tkinter - python 3.2.5 grid sticky/weight not working -
Below is a simple example of the problem: it has a grid layout in which I have a button in the I want the text widget in the Such a case Where using the line 0 A text widget is placed in the widget and
row 1 .
line 1 for text widget, keeping the NW (not row 0 extension) keeping the text above the widget and expanding it with the form for. The problem is that the horizontal column (the column is spread correctly, but the text is not the widget line), if I get rid of the button, the text widget spreads correctly. Also, whatever I have originally kept, it is more involved and the best used grid is. So basically the pack is not a solution to use. Any help would be appreciated.
###################################### Tanker Import * From class app (frame): def __init __ (self, parent): frame .__ init __ (self, parent) self.parent = parents themselves Integuei () ############################################# ################# # Initiate GUI Widgets InitGui (Self): self.parent.title ("Test Grid") Self.pgr.Resizable (width = true, height = TRUE) self.grid (sticky = W + E + N + S, padx = 20, pady = 20) self.parent.columnconfigure (0, weight = 1) auto Selfconfigure (1, weight = 1) self.rowconfigure (1, weight = 1) # Add a button to the line 0 self.btn = button (auto, text = "button", width = 20) BTN Grid (line = 0, c thin = 0, padx = (0,10), pdi = (0,10), sticky = = + w) # Add 1 text box and v-scroll bar to a line self.txtOut = Text (self, width = 80, height = 20) self.scrOut = scrollbar (self) self.txtOut.grid (line = 1, column = 0, padx = (0,18), sticky = n + e + s + w ) self.scrOut.grid (line = 1, column = 0, stick = = N + e) self.scrOut.config (command = self.txtOut.yview) self.txtOut.config (yscrollcommand = self.scrOut.set) Print (self.grid_size ()) Def main (): Root = TC () App = App (root = root) app. Menloof () if __name__ == '__main__': main ()
pack is probably a solution if you pack an example of the frame (
Application ) inside the root window, then there will be no reason for any collision, then Grid widget inside that frame It will configure all the lines and cuts on the headache of the configured configurations and will be more sensible for me. Def initGui (self): self.parent.title ("Test Grid") Self.pol.resizable (width = true, height = TRUE) self.pack (fill = both, expand = 1, padx = 20, pady = 20) self.columnconfigure (0, weight = 1) self.rowconfigure (1, weight = 1)
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