vb.net - Adding file path to listbox item -
I am trying to store the file path in the tag of a list item.
I have added the Any tips or advice - I basically want to select a list box item and point it on my path! Thank you. Now you can load them as listboxes in them: and get it back: ListBox1.Tag = sDir line to the first
above. And when I step above the code, the value of
sDir catches the path, but if I make a simple
double click The message path in which the message box pops up only shows the first folder name in the list.
each. For in the system In form of. Directory Gate Directories ("c: \ Working") New System in the form of DIARIFFoni Io Dayrectoriinfo (DIR) System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories string as each Sdiair (dirInfo.ToString) dim as the new system sdirInfo.IO.DirectoryInfo (sDir) ListBox1.Items.Add (sdirInfo.Name) ListBox1.Tag = sDir can next store objects as objects, so a small class to store item information:
public class myClass public property filename string public property pathname Rs. The string is invalid as a whole class as public Fu w / o file path: Public Sub New (fName as string, pName as string) FileName = FNamePathName = pName End Sub 'This Suchibak file name The reason for showing in the public override function ToString () as the string return filename ending sub-end class
MyClass In the form of 'Loop to post dim L' list: L = new MyClass (filename, pathname) 'Use name and Dir / file objects Suchiboks 1. ITEM
'INDEX_TO_READ is a dummy version of the index that you want to receive' selected item too it will work file = Sitiipi (Listblok 1. Aitems (Indeksoooaaadiaadiad, Maiklas) Kfailnam this path = Sitiipi (Listblok 1. Aitems (Indeksacooaaaadi), Maiklas) Kpathanam or in as dim Fhail myClass = Sitiipi (Listblok 1. ITEMS (INDEXOGOAOAAADAD, MA Class)
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