the background some regular (all ...

python - organizing numbers in numpy -

I have some numbers in the list that I want to organize with numpy. My Code Higher lst = ['99 .56 ', '99 .76', '99 .84 ',' 100.00 ',' 100.00 ',' 100.00 ',' 100.00 ',' 100.00 ',' 100.00 ', .99 .80', '99.43 '] for lst2 = [] I am in N.P. Ranges ( for x = 0 in lst in Jammu: Float (i) + 0.1> = float (j) ) & gt; Float (I): X = X + 1 lst2.append (x) lst2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0] I did not understand why the last object is 0. There are 6 '100.00'. How thanks ndarray generated By numpy.arange typically not end value is included: in [15]: np.arange (99.0, 100., 0.1] Out [15]: Array ([99., 99.1, 99.2, 99.3, 99.4, 99.5, 99.6, 99.7, 99.8, 99.9]) Note that an underlying Method numpy.histogram for you to do this; [13]: np.histogra...

json - Aggregate Method Not Getting Updated Data MongoDB -

So when I do a DELETE request, so I'm updating our model and have been removed from the selected Array items . Then I am sending updated JSON data via AJAX. I am using the overall method to determine the amount of values ​​selected in an array, but the problem is that the overall method is returning data based on the data available, although I put it in the callback. So how do I get the correct update amount? Here's the code I'm doing what I use: regUser.findOneAndUpdate ({username: req.user.username}, {$ bridge: {Budget: {uniqueId: parseFloat (req.param ( 'id'))}}}, function (err, data) {if (err) return console.log (err); regUser.aggregate ([{$ match: {username: req.user.username}}, / / unwind the { "$ group": { "$ group": { "_id": "$ _id", "expense": { "Total group with conditions including $ sum {" $ unwind ":" $ budgets " }, ": {" $ cond ": [" $ budgets.expense ...

html5 - Attempting to keep image size coherent with different screen resolution -

So I'm building a website, which is estimating an image slideshow, Div is installed: & lt; Div id = "slideshow" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; with its related CSS: #slideshow {position: absolute; Height: 28%; Width: 99.9%; Top: 10.5%; Margin: 0; } I am trying to find a proper image size to fit in the diwa so that it does not appear individually on individual screens. I have tried to find an unnecessary large image, so that it is height: 100% and width: 100% but it is always two screens of testing In general, this is also spread in general. One screen has resolution of 1336x768 and another 1920x1080. How can I change the ratio on different screens? (I think of a banner and it is always the same in every screen without dragging it) Usually when there is any kind of responsive design that will work on many screen resolutions, you use the following. img {height: auto; Max-width: 100%; } It will also assure that the image holds the ri...

statistics - Dataset for density based clustering based on probability and possible cluster validation method -

Can anyone help me find a dataset to have property values ​​as points and class labels (cluster recognition Ground Truth) I want to find the possibility of every data item and use it for clustering. Better Attribute Value User Score Score (1-bad, 2-satisfying, 3-good, 4-very good) for each attribute. I value property values ​​(like 1,2,3,4) Choice values ​​are preferred as it is easy to calculate the probability of each attribute value from these property values. I got some dataets from the UCI repository but all the attribute values ​​did not get the score. Most (if not all) clustering algorithms are density-based. There are a lot of survey literature on the clustering algorithm that you have to check. There are hundreds of literary density-based algorithms, including DBSCAN, Optis, Denkla ... However, I have the assumption that you use the term "density-based" to be different from the literature. Do you refer to the possibility, not the density? Do not expect ...

sar - Assembly sarl and idivl - interpreting -

I have a problem understanding the following assembly code. It would be great if you can give me an example with numbers That's how it looks behind the scenes. movl $ 0,% ecx movl $ 0,% ex addl $ 1,% ex movl% eax,% $ 31,% edx idivl $ 7 movl% edx,% eax movl (% Esp,% eax, 4),% eax movl% eax, (% esp,% ecx, 4) I think that I can not interpret serial and move because My result does not make sense .. Thank you very much for your help !! I am sitting in front of that code for 3 hours; ^^ I think: ecx = 0 eax = 0 eax = 0 + 1 = 1 edx = eax = 1 now ADX Transfer = & gt; Adx = 0 Now edx: eax is divided by 7? Why can not I just set up AdX = 0 and leave Ciral? Will not this happen? I just edx = 0 and leave sarl outside? Will not it be like this? Not for a signed partition, which is ivive are following two instructions that CDQ does the instructions: movl% eax,% edx sarl $ 31,% edx is it, " sar operated is positive and operator is ne...

java - Actual look of rectangle is not working -

Below, you can see the small version of my code which is a mistake, I'm working on a program like MS Paint The problem is that when I want to draw a rectangle and I want to see how the painted rectangle will actually appear, then the last last rectangle is prepared by the program. Then, if you comment on some parts of the code and look at them with slight changes (do not use the pre-code), then it works the way I want it to work, however, then the program gets the picture stored on the PC I have to save in and I do not want it to work in this way. I am quite beginning right now in Java and I do not know exactly where the mistake can be, that means drawing the file drawImage and this is what I am doing. You can hopefully understand what I am talking about, if there is a chance you can not do, it's easy to try to copy the code that try it out. When you try to drag the first object, you will see a mistake. First Class: Import java.awt.BorderLayout; Import javax.swing....

java - After upgrading to Java8, javac still shows 1.7 -

I have problems upgrading from JDK 1.7 - & gt; 1.8 Upgrade to OSX has been completed, but Java still returns version 1.7 as version. I downloaded from Oracle's homepage, and ran the installer. I have taken the following steps, Post-install: & gt; Export JAVA_HOME = `/ usr / libexec / java_home -v 1.8` (executed in my .bashrc file) & gt; Revert $ JAVA_HOME / Library / Java / Java Virtual Matchbox / JDK 1.8.0_05.jdk / Contents / Home & gt; javac -version javac 1.7.0_21 & gt; $ JAVA_HOME / bin / javac -version javac 1.7.0_21 & gt; Java Javascript (TM) 64-bit server VM (25.5-B02, composite mode creation) Java Java / Bin / Java-version Java version "1.8.0_05" Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (1.8.0_05-B13 ) / Code> I have gone and removed Java 1.7 (and all other JDK versions), and then run the installer again: & gt; LS / Library / Java / Java Virtual Mics jdk1.8.0_05.jdk Still no use, javac reports as version 1.7.0_21 & ...

node.js - How to structure database in mongoose for analytics -

My node.js app users are able to post downloadable content. To see them how many downloads have been made, this is easy, but I want to create a dashboard for those users, in which the downloads are shown in the graph using d3.js with the chart). How to manipulate your Mongo database? It should be flexible but small. Take a look here. 10G has made a real case for analytics with Mongo

What id basic datatype to store big number in java? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मैं एक बहुत ही बड़ी संख्या में सीमा 154770 9 6172227810860 अनुमानित यह संख्या स्ट्रिंग में संग्रहीत होती है और जब मैं इसे लांग में परिवर्तित कर रहा हूं, तब मुझे नंबर फॉर्मेट एक्सपेशेशन दे रहा हूं। मुझे लगता है कि लंबे समय तक बहुत लंबा मूल्य नहीं खेलता है कृपया मुझे कुछ समाधान दें धन्यवाद जावा या बड़ी संख्या के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है यह स्ट्रिंग से भी घोषणा करना आसान होगा। बिगइटेरियर num = नया बिगइन्टेजर ("154770 9 6172227810860"); ध्यान दें कि यह "मूल डेटाटाइप" (आदिम) नहीं है, इसलिए आपको मूल्य प्राप्त करने के तरीकों को कॉल करना होगा या "इसे" संशोधित करना होगा। (यह अपरिवर्तनीय fyi है)। जैसा कि अन्य उत्तरों द्वारा उल्लिखित है, संख्या की लंबाई उपलब्ध स्मृति तक सीमित है।

Select Id from column = 1 and column 2 MsSql 2012 -

select separate listing ID, field id, field value [chant-grape] [Dbo] [GP_Listening_field] where (field ID = 54) and (field ID = 69) listing by orderIICAC Hello friends I have a table ListingId FieldID FieldValue 238878 54 Paupkin Lake 238878 69 N 238879 54 None 238879 69 N 238880 54 Vestkong Lake 238881 54 None None 238882 54 None I need to choose the field ID 54 and 69 ID got. .. ur help is needed. Update: Typical LID, [SquareFit], [Hausnmember], [StreetAdder], [Property Type ID], [Bedroom], [Bathroom], [ Listprint], select [snap-grayPar] .dbo.gp_location where = l.LocationId] [snap-grayPar] .dbo.gp_listing_photo where gp_listing_photo.ListingId = f.ListingId) as PhotoUrl, (from Selection AreaName1 Top 1 PhotoUrl as AreaName1, ([Chan-Grapear]. Select area area code from dbo.gp_location where = l.LocationId) Aristotelcode fr om [jap-greypar] .dbo.gp_listing L evening in the evening Having [jap-grayPar]. [Dbo]. [Gp_listing_field] f f.Listin...

python - How do I select an element with the exact class using cssselect in lxml? -

I am scanning LXML HTML on the web, but I'm having a problem when I select HTML for example : html.cssselect ('a.asig') Let me select elements as class = "asig" but selection also contains elements in which their ID For example, "acig" occurs: & lt; A class = "asig drcha" ... & gt; What can I do to get the elements only and not the elements of Aceg? Thanks! Use either html.xpath and adjust accordingly, or Look for the following code, to find out when there is a lot to find in the class. Lxml import HTML sample = '& lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Root & gt; & Lt; A class = to "acig" & gt; I'm right & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A class = "asig drcha" & gt; I'm wrong. & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; 'Tree = html.fromstring (sample) print tree. xpath ("// a [@ class = 'asig...

postgresql - Not able to get value from drop down list, c# -

In the page load I am loading a drop down list with names from the PostGrey SQL Database using SQL. Later in the code, I want to save the selected value in the drop down list in a string variable. This page will not be loaded (works fine): Protected Zero Page_Load (Object Sender, EventArgues E) {NPGSCock Connection Connection = New NPGSQL Connection (" Server =; port = 5432; database = ses; user id = postgrej; password = postgres;); conn.Open (); NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand ("name tbl_syv by name select", conn); NpgsqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader (); While (Dr. Reid ()) {ddPersons.Items.Add (string) dr ["name"] + "" + ""); }} Here Button1_Click I want to save the selected value to string variable syv . Protected Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {string syv = ddPersons.SelectedItem.Text; String name = txtName.Text; Int studentid = 0; NPGSQL Connection conn = New NPGSQL Connection ...

how to get the latest and recent revision details of the code base in svn server? -

We are keeping check-in codes in our SVN server. When I use the "svn info" command, it is giving a description of the modification of the copy of the work. Is there a command to get the latest amendment of the code base in the SVN server? Maybe you need svn log or svn diff [rev1]: [rev2]

javascript - Affect only the onhover div tag with JQuery and SLidedown() function -

Is there any way that is a jQuery sleddain () function that will only be mounted on the div where the focus is on the mouse. Such a thing is possible with the combination of JQuery, but I have managed to achieve it only: I can only do it if there is a separate class in each div. If I give them the same name, then it will first open all the tags (slide down) on the hover of the diva. So, I hope this is a simple solution that I can not see. HTML & lt; Div class = "q1" & gt; 1. Question (on hover) & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; div class = "desc1" & gt; Description: Here is a php variable with & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; div class = "q2" & gt; 2 questions (on hover) & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; div class = "desc2" & gt; Description: Here is the question from php variable / Div & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; ...

java - Accessing JNDI datasource defined in Web/App Server from Spring applicationContext xml / Junit Test cases -

There are some available blogs available to define JDI datasets and then enter from Spring containers. Method 1: Creating a file context.xml in file and defining all relevant JDD datasets in 1 Src \ main \ webapp \ META-INF folder. 2. Spring app from context.xml file & lt; Bean id = "datasource" class = "org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean" & gt; Accessing JDD DataSource Using & Lt; Property Name = "jndiName" value = "java: comp / env / jdbc / mydb" /> & Lt; / Bean & gt; Method 2: And where pre> 1. Datatormems are defined in the server.exml file (Tomcat) and the web. Xml file has been sent in. 2. Access JDD datasets from Spring App context.xml file using JndiObjectFactoryBean with an additional resource ref attribute. Again, what about using the bottom line to get step 2 in the above two ways? & lt; G: jndi-lookup id = "data source" jndi-name = "java: comp / env / jdbc / m...

Wrapping C with Python; free(char *) invalid pointer -

I'm following the tutorial on wrapping C / C ++ with Python. I have copied the example code verbatim, but it will still be listed below. Hello. C #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include & lt; Python H & gt; // Original C Function char * Hello (four * what) {printf ("Hello% s! \ N", what); What to return; } // 1) wrapper function which gives Python Stactic pie object returns. * Hello_Apple (pie object * SPE, pie object * AGR) {char * input; Four * result; PyObject * ret; // parse arguments (! PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "s", and input)) {return tap; } // the result of the actual function = halo (input); // create the resulting string in a python object ret = PyString_FromString (the result); Free (results); Return writ; } The script Hello C defines a simple "Hello" function, as well as an envelope that returns a python object, and (hyperactivity) C is free The four * pointer is where the code fails with run-time error: Error i...

android - Settings show in Samsung emulator but not on actual device -

I have a problem that is finding me difficult to troubleshoot. I have created an app where my menu setup is The way is: & lt; Menu xmlns: android = "" xmlns: tool = "" tool: reference = "com.brainbox.dropnotelitealpha. App.MainActivity "& gt; & Lt; item android: id = "@ + id / action_settings" Android: title = "@ string / action_settings" Android: orderInCategory = "1" Android: showAsAction = "never" /> & Lt; item android: id = "@ + id / action_logout" Android: title = "logout" Android: orderInCategory = "2" android: showAsAction = "never" /> & Lt; / Menu & gt; I can access items by pressing the Overflow icon in the Actionbar. The problem I have is that when I test an app on Samsung S4, the overflow icon is not displayed. If I use an emulator, or any other device, t...

java - How to extract HTTP status code from the RestTemplate call to a URL? -

I am using RestTemplate to call an HTTP call for my service A simple JSON response gives me that I do not need to parse that JSON. I I'm mapping on String.class and the actual JSON response returning. As a string RestTemplate restTemplate = New RestTemplate (); String response = restTemplate.getForObject (url, String.class); Return feedback; The question now is - After attempting to remove the HTTP status code after hitting the URL I am using HTTP from the above code How can I remove the status code? Do I need to make any changes in the way I'm doing this now? Update: - This is what I have tried to do and I am able to get back feedback and status codes too. But do I always need to set the HttpHeaders and unit objects as below? RestTemplate restTemplate = New RestTemplate (); // And for my use case do I need this JSON media type? HTTP header header = new HTTP header (); headers.setContentType (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); // my entity httpTPNT ...

jquery - Cannot POST in nodejs and mongodb on openshift -

This is my Ajax Post Request I am using Nodes and MangaDub. When I post a request, I get an error, poster croralization can not be posted in the post request. Json object I have also tried to remove the content type from the POST request and the data as JSON.stringify (currlocation) Tried to send, it still does not work $ .ajax ({type: "POST", Url: "", contentType: " App / Jason ", data: curl location, datatype:" text ", success: function (feedback) {console.log (Feedback);}, error: function (error) {console.log ("error:", error);}}); I am using nodejs and mongodb in the server.js file my configuration (function () { .use (express.bodyParser ()); (express.favicon) ()); (express.json ()); (express.urlencoded ()); (express.methodOverride ()); (express .errorHandler ({dump exception: true, show stack: true}));});...

How to define the prototype of an object in a constructor in JavaScript? -

I want to add object constructor as a property with an object, and add methods in the prototype of that object I am Defining this does not work because the object is virtually running from one object and not from the manufacturer: function processing (option) {this.self = this; This.options = Options || {}; .. other options. ... // service object that I want to add to my prototype this task. Service = {Request: New XMLHttpRequest (), requestMethod: options.requestMethod || 'GET',}, // Prototype actually creates an object that prototype // becomes the property of the service object. This.service.prototype = {dataToNode: function (element, origin, data) {var toAppend = document.createElement (element); ToAppend.innerHTML = Data; Return Parents .appendChild (toAppend); },} This works by cutting and using __proto __ to follow, but __proto___ Gets lost. I __proto __ ? How can I add object to prototype without using function resource (option) {this.self = this; ...

java - how to fix an error when calling a method? -

I must call the method that takes an array of parameters and moves the minimum value in front of the list. I am getting this line an error: System.out.printf ("display number \ n", myList.minInteger); Here's the code: import java.util. *; Public square MinToFront {public static zero main (string [] args) {MinToFront myList = new MinToFront (); ArrayList & LT; Integer & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; Integer & gt; (); List.add (3); List.add (8); List.add (92); List.add (4); List.add (2); List.add (17); List.add (9); myList.minToFront (list); System.out.printf ("Display Number \ n", myList.minInteger); } // The main public static zero minToFront (ArrayList & lt; integer & gt; minInteger) end {int result = 0; int min = minInteger.get (0); (Int (= minInteger.get (i) & lt; min) {min = minInteger.get (i); Results = minute; }} MinInteger.add (0, minInteger.remove (result));} // method end // class main () . Finally, you ...

How can I push a long onto the stack using java bytecode? -

aload_0 aload_0 sipush 2377 अभिनव खेल / इंजन / सर्वर बनाओगैमसेरवर्ससेट (I) लाजावा / नेट / सॉकेट; हाय दोस्तों, मेरे ऊपर कोड का यह टुकड़ा है क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि मैं मूल्यों के बजाय स्टैक पर एक लंबा मूल्य कैसे लोड करूंगा, जो कि समर्थन करता है? मुझे लगता है कि यह 32768 +/- का समर्थन करता है, इससे मुझे एक उच्च संख्या की आवश्यकता है, लेकिन मैं नहीं जानता कि कैसे लंबे मूल्य का उपयोग करने के बारे में जाना है, या इससे बड़ा कुछ भी। मदद की सराहना की है। sipush 2377 & lt; सॉकेट का बंदरगाह है, मुझे इसे बदलने की आवश्यकता है। हाँ, मुझे बाइटकोड का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है। संपादित करें, जो वास्तव में आप चाहते हैं वह एक इंट है, जो कि एक छोटा नहीं है ऐसा करने के लिए, एलडीसी या ldc_w निर्देश का उपयोग करें। (एलडीसी केवल 255 तक लगातार पुल इंडेक्स के लिए प्रयोग करने योग्य है। जब संदेह में, ldc_w का उपयोग करें, क्योंकि यह हमेशा काम करता है) स्टैक पर लगातार लंबे समय तक धक्का करने के लिए, आपको ldc2_w निर्देश हालांकि, क्योंकि जिस फ़ंक्शन पर आप कॉल करने का प्रयास कर रहे...

inno setup - Run a batch file only one time when the installer starts -

मुझे निम्नलिखित के साथ एक समस्या है: function InitializeSetup (): बूलियन; var परिणाम कोड: पूर्णांक; परिणाम शुरू: = सच; अगर संदेशबाक्स ('मदद करना चाहते हैं?', एमबीकॉन्फ़र्मेशन, एमबी_एजएनएनओ) = आईडीइई तो CreateBatch () शुरू करें; परिणाम ('सीएमडी.एक्सई', '/ सी' '+ विस्तारित करें (' {टीएमपी} बैच.बीट '),' ', एसडब्ल्यू_हाइड, ईवावेअटिनटिल्टिटेड, रिजल्टकोड) परिणाम: = गलत; अंत; समाप्ति; बैच फ़ाइल में मुझे निम्नलिखित मिले: @ECHO OFF D: सीडी डी: \ _ INSTALLER \ आउटपुट "installer.exe" /SAVEINF="opt.txt " तो यह मूलतः फिर से इंस्टॉलर को फिर से खोलता है ... (अनंत लूप) क्या पूछने का कोई तरीका है: Wanna केवल 1 समय के लिए? और यदि उपयोगकर्ता ने हां क्लिक किया है, तो बैच को निष्पादित किया जाना चाहिए, अन्यथा अगर उपयोगकर्ता ने क्लिक नहीं किया है तो इसे सामान्य रूप से इंस्टॉल करना जारी रखना चाहिए। समर्थन, बीजीआईएन। टीला की मदद से और मैं निम्न स्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग करके अपने लक्ष्य को हासिल किया है: [सेटअप] AppName = मे...

ios - UIButton changes states when being pressed -

I have a UIButton that is configured with two states, default and selected for different text and background Builder is set up on the set-up interface. The strange thing is that when the button is in the selected state, and the button is pressed, it automatically turns to the default state. After the button is released, it turns back to the selected state. Is there a way to disable roll-to-to-default behavior? forgot to mention it, type is custom . Update Tried to do the following code in viewDidLoad [self.button setTitle: @ "default" forState: UIControlStateNormal]; [Self. Button Settital: @ "Selected" forState: UIControlStateSelected]; [Auto button settitle: @ "Highlighted" forState: UIControlStateHighlighted]; [Self chosen from Button Set: Yes]; Shows buttons on pressing. The selected state and the highlighted state are not mutually exclusive when you press any selective UI button, So it gets in a selected and highlighted position. ...

c++ - Assert when instancing specific template specialization -

By default, a user can specifically write a template, by adding some useful error messages to the default template: template & lt; Typename T & gt; Struct foo {static_assert (sizeof (t)! = Sizeof (T), "Please specialize in foo for your type"); }; Since always-false conditions depend on a template parameter, that firmness will be evaluated only during the template reversal, whatever we want. Now consider the inverse case: We allow the user to use the generic version of the template, but do not allow it to use a specific rebound. For example: template & lt; Typename T & gt; The Straight Bar {/ * Something useful for the user; The template's & lt; & Gt; Straight bar & lt; Char & gt; {Static_assert (wrong, "no, you can not instantiate time with the bar"); }; Of course this does not work because the claim is not dependent on a template parameter, even then the compilation will fail, even if the user has the bar &...