
Showing posts from January, 2011

java - Unable to access my boolean list -

So I have this list & lt; & Gt; Includes Boolean Areas: Stable list & lt; Boolean [] & gt; myList = new arreelist & lt; & Gt; (); And I add to this list: Boolean [mybooleanArray = new boolean [8]; So now when I take my list with () loop, using it: myList.get (i); There is something like this in my output console: [z @ 65e7c41f but I want to do a lot in Theoj objects too I am How can I do this? As the organs do not override the methods from the object class, you get the default string representation That is: getClass () GetName () + '@' + integer.tocestring (hash code ()) If you want to print the content of an array, you can use it. {boolean [arr: myList] {System.out.println (Arrays.toString (arr)) for ; } I do not know what you are doing with your boolean array with your list , but know that your Small surprises can be passed: public class test (static list & lt; Boolean [] & gt; myList = new arreelis...

Insert php date("Y-m-d") directly into SQL query -

I am currently running a SQL query to count the results from tomorrow I am trying to shorten my code and I am thinking that if there is a method, then I can include the following command ... Date ("YMD", strotome ('1 day')); directly into my query? Currently I am specifying this variable and then I am putting such variables ... $ yesterday = date ("Y-M-D", strotome ('-1 day')); Select COUNT as my (*) and count my_table WHERE value from 'd01' and the date '% $'% ' You can use the mysql function to work as JOB date = date (DATE_SUB (NOW), INTERVAL 1 day) More explanation here mysql> Select DATE_SUB (NOW (), INTERVAL 1 day); + --------- ------------------------ + | DATE_SUB (NOW (), INTERVAL 1 day) | + ------------ --------------------- + 2014-04-20 07:27:01 | + --------------- ------------------ + 1 line set (0.03 seconds) mysql> Select DATE (DATE_SUB (NOW (), INTERVAL 1 day)); + -------------------...

php - XML Parsing error -

I am trying to parse the XML file, but am getting the parsing error. Code :: $ xmlUrl = 'products.xml'; $ xmlStr = file_get_contents ($ xmlUrl); $ xmlObj = simplexml_load_string ($ xmlStr); XML file :: I am getting the error due to this tag See a simpleXML object and a conversion for output, see the code below. See your "products.xml" file for the correct UTF-8 encoding type. & lt ;? Php $ xml = & lt; & Lt; & Lt; XML & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Results & gt; & Lt; orderlist & gt; & Lt; order_no & gt; 123,123 & lt; / order_no & gt; & Lt; Date & gt; & Lt; / Date & gt; & Lt; client_name & gt; NAP & amp; Donut shop & lt; / client_name & gt; & Lt; Region & gt; 54 & lt; / Region & gt; & Lt; / Orderlist & gt; & Lt; / Results & gt; Xml; $ xml = str_replace (array ("...

php - List all Posts under heading in wp_list_pages menu -

I am currently using default page navigation (wp_list_pages) with WordPress, and I have used my home page as "home" and My blog is called "Events" on one page but I want to list 10 most recent posts under the "Events" child. I tried to hack it in using the code, but it dropped the content at all places and deleted tags: add_filter ('wp_list_pages', 'Add_forum_link'); Function add_forum_link ($ output) {$ output. = '& Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Blogs & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; '; Query_posts ('showposts = 10'); While (is_paus ()) {the_post (); $ Output = '& Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; a href = "'. the_permalink ()." & Gt; 'the_title ().' & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; '; } $ Output. = '& Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; '; $ Echo output; } In addition to this it was included in cre...

C# Windows application: connection string to connect to remote sql server 2008 using windows authentication -

I am developing a windows form application using C #. I want to connect to SQL Server 2008 which is in the server using Windows authentication. Can anyone please provide me the connection string? Note: The domain is created in my server. Remote Access is enabled for SQL Server The TCP / IP port is also enabled. Please help me. I've been struggling for it since 3 days. server = myServerAddress; Database = myDataBase; Trusted_Connection = true;

android - WebView cannot load webpage inside -

I want to load the webpage inside the piece, but there is some problem. 1. Without override isOverrideUrl loading method, the website default browser is open with Chrome. 2. When Override shouldOverrideUrl loading , nothing happens, only new blank activity is created, this is my onCreateView method piece class @Override is inside the public view preview (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, bundled saved instance) {View resultView = inflater.inflate (R. Layout Container, Container, False) ; If (getArguments ()! = Null) {string URL = getArguments (). getString (KEY_URL); WebView productDetailView = (WebView) Results View.findViewById (; productDetailView.setWebViewClient (new WebViewClient () {public boolean should override URL loading (webview view, string url) {return super.shouldOverrideUrl loading (see, url);}}); ProductDetailView.loadUrl (url); } View return results; } targetSdkVersion is 19 and added INTERNET is the same as the pe...

wpf - Accessing elements inside a DataTemplate in a TabItem -

Ok , I have a problem with a function that I get and XML file: & lt; TabItem X: name = "itemControls" height = "50" margin = "0" verticalAlignment = "top" HorizontalContentAlignment = "muscles" VerticalContentAlignment = "muscles" padding = "6.1" & gt; & Lt; TabItem.HeaderTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal" & gt; & Lt; Image x: name = "icon kb" width = "25" height = "25" extension = "fill" /> & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; /TabItem.HeaderTemplate> & Lt; / TabItem & gt; So, I tried to edit the source of the iconKB image with the following syntax: TreeHelper.FindVisualChildByName (of image) (itemControls, "iconKB "). Source = New Bitmap Image (New Yuri ("Pack: // application:, / Resources / Ic...

jquery - Jplayer is not working in Chrome -

I have a code, I want to play video on my site, JAPlayer works fine in Firefox .. but doesnot google Work in chrome, in which there is a div in which I had kept Japlayer not shown in Chrome. Thanks for the help & lt; script src = "js / jquery-1.7.2.min.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / html5.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / functions.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; script src = "jquery.jplayer.min.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# jquery_jplayer_1"). JPlayer ({ready: function} ($ (this) .Jeplier ("Setmedia", {m4v: "http: //www.jplayer. org / video / m4v / big_buck_Bunny_Trailer.m4v ", OGV...

objective c - UserDefaults - NSMutibleArray Loop -

are doubles in the rich array this adds the currently saved array Rescues the new couple again NSUserDefaults * defaultDefects = [NSUserDefaults StandardUserDefaults]; NSMutableArray * loadDefects = [defaultDefects objectForKey: @ "Default Deffects"]; [Load edibles adobect: [nsnumber number doubling: self. DPPPixX]]; [Loadedfoots adobect: [nsnumber number repeat: self DPETPTG]]; [Default Detective Set Object: Key for Load Deffects: @ "Default Deffects"]; Then I need it to load NSUserDefaults * defaultDefects = [NSUserDefaults StandardUserDefaults]; NSMutableArray * loadDefects = [defaultDefects objectForKey: @ "Default Deffects"]; // Here I need a Fourspe Loop, so it will be like double Dfx X = 0; Double flaw Y = 0; Int key value; Fresh (key => load components in the form of values) {double defect x = [[loadhytyphix objectattack & key: kiwal] double value]; keyValue ++; Double defect Y = [[Load Object Object atInx: Keywall] Double...

php array does not unset -

I am trying to unset my shopping cart array if (isset $ _ GET [Delete '])) {$ delete = $ _ GET [' delete ']; If ($ _GET ['delete'] == "all") {without set ($ _ session ['shopping cart']); } And {$ key = array_search ($ delete, $ _SESSION ['shoppingcart']); Not set ($ _ session ['shoppingkart'] [$ key]); }} The second part removes only one value of the array. And it works, but the first part is not to delete the whole array. It only removes the first value. I can see for some reason why this might happen .. either you think that It runs the first (unset set) part of the code, when it is actually running the second part. Or, using print_r ($ _ session) to see that you are still set, make sure to use it after using the code. .. What you can try to see that the edges of the code are actually running, and in the echo, the first statement was played. and echo 'second statement In some parts of the code ' is r...

Matlab double function outputs infinity when taking a big number of type "sym" -

This literally I received the number (from the symsum function), which is of type sym: = 328791078344903739363762093060350430076929707044786898291940722052812676355129485878814911641516759087483581972443760841410582114920781832660013389681326267351368505696628653562484228680842650173635989588528021721039959787053654401351638478786763875479187208098871238084448485336138651690856082810553570419028927840285091142054111375001 the I (in particular, to take the natural log) would like to change to make mathematical operations on numbers and therefore double, then double (a) simply " From inf Want Padn are ". How to go about this problem and change it from "Yoga" to a numerical type? your number ~ 3.3x10 335 but the largest number of MATLAB Dual exact floating point can be displayed by numbers, ~ 1.8x10 308 (see the output of realmax ). Converting your number into double precision causes overflow because the number is larger, so can be represented so tha...

c# - Error when using Update-Database command MVC 4 -

I have created a seed method and it has failed to replicate my 'ticket' table, fixing the other two tables. has gone. There is an error displayed in the Package Manager console: The value tag can not be included in the column 'ticketIt', the table 'OnlineTystemSystemSearch .dbo.Tickets'; Column faucets do not allow INSERT fails This is my seed method for 'ticket' table which will not be populated: var ticket = New list & lt; Ticket & gt; {New ticket} {employee = employee} singles (s = & gt; s.Surname == "Alexander"). Employee id, customerID = customer Single (C => Names named == "Marsden"). Customer ID, Summary = "Broke laptop screen", Start date = DateTime.Presse ("04/05/2012"), Payment = DateTime Purse ("10/05/2012"), hardwareDeliveWid = true, condition = position Open, priority = priority. Hi}, new ticket {employee / employee Single (S = & gt; S Nameame == "Marsha...

ios - How to create a predicate that compares all properties of an object? -

For example, I have an object that has three properties: first name, middle name, last name. [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "(first name in [CD]% @) or (last name [CD]% @) or (in middle name [Cd]% @) ", @" Joynion ", @" John ", @" Joy "]; Can I do something like this: [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "(all in [CD]% @), @" John "] ; "Includes everything" does not work in an ingenious, and ( As far as I know) there is no single syntax, get desired results. The "Code of Definition" from all the "string" attributes in the following code unit creates: NSString * searchText = @ "john"; NSEntityDescription * entity = [NSEntityDescription EntityForName: @ Managed objects in "Entity" (If [[attr isKindOfClass: [NSAttributeDescription class]]) {if ([attr attributeType] == NSStringAttributeType} {NSPredicate * tmp = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "NSMu...

c# - Convert an Int to a WinTextBox -

मैं एक पाठ बॉक्स ( System.Windows.Forms.TextBox) के अंदर एक ऑपरेशन (पूर्णांक) के परिणाम को रखना चाहता हूं ) मैंने कन्वर्ट.ToString () फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन यह काम नहीं कर रहा है। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता / सकती हूं? यह कोशिश करें .. Textbox1.Text = integervariable.Tostring () ; - Restrict file size upload by type in IIS 7.5 -

Is it possible to restrict file size allowed by file type to upload to IIS 7.5? I want to allow 1 MB images (JPG, PNG, GIF) and 10 MB for PDF and Zip. Is this possible? BTW, I am hosting a classic ASP site and I IIS In the server you can use the filtering request globally / website-level. Please refer to Edit Feature for specific file extensions.

c# - Can't read value from existing key -

I can not read any value with a reg key. The path is correct for some strange reason .. and the key exists is. I do not know why it can not be read. I have the code (which reads the registry) string local = Microsoft.Win32.Registry LocalMachine.ToString (); String javaarag path = "\\ software \\ javasoft \\ Java runtime environment \"; if (JavaRagpath! = Null) {string javaVersion = Registry.readReg (local + Java rigpath, "current version"). ToString (); string JavaHome = Registry.readReg (Javreg Path + "\\" + JavaWarsian, "Javomome"). ToString (); Return Javohom;} ​​ Registry cs (read) public static object readReg (string keypath, string keyname) {key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser OpenSubKey (mainpath); return key. Value (keyName);} And here is an image from Registry Editor. To verify the path and so on But it only gives one NPE. .. Message: An unbundled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' is i...

playframework - Multiple evolutions for multiple databases in the Play Framework -

I have two databases that I want to store objects, each other is unique object1 database1 for object2 p> "post-text" itemprop = "text"> To do this you will create two different DB connections db.default.driver = "com.mysql.jdbc. Driver "db.default.url =" jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3600 / db_name1 "db.default.user =" user name "db.default.password =" password "db.otherDBName.driver =" com.mysql .jdbc .Driver "db.otherDBName.url =" jdbc: mysq l: // localhost: 3306 / db_name2 "db.otherDBName.user =" user name "db.otherDBName.password =" password "// Then you know that Eben knows where from the model ebean.default =" models . * "Ebean.otherDBName =" otherDB.models. * "// You can refer to other DBName with Ebian.getServer (" Other DBName "). Save (object);

ios - setting an imported class to be delegate -

मैंने UIPickerView का उपवर्ग बनाया @interface ClockPicker: UIPickerView @property (मजबूत, नैनैटॉमिक) एनएसएआरआरए * कई अंक; @end और इसे मेरे दृश्य में आयात किया जाता है नियंत्रक और इसे इस तरह इन्स्तांत करें #import "clockPicker.h" @interface sfViewController () @property (मजबूत , नॉनटामिक) क्लॉक पिक्चर * घड़ीपिकर; @end @implementation sfViewController- (क्लॉक पिक्चर *) घड़ीप्रिक्टर {यदि (! _clockPicker) _clockPicker = [[क्लॉक पिक्चर आलोक] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 200, 320, 200)]; वापसी _clockPicker; } UIPickerView के कई प्रोटोकॉल विधियों को लागू किया जाना है, इसलिए मुझे यह कहना है कि प्रतिनिधि और डेटा स्रोत क्या हैं I ViewDidLoad viewController में, मैं दृश्य नियंत्रक को प्रतिनिधि और डेटा स्रोत बनाने के लिए ऐसा कर सकता हूँ clockPickerView.delegate = self; clockPickerView.dataSource = self; हालांकि, मैं आयातित UIPickerView वर्ग को प्रतिनिधि और डेटा स्रोत के रूप में सेट करना चाहता हूं। अगर मैं ऐसा करता हूँ clockPickerView.delegate = ClockPicker; cloc...

c# - Lucene : very slow NRT performance -

I am testing the performance of NRT (near real time) in my application and I really get strange results. . I am using this question as a sample for all questions (the test set is very small, so all the elements should not have an issue, 250 files are indexed, only text files, total index size = 1.5 MB, Public static list & lt; I have a load of files for a very gb index that the actual set I want is IndexableItem GetAllElements () {var qp = New Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.QueryParser (Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LU CENE_29, "Provider Path", Analyst); Qp.AllowLeadingWildcard = True; var Query = qp.Parse ("*"); Var Finder = New Lucene.Net.Search.IndexSearcher (Reader); IndexableItem & gt ; Docs = new list & index = gt; (); searcher. Search (query; new simple hecollolator (docId = & gt; { (reader document (dOCID) .andexex ())})) ; Docs return;} As you can see it is very simple, the runtime runs around 0.1 seconds, while indexing is not running, ...

json - Android: Volley request failed on my LAN -

I have a light python server that runs on my laptop at this address: I can use it with my other computers (LAN) without any problems. I get my JSON data In my Android app, I use the Volley Library. And I want to retrieve some JSON data on my Python server, but it does not work: I have this error: java.lang.RuntimeException: bad url1920.168.1.56 .001001 / Todo /api/v1.0/tasks My code: JsonObjectRequest req = new JsonObjectRequest (" .001 / Todo / Api / v1.0 / work ", blank, new response. Lester & lt; JSONObject & gt; () {... Thanks guys! Ps: Without me I can ping my mobile from my laptop with such error. I think you Your URL needs to add "http: //" to the front. JasonObique Request REQ = New JasonObject Request (" 00001 / Todo / API / v1. 0 / tasks ", blank, new response. Listener & lt; JSONObject & gt; () {...

python - How to output sklearn standardscaler -

I have standardized my data using preprocessing.standardscaler in Scalean. The question is how can I save it in my local area? Thanks If I understand you correctly, Want to save it so that it can be corrected again? Use the pickle / of Python and the other method, use Job Lib Recommended method Job Lib Because it will contain a very small file compared to pickle, which represents the string of your object: Joblib.dump (clf, 'filename.pkl') from sklearn.externals import joblib ) #then Load it later, remember the job of the course. clf = joblib.load ('filename.pk1') View

javascript - understanding about returing two object lists by json_encode when one object list is already in json format -

I am using Ajax to get the Facebook comments of a post, so that the following php function calls the AJAX call For data returns by json encoding echo json_encode (array ($ JsonData, $ arr2)); Die (); But the content in $ JsonData is already in json format because I think that getting the data of those comments on the Facebook post using the server side graph API call in the php function And the first $ JsonData has been assigned to echo before. But I can not find the data on the Ajax success function success: functions (data, textstats, XMLHTPRAEvieve) {var Comment = data [0] .data; Warning (comment); // shows some undefined (as I was getting data like this when I was sending back the data of comments in the PPP function, thus resonating $ JsonData and Comment data in the success function = Data data) So now I need to get an array $ arr2 by AJAX call so that json_encode will return the data with the array ($ JsonData, $ arr2), not working As is doing $ JsonData is a...

java - is it posible to add new value to ehcache in spring? -

I am trying to use eHatch in my Java project, it is new to me. I am now using the eHatch to retrieve the area list, and adding new project to my project, at that time I am using @Triggers, once the cache is cleaned and then it Reload. ex: I have to withdraw 10 areas and use AHsk, and I add another area, at that time I clear the cache and reload it. There is no other alternative to avoiding reloading in the data cache. My code: @Cacheable (cache name = "retrieve") public list & lt; AreaBO & gt; Recover Ares () {// some code here} Remove the "Triggers" (cache name = "reciprocated", remove all = true) Public long addArea (Aaronon Aryabo) user s serviceexation {// some code here} It seems that you are using annotation from ahap. If you want to switch to the caching annotation provided since version 3.1, then your code will be: @Cacheable (value = "retrieveAreas") public list & lt; AreaBO & gt; Retrieve Ares () {...

javascript - Capture all dynamic form submits -

Some things for which I'm taking the account: can form At any point on time, will be inserted into the dom. A Domain Ready Listener and Recurrence is not an option on document.forms . The logic of capturing it by adding a good one, it should work cross browser but it will be more than adding jQuery to work. . We are using a very heavy DOM manipulation framework and will not harm the solution. I do not want to add the DOM entry audience because they are slower and frameworks that we often insert the inserts items into the dome. Overriding HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit works when the .submit () program is called, but Not when the user triggers a form completely via browser interaction. I found that listening to the submitted event works for both cases, but to hear the incident, you need to reference each form instance. All form instances can be obtained through the document.forms , but document.forms is an HTMLCollection and there is no API to moni...

java - Infinite loop when running an activity -

मेरे पास यह क्लास है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग मानचित्र में ActionBarActivity लागू करता है TabListener {@Override protected शून्य पर क्रेट (बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टैंसस्टेट) {सुपर.नक्रेट (सहेजे गए इन्स्टेंसस्टेट); setContentView (R.layout.activity_the_map); // क्रिया बार सेट करें अंतिम एक्शनबियर एक्शनबार = मिलनएक्शनबार (); actionBar.setNavigationMode (ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS); ActionBar.Tab ttestTab = actionBar.newTab ()। SetText ("परीक्षण"); एक्शनबार.Tab chatTab = actionBar.newTab ()। SetText ("चैट"); testTab.setTabListener (this); chatTab.setTabListener (this); actionBar.addTab (testTab, गलत); एक्शनबार.एडटैब (चैटटैब, सच); GoogleMap मानचित्र = ((मानचित्रफ्रैग्मेंट) getFragmentManager () .findragmentById (। GetMap (); LatLng नक्शा केंद्र = नए लाटलांग (41.889, -87.622); LatLng mapCenter2 = नया लाट्लेंग (41.889, -85.622); map.addMarker (नया मार्कर ऑप्शन () .कॉन (बिटमैप डिस्क्रिप्टर फेटाइटर। फ्रॉम रिसोर्स (आरड्रॉवेबल.ओआरटीएयरिंग))। बिज़नस (नक्शा केंद्र)। फ्ला...

if statement - Putting if else in nginx Vhost configuration with Puppet Nginx jfryman module -

I want to automate the nginx vhost configuration for a website, in which there are some conditional statements i with puppet power module It was trying to do this but I am not able to configure the file. I want the configuration to be given below: server {8080; Server_name; root /data/vvv/; Index index.php index.html index.htm; Access_log /data/vvv/; Error_log /data/vvv/; The first attempt to make the request as the location / {# file, then # directory, then go back to index.html #try_files $ uri $ uri / /index.html; If (! -f $ request_filename) {Set $ ​​rule_0 $ 1 rule_0; } try_files $ uri $ uri / /index.html; } So how do I put this condition inside my vhost configuration: if (! -f $ request_filename) {set $ rule_4 1 $ rule_4 ; } Is it possible to do this? I have tried with location_cfg_prepend , but it did not help. I had the same problem with jfryman-nginx v0.0.9. , It looks like if locat...

parsing - Capturing groups and money symbol in Regex -

I am trying to write a regular expression that takes the string and parses it into three separate capturing groups : $ 3.99 APP Download ???? 200 11/19 a ???? 1/21 3.99 Group 1: $ 3.99 Download APP 200 Groups 2: 11/2 9 A ???? 1/28 Group 3: 3. 99 Do anyone have any ideas ??? I do not have much experience with capturing groups and I do not know how to make them. I believe that this expression will work to identify dates? / (\ d {2} \ / \ d {2}) / Any help would be appreciated! : ([$] \ d + [.] \ D {2}. * (\ D?) \ * S {1,2} / \ d {2}. *? \ D {1,2} / \ d {2}) \ s (\ d + [ .] \ D {2}) So with it we have 3 capture groups ( () ) different from \ s * , Which means 0 + white space of the alphabet (this is not necessary, but it will remove the back space from your occupied groups). The first capture group [$] \ d + [.] \ D {2}. *? matches a dollar sign, after 1 + digit, after a period, after 2 digits, after a lazy match of 0+ characters ( . *? ) In our expres...

c# - custom serializer ; ouput without double/simple quote -

मेरे कस्टम सीरियललाइज़र में, मैं निम्नलिखित करता हूं var gridheeader = (GridHeader) मान ; var jsonHeaderList = नया जेरा (); विदेशी मुद्रा (वर्ड कॉलम ग्रिड हैडर। कॉलम डिफिनिशन लिस्ट में परिभाषा) {var jsonHeader = नया जॉबइज़ (); JsonHeader.Add (नया JProperty ("फ़ील्ड", columnDefinition.Name)); JsonHeader.Add (नया JProperty ("शीर्षक", columnDefinition.Text)); jsonHeaderList.Add (jsonHeader); } JsonHeaderList.WriteTo (लेखक); और यहां आउटपुट का एक उदाहरण है: [{"फ़ील्ड": "कुछ", "शीर्षक": "कुछ"}, { "फील्ड": "कुछ", "शीर्षक": "कुछ"}] यहां बड़ी समस्या यह है कि मुझे यह आउटपुट होना चाहिए: [[फ़ील्ड: "कुछ", शीर्षक: "कुछ"}, {फ़ील्ड: "कुछ", शीर्षक: "कुछ"}] अंतर का ध्यान दें? फ़ील्ड और शीर्षक के आसपास कोई दोहरी उद्धरण नहीं है। के साथ दो चीजों की कोशिश की, यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि उन दोहरे उद्धरण चिह्नों का हम वहां हैं, लेकिन अभी...

sencha touch - How to enable scrollbar for this following overlay -

el.overlay = Ext.create ('Ext.Panel', {itemId: 'WidgetInfoPanel', html: एचटीएमएल टेक्स्ट, ऊंचाई: 200, चौड़ाई: 300, ऑटोसॉलोल: सच, मोडल: {स्टाइल: 'अस्पष्टता: 0'}, छुपाने ओनमास्कटैप: सच, आइटम: [{xtype: 'button', text: "close" .toUpperCase (), सीएलएस: 'बटन-नारंगी', श्रोताओं: {टैप: फ़ंक्शन (बटन) {el.overlay.hide ()}}}}]}); जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं यह एक सरल ओवरले बटन क्लिक पर बनाया गया है, लेकिन जब HTML सामग्री बहुत लंबी है, तो यह एक स्क्रॉलबार दिखाने वाला माना जाता है क्योंकि मैंने ऑटोसॉलिस प्रॉपर्टी को सही पर सेट किया है लेकिन मुझे यह नहीं दिख रहा है। मैं कैसे इसे सक्षम करता हूं, मैं sencha स्पर्श का उपयोग कर रहा हूं मैं हूं यह सुनिश्चित नहीं है कि इस समस्या का सामना क्यों कर रहे हैं, लेकिन @ सूजता चंदा को 'स्काउल' के लिए 'ऑटोस्क्रॉल' को बदलकर सुझाता है कि समस्या का समाधान होगा। यहां डेमो है: app.js: Ext.application ({नाम: 'डेमो', दृश्य: ['मुख्य'], लॉन्च: फ़ंक्शन () {var mainView = E...

java - I cannot get the jsp to execute a SQL update statement -

I am trying to input a jsp user from a form on "update.jsp" and to update An update statement is running in the database entry and the result is displayed on "display.jsp" using eclipse as my IDE, and Oracle as my database server - first, I have successfully selected a selected statement (a test ), So I'm sure There is nothing wrong in relation to the DB - it "update.jsp" (form) is used to code the & lt; Form action = "display.jsp" & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Semester: & lt; Select name = "semester_form" & gt; & Lt; Option selected = "semester" & gt; Select semester & lt; / Options & gt; & lt;% // public string input_semester = semester; & Gt%; & Lt; Option value = 'spring' & gt; Spring & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = 'difference of January' & gt; January gap & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = 'fall...

PHP exec not working for compiling on Windows 8 through Visual Studio 2012 Command Prompt -

Thank you for taking the time to help me today, what I hope is a simple question. I'm trying to use php exec () or any related PHP command to open the developer command prompt for Visual Studio 2013 and to compile a file and save output to a file on my local machine. I am using I'm working fine with it running on Windows, but I can not seem to work with PHP exec (). Here's how I have a command set currently. $ cmd = 'C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 \ Common7 \ Tools \ VsDevCmd.bat & amp; ; & Amp; CD C: \ wamp \ www \ csc424Try3 \ app \ Upload & amp; Amp; CL / AHSC original CPP & amp; Original & gt; & Gt; C: \ wamp \ www \ csc424Try3 \ app \ outputs \ output.txt '; exec ($ cmd, $ result); As you can see, I am uniting commands together, allowing the first command prompt to open, the second change in the appropriate directory, the third prompt Runs the command to compile in, and the fourth output into a t...

Dynamically loading options of a select control on expand event using angularjs -

I am thinking that there is an easy way to do the following: When a user clicks Is my dropdown list expansion arrow, I need to call for an external service and get 5 records and populate the options of selection and display them dynamically, I understand that I have a model for select and angular Need a bind, it's automatic Will take care of it, but I'm having trouble understanding how to capture the event of extension of selection. I tried to use the ng-click instruction, but I could not find any luck. After struggling for an hour, I did it using ng-click directive. The only problem I have is because I get ng-click and get the data, it does not extend the selection, I need to click on the dropdown a second time to open the selection.

user interface - In a MATLAB GUI, extract coordinates by clicking inside a plot and display it -

I am very new to MATLAB, I have looked everywhere to solve this problem: For example, use this GUI: How can I do this, by clicking somewhere inside the plot, in the text box x coordinates? function axes1buttonDownFcn (hObject, eventdata, handle) [xy] = (GCA, 'CurrentPoint') , Set (handle.edit1, 'string', number 2:25 (x)); Guadata (Hobbect, Handle); Edit: Oh, say the question wrong. I pushed my original answer to the bottom of the post. It can still be useful here: function axes1buttonDownFcn (hObject, eventdata, handle) [x y] = eventdata; Set (handle.edit1, 'string', number 2:25 (x)); Guadata (Hobbect, Handle); Note, I have seen examples where event data just does not work. If you try to use it and it is empty, then let me know and I will try to run it using the custom Dataxersload Tooltip callback function, which is quite complex, but possible Original: on the Datacompasses See the page for additional information. I've ...

jquery - Google Maps InfoBox with click handlers and scrollbar -

मेरे पास Google मानचित्र javscript API और Infobox प्लग-इन (देशी InfoWindow का अनुकूलन संस्करण) का उपयोग कर एक एप्लिकेशन है। यह तब तक काम कर रहा था जब तक कि मेरे पास निम्न उपयोग-मामले नहीं थे: सामग्री के बड़े होने पर मुझे एक स्क्रॉलबार के साथ एक इन्फोबॉक्स की ज़रूरत है, और इसे क्लिक श्रोताओं के साथ कुछ HTML तत्वों को भी शामिल करने की आवश्यकता है। मुझे आमतौर पर एक इन्फोकॉक के अंदर क्लिक हैंडलर्स का समर्थन करने के लिए क्या करना है, EnableEventPropagation = true सेट करना है, और क्लिक हैंडलर सेट करने के लिए jQuery प्रतिनिधि का उपयोग करें। अगर मैं घटना प्रसार की अनुमति नहीं देता तो jQuery के प्रतिनिधि काम नहीं कर रहे हैं। यह काम ठीक नहीं हुआ, जब तक कि मुझे कार्यशील स्क्रॉलबार होने के साथ गठबंधन करना पड़ता था! मुझे क्या मिला है यह है कि स्क्रॉलबार केवल तभी काम करेगा यदि मैंने सक्षम EventPropagation = false है, क्योंकि यदि ईवेंट प्रचार सक्षम है, तो ड्रैग इवेंट मैप के पास बस जाता है और पैनिंग के रूप में व्याख्या की जाती है। क्या किसी को पता है कि मैं इंफोबॉक्स सामग्री पर एक कार्यशील...

Dynamic tables with jQuery -

How can I create a dynamic tables with jQuery? Example: jQuery dialog asks the user how many lines he wants to host? Users enter multiple rows and then jQuery creates rows from that number. I think it can be done with jQuery, but how to do it? The simplest table forming function look something like this function makeTable (Columns, rows) {var html = "& lt; table & gt;", // start your html tmpCols = 0; // loops to use the temporary variable while loop html = "" through lines (rows -) {// rows; Tr & gt; "; // Start a new line passing the number of tmpCols = cols; // cache columns (tmpCols--) {// column html + =" & lt; Td> & Lt; / Td> "Add loop; // new cells through html} =" & lt; / tr & gt; "// off line} html + =" & lt; / Table & gt; "; // Close the table return HTML; // Return HTMT} Surely you have more control over different aspects of the table (characteristics or content, ...

sorting - MYSQL vertical sort using different columns? -

I'm not sure whether this is possible - I'm trying to work it with the CASE statement, MA vt CT D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 What do I have to do, sort by state There are rows. Every time I try more than one column in my CASE statement, I get an error in PHPmyAdmin. In the example below, I am trying to solve just two states to get the syntax rights. Not sure if this is me, or if this is not possible: SELECT * in case of tblState D order when MA is then the case of 1 and 0 when VT again 2 and 0 ASC Any ideas? Why not do this, suppose you want the state in alphabetical order: sequence by whistle, de des, ma des, vt des

arrays - How to get this type of json with php? -

I need to get a JSON such as [8,3,4,5,6,7,15] Is . I'm trying to get it done on the basis of the past 30 days. $ a = array (); ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; 30; $ i ++) for {$ tmp_array = array (); $ InicioDia = date ('Y-M-D 00:00:00', Stratetime ('today -'. $ I. 'Day')); $ Fimia = Date ('Y-M-D23:59:59', Stratetime ('Today -'. $ I. 'Day')); $ NumeroSolicitacao = $ this- & gt; Solit-- gt; Find ('calculation', array ('conditions' = & gt; array ('data & gt;' = & gt; $ inicioDia, 'data & lt;' = = gt; $ fimDia))); // query array_push ($ tmp_array, $ numeroSolicitacao); $ a = $ tmp_ user; } Json_encode ($ a) This is coming back with "all", which I do not know, and only ["all", 3] Number one . How do I get an array like this? Do you know that you mix the array? Try it & lt ;? php $ tmp_array = array (); ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; 30; $ i ++) for {$ inici...

javascript - Internet Explorer canvas issues with excanvas on multiple drawings? -

To attract the moving canvas tide, and it works correctly on FF, Safari etc., but always IE 8 fails ?? I implemented the excanvas and it works a bit on the first element and it dies ?? Am I doing something wrong? Internet Explorer 8 does not support canvas elements

vbscript - What are all of the possible Class Names in QTP or where can I find them? -

I am using QP11 and I use an easy reference for all possible values ​​of "class name" Can i I am not trying to manipulate this information. I just need a reference, for example, I know that I can use any input element using "webedit ()", but I have a table What to say for the cell? I want a list that I can refer to, not the steps to find the type of an object. Three options come into the mind immediately: Option A. The easiest way to find the name is to look at the communication device / object identity. In the "Test Object Classes" listview, you see all test object class names for the environment selected under "Environment" that QTP knows. Option B. If you are creating a script in the "Generate script" button , in a dialogue Use a Grape feature to remove all lines of the text "Object Identification Configuration" from that script. / strong> (or textpad for that matter) This is in a text that lists...

jquery regex validation does not properly validate credit card field -

I have a form with many fields, I'm using a forked jQuery validation because I have a font-awesome check I am using exclamation points beside markings and valid fields. Apparently jQuery validation does not allow you to add more than one category to an element. However, all of my fields are being validated, except for my credit card verification. I have simple regex ( / ^ \ d {16} $ / to check for 16 digits). My code is not working right now. HTML & lt; form id = "checkout_form" method = "post" action = "" & gt; Card number: & lt; input id = "credit_card_card_number" name = "credit_card [card_number]" size = "30" type = "text" /> gt; & Lt; i class = "fa fa-lg" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" & gt; jQuery $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# checkout_form'). ({Rule: {'credit_card [card_number]': {re...

java - ClassNotFoundException for maven provided dependencies -

I have a web application that relies on another Maven project, which has some dependencies in its POM file. pre & lt; & Lt; Group & gt; org.codehaus.jackson & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Jackson-Map Maker-ASL ​​& lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 1.9.12 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Scope & gt; Provided & lt; / Scope & gt; & Lt; / Dependencies & gt; & Lt; Dependency & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; org.codehaus.jackson & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Jackson-jaxrs & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 1.9.12 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Scope & gt; Provided & lt; / Scope & gt; & Lt; / Dependencies & gt; When I keep my war on jeans, I get a Klassnotfound exception for the JasonSaileyLiizer and Dissarizer, which is in the Jackson-Mapper-ASL ​​jar. Reason by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.j...

java - How do I add a keystroke inside of keyPressed(KeyEvent e) method to change color of ball? simple KeyListener demo -

I have limited experience, especially when it comes to graphics, I have got very good help on this problem so far . This is the starter code (below) that works fine as I had tested it in eclipse. I am using it from a class to teach a high school student, according to the instructions given below, should anyone know that the simple program extension to change the color of the ball by pressing button C. Easy to do? I'm thinking of adding the following code to key pressed (keyweed e) method: else if (keycode == KeyEvent.VK_C) {// Not sure what code to add here //g.setColor ( for; ---- & gt; This line says "can not be solved"} Any suggestion or idea to keep the program simple will be highly appreciated. Thank you. . Import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event. *; // # 1 import javax.swing. *; / *************************************************************************************************** **************** * Provides keyboard...

regex - Remove stopwords from a string in Java -

I have many words that I need to count. But I want to avoid a few words without a word without reference. So, I have a file with all the words that I will ignore. I open this file and make a list of what I have called ArrayList & lt; String & gt; stopWordsList; Now I have a string and it needs to be cleaned, to end the stop words from the list. I have tried such a thing: string example = "job in software factory. Work with playful, spring, hibernation, GWT, etc."; (String stop word: stop wordlist) {example = example.replaceAll ("+ StopWord +", ""); After that, an example of a string should be: "Job software factory. Work is fickle, spring, in hibernation, GWT." The problem is that "etc." For (string stop word: stop wordlist) {example = example.replaceAll ("" + StopWorld + "", ""); Example = example.replaceAll ("" + StopWord + ",", ","); Exampl...

c# - Linq join between two Entities and 3 Tables -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मैं 3 में शामिल होने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं 2 अलग एसक्यूएल सर्वर (संस्थाओं) से LINQ का उपयोग कर तालिकाओं। त्रुटि: निर्दिष्ट Linq अभिव्यक्ति में विभिन्न संदर्भों के साथ जुड़े प्रश्नों के संदर्भ शामिल हैं var क्वेरी = से EntityA.TableA में से एक में EntityA.TableB में पी। PersonID के बराबर है पी। PersonID एमटीआई में EntityB.TableC पर Convert.ToInt32 (a.SourceID) m.ID के बराबर है जहां p.someID == "100000527" चुनें m.ID; कृपया इसे सुलझाने में मेरी मदद करें। उत्तर: var query = से EntityA.TableA में शामिल हों EntityA में शामिल हो । पर TAB बी। PersonID बराबर है पी। PersonID जहां p.someID == "100000527" एक एआईडी चुनें; IQueryable & LT; पूर्णांक & gt; आईडी = शून्य; foreach (क्वेरी में var आइटम) {int sourceID = कन्वर्ट.ToInt32 (आइटम); आईडी = (EntityB.TableC में एम से जहां m.ID == sourceID select m.ID)। निस्संदेह (); } वापसी आईडी; क्या यह सही दृष्टिकोण है? आप केवल लिनक लिख सकते हैं एक बार में...

regex - Validate a time string (up to one hour) with javascript -

I am looking for a regex pattern to validate a string and see whether it is a valid time or not . It can only happen for one hour. I want to check that a string is a valid time or returned incorrectly. It should be in mm: ss format good = 00:00 good = 60: 00 bad = 60:01 bad = 89:09 bad = 3445 Validating number ranges using regex is not the optimal solution to evaluate the easy conditions You need to make a very long pattern, you might be better off investigating if this is a number: number pattern, divide it and check whether the part Whether or not your needs are: Function check time (time) {if (time.match ("^ [0-9] {2}: [0-9] {2} $ ") === null) {return false; } var parts = time.split (':'); If (parts [0]> 60) {return false; } If (parts [0] == 60 and parts [1]> gt; {return false; } Back true; } It is being said that you can create a regex for this if you really want: Function check time (time) {return time.mail ("(60: 00 | [0-5]...

grails - default date for gdatepicker -

I'm using default gdatepicker in an application end date is a default for the current date that works fine, but I am not sure about the syntax for setting the start date dates for the July of last year. It seems that it should be quite easy, but I still have to find a good example. If I understand correctly, then it is necessary to set as a default date of July last year. If yes, then you can use something like the one below, but for a controller I suggest moving the date argument and then a model population to include on the July of last year: sets the date up to July 1, 2013. Groovy 2.2.0 comes with a useful utility method on the date object, but it can not be used in Grails as the current versions of Grails using: import static java.util.Calendar. * DEF today = new date () DEF lastYearJuly = today.copyWith (Year: Today [YEAR] - 1, Month: July)

Java - Class Hierarchy -

I'm relatively new to programming and one of my classrooms I have to create a class hierarchy for the following things : country , state , county , city , border And river . How do I do this? I think that I understand that I can not expand because it means that there is one thing - a different thing is that the right way to think about it is? Also, I understand that Java has HAS-A relationships but I do not know how to use it, should I create different class files? Or, is there any other way to do this? Thanks for any help! Think about things that are similar country, state, county, The cities are all geographical institutions that can accommodate each other. A river is a geographical unit that can cross human defined boundaries. A limitation is something that helps to describe any of the above. There are some qualities in country, state, county, city and river all. For example, they probably have a name for everyone, they all have bunderies also, th...

uibutton - How to customize the calloutAccessoryView of a MKAnnotationView under iOS7? -

Under IOS6 I did the following to set a custom image for the right callout secondary view button: UIButton * rightButton = [system with UIButton buttons: UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure]; [right button set image: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "detaildisclosurebutton.png"] forState: UIControlStateNormal]; Annotation View.rightCalloutAccessoryView = rightButton; It worked very well Now I'm updating the app to iOS 7 and I'm just getting a blue circle: When I replace the image with a square image, it becomes a square but it is also blue. It looks like tintcolor I tried to set it to zero I also tried to use with the button Type: UIButtonTypeCustom As buttonType , but there is no success. Is there a solution for this? Button type UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure tints the image by default instead of UIButtonTypeCustom . If you really need the UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure (and I can not think of a reason why you gave it a custom image, Always use the orig...

formatting - How to execute a java command with interpolated arguments with Python's subprocess & Popen -

Trying to run Java commands from within Python on Windows, by using subprocess. Popen First I have defined two strings: java_string = 'java -xmx1024m -classpath ;. ./ db2jcc.jar; ./; ./jviews -chart.jar; ./jviews-framework.jar l2stats CRF1426 & gt; '+ (). Strftime ("% d /% m /% Y") + ' Html 'working_ir =' c: \\ user \\ IBM_ADMIN \\ Desktop \\ Weekly Report 2014 \\ " Then I tried to use the following subprocesses: Subprocess. Open ([java_string], cwd = work_dir) resulting in "FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] system can not find the specified file" I edited java_string So that there is no Java command, such as: java_string = '-Xmx1024M -classpath ;. ./ db2jcc.jar; ./; ./jviews-chart.jar; ./jviews-framework.jar l2stats CRF1426 & gt; ' (). Strftime ("% d /% m /% y") + '.html' And then Popen is called the same: subprocess ...