wcf security - Is an exported SSL cert required for a client of a WCF application? -

I have a WCF application that is only configured for transport security Web accrual to which application has an SSL for that app The certificate has been established.

A customer is creating their customer to consume WCF services, their development team is urging that they need to provide SSL certification to be established in their favor.

I do not understand why I needed to export my certificate and provide them? With the protection of transport, does it not work like a browser where the connection goes on HTTPS without any extra work on the client?

Before I tell them that they are wrong, I want to make sure that I am right.

I created a sample application for the scenario and it is not necessary for it

WCF service with transport security only


  & lt; WsHttpBinding & gt; & Lt; Binding name = "wsHttpBindingConfiguration" receiveTimeout = "00:10:00" SendTimeout = "10.00: 00: 00" MaxBufferPull Size = "1073741824" MaxArcheded Message Size = "1073741824" & gt; & Lt; ReaderQuotas maxDepth = "32" maxStringContentLength = "2147483647" MaxArrayLange = "16384" Maxbitespere Read = "4096" max-namebabel = "16384" /> & Lt; Safety Mode = "Transportation" & gt; & Lt; Transport customer credential type = "none" & gt; & Lt; / transport & gt; & Lt; / Safety & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; / WsHttpBinding & gt;  Service Endpoint Configuration   
  & lt; Service Behavior Configuration = "Nokalyantchurching" name = "WCFCallbackTry.Service1" & gt; & Lt; Endpoint address = "https: // MachineName: 8056 / service 1.svc" binding configuration = "wsHttpBindingConfiguration" binding = "wsHttpBinding" contract = "WCFCallbackTry.IService" name = "HttpsEndPoint" /> & Lt; Endpoint address = "Max" binding = "Max HTPS binding" contract = "iamadadata exchanges" /> & Lt; Host & gt; & Lt; BaseAddresses & gt; & Lt; baseAddress = "https: // MachineName: 8056 / Service 1.svc" /> Add & lt; / BaseAddresses & gt; & Lt; / Host & gt; & Lt; / Services & gt;   

Service Behavior

  & lt; Behavior Name = "Noklient Cribbahar" & gt; & Lt; Service debug includes ExceptionDetailInFaults = "true" /> & Lt; serviceMetadata httpsGetEnabled = "true" /> & Lt; ServiceCredentials & gt; & Lt; ServiceCertificate findValue = "9d4c41cde9d2b82d751a1234fd2eb6df98d3b576" storeLocation = "Local Mackin" storeName = "my" x509FindType = "FindByThumbprint" /> & Lt; / serviceCredentials & gt; & Lt; / Behavior & gt;   


binding and end point

   & Lt; / Safety & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; / WsHttpBinding & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; Customers & gt; & Lt; Endpoint address = "https: // machinename: 8056 / service 1.svc" binding = "wsHttpBinding" binding configuration = "http andpoint" contract = "service reference 1.syst" name = "htpsandpoint" /> & Lt; / Customer & gt;  

Note: Customers and services reside on the same machine


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