php - link takes form fields and then redirects -
I have a simple form field with two form fields. Again, under two areas, I have a button that is Like Is this possible? The way I wanted it, I found out a way to do it. People here with the same question and even posting here for recommendations on my method and if there is a better / simpler way to do this. Yes Use the GET method by putting parameters in the URL that you < Pre> The format of multiple parameters is as follows: & Lt; A & gt; is provided with the property
& lt; A & gt; button redirects to another URL with a large form, to move two form fields and enter it in the URL
& lt; A & gt; The button is required.
& lt; A href = 'http: //$_POST [' zipcode '].' & Gt; Button & lt; / A & gt;
& lt; Script & gt; $ ('# Submit_form'). Click (function () {var url_beg = 'http: //SITEURL/sellermoredetails.aspx? SiteName = Great% 202% 20Be% 20 Home and SiteURL = Salbbabet's Dots and Reader URL = http: // & amp; ; Zip = 'var zipcode = $ (' input [name = "zipcode"] '). Val (); var url_post_zip =' & amp; buyer type = 'var buyer = $ (select [name = "buyer"]' ) Val (); var url_post_buyer = '& amp; email =' var email = $ ('input [name = "email"]'). Val (); var url_post_email = '& CaseId = 4845868 & amp; SiteID = 54048 and buyer = 0 '$ (' # submit_form '). Attr (' href ', url_beg + zipcode + url_post_zip + buyer + url_post_buyer + email + url_post_email ) .val ();}); & Lt; / Script & gt;
echo & lt; ['Zipcode']. "" Gt; BUTTON ' Pre>¶m2=value2&am3=value3 ..
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