android - Convert dp values to px values usable inside WebView (dp to CSS px) -

I am creating an HTML page from scratch and dynamically inserting it into a value, a WebView .

I am trying to replicate the WebView (inside html) in the actionbar (which appears in the app in other activities) .

I also know the text of the actionbar and its title inside.

I like dimens such a folder ...

mTitleSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize (R.dimen.actionbar_title_text); // 50dp mActionbarH = res.getDimensionPixelSize (R.dimen.actionbar_height); // 25sp

... and by placing them in the html file's CSS.

My problem is that the values ​​above are really big. The height of the action bar and the size of the text are very large, the same dimens values ​​are used to display the actionbars in the rest of the app (not webview, but original Android see inside a relative layout ) and they look great.

Then ... I'm converting 50dp and 25sp values ​​into pixels, not within a single country, see Inside and WebView ? Is the webpage provided in a different way than the original page?

If so, then value dp in px webview and still seeing as the rest of the application ?

I got it


< code> res.getDimensionPixelSize (R.dimen.actionbar_height) / res.getDisplayMetrics (). Density

... and the value as CSS in px

Was set.


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