vbscript - What are all of the possible Class Names in QTP or where can I find them? -

I am using QP11 and I use an easy reference for all possible values ​​of "class name" Can i I am not trying to manipulate this information. I just need a reference, for example, I know that I can use any input element using "webedit ()", but I have a table What to say for the cell?

I want a list that I can refer to, not the steps to find the type of an object.

Three options come into the mind immediately:

Option A. The easiest way to find the name is to look at the communication device / object identity.

In the "Test Object Classes" listview, you see all test object class names for the environment selected under "Environment" that QTP knows.

Option B. If you are creating a script in the "Generate script" button , in a dialogue Use a Grape feature to remove all lines of the text "Object Identification Configuration" from that script. / strong> (or textpad for that matter) This is in a text that lists these lists after cleaning: :

User Defined (?): < pre> "Abtobjektgrafiksvidgt" "Kvrrobutton" "Kvchekbutton" "Kvlbabel" "Kviptbutton" Kvrdiobutton "Kwtest_malti" "Avflovediklist" "Aviknari" "Avisonlist "" ewipinbutton "" ewtablebotton "" ewtabletree "" ewwinnotebook "" gxcombobox "" gxedit "" gxlistbox "listview20wclclass" "listviewwndclass" "ricseit" "seccustomtoolbar" "secmenubar" "sectabctrl" "sectabvnd" "sectrictrl "" sectreeview "" sledge "" sysdatetimepick32 "" sysmonthcal32 "" textedit "" treeview20wndclass "" treeviewwndclass "

standard (?):

 " activex "Acxbutton" "acxc" "acxcheckbox" "acxcombobox" "acxedit" "acxradiobutton" "acxtable" "javaapplet" javabalton "javacalendar" javacheckbox "" javadialog "" javaedit "" javaexpandbar "" javainternalframe "" javalink "" javalist "javamenu "javaobject" "javaradiobutton" "javaslider" "Java pin" "javastatictext" "javatab" "javatable" javatoolbar "javatree" "javwindow" "dialogue," "High" "winbutton" "wincalendar" "wincheckbox" "wincombobox" "window" "winedit" "wineditor" "winlist" "winlistview" "winmenu" "w inobject "" winradiobutton "" winradiogroup "" winscrollbar "" Vinspin "" Vinstntasbar "" Vintab "" Vintebl "" Vindoolbar "" Vintrywuwu "" browser "" frame "" image "," link "," page "Veblain" "Vebbtn" " WebBackton "Webbutton" "Weiblel" "webfile" "weblist" "vibraogroup" "WebTable"   

Note 1: User-defined objects are likely add-ons specific, or else a QTP Are registered in a special way. Note 2: This is just a sample you can get on your machine. For example, I have a Delphi add-on not active, so the name of the test object class of all Delphi controllers is missing. If you want to activate all the add-ons, and make this list again, Bank Account;;)

Option C. In online help, try to navigate to "HP QuickTest Business Object Model Reference" by content, it contains environment per chapter, and Most "x objects" chapters meet , meaning "web" is "web" under the "chapter" object.

Option D. View Rich : -o


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