hadoop - Error running any Pig job in HDP Hue Pig UI. Error: "Please initialize HIVE_HOME" -

When I try to launch a pug script job with Hugh Pig UI, a work begins and then progress The bar sits there for 1-3 minutes and finally all turns red, with only being output: "Please start HIVOHE."

My script is one of the scripts I am trying to run.

Pag Script:
A = Load 'passwd' PigStorage (':' ');
B = foreach generated as an id $$; '/tmp/id.out' in Store B;

I am trying to get the pig script UI in the Hewan version of the Hortonwork data platform (according to their work according to v2.3). I'm doing it by hand, I'm installing the package which is to use yum and set the configuration manually. I'm working on Amazon AWS machine using CentOS 6.4 I'm following.

Basically I believed that I needed OZee and Hugh is going to execute a Pig job, but after Hugh Logs I saw that when launching WebActatch while executing this Pip script Thus, I was established and verified that WebHCat was working on http: //$WebHCat.server.full.hostname: 50111 / Templeton / v1 / status and was convinced that I had no -Really received feedback is. Thus I fully believe that WebHCat is working correctly. I should also note that due to the configuration in the core-site.xml, the WebHotat server is being run by the Huawei user, which allows Huawei to present the user as a HDFS user while working, this is a previous error The one in which I went in. Attempt to get a script to run the Huawei UI.

So far, I have tracked the error on a code block in the actual pig. The code block in question is: $ PIG_CONF_DIR CLASSPATH = "$ {PIG_CONF_DIR}" CLASSPATH = $ {CLASSPATH} starts at $ CLASSPATH: $ JAVA_HOME / lib / tools.jar if [ "$ Included HCatalog" == "true"]; Then there is a need to provide the # HCatalog jar file path, as well as the location of # hive jars on which hctel depends hiveMetaStoreJar = hive-metastore - *. Jar thriftjar = libthrift - *. Jar hiveExecJar = hive-exec - *. Jar fbjar = Libfb303 - *. Jar jdoECjar = jdo * -api - *. Jar slfjar = slf4j-api - *. Jar hbaseHiveJar = hive-hbase-handler - *. Jar ["$ HIVE_HOME" == ""]; Then if [-d "/ usr / lib / hive"]; Then exit HIVOEEE = / USR / LibE / WEVEEEO "Please start with HIVOME" -1 FIIC

The fact that this code block is causing the problem is extremely confusing and error It is useless for me to know myself.

I know that this second section: if [-d "/ usr / lib / hive"]; Then HIVOHEEE = / USR / Lib / HEEEEEEE "Exit HIV-IHOME" is out to -1f, where the error is arising, but I do not know why it is not recognizing that the script directory where the hive is installed Actually exists.

This is where I got stuck. I know that "/ usr / lib / hive" exists because I have verified that this directory exists on the machine where Hugh, WebAct, and Pig are all running. I do not know what to do wrong debug it. I manually define HIVOHOE, but it would probably be controversial because Pig is not recognizing that it is present in the file system and thus will try to reach the path later in the code.

At this point I can be somewhat evident, but I would appreciate any help. There was only one problem but a slightly different error message similarly I have fixed it.

You must already have a "color" user in / etc / passwd. The home directory for this user should be "/ usr / lib / hue"

  1. Create home directory for "Huaw" user.

      sudo mkdir / home /    
  2. Change directory permissions

      Shadow Crown color : / / / / /  From home / hue, change the home directory in / etc / passwd for "hue": x: 1013: 492: hue: / home / color: / bin / bash    < / ol> 

    That's it. it should be OK.


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