Notepad++ Mirrored Right to Left Text -
I am using Notepad ++ version 6.5.5.
I am using both English and Hebrew, so alternatively, the right-to-left Hebrew text must be switched back and forth from the left-to-right English text. By pressing ALT + CTRL + R:
- Page Layout
- However, all the text is mirrored.
To see the text correctly, I need to refresh my display in one of these ways:
- Pressing F11 twice, Or
- Pressing F12 twice, or
- then maximize the window.
ALT + CTR + L when pressed:
- The page layout flips back to the left as expected.
- However, all the text is reflected again.
This problem only appears in recent editions because it was not done in the past, is there a solution? If I do not want to downgrade down Notepad ++ in the previous version (which was BTW?) It worked correctly So where can I find this now?
This is one. As you can see, Notepad ++ author (Don Ho) has personally given it a priority outside of 9 8 which means that it is considered to be high and it is called Approved status, so it will be relatively relatively quick to be determined shortly If you want to remain informed with first hand, then you can subscribe related to a given defect.
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