java - Unable to access my boolean list -
So I have this list & lt; & Gt; Includes Boolean Areas: Stable list & lt; Boolean [] & gt; myList = new arreelist & lt; & Gt; (); And I add to this list: Boolean [mybooleanArray = new boolean [8]; So now when I take my list with () loop, using it: myList.get (i); There is something like this in my output console: [z @ 65e7c41f but I want to do a lot in Theoj objects too I am How can I do this? As the organs do not override the methods from the object class, you get the default string representation That is: getClass () GetName () + '@' + integer.tocestring (hash code ()) If you want to print the content of an array, you can use it. {boolean [arr: myList] {System.out.println (Arrays.toString (arr)) for ; } I do not know what you are doing with your boolean array with your list , but know that your Small surprises can be passed: public class test (static list & lt; Boolean [] & gt; myList = new arreelis...