android - Asynctask cancelled when interstitial ad shown -
My app has an asynchronous process that runs a process in the background to load a website and information about it again During this time I show a loading dialog.
The process is underway, I show an interstitial (full screen) ad.
Edit: When this ad is shown (not necessarily when pressed X), app cancels my acnectscak I do not want to cancel advertising to cancel my accessory. another edit: add: It is not done properly either. Edit: Removing: It is not done properly either. EDIT: So I realized that interstitial ads actually call (on my activity) and on my ON, I cancel my work. I am trying to cancel the ontop () function instead. But it is not ideal. Update: Either it does not fix it. But once the advertisement is canceled, the work is going on. However after a few seconds it is still canceled. I believe your My suggestions (The way this is done, though it is a bit old, in case you are using
Private Class Loan Operation Async Tasks and LTs; Object, void, string & gt; {Progressive dialogue dialog; @ Override protected string doInBackground (object ... parameter) {try {log d. (TAG, "parsing website ..."); ArrayList & LT; String & gt; Link = new arreelist & lt; String & gt; (); Link = bridge link (string) param [1]); Configuration config = new configuration (); Config.setLocalStoragePath (string) parameter [0]); // Desktop Versions only config.setBrowserUserAgent ("Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) Apple WebKat / 537.4 (Chrome / 22.0.122 9.94 Safari / 537.4"); Swan Hans = New Hans (Config) Article Article = Hoose ExtraContent (links.get (0)) return article. Adhesive article ();} hold (exception e) {// TODO auto generated blocking block e.printStackTrace ();} return "" ;} @ Override Protected Zero on postexec (string webtext) {// rotation set Log in (Orientation SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED); log.I (tag, "executed"); if (webText.equals ("") handleSendText (UNSUPPORTED_WEBSITE); else handendext (webtext); dialog.dismiss (); super.onPostExecute (Webtext);} Prerequisites (Prerequisite) on the override protected zeros (Talaorientation); Dialog = progressivity.Show (PasteActivity.This, "Add", "Getting articles from website, please wait ...", True, True, new communication interface. {Override public zero} {on the {@Concal (Dialogue Interface dialog)} { Dismiss the dialog (); Long Operation Task Consul (True); Set-up Orientation (activity inf. SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED);}}); dialog.setCancelable (incorrect); } @ Override canceled at zero protected () {Toast. Make Text (Paste Activity. This, "Cancel Cancellation.", Toast. LNNHTHRART). Show (); dialog.dismiss (); } @ Override protected void progress update (zero ... value) {}}
dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside (wrong );
Long OperationTask. Cancel (true);
asyncTask is your
activity AsyncTask example is probably a feature of your
activity - otherwise we will tell you how they are connected to each other, we can help) Thus when you have lost the
AsyncTask context (such as by your
activity again (tax
setRequestedOrientation (ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED) (garbage-collected) And this command
AsyncTask Moving around the orientation changes the pattern is shown in the pattern stops being kept to keep.
pieces , but it is simple and works ).
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