grid computing - Gridgain Notify Listener not working for GridEvent - what do i need to configure? -

Here's another issue when I'm trying to shut down my codebase from Gridgen 4 to Gridgen 6. Anyway, it is intended to wired for some work on locating a grid event (such as EVT_NODE_JOINED) in one of our listeners

In the old code, we used to listen to our listener (gridon monitor) In this xml snippet as wire.

  & lt; Beans Profile = "Master" & gt; & Lt; Bean square = "org.gridgain.grid.gridSpringBean"> & Lt; Property Name = "Configuration" & gt; & Lt; Bean Parents = "Basic Grid Configuration" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "User Properties" & gt; & Lt; Map merge = "true" & gt; & Lt; Entry key = "com.mycompany.master" value = "true" /> & Lt; / Map & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Lifecycle Beans" & gt; & Lt; List & gt; & Lt; Ref bean = "gridonod monitor" /> & Lt; / List & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Local Event Listener" & gt; & Lt; Map & gt; & Lt; Entry key-rif = "gridon monitor" & gt; & Lt; List & gt; & Lt; Usage: Constant Fixed Field = "org.gridgain.grid.GridEventType.EVT_NODE_JOINED" /> & Lt; Usage: Constant Fixed Field = "org.gridgain.grid.GridEventType.EVT_NODE_LEFT" /> & Lt; Usage: Constant Fixed Field = "org.gridgain.grid.GridEventType.EVT_NODE_FAILED" /> & Lt; Usage: Constant Fixed Field = "org.gridgain.grid.GridEventType.EVT_NODE_RECONNECTED" /> & Lt; / List & gt; & Lt; / Entry & gt; & Lt; / Map & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Topology SPI" & gt; & Lt; Bean class = "org.gridgain.grid.spi.topology.nodefilter.GridNodeFilterTopologySpi" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Filters" & gt; & Lt; Bean class = "com.mycompany.enterprise.gridgain.license.GridNodeMonitorImpl" factory-method = "createpostologyfilter" & gt; & Lt; Constructor-arg referee = "gridon monitor" /> & Lt; / Bean & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Cache Configuration" & gt; & Lt; Bean class = "org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheConfigurationAdapter" /> & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt;   

In the new code, the configuration schema has changed and I have transferred it (local eventteller is not a valid asset). I am guessing my problem that I have not specified a listener to monitor the events, how should I configure this? I must keep in mind that in any case, Gridgeen works correctly, i.e. the job is being distributed in the correct nodes, it is the only listener who is not registered properly.


  & lt; Beans Profile = "Master" & gt; & Lt; Bean square = "org.gridgain.grid.gridSpringBean"> & Lt; Property Name = "Configuration" & gt; & Lt; Bean Parents = "Basic Grid Configuration" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "User Properties" & gt; & Lt; Map merge = "true" & gt; & Lt; Entry key = "com.mycompany.master" value = "true" /> & Lt; / Map & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Lifecycle Beans" & gt; & Lt; List & gt; & Lt; Ref bean = "gridonod monitor" /> & Lt; / List & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Include Event Type" & gt; & Lt; List & gt; & Lt; Usage: Constant Fixed Field = "" /> & Lt; Usage: Constant Fixed Field = "" /> & Lt; Util: Constant Fixed Field = "" /> & Lt; Usage: Constant Fixed Field = "" /> & Lt; / List & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Cache Configuration" & gt; & Lt; Bean class = "org.gridgain.grid.cache.GridCacheConfiguration" /> & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt;   

Your configuration looks right for me Did you add a listener to the code, such as :

  GridPredicate & lt; GridTaskEvent & gt; lsnr = New Grid Advanced & lt; GridTaskEvent & gt; () {@ Override Public Boolean Application (GridTaskEvent evt) {// Process Event. ... come back true; // Continue to keep listening to the truth. }}; // register for all local work execution events listener (). LocalListen (LSNR, EVTS_TASK_EXECUTION);   

In addition, you should take a look at the event example that will be sent with Gridgen:

  • (dead link)
  • (Possible replacement link)


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