c# - Linq, combining multiple records into comma separated string, grouped by distinct value -
I am trying to isolate from a group, then create a CSV string:
< img src = "https://i.imgur.com/7NsSCtq.png" alt = "Enter image details here">
[FOr] One-to-many include:
var allCustomerRoles = (Customers join crawl on CRRole_ID in the customer equals r.Role_ID, select new {cr.Customer_No_, r.Role_ID}); So the question is, can you please tell me how to write the LINQ query to reach the [TO] framework, where client_NO is different and this role_ID value to the CSV string Is added to
thanks @ red_mader, your link prompted me to solve, what i see here To have:
var allCustomerRoles = (R.Role_ID in the customer joining RILs is equal to r.Role_ID group r.Role_ID from CR in CR.Customer_No_g select new { customer_no_ = g.Key, Role_ID = string.Join (",", g.ToArray ())});
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